Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class CAAutomation : ADOSVTCommandBase { hidden [string] $SubscriptionId hidden [string] $Location hidden [string] $OrganizationToScan hidden [System.Security.SecureString] $PATToken hidden [string] $TimeStamp hidden [string] $StorageName hidden [string] $AppServicePlanName = "ADOScannerFAPlan" hidden [string] $FuncAppDefaultName = "ADOScannerFA" hidden [string] $KVDefaultName = "ADOScannerKV" hidden [string] $FuncAppName hidden [string] $AppInsightsName hidden [string] $KeyVaultName hidden [string] $ImageName hidden [datetime] $ScanTriggerTimeUTC hidden [datetime] $ScanTriggerLocalTime hidden [string] $SecretName = "PATForADOScan" hidden [string] $StorageKind = "StorageV2" hidden [string] $StorageType = "Standard_LRS" hidden [string] $LAWSName = "ADOScannerLAWS" hidden [bool] $CreateLAWS hidden [string] $ProjectNames hidden [string] $ExtendedCommand hidden [string] $LAWSsku = "Standard" hidden [string[]] $CreatedResources = @(); hidden [string[]] $updatedAppSettings = @(); hidden [string] $RGName hidden [string] $LAWSId hidden [string] $LAWSSharedKey hidden [bool] $SetupComplete hidden [string] $messages [PSObject] $ControlSettings; CAAutomation( [string] $SubId, ` [string] $Loc, ` [string] $OrgName, ` [System.Security.SecureString] $PATToken, ` [string] $ResourceGroupName, ` [string] $LAWorkspaceId, ` [string] $LAWorkspaceKey, ` [string] $Proj, ` [string] $ExtCmd, ` [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext, ` [bool] $CreateLAWS) : Base($OrgName, $invocationContext) { $this.SubscriptionId = $SubId $this.OrganizationToScan = $OrgName $this.PATToken = $PATToken $this.ProjectNames = $Proj $this.ExtendedCommand = $ExtCmd $this.TimeStamp = (Get-Date -format "yyMMddHHmmss") $this.StorageName = "adoscannersa"+$this.TimeStamp $this.FuncAppName = $this.FuncAppDefaultName + $this.TimeStamp $this.KeyVaultName = $this.KVDefaultName+$this.TimeStamp $this.AppInsightsName = $this.FuncAppName $this.SetupComplete = $false $this.ScanTriggerTimeUTC = [System.DateTime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes(20) $this.ScanTriggerLocalTime = $(Get-Date).AddMinutes(20) $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); $this.CreateLAWS = $CreateLAWS if (($null -ne $this.ControlSettings) -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "DockerImage.ImageName")) { $this.ImageName = $this.ControlSettings.DockerImage.ImageName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceGroupName)) { $this.RGName = [Constants]::AzSKADORGName } else{ $this.RGName = $ResourceGroupName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Loc)) { $this.Location =[Constants]::AzSKADORGLocation } else { $this.Location = $Loc } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LAWorkspaceId) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LAWorkspaceKey) ) { if ($this.CreateLAWS -ne $true) { $this.messages = "Log Analytics Workspace details are missing. Use -CreateWorkspace switch to create a new workspace while setting up CA. Setup will continue...`r`n" } else{ $this.LAWSName += $this.TimeStamp } } else { $this.LAWSId = $LAWorkspaceId $this.LAWSSharedKey = $LAWorkspaceKey } } CAAutomation( [string] $SubId, ` [string] $OrgName, ` [System.Security.SecureString] $PATToken, ` [string] $ResourceGroupName, ` [string] $LAWorkspaceId, ` [string] $LAWorkspaceKey, ` [string] $Proj, ` [string] $ExtCmd, ` [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) : Base($OrgName, $invocationContext) { $this.SubscriptionId = $SubId $this.OrganizationToScan = $OrgName $this.PATToken = $PATToken $this.ProjectNames = $Proj $this.ExtendedCommand = $ExtCmd $this.SetupComplete = $false $this.LAWSId = $LAWorkspaceId $this.LAWSSharedKey = $LAWorkspaceKey <# $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); if (($null -ne $this.ControlSettings) -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "DockerImage.ImageName")) { $this.ImageName = $this.ControlSettings.DockerImage.ImageName } #> if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceGroupName)) { $this.RGName = [Constants]::AzSKADORGName } else{ $this.RGName = $ResourceGroupName } } [string] ValidateUserPermissions() { $output =''; try { #Step 1: Get context. Connect to account if required $Context = @(Get-AzContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) if ($Context.count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No active Azure login session found. Initiating login flow...", [MessageType]::Info); Connect-AzAccount -ErrorAction Stop $Context = @(Get-AzContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } #Step 2 : Check if Owner or Contributor role is available at subscription scope. if ($null -eq $Context) { $output = "No Azure login found. Azure login context is required to setup Continuous Assurance." } else { if($Context.Subscription.SubscriptionId -ne $this.SubscriptionId) { $Context = set-azcontext -Subscription $this.SubscriptionId -Force } $Scope = "/subscriptions/"+$this.SubscriptionId $RoleAssignment = @((Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $Scope -SignInName $Context.Account.Id -IncludeClassicAdministrators ).RoleDefinitionName | where {$_ -eq "Owner" -or $_ -eq "CoAdministrator" -or $_ -match "ServiceAdministrator"} ) if ($RoleAssignment.Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Please make sure you have Owner role on target subscription. If your permissions were elevated recently, please run the 'Disconnect-AzAccount' command to clear the Azure cache and try again.", [MessageType]::Info); } $output = 'OK' } } catch{ $output += $_; $this.messages += $Error } return $output } [MessageData[]] InstallAzSKADOContinuousAssurance() { [MessageData[]] $messageData = @(); $this.messages += ([Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nStarted setting up Continuous Assurance (CA)`r`n"+[Constants]::DoubleDashLine); $this.PublishCustomMessage($this.messages, [MessageType]::Info); try { $output = $this.ValidateUserPermissions(); if($output -ne 'OK') # if there is some while validating permissions output will contain exception { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Error validating permissions on the subscription", [MessageType]::Error); $messageData += [MessageData]::new($output) } else { if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.ImageName)) { $messageData += [MessageData]::new("If you are using customized org policy, please ensure DockerImageName is defined in your ControlSettings.json") $this.PublishCustomMessage($messageData.Message, [MessageType]::Error); return $messageData } #Step 1: If RG does not exist then create new if((Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $this.RGname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $RG = @(New-AzResourceGroup -Name $this.RGname -Location $this.Location) if($RG.Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("New resource group '$($this.RGname)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("New resource group '$($this.RGname)' created", [MessageType]::Update); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Resource group: [$($this.RGname)] already exists. Skipping RG creation.", [MessageType]::Update); } $this.PublishCustomMessage("Creating required resources in resource group '$($this.RGname)'....", [MessageType]::Info); #Step 2: Create app service plan "Elastic Premium" if ((($AppServPlan =Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $this.RGName -ResourceType 'Microsoft.web/serverfarms' -Name $this.AppServicePlanName) | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $AppServPlan = New-AzResource -ResourceName $this.AppServicePlanName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -ResourceType Microsoft.web/serverfarms -ApiVersion "2018-02-01" -Location $this.Location -Kind Elastic -Properties @{"reserved"=$true;} -Sku @{name= "EP1";tier = "ElasticPremium";size= "EP1";family="EP";capacity= 1} -Force if($null -eq $AppServPlan) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("AppService plan '$($this.AppServicePlanName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("AppService plan '$($this.AppServicePlanName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $AppServPlan.ResourceId } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("AppService Plan: [$($this.AppServicePlanName)] already exists. Skipping creation.", [MessageType]::Update); } #Step 3: Create storage account $StorageAcc = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -Name $this.StorageName -Type $this.StorageType -Location $this.Location -Kind $this.StorageKind -EnableHttpsTrafficOnly $true -ErrorAction Stop if($null -eq $StorageAcc) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Storage account '$($this.StorageName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Storage '$($this.StorageName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $StorageAcc.Id } #Step 4: Create Function app $FuncApp = New-AzFunctionApp -DockerImageName $this.ImageName -SubscriptionId $this.SubscriptionId -Name $this.FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -StorageAccountName $this.StorageName -IdentityType SystemAssigned -PlanName $this.AppServicePlanName if($null -eq $FuncApp) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Function app '$($this.FuncAppName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Function app '$($this.FuncAppName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $FuncApp.Id } #Step 5: Validate if AI got created $AppInsight = Get-AzResource -Name $this.AppInsightsName -ResourceType Microsoft.Insights/components if($null -eq $AppInsight) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Application Insights '$($this.AppInsightsName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Application Insights '$($this.AppInsightsName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $AppInsight.ResourceId } #Step 6: Create LAW if applicable if ($this.CreateLAWS -eq $true) { $LAWorkspace = @(New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -Location $this.Location -Name $this.LAWSName -Sku $this.LAWSsku -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname) if($LAWorkspace -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Log Analytics Workspace '$($this.LAWSName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.LAWSId = $LAWorkspace.CustomerId.Guid.ToString() $SharedKeys = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceSharedKey -Name $this.LAWSName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -WarningAction silentlycontinue $this.LAWSSHaredKey = $SharedKeys.PrimarySharedKey $this.PublishCustomMessage("Log Analytics Workspace '$($this.LAWSName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $LAWorkspace.ResourceId } } #Step 7: Create keyvault $KeyVault = New-AzKeyVault -Name $this.KeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -Location $this.Location if($null -eq $KeyVault) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("KeyVault '$($this.KeyVaultName)' creation failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("KeyVault '$($this.KeyVaultName)' created", [MessageType]::Update); $this.CreatedResources += $KeyVault.resourceid } #Step 8: Add PAT token secret to KeyVault #$Secret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $this.PATToken -AsPlainText -Force $CreatedSecret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $this.KeyVaultName -Name $this.SecretName -SecretValue $this.PATToken if($null -eq $CreatedSecret) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("PAT Secret creation in KeyVault failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("PAT Secret created in KeyVault", [MessageType]::Update); } #Step 9: Get Identity details of function app to provide access on keyvault and storage $FuncApp = Get-AzWebApp -Name $this.FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname $FuncAppIdentity= $FuncApp.Identity.PrincipalId $MSIAccessToKV = Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $this.KeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -PermissionsToSecrets get,list -PassThru -ObjectId $FuncAppIdentity $IsMSIAccess = $MSIAccessToKV.AccessPolicies | ForEach-Object { if ($_.ObjectId -match $FuncAppIdentity ) {return $true }} if($IsMSIAccess -eq $true) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("MSI access to KeyVault provided", [MessageType]::Update); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("MSI access to KeyVault failed", [MessageType]::Error); } $MSIAccessToSA = New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $FuncAppIdentity -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor" -ResourceName $this.StorageName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -ResourceType Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts if($null -eq $MSIAccessToSA) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("MSI access to storage failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("MSI access to storage provided", [MessageType]::Update); } #Step 10: Configure required env variables in function app for scan $uri = $CreatedSecret.Id $uri = $uri.Substring(0,$uri.LastIndexOf('/')) #Turn on "Always ON" for function app and also fetch existing app settings and append the required ones. This has to be done as appsettings get overwritten $WebApp = Get-AzWebApp -Name $this.FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname #-AlwaysOn $true $ExistingAppSettings = $WebApp.SiteConfig.AppSettings #convert existing app settings from list to hashtable $AppSettingsHT = @{} foreach ($Setting in $ExistingAppSettings) { $AppSettingsHT["$($Setting.Name)"] = "$($Setting.value)" } $NewAppSettings = @{ "ScheduleTriggerTime" = "0 $($this.ScanTriggerTimeUTC.Minute) $($this.ScanTriggerTimeUTC.Hour) * * *"; "SubscriptionId" = $this.SubscriptionId; "LAWSId" = $this.LAWSId; "LAWSSharedKey" = $this.LAWSSharedKey; "OrgName" = $this.OrganizationToScan; "PATToken" = "@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=$uri)"; "StorageRG" = $this.RGname; "ProjectNames" = $this.ProjectNames; "ExtendedCommand" = $this.ExtendedCommand; "StorageName" = $this.StorageName; } $AppSettings = $NewAppSettings + $AppSettingsHT $updatedWebApp = Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $this.FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -AppSetting $AppSettings -Force if($updatedWebApp.Count -ne $AppSettings.Count) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("App settings update failed", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("App settings updated", [MessageType]::Update); } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`r`nSetup Complete!", [MessageType]::Update); Restart-AzFunctionApp -name $this.FuncAppName -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -SubscriptionId $this.SubscriptionId -Force $this.PublishCustomMessage("Scan will begin at $($this.ScanTriggerLocalTime)", [MessageType]::Update); $this.SetupComplete = $true $messageData += [MessageData]::new("The following resources were created in resource group $($this.RGName) as part of AzSK.AzureDevOps Continuous Assurance", ($this.CreatedResources| Out-String)) } } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage("ADO Scanner CA setup failed!", [MessageType]::Error); $this.PublishCustomMessage($_, [MessageType]::Error); $messageData += [MessageData]::new($Error) } finally { if ($this.SetupComplete -eq $false) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("CA Setup could not be completed. Deleting created resources...", [MessageType]::Warning); if ($this.CreatedResources.Count -ne 0) { Foreach ($resourceId in $this.CreatedResources) { Remove-AzResource -ResourceId $resourceId -Force $Index = $resourceId.LastIndexOf('/') + 1 ; $ResourceName = $resourceId.Substring($Index) $this.PublishCustomMessage("Deleted resource: $($ResourceName)", [MessageType]::Info); } } else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("No resource was created.", [MessageType]::Info); } } } return $messageData } [MessageData[]] UpdateAzSKADOContinuousAssurance() { [MessageData[]] $messageData = @(); $updateAppSettings = $false $updatePATToken = $false $this.messages += ([Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nStarted updating Continuous Assurance (CA)`r`n"+[Constants]::DoubleDashLine); $this.PublishCustomMessage($this.messages, [MessageType]::Info); try { $output = $this.ValidateUserPermissions(); if($output -ne 'OK') # if there is some while validating permissions output will contain exception { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Error validating permissions on the subscription", [MessageType]::Error); $messageData += [MessageData]::new($output) } else { #Step 1: Validate if app settings update is required based on input paramaeters. $this.invocationContext.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | foreach-object { # If input param is other than below 3 then app settings update will be required if($_.Key -ne "SubscriptionId" -and $_.Key -ne "ResourceGroupName" -and $_.Key -ne "PATToken") { $updateAppSettings = $true } if($_.Key -eq "PATToken") { $updatePATToken = $true } } #Step 2: Validate if RG exists. if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.RGname)) { $RG = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $this.RGname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $RG) { $messageData += [MessageData]::new("Resource group '$($this.RGname)' not found. Please validate the resource group name." ) $this.PublishCustomMessage($messageData.Message, [MessageType]::Error); return $messageData } } #Step 3: If only subid and/or RG name params are used then display below message if ($updateAppSettings -eq $false -and $updatePATToken -eq $false) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Please use additonal parameters to perform update on LAWSId, LAWSSharedKey, OrganizationName, PATToken, ProjectNames, ExtendedCommand", [MessageType]::Info); } #Step 4: Update PATToken in KV (if applicable) if ($updatePATToken -eq $true) { #Get KeyVault resource from RG $keyVaultResource = @((Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -ResourceType "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults").Name | where {$_ -match $this.KVDefaultName}) if($keyVaultResource.Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("ADOScanner KeyVault is not available in resource group '$($this.RGname)'. Update Failed!", [MessageType]::Error); } elseif ($keyVaultResource.Count -gt 1) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("More than one ADOScanner KeyVault is available in resource group '$($this.RGname)'. Update Failed!", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $CreatedSecret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultResource[0] -Name $this.SecretName -SecretValue $this.PATToken if($null -eq $CreatedSecret) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to update PATToken. Please validate your permissions in access policy of the KeyVault '$($keyVaultResource[0])'", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Secret updated in '$($keyVaultResource[0])' KeyVault", [MessageType]::Update); } } } #Step 5: Update Function app settings (if applicable) if ($updateAppSettings -eq $true) { #Get function app resource from RG to get existing app settings details $appServResource = @((Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/Sites").Name | where {$_ -match $this.FuncAppDefaultName}) if($appServResource.Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("ADOScanner FunctionApp is not available in resource group '$($this.RGname)'. Update Failed!", [MessageType]::Error); } elseif ($appServResource.Count -gt 1) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("More than one ADOScanner app service is available in resource group '$($this.RGname)'. Update Failed!", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $WebApp = Get-AzWebApp -Name $appServResource[0] -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname $ExistingAppSettings = $WebApp.SiteConfig.AppSettings #convert existing app settings from list to hashtable $AppSettingsHT = @{} foreach ($Setting in $ExistingAppSettings) { $AppSettingsHT["$($Setting.Name)"] = "$($Setting.value)" } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.OrganizationToScan)) { $AppSettingsHT["OrgName"] = $this.OrganizationToScan } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.LAWSId) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.LAWSSharedKey)) { $AppSettingsHT["LAWSId"] = $this.LAWSId $AppSettingsHT["LAWSSharedKey"] = $this.LAWSSharedKey } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.ExtendedCommand )) { $AppSettingsHT["ExtendedCommand"] = $this.ExtendedCommand } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.ProjectNames )) { $AppSettingsHT["ProjectNames"] = $this.ProjectNames } $updatedWebApp = Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $appServResource[0] -ResourceGroupName $this.RGname -AppSetting $AppSettingsHT -Force if($null -eq $updatedWebApp) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("App settings update failed in '$($appServResource[0])'", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("App settings updated in '$($appServResource[0])'", [MessageType]::Update); } } } } } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage("ADO Scanner CA update failed!", [MessageType]::Error); $this.PublishCustomMessage($_, [MessageType]::Error); $messageData += [MessageData]::new($Error) } return $messageData } } |