using namespace Newtonsoft.Json using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage.Models Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class Helpers { hidden static [PSObject] LoadOfflineConfigFile([string] $fileName, [bool] $parseJson) { $rootConfigPath = [Constants]::AzSKAppFolderPath ; return [Helpers]::LoadOfflineConfigFile($fileName, $true,$rootConfigPath); } hidden static [PSObject] LoadOfflineConfigFile([string] $fileName, [bool] $parseJson, $path) { #Load file from AzSK App folder $rootConfigPath = $path ; $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($fileName); $filePath = $null if(Test-Path -Path $rootConfigPath) { $filePath = (Get-ChildItem $rootConfigPath -Name -Recurse -Include $fileName) | Select-Object -First 1 } #If file not present in App folder load settings from Configurations in Module folder if (!$filePath) { $rootConfigPath = Join-Path (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName "Configurations"; $filePath = (Get-ChildItem $rootConfigPath -Name -Recurse -Include $fileName) | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($filePath) { if($parseJson) { if($extension -eq ".json" -or $extension -eq ".lawsview") { $fileContent = (Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $rootConfigPath $filePath)) | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $fileContent = (Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $rootConfigPath $filePath)) } } else { $fileContent = (Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $rootConfigPath $filePath)) } } else { throw "Unable to find the specified file '$fileName'" } if (-not $fileContent) { throw "The specified file '$fileName' is empty" } return $fileContent; } static AbstractClass($obj, $classType) { $type = $obj.GetType() if ($type -eq $classType) { throw("Class '$type' must be inherited") } } static [string] SanitizeFolderName($folderPath) { return ($folderPath -replace '[<>:"/\\\[\]|?*]', ''); } static [string] ConvertObjectToString([PSObject] $dataObject, [bool] $defaultPsOutput) { [string] $msg = ""; if ($dataObject) { if ($dataObject.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord") { if($dataObject.Exception -is [SuppressedException]) { $msg = $dataObject.Exception.ConvertToString(); } else { if ($defaultPsOutput) { $msg = $dataObject.ToString(); } else { $msg = ($dataObject | Out-String) + "`r`nStackTrace: " + $dataObject. ScriptStackTrace } } } else { if ($defaultPsOutput -or $dataObject.GetType() -eq [string]) { $msg = $dataObject | Out-String; } else { try { #$msg = $dataObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-String; #$msg = [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($dataObject); $msg = [JsonHelper]::ConvertToPson($dataObject); } catch { $e = $_ $msg = $dataObject | Format-List | Out-String; } $msg = $msg.Trim(); #$msg = $msg.TrimStart("`r`n"); } } } return $msg.Trim("`r`n"); } static [bool] CompareObject($referenceObject, $differenceObject) { return [Helpers]::CompareObject($referenceObject, $differenceObject, $false) } static [bool] CompareObject($referenceObject, $differenceObject, [bool] $strictComparison) { $result = $true; if ($null -ne $referenceObject) { if ($null -ne $differenceObject) { if ($referenceObject -is "Array") { if ($differenceObject -is "Array") { if ((-not $strictComparison) -or ($referenceObject.Count -eq $differenceObject.Count)) { foreach ($refObject in $referenceObject) { $arrayResult = $false; foreach ($diffObject in $differenceObject) { $arrayResult = [Helpers]::CompareObject($refObject, $diffObject, $strictComparison); if ($arrayResult) { break; } } $result = $result -and $arrayResult if (-not $arrayResult) { break; } } } else { $result = $false; } } else { $result = $false; } } # Condition for all primitive types elseif ($referenceObject -is "string" -or $referenceObject -is "ValueType") { # For primitive types, use default comparer $result = $result -and (((Compare-Object $referenceObject $differenceObject) | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) } else { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObjectProperties($referenceObject, $differenceObject, $strictComparison) } } else { $result = $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $differenceObject) { $result = $true; } else { $result = $false; } return $result; } hidden static [bool] CompareObjectProperties($referenceObject, $differenceObject, [bool] $strictComparison) { $result = $true; $refProps = @(); $diffProps = @(); $refProps += [Helpers]::GetProperties($referenceObject); $diffProps += [Helpers]::GetProperties($differenceObject); if ((-not $strictComparison) -or ($refProps.Count -eq $diffProps.Count)) { foreach ($propName in $refProps) { $refProp = $referenceObject.$propName; if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace(($diffProps | Where-Object { $_ -eq $propName } | Select-Object -First 1))) { $compareProp = $differenceObject.$propName; if ($null -ne $refProp) { if ($null -ne $compareProp) { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObject($refProp, $compareProp, $strictComparison); } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $compareProp) { $result = $result -and $true; } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } else { $result = $false; } if (-not $result) { break; } } } else { $result = $false; } return $result; } static [bool] CompareObject($referenceObject, $differenceObject, [bool] $strictComparison,$AttestComparisionType) { $result = $true; if ($null -ne $referenceObject) { if ($null -ne $differenceObject) { if ($referenceObject -is "Array") { if ($differenceObject -is "Array") { if ((-not $strictComparison) -or ($referenceObject.Count -eq $differenceObject.Count)) { foreach ($refObject in $referenceObject) { $arrayResult = $false; foreach ($diffObject in $differenceObject) { if($AttestComparisionType -eq [ComparisionType]::NumLesserOrEqual) { $arrayResult = [Helpers]::CompareObject($refObject, $diffObject, $strictComparison,$AttestComparisionType); } else { $arrayResult = [Helpers]::CompareObject($refObject, $diffObject, $strictComparison); } if ($arrayResult) { break; } } $result = $result -and $arrayResult if (-not $arrayResult) { break; } } } else { $result = $false; } } else { $result = $false; } } # Condition for all primitive types elseif ($referenceObject -is "string" -or $referenceObject -is "ValueType") { # For primitive types, use default comparer if($AttestComparisionType -eq [ComparisionType]::NumLesserOrEqual) { $result = $result -and ($referenceObject -ge $differenceObject) } else { $result = $result -and (((Compare-Object $referenceObject $differenceObject) | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) } } else { if($AttestComparisionType -eq [ComparisionType]::NumLesserOrEqual) { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObjectProperties($referenceObject, $differenceObject, $strictComparison,$AttestComparisionType) } else { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObjectProperties($referenceObject, $differenceObject, $strictComparison) } } } else { $result = $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $differenceObject) { $result = $true; } else { $result = $false; } return $result; } hidden static [bool] CompareObjectProperties($referenceObject, $differenceObject, [bool] $strictComparison,$AttestComparisionType) { $result = $true; $refProps = @(); $diffProps = @(); $refProps += [Helpers]::GetProperties($referenceObject); $diffProps += [Helpers]::GetProperties($differenceObject); if ((-not $strictComparison) -or ($refProps.Count -eq $diffProps.Count)) { foreach ($propName in $refProps) { $refProp = $referenceObject.$propName; if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace(($diffProps | Where-Object { $_ -eq $propName } | Select-Object -First 1))) { $compareProp = $differenceObject.$propName; if ($null -ne $refProp) { if ($null -ne $compareProp) { if($AttestComparisionType -eq [ComparisionType]::NumLesserOrEqual) { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObject($refProp, $compareProp, $strictComparison,$AttestComparisionType); } else { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObject($refProp, $compareProp, $strictComparison); } } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $compareProp) { $result = $result -and $true; } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } else { $result = $false; } if (-not $result) { break; } } } else { $result = $false; } return $result; } static [string[]] GetProperties($object) { $props = @(); if($object) { if ($object -is "Hashtable") { $object.Keys | ForEach-Object { $props += $_; }; } else { ($object | Get-Member -MemberType Properties) | ForEach-Object { $props += $_.Name; }; } } return $props; } static [bool] CompareObjectOld($referenceObject, $differenceObject) { $result = $true; if ($null -ne $referenceObject) { if ($null -ne $differenceObject) { ($referenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties) | ForEach-Object { $refProp = $referenceObject."$($_.Name)"; if ($differenceObject | Get-Member -Name $_.Name) { $compareProp = $differenceObject."$($_.Name)"; if ($null -ne $refProp) { if ($null -ne $compareProp) { if ($refProp.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject") { $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CompareObjectOld($refProp, $compareProp); } else { $result = $result -and (((Compare-Object $refProp $compareProp) | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) } } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $compareProp) { $result = $result -and $true; } else { $result = $result -and $false; } } else { $result = $false; } } } else { $result = $false; } } elseif ($null -eq $differenceObject) { $result = $true; } else { $result = $false; } return $result; } static [bool] CheckMember([PSObject] $refObject, [string] $memberPath) { return [Helpers]::CheckMember($refObject, $memberPath, $true); } static [bool] CheckMember([PSObject] $refObject, [string] $memberPath, [bool] $checkNull) { [bool]$result = $false; if ($refObject) { $properties = @(); $properties += $memberPath.Split("."); if ($properties.Count -gt 0) { $currentItem = $properties.Get(0); if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($currentItem)) { if ($refObject | Get-Member -Name $currentItem) { if ($properties.Count -gt 1) { if($refObject.$currentItem) { $result = $true; $result = $result -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($refObject.$currentItem, [string]::Join(".", $properties[1..($properties.length - 1)])); } } else { if($checkNull) { if($refObject.$currentItem) { $result = $true; } } else { $result = $true; } } } } } } return $result; } static [PSObject] SelectMembers([PSObject] $refObject, [string[]] $memberPaths) { $result = $null; if ($null -ne $refObject) { if ($refObject -is "Array") { $result = @(); $refObject | ForEach-Object { $memberValue = [Helpers]::SelectMembers($_, $memberPaths); if ($null -ne $memberValue) { $result += $memberValue; } }; } else { $processedMemberPaths = @(); $objectProps = [Helpers]::GetProperties($refObject); if ($objectProps.Count -ne 0 -and $null -ne $memberPaths -and $memberPaths.Count -ne 0) { $memberPaths | Where-Object { -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object { $splitPaths = @(); $splitPaths += $_.Split("."); $firstMemberPath = $splitPaths.Get(0); if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($firstMemberPath) -and $objectProps.Contains($firstMemberPath)) { $pathObject = $processedMemberPaths | Where-Object { $_.MemberPath -eq $firstMemberPath } | Select-Object -First 1; if (-not $pathObject) { $pathObject = @{ MemberPath = $firstMemberPath; ChildPaths = @(); }; $processedMemberPaths += $pathObject; } # Count > 1 indicates that it has child path if ($splitPaths.Count -gt 1) { $pathObject.ChildPaths += [string]::Join(".", $splitPaths[1..($splitPaths.length - 1)]); } } }; } if ($processedMemberPaths.Count -ne 0) { $processedMemberPaths | ForEach-Object { $memberValue = $null; if ($_.ChildPaths.Count -eq 0) { $memberValue = $refObject."$($_.MemberPath)"; } else { $memberValue = [Helpers]::SelectMembers($refObject."$($_.MemberPath)", $_.ChildPaths); } if ($null -ne $memberValue) { if ($null -eq $result) { $result = New-Object PSObject; } $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ($_.MemberPath) -Value $memberValue; } }; } else { $result = $refObject; } } } return $result; } static [string] FetchTagsString([PSObject]$TagsHashTable) { [string] $tagsString = ""; try { if(($TagsHashTable | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $TagsHashTable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $key = $_; $value = $TagsHashTable[$key]; $tagsString = $tagsString + "$($key):$($value);"; } } } catch { #eat exception as if not able to fetch tags, it would return empty instead of breaking the flow } return $tagsString; } static [string] ComputeHash([String] $data) { $HashValue = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("SHA256").ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($data))| ForEach-Object { [void]$HashValue.Append($_.ToString("x")) } return $HashValue.ToString() } static [VerificationResult] EvaluateVerificationResult([VerificationResult] $verificationResult, [AttestationStatus] $attestationStatus) { [VerificationResult] $result = $verificationResult; # No action required if Attestation status is None OR verification result is Passed if ($attestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::None -or $verificationResult -ne [VerificationResult]::Passed) { # Changing State Machine logic #if($verificationResult -eq [VerificationResult]::Verify -or $verificationResult -eq [VerificationResult]::Manual) #{ switch ($attestationStatus) { ([AttestationStatus]::NotAnIssue) { $result = [VerificationResult]::Passed; break; } ([AttestationStatus]::WillNotFix) { $result = [VerificationResult]::Exception; break; } ([AttestationStatus]::WillFixLater) { $result = [VerificationResult]::Remediate; break; } ([AttestationStatus]::NotApplicable) { $result = [VerificationResult]::Passed; break; } ([AttestationStatus]::StateConfirmed) { $result = [VerificationResult]::Passed; break; } ([AttestationStatus]::ApprovedException) { $result = $verificationResult; break; } } #} #elseif($verificationResult -eq [VerificationResult]::Failed -or $verificationResult -eq [VerificationResult]::Error) #{ # $result = [VerificationResult]::RiskAck; #} } return $result; } static [PSObject] NewSecurePassword() { #create password $randomBytes = New-Object Byte[] 32 $provider = [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::Create() $provider.GetBytes($randomBytes) $provider.Dispose() $pwstring = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($randomBytes) $newPassword = new-object securestring $pwstring.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { $newPassword.AppendChar($_) } $encryptedPassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $newPassword -Key (1..16) $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $encryptedPassword -Key (1..16) return $securePassword } static [PSObject] DeepCopy([PSObject] $inputObject) { $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $binaryFormatter = New-Object System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter $binaryFormatter.Serialize($memoryStream, $inputObject) $memoryStream.Position = 0 $dataDeep = $binaryFormatter.Deserialize($memoryStream) $memoryStream.Close() return $dataDeep } static [bool] ValidateEmail([string]$address){ $validAddress = ($address -as [System.Net.Mail.MailAddress]) return ($null -ne $validAddress -and $validAddress.Address -eq $address ) } #Returns invalid email list static [string[]] ValidateEmailList([string[]]$emailList ) { $invalidEmails = @(); $emailList | ForEach-Object { if(-not [Helpers]::ValidateEmail($_)) { $invalidEmails += $_ } } return $invalidEmails } static [Object] MergeObjects([Object] $source,[Object] $extend, [string] $idName) { $idPropName = "Id"; if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($idName)) { $idPropName = $idName; } if($source.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject" -and $extend.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject"){ foreach($Property in $extend | Get-Member -type NoteProperty, Property){ if(-not [Helpers]::CheckMember($source,$Property.Name,$false)){ $source | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $extend.$($Property.Name) -Name $Property.Name ` } $source.$($Property.Name) = [Helpers]::MergeObjects($source.$($Property.Name), $extend.$($Property.Name), $idName) } } elseif($source.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]" -and $extend.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]"){ if([Helpers]::IsPSObjectArray($source) -or [Helpers]::IsPSObjectArray($extend)) { foreach($extendArrElement in $extend) { $PropertyId = $extendArrElement | Get-Member -type NoteProperty, Property | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $idPropName} | Select-Object -First 1 if(($PropertyId | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $PropertyId = $PropertyId | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $PropertyId = $extendArrElement | Get-Member -type NoteProperty, Property | Select-Object -First 1 } $sourceElement = $source | Where-Object { $_.$($PropertyId.Name) -eq $extendArrElement.$($PropertyId.Name) } if($sourceElement) { $sourceElement = [Helpers]::MergeObjects($sourceElement, $extendArrElement, $idName) } else { $source +=$extendArrElement } } } else { $source = ($source + $extend) if ($source.Count -gt 0) { $source = $source | Select-Object -Unique } } } else{ $source = $extend; } return $source } static [Object] MergeObjects([Object] $source,[Object] $extend) { return [Helpers]::MergeObjects($source,$extend,""); } static [Bool] IsPSObjectArray($arrayObj) { if(($arrayObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $firstElement = $arrayObj | Select-Object -First 1 if($firstElement.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject") { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } #BOM replace function static [void] RemoveUtf8BOM([System.IO.FileInfo] $file) { [Helpers]::SetUtf8Encoding($file); if($file) { $byteBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 3 $reader = $file.OpenRead() $bytesRead = $reader.Read($byteBuffer, 0, 3); if ($bytesRead -eq 3 -and $byteBuffer[0] -eq 239 -and $byteBuffer[1] -eq 187 -and $byteBuffer[2] -eq 191) { $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $writer = [System.IO.File]::OpenWrite($tempFile) $reader.CopyTo($writer) $writer.Dispose() $reader.Dispose() Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $file.FullName -Force } else { $reader.Dispose() } } } static [void] SetUtf8Encoding([System.IO.FileInfo] $file) { if($file) { # using utf8 encoding to read file content in order to avoid introduction of special chars, which occurs when there is a discrepancy in encoding used to read and write a file. $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding utf8; if($fileContent) { Out-File -InputObject $fileContent -Force -FilePath $file.FullName -Encoding utf8 } } } static [void] CleanupLocalFolder($folderPath) { try { if(Test-Path $folderPath) { Remove-Item -Path $folderPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } catch{ #this call happens from finally block. Try to clean the files, if it don't happen it would get cleaned in the next attempt } } static [void] CreateFolderIfNotExist($FolderPath,$MakeFolderEmpty) { if(-not (Test-Path $FolderPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FolderPath -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } elseif($MakeFolderEmpty) { Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $FolderPath "*") -Force -Recurse } } Static [string] GetSubString($CotentString, $Pattern) { return [regex]::match($CotentString, $pattern).Groups[1].Value } #TODO: Currently this function is specific to Org PolicyHealth Check. Need to make generic Static [string] IsStringEmpty($String) { if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($String)) { return "Not Available" } else { $String= $String.Split("?")[0] return $String } } Static [bool] IsSASTokenUpdateRequired($policyUrl) { [System.Uri] $validatedUri = $null; $IsSASTokenUpdateRequired = $false if([System.Uri]::TryCreate($policyUrl, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedUri) -and $validatedUri.Query.Contains("&se=")) { $pattern = '&se=(.*?)T' [DateTime] $expiryDate = Get-Date if([DateTime]::TryParse([Helpers]::GetSubString($($validatedUri.Query),$pattern),[ref] $expiryDate)) { if($expiryDate.AddDays(-[Constants]::SASTokenExpiryReminderInDays) -lt [DateTime]::UtcNow) { $IsSASTokenUpdateRequired = $true } } } return $IsSASTokenUpdateRequired } Static [string] GetUriWithUpdatedSASToken($policyUrl, $updateUrl) { [System.Uri] $validatedUri = $null; $UpdatedUrl = $policyUrl if([System.Uri]::TryCreate($policyUrl, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedUri) -and $validatedUri.Query.Contains("&se=") -and [System.Uri]::TryCreate($policyUrl, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedUri)) { $UpdatedUrl = $policyUrl.Split("?")[0] + "?" + $updateUrl.Split("?")[1] } return $UpdatedUrl } static [string] ReadInput($Prompt) { return (Read-Host -Prompt $Prompt).Trim() } static [string] CreateSharedKey([string] $StringToSign,[string] $ResourceName,[string] $AccessKey) { $KeyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($AccessKey) $HMAC = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $HMAC.Key = $KeyBytes $UnsignedBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($StringToSign) $KeyHash = $HMAC.ComputeHash($UnsignedBytes) $SignedString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($KeyHash) $sharedKey = $ResourceName+":"+$SignedString return $sharedKey } } |