
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
function Set-AzSKSubscriptionRBAC 
    This command sets up centrally-required RBAC for a given Subscription
    This command sets up centrally-required RBAC for a given Subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Subscription id for which the security evaluation has to be performed.
            Provide tag names for processing specific policies. Comma separated values are supported.
    .PARAMETER Force
            Switch to apply RBAC forcefully regardless of latest RBAC already present on subscription.
    .PARAMETER DoNotOpenOutputFolder
            Switch to specify whether to open output folder containing all security evaluation report or not.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Subscription id for which the security evaluation has to be performed.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide tag names for processing specific policies. Comma separated values are supported.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to apply RBAC forcefully regardless of latest RBAC already present on subscription.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to specify whether to open output folder containing all security evaluation report or not.")]


            # Adding all mandatory tags
            $modifiedTags = [string]::Join(",", [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().SubscriptionMandatoryTags);
            if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Tags))
                $modifiedTags = $modifiedTags + "," +$Tags;

            $rbac = [RBAC]::new($SubscriptionId, $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation, $modifiedTags);
            if ($rbac) 
                return $rbac.InvokeFunction($rbac.SetRBACAccounts);


function Remove-AzSKSubscriptionRBAC 
    This command clears RBAC set up using the Set-AzSKSubscriptionRBAC command. It always removes any deprecated accounts on the subscription.
    This command clears RBAC set up using the Set-AzSKSubscriptionRBAC command. It always removes any deprecated accounts on the subscription. Any required central accounts can be removed only if 'mandatory' tag is specified.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Subscription ID of the Azure subscription in which organization policy store will be created.
            Provide tag names for processing specific policies. Comma separated values are supported.
    .PARAMETER DoNotOpenOutputFolder
            Switch to specify whether to open output folder containing all security evaluation report or not.
    .PARAMETER Force
            Switch to apply subscription security configurations forcefully regardless of latest updates already present on subscription.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Subscription id for which the security evaluation has to be performed.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide tag names for processing specific policies. Comma separated values are supported.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to apply subscription security configurations forcefully regardless of latest updates already present on subscription.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Switch to specify whether to open output folder containing all security evaluation report or not.")]



            $rbac = [RBAC]::new($SubscriptionId, $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation, $Tags);
            if ($rbac) 
                $rbac.Force = $true
                return $rbac.InvokeFunction($rbac.RemoveRBACAccounts);
