
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code
# is regenerated.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Get the test notifications by the notification id
Get the test notifications by the notification id
{{ Add code here }}
{{ Add code here }}
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
ACTIONGROUPINPUTOBJECT <IActionGroupIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [ActionGroupName <String>]: The name of the action group.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [NotificationId <String>]: The notification id
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: The ID of the target subscription.
INPUTOBJECT <IActionGroupIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [ActionGroupName <String>]: The name of the action group.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [NotificationId <String>]: The notification id
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: The ID of the target subscription.

function Get-AzActionGroupTestNotification {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Get', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # The name of the action group.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentityActionGroup', Mandatory)]
    # The notification id

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # The name of the resource group.
    # The name is case insensitive.

    # The ID of the target subscription.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentityActionGroup', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Get-AzActionGroupTestNotification_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Get-AzActionGroupTestNotification_GetViaIdentity';
            GetViaIdentityActionGroup = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Get-AzActionGroupTestNotification_GetViaIdentityActionGroup';
        if (('Get') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubscriptionId') ) {
            $testPlayback = $false
            $PSBoundParameters['HttpPipelinePrepend'] | Foreach-Object { if ($_) { $testPlayback = $testPlayback -or ('Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Monitor.ActionGroup.Runtime.PipelineMock' -eq $_.Target.GetType().FullName -and 'Playback' -eq $_.Target.Mode) } }
            if ($testPlayback) {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' 'utils' 'Get-SubscriptionIdTestSafe.ps1')
            } else {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


update a new action group or update an existing one.
update a new action group or update an existing one.
{{ Add code here }}
{{ Add code here }}
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
ARMROLERECEIVER <IArmRoleReceiver[]>: The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported.
  Name <String>: The name of the arm role receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  RoleId <String>: The arm role id.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
AUTOMATIONRUNBOOKRECEIVER <IAutomationRunbookReceiver[]>: The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group.
  AutomationAccountId <String>: The Azure automation account Id which holds this runbook and authenticate to Azure resource.
  IsGlobalRunbook <Boolean>: Indicates whether this instance is global runbook.
  RunbookName <String>: The name for this runbook.
  WebhookResourceId <String>: The resource id for webhook linked to this runbook.
  [Name <String>]: Indicates name of the webhook.
  [ServiceUri <String>]: The URI where webhooks should be sent.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
AZUREAPPPUSHRECEIVER <IAzureAppPushReceiver[]>: The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group.
  EmailAddress <String>: The email address registered for the Azure mobile app.
  Name <String>: The name of the Azure mobile app push receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
AZUREFUNCTIONRECEIVER <IAzureFunctionReceiver[]>: The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group.
  FunctionAppResourceId <String>: The azure resource id of the function app.
  FunctionName <String>: The function name in the function app.
  HttpTriggerUrl <String>: The http trigger url where http request sent to.
  Name <String>: The name of the azure function receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
EMAILRECEIVER <IEmailReceiver[]>: The list of email receivers that are part of this action group.
  EmailAddress <String>: The email address of this receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the email receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
EVENTHUBRECEIVER <IEventHubReceiver[]>: The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group.
  EventHubName <String>: The name of the specific Event Hub queue
  EventHubNameSpace <String>: The Event Hub namespace
  Name <String>: The name of the Event hub receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  SubscriptionId <String>: The Id for the subscription containing this event hub
  [TenantId <String>]: The tenant Id for the subscription containing this event hub
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
ITSMRECEIVER <IItsmReceiver[]>: The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group.
  ConnectionId <String>: Unique identification of ITSM connection among multiple defined in above workspace.
  Name <String>: The name of the Itsm receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  Region <String>: Region in which workspace resides. Supported values:'centralindia','japaneast','southeastasia','australiasoutheast','uksouth','westcentralus','canadacentral','eastus','westeurope'
  TicketConfiguration <String>: JSON blob for the configurations of the ITSM action. CreateMultipleWorkItems option will be part of this blob as well.
  WorkspaceId <String>: OMS LA instance identifier.
LOGICAPPRECEIVER <ILogicAppReceiver[]>: The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group.
  CallbackUrl <String>: The callback url where http request sent to.
  Name <String>: The name of the logic app receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  ResourceId <String>: The azure resource id of the logic app receiver.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
SMSRECEIVER <ISmsReceiver[]>: The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group.
  CountryCode <String>: The country code of the SMS receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  PhoneNumber <String>: The phone number of the SMS receiver.
VOICERECEIVER <IVoiceReceiver[]>: The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group.
  CountryCode <String>: The country code of the voice receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the voice receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  PhoneNumber <String>: The phone number of the voice receiver.
WEBHOOKRECEIVER <IWebhookReceiver[]>: The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group.
  Name <String>: The name of the webhook receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  ServiceUri <String>: The URI where webhooks should be sent.
  [IdentifierUri <String>]: Indicates the identifier uri for aad auth.
  [ObjectId <String>]: Indicates the webhook app object Id for aad auth.
  [TenantId <String>]: Indicates the tenant id for aad auth.
  [UseAadAuth <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether or not use AAD authentication.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.

function Set-AzActionGroup {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    # The name of the action group.

    # The name of the resource group.
    # The name is case insensitive.

    # The ID of the target subscription.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Resource location

    # The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group.
    # Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported.

    # The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of email receivers that are part of this action group.

    # Indicates whether this action group is enabled.
    # If an action group is not enabled, then none of its receivers will receive communications.

    # The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The short name of the action group.
    # This will be used in SMS messages.

    # The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group.

    # Resource tags

    # The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaJsonFilePath', Mandatory)]
    # Path of Json file supplied to the Update operation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaJsonString', Mandatory)]
    # Json string supplied to the Update operation

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            UpdateExpanded = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Set-AzActionGroup_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaJsonFilePath = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Set-AzActionGroup_UpdateViaJsonFilePath';
            UpdateViaJsonString = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Set-AzActionGroup_UpdateViaJsonString';
        if (('UpdateExpanded', 'UpdateViaJsonFilePath', 'UpdateViaJsonString') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubscriptionId') ) {
            $testPlayback = $false
            $PSBoundParameters['HttpPipelinePrepend'] | Foreach-Object { if ($_) { $testPlayback = $testPlayback -or ('Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Monitor.ActionGroup.Runtime.PipelineMock' -eq $_.Target.GetType().FullName -and 'Playback' -eq $_.Target.Mode) } }
            if ($testPlayback) {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' 'utils' 'Get-SubscriptionIdTestSafe.ps1')
            } else {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


Send test notifications to a set of provided receivers
Send test notifications to a set of provided receivers
$sms1 = New-AzActionGroupSmsReceiverObject -CountryCode 86 -Name user1 -PhoneNumber 'phonenumber'
$email2 = New-AzActionGroupEmailReceiverObject -EmailAddress -Name user2
Test-AzActionGroup -ActionGroupName actiongroup1 -ResourceGroupName monitor-action -AlertType servicehealth -Receiver $email2,$sms1
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
ARMROLERECEIVER <IArmRoleReceiver[]>: The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported.
  Name <String>: The name of the arm role receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  RoleId <String>: The arm role id.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
AUTOMATIONRUNBOOKRECEIVER <IAutomationRunbookReceiver[]>: The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group.
  AutomationAccountId <String>: The Azure automation account Id which holds this runbook and authenticate to Azure resource.
  IsGlobalRunbook <Boolean>: Indicates whether this instance is global runbook.
  RunbookName <String>: The name for this runbook.
  WebhookResourceId <String>: The resource id for webhook linked to this runbook.
  [Name <String>]: Indicates name of the webhook.
  [ServiceUri <String>]: The URI where webhooks should be sent.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
AZUREAPPPUSHRECEIVER <IAzureAppPushReceiver[]>: The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group.
  EmailAddress <String>: The email address registered for the Azure mobile app.
  Name <String>: The name of the Azure mobile app push receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
AZUREFUNCTIONRECEIVER <IAzureFunctionReceiver[]>: The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group.
  FunctionAppResourceId <String>: The azure resource id of the function app.
  FunctionName <String>: The function name in the function app.
  HttpTriggerUrl <String>: The http trigger url where http request sent to.
  Name <String>: The name of the azure function receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
EMAILRECEIVER <IEmailReceiver[]>: The list of email receivers that are part of this action group.
  EmailAddress <String>: The email address of this receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the email receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
EVENTHUBRECEIVER <IEventHubReceiver[]>: The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group.
  EventHubName <String>: The name of the specific Event Hub queue
  EventHubNameSpace <String>: The Event Hub namespace
  Name <String>: The name of the Event hub receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  SubscriptionId <String>: The Id for the subscription containing this event hub
  [TenantId <String>]: The tenant Id for the subscription containing this event hub
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
INPUTOBJECT <IActionGroupIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [ActionGroupName <String>]: The name of the action group.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [NotificationId <String>]: The notification id
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: The ID of the target subscription.
ITSMRECEIVER <IItsmReceiver[]>: The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group.
  ConnectionId <String>: Unique identification of ITSM connection among multiple defined in above workspace.
  Name <String>: The name of the Itsm receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  Region <String>: Region in which workspace resides. Supported values:'centralindia','japaneast','southeastasia','australiasoutheast','uksouth','westcentralus','canadacentral','eastus','westeurope'
  TicketConfiguration <String>: JSON blob for the configurations of the ITSM action. CreateMultipleWorkItems option will be part of this blob as well.
  WorkspaceId <String>: OMS LA instance identifier.
LOGICAPPRECEIVER <ILogicAppReceiver[]>: The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group.
  CallbackUrl <String>: The callback url where http request sent to.
  Name <String>: The name of the logic app receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  ResourceId <String>: The azure resource id of the logic app receiver.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.
SMSRECEIVER <ISmsReceiver[]>: The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group.
  CountryCode <String>: The country code of the SMS receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  PhoneNumber <String>: The phone number of the SMS receiver.
VOICERECEIVER <IVoiceReceiver[]>: The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group.
  CountryCode <String>: The country code of the voice receiver.
  Name <String>: The name of the voice receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  PhoneNumber <String>: The phone number of the voice receiver.
WEBHOOKRECEIVER <IWebhookReceiver[]>: The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group.
  Name <String>: The name of the webhook receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group.
  ServiceUri <String>: The URI where webhooks should be sent.
  [IdentifierUri <String>]: Indicates the identifier uri for aad auth.
  [ObjectId <String>]: Indicates the webhook app object Id for aad auth.
  [TenantId <String>]: Indicates the tenant id for aad auth.
  [UseAadAuth <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether or not use AAD authentication.
  [UseCommonAlertSchema <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether to use common alert schema.

function Test-AzActionGroup {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonFilePath', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonString', Mandatory)]
    # The name of the action group.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonFilePath', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonString', Mandatory)]
    # The name of the resource group.
    # The name is case insensitive.

    # The ID of the target subscription.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # The value of the supported alert type.
    # Supported alert type values are: servicehealth, metricstaticthreshold, metricsdynamicthreshold, logalertv2, smartalert, webtestalert, logalertv1numresult, logalertv1metricmeasurement, resourcehealth, activitylog, actualcostbudget, forecastedbudget

    # The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group.
    # Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported.

    # The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of email receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group.

    # The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonFilePath', Mandatory)]
    # Path of Json file supplied to the Create operation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaJsonString', Mandatory)]
    # Json string supplied to the Create operation

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Run the command as a job

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Run the command asynchronously

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            CreateExpanded = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Test-AzActionGroup_CreateExpanded';
            CreateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Test-AzActionGroup_CreateViaIdentityExpanded';
            CreateViaJsonFilePath = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Test-AzActionGroup_CreateViaJsonFilePath';
            CreateViaJsonString = 'Az.ActionGroup.private\Test-AzActionGroup_CreateViaJsonString';
        if (('CreateExpanded', 'CreateViaJsonFilePath', 'CreateViaJsonString') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubscriptionId') ) {
            $testPlayback = $false
            $PSBoundParameters['HttpPipelinePrepend'] | Foreach-Object { if ($_) { $testPlayback = $testPlayback -or ('Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Monitor.ActionGroup.Runtime.PipelineMock' -eq $_.Target.GetType().FullName -and 'Playback' -eq $_.Target.Mode) } }
            if ($testPlayback) {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' 'utils' 'Get-SubscriptionIdTestSafe.ps1')
            } else {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


# SIG # Begin signature block
# b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xKDAmBgNVBAMTH01pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25p
# NB10jpbg0lhvkT1AzfX2TLITSXwS8D+mBzGCWMM/wTpciWBV/pbjSazbzoKvRrNo
# DV/u9omOM2Eawyo5JJJdNkM2d8qzkQ0bRuRd4HarmGunSouyb9NY7egWN5E5lUc3
# a2AROzAdHdYpObpCOdeAY2P5XqtJkk79aROpzw16wCjdSn8qMzCBzR7rvH2WVkvF
# HLIxZQET1yhPb6lRmpgBQNnzidHV2Ocxjc8wNiIDzgbDkmlx54QPfw7RwQi8p1fy
# 4byhBrTjv568x8NGv3gwb0RbAgMBAAGjggFzMIIBbzAfBgNVHSUEGDAWBgorBgEE
# tW2oynUClTBUBgNVHR8ETTBLMEmgR6BFhkNodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5j
# b20vcGtpb3BzL2NybC9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDExXzIwMTEtMDctMDguY3JsMGEG
# Y29tL3BraW9wcy9jZXJ0cy9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDExXzIwMTEtMDctMDguY3J0
# Ge7QeTQkKQ7j3bmDMjwSqFL4ri6ae9IFTdpywn5smmtSIyKYDn3/nHtaEn0X1NBj
# L5oP0BjAy1sqxD+uy35B+V8wv5GrxhMDJP8l2QjLtH/UglSTIhLqyt8bUAqVfyfp
# cmgSHkCEmrMv7yaidpePt6V+yPMik+eXw3IfZ5eNOiNgL1rZzgSJfTnvUqiaEQ0X
# E4Oyl1wXDF1PX4bxg1yDMfKPHcE1Ijic5lx1KdK1SkaEJdto4hd++05J9Bf9TAmi
# u6EK6C9Oe5vRadroJCK26uCUI4zIjL/qG7mswW+qT0CW0gnR9JHkXCWNbo8ccMk1
# sJatmRoSAifbgzaYbUz8+lv+IXy5GFuAmLnNbGjacB3IMGpa+lbFgih57/fIhamq
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# SIG # End signature block