about_automatedlab_hyperv SHORT DESCRIPTION Generic help about the Role 'hyperv' in AutomatedLab LONG DESCRIPTION Hyper-V AutomatedLab can deploy Hyper-V VMs on a system that allows nested virtualization, e.g. Windows 10. ROLE ASSIGNMENT To create a new hypervisor in your lab, simply assign it the HyperV role: Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name HV01 -Roles HyperV You can also customize many relevant settings by creating the role definition reference: $role = Get-LabMachineRoleDefinition -Role HyperV -Properties @{EnableEnhancedSessionMode = 'true'} Add-LabMachineDefinition -Name HV01 -Roles $role ROLE PROPERTIES The following role properties can be assigned and are entirely optional: MAXIMUMSTORAGEMIGRATIONS The maximum number of concurrent storage migrations MAXIMUMVIRTUALMACHINEMIGRATIONS The maximum number of concurrent VM migrations VIRTUALMACHINEMIGRATIONAUTHENTICATIONTYPE The authentication method used for live migrations (CredSSP, Kerberos) USEANYNETWORKFORMIGRATION Indicates that any network may be used for live migrations VIRTUALMACHINEMIGRATIONPERFORMANCEOPTION Compression, SMB, TCPIP RESOURCEMETERINGSAVEINTERVAL The interval in which metering information is stored NUMASPANNINGENABLED Indicates that NUMA spanning will be enabled ENABLEENHANCEDSESSIONMODE Indicates that the enhanced session mode is available |