
    Generic help about the Role 'failoverclustering' in AutomatedLab
Failover Clustering
    More and more roles support failover clusters. Thus, testing e.g. SQL
    AlwaysOn and other scenarios is something that you will need a cluster for.
    AutomatedLab 4.5 and newer is able to deploy one or more clusters for you.
    Depending on the OS version, you are able to deploy multidomain or workgroup
    clusters as well, without any work on your part except for selecting two or
    more machines.
    AutomatedLab can help you set up one or more failover clusters starting with
    Server 2008 R2. All you need to do is select the role FailoverNode for at
    least two of your machines.
    ## Simple cluster with auto-generated name ALCluster and auto-generated IP
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln1 -Roles FailoverNode
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln2 -Roles FailoverNode
    The role properties allow you to customize your cluster and to create more
    than one cluster.
    ## Two clusters
    ## Single static IP
    $cluster1 = Get-LabMachineRoleDefinition -Role FailoverNode -Properties @{ ClusterName = 'Clu1'; ClusterIp = '' }
    ## Multiple static IP, either Comma-separated or Semicolon-separated and encapsulated in one string
    $cluster2 = Get-LabMachineRoleDefinition -Role FailoverNode -Properties @{ ClusterName = 'Clu2'; ClusterIp = ',' }
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln11 -Roles $cluster1
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln12 -Roles $cluster1
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln21 -Roles $cluster2
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln22 -Roles $cluster2
    In case you want your cluster to use a disk witness or generally experiment
    with storage in your clusters, you can select to deploy an iSCSI target with
    the new role FailoverStorage. A target will be created for each cluster,
    permitting only the cluster nodes to connect to it. During cluster setup, a
    disk witness will automatically be used for your cluster.
    ## Deploy iSCSI Target server with enough storage for your witness disks (1GB/cluster)
    $storageRole = Get-LabMachineRoleDefinition -Role FailoverStorage -Properties @{LunDrive = 'D' }
    Add-LabDiskDefinition -Name LunDisk -DiskSizeInGb 26
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name foCLS1 -Roles $storageRole -DiskName LunDisk
    ## Deploy your cluster
    $cluster1 = Get-LabMachineRoleDefinition -Role FailoverNode -Properties @{ ClusterName = 'Clu2'; ClusterIp = '' }
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln11 -Roles $cluster1
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln12 -Roles $cluster1
    Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name focln13 -Roles $cluster1