
 # #
 # Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #
 # #

Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\GenericHelper.psm1 -Force -Verbose:$false

function Invoke-ScriptBlockWithRetries
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Object] $Argument,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int] $MaxTries,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $IntervalInSeconds = 30


    $functionName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Retrying max $MaxTries interval [$IntervalInSeconds] ScriptBlock = [$ScriptBlock]"

    $attempt = 1
    $success = $false
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Starting attempt $attempt"
            $result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Argument -ErrorAction Stop
            $success = $true
            $message = "Exception occurred while trying to execute scriptblock command:" + $_.Exception.ToString()
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : $message"

            if ($attempt -ge $MaxTries)

            Start-Sleep -Seconds $IntervalInSeconds
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Completed attempt $attempt; Status = $success"
    while (!$success)

    return $result

function Get-WindowsEventLog



        $EventsFromDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1),

        $EventsToDate = (Get-Date),






    $functionName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)_$CurrentRole"

    # Get the time span in milliseconds
    function Get-TimeSpan($Date)
        $timeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $Date -End (Get-Date)
        return [Math]::Round($timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds)

    # Calculate number of milliseconds and prepare the WEvtUtil parameter to filter based on date/time
    $toSpan = Get-TimeSpan -Date $EventsToDate
    $fromSpan = Get-TimeSpan -Date $EventsFromDate

    $exportLogJobs = @()

    # Copy logs from remote machine to local machine
    foreach($computerName in $ComputerNames)
        $session = $null
        $machineName = $computerName.Split('.')[0]
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : computername = [$computerName] machinename = [$machineName]"

        if (!$LocalMode)
            if ($ComputerPSSessions)
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Checking if the session for $computerName session is valid in ComputerPSSessions array"
                if ($ComputerPSSessions.ContainsKey($computerName))
                    $session = $ComputerPSSessions[$computerName]
                    if (($null -ne $session) -and ( ($session.State -ne "Opened") -or ($session.Availability -ne "Available") ) )
                        if($session) {
                            #if we had opened the session previously, close it before overwriting this variable with new session.
                            Remove-PSSession -Session $session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName :The session for $computerName went into state = [$($session.state)] , availabilty = [$($session.Availability)], ! Reinitializing!"
                        $session = Initialize-PSSession -ComputerPSSessions $ComputerPSSessions -ComputerFqdn $computerName -ExcludedEndpoints ([REF]$ExcludedEndpoints.Value)
                        if ($null -ne $session)
                            $ComputerPSSessions[$computerName] = $session
                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :$computerName session not found in ComputerPSSessions[] array, unable to collect event logs "
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Creating a PSSession to [$computerName] as ComputerPSSessions[] array is null"
                $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                # $ComputerPsSessions are not provided and we are opening a new session for each computername, we need to close these before we leave.
        if ($LocalMode -or (($null -ne $session) -and ($session.State -eq "Opened") -and ($session.Availability -eq "Available")))
            if ($LocalMode)
                $logPath = "$($env:TEMP)WinEvents$CurrentRole\"
                $logPath = Invoke-Command -Session $session {$tmp = "$($env:TEMP)WinEvents$using:CurrentRole\" ; $tmp = $tmp.ToLower().Replace("c:","\\$($env:ComputerName)\c$"); return $tmp}
            Trace-Progress "$functionName :Log path computer = $logPath -- for $computerName "
            $initblock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Import-Module -Name '$PSScriptRoot\LogCollectionHelper.psm1' -Force; Import-Module -Name '$PSScriptRoot\GenericHelper.psm1' -Force")
            # Collect logs on remote machine
            if ($LocalMode)
                $exportLogJobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                    Collect-WindowsEventLogs -LogFolder $using:logPath -FromSpan $using:fromSpan -ToSpan $using:ToSpan -LogPattern $using:LogPattern
                } -InitializationScript $initblock -ErrorAction Continue
                Invoke-Command -Session $session $initBlock
                $exportLogJobs += Invoke-Command -AsJob -Session $session {
                    Collect-WindowsEventLogs -LogFolder $using:logPath -FromSpan $using:fromSpan -ToSpan $using:ToSpan -LogPattern $using:LogPattern
                } -ErrorAction Continue
            if($null -eq $session) {
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Could not establish a PS session with the computer [$computerName]." -Warning
            } else {
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Session with the computer [$computerName] is stale - Session state = [$($session.State)], Session Availability =[$($session.Availability)]" -Warning

    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Kicked off $($exportLogJobs.count) jobs to collect windows events"

        $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        $exportLogJobOutput = $exportLogJobs | Wait-job | Receive-Job

        Trace-Progress "$functionName :Finished waiting for jobs count = [$($exportLogJobs.Count)]"
        Write-Output $exportLogJobs # dont change to trace-progress
        Trace-Progress "$functionName :DestPathWithRoleName = [$DestPathWithRoleName]"

        foreach ($o in $exportLogJobOutput)
            Trace-Progress "$functionName :Job retruned logpath = [$($o.logPath)] from computer = $($o.ComputerName)"
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($o.logPath))
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Copying from Source: $($o.logPath) to Destination: $DestPathWithRoleName"
                    $windowsEventFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $o.logPath -File -Recurse
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName :Failed to get files from $($o.logPath) on $($o.computerName). Error: $_" -Warning

                if (($null -ne $windowsEventFiles ) -or ($windowsEventFiles.Count -gt 0))
                    $destPath = Join-Path -Path $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildPath $o.ComputerName
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName :Creating new directory $destPath"
                        New-ASPath -Path $destPath -Type Directory
                        Copy-Item -Path $o.logPath -Destination $destPath -Force -Recurse
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName :Failed to copy logs from $($o.logPath). Error: $_" -Warning

                    Remove-Item $o.logPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Trace-Progress "$functionName :No logs copied as path on remote machine was empty. $($o.logPath)"
        Trace-Progress "$functionName :all evtx logs from all role vm's complete."
        $allEvtxCollectionSuccess = $true
        Trace-Progress "$functionName :In Finally block"

        if(!$allEvtxCollectionSuccess) {
            Trace-Progress "$functionName :Finally block- Unclean Exit detected, stopping all export jobs, if in progress"
            $exportLogJobs | Stop-Job
            $exportLogJobs | Receive-Job

        Trace-Progress "$functionName :In Finally block, removing all job"
        $exportLogJobs | remove-job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Collect-WindowsEventLogs




    if (-not (Test-Path $logFolder))
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $logFolder

    $timestamps = @{}

    $qParameter = "*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= $fromSpan] and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) >=$toSpan]]]"

    $reservedChannels = @("Microsoft.AzureStack.LCMController.EventSource/Admin")

    foreach ($lp in $logPattern)
        $eventLogs = Get-WinEvent -ListLog $lp -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (!$eventLogs.count)
            $timestamps.$lp = @{}
            $eventLogs | Foreach-Object {
                $fileSuffix = "Event_"+$_.LogName.Replace("/","-")+".EVTX"
                $logFile = $logFolder + $fileSuffix
                $locale = (Get-Culture).Name
                # Export log file using the WEvtUtil command-line tool
                # For Analytical and Debug log: disable => export => enable, as export cannot be performed over an enabled direct channel.
                $directChannel = $false
                $allLatestTimeCreated = $null
                if ($_.LogType -in @('Analytical','Debug'))
                    if ($_.IsEnabled)
                        $directChannel = $true
                        # Disable Logs
                        WEvtUtil.exe sl /e:false $_.LogName
                    # We cant collect latest time in O(1) for Analytical and Debug Log, so leave it as null
                    # Here are are collecting the latest time for Regular Logs only
                    $allLatestTimeCreated = Get-WinEvent -logname $_.LogName -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TimeCreated"
                # Export logs based on query to file with overwrite
                if ($reservedChannels -icontains $lp)
                    WEvtUtil.exe epl $_.LogName $logFile /ow:true
                    WEvtUtil.exe epl $_.LogName $logFile /q:$qParameter /ow:true
                $allOldestTimeCreated = Get-WinEvent -logname $_.LogName -oldest -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TimeCreated"
                if ($directChannel -eq $true)
                    # Enable Logs
                    echo y | WEvtUtil.exe sl /e:true $_.LogName | out-null
                # Archive logs (saves all locale specific information to allow reading of events without publisher)
                # WEvtUtil.exe al $logFile /l:$locale
                $copiedLatestTimeCreated = Get-WinEvent -path $logFile -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TimeCreated"
                $copiedOldestTimeCreated = Get-WinEvent -path $logFile -oldest -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TimeCreated"
                if ($allOldestTimeCreated -or $copiedOldestTimeCreated) { $timestamps.($_.LogName) = @{} }
                if ($allOldestTimeCreated) { $timestamps.($_.LogName).all = @{ oldestTimeCreated = $allOldestTimeCreated; latestTimeCreated = $allLatestTimeCreated } }
                if ($copiedOldestTimeCreated) { $timestamps.($_.LogName).copied = @{ oldestTimeCreated = $copiedOldestTimeCreated; latestTimeCreated = $copiedLatestTimeCreated } }

    # Return the computerName and the logFolder
        ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
        VMName = $null
        logPath = $logFolder
        timestamps = $timestamps

# For security reasons we strictly restrict the files to be included to certain extentions
function Get-FileLog
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='File')]

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='File')]


        $FilesFromDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1),

        $FilesToDate = (Get-Date),

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='CSV')]


        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='File')]



        $IsArcA = $false,


    $functionName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)_$Role"
    $CSVLogsCopied = @()
    $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    foreach($logPath in $SourceLogFilePaths)
        if ($logPath.Contains('$'))
            # The path might contain environment variables, hence expanding it to actual path.
            # Example for valid environment variables: $env:WinDir, $env:SystemDrive, $env:ProgramData.
            # Avoid using environment variables that are different per user ex. $env:temp.
            $logPath = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($logPath)

        # Copy-Item -FromSession has a bug where it does not respect wild card over remote, as well as failing to copy some logs due to file locks.
        # Manually copying the files by mapping the drive.
        $logPathLeaf = Split-Path -Path $logPath -Leaf
        $logPathParent = Split-Path -Path $logPath -Parent

        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "CSV")
                if ($logPath -notin $CSVLogsCopied)
                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Copying from $logPath"
                    $CSVLogDestRelativePath = $CSVLogsFolderName

                    $items = $null
                    if (Test-Path $logPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Copying csv logs from Source: $logPathParent to Destination: $CSVLogDestRelativePath"
                        $items = Get-FilteredChildItem -Path $logPath -FromDate $FilesFromDate -ToDate $FilesToDate -IsArcA $IsArcA
                        if (($null -ne $items.filteredItems) -and ($items.filteredItems.Count -gt 0))
                            Copy-FilteredChildItem -Items $items.filteredItems -Source $logPathParent -ChildFolder $CSVLogDestRelativePath -DestPathWithRoleName $DestPathWithRoleName
                            # If we are sending the logs to an SMB Share, then we want all files compressed
                            if (-not $SaveToPathSelected)
                                Extract-CompressedFiles -DestPathWithRoleName $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildFolder $CSVLogDestRelativePath
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Skipping Copy-FilteredChildItem and checking for cab files, as items.FilteredItems is null."
                        if ($items.filesToSkipCompression.Count -gt 0)
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : total files to skip compression = $($items.filesToSkipCompression.Count)"
                            Copy-FilteredChildItem -Items $items.filesToSkipCompression -Source $logPathParent -ChildFolder $CSVLogDestRelativePath -ZipPipeline $UncompressedPipeline

                        $CSVLogsCopied += $logPath
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName :Folder $logPath does not exist. Logs from '$logPath' were not collected." -Warning
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed to copy CSV logs at log path : $logpath. Error : $_" -Error
        elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "File")
            # Copy logs from remote machine to local machine
            foreach($computerName in $ComputerNames)
                    $session = $null
                    $machineName = $computerName.Split('.')[0]
                    $destRelativePath = $machineName

                    if (!$LocalMode)
                        if ($ComputerPSSessions)
                            if ($ComputerPSSessions.ContainsKey($computerName))
                                $session = $ComputerPSSessions[$computerName]
                                if (($null -ne $session) -and ($session.State -ne "Opened"))
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :The session for $computerName went into $($session.state) state! Reinitializing!"
                                    $session = Initialize-PSSession -ComputerPSSessions $ComputerPSSessions -ComputerFqdn $computerName -ExcludedEndpoints ([REF]$ExcludedEndpoints.Value)
                                    if ($null -ne $session)
                                        $ComputerPSSessions[$computerName] = $session
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName :Creating a PSSession to $computerName"
                            $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if (!$LocalMode -and (($null -eq $session) -or ($session.State -ne "Opened")))
                        Trace-progress -Message "$functionName :Could not establish a PS session with the computer. Logs were not copied from this computer." -Warning
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Copying from $logPath"

                        if (!$LocalMode)
                            $logPathRoot = ("\\$computerName\$($logPathParent -replace ':', '$')").TrimEnd('\')
                            $mappedDriveName = "Remote" + $machineName

                            $mappedDrive = Get-PSDrive $mappedDriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            if ((-not $mappedDrive))
                                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Creating mapped drive : $mappedDriveName"
                                $mappedDrive = New-PSDrive -Name $mappedDriveName -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $logPathRoot -ErrorVariable DriveError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                                if ($DriveError.count -gt 0)
                                    $err = $DriveError[0]
                                    $errorMessage = $err.Exception.Message
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Error creating mapped drive : $errorMessage" -Warning
                                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Mapped drive for $mappedDriveName exists"

                        if ($LocalMode -or $mappedDrive)
                            if ($LocalMode)
                                $logPathRoot = $logPathParent.TrimEnd('\')
                                $newLogPath = $logPath
                                $newLogPath = $mappedDriveName + ':' + $logPathLeaf
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : newLogPath = [$newLogPath]"

                            $items = $null
                            if (Test-Path $newLogPath -ErrorAction Continue)
                                if ($LocalMode)
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Copying file logs from Source: $newLogPath to Destination: $DestPathWithRoleName $destRelativePath"
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Copying file logs from Source: $newLogPath (Remote is mapped drive for $logPathRoot) to Destination: $DestPathWithRoleName $destRelativePath"
                                $items = Get-FilteredChildItem -Path $newLogPath -FromDate $FilesFromDate -ToDate $FilesToDate -IsArcA $IsArcA

                                if (($null -ne $items.filteredItems) -and ($items.filteredItems.Count -gt 0))
                                    Copy-FilteredChildItem -Items $items.filteredItems -Source $logPathRoot -DestPathWithRoleName $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildFolder $destRelativePath -ComputerName $machineName
                                     # If we are sending the logs to an SMB Share, then we want all files compressed
                                    if (-not $SaveToPathSelected)
                                        Extract-CompressedFiles -DestPathWithRoleName $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildFolder $CSVLogDestRelativePath
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Completed Copy-FilteredChildItems"
                                    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Skipping Copy-FilteredChildItem and checking for cab files, as items.FilteredItems is null."
                                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Folder $newLogPath does not exist on $computerName. Logs from '$logPath' were not collected." -Warning

                            if (!$LocalMode)
                                Trace-Progress "$functionName :Removing PS Drive $mappedDrive"
                                Remove-PSDrive $mappedDrive -Verbose
                    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failure to collect logs for log path : $LogPath on computer : $ComputerName. Error: $_" -Error
                    if ($mappedDrive)
                        Remove-PSDrive $mappedDrive

            if (-not $ComputerPSSessions -and ($null -ne $session))
                Remove-PSSession -Session $session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            # We should never see this, if we see this means error in role xml.
            Trace-Progress "$functionName :Folder [$logPath] - [$logPathParent] is neither file log or CSV log check..." -Warning

# Gets files according to filtered extensions and date range.
# returns the child items based on the filtered criteria
function Get-FilteredChildItem





        $IsArcA = $false
    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    $allowedFileExtensions = '*.txt','*.log','*.etl','*.out','*.xml','*.htm','*.html','*.mta','*.evtx','*.tsf','*.json','*.zip','*.csv','*.err','*.cab'
    # Note following file extensions are omitted - '*.blg', ,'*.trace', '*.bin'
    if ($isArcA)
        $allowedFileExtensions = $allowedFileExtensions + "*.dtr", "*.bin", "*.trace"
    if ($IncludeDumpFile)
        $allowedFileExtensions = $allowedFileExtensions + "*.dmp"
    $dateFilterExt = @('*.bin')
    $excludedFiles = @('*unattend.xml')
    #$skipCompressionFileExtensions = @('*.bin', '*.zip', '*.cab')
    $reservedFiles = @("CBS.log", "ActionList.xml", "DeviceInventory.xml")
    $reservedPaths = @("TestObservability", "$env:SystemDrive\CloudDeployment\Logs", "$env:SystemDrive\Observability\ECE", "$env:SystemDrive\Observability\ECEAgent",
        "MasLogs", "$env:windir\logs\DISM", "$env:SystemDrive\Observability\Download\UdiSessions\Scan-*\udiapi.log", "$env:SystemDrive\Observability\Download\UdiSessions\Download-*\udiapi.log",
        "$env:windir\Logs\MoSetup\udiapi-osget*.log", "$env:windir\Logs\MoSetup\UpdateAgent*.log" )
    #$reservedPattern = @('MonAgentHost', 'AzureStack_Validation')
    $filesToSkipCompression = @()

    Trace-Progress "$functionName :Path : $Path"

    try {
        if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType leaf)
            Trace-Progress "$functionName testpath success - path is a leaf = $Path"
            $unfilteredItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction stop
            Trace-Progress "$functionName testpath is not a leaf = $Path"
            $unfilteredItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction stop
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Found $($unfilteredItems.Count) unfiltered items in $Path."

        # Apply special filtering for bin files based on date range as logs get added to these files incrementally, so we cannot depend on creation/modification date.
        if ($allowedFileExtensions | Where-Object {$dateFilterExt -Contains $_})
            Trace-Progress "$functionName allowedFileExtentions $allowedFileExtensions - dateFilterExt = $dateFilterExt"
            $items1 = @()
                $childItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include $dateFilterExt -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction stop
                Trace-Progress "$functionName childItems = $($childItems.count) , childItems = $($childItems -join ',')"
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed to Get-ChildItem for Path : $Path, Powershell Exception: $_" -Error
            $directories = $childItems | Group-Object Directory
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Obtained $($directories.count) directories"

            foreach ($directory in $directories)
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Processing direcotry = $directory "
                $files = @($directory.Group | Sort-Object CreationTime,Name)
                if ($files.Count -le 2)
                    $items1 += $files
                elseif (($FromDate -le $ToDate) -and ($ToDate -ge $files[0].CreationTime))
                    # Start from the first file modified after FromDate
                    $filesModifiedAfterFromDate = $files | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge $FromDate}
                    # If there is less then 3 files which were modified after from date, just get the last 3 files to help investigation
                    if ($filesModifiedAfterFromDate.Count -gt 2)
                        $fromFile = $filesModifiedAfterFromDate[0]
                        # Get last 3 log files if there is no log written in specific time range
                        $fromFile = $files[0 - [math]::min($files.Count, 3)]

                    # End at the first file modifed after the ToDate.
                    $filesModifiedAfterToDate = $files | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge $ToDate}
                    if ($filesModifiedAfterToDate.Count -gt 0)
                        $toFile = $filesModifiedAfterToDate[0]
                        $toFile = $files[-1]

                    $fromIndex = [array]::IndexOf($files, $fromFile)
                    $toIndex = [array]::IndexOf($files, $toFile)
                    if($fromIndex -ne '-1' -and $toIndex -ne '-1' -and $fromIndex -le $toIndex)
                        $items1 += $files[$fromIndex..$toIndex]

            # by disabling this, all the files will be in item1
            [System.Array]$tmp = @($items1 | ForEach-Object {$r=@()} {$t=$_; $skipCompressionFileExtensions | ForEach-Object {if ($t -like $_){$r+=$t}}} {$r})
            $filesToSkipCompression = $tmp
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Zipping skipped for files with dateFilterExt are : $tmp"
            $items1 = $items1 | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $filesToSkipCompression }

    }catch {
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed while parsing for bin files $_" -Error
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : StackTrace : $($PSItem.ScriptStackTrace)" -Error
    # Rest of files, ex.("*.etl","*.txt","*.log", ..etc) are filtered based on creation/modification date range, except reserved folders/files.
    # Adding try catch block because powershell throws .net terminating exception which is not ignored by powershell with “ErrorAction SilentlyContinue”
        $ext = $allowedFileExtensions | Where-Object { $_ -notin $dateFilterExt}

        $items2 = @()

        # Handles possible arrays of files/folders
        $pathItemResult = Get-Item $Path
        foreach ($pathItem in $pathItemResult)
            if($pathItem -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
                # Get items recursively for folders
                $items2 += Get-ChildItem -Path $pathItem -Include $ext -Exclude $excludedFiles -Recurse -Force -ErrorVariable Item2Errors -ErrorAction Continue
            elseif ($pathItem -is [System.IO.FileInfo])
                # Get items non recursively for files
                $items2 += Get-ChildItem -Path $pathItem -Include $ext -Exclude $excludedFiles -Force -ErrorVariable Item2Errors -ErrorAction Continue
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed to handle '$pathItem' item type: $($pathItem.GetType().FullName)"
    catch [UnauthorizedAccessException]
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed to Get-ChildItem for Path : $Path, .Net Exception: $_" -Error

        # This is a temporary workaround to handle the issue in Bug 4780610, where accessing (by Get-ChildItem above) some of the .blg files copied to our SF clusters'
        # diagnostic shares result in an AccessDenied error. Since we already have the unfiltered list of items, as a fallback, we will perform the filtering directly
        # against that list instead of relying on Get-ChildItem.
        $items2 = Get-ItemsByExtension -UnfilteredItems $unfilteredItems -Include $ext -Exclude $excludedFiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed to Get-ChildItem for Path : $Path, Powershell Exception: $_" -Error
    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : item2 count = $($items2.count)"
    $items2 = $items2 | Where-Object {((($_.CreationTime -ge $FromDate) -or ($_.LastWriteTime -ge $FromDate)) -and $_.CreationTime -le $ToDate)}

    Trace-Progress -Message "FromDate $($FromDate.ToString()) ToDate = $($ToDate.ToString()) " 

    # since we use -ErrorAction continue, most errors will not hit the catch block. See if there were any errors in getting $items2
    # Note: Found a bug where Get-ChildItem did not finish getting items if a file is not found (likely because it was pruned or zipped). Solution is to use
    # -ErrorAction Continue instead of -ErrorAction Stop.
    foreach ($err in $Item2Errors)
        $errorMessage = $err.Exception.Message
        if ($errorMessage -like "Could not find item *")
            $fileNotFound = $errorMessage.Split()[-1].Trim('.')
            # if file not found is .etl or .blg, check if it was zipped
            if (($fileNotFound.endswith(".etl")) -or ($fileNotFound.endswith(".blg")))
                $extension = $fileNotFound.Substring($fileNotFound.length - 3)
                $zippedFileName = $fileNotFound + ".zip"
                $srcFile = $null
                try {
                    # This is the new zip file that needs to be copied in lieu of original etl or blg
                    $srcFile = Get-Item -Path $zippedFileName -ErrorAction Stop
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Failed to Fetch the zip file in the abscence of $($extension) [$zippedFileName]" -Error
                if ($srcFile -ne $null)
                    $items2 += $srcFile
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Successfully added [$zippedFileName] to list of items to copy"
                if (($fileNotFound).EndsWith('.zip'))
                    # assume the file was pruned, so make it a warning
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $errorMessage" -warning
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $errorMessage" -Error
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $errorMessage" -Error
    # Contents of reserved paths are always copied.
    # NOTE:
    # using $path.contains looks for substring which can be faulty, To match the full folder name should use EndsWith

    # e.g. of faulty comparision is when SDN matches folders 'SDN' and 'SDNDiagnostics' cause all files from both folders to be picked up.

    $items3 = @()
    $pathInReservedPaths = $false
    foreach ($reservedPath in $reservedPaths)
        if ($path.ToLower().Trim("\").EndsWith($reservedPath.ToLower().Trim("\")))
            $pathInReservedPaths = $true
    if ($pathInReservedPaths)
       Trace-Progress "Path $path is in reserved paths. Getting all files at this path, regardless of log collection time range."
       $items3 = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }

    # Reserved files are always copied.
    $items4 = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Name -in $reservedFiles}

    $items5 = @()
    if (($reservedPattern | ForEach-Object {$Path.Contains($_)}) -contains $true)
        $items5 = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # [System.Array]$tmp1 = @(@($items1) + @($items2) | ForEach-Object {$r=@()} {$t=$_; $skipCompressionFileExtensions | ForEach-Object {if ($t -like $_){$r+=$t}}} {$r})
    # $filesToSkipCompression += $tmp1
    Trace-Progress "$functionName : adding items1.count = $($items1.count) and items2.count = $($items2.count) and items3.count = $($items3.count) after applying time filter"
    $filteredItems = @($items1) + @($items2) + @($items3) + @($items4) | Sort-Object -Property FullName -Unique

    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Returning unfilteredItems ($($unfilteredItems.count)), filteredItems ($($filteredItems.count)), filesToSkipCompression ($($filesToSkipCompression.count))"
    return @{
        unfilteredItems = @($unfilteredItems)
        filteredItems = @($filteredItems)
        filesToSkipCompression = @($filesToSkipCompression)

function Get-TimestampsHelper

    if ($Items.count -eq 0) { return @{} }

    $oldestCreationTime = $Items[0].CreationTimeUtc
    $latestCreationTime = $Items[0].CreationTimeUtc
    $oldestLastWriteTime = $Items[0].LastWriteTimeUtc
    $latestLastWriteTime = $Items[0].LastWriteTimeUtc

    foreach ($item in $Items)
        if ($null -ne $item.CreationTimeUtc)
            if ($null -eq $oldestCreationTime -or $oldestCreationTime -gt $item.CreationTimeUtc) { $oldestCreationTime = $item.CreationTimeUtc }
            if ($null -eq $latestCreationTime -or $latestCreationTime -lt $item.CreationTimeUtc) { $latestCreationTime = $item.CreationTimeUtc }
        if ($null -ne $item.LastWriteTimeUtc)
            if ($null -eq $oldestLastWriteTime -or $oldestLastWriteTime -gt $item.LastWriteTimeUtc) { $oldestLastWriteTime = $item.LastWriteTimeUtc }
            if ($null -eq $latestLastWriteTime -or $latestLastWriteTime -lt $item.LastWriteTimeUtc) { $latestLastWriteTime = $item.LastWriteTimeUtc }

    return @{
        oldestCreationTime = $oldestCreationTime
        latestCreationTime = $latestCreationTime
        oldestLastWriteTime = $oldestLastWriteTime
        latestLastWriteTime = $latestLastWriteTime

function Get-Timestamps

    $newDetails = @{}
    if ($all.count)
        $allTimestamps = Get-TimestampsHelper $all
        $newDetails.all = $allTimestamps
        $newDetails.all.count = $all.count

    if ($copied.count)
        $copiedTimestamps = Get-TimestampsHelper $copied
        $newDetails.copied = $copiedTimestamps
        $newDetails.copied.count = $copied.count

    return $newDetails

# Copy filtered files recursively by re-creating the folder structure at the destination to match the source.
function Copy-FilteredChildItem






    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    # Handle paths with wildcard(s); set Source to deepest non-wildcard parent that resolves to a full directory.
    if ($Source -ne $env:SystemDrive)
        $sourceItem = Get-Item $Source
        while ($sourceItem -isnot [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
            $Source = Split-Path $Source -Parent
            $sourceItem = Get-Item $Source
        # handle exception when path is $env:systemdrive, in that case get-item $source returns current path not c:/
        $Source += "\"
        $sourceItem = Get-Item $Source

    # Catches cases where string path may not match the resolved file path, e.g.
    # 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData' (string) vs. C:\Users\Administrator (${item}.FullName)
    # Also resolves wildcard paths into valid expanded paths.
    $Source = $sourceItem.FullName.TrimEnd('\')

    Trace-Progress "$functionName DestPathWithRoleName = $DestPathWithRoleName"
    foreach ($item in $Items)
        $Destination = Join-Path -Path $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildPath $ChildFolder

        $itemDir = $item.DirectoryName
        $itemName = $item.FullName

        if (($null -eq $itemDir) -or ($null -eq $itemName))
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Null directory or fullname found. Item $item, Directory $itemDir, ItemName $itemName" -Warning

            # Skip processing this item

        $dir = $itemDir.Replace($Source, $Destination)
        $target = $itemName.Replace($Source, $Destination)

        if (!(Test-Path $dir -ErrorAction Continue))
            Trace-Progress "$functionName Creating new directory: $dir"
            $null = New-Item $dir -Type Directory

        if ($ComputerName)
            if ($item.Extension -in @('.bin','.etl'))
                $parent = Split-Path $target -Parent
                $leaf = Split-Path $target -Leaf
                $target = "$($parent)\$($computerName)_$($leaf)"

        if (!(Test-Path $target -ErrorAction Continue))
                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Copying item $($item.FullName) to [$target]"
                Copy-Item -Path $item.FullName -Destination $target -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException], [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]
                $errorHResult =  "0x$('{0:x8}' -f $_.Exception.HResult)"

                # Prepare the error message but dont trace immediately
                $actualErrorMessage = "$functionName : Failed to copy [$($item.FullName)] to $target. HResult : $errorHResult. Error: $_"

                # Does the file that failed to copy end with .etl or .blg? if yes, maybe it just got converted to .zip, so attempt to copy zip instead.
                # If copy of that fails too, then trace the original error - $actualErrorMessage
                if(($item.FullName).EndsWith('.etl') -or ($item.FullName).EndsWith('.blg'))
                    # This is best case attempt when etl or blg file just got converted to zip file.
                    $extension = ($item | select Extension).Extension
                    $zippedFileName = $item.FullName + ".zip"
                    $target = $target + ".zip"
                    $srcFile = $null
                    try {
                        # This is the new zip file that needs to be copied in lieu of original etl or blg
                        $srcFile = Get-Item -Path $zippedFileName -ErrorAction Stop
                        Trace-Progress -Message $actualErrorMessage -Error
                        Trace-Progress -Message "Failed to Fetch the zip file in the abscence of $($extension) [$zippedFileName]"
                        try {
                            Copy-Item -Path $zippedFileName -Destination $target -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
                            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : attempting to copy ZIP file instead of $($extension) file succeeded [$zippedFileName] to [$target]"
                            # this is not the original error, we found matching zip file and copying of that failed
                            # this is a best case effort, if this fails trace original error.
                            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : copying ZIP file instead of $($extension) file failed as well [$zippedFileName] to [$target]"

                            # also add the original error into the error list.
                            Trace-Progress -Message $actualErrorMessage -Error
                } else {
                    # the file that failed to copy is not an etl or blg, so we dont have an alternative to that.
                    if (($item.FullName).EndsWith('.zip'))
                        # assume the file was pruned, so make it a warning
                        Trace-Progress -Message $actualErrorMessage -warning
                        Trace-Progress -Message $actualErrorMessage -Error
                $errorHResult =  "0x$('{0:x8}' -f $_.Exception.HResult)"
                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Failed to copy $($item.FullName) to $target. HResult : $errorHResult. Error: $_" -Error

                # On failure, display the size of the directories in system drive
                    $sysDrive = Get-PSDrive $env:systemdrive[0]
                    Trace-Progress -Message "SystemDrive = $($sysDrive.Name), UsedSpace = $($($sysDrive.Used)/1GB), FreeSpace = $($($sysDrive.Free)/1GB) "
                #if we are copying to a user specified destination folder, HRESULT will have error incase of diskfull, no need to print folder sizes
    Trace-Progress "$functionName Complete.."

function Extract-CompressedFiles


    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName : DestPathWithRoleName = $DestPathWithRoleName ChildFolder = $ChildFolder"
    $searchFolder = Join-Path -Path $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildPath $ChildFolder
    $count = 0    
        $zipFiles = Get-CompressedFiles -SearchFolder $searchFolder -CompressionType "zip"
        $cabFiles = Get-CompressedFiles -SearchFolder $searchFolder -CompressionType "cab"
        $tarFiles = Get-CompressedFiles -SearchFolder $searchFolder -CompressionType "tar"
        $count += 1
        foreach ($zipFile in $zipFiles)
                Extract-ZipFile -ZipFile $zipFile
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : ZIP file $($zipFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.ToString())"
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : ZIP file $($zipFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error

        foreach ($cabFile in $cabFiles)
                Extract-CabFile -CabFile $cabFile
                Trace-Progress "$functionName CAB file $($cabFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.ToString())"
                Trace-Progress "$functionName CAB file $($cabFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error

        foreach ($tarFile in $tarFiles)
                Extract-TarFile -TarFile $tarFile
                Trace-Progress "$functionName TAR file $($tarFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.ToString())"
                Trace-Progress "$functionName TAR file $($tarFile.FullName) exception during processing: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error
    # Break after 10 round of while loop, since if compressed file cannot be deleted for some reason, loop would go on forever.
    while (($zipFiles.Count -gt 0 -or $cabFiles.Count -gt 0 -or $tarFiles.Count -gt 0) -and $count -lt 10)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Complete.."

# Search for zip files in the input directory and extract the content in to <filename>_zip directory and delete the zip files.
function Extract-ZipFile

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Processing ZIP file $($zipFile.FullName)"
    $zipDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $zipFile.Directory -ChildPath ($zipFile.BaseName+"_ZIP")

    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Going to create extract folder $zipDirectoryPath for ZIP file $($zipFile.FullName)"
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $zipFile.FullName -DestinationPath $zipDirectoryPath

    $ZipFileOpened = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($zipFile.FullName,[System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Read)
    $internalFile = $ZipFileOpened.Entries | Where-Object {-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Name)}
    $internalFileCount = $internalFile.Count

    $extractedFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $zipDirectoryPath -Filter "*.*" -File -Recurse
    Trace-Progress "$functionName : ZIP file $($zipFile.FullName) Internal File count $internalFileCount extracted file count $($extractedFiles.Count)"

    Remove-Item $zipFile.FullName -Force -Recurse  

# Search for cab files in the input directory and extract the content in to <filename>_cab directory and delete the cab files.
function Extract-CabFile

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Processing CAB file $($cabFile.FullName)"

    Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab.dll" -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:$false | Out-Null
    $cabObject = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab.CabInfo" -ArgumentList $cabFile.FullName
    $cabDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $cabFile.Directory -ChildPath ($cabFile.BaseName+"_CAB")

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Going to create extract folder $cabDirectoryPath for CAB file $($cabFile.FullName)"
    $temp = New-Item -Path $cabDirectoryPath -ItemType Directory

    $internalFileCount = $cabObject.GetFiles().Count
    $extractedFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $cabDirectoryPath -Filter "*.*" -File -Recurse
    Trace-Progress "$functionName CAB file $($cabFile.FullName) Internal File count $internalFileCount extracted file count $($extractedFiles.Count)"


# Search for tar files in the input directory and extract the content in to <filename>_tar directory and delete the tar files.
function Extract-TarFile

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Processing TAR file $($tarFile.FullName)"

    $tarFileBaseName = $tarFile.BaseName.Replace(".", "")
    $tarDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $tarFile.Directory -ChildPath ($tarFileBaseName+"_TAR")

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Going to create extract folder $tarDirectoryPath for TAR file $($tarFile.FullName)"
    $temp = New-Item -Path $tarDirectoryPath -ItemType Directory

    tar.exe -xf $tarFile.FullName --directory $tarDirectoryPath
    $internalFileCount = (tar tvf $tarFile.FullName).Count
    $extractedFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $tarDirectoryPath -Recurse
    Trace-Progress "$functionName TAR file $($tarFile.FullName) Internal File count $internalFileCount (includes directories). Extracted file count $($extractedFiles.Count). (Includes directories)"


function Get-CompressedFiles

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    Trace-Progress "$functionName Going to search $CompressionType files under searchFolder = $searchFolder"
    $filter = "*." + $CompressionType
    if ($CompressionType -ieq "tar")
        $filter += "*"
    $compressedFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $searchFolder -Filter $filter -File -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
    if ($CompressionType -ieq "zip")
        $compressedFiles = $compressedFiles | Where-Object {-not $_.FullName.EndsWith("etl.zip")}
    Trace-Progress "$functionName $CompressionType files count $($compressedFiles.Count) under searchFolder = $searchFolder"
    return $compressedFiles

# Creates a PowerShell Session if needed.
function Initialize-PSSession



    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    if ($ComputerPSSessions)
        if ($ComputerPSSessions.ContainsKey($ComputerFqdn))
            $session = $ComputerPSSessions[$ComputerFqdn]
            if (($null -ne $session) -and ($session.State -ne "Opened"))
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : The session for $ComputerFqdn went into $($session.state) state! Reinitializing!"

    if ($null -eq $session -or $session.State -ne "Opened")
        # Client call for new PS session can hang forever when server side WSMan layer is not responding.To unblock log collection,
        # we are testing the PS session creation in different thread using start-job if the monitoring job doesn’t return the PS session object in 2 min we declare the server to be in a bad state.
        $scriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create(${function:Test-PSSession})
        $psSessionObject = Invoke-ScriptBlockCommand -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $ComputerFqdn -TimeOutInSec 120

        # Validate if the server is connectable
        if (($null -eq $psSessionObject -or $psSessionObject.State -ne 'Opened') -or (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerFqdn -Quiet)))
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Computer $ComputerFqdn is unreachable, Could not establish a PS session earlier. Will not retry" -Error
            $ExcludedEndpoints.Value += $ComputerFqdn
            return $null

        <# New-PSSessionOption paramter:
                .IdleTimeout : Determines how long the session stays open if the computer does not receive any communication. This includes the heartbeat signal
                               {It means if no operation is happening, session will be open as long as session connection is established and it will help us from create PS session timeout}
                .OperationTimeout - Determines the maximum time that any operation in the session can run.
                                {This prevent very large file like +25GB copy operation and help us from diskspace issue}
                .MaxConnectionRetryCount :Specifies the number of times that PowerShell attempts to make a connection to a target machine if the current attempt fails due to network issues.

        $sessionOptions = New-PSSessionOption -OperationTimeout ([timespan]"00:10:00").TotalMilliseconds -MaxConnectionRetryCount 1 -IdleTimeout 600000
        $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerFqdn -SessionOption $sessionOptions -ErrorAction Continue
        if ($null -eq $session)
            $ExcludedEndpoints.Value += $ComputerFqdn
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Could not establish a PS session with the computer $ComputerFqdn." -error

    return $session

    This is the generic function to execute the command or function as script block in separate powershell thread using start-job and return the job output object.

function Invoke-ScriptBlockCommand


        [int]$TimeOutInSec = 120

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    $jobOutput = $null

    # Start and get the monitoring job result
        $monitoringJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Verbose
        $jobOutput = $monitoringJob | Wait-Job -Timeout $TimeOutInSec | Receive-Job
        $monitoringJob | Stop-Job
        $monitoringJob | Remove-Job
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : ScriptBlock - $ScriptBlock, failed with an error: $_ " -Error

    return $jobOutput

function Test-PSSession



        $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerFqdn -Credential $LocalAdminCredential -ErrorAction Continue
        $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerFqdn -ErrorAction Continue

    return $session

    Return items that match the provided filter conditions for file extensions to include/exclude.

function Get-ItemsByExtension




    $filteredItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    foreach ($unfilteredItem in $UnfilteredItems)
        $excludedItem = $false
        foreach ($extensionToExclude in $Exclude)
            if ($unfilteredItem -like $extensionToExclude)
                $excludedItem = $true

        if (-not $excludedItem)
            foreach ($extensionToInclude in $Include)
                if ($unfilteredItem -like $extensionToInclude)

    return $filteredItems

function Get-ContainerStateLog
        $FilesFromDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1),

        $FilesToDate = (Get-Date),



    $containerStateLogDirPath = Join-Path -Path $DestPathWithRoleName -ChildPath "ContainerStateLogs"
    $containerStateErrorLogPath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "ContainerStateCollectionErrors.txt"

    Trace-Progress -Message "Start container state log collection of $Role to $containerStateLogDirPath."

    New-Item $containerStateLogDirPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    # Collect HCS state
    $hcsStateLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "HcsState.txt"
    Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression "hcsdiag list" -TraceFilePath $hcsStateLogFilePath

    # Collect HNS state
    $hnsNetworksLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "HnsState_Networks.txt"
    $hnsEndpointsLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "HnsState_Endpoints.txt"
    $hnsPolicyListLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "HnsState_PolicyList.txt"
    $hnsNetworksCommands = @(
        "Get-HnsNetwork | select Name, Type, ActivityId, ID, @{Name='Subnets'; Expression={ `$_.Subnets | select AddressPrefix, GatewayAddress, ID }} | Out-String",
        "Get-HnsNetwork | ForEach-Object { Get-HnsNetwork -Id `$_.ID -Detailed } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20"

    $hnsEndpointsCommands = @(
        "Get-HnsEndpoint | select ActivityId, ID, IpAddress, MacAddress, State | Format-Table | Out-String",
        "Get-HnsEndpoint | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20"

    foreach ($hnsNetworksCommand in $hnsNetworksCommands)
        Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression $hnsNetworksCommand -TraceFilePath $hnsNetworksLogFilePath

    foreach ($hnsEndpointsCommand in $hnsEndpointsCommands)
        Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression $hnsEndpointsCommand -TraceFilePath $hnsEndpointsLogFilePath

    Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression "Get-HnsPolicyList | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20" -TraceFilePath $hnsPolicyListLogFilePath

    # Collect Docker engine state
    $dockerStateEngineLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "DockerState-Engine.txt"
    $dockerEngineStateCommands = @(
        "docker version",
        "docker info",
        "docker ps -sa",
        "docker images",
        "docker volume ls",
        "docker system df -v",
        "docker network ls"

    foreach ($dockerEngineStateCommand in $dockerEngineStateCommands)
        Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression $dockerEngineStateCommand -TraceFilePath $dockerStateEngineLogFilePath

    $networkIds = docker network ls -q
    foreach ($networkId in $networkIds)
        Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression "docker inspect $networkId" -TraceFilePath $dockerStateEngineLogFilePath

    # Collect container specific diagnostics
    $allContainerIds = docker ps -aq
    [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$runningContainerIds = docker ps -q

    # List of SF environment variables to include in the output. Other SF environment variable names starting with "Fabric" will be redacted.
    $sfEnvironmentVariablesToInclude = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]@(

    foreach ($containerId in $allContainerIds)
            $dockerInspectOutput = docker inspect $containerId | ConvertFrom-Json

            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $dockerInspectOutput.Config.Env.Count; $i++)
                $envVariablePair = $dockerInspectOutput.Config.Env[$i] -split '=', 2
                if ($envVariablePair.Length -eq 2)
                    $envVariableName = $envVariablePair[0]

                    if ($envVariableName -ieq "AZS_DEPLOYMENT_APPLICATION_NAME")
                        $applicationName = $envVariablePair[1] -replace "/", "+"
                    elseif ($envVariableName -ieq "AZS_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_NAME")
                        $serviceName = $envVariablePair[1]

                    if ($envVariableName.StartsWith("Fabric") -and (-not $sfEnvironmentVariablesToInclude.Contains($envVariableName)))
                        $redactedEnvVariable = "$envVariableName=[redacted]"
                        $dockerInspectOutput.Config.Env[$i] = $redactedEnvVariable
                    # Unable to parse environment variable string, so will redact it completely to be safe (i.e., by avoiding leaking sensitive information).
                    $dockerInspectOutput.Config.Env[$i] = "[redacted]"

            $containerStateLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $containerStateLogDirPath -ChildPath "DockerState-${applicationName}_${serviceName}_${containerId}.txt"
            Add-Content $containerStateLogFilePath "docker inspect $containerId"
            Add-Content $containerStateLogFilePath $($dockerInspectOutput | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Add-Content $containerStateErrorLogPath "Error while collecting docker inspect output of $containerId. ExceptionMessage: $($_.Exception.Message), ExceptionType: $($_.Exception.GetType().Name)"

        # Collect running container specific diagnostics.
        if ($runningContainerIds.Contains($containerId))
            $containerStateCommands = @(
                "docker top $containerId",
                "docker stats $containerId --no-stream"

            foreach ($containerStateCommand in $containerStateCommands)
                Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing -Expression $containerStateCommand -TraceFilePath $containerStateLogFilePath

    Trace-Progress -Message "Finished container state log collection."

function Invoke-ExpressionWithTracing


        Add-Content $TraceFilePath $Expression
        Invoke-Expression $Expression *>&1 | Add-Content -Path $TraceFilePath
        Add-Content $TraceFilePath "`n"
        Add-Content $containerStateErrorLogPath "Error executing '$Expression'. ExceptionMessage: $($_.Exception.Message), ExceptionType: $($_.Exception.GetType().Name)" 

function Get-ServiceFabricLog
        $LogPath = "$env:SystemDrive\ServiceFabricLogs",

        $FromDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-4),

        $ToDate = (Get-Date)

    $packagePath = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath "ServiceFabric\Tools\Microsoft.Azure.ServiceFabric.WindowsServer.SupportPackage.zip"
    # Expand SF Support Package.
    $toolsDir = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath "ServiceFabric\Tools"
    $collectorPath = Join-Path $toolsDir "StandaloneLogCollector.exe"

    if (-not (Test-Path($collectorPath)))
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Unzipping tool to:$collectorPath"
        Expand-Archive $packagePath -DestinationPath $toolsDir -Force

    $timeStamp = $((Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'))
    $outputPath = "$env:SystemDrive\MASLogs\StandaloneLogCollector_StdOut_$timeStamp.txt"

    # Perform the log directory cleanup only in default path case to prevent security vulnerability
    if (Test-Path $LogPath) {
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Removing existing ServiceFabric logs in:$LogPath"
        $null = Remove-Item -Path $LogPath -Recurse -Force

    #Bugfix: StandaloneLogCollector.exe Fails With "Unable to load DLL 'FabricClient.dll'"
    if ( $env:Path -notlike "*C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\fabric\fabric.code*")
        $env:Path = $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\fabric\fabric.code"
    . $collectorPath -Output $LogPath -Mode Collect -StartUtcTime $FromDate.ToUniversalTime() -EndUtcTime $ToDate.ToUniversalTime() -IncludeLeaseLogs > $outputPath 2>&1

    Copy-Item -Path $outputPath -Destination $LogPath\ -Force -ErrorAction Continue

    $miscellaneousLogsZipPath =  Join-Path $LogPath "miscellaneousLogs.zip"
    $miscellaneousLogsPath =  Join-Path $LogPath "miscellaneousLogs" 
    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Unzipping $miscellaneousLogsZipPath"
    Expand-Archive -Path $miscellaneousLogsZipPath -DestinationPath $miscellaneousLogsPath -Force

    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Removing $miscellaneousLogsZipPath after unzipping"
    $null = Remove-Item -Path $miscellaneousLogsZipPath -Force

    # Clean up the duplicate EventLogs folder as it separately collected along with Event_Application, Event_System
    $miscellaneousEventLogsPath =  Join-Path $miscellaneousLogsPath "EventLogs" 
    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Removing $miscellaneousEventLogsPath after unzipping"
    $null = Remove-Item -Path $miscellaneousEventLogsPath -Force  -Recurse  

Function Get-RoleLogs


    $OutputPath = $argumentsObject.OutputPath

    $FromDateG = $argumentsObject.FromDateG
    $ToDateG = $argumentsObject.ToDateG
    $FromDate = $argumentsObject.FromDate
    $ToDate = $argumentsObject.ToDate
    $roles = $argumentsObject.roles
    $domain = $argumentsObject.domain
    $destPath = $argumentsObject.destPath
    $roleNames = $argumentsObject.roleNames
    $nodeNames = $argumentsObject.nodeNames
    $filterByNode = $argumentsObject.FilterByNode
    $vmRoleNames = $argumentsObject.vmRoleNames
    $FilterByLogType = $argumentsObject.FilterByLogType
    $allClusterInfo = $argumentsObject.allClusterInfo
    $localMode = $argumentsObject.localMode
    $isArcA = $argumentsObject.isArcAEnv
    $saveToPathSelected = $argumentsObject.SaveToPathSelected

    $functionName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)_$role"
    $perfRoleStartDate = Get-Date
    $roleLogDetails = @{"role" = $role; "StartDate" = $perfRoleStartDate}

        Write-Output "`r"
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Collecting logs for role: $role"

        #Trace-InvokingProcessStats -Role ($role+"_Start")

        if (!$localMode)
            $endpointPSSessions = @{}
            $ExcludedEndpoints = @()
        # TODOTODO Override the nodes with node names passed
        #$nodes = $roles[$role].Nodes

        $nodes = @()
        $currentRoleData = $roles[$role]
        if ("PhysicalMachines" -in $currentRoleData.Nodes) {
            $nodes += $nodeNames
        if ("AllVms" -in $currentRoleData.Nodes -and $vmRoleNames["AllVms"].count -gt 0) {
            $nodes += $vmRoleNames["AllVms"]
        } elseif ($role -in $currentRoleData.Nodes -and $vmRoleNames[$role].count -gt 0) {
            $nodes += $vmRoleNames[$role]
        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Nodes to collect logs from for role [$role] = [$($nodes -join ', ')]. Note that this is before applying node filter."

        Thave above elseif should resolve to following code, if there are more specialized roles get added
        and their rolename is not same as the defined in Get-InfraVMNames() we need to remove the above elseif and
        update below cases.
        elseif ("NC" -in $currentRoleData.Nodes) {
            $nodes += $vmRoleNames["NC"]
        } elseif ("SLB" -in $currentRoleData.Nodes) {
            $nodes += $vmRoleNames["SLB"]
        } elseif ("GWY" -in $currentRoleData.Nodes) {
            $nodes += $vmRoleNames["GWY"]

        $logsTobeCollected = (($currentRoleData.FileLog.count -gt 0) -or ($currentRoleData.CSVLog.count ) -or
         ($currentRoleData.WindowsEventLog.count ) -or ($null -eq $currentRoleData.ScriptExecution))

        # $rolePublicInfoLogs -- This is the xml node will <Logs></Logs>

        if ($logsTobeCollected)
            $roleLogDetails.logsAvailable = $true
            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Destination path : $OutputPath"
            $destinationFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath $role

            # Iterate over each end-point and collect logs
            if ($localMode)
                $node = $env:ComputerName
                $endpoint = if ($null -eq $domain) { $node } else { "$node.$domain" }
                $endpoints = @($endpoint) 
                $endpoints = @()
            if ($filterByNode) 
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Node filter list = $($filterByNode -join ', ')"
                $nodes = $nodes | Where-Object { $_ -in $filterByNode}
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : Node list after applying node filter = $($nodes -join ', ')"
            } else {
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : No node filter specified"

            if (!$localMode)
                foreach ($node in $nodes)
                    $session = $null
                    $endpoint = $node + ".$domain"
                    Trace-Progress "$functionName : Creating a PSSession to $endpoint"

                    if ($ExcludedEndpoints -contains $endpoint)
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Could not establish a PS session earlier with the computer $endpoint. Will not retry." -Error
                        $session = Initialize-PSSession -ComputerPSSessions $endpointPSSessions -ComputerFqdn $endpoint -ExcludedEndpoints ([REF]$ExcludedEndpoints)
                        if ($null -ne $session)
                            $endpointPSSessions[$endpoint] = $session
                            $endpoints += $endpoint
                Trace-Progress "$functionName : nodescount = [$($nodes.count)] endpointPSSessions count = [ $($endpointPSSessions.Count)], endpoints Count = [$($endpoints.Count)]"
            if ($role -in "ServiceFabric")
                if ($isArcA -and $localMode)
                    # the sf log collector only supports max path length of 35, so we collect logs in temp short path dir and then move it.
                    $SFLogTempPath = "$env:SystemDrive\MASLogs\ServiceFabricLogs"
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : ServiceFabric logs will be temporarily output to:$SFLogTempPath"
                    Get-ServiceFabricLog -LogPath $SFLogTempPath -FromDate $FromDate -ToDate $ToDate
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Move ServiceFabric logs from $SFLogTempPath to $OutputPath"
                    Move-Item $SFLogTempPath $OutputPath

            # $endpoints is an empty array if there are no endpoints, it is not null.
            if($endpoints -gt 0)
                # Collecting Windows event logs
                if ($FilterByLogType -contains 'WindowsEvent')
                    if ($currentRoleData.WindowsEventLog)
                        $logPattern = $currentRoleData.WindowsEventLog
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Collecting windows event logs with log patterns: $($logPattern -join ', '), with date range: from $FromDateG until $ToDateG, from machines $($endpoints -join ', ')"
                            if ($localMode)
                                Get-WindowsEventLog -ComputerNames $endpoints -LogPattern $logPattern -EventsFromDate $FromDate -EventsToDate $ToDate -Roles $roles -CurrentRole $role `
                                    -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath -LocalMode $localMode
                                 Get-WindowsEventLog -ComputerNames $endpoints -ComputerPSSessions $endpointPSSessions -LogPattern $logPattern -EventsFromDate $FromDate -EventsToDate $ToDate `
                                    -ExcludedEndpoints ([REF]$ExcludedEndpoints) -Roles $roles -CurrentRole $role -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath -LocalMode $localMode
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Successfully dumped and copied all the windows event log from individual machines to $destinationFolderPath"
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed during windows event log collection $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Skipping WindowsEventLog collection."

                # Collecting log files.
                if ($FilterByLogType -contains 'File')
                    if ($currentRoleData.FileLog)
                        $sourceLogPaths = foreach($entry in $currentRoleData.FileLog)
                            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Collecting files from '$($entry)'."
                            if ($localMode)
                                Get-FileLog -ComputerNames $endpoints -SourceLogFilePaths $sourceLogPaths -FilesFromDate $FromDate -FilesToDate $ToDate -Role $role `
                                    -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath -LocalMode $localMode -IsArcA $isArcA -SaveToPathSelected $saveToPathSelected
                                Get-FileLog -ComputerNames $endpoints -ComputerPSSessions $endpointPSSessions -SourceLogFilePaths $sourceLogPaths -FilesFromDate $FromDate -FilesToDate $ToDate `
                                    -Role $role -ExcludedEndpoints ([REF]$ExcludedEndpoints) -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath -LocalMode $localMode -IsArcA $isArcA -SaveToPathSelected $saveToPathSelected
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed during File log collection $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Skipping FileLog collection."

                # Collecting container state.
                if ($FilterByLogType -contains 'ContainerState')
                        if ($isArcA -and $role -eq "MASLogs")
                            Get-ContainerStateLog -FilesFromDate $FromDate -FilesToDate $ToDate -Role $role -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath
                            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Skipping ContainerState collection for non-ArcA MASLogs."
                        Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed during ContainerState collection $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Skipping ContainerState collection."

                if (!$localMode)
                    #Remove PSSessions
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Role : $role, Removing PS Sessions."
                    foreach ($psSession in $endpointPSSessions.Values)
                        if ($null -ne $psSession)
                            Remove-PSSession -Session $psSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if ($FilterByLogType -contains 'CSV')
                if ($currentRoleData.CSVLog)
                    if ($localMode)
                        $isPrimaryNode = $false
                        # if LocalMode, each node is doing it's own log collection in parallel. Only want the primary node to collect CSV logs.
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : In Local Mode. Determining primary node, so that only primary node collects CSV logs"
                            $nodes = Get-ClusterNode | Where-Object {$_.State -ieq "Up" } | Sort-Object -Property Name
                            $primaryNode = $nodes[0].Name.ToLower()
                            $isPrimaryNode = $primaryNode -eq ($env:COMPUTERNAME).ToLower()
                            if ($isPrimaryNode)
                                Trace-Progress -message "$functionName : This is the primary node. This node will collect CSV logs."
                                Trace-Progress -message "$functionName : This is not the primary node. This node will not collect CSV logs."
                            # If we can't get primary node, it is likely deployment failed before cluster creation. In this case,
                            # there would be no CSV Logs in cluster storage, as cluster storage is not available.
                            # Even if there were race conditions in copying over CSV Logs, it would not cause log collection to fail.
                            Trace-Progress -message "$functionName : Error getting primary node : $_ Will collect CSV logs on this node."
                            $isPrimaryNode = $true
                    if (!$localMode -or $isPrimaryNode)
                        $sourceLogPaths = foreach($entry in $currentRoleData.CSVLog)
                            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Collecting CSV files from '$entry'."

                            Get-FileLog -SourceLogFilePaths $sourceLogPaths -FilesFromDate $FromDate -FilesToDate $ToDate -Role $role -CSVLogsFolderName "CSVLogs" `
                                -DestPathWithRoleName $destinationFolderPath -LocalMode $localMode -IsArcA $isArcA -SaveToPathSelected $saveToPathSelected
                            Trace-Progress "$functionName : Failed during CSV log collection $($_.Exception.Message)" -Error
                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Skipping CSV Log collection."

            if (($FilterByLogType -contains 'Script') -and ($null -ne $currentRoleData.ScriptExecution)) {
                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $role defined ScriptExecution, call the script to collect log."
                # Get the PS1 file location.
                $ScriptInfo = $currentRoleData.ScriptExecution
                $scriptPath = $ScriptInfo.ScriptPath

                if ($false -eq [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($scriptInfo.NugetName)) {
                    # The script execution specified NugetName, try to get it from t The command exported by CloudCommon module.
                    $nugetRootPath = Get-ASArtifactPath -NugetName $scriptInfo.NugetName -ErrorAction Ignore
                    $scriptPath = Join-Path $nugetRootPath $ScriptInfo.ScriptPath

                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Got $role log collecting script location: $scriptPath "
                # check the script file exists, and the script only support PS1 file
                # We expect the script has 3 parameters:
                # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The current role of logCollection; in script, we pass in for log purpose.")]
                # [string] $Role,
                # [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The Destination path to save the logCollection output.")]
                # [string] $DestPathWithRoleName,
                # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "augumentsObject contains log collection parameters")]
                # [PSCustomObject] $argumentsObject
                if ($true -eq (Test-Path -Path $scriptPath -PathType Leaf) -and (".ps1" -eq [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($scriptPath)) ) {
                    $scriptParameter = @{
                        RoleName                  = $role
                        LogOutputPathWithRoleName = $destinationFolderPath
                        argumentsObject           = $argumentsObject

                    # Save the script transcript to destination folder.
                    $scriptName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($scriptPath)
                    $transcriptPath = "$destinationFolderPath\Script_Output_$scriptName.log"

                    $stopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                    $outputContent = ""
                    try {
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Calling script [$scriptPath] to save logs to $destinationFolderPath."
                        Start-Transcript -Path $transcriptPath -Verbose
                        # call the script. with target parameters.
                        # TODOTODO: The customized script may hang, we need to limit the execution time and space usage.
                        $output = & $scriptPath @scriptParameter    
                        $outputContent = $output | ConvertTo-Json
                    catch {
                        $exceptionContent = $_.Exception.ToString()
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Failed to call script [$scriptPath] for $role. Exception [$exceptionContent]" -Warning
                    finally {
                        Add-Content -Path $transcriptPath -Value "Script Output: `n $outputContent"
                        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Executing script [$scriptPath] for $role finished, used $($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) seconds."
                else {
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Didn't find script at $scriptPath for $role, or it is not a valid ps1 file, skipping script collection." -Warning
            else {
                Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : No Script need to run for $role, Skipping script collection." -Warning
            $roleLogDetails.logsAvailable = $false
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : No logs collected for this role as none is specified in input configuration file."
        $normalTermination = $true
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Collecting logs failed with error: $_" -Error
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : StackTrace : $($PSItem.ScriptStackTrace)" -Error
        $normalTermination = $true
        if (!$localMode)
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Role: $role cleaningup endpointPSSessions, current opened sessions count = [$($endpointPSSessions.Values.Count)] "
            foreach ($psSession in $endpointPSSessions.Values)
                if ($null -ne $psSession)
                    Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Removing session = [$psSession] "
                    Remove-PSSession -Session $psSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($normalTermination -ne $true) {
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $role : unclean exit detected " -Error
            Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : $role : Wait 30 seconds for child jobs to complete"
            Start-Sleep 30 
            # incase of an unclean exit, give time for sub jobs to complete before exiting parent job
            #$ZippingJobs.Values | Remove-Job -force

        Write-ErrorsIfExist -Role $role
        #Trace-InvokingProcessStats -Role ($role+"_End")

        $roleLogCollectionTime = ((Get-Date) - $perfRoleStartDate).TotalMinutes.ToString("0.0##")
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Time taken to collect role $role is [$roleLogCollectionTime] Minutes"

# This method prints the $global:errorList in the calling process (each role and resource provider collection runs as a separate Process)
# Ensure this is called almost at the end of the job/role collection
function Write-ErrorsIfExist
        [string] $Role

    $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) + "_$Role"
    # this variable is created when any trace-progress with -error is invoked.
    # Each role runs in its own process, so we can clear the $error automatic variable as well.
    if (((Test-Path variable:global:errorList) -and $Global:errorList -ne "") -or $Error.Count -gt 0)
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : Total entries in Global error list = $($Global:errorList.count)"

        $errorMessage = "ErrorList: `n" + $Global:errorList + ($Error | Get-Unique | Out-String)
        Write-Host $errorMessage -ForegroundColor "Red"     #Dont change this to trace-progress
        Trace-Progress -Message $errorMessage
    } else
        Trace-Progress -Message "$functionName : No Errors during role $Role"
function Get-FreeSpace

    $destinationFolder = Get-Item -Path (Split-Path $RelativePath -Parent)
    $fsobuild = new-Object -comobject Scripting.FileSystemObject
    $destinationFolderObj =  $fsobuild.GetFolder($destinationFolder)
    $freeSpaceBytes = $destinationFolderObj.Drive.FreeSpace
    $freeSpaceKb = $freeSpaceBytes / 1024

    return $freeSpaceKb

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FreeSpace
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-ScriptBlockWithRetries
Export-ModuleMember -Function Write-ErrorsIfExist
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RoleLogs
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-WindowsEventLog
Export-ModuleMember -Function Collect-WindowsEventLogs
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FileLog
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FilteredChildItem
Export-ModuleMember -Function Copy-FilteredChildItem
Export-ModuleMember -Function Initialize-PSSession
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-PSSession
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-ScriptBlockCommand
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# tW2oynUClTBUBgNVHR8ETTBLMEmgR6BFhkNodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5j
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# M+b/JOys7IcIKRtDLBAkVb0=
# SIG # End signature block