#region Install-LabSqlServers function Install-LabSqlServers { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [int]$InstallationTimeout = (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name Timeout_Sql2012Installation), [switch]$CreateCheckPoints, [ValidateRange(0, 300)] [int]$ProgressIndicator = (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name DefaultProgressIndicator) ) Write-LogFunctionEntry if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressIndicator')) { $PSBoundParameters.Add('ProgressIndicator', $ProgressIndicator) } #enables progress indicator function Write-ArgumentVerbose { param ( $Argument ) Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Argument '$Argument'" $Argument } Write-LogFunctionEntry $lab = Get-Lab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $lab) { Write-LogFunctionExitWithError -Message 'No lab definition imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use the Import-Lab cmdlet first' return } $machines = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer #The default SQL installation in Azure does not give the standard buildin administrators group access. #This section adds the rights. As only the renamed Builtin Admin account has permissions, Invoke-LabCommand cannot be used. $azureMachines = $machines | Where-Object { $_.HostType -eq 'Azure' -and -not (($_.Roles | Where-Object Name -like 'SQL*').Properties.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -ne 'InstallSampleDatabase'})} if ($azureMachines) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'Waiting for machines to start up' -NoNewLine Start-LabVM -ComputerName $azureMachines -Wait -ProgressIndicator 2 Enable-LabVMRemoting -ComputerName $azureMachines Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Configuring Azure SQL Servers '$($azureMachines -join ', ')'" foreach ($machine in $azureMachines) { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Configuring Azure SQL Server '$machine'" $sqlCmd = { $query = @" USE [master] GO CREATE LOGIN [BUILTIN\Administrators] FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[us_english] GO -- ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [BUILTIN\Administrators] -- The folloing statement works in SQL 2008 to 2016 EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'BUILTIN\Administrators', @rolename = N'sysadmin' GO "@ if ((Get-PSSnapin -Registered -Name SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and -not (Get-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Add-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 } Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query } Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $machine -ActivityName SetupSqlPermissions -ScriptBlock $sqlCmd -UseLocalCredential } Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Finished configuring Azure SQL Servers '$($azureMachines -join ', ')'" } $onPremisesMachines = @($machines | Where-Object HostType -eq HyperV) $onPremisesMachines += $machines | Where-Object {$_.HostType -eq 'Azure' -and (($_.Roles | Where-Object Name -like 'SQL*').Properties.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -ne 'InstallSampleDatabase'})} $downloadTargetFolder = "$labSources\SoftwarePackages" $dotnet48DownloadLink = Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name dotnet48DownloadLink Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Downloading .net Framework 4.8 from '$dotnet48DownloadLink'" $dotnet48InstallFile = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri $dotnet48DownloadLink -Path $downloadTargetFolder -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop if ($onPremisesMachines) { $cppRedist64_2017 = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name cppredist64_2017) -Path $downloadTargetFolder -FileName vcredist_x64_2017.exe -PassThru $cppredist32_2017 = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name cppredist32_2017) -Path $downloadTargetFolder -FileName vcredist_x86_2017.exe -PassThru $cppRedist64_2015 = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name cppredist64_2015) -Path $downloadTargetFolder -FileName vcredist_x64_2015.exe -PassThru $cppredist32_2015 = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name cppredist32_2015) -Path $downloadTargetFolder -FileName vcredist_x86_2015.exe -PassThru $parallelInstalls = 4 Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Parallel installs: $parallelInstalls" $machineIndex = 0 $installBatch = 0 $totalBatches = [System.Math]::Ceiling($onPremisesMachines.count / $parallelInstalls) do { $jobs = @() $installBatch++ $machinesBatch = $($onPremisesMachines[$machineIndex..($machineIndex + $parallelInstalls - 1)]) Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Starting machines '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine Start-LabVM -ComputerName $machinesBatch -Wait Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Starting installation of pre-requisite .Net 3.5 Framework on machine '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine $installFrameworkJobs = Install-LabWindowsFeature -ComputerName $machinesBatch -FeatureName Net-Framework-Core -NoDisplay -AsJob -PassThru Wait-LWLabJob -Job $installFrameworkJobs -Timeout 10 -NoDisplay -NoNewLine Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'done' Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Starting installation of pre-requisite C++ 2015 redist on machine '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $cppredist32_2015.FullName -CommandLine ' /quiet /norestart /log C:\DeployDebug\cpp32_2015.log' -ComputerName $machinesBatch -ExpectedReturnCodes 0,3010 -AsScheduledJob -NoDisplay Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $cppRedist64_2015.FullName -CommandLine ' /quiet /norestart /log C:\DeployDebug\cpp64_2015.log' -ComputerName $machinesBatch -ExpectedReturnCodes 0,3010 -AsScheduledJob -NoDisplay Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'done' Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Starting installation of pre-requisite C++ 2017 redist on machine '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $cppredist32_2017.FullName -CommandLine ' /quiet /norestart /log C:\DeployDebug\cpp32_2017.log' -ComputerName $machinesBatch -ExpectedReturnCodes 0,3010 -AsScheduledJob -NoDisplay Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $cppRedist64_2017.FullName -CommandLine ' /quiet /norestart /log C:\DeployDebug\cpp64_2017.log' -ComputerName $machinesBatch -ExpectedReturnCodes 0,3010 -AsScheduledJob -NoDisplay Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'done' Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Restarting '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine Restart-LabVM -ComputerName $machinesBatch -Wait -NoDisplay Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'done' foreach ($machine in $machinesBatch) { $role = $machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -like SQLServer* #Dismounting ISO images to have just one drive later Dismount-LabIsoImage -ComputerName $machine -SupressOutput $retryCount = 10 $autoLogon = (Test-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine)[$machine.Name] while (-not $autoLogon -and $retryCount -gt 0) { Enable-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine Restart-LabVM -ComputerName $machine -Wait -NoDisplay -NoNewLine $autoLogon = (Test-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine)[$machine.Name] $retryCount-- } if (-not $autoLogon) { throw "No logon session available for $($machine.InstallationUser.UserName). Cannot continue with SQL Server setup for $machine" } Write-ScreenInfo 'Done' $dvdDrive = Mount-LabIsoImage -ComputerName $machine -IsoPath ($lab.Sources.ISOs | Where-Object Name -eq $role.Name).Path -PassThru -SupressOutput $global:setupArguments = ' /Q /Action=Install /IndicateProgress' Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('Features') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument " /Features=$($role.Properties.Features.Replace(' ', ''))" } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /Features=SQL,AS,RS,IS,Tools' } #Check the usage of SQL Configuration File if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('ConfigurationFile')) { $global:setupArguments = '' $fileName = Join-Path -Path 'C:\' -ChildPath (Split-Path -Path $role.Properties.ConfigurationFile -Leaf) $configurationFileContent = Get-Content $role.Properties.ConfigurationFile | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter = -PropertyNames Key, Value Write-PSFMessage -Message ($configurationFileContent | Out-String) try { Copy-LabFileItem -Path $role.Properties.ConfigurationFile -ComputerName $machine -ErrorAction Stop $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /ConfigurationFile=`"$fileName`"") } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Message ('Could not copy "{0}" to {1}. Skipping configuration file' -f $role.Properties.ConfigurationFile, $machine) } } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('InstanceName') } { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument " /InstanceName=$($role.Properties.InstanceName)" $script:instanceName = $role.Properties.InstanceName } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'INSTANCENAME'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /InstanceName=MSSQLSERVER' $script:instanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' } else { $script:instanceName = $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'INSTANCENAME'}).Value -replace "'|`"" } } $result = Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock { Get-Service -DisplayName "SQL Server ($instanceName)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name instanceName) -PassThru -NoDisplay if ($result) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Machine '$machine' already has SQL Server installed with requested instance name '$instanceName'" -Type Warning $machine | Add-Member -Name SqlAlreadyInstalled -Value $true -MemberType NoteProperty -Force $machineIndex++ continue } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('Collation') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /SQLCollation=" + "$($role.Properties.Collation)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'SQLCollation'}).Value) {$global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /SQLCollation=Latin1_General_CI_AS'} else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('SQLSvcAccount') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /SQLSvcAccount=" + """$($role.Properties.SQLSvcAccount)""") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'SQLSvcAccount'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /SQLSvcAccount="NT Authority\Network Service"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('SQLSvcPassword') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /SQLSvcPassword=" + """$($role.Properties.SQLSvcPassword)""") } ` { } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AgtSvcAccount') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AgtSvcAccount=" + """$($role.Properties.AgtSvcAccount)""") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'AgtSvcAccount'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /AgtSvcAccount="NT Authority\System"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AgtSvcPassword') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AgtSvcPassword=" + """$($role.Properties.AgtSvcPassword)""") } ` { } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('RsSvcAccount') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /RsSvcAccount=" + """$($role.Properties.RsSvcAccount)""") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'RsSvcAccount'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /RsSvcAccount="NT Authority\Network Service"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('RsSvcPassword') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /RsSvcPassword=" + """$($role.Properties.RsSvcPassword)""") } ` { } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AgtSvcStartupType') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AgtSvcStartupType=" + "$($role.Properties.AgtSvcStartupType)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'AgtSvcStartupType'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /AgtSvcStartupType=Disabled' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('BrowserSvcStartupType') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /BrowserSvcStartupType=" + "$($role.Properties.BrowserSvcStartupType)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'BrowserSvcStartupType'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /BrowserSvcStartupType=Disabled' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('RsSvcStartupType') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /RsSvcStartupType=" + "$($role.Properties.RsSvcStartupType)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'RsSvcStartupType'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /RsSvcStartupType=Automatic' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AsSysAdminAccounts') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AsSysAdminAccounts=" + "$($role.Properties.AsSysAdminAccounts)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'AsSysAdminAccounts'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /AsSysAdminAccounts="BUILTIN\Administrators"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AsSvcAccount') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AsSvcAccount=" + "$($role.Properties.AsSvcAccount)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'AsSvcAccount'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /AsSvcAccount="NT Authority\System"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('AsSvcPassword') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /AsSvcPassword=" + "$($role.Properties.AsSvcPassword)") } ` { } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('IsSvcAccount') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /IsSvcAccount=" + "$($role.Properties.IsSvcAccount)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'IsSvcAccount'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /IsSvcAccount="NT Authority\System"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('IsSvcPassword') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /IsSvcPassword=" + "$($role.Properties.IsSvcPassword)") } ` { } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $role.Properties.ContainsKey('SQLSysAdminAccounts') } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (" /SQLSysAdminAccounts=" + "$($role.Properties.SQLSysAdminAccounts)") } ` { if ($null -eq $configurationFileContent.Where({$_.Key -eq 'SQLSysAdminAccounts'}).Value) { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument ' /SQLSysAdminAccounts="BUILTIN\Administrators"' } else {} } Invoke-Ternary -Decider { $machine.Roles.Name -notcontains 'SQLServer2008' } ` { $global:setupArguments += Write-ArgumentVerbose -Argument (' /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms') } ` { } if ($role.Name -notin 'SQLServer2008R2', 'SQLServer2008') { $global:setupArguments += " /UpdateEnabled=`"False`"" # Otherwise we get AccessDenied } New-LabSqlAccount -Machine $machine -RoleProperties $role.Properties $param = @{} $param.Add('ComputerName', $machine) $param.Add('LocalPath', "$($dvdDrive.DriveLetter)\Setup.exe") $param.Add('AsJob', $true) $param.Add('PassThru', $true) $param.Add('NoDisplay', $true) $param.Add('CommandLine', $setupArguments) $param.Add('ExpectedReturnCodes', (0,3010)) $jobs += Install-LabSoftwarePackage @param -UseShellExecute $machineIndex++ } if ($jobs) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Waiting $InstallationTimeout minutes until the installation is finished" -Type Verbose Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Waiting for installation of SQL server to complete on machines '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')'" -NoNewLine #Start other machines while waiting for SQL server to install $startTime = Get-Date $additionalMachinesToInstall = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { (Get-LabVMStatus -ComputerName $_.Name) -eq 'Stopped' } if ($additionalMachinesToInstall) { Write-PSFMessage -Message 'Preparing more machines while waiting for installation to finish' $machinesToPrepare = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { (Get-LabVMStatus -ComputerName $_) -eq 'Stopped' } | Select-Object -First 2 while ($startTime.AddMinutes(5) -gt (Get-Date) -and $machinesToPrepare) { Write-PSFMessage -Message "Starting machines '$($machinesToPrepare -join ', ')'" Start-LabVM -ComputerName $machinesToPrepare -Wait -NoNewline Write-PSFMessage -Message "Starting installation of pre-requisite .Net 3.5 Framework on machine '$($machinesToPrepare -join ', ')'" $installFrameworkJobs = Install-LabWindowsFeature -ComputerName $machinesToPrepare -FeatureName Net-Framework-Core -NoDisplay -AsJob -PassThru Write-PSFMessage -Message "Waiting for machines '$($machinesToPrepare -join ', ')' to be finish installation of pre-requisite .Net 3.5 Framework" Wait-LWLabJob -Job $installFrameworkJobs -Timeout 10 -NoDisplay -ProgressIndicator 120 -NoNewLine $machinesToPrepare = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { (Get-LabVMStatus -ComputerName $_.Name) -eq 'Stopped' } | Select-Object -First 2 } Write-PSFMessage -Message "Resuming waiting for SQL Servers batch ($($machinesBatch -join ', ')) to complete installation and restart" } $installMachines = $machinesBatch | Where-Object { -not $_.SqlAlreadyInstalled } Wait-LWLabJob -Job $jobs -Timeout 20 -NoDisplay -ProgressIndicator 15 -NoNewLine Dismount-LabIsoImage -ComputerName $machinesBatch -SupressOutput Restart-LabVM -ComputerName $installMachines -NoDisplay Wait-LabVM -ComputerName $installMachines -PostDelaySeconds 30 -NoNewLine if ($installBatch -lt $totalBatches -and ($machinesBatch | Where-Object HostType -eq 'HyperV')) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Saving machines '$($machinesBatch -join ', ')' as these are not needed right now" -Type Warning Save-LabVM -Name $machinesBatch } } } until ($machineIndex -ge $onPremisesMachines.Count) $machinesToPrepare = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer $machinesToPrepare = $machinesToPrepare | Where-Object { (Get-LabVMStatus -ComputerName $_) -ne 'Started' } if ($machinesToPrepare) { Start-LabVM -ComputerName $machinesToPrepare -Wait -NoNewline } else { Write-ProgressIndicatorEnd } Write-ScreenInfo -Message "All SQL Servers '$($onPremisesMachines -join ', ')' have now been installed and restarted. Waiting for these to be ready." -NoNewline Wait-LabVM -ComputerName $onPremisesMachines -TimeoutInMinutes 30 -ProgressIndicator 10 } $servers = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { $_.Roles.Name -ge 'SQLServer2016' } foreach ($server in $servers) { $sqlRole = $server.Roles | Where-Object { $_.Name -band [AutomatedLab.Roles]::SQLServer } $sqlRole.Name -match '(?<Version>\d+)' | Out-Null $server | Add-Member -Name SqlVersion -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Matches.Version -Force if (($sqlRole.Properties.Features -split ',') -contains 'RS' -or (($configurationFileContent | Where-Object Key -eq Features).Value -split ',') -contains 'RS' -or (-not $sqlRole.Properties.ContainsKey('ConfigurationFile') -and -not $sqlRole.Properties.Features)) { $server | Add-Member -Name SsRsUri -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name "Sql$($Matches.Version)SSRS") -Force } if (($sqlRole.Properties.Features -split ',') -contains 'Tools' -or (($configurationFileContent | Where-Object Key -eq Features).Value -split ',') -contains 'Tools' -or (-not $sqlRole.Properties.ContainsKey('ConfigurationFile') -and -not $sqlRole.Properties.Features)) { $server | Add-Member -Name SsmsUri -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name "Sql$($Matches.Version)ManagementStudio") -Force } } #region install SSRS $servers = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { $_.SsRsUri } Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Installing SSRS on'$($servers.Name -join ',')'" if ($servers) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Installing .net Framework 4.8 on '$($servers.Name -join ',')'" Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $dotnet48InstallFile.FullName -CommandLine '/q /norestart /log c:\DeployDebug\dotnet48.txt' -ComputerName $servers -UseShellExecute Restart-LabVM -ComputerName $servers -Wait } $jobs = @() foreach ($server in $servers) { Write-ScreenInfo "Installing SQL Server Reporting Services on $server" -NoNewLine if (-not $server.SsRsUri) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "No SSRS URI available for $server. Please provide a valid URI in AutomatedLab.psd1 and try again. Skipping..." -Type Warning continue } $downloadFolder = Join-Path -Path $global:labSources\SoftwarePackages -ChildPath "SQL$($server.SqlVersion)" if ($lab.DefaultVirtualizationEngine -ne 'Azure' -and -not (Test-Path $downloadFolder)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $downloadFolder } Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name SqlServerReportBuilder) -Path $labSources\SoftwarePackages\ReportBuilder.msi Get-LabInternetFile -Uri (Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name Sql$($server.SqlVersion)SSRS) -Path $downloadFolder\SQLServerReportingServices.exe Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $labsources\SoftwarePackages\ReportBuilder.msi -ComputerName $server Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $downloadFolder\SQLServerReportingServices.exe -CommandLine '/Quiet /IAcceptLicenseTerms' -ComputerName $server Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName 'Configuring SSRS' -ComputerName $server -FilePath $labSources\PostInstallationActivities\SqlServer\SetupSqlServerReportingServices.ps1 } #endregion #region Install Tools $servers = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer | Where-Object { $_.SsmsUri } if ($servers) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Installing SQL Server Management Studio on '$($servers.Name -join ',')' in the background." } $jobs = @() foreach ($server in $servers) { if (-not $server.SsmsUri) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "No SSMS URI available for $server. Please provide a valid URI in AutomatedLab.psd1 and try again. Skipping..." -Type Warning continue } $downloadFolder = Join-Path -Path $global:labSources\SoftwarePackages -ChildPath "SQL$($server.SqlVersion)" $downloadPath = Join-Path -Path $downloadFolder -ChildPath 'SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe' if ($lab.DefaultVirtualizationEngine -ne 'Azure' -and -not (Test-Path $downloadFolder)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $downloadFolder } Get-LabInternetFile -Uri $server.SsmsUri -Path $downloadPath -NoDisplay $jobs += Install-LabSoftwarePackage -Path $downloadPath -CommandLine '/install /quiet' -ComputerName $server -NoDisplay -AsJob -PassThru } if ($jobs) { Write-ScreenInfo 'Waiting for SQL Server Management Studio installation jobs to finish' -NoNewLine Wait-LWLabJob -Job $jobs -Timeout 10 -NoDisplay -ProgressIndicator 30 } #endregion if ($CreateCheckPoints) { Checkpoint-LabVM -ComputerName ($machines | Where-Object HostType -eq 'HyperV') -SnapshotName 'Post SQL Server Installation' } foreach ($machine in $machines) { $role = $machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -like SQLServer* if ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($role.Properties['InstallSampleDatabase'])) { Install-LabSqlSampleDatabases -Machine $machine } } Write-LogFunctionExit } #endregion Install-LabSqlServers #region Install-LabSqlSampleDatabases function Install-LabSqlSampleDatabases { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AutomatedLab.Machine] $Machine ) Write-LogFunctionEntry $role = $Machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -like SQLServer* | Sort-Object Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $roleName = ($role).Name $roleInstance = if ($role.Properties['InstanceName']) { $role.Properties['InstanceName'] } else { 'MSSQLSERVER' } $sqlLink = Get-LabConfigurationItem -Name $roleName.ToString() if (-not $sqlLink) { throw "No SQL link found to download $roleName sample database" } $targetFolder = Join-Path -Path (Get-LabSourcesLocationInternal -Local) -ChildPath SoftwarePackages\SqlSampleDbs if (-not (Test-Path $targetFolder)) { [void] (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $targetFolder) } if ($roleName -like 'SQLServer2008*') { $targetFile = Join-Path -Path $targetFolder -ChildPath "$" } else { [void] (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path -Path $targetFolder -ChildPath $rolename) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $targetFile = Join-Path -Path $targetFolder -ChildPath "$rolename\$roleName.bak" } Get-LabInternetFile -Uri $sqlLink -Path $targetFile $dependencyFolder = Join-Path -Path $targetFolder -ChildPath $roleName switch ($roleName) { 'SQLServer2008' { Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive $targetFile -DestinationPath $dependencyFolder -Force Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $mdf = Get-Item -Path 'C:\SQLServer2008\AdventureWorksLT2008_Data.mdf' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ldf = Get-Item -Path 'C:\SQLServer2008\AdventureWorksLT2008_Log.ldf' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = 'CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorks2008 ON (FILENAME = "{0}"), (FILENAME = "{1}") FOR ATTACH;' -f $mdf.FullName, $ldf.FullName Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2008R2' { Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive $targetFile -DestinationPath $dependencyFolder -Force Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $mdf = Get-Item -Path 'C:\SQLServer2008R2\AdventureWorksLT2008R2_Data.mdf' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ldf = Get-Item -Path 'C:\SQLServer2008R2\AdventureWorksLT2008R2_Log.ldf' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = 'CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2 ON (FILENAME = "{0}"), (FILENAME = "{1}") FOR ATTACH;' -f $mdf.FullName, $ldf.FullName Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2012' { Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $backupFile = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.bak -Path C:\SQLServer2012 $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = @" USE [master] RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 FROM disk= '$($backupFile.FullName)' WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012_data' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2012.mdf', MOVE 'AdventureWorks2012_Log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2012.ldf' ,REPLACE "@ Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2014' { Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $backupFile = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.bak -Path C:\SQLServer2014 $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = @" USE [master] RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2014 FROM disk= '$($backupFile.FullName)' WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2014_data' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2014.mdf', MOVE 'AdventureWorks2014_Log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2014.ldf' ,REPLACE "@ Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2016' { Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $backupFile = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.bak -Path C:\SQLServer2016 $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = @" USE master RESTORE DATABASE WideWorldImporters FROM disk = '$($backupFile.FullName)' WITH MOVE 'WWI_Primary' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.mdf', MOVE 'WWI_UserData' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf', MOVE 'WWI_Log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.ldf', MOVE 'WWI_InMemory_Data_1' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_InMemory_Data_1', REPLACE "@ Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2017' { Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $backupFile = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.bak -Path C:\SQLServer2017 $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = @" USE master RESTORE DATABASE WideWorldImporters FROM disk = '$($backupFile.FullName)' WITH MOVE 'WWI_Primary' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.mdf', MOVE 'WWI_UserData' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf', MOVE 'WWI_Log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.ldf', MOVE 'WWI_InMemory_Data_1' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_InMemory_Data_1', REPLACE "@ Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } 'SQLServer2019' { Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName "$roleName Sample DBs" -ComputerName $Machine -ScriptBlock { $backupFile = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.bak -Path C:\SQLServer2019 $connectionInstance = if ($roleInstance -ne 'MSSQLSERVER') { "localhost\$roleInstance" } else { "localhost" } $query = @" USE master RESTORE DATABASE WideWorldImporters FROM disk = '$($backupFile.FullName)' WITH MOVE 'WWI_Primary' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.mdf', MOVE 'WWI_UserData' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_UserData.ndf', MOVE 'WWI_Log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters.ldf', MOVE 'WWI_InMemory_Data_1' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.$roleInstance\MSSQL\DATA\WideWorldImporters_InMemory_Data_1', REPLACE "@ Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $connectionInstance -Query $query } -DependencyFolderPath $dependencyFolder -Variable (Get-Variable roleInstance) } default { Write-LogFunctionExitWithError -Exception (New-Object System.ArgumentException("$roleName has no sample scripts yet.", 'roleName')) } } Write-LogFunctionExit } #endregion #region New-LabSqlAccount function New-LabSqlAccount { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AutomatedLab.Machine] $Machine, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $RoleProperties ) $usersAndPasswords = @{} $groups = @() if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('SQLSvcAccount') -and $RoleProperties.ContainsKey('SQLSvcPassword')) { $usersAndPasswords[$RoleProperties['SQLSvcAccount']] = $RoleProperties['SQLSvcPassword'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('AgtSvcAccount') -and $RoleProperties.ContainsKey('AgtSvcPassword')) { $usersAndPasswords[$RoleProperties['AgtSvcAccount']] = $RoleProperties['AgtSvcPassword'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('RsSvcAccount') -and $RoleProperties.ContainsKey('RsSvcPassword')) { $usersAndPasswords[$RoleProperties['RsSvcAccount']] = $RoleProperties['RsSvcPassword'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('AsSvcAccount') -and $RoleProperties.ContainsKey('AsSvcPassword')) { $usersAndPasswords[$RoleProperties['AsSvcAccount']] = $RoleProperties['AsSvcPassword'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('IsSvcAccount') -and $RoleProperties.ContainsKey('IsSvcPassword')) { $usersAndPasswords[$RoleProperties['IsSvcAccount']] = $RoleProperties['IsSvcPassword'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('SqlSysAdminAccounts')) { $groups += $RoleProperties['SqlSysAdminAccounts'] } if ($RoleProperties.ContainsKey('ConfigurationFile')) { $config = Get-Content -Path $RoleProperties.ConfigurationFile | Where-Object -FilterScript {-not $_.StartsWith('#') -and $_.Contains('=')} $config = $config -replace '\\', '\\' | ConvertFrom-StringData if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq SQLSvcAccount) -and ($config | Where-Object Key -eq SQLSvcPassword)) { $user = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq SQLSvcAccount).Value $password = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq SQLSvcPassword).Value $user = $user.Substring(1, $user.Length - 2) $password = $password.Substring(1, $password.Length - 2) $usersAndPasswords[$user] = $password } if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq AgtSvcAccount) -and ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AgtSvcPassword)) { $user = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AgtSvcAccount).Value $password = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AgtSvcPassword).Value $user = $user.Substring(1, $user.Length - 2) $password = $password.Substring(1, $password.Length - 2) $usersAndPasswords[$user] = $password } if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq RsSvcAccount) -and ($config | Where-Object Key -eq RsSvcPassword)) { $user = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq RsSvcAccount).Value $password = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq RsSvcPassword).Value $user = $user.Substring(1, $user.Length - 2) $password = $password.Substring(1, $password.Length - 2) $usersAndPasswords[$user] = $password } if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq AsSvcAccount) -and ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AsSvcPassword)) { $user = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AsSvcAccount).Value $password = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq AsSvcPassword).Value $user = $user.Substring(1, $user.Length - 2) $password = $password.Substring(1, $password.Length - 2) $usersAndPasswords[$user] = $password } if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq IsSvcAccount) -and ($config | Where-Object Key -eq IsSvcPassword)) { $user = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq IsSvcAccount).Value $password = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq IsSvcPassword).Value $user = $user.Substring(1, $user.Length - 2) $password = $password.Substring(1, $password.Length - 2) $usersAndPasswords[$user] = $password } if (($config | Where-Object Key -eq SqlSysAdminAccounts)) { $group = ($config | Where-Object Key -eq SqlSysAdminAccounts).Value $groups += $group.Substring(1, $group.Length - 2) } } foreach ($kvp in $usersAndPasswords.GetEnumerator()) { $user = $kvp.Key if ($kvp.Key.Contains("\")) { $domain = ($kvp.Key -split "\\")[0] $user = ($kvp.Key -split "\\")[1] } if ($kvp.Key.Contains("@")) { $domain = ($kvp.Key -split "@")[1] $user = ($kvp.Key -split "@")[0] } $password = $kvp.Value if ($domain -match 'NT Authority|BUILTIN') { continue } if ($domain) { $dc = Get-LabVm -Role RootDC, FirstChildDC | Where-Object { $_.DomainName -eq $domain -or ($_.DomainName -split "\.")[0] -eq $domain } if (-not $dc) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message ('User {0} will not be created. No domain controller found for {1}' -f $user,$domain) -Type Warning } Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $dc -ActivityName ("Creating user '$user' in domain '$domain'") -ScriptBlock { $existingUser = $null #required as the session is not removed try { $existingUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $user -Server localhost } catch { } if (-not ($existingUser)) { New-ADUser -SamAccountName $user -AccountPassword ($password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) -Name $user -PasswordNeverExpires $true -CannotChangePassword $true -Enabled $true -Server localhost } } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name user, password) } else { Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $Machine -ActivityName ("Creating local user '$user'") -ScriptBlock { if (-not (Get-LocalUser $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-LocalUser -Name $user -AccountNeverExpires -PasswordNeverExpires -UserMayNotChangePassword -Password ($password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) } } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name user, password) } } foreach ($group in $groups) { if ($group.Contains("\")) { $domain = ($group -split "\\")[0] $groupName = ($group -split "\\")[1] } elseif ($group.Contains("@")) { $domain = ($group -split "@")[1] $groupName = ($group -split "@")[0] } else { $groupName = $group } if ($domain -match 'NT Authority|BUILTIN') { continue } if ($domain) { $dc = Get-LabVM -Role RootDC, FirstChildDC | Where-Object { $_.DomainName -eq $domain -or ($_.DomainName -split "\.")[0] -eq $domain } if (-not $dc) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message ('User {0} will not be created. No domain controller found for {1}' -f $user, $domain) -Type Warning } Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $dc -ActivityName ("Creating group '$groupName' in domain '$domain'") -ScriptBlock { $existingGroup = $null #required as the session is not removed try { $existingGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity $groupName -Server localhost } catch { } if (-not ($existingGroup)) { $newGroup = New-ADGroup -Name $groupName -GroupScope Global -Server localhost -PassThru #adding the account the script is running under to the SQL admin group $newGroup | Add-ADGroupMember -Members ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value) } } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name groupName) } else { Invoke-LabCommand $Machine -ActivityName "Creating local group '$groupName'" -ScriptBlock { if (-not (Get-LocalGroup -Name $groupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-LocalGroup -Name $groupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name groupName) } } } #endregion |