Function Test-AzWvdRDBrokerLatency { [CmdletBinding( ConfirmImpact = "High")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $False , ValueFromPipeline = $True , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )] [uri] $Uri, [ValidateRange(0, 65535)] [Parameter( Mandatory = $False , ValueFromPipeline = $True , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )] [int16] $Port, [ValidateRange(0, 5)] [ArgumentCompleter({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })] [Parameter( Mandatory = $False , ValueFromPipeline = $True , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )] [int16] $NumberOfWarmUpPing = 1, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False , ValueFromPipeline = $True , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True )] [int16] $NumberOfPing = 4 ) Begin { $ConnectionThreadWaitTime = 100 if ($Uri.IsAbsoluteUri) { $DnsHostName = $Uri.DnsSafeHost } else { $DnsHostName = $Uri } $IPAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($DnsHostName) if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { Write-Verbose ` -Message $("TCP connect to {0} ({1}):{2}:" -f ` $IPAddress[0].ToString() ` , $DnsHostName ` , $Port) Write-Verbose ` -Message $("{0} iterations (warmup {1}) ping test:" -f ` ($NumberOfWarmUpPing + $NumberOfPing) ` , $NumberOfWarmUpPing) } for ($c = 0; $c -lt $NumberOfWarmUpPing; $c++) { $TcpClient = New-Object ` -TypeName "System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient" $Start = (Get-Date) $Connection = $TCPClient.BeginConnect($IPAddress[0], $Port, $(Out-Null), $(Out-Null)) $Success = $Connection.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($ConnectionThreadWaitTime) if ($Success) { $Stop = (Get-Date) $Latency = (New-TimeSpan -Start $Start -End $Stop).TotalMilliseconds $ClientIPAddress = $TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.Address $ClientPort = $TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.Port if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { Write-Verbose ` -Message $("Connecting to ({0}) {1}:{2} (warmup): from {3}:{4}: {5}ms" -f ` $DnsHostName ` , $IPAddress[0].ToString() ` , $Port ` , $ClientIPAddress ` , $ClientPort ` , $Latency) } $TCPClient.Close() $TCPClient.Dispose() } } } Process { $ConnectionSent = 0 $ConnectionReceived = 0 $ConnectionEntries = @() for ($c = 0; $c -lt $NumberOfPing; $c++) { $TcpClient = New-Object ` -TypeName "System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient" $Start = (Get-Date) $Connection = $TCPClient.BeginConnect($IPAddress[0], $Port, $(Out-Null), $(Out-Null)) $ConnectionSent++ $Success = $Connection.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($ConnectionThreadWaitTime) if ($Success) { $Stop = (Get-Date) $Latency = (New-TimeSpan -Start $Start -End $Stop).TotalMilliseconds $ConnectionReceived++ $ConnectionStatus = $True $ClientIPAddress = $TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.Address $ClientPort = $TCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.Port if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { Write-Verbose ` -Message $("Connecting to ({0}) {1}:{2}: from {3}:{4}: {5}ms" -f ` $DnsHostName ` , $IPAddress[0].ToString() ` , $Port ` , $ClientIPAddress ` , $ClientPort ` , $Latency) } $TCPClient.Close() $TCPClient.Dispose() } $ConnectionEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Index" = $c "DestinationUri" = $Uri "DestinationDnsHostName" = $DnsHostName "DestinationIPAddress" = $IPAddress[0].ToString() "DestinationPort" = $Port "SourceIPAddress" = $ClientIPAddress "SourcePort" = $ClientPort "Status" = if ($ConnectionStatus) { "Reachable" } else { "Unreachable" } "Latency(ms)" = $Latency } $ConnectionEntries += $ConnectionEntry } $LatencyStatistic = $ConnectionEntries | Measure-Object ` -Property "Latency(ms)" ` -Minimum ` -Maximum ` -Average ` -Sum if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { Write-Verbose ` -Message $("TCP connect statistics for ({0}) {1}:{2}:" -f ` $Uri ` , $IPAddress[0].ToString() ` , $Port ) Write-Verbose ` -Message $("Sent = {0}, Received = {1}, Lost = {2} ({3}% loss)," -f ` $ConnectionSent ` , $ConnectionReceived ` , $($ConnectionSent - $ConnectionReceived) ` , $(1 - $ConnectionReceived / $ConnectionSent).ToString("P") ) Write-Verbose ` -Message $("Minimum = {0}ms, Maximum = {1}ms, Average = {2}ms, Sum = {3}ms" -f ` $LatencyStatistic.Minimum ` , $LatencyStatistic.Maximum ` , $LatencyStatistic.Average ` , $LatencyStatistic.Sum ) } $Result = [PSCustomObject]@{ "DestinationUri" = $Uri "DestinationDnsHostName" = $DnsHostName "DestinationIPAddress" = $IPAddress[0].ToString() "DestinationPort" = $Port "Entries" = $ConnectionEntries "Sent" = $ConnectionSent "Received" = $ConnectionReceived "Lost" = $($ConnectionSent - $ConnectionReceived) "LossPercentage%" = $(1 - $ConnectionReceived / $ConnectionSent).ToString("P") "MinimumLatency(ms)" = $LatencyStatistic.Minimum "MaximumLatency(ms)" = $LatencyStatistic.Maximum "AverageLatency(ms)" = $LatencyStatistic.Average "SumLatency(ms)" = $LatencyStatistic.Sum } } End { $Result | Write-Output } } |