
    Generic help about the Role 'scvmm' in AutomatedLab
System Center Virtual Machine Manager
    AutomatedLab supports the deployment of clusters, hypervisors - and of
    course it supports deployment of a VMM instance to try managing them all. In
    general, the role SCVMM2016 and SCVMM2019 can use all parameters that you
    can normally supply during server or console deployment.
    During a lab deployment, as long as you have the correct SQL Server Version
    on a machine in your lab as well, the database configuration will be
    automatic. Credential handling will of course be automatic as well.
    Other than that, the VMM environment will not be configured, so that you can
    customize your deployment via Invoke-LabCommand or a
    PostInstallationActivity later on!
    AutomatedLab-specific: - SkipServer: Use, if only console should be
    deployed. Useful to configure an on-premises server that this console
    connects to
    - ConnectHyperVRoleVms: Use a comma-separated string to specify, which
    Hyper-V lab VMs should connect to VMM
    VMM-specific, refer to official documentation or just leave the defaults: - UserName
    - CompanyName
    - ProgramFiles
    - CreateNewSqlDatabase
    - RemoteDatabaseImpersonation
    - SqlMachineName
    - IndigoTcpPort
    - IndigoHTTPSPort
    - IndigoNETTCPPort
    - IndigoHTTPPort
    - WSManTcpPort
    - BitsTcpPort
    - CreateNewLibraryShare
    - LibraryShareName
    - LibrarySharePath
    - LibraryShareDescription
    - SQMOptIn
    - MUOptIn
    - VmmServiceLocalAccount