
Retrieves storage options for an Axis device.
The Get-AxisStorageOptions function retrieves storage options for a specified Axis device:
- Disk: The ID of the disk.
- Enabled: Indicates whether storage is enabled or not.
- AutoRepair: Indicates whether automatic repair is enabled or not.
- CleanupMaxAge: The maximum age (in days) for cleanup.
- CleanupPolicyActive: The active cleanup policy.
- FileSystem: The file system used for storage.
- Locked: Indicates whether storage is locked or not.
If the Cleanup Policy is fifo, the MaxAge should be set to 0 to allow the device to delete the oldest recordings when the disk is full.
The hostname or IP address of the Axis device.
Get-AxisStorageOptions -Device ""
Disk : SD_DISK
Enabled : True
AutoRepair : True
CleanupMaxAge : 0
CleanupPolicyActive : fifo
FileSystem : ext4
Locked : False

function Get-AxisStorageOptions {

    $result = Get-AxisParameter -Device $Device -Group 'Storage.S0'

    $out = [pscustomobject]@{
        Disk =                $result.'Storage.S0.DiskID'
        Enabled =             $result.'Storage.S0.Enabled'             -eq 'yes'
        AutoRepair =          $result.'Storage.S0.AutoRepair'          -eq 'yes'
        CleanupMaxAge =       $result.'Storage.S0.CleanupMaxAge'
        CleanupPolicyActive = $result.'Storage.S0.CleanupPolicyActive'
        FileSystem =          $result.'Storage.S0.FileSystem'
        Locked =              $result.'Storage.S0.Locked'              -eq 'yes'

    return $out