
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# FeatureFlightingManager.ps1
class FeatureFlightingManager
    hidden static [FeatureFlight] $FeatureFlight = $null;
    hidden static $FeatureStatusCache = @{};

    hidden static [bool] GetFeatureStatus([string] $FeatureName, [string] $SubscriptionId)
        #SubscriptionId can either be specific subscription Id or "*"
        #Specific Subscription - To check feature status for that particular subscription
        #"*" - To check feature status irrespective of subscription
        #So to check the feature status we will first query the hashtable with subscription specific key
        #If not found then we will query the hashtable with All subscription key
        $SubscriptionSpecificFeatureKey = $FeatureName + "-" + $SubscriptionId
        $AllSubscriptionFeatureKey = $FeatureName + "-" + "*"
            return [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureStatusCache["$SubscriptionSpecificFeatureKey"]
        elseif([FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureStatusCache.ContainsKey($AllSubscriptionFeatureKey) -and [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureStatusCache["$AllSubscriptionFeatureKey"])
            return $true

        $featureStatus = $true;
        if($null -eq [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureFlight)
            [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureFlight = [FeatureFlightingManager]::FetchFeatureFlightConfigData();
        $feature = [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureFlight.Features | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $FeatureName};
        if(($feature | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)
            if($feature.IsEnabled -eq $true)
                #Print preview note if the preview flag is enabled for this feature
                if($feature.UnderPreview -eq $true)
                    [EventBase]::PublishGenericCustomMessage("Note: $FeatureName Feature is currently under Preview.", [MessageType]::Info);
                $scanSource = [AzSKSettings]::GetInstance().GetScanSource();
                $compatibleScanSource = ($feature.Sources | Where-Object { $_ -eq $scanSource -or $_ -eq "*" } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0;                
                #Check if the feature scan source is compatible
                if(-not $compatibleScanSource)
                    $featureStatus = $false;    
                #Check if the sub is marked under disabled list for this feature
                #Added the or condition for the scenario where input subscription id is "*" i.e ALL but we have DisabledForSubs count > 0
                elseif(($feature.DisabledForSubs | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (($feature.DisabledForSubs | Where-Object { $_ -eq $SubscriptionId } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -or $SubscriptionId -eq "*"))
                    $featureStatus = $false;    
                #Check if the sub is marked under enabled list or * for this feature
                elseif(($feature.EnabledForSubs | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and ($feature.EnabledForSubs | Where-Object { $_ -eq $SubscriptionId -or $_ -eq "*"} | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                    $featureStatus = $false;
            else {
                $featureStatus = $false;
        #Store the feature status in cache
        [FeatureFlightingManager]::FeatureStatusCache["$SubscriptionSpecificFeatureKey"] = $featureStatus
        return $featureStatus;        
    hidden static [FeatureFlight] FetchFeatureFlightConfigData()
        [FeatureFlight] $flightingData = [FeatureFlight]::new();
        $flightingData = [FeatureFlight] [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("FeatureFlighting.json");
        return $flightingData;