
    Settings = @{
        SubscribedProviders                    = @(
        NotificationProviders                  = @(
                Ifttt = @{
                    Key       = 'Your IFTTT key here'
                    EventName = 'The name of your IFTTT event'
                Mail = @{
                    Port       = 25
                    SmtpServer = 'Your SMTP server here'
                    To         = @(
                        'Your recipient array here'
                    From       = 'Your sender here'
                    Priority   = 'Normal'
                    CC         = @(
                        'Your CC array here'
                Toast = @{
                    Image = ''
                Voice = @{
                    Culture = 'en-us'
                    Age     = 'Senior'
                    Gender  = 'female'
        MachineFileName                        = 'Machines.xml'
        DiskFileName                           = 'Disks.xml'
        LabFileName                            = 'Lab.xml'
        DefaultAddressSpace                    = ''
        ValidationSettings                     = @{
            ValidRoleProperties     = @{
                Orchestrator2012 = @(
                DC               = @(
                CaSubordinate    = @(
                Office2016       = 'SharedComputerLicensing'
                DSCPullServer    = @(
                FirstChildDC     = @(
                ADFS             = @(
                RootDC           = @(
                CaRoot           = @(
            MandatoryRoleProperties = @{
                ADFSProxy = @(
        Timeout_WaitLabMachine_Online          = 60
        Timeout_StartLabMachine_Online         = 60
        Timeout_RestartLabMachine_Shutdown     = 30
        Timeout_StopLabMachine_Shutdown        = 30
        Timeout_TestPortInSeconds              = 2
        Timeout_InstallLabCAInstallation       = 40
        Timeout_DcPromotionRestartAfterDcpromo = 60
        Timeout_DcPromotionAdwsReady           = 20
        Timeout_Sql2008Installation            = 90
        Timeout_Sql2012Installation            = 90
        Timeout_Sql2014Installation            = 90

        Timeout_VisualStudio2013Installation   = 90
        Timeout_VisualStudio2015Installation   = 90

        DefaultProgressIndicator               = 10

        #PSSession settings
        InvokeLabCommandRetries                = 3
        InvokeLabCommandRetryIntervalInSeconds = 10
        MaxPSSessionsPerVM                     = 5
        DoNotUseGetHostEntryInNewLabPSSession  = $true

        DscMofPath                             = 'DscConfigurations'
        DscPullServerRegistrationKey           = 'ec717ee9-b343-49ee-98a2-26e53939eecf' #used on all Dsc Pull servers and clients

        #General VM settings
        DisableWindowsDefender                 = $true
        DoNotSkipNonNonEnglishIso              = $false #even if AL detects non en-us images, these are not supported and may not work

        #Hyper-V VM Settings
        SetLocalIntranetSites                  = 'All' #All, Forest, Domain, None

        #Hyper-V Network settings
        MacAddressPrefix                       = '0017FB'

        #Host Settings
        DiskDeploymentInProgressPath           = 'C:\ProgramData\AutomatedLab\LabDiskDeploymentInProgress.txt'

        MinimumAzureModuleVersion              = '1.0'
        DefaultAzureRoleSize                   = 'D'
        LabSourcesMaxFileSizeMb                = 50

        OfficeDeploymentTool                   = ''

        SysInternalsUrl                        = ''
        SysInternalsDownloadUrl                = '' Framework
        dotnet452DownloadLink                  = ''
        dotnet46DownloadLink                   = ''
        dotnet462DownloadLink                  = ''
        dotnet471DownloadLink                  = ''
        dotnet472DownloadLink                  = ''

        # C++ redist
        cppredist64_2017                       = ''
        cppredist32_2017                       = ''
        cppredist64_2013                       = ''
        cppredist32_2013                       = ''

        #SQL Server 2016 Management Studio
        Sql2016ManagementStudio                = ''
        Sql2017ManagementStudio                = ''

        #SQL Server sample database contents
        SQLServer2008                          = ''
        SQLServer2008R2                        = ''
        SQLServer2012                          = ''
        SQLServer2014                          = ''
        SQLServer2016                          = ''
        SQLServer2017                          = ''

        #Access Database Engine
        AccessDatabaseEngine2016x86            = ''

        #TFS Build Agent
        BuildAgentUri                          = ''

        # OpenSSH
        OpenSshUri                             = ''

        AzureLocationsUrls                     = @{
            'West Europe'         = 'speedtestwe'
            'Southeast Asia'      = 'speedtestsea'
            'East Asia'           = 'speedtestea'
            'North Central US'    = 'speedtestnsus'
            'North Europe'        = 'speedtestne'
            'South Central US'    = 'speedtestscus'
            'West US'             = 'speedtestwus'
            'East US'             = 'speedtesteus'
            'Japan East'          = 'speedtestjpe'
            'Japan West'          = 'speedtestjpw'
            'Brazil South'        = 'speedtestbs'
            'Central US'          = 'speedtestcus'
            'East US 2'           = 'speedtesteus2'
            'Australia Southeast' = 'mickmel'
            'Australia East'      = 'micksyd'
            'West UK'             = 'speedtestukw'
            'South UK'            = 'speedtestuks'
            'Canada Central'      = 'speedtestcac'
            'Canada East'         = 'speedtestcae'
            'West US 2'           = 'speedtestwestus2'
            'West India'          = 'speedtestwestindia'
            'East India'          = 'speedtesteastindia'
            'Central India'       = 'speedtestcentralindia'
            'Korea Central'       = 'speedtestkoreacentral'
            'Korea South'         = 'speedtestkoreasouth'
            'West Central US'     = 'speedtestwestcentralus'
            'France Central'      = 'speedtestfrc'

        SupportGen2VMs                         = $true
        AzureRetryCount                        = 3