using namespace System.Management.Automation Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class SPNInfo: CommandBase { hidden $GraphOwnedObjectsAPIUri = [string]::Empty hidden $ApiBaseEndpoint = [string]::Empty SPNInfo([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext): Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext) { $this.DoNotOpenOutputFolder = $true; $this.GraphOwnedObjectsAPIUri = ''; $this.ApiBaseEndpoint = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().AzSKApiBaseURL; } GetSPNInfo() { if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.ApiBaseEndpoint)) { #This feature is currently available only for org in which Endpoint/backend API url is configured $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nThis feature is currently not available for your environment.`r`n", [MessageType]::Warning) return } $ownedSPNs = @() $usedSPNs = @() $notInUsedSPNs = @() $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nFetching SPN(s) Details...`r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine); #Get all owned SPNs $ownedSPNDetails = $this.GetOwnedSPNList(); try { #Get SPNs start with AzSK_CA if($null -ne $ownedSPNDetails -and ($ownedSPNDetails | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #Filter OwnedSPN start with AzSK_CA or AzSDK_CA $ownedSPNs += $ownedSPNDetails | Where-Object { ($_.displayName -like "AzSK_CA*") -or ($_.displayName -like "AzSDK_CA*")} } if($null -ne $ownedSPNs -and ($ownedSPNs | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #Get SPNsResponse which contain list of used SPNs $SPNsResponse = [RemoteApiHelper]::FetchUsedSPNList(@($ownedSPNs.appId)); #Convert SPNsResponse into usedSPNs, which contain list of CA used SPNs (active SPNs) if(($null -ne $SPNsResponse) -and ($SPNsResponse -ne "ERROR") -and ( ($SPNsResponse | Get-Member StatusCode) -and $SPNsResponse.StatusCode -eq 202)) { $SPNsResponse | ConvertFrom-Json | where-object { $usedSPNs += $_ } #Get list of notInUsedSPNs, which contain list of SPNs which are currently not being used by CA if(($null -ne $usedSPNs) -and ($usedSPNs | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { # Get display name of the application id $usedSPNs | ForEach-Object { $appId = $_.appId; $displayName = ($ownedSPNs | where-object { $appId -eq $_.appId } | Select-Object displayName).displayName; $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name displayName -Value $displayName; } # Filter list of unused SPNs $notInUsedSPNs = $ownedSPNs | where-object { $_.appId -notin $usedSPNs.appId } } else { $notInUsedSPNs = $ownedSPNs; } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nSPN(s) owned by you which are currently being used by CA:`r`n",[MessageType]::Default) #Adding blank line write-host "" if(($usedSPNs | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`n`r`nCurrently there is no SPN owned by you, which is being used by CA.", [MessageType]::Warning); #Adding blank line write-host "" } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage($($usedSPNs | Format-Table @{Label = "ApplicationId"; Expression = { $_.appId } }, @{Label = "DisplayName"; Expression = { $_.displayName } },@{Label = "SubscriptionId"; Expression = { $_.subscriptionId }},@{Label = "SubscriptionName"; Expression = { $_.subscriptionName } } -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) #Adding blank line write-host "" } $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Default); $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nSPN(s) owned by you which have not been used by CA in last 7 days:`r`n",[MessageType]::Default) #Adding blank line write-host "" $this.PublishCustomMessage($($NotInUsedSPNs | Format-Table @{Label = "ApplicationId"; Expression = { $_.appId }},@{Label = "DisplayName"; Expression = { $_.displayName } } -AutoSize | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nUnable to validate SPN(s) details. StatusMessage [$($SPNsResponse)]`r`n", [MessageType]::Error) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nCurrently there is no SPN owned by you, which is being used by CA.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } catch { $ExceptionMessage = $_; if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($_,"Exception.Message")) { $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message.ToString() } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nUnable to validate SPN(s) details. StatusMessage [$($ExceptionMessage)]`r`n", [MessageType]::Error) } } # This function returns the list of AD application owned by current user [PSObject] GetOwnedSPNList() { # TODO: Move this to control setting file $filterOwnedObjectsType = @("#microsoft.graph.application", "#microsoft.graph.servicePrincipal"); $ownedSPNDetails = @() $result = "" try { $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetADGraphURL() $accessToken = [ContextHelper]::GetAccessToken($ResourceAppIdURI) $header = "Bearer " + $accessToken $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json";} $uri=$this.GraphOwnedObjectsAPIUri; # @odata.nextLink handled in the web request $responseContent = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]::Get, $uri, $headers, $null, [string]::Empty, @{}) #Check if no owned SPN found if(($null -ne $responseContent) -and ($responseContent | get-member -Name "@odata.type") -and ($responseContent."@odata.type")) { $ownedSPNDetails = $responseContent | Where-Object { $filterOwnedObjectsType -contains $_."@odata.type"} | Select-Object -Property displayName,appId -Unique } } catch { # Exception get handle in base class throw $_ } return @($ownedSPNDetails) } } |