
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest 
class APIManagement: AzSVTBase

    hidden [PSObject] $APIMContext = $null;
    hidden [PSObject] $APIMInstance = $null;
    hidden [PSObject] $APIMAPIs = $null;
    hidden [PSObject] $APIMProducts = $null;
    hidden [PSObject] $APIUserAuth = $null;

    hidden [PSObject] $ResourceObject;

    APIManagement([string] $subscriptionId, [SVTResource] $svtResource): 
        Base($subscriptionId, $svtResource) 

     hidden [PSObject] GetResourceObject()
        if (-not $this.ResourceObject) {
            $this.ResourceObject = Get-AzResource -Name $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName  `
                                    -ResourceType $this.ResourceContext.ResourceType `
                                    -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName
            if(-not $this.ResourceObject)
                throw ([SuppressedException]::new(("Resource '{0}' not found under Resource Group '{1}'" -f ($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName), ($this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName)), [SuppressedExceptionType]::InvalidOperation))
                $this.APIMContext = New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName -ServiceName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName
                $this.APIMInstance = Get-AzApiManagement -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName -Name $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName
                $this.APIMAPIs = Get-AzApiManagementApi -Context $this.APIMContext
                $this.APIMProducts = Get-AzApiManagementProduct -Context $this.APIMContext
        return $this.ResourceObject;
    [ControlItem[]] ApplyServiceFilters([ControlItem[]] $controls)
        $result = @();
            if($controls.Count -eq 0)
                return $controls;

            # Filter controls based on Tier
            if($this.APIMInstance.Sku -eq "Premium")
                $result += $controls | Where-Object {$_.Tags -contains "PremiumSku" }
            elseif($this.APIMInstance.Sku -eq "Standard")
                $result += $controls | Where-Object {$_.Tags -contains "StandardSku" }
            elseif($this.APIMInstance.Sku -eq "Basic")
                $result += $controls | Where-Object {$_.Tags -contains "BasicSku" }
            elseif($this.APIMInstance.Sku -eq "Developer")
                $result += $controls | Where-Object {$_.Tags -contains "DeveloperSku" }

            # Filter controls: API and Products
            if(-not $this.APIMAPIs)
                $result = $result | Where-Object {$_.Tags -notcontains "APIMAPIs" }
            if(-not $this.APIMProducts)
                $result = $result | Where-Object {$_.Tags -notcontains "APIMProducts" }
        return $result;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIMMetricAlert([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $this.CheckMetricAlertConfiguration($this.ControlSettings.MetricAlert.APIManagement, $controlResult, "");
        return $controlResult;
    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIMURLScheme([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMAPIs)
            $nonCompliantAPIs = $this.APIMAPIs | Where-Object {$_.Protocols.count -gt 1 -or $_.Protocols[0] -ne [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.Models.PsApiManagementSchema]::Https } |`
                                Select-Object ServiceName, ResourceGroupName, Name, ApiId, Protocols, ServiceUrl
            if(($nonCompliantAPIs|Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Below API(s) are configured to use non-secure HTTP access to the backend via API Management.", $nonCompliantAPIs)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("API(s) using non-secure HTTP access", $nonCompliantAPIs);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckSecretNamedValues([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            $allNamedValues = @()
            $allNamedValues += Get-AzApiManagementProperty -Context $this.APIMContext 
            if($allNamedValues.count -eq 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No named values are present in this API Management service.")        
                $nonsecretNamedValues = $allNamedValues | where-object {$_.Secret -eq $false}
                if(($nonsecretNamedValues |Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                    $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Below named value(s) are not marked as secret, use secret named value if it contains sensitive data.", $nonsecretNamedValues.Id)
                    $controlResult.SetStateData("Unencrypted variable(s)", $nonsecretNamedValues.Id);
                    $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "")
        return $controlResult;
    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIMProtocolsAndCiphersConfiguration([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $isNonCompliant = $false
        $nonCompliantConfigurations = @()
        # TLS 1.2 is always enabled in case on APIM
        # Here we check if old, unsecure protocol configurations are enabled
        if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ResourceObject, "properties.customProperties"))
            $ | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | `
            Where-Object { $($this.ControlSettings.APIManagement.UnsecureProtocolsAndCiphersConfiguration) -contains $_.Name } | `
            ForEach-Object {
                if ($"$($_.Name)" -eq 'true')
                    $nonCompliantConfigurations += @{ $_.Name = $"$($_.Name)" }
                    $isNonCompliant = $true

                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Ensure that protocols and ciphers configuration below are disabled.", $($nonCompliantConfigurations))
                $controlResult.SetStateData("Below protocols and ciphers configuration are enabled", $($nonCompliantConfigurations));
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "The old versions of protocols and ciphers configuration are disabled.")
        return $controlResult;
    hidden [ControlResult] CheckRequiresSubscription([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        # Currently, two more subscription scopes: all APIs and a single API are available in the API Management Consumption tier only.
        # We do not recommend All APIs scope because a single key will grant access all APIs within an API Management instance.

        if($null -ne $this.APIMProducts)
            $Product = $this.APIMProducts | Where-Object { ($_.State -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.Models.PsApiManagementProductState]::Published) -and ($_.SubscriptionRequired -eq $false )}
            if(($Product | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "'Requires Subscription' option is turned OFF for below Products in '$($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName)' API Management instance.", $Product.ProductId )
                $controlResult.SetStateData("API product(s) open for public access without the requirement of subscriptions", $Product.ProductId);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckRequiresApproval([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMProducts)
            $Product = $this.APIMProducts | Where-Object { $_.State -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.Models.PsApiManagementProductState]::Published }
            if(($null -ne $Product) -and ($Product.ApprovalRequired -contains $false))
                $Product = $Product | Where-Object { $_.ApprovalRequired -eq $false}
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "'Requires Approval' option is turned OFF for below Products in '$($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName)' API Management instance.", $Product.ProductId)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("API product(s) where subscription attempts are auto-approved", $Product.ProductId);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckManagementAPIDisabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            $tenantAccess = Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccess -Context $this.APIMContext
            if(($null -ne $tenantAccess) -and ($tenantAccess.Enabled -eq $true))
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "'Enable API Management REST API' option is turned ON.") 
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckGitHubIsUsedInAPIM([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            $tenantSyncState = Get-AzApiManagementTenantSyncState -Context $this.APIMContext
            if(($tenantSyncState.IsGitEnabled -eq $true) -and ($tenantSyncState.CommitId -ne $null))
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Verify that constant string values, including secrets, across all API configuration and policies are not checked in Git repository.") 
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAADIdentityProviderEnabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            # Check if registration using 'Username and Password' is enabled
            $IsBasicRegistrationEnabled = $false
            $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetResourceManagerUrl()            
            $failMsg = ""
            if($null -ne $json)
                    $IsBasicRegistrationEnabled = $json.settings.'CustomPortalSettings.RegistrationEnabled'
                    $failMsg = "Unable to validate control. Please verify from portal that user registration using 'Username and Password' is disabled. To verify, go to APIM service instance -> Settings -> Identities."
            # Check if sign in using external Identity provider is enabled
            $identityProvider = Get-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider -Context $this.APIMContext
            $nonAADIdentityProvider = $identityProvider | Where-Object { $this.ControlSettings.APIManagement.AllowedIdentityProvider -notcontains  $_.Type}
            # Consolidate result for attestation drift
            $result = @()
            if(($IsBasicRegistrationEnabled -eq $true) -or (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($failMsg)))
                $result += "Username and Password"
            if(($nonAADIdentityProvider | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $result += $nonAADIdentityProvider | ForEach-Object {$_.Type}

            if(($result | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "$($failMsg)`r`nBelow listed Identity provider(s) are enabled in '$($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName)' API management instance. Enterprise applications using APIM must authenticate developers/applications using Azure Active Directory backed credentials.", $result)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("Sign in option enabled on developer portal other than AAD", $result);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIMDeployedInVNet([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMInstance)
            if($this.APIMInstance.VpnType -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.Models.PsApiManagementVpnType]::None)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "'$($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName)' API management instance is not deployed inside a virtual network. Consider hosting APIM within a virtual network for improved isolation.") 
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual,"'$($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName)' API management instance is deployed in $($this.APIMInstance.VpnType) mode inside a virtual network.")
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckDefaultProductsExist([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMProducts)
            $Product = $this.APIMProducts | Where-Object { ($_.ProductId -eq 'starter') -or ($_.ProductId -eq 'unlimited') }
            if(($Product | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "APIM contains sample products. Delete the two sample products: Starter and Unlimited.", $Product.ProductId) 
                $controlResult.SetStateData("APIM service sample product", $Product.ProductId);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckClientCertAuthDisabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if(($null -ne $this.APIMContext) -and ($null -ne $this.APIMAPIs))
            $ClientCertAuthDisabledInAPIs = ($this.APIMAPIs).ApiId | ForEach-Object {
                $apiPolicy = $null
                try {
                    $apiPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_ -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                    # No need to break execution
                $certThumbprint = $null
                if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiPolicy)) {
                    $certThumbprint = $apiPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//authentication-certificate" | foreach { $_.Node.thumbprint }    
                if($certThumbprint -eq $null)

            if($null -ne $ClientCertAuthDisabledInAPIs)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Gateway authentication using client certificate is not enabled in below APIs.", $ClientCertAuthDisabledInAPIs) 
                $controlResult.SetStateData("Gateway authentication using client certificate is not enabled in APIs", $ClientCertAuthDisabledInAPIs);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIManagementCORSAllowed([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if(($null -ne $this.APIMContext) -and ($null -ne $this.APIMAPIs))
            $Result = @()
            $MaxApiCount = 10
            $SleepTime = 30
                $SleepTime = $this.ControlSettings.SleepTime
                $MaxApiCount = $this.ControlSettings.MaxApiCount
            $Counter = 0
            if ( ($this.APIMAPIs | Measure-Object).Count -gt $this.ControlSettings.APIManagement.MaxAllowedAPICount)
                # If number of APIs is higher than MaxAllowedAPICount, the control is marked as Verify.
                # This check has been implemented because of the execution time of control in case of large subscription
                # In this case, user must follow the FAQ provided in recommendation to check API/Operation level policy
                    [MessageData]::new("Total API count: $(($this.APIMAPIs | Measure-Object).Count)`n`rVerify that CORS access is granted to a minimal set of trusted origins and only required verbs are supported.`n`rEnsure that CORS is not enabled in APIM with access from all domains ('*'). Using '*' (allow all) for CORS setting means that all cross-origin requests are allowed."));
                #Policy Scope: API
                #Policy Scope: Operation
                $this.APIMAPIs | Select-Object ApiId, Name | ForEach-Object {
                    #Policy Scope: API

                    if($Counter -ge $MaxApiCount)
                        $Counter = 0
                    $Counter ++
                    $APIPolicy = $null
                        $APIPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId -ErrorAction Stop
                        # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                        # No need to break execution
                    $AllowedOrigins = $null
                    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($APIPolicy))
                        $AllowedOrigins = $APIPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//cors//origin" | foreach { $_.Node.InnerXML }
                    if($null -ne $AllowedOrigins)
                        $Policy = "" | Select-Object Scope, Name, Id, AllowedOrigins
                        $Policy.Scope = "API"
                        $Policy.Name = $_.Name
                        $Policy.Id = $_.ApiId
                        $Policy.AllowedOrigins = $($AllowedOrigins -join ",")

                        $Result += $Policy
                    #Policy Scope: Operation
                    Get-AzApiManagementOperation -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId | ForEach-Object {
                        $OperationPolicy = $null
                            $OperationPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId -OperationId $_.OperationId -ErrorAction Stop
                            # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                            # No need to break execution
                        $AllowedOrigins = $null
                        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OperationPolicy))
                            $AllowedOrigins = $OperationPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//cors//origin" | foreach { $_.Node.InnerXML }
                        if ($null -ne $AllowedOrigins)
                            $Policy = "" | Select-Object Scope, ScopeName, ScopeId, AllowedOrigins
                            $Policy.Scope = "Operation"
                            $Policy.ScopeName = $_.Name
                            $Policy.ScopeId = $_.OperationId
                            $Policy.AllowedOrigins = $($AllowedOrigins -join ",")

                            $Result += $Policy

                $FailedResult = $Result | Where-Object { $_.AllowedOrigins.Split(",") -contains "*" }

                if(($FailedResult | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                    $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed  , 
                                        [MessageData]::new("CORS is enabled in APIM with access from all domains ('*') " + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName, $FailedResult));
                    $controlResult.SetStateData("CORS setting Allowed Origins", $FailedResult);
                elseif(($Result | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                        [MessageData]::new("CORS is enabled in APIM with access from below custom domains."),$Result);
                    $controlResult.SetStateData("CORS setting Allowed Origins",$Result);
                                        [MessageData]::new("No CORS settings found for "+$this.ResourceContext.ResourceName));
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckRestrictedCallerIPs([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if ( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            $IsAPILevelPolicyEvaluated = $false
            $Message = ""
            $Index = 1
            $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo = @()
            #Policy Scope: Gobal
            $GlobalPolicy = $null
                $GlobalPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ErrorAction Stop
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                # No need to break execution
            $RestrictedIPs = $null
            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($GlobalPolicy))
                $RestrictedIPs = $GlobalPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//ip-filter" | foreach { $_.Node }
            if ($null -ne $RestrictedIPs)
                $Policy = "" | Select Scope, ScopeName, ScopeId, Action, AddressRange, Status
                $Policy.Scope = "Global"
                $Policy.Action = $RestrictedIPs.Action
                $Policy.AddressRange = $RestrictedIPs | Select-Object Address, Address-Range
                $Policy.Status = 'Enabled'
                $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo += $Policy
                $Message += "[$($Index)] Scope: Global;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: True"

                $Message += "[$($Index)] Scope: Global;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: False"
            #Policy Scope: Product
            if ($null -ne $this.APIMProducts)
                $TotalProduct = ($this.APIMProducts | Measure-Object).Count
                $ProductsWithIPFilter = 0
                $this.APIMProducts | ForEach-Object {
                    $ProductPolicy = $null
                        $ProductPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ProductId $_.ProductId -ErrorAction Stop
                        # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                        # No need to break execution
                    $RestrictedIPs = $null
                    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProductPolicy))
                        $RestrictedIPs = $ProductPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//ip-filter" | foreach { $_.Node }
                    if ($null -ne $RestrictedIPs)
                        $Policy = "" | Select Scope, ScopeName, ScopeId, Action, AddressRange, Status
                        $Policy.Scope = "Product"
                        $Policy.ScopeName = $_.Title
                        $Policy.ScopeId = $_.ProductId
                        $Policy.Action = $RestrictedIPs.Action
                        $Policy.AddressRange = $RestrictedIPs | Select-Object Address, Address-Range
                        $Policy.Status = 'Enabled'
                        $ProductsWithIPFilter = $ProductsWithIPFilter + 1

                        $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo += $Policy

                $Index = $Index + 1
                if ($ProductsWithIPFilter -gt 0)
                    $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: Product;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: True;`tTotalProducts: $($TotalProduct);`tProductsWithIPRestriction: $($ProductsWithIPFilter)"
                    $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: Product;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: False;`tTotalProducts: $($TotalProduct);`tProductsWithIPRestriction: $($ProductsWithIPFilter)"

            $TotalApis = ($this.APIMAPIs | Measure-Object).Count
            if ( $TotalApis -gt $this.ControlSettings.APIManagement.MaxAllowedAPICount)
                # If number of APIs is higher than MaxAllowedAPICount, the control is marked as Verify.
                # This check has been implemented because of the execution time of control in case of large subscription
                # In this case, user must follow the FAQ provided in recommendation to check API/Operation level policy
                $IsAPILevelPolicyEvaluated = $false
                $Index = $Index + 1
                $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: API;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: Not evaluated;`tTotalApis: $($TotalApis)";
                $Message += "`n`rThe control could not be evaluated at API and Operations level due to high number of APIs. You will need to verify policies manually."
                #Policy Scope: API
                #Policy Scope: Operation
                $IsAPILevelPolicyEvaluated = $true
                $APIsWithIPRestriction = 0
                $OperationsWithIPRestriction = 0
                $TotalOperations = 0
                $MaxApiCount = 10
                $SleepTime = 30
                if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "SleepTime"))
                    $SleepTime = $this.ControlSettings.SleepTime
                if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "MaxApiCount"))
                    $MaxApiCount = $this.ControlSettings.MaxApiCount
                $Counter = 0
                if ($null -ne $this.APIMAPIs)
                    $this.APIMAPIs | Select-Object ApiId, Name | ForEach-Object {
                        #Policy Scope: API
                        if ($Counter -ge $MaxApiCount)
                            $Counter = 0
                        $Counter ++
                        $APIPolicy = $null
                            $APIPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId -ErrorAction Stop
                            # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                            # No need to break execution
                        $RestrictedIPs = $null
                        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($APIPolicy))
                            $RestrictedIPs = $APIPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//ip-filter" | foreach { $_.Node }
                        if ($null -ne $RestrictedIPs)
                            $Policy = "" | Select Scope, ScopeName, ScopeId, Action, AddressRange, Status
                            $Policy.Scope = "API"
                            $Policy.ScopeName = $_.Name
                            $Policy.ScopeId = $_.ApiId
                            $Policy.Action = $RestrictedIPs.Action
                            $Policy.AddressRange = $RestrictedIPs | Select-Object Address, Address-Range
                            $Policy.Status = 'Enabled'
                            $APIsWithIPRestriction = $APIsWithIPRestriction + 1

                            $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo += $Policy
                        #Policy Scope: Operation
                        $Operations = Get-AzApiManagementOperation -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId
                        $TotalOperations = $TotalOperations + ($Operations | Measure-Object).Count 
                        $Operations | ForEach-Object {
                            $OperationPolicy = $null
                                $OperationPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId -OperationId $_.OperationId -ErrorAction Stop
                                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                                # No need to break execution
                            $RestrictedIPs = $null
                            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OperationPolicy))
                                $RestrictedIPs =  $OperationPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//ip-filter" | foreach { $_.Node }
                            if ($null -ne $RestrictedIPs)
                                $Policy = "" | Select Scope, ScopeName, ScopeId, Action, AddressRange, Status
                                $Policy.Scope = "Operation"
                                $Policy.ScopeName = $_.Name
                                $Policy.ScopeId = $_.OperationId
                                $Policy.Action = $RestrictedIPs.Action
                                $Policy.AddressRange = $RestrictedIPs | Select-Object Address, Address-Range
                                $Policy.Status = 'Enabled'
                                $OperationsWithIPRestriction = $OperationsWithIPRestriction + 1

                                $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo += $Policy

                    $Index = $Index + 1
                    if (($APIsWithIPRestriction | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                        $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: API;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: True;`tTotalApis: $($TotalApis);`tAPIsWithIPRestriction: $($APIsWithIPRestriction)"    
                        $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: API;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: False;`tTotalApis: $($TotalApis);`tAPIsWithIPRestriction: $($APIsWithIPRestriction)"    

                    $Index = $Index + 1
                    if (($OperationsWithIPRestriction | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                        $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: Operation;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: True;`tTotalOperations: $($TotalOperations);`tOperationsWithIPRestriction: $($OperationsWithIPRestriction)"    
                        $Message += "`n`r[$($Index)] Scope: Operation;`tIsIPRestrictionConfigured: False;`tTotalOperations: $($TotalOperations);`tOperationsWithIPRestriction: $($OperationsWithIPRestriction)"    

            #Fail control if universal address range is used
            $anyToAnyIPFilter = @()
            $allowedIPRange = $RestrictedCallerIPsInfo | Where-Object { $_.Action -eq 'Allow' }
            if (($allowedIPRange | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $anyToAnyIPFilter = $allowedIPRange | ForEach-Object {
                    $AddressRange = $_.AddressRange[0].'address-range' | Where-Object { 
                        if (($_ | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                            (($_.from -eq $this.ControlSettings.IPRangeStartIP -and $ -eq $this.ControlSettings.IPRangeEndIP) -or `
                                ($_.from -eq $this.ControlSettings.IPRangeEndIP -and $ -eq $this.ControlSettings.IPRangeStartIP))
                    if ($AddressRange)
                        return $_

            if (($anyToAnyIPFilter | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Below IP restriction(s) are configured in $($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName) API management instance.", $anyToAnyIPFilter)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("Restricted caller IPs", $anyToAnyIPFilter);
            elseif ((($RestrictedCallerIPsInfo | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) -or $($IsAPILevelPolicyEvaluated -eq $false))
                $controlResult.AddMessage("Following are the IP policies at various scopes in this APIM instance:")
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, [MessageData]::new($Message))
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Unable to validate control. Please verify from portal that IP restirction is enabled for APIs.")
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckApplicationInsightsEnabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext)
            $apimLogger = Get-AzApiManagementLogger -Context $this.APIMContext | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.Models.PsApiManagementLoggerType]::ApplicationInsights }
            if($null -ne $apimLogger)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Application Insights logger is enabled for" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName, $apimLogger) 
                $controlResult.SetStateData("APIs using Application Insights for logging",$apimLogger);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckGuestGroupUsedInProduct([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if(($null -ne $this.APIMContext) -and ($null -ne $this.APIMProducts))
            $GuestGroupUsedInProductList = $this.APIMProducts | ForEach-Object {
                $GroupDetails = Get-AzApiManagementGroup -Context $this.APIMContext -ProductId $_.ProductId
                if([Helpers]::CheckMember($GroupDetails,"GroupId") -and $GroupDetails.GroupId -contains 'guests')

            if($null -ne $GuestGroupUsedInProductList)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Guest groups is added to below products access control.", $GuestGroupUsedInProductList.ProductId) 
                $controlResult.SetStateData("Products open to Guest users",$GuestGroupUsedInProductList.ProductId);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckDelegatedAuthNEnabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetResourceManagerUrl()            
        if(($null -ne $json) -and (($json | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0))
            if(([Helpers]::CheckMember($json[0],"properties")) -and (($json[0].properties.subscriptions.enabled -eq $true) -or ($json[0].properties.userRegistration.enabled -eq $true)))
                                         [MessageData]::new("Delegated authentication is enabled for $($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName). Please ensure that it is implemented securely."));
                                     [MessageData]::new("Your APIM instance is not using Delegated authentication. It is specifically turned Off."));
                                 [MessageData]::new("Unable to validate control. Please verify from portal if the Delegated authentication is On, then it is implemented securely."));
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckAPIManagementMsiEnabled([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        if($null -ne $this.APIMInstance)
            if(([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.APIMInstance.Identity,"Type",$false)) -and ($this.APIMInstance.Identity.type -eq [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ApiManagement.Models.PsApiManagementServiceIdentityType]::SystemAssigned))
                                             [MessageData]::new("Your APIM instance is using Managed Service Identity(MSI). It is specifically turned On."));
                                             [MessageData]::new("Your APIM instance is not using Managed Service Identity(MSI). It is specifically turned Off."));
        return $controlResult;
    hidden [ControlResult] CheckUserAuthorizationSettingInAPI([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $this.APIUserAuth = $this.CheckUserAuthorizationSettingEnabledinAPI();
        if(($this.APIUserAuth.Disabled | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
            $APIListWithDisabledUserAuth = $this.APIUserAuth.Disabled | Select ApiId, ServiceUrl
            $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "User Authorization : OAuth 2.0 or OpenID connect is not enabled in below APIs.", $APIListWithDisabledUserAuth)
            $controlResult.SetStateData("User Authorization not enabled in APIs", $APIListWithDisabledUserAuth);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckJWTValidatePolicyInAPI([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $this.APIUserAuth = $this.CheckUserAuthorizationSettingEnabledinAPI();
        $JWTValidatePolicyNotFound = @()
        if(($this.APIUserAuth -ne 'ResourceNotFound') -and ($null -ne $this.APIMContext) -and ($null -ne $this.APIMAPIs))
            $this.APIMAPIs | ForEach-Object {
                $apiPolicy = $null
                try {
                    $apiPolicy = Get-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context $this.APIMContext -ApiId $_.ApiId -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the command to fetch policy fails due to network issue or if the policy is not accessible from portal
                    # No need to break execution

                $IsPolicyEnabled = $null
                if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiPolicy)) {
                    $IsPolicyEnabled = $apiPolicy | Select-Xml -XPath "//inbound//validate-jwt"    
                if($null -eq $IsPolicyEnabled)
                    $JWTValidatePolicyNotFound += $_
            # FailedApiList here is the list of API Ids for which user authentication is enabled but jwt validation is added in policy
            $FailedApiList = @()
            if(($JWTValidatePolicyNotFound | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and ($this.APIUserAuth.Enabled | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $FailedApiList = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $this.APIUserAuth.Enabled.ApiID -DifferenceObject $JWTValidatePolicyNotFound.ApiId -IncludeEqual | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "==" }
            if(($JWTValidatePolicyNotFound | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and ($this.APIUserAuth.Enabled | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and ($FailedApiList | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "JWT Token validation not found for OAuth/OpenID connect authorization.", $FailedApiList)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("JWT Token validation not found",$FailedApiList);
            elseif(($JWTValidatePolicyNotFound| Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $JWTNotFoundReturnObj = $JWTValidatePolicyNotFound | Select-Object ApiId, ServiceUrl
                $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify,"The 'validate-jwt' policy is not configured in below APIs.", $JWTNotFoundReturnObj)
                $controlResult.SetStateData("JWT Token validation not found", $JWTNotFoundReturnObj);
        return $controlResult;

    hidden [PSObject] CheckUserAuthorizationSettingEnabledinAPI()
        if( $null -ne $this.APIMContext -and ($null -ne $this.APIMAPIs))
            if ($null -eq $this.APIUserAuth)
                $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetResourceManagerUrl()
                $this.APIUserAuth = "" | Select-Object Enabled, Disabled
                $this.APIUserAuth.Enabled = @()
                $this.APIUserAuth.Disabled = @()
                $this.APIMAPIs | ForEach-Object {
                    # REST API to fetch user authorization setting at API level
                    if(($null -ne $json) -and (($json | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0))
                        if(([Helpers]::CheckMember($json[0],"properties.authenticationSettings")) -and ([Helpers]::CheckMember($json, "properties.authenticationSettings.oAuth2") -or [Helpers]::CheckMember($json, "properties.authenticationSettings.openid")))
                            $this.APIUserAuth.Enabled += $_
                            $this.APIUserAuth.Disabled += $_

            return $this.APIUserAuth;
            return "ResourceNotFound";
