
 # #
 # Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. #
 # #

Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\PhysicalMachines\UpdatePhysicalMachineHelper.psm1" -DisableNameChecking

$LastBootTimeXmlFile = "LastBootTime.xml"
$PreBootTimeXmlFile = "PreBootTime.xml"

function SaveLastBootTime
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    Trace-Execution "[SaveLastBootTime] Saving last boot time ..."
    $lastboottime = Invoke-Command { 
                                    $lastboottime = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction Stop | select lastbootuptime 
                                    $lastboottime | Export-Clixml -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\MASLogs\$LastBootTimeXmlFile"

                               } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ArgumentList $script:LastBootTimeXmlFile

    Trace-Execution "[SaveLastBootTime] The last boot '$($lastboottime.lastbootuptime)' time is saved."

function GetLastBootTime
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')]

    $oldbootTime = Import-Clixml -Path "\\$ComputerName\c$\maslogs\$script:LastBootTimeXmlFile"

    return $oldbootTime.lastbootuptime

function SavePreBootTime
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    Trace-Execution "[SavePreBootTime] Saving pre boot time ..."

    $preBootTime = Invoke-Command {
        $preBootTime = Get-Date
        $preBootTime | Export-Clixml -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\MASLogs\$PreBootTimeXmlFile"

    } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ArgumentList $script:PreBootTimeXmlFile

    Trace-Execution "[SavePreBootTime] Time before starting reboot sequence is '$preBootTime'."

function Prepare-KSR
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

        Trace-Execution "[SoftRebootHelper] Adding KSR registry keys to allow soft reboot with an encrypted drive."

        Invoke-Command {

            $REG_KEY_PATH = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Policies\Microsoft\FVE"

            if(-not (Test-Path -Path $REG_KEY_PATH))
                New-Item -Path $REG_KEY_PATH -Force

            New-ItemProperty -Path $REG_KEY_PATH -PropertyType DWORD -Name OsvKsrAllow -Value 1 -Force
            New-ItemProperty -Path $REG_KEY_PATH -PropertyType DWORD -Name FdvKsrAllow -Value 1 -Force
            New-ItemProperty -Path $REG_KEY_PATH -PropertyType DWORD -Name RdvKsrAllow -Value 1 -Force   

        } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop

        # Prepare for KSR
        Trace-Execution "[SoftRebootHelper] Preparing for KSR."
        $outputDetails = Invoke-Command { 
                                            mountvol.exe x: /s
                                            Ksrcmd /Store 'x:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bcd' /prepare '{current}' 'InitiateOnly'

                        } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -Authentication Credssp -ErrorAction stop
        Trace-Execution "[SoftRebootHelper] Output of preparing for KSR:`r`n$($outputDetails | out-string)"
        throw "[SoftRebootHelper] Failed while attempting reboot of $ComputerName. Error: $_"

function InspectKsr
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    Trace-Execution "[InspectKsr] Inspecting KSR."

    try {
        $scriptBlock = {
            param($LastBootTimeXmlFile, $PreBootTimeXmlFile)

            function GetEventTimeDiff($stopEvents, $startEvents)
                # As long as we have events, we will capture the enclosing timespan. This
                # can lead to inaccurate timespan results if we have more than one stop
                # or start event but we can track those as we also log the event counts.
                # Capturing enclosing timespan can be useful if we want to cover the broader
                # interruption window.
                if (($stopEvents.Count -gt 0) -and ($startEvents.Count -gt 0))
                    $stopEvent = $stopEvents[0]
                    $startEvent = $startEvents[-1]
                    if ($stopEvent.TimeCreated -le $startEvent.TimeCreated)
                        return $(New-TimeSpan -Start $stopEvent.TimeCreated -End $startEvent.TimeCreated).TotalSeconds
                # Stop and Start events are unavailable or out of sync
                return -1

            function FirstEventDate($events)
                if ($events.Count -ge 1)
                    return $events[0].TimeCreated

                # No events were found so return default value
                return Get-Date -Date "1980-01-01 00:00:00"

            # Default event values in case we are not able to query some
            $osStopEvents        = @()
            $osStartEvents       = @()
            $bootTypeEvents      = @()
            $clussvcStopEvents   = @()
            $clussvcStartEvents  = @()
            $bootDurationE2E     = -1
            $bootDurationHwdOnly = -1
            $clussvcDownTime     = -1
            $lastBootTime        = ""
            $secondLastBootTime  = ""
            $failure             = ""

            # If we fail to get last boot time, we shouldn't block from gathering rest of telemetry. Also this
            # data point is not critical as boot time can be guessed from os stop/start events that we are capturing below.
                # LastBootTime.xml is captured before ksr is initiated so post ksr it indicates second last boot time
                $secondLastBootTime = $(Import-Clixml -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\MASLogs\$LastBootTimeXmlFile")."lastbootuptime"
                $lastBootTime = $(Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction Stop)."lastbootuptime"
            catch { } 

            # Identifying e2e boot window and time
                $preBootTime = Import-Clixml -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\MASLogs\$PreBootTimeXmlFile"
                $currentTime = Get-Date
                $bootDurationE2ESpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $preBootTime -End $currentTime
                $bootDurationE2E = $bootDurationE2ESpan.TotalSeconds
                $bootWindowXPath = "*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= $($bootDurationE2ESpan.TotalMilliseconds)]]]"
                $failure = "Could not find out pre ksr time."

            # At minimum we need a boot window to query other things
            if ($failure -eq "")
                $clusterServiceStopMessage1  = "The Cluster Service service entered the stopped state."
                $clusterServiceStartMessage1 = "The Cluster Service service entered the running state."
                $clusterServiceStopMessage2  = "The ClusSvc service entered the stopped state."
                $clusterServiceStartMessage2 = "The ClusSvc service entered the running state."

                # Query all events at once to avoid having to call Get-WinEvent multiple times
                    $events = Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" -FilterXPath $bootWindowXPath `
                    | where `
                          (($_.ProviderName -eq "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General") -and (($_.Id -eq "12") -or ($_.Id -eq "13"))) -or`
                          (($_.ProviderName -eq "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot") -and ($_.Id -eq "27")) -or`
                            ($_.ProviderName -eq "Service Control Manager") -and`
                            ($_.Id -eq "7036") -and `
                            (($_.Message -eq $clusterServiceStopMessage1) -or ($_.Message -eq $clusterServiceStartMessage1) -or ($_.Message -eq $clusterServiceStopMessage2) -or ($_.Message -eq $clusterServiceStartMessage2))`
                    | sort -Property TimeCreated
                    $failure = "Could not query events."

                # Once we have events we can look for individual pieces
                if ($failure -eq "")
                    foreach ($event in $events)
                        switch ($event.Id)
                            "13"    { $osStopEvents += $event }
                            "12"    { $osStartEvents += $event }
                            "27"    { $bootTypeEvents += $event }
                            "7036"  {
                                        if (($event.Message -eq $clusterServiceStopMessage1) -or ($event.Message -eq $clusterServiceStopMessage2))
                                            $clussvcStopEvents += $event
                                            $clussvcStartEvents += $event

                    $bootDurationHwdOnly = GetEventTimeDiff $osStopEvents $osStartEvents
                    $clussvcDownTime = GetEventTimeDiff $clussvcStopEvents $clussvcStartEvents

            $bootTypeEventMessage = ""

            if ($bootTypeEvents.Count -eq 1)
                $bootTypeEventMessage = "'$($bootTypeEvents[0].Message)' at '$($bootTypeEvents[0].TimeCreated)'."

            $eventData = @{ 
                "SecondLastBootTime"     = $secondLastBootTime                             # Last time the system booted before ksr
                "LastBootTime"           = $lastBootTime                                   # Time at which ksr happened
                "PreBootTime"            = $preBootTime                                    # Time just before ksr was initiated
                "OSStopEvent"            = [datetime](FirstEventDate $osStopEvents)        # First OS shutdown event
                "OSStopEventCount"       = $osStopEvents.Count                             # More than one OS shutdown event indicates crash
                "OSStartEvent"           = [datetime](FirstEventDate $osStartEvents)       # First OS startup event
                "OSStartEventCount"      = $osStartEvents.Count                            # More than one OS startup event indicates crash
                "ClusSvcStopEvent"       = [datetime](FirstEventDate $clussvcStopEvents)   # First Cluster Service stop event
                "ClusSvcStopEventCount"  = $clussvcStopEvents.Count                        # More than one cluster service stop event is an anomaly
                "ClusSvcStartEvent"      = [datetime](FirstEventDate $clussvcStartEvents)  # First Cluster Service start event
                "ClusSvcStartEventCount" = $clussvcStartEvents.Count                       # More than one cluster service start event is an anomaly
                "ClusSvcDownTime"        = $clussvcDownTime                                # Amount of time cluster service was down
                "BootTypeEvent"          = $bootTypeEventMessage                           # Type of boot that happened
                "BootTypeEventCount"     = $bootTypeEvents.Count                           # More than one boot type event is an anomaly
                "BootDurationE2E"        = $bootDurationE2E                                # Total boot duration = prep/shutdown time + time at hardware + boot/winrm ready time
                "BootDurationHwdOnly"    = $bootDurationHwdOnly                            # Time spend at hardware only (ksr clocks 1-15 seconds while full boot 5-20 mins)
                "FailureMessage"         = $failure                                        # Failure that happened when gathering above details

            return $eventData

        $eventData = [Hashtable]$(Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -Authentication Credssp -ErrorAction stop -ArgumentList $script:LastBootTimeXmlFile, $script:PreBootTimeXmlFile)

        Trace-Execution "[InspectKsr] Sending telemetry."
        Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\RoleHelpers.psm1" -DisableNameChecking -Verbose:$false
        Send-TelemetryEvent -ComponentName "BareMetal" -EventName "KernelSoftReboot" -EventVersion 1 -EventData $eventData
        Trace-Execution "[InspectKsr] Telemtry sent."
        Trace-Execution "[InspectKsr] Failed to inspect ksr or send telemetry.'$_'."

function Complete-KSR
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

        # Complete KSR
        Trace-Execution "[SoftRebootHelper] Completing KSR."
        $outputDetails = Invoke-Command { 
                            ksrcmd /boottype
                            ksrcmd /complete                            
                       } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -Authentication Credssp -ErrorAction stop
        Trace-Execution "[SoftRebootHelper] Output of Completing KSR:`r`n$($outputDetails | out-string)"
        throw "[SoftRebootHelper] Failed while attempting reboot of $ComputerName. Error: $_"

function OobColdRebootClusterNode
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    Trace-Execution "Start: OobColdRebootClusterNodes function"

    Import-Module -Name "$ENV:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Microsoft.AzureStack.Diagnostics.DataCollection\PMCServiceClient\PMCClient.psm1" -DisableNameChecking
        $pmcClient = Create-PMCClientWithServiceResolver
        $bmcOperation = New-Object -Type Microsoft.AzureStack.Solution.Deploy.PMC.Controllers.Models.PhysicalMachineBMCOperation
        $bmcOperation.ComputerName = $ComputerName
        $bmcOperation.OperationID = [guid]::NewGuid()

        # Power cycle does cold reboot(remove power). The PMC method waits till the power status changes.
        # It will riase appropriate exception if the power cycle did not complete
        $result = $pmcclient.PowerCycle($bmcOperation).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

        return "Power cycle initiated."
        throw "Could not invoke PMC Client exception: $($_.Exception.ToString())"

function Start-Reboot
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

        Trace-Execution "[Start-Reboot] Starting '$RebootType' Reboot."

        if ($RebootType -eq 'Soft')
            # Before starting soft reboot, we need to prepare first
            Prepare-KSR -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential

            # If prepare is fine, then do soft reboot
            $outputDetails = Invoke-Command { ksrcmd /reboot } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -Authentication Credssp -ErrorAction stop
        elseif ($RebootType -eq 'Hard')
            $outputDetails = Invoke-Command { shutdown /r /f /t 0 } -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -Authentication Credssp -ErrorAction stop
        elseif ($RebootType -eq 'BMC')
            $outputDetails = OobColdRebootClusterNode $ComputerName
            throw "[Start-Reboot] Reboot type '$RebootType' is unsupported!"

        Trace-Execution "[Start-Reboot] Output of starting reboot:`r`n$($outputDetails | out-string)"
        throw "[Start-Reboot] Failed while attempting reboot of $ComputerName. Error: $_"

function Complete-Reboot
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

        Trace-Execution "[Complete-Reboot] Completing '$RebootType' Reboot."

        # Only soft reboot requires a completion sequence
        if ($RebootType -eq 'Soft')
            Complete-KSR -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential

            # As we have completed Ksr, we'll deep inspect it to ensure all is well
            InspectKsr -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential

        Trace-Execution "[Complete-Reboot] Finished completing reboot."
        throw "[Complete-Reboot] Failed to complete reboot of $ComputerName. Error: $_"

function WaitForCIM
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')]


    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    $CimSessionConnectionTimeoutSec = 30
    $RetryDelaySec = 30
    $MaxWaitTime = 2700 # 2700 seconds = 45 mins

    $iteration = -1
    $startTime = Get-Date
    while ($(New-Timespan -start $startTime -end $(Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -le $MaxWaitTime)
        $iteration = $iteration + 1

        Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryDelaySec

        # First test CIM session connectivity
        Trace-Execution "Trying to check if CIM connectivity has been established to host node '$ComputerName', iteration '$iteration'."
            $cimSession = New-CimSession $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -OperationTimeoutSec $CimSessionConnectionTimeoutSec
            Trace-Execution "Could not establish cim connection to the host node '$ComputerName' after the reboot, iteration '$iteration'."

        # Next get boot times so that we can compare them
        Trace-Execution "Getting old and new boot times from host node '$ComputerName', iteration '$iteration'."
            $newbootTime = ($cimSession.EnumerateInstances("root\cimv2", "Win32_OperatingSystem").CimInstanceProperties | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "LastBootUpTime"}).Value

            # Best effort removing cim session as we don't need it anymore for this iteration
                Remove-CimSession $cimSession
                Trace-Execution "Failed to remove cim session. Ignoring error as we will create a new cim session in next iteration."

            if (!($newbootTime -as [DateTime]))
                throw "New boot time '$newbootTime' for host node '$ComputerName' iteration '$iteration' was not found or was invalid."
            Trace-Execution "Could not get new boot time from host node '$ComputerName' after the reboot, iteration '$iteration'. Exception '$_'"
            $oldbootTime = GetLastBootTime -ComputerName $ComputerName
            if (!($oldbootTime -as [DateTime]))
                throw "Old boot time '$newbootTime' for host node '$ComputerName' iteration '$iteration' was not found or was invalid."
            Trace-Execution "Could not get old boot fime from host node '$ComputerName' after the reboot, iteration '$iteration'. Exception '$_'"

        # Finally comparing boot times to determine if reboot happened
        if ($newbootTime -gt $oldbootTime)
            Trace-Execution "New boot time '$newbootTime' is greater than old boot time '$oldbootTime' so we have a successful reboot host node '$ComputerName', iteration '$iteration'."

        Trace-Execution "New boot time '$newbootTime' is not greater than old boot time '$oldbootTime' so we don't yet have a successful reboot host node '$ComputerName', iteration '$iteration'."

    throw "Host node '$ComputerName' did not come back up in '$($MaxWaitTime / 60)' minutes"

function Prepare-Reboot
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    # As this function will be called for initiating a reboot, we should set the host status
    # to NotStarted regardless of what happened in prior fallback sequence. Basically, a Soft
    # reboot may have failed but in the Soft->Hard fallback, the hard reboot has not started
    # and we are ignoring the previous reboot state.
    $ComputerName = Get-ExecutionContextNodeName -Parameters $Parameters -EnsureSingle
    Trace-Execution "Resetting host status to 'NotStarted'. ComputerName: '$ComputerName'."
    Set-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName -HostState 'NotStarted'

function Reboot-Machine
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    Trace-Execution "[Reboot-Machine] Reboot type requested is : $RebootType."

    # Get node name from execution context
    $ComputerName = Get-ExecutionContextNodeName -Parameters $Parameters -EnsureSingle
    Trace-Execution "[Reboot-Machine] Physical node to be live OS updated is: $ComputerName."

    # Get domain credential
    $domainCredential = Get-DomainCredential -Parameters $Parameters
    Trace-Execution "[Reboot-Machine] Domain Credential UserName is: $($domainCredential.UserName)."

    $updateState = Get-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName

    if($updateState -eq "Rebooting")
        Trace-Execution "Reboot is already in progress. Continue to wait."
        if ($updateState -eq "RebootPending")
            Trace-Execution "Interface is being re-run due to failover or other reason. This is ok."

        # Although we transition host status from NotStarted to RebootPending, we aren't making any decisions
        # on these statuses; they are just for diagnosability purposes. We mainly check for Rebooting.
        Trace-Execution "Setting host status to 'RebootPending'. ComputerName: '$ComputerName'"
        Set-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName -HostState 'RebootPending'

        SaveLastBootTime -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $domainCredential
        SavePreBootTime -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $domainCredential

        # Setting the update status to Rebooting to minimize failover related race onditions. Setting Rebooting
        # status before Start-Reboot v/s after involves different tradeoffs. If done after, a failover immediately
        # after Start-Reboot may end up resulting either in a double reboot or a failed reboot depending on how far
        # Start-Reboot had progressed before failover happened. If done before, and there is a failure in Start-Reboot,
        # then depending on how far Start-Reboot had progressed, we will likely end up in a failed reboot due to
        # WaitForCIM. But failures in Start-Reboot are not common (ksr prepare can fail but that is a failed reboot
        # anyway). On the flip side, if we do Start-Reboot first and ERCS primary was on this node, we will likely
        # trigger failover before setting Rebooting status. Due to these reasons, we are preferring setting
        # Rebooting status before Start-Reboot.
        Trace-Execution "Setting host status to 'Rebooting'. ComputerName: '$ComputerName'"
        Set-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName -HostState 'Rebooting'

            Start-Reboot -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $domainCredential -RebootType $RebootType
            # Although it is not common for Start-Reboot to fail (esp given that we know node is reachable due to prior
            # save boot time calls), we'd want to make a last ditch attempt at trying to see if the failure is recoverable
            # especially for reboot prep failures such as ksrcmd /prepare. Now, we won't know exactly where the failure
            # happened in Start-Reboot. Most cases though will fall in one of these two buckets:
            # - Start-Reboot threw in preparatory phase such as ksrcmd /prepare or mountvol.
            # - Start-Reboot threw after initiating reboot. This is highly unlikely in case of Soft or Hard coz if ksrcmd
            # or shutdown commands cannot be issued or fail, system won't end up rebooting. Thus the likely possibility
            # here is BMC reboot as it has a n/w dependency on BMC where Power cycle may have been initiated but the
            # confirmation may not have arrived to ERCS.
            # If we were to set status to RebootPending and we hit the second issue in BMC reboot, we may end up triggering
            # two BMC reboots. While first one may be fine, multiple BMC reboots should be avoided to minimize corruption.
            # Thus we will set RebootPending status only for Soft & Hard reboots. If in the rare case Start-Reboot fails for
            # Soft/Hard, it is ok for them to get tried again. For BMC we will err on side of caution and not reset host
            # status. This means we won't retry BMC reboot prep failures and will fail at WaitForCIM. And in the event the
            # Start-Reboot exception was after BMC reboot was initiated, we are good as WaitForCIM will ultimately pass.
            if ($RebootType -ne 'BMC')
                Trace-Execution "Start-Reboot failed so reverting back host status to 'RebootPending'. ComputerName: '$ComputerName'"
                Set-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName -HostState 'RebootPending'

            # Regardless of the host status, we still need to bubble this exception out to trigger retries
            throw $_

    # Waiting for node to come back up. There is no harm in waiting for this multiple times as each reboot attempt
    # will be preceeded with saving last boot time so once we have set host status to Rebooting, WaitForCIM won't
    # get affected by a failover/re-run.
    WaitForCIM -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $domainCredential

    # In case reboot process requires cleanup (such as Ksr), doing that here. ksrcmd /complete and thus
    # Complete-Reboot are idempotent so it is ok if it gets re-run due to a failover after Complete-Reboot
    # but before Set-HostUpdateState.
    Complete-Reboot -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $domainCredential -RebootType $RebootType
    Set-HostUpdateState -Parameters $Parameters -HostName $ComputerName -HostState 'Completed'

    # If in the remote chance there is a failover here (after setting host state), we will end up doing the entire
    # reboot flow, almost as if calling the interface anew. The only difference is that the main invocation of
    # Reboot-Machine is preceeded by Prepare-Reboot. That one resets the host status to NotStarted while here we
    # are left with Completed. But we set the host status to RebootPending before initiating Start-Reboot so it
    # doesn't really matter if the original state was NotStarted or Completed.

function Restart-MachinePostDeploy
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'

    Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Reboot node post physical machine deployment"

    # Get node name from execution context
    $computerName = Get-ExecutionContextNodeName -Parameters $Parameters
    Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Physical node to hard reboot: $computerName."

    # Get domain credential
    $domainCredential = Get-DomainCredential -Parameters $Parameters
    Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Domain Credential UserName is: $($domainCredential.UserName)."

        Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Restarting node $computerName using domain credential"
        Restart-Computer -ComputerName $computerName -Credential $domainCredential -Force -Wait -For WinRM -Timeout 1800 -Delay 15 -Protocol WSMan
        Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Restarting node $computerName using domain credential finished"
        Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Proceeding after restart of node $computerName"
        Trace-Execution "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Failed restarting node $computerName threw exception $_"
        throw "[Restart-MachinePostDeploy] Failed restarting node $computerName. Error: $_"

Export-ModuleMember -Function Prepare-Reboot
Export-ModuleMember -Function Reboot-Machine
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restart-MachinePostDeploy

# SIG # Begin signature block
# b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xKDAmBgNVBAMTH01pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25p
# AQDOS8s1ra6f0YGtg0OhEaQa/t3Q+q1MEHhWJhqQVuO5amYXQpy8MDPNoJYk+FWA
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# tW2oynUClTBUBgNVHR8ETTBLMEmgR6BFhkNodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5j
# b20vcGtpb3BzL2NybC9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDExXzIwMTEtMDctMDguY3JsMGEG
# Y29tL3BraW9wcy9jZXJ0cy9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDExXzIwMTEtMDctMDguY3J0
# mhZpB2nNJoOoi+qlgcTlnO4QwlYN1w/vYwbDy/oFJolD5r6FMJd0RGcgEM8q9TgQ
# 2OC7gQEmhweVJ7yuKJlQBH7P7Pg5RiqgV3cSonJ+OM4kFHbP3gPLiyzssSQdRuPY
# 1mIWoGg9i7Y4ZC8ST7WhpSyc0pns2XsUe1XsIjaUcGu7zd7gg97eCUiLRdVklPmp
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# TfcX3u5WnJqJLhuPe8Uj9kGAOcyo0O1mNwDa+LhFEzB6CB32+wfJMumfr6degvLT
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# bjEyMDAGA1UEAxMpTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9yaXR5
# A1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSgwJgYDVQQDEx9NaWNyb3NvZnQg
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# AQUFBwEBBFIwUDBOBggrBgEFBQcwAoZCaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29t
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# TI4XCJFf+QsugaBF9iXYH+kRkbSXeSHp4gCHAHLfY0dJyKWuA5TXwTYcmPi0Jaux
# w/D+53vcocsUkBXWB+JC3ZxBTcAZKNHPar7nAuPsQtgFaRlDZgKzz6RxClZL364k
# oTgeRZt2hMz/oL5+c43LNV/+LmIv2nsINrVMorYuDNc/tiEvE03CFAX8KOhvfqlR
# FfN/RnT7Br+BOtmdMSzg5QgcgeYyahTxrA2rXLDz0R7r8sbRcAC2
# SIG # End signature block