
    // The application ID that is in the Partner tenant.
    // The application must be a multi-tenant application
    // The application must have the user_impersonation permission in Microsoft Partner Center (app ID fa3d9a0c-3fb0-42cc-9193-47c7ecd2edbd)
    "PARTNER_APP_ID": "",
    // The application ID that is in the Client tenant.
    // If the application does not exist, the application will be created.
    // It is ideal to keep the application ID the same as PARTNER_APP_ID,
    // else the technician will need to re-authenticate.
    "CLIENT_APP_ID": "",
    // If the application does not exist,
    // the following name will be used to create the application
    "CLIENT_APP_NAME": "",
    // Make both applications use the device code flow.
    // This will prompt the technician to type in a code to
    // This is the more secure option, in theory, because technicians
    // do not sign in to client machines. By default, this is disabled.
    // Both applications must have device code flow enabled (App registration > Authentication)
    // for this to work. If partner and client app IDs are the same, only the partner app registration
    // needs device code flow enabled.
    "DEVICE_CODE_AUTH": true,
    // Use the following to set a default group tag.
    // Setting FORCE_DEF_GROUP_TAG to true will force the group tag specified
    // and bypass user input.
    "FORCE_DEF_GROUP_TAG": true,
    // Use the following to set a default client tenant.
    // You can specify a tenant ID or a domain belonging to the tenant
    // Setting FORCE_DEF_TENANT to true will force the tenant specified
    // and bypass user input.
    "FORCE_DEF_TENANT": false,
    // Enable the ability to assign users.
    // Note that, due to least privilege, users cannot be verified present
    // in the client tenant.
    "ENABLE_ASSIGN_USER": false,
    // Set a timer to allow Intune to soak, in seconds.
    // This makes it easier to reboot directly into the Autopilot interface.
    // Set to 0 to disable. Default is 300 (5 minutes).
    "SOAK_TIME": 300