.SYNOPSIS Performs a 'GET' API call to the Autotask API. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves an Autotask resource by ID or a JSON search query, which can be generated using the AutotaskFilter object. .PARAMETER Resource The Autotask resource type you want to retrieve. .PARAMETER ID Retrieves specific resource based on ID. .PARAMETER ParentID Alias for the ID parameter. .PARAMETER ChildID Retrieves specific child-item of a resource. .PARAMETER Query JSON filter string, can be generated using the AutotaskFilter object. .PARAMETER PreviewURL Prints the finished request URL and exits without performing an API call. .EXAMPLE Get-ATRestResource -Resource Tickets -ID 12345 Retrieves the Autotask Ticket with ID 12345. .EXAMPLE Get-ATRestResource -Resource TicketNotesChild -ParentID 12345 -ChildID 56789 Retrieves the Autotask TicketNote with ID 56789 from Ticket with ID 12345. .EXAMPLE Get-ATRestResource -Resource TicketNotesChild -ParentID 12345 Retries all Notes from Ticket with ID 12345 #> function Get-ATRestResource { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ID', Mandatory = $true)][Alias("ParentID")][String]$ID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ID', Mandatory = $false)][String]$ChildID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Query', Mandatory = $false)][String]$Query, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$PreviewURL ) DynamicParam { $Script:DynParameters["Get"] } begin { $Resource = $PSBoundParameters.Resource } process { if ((-not (Test-Path Variable:Script:ATHeader)) -or (-not (Test-Path Variable:Script:ATBaseURL))) { Write-Warning "You need to execute Initialize-ATRestApi first:" Initialize-ATRestApi } $Method = "Get" $ResourceURL = (($Script:Queries | Where-Object { $_."$Method" -eq $Resource }).Name | Select-Object -First 1) -Replace "/query", "" $URL = "$($Script:ATBaseURL)$($ResourceURL)" if (($ID.Length -eq 0) -and ($URL.Contains("{parentId}"))) { Write-Warning -Message "ParentID parameter is required. Aborting." return } elseif (-not ($URL.Contains("{parentId}")) -and ($ID.Length -gt 0)) { $URL += "/{id}" } elseif (($URL.Contains("{parentId}")) -and ($ChildID.Length -gt 0)) { $URL += "/$($ChildID)" } elseif ($Query.Length -gt 0) { $URL += "/query?search=$($Query)" } $URL = "$(($URL -Replace "{parentId}|{id}", $ID))" if ($PreviewURL) { Write-Host "Request URL: $($URL)" return } try { do { $RawResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $URL -Headers $Script:ATHeader $URL = $RawResponse.PageDetails.NextPageUrl if ($RawResponse.items) { foreach ($item in $RawResponse.items) { $item } } if ($RawResponse.item) { foreach ($item in $RawResponse.item) { $item } } } while ($null -ne $URL) } catch { $ErrorMessage = "`n" $ErrorMessage += $_.Exception.Message $ErrorMessage += "`n`nErrors:`n" foreach ($Item in ($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties) { $ErrorMessage += " ! $($Item.Value)`n" } $ErrorMessage += "`n`n" Write-Error $ErrorMessage } } } |