Describe "[$($Lab.Name)] SQLServer2022" -Tag SQLServer2022 { Context "Role deployment successful" { It "[SQLServer2022] Should return the correct amount of machines" { (Get-LabVm -Role SQLServer2022).Count | Should -Be $(Get-Lab).Machines.Where({$_.Roles.Name -contains 'SQLServer2022'}).Count } foreach ($vm in (Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer2022)) { It "[$vm] Should have SQL Server 2022 installed" -TestCases @{ vm = $vm } { Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $vm -NoDisplay -PassThru -ScriptBlock { Test-Path -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160' } | Should -Be $true } It "[$vm] Instance(s) should be running" -TestCases @{ vm = $vm } { $role = $vm.Roles | Where-Object Name -like SQLServer* | Sort-Object Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $roleInstance = if ($role.Properties -and $role.Properties['InstanceName']) { $role.Properties['InstanceName'] } else { 'MSSQLSERVER' } $query = 'Select State from Win32_Service where Name = "{0}" and StartMode = "Auto"' -f $roleInstance $session = New-LabCimSession -Computername $vm (Get-CimInstance -Query $query -CimSession $session).State | Should -Not -Contain 'Stopped' } } } } |