#region Lab-specific functionality function Install-LabTeamFoundationEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $tfsMachines = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 $lab = Get-Lab $jobs = @() foreach ($machine in $tfsMachines) { Dismount-LabIsoImage -ComputerName $machine -SupressOutput $role = $machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -Match 'TFS\d{4}' $isoPath = ($lab.Sources.ISOs | Where-Object Name -eq $role.Name).Path $retryCount = 3 $autoLogon = (Test-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine)[$machine.Name] while (-not $autoLogon -and $retryCount -gt 0) { Set-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine Restart-LabVm -ComputerName $machine -Wait $autoLogon = (Test-LabAutoLogon -ComputerName $machine)[$machine.Name] $retryCount-- } if (-not $autoLogon) { throw "No logon session available for $($machine.InstallationUser.UserName). Cannot continue with TFS setup for $machine" } Mount-LabIsoImage -ComputerName $machine -IsoPath $isoPath -SupressOutput $jobs += Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock { $startTime = (Get-Date) while (-not $dvdDrive -and (($startTime).AddSeconds(120) -gt (Get-Date))) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 $dvdDrive = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_CDRomDrive | Where-Object MediaLoaded).Drive } if ($dvdDrive) { $executable = (Get-ChildItem -Path $dvdDrive -Filter *.exe).FullName $installation = Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList '/quiet' -Wait -LoadUserProfile -PassThru if ($installation.ExitCode -notin 0, 3010) { throw "TFS Setup failed with exit code $($installation.ExitCode)" } Write-Verbose 'TFS Installation finished. Configuring...' } else { Write-Error -Message 'No ISO mounted. Cannot continue.' } } -AsJob -PassThru -NoDisplay } Wait-LWLabJob -Job $jobs Restart-LabVm -ComputerName $tfsMachines -Wait Install-LabTeamFoundationServer Install-LabBuildWorker } function Install-LabTeamFoundationServer { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $tfsMachines = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Sort-Object {($_.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs????).Name} -Descending [string]$sqlServer = Get-LabVm -Role SQLServer2016, SQLServer2017 | Select-Object -First 1 # Assign unassigned build workers to our most current TFS machine Get-LabVm -Role TfsBuildWorker | Where-Object { -not ($_.Roles | Where-Object Name -eq TfsBuildWorker).Properties.ContainsKey('TfsServer') } | ForEach-Object { ($_.Roles | Where-Object Name -eq TfsBuildWorker).Properties.Add('TfsServer', $tfsMachines[0].Name) } $jobs = Install-LabWindowsFeature -ComputerName $tfsMachines -FeatureName Web-Mgmt-Tools -AsJob Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'Waiting for installation of IIS web admin tools to complete' -NoNewline Wait-LWLabJob -Job $jobs -ProgressIndicator 10 -Timeout $InstallationTimeout -NoDisplay $installationJobs = @() $count = 0 foreach ( $machine in $tfsMachines) { #TODO: SSL disabled because the worker complains: #fatal: unable to access 'https://dsctfs01:8080/AutomatedLab/_git/DscWorkshop/': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate #Git fetch failed with exit code: 128 #if (Get-LabIssuingCA) #{ # $cert = Request-LabCertificate -Subject "CN=$machine" -TemplateName WebServer -SAN $machine.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName -ComputerName $machine -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop # $machine.InternalNotes.Add('CertificateThumbprint', $cert.Thumbprint) # Export-Lab #} $role = $machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs???? $initialCollection = 'AutomatedLab' $tfsPort = 8080 $databaseLabel = "TFS$count" # Increment database label in case we deploy multiple TFS [string]$machineName = $machine $count++ if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('InitialCollection')) { $initialCollection = $role.Properties['InitialCollection'] } if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $role.Properties['Port'] } if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { if (-not (Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -ComputerName $machine)) { Add-LWAzureLoadBalancedPort -ComputerName $machine } $tfsPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -ComputerName $machine $machineName = $machine.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $machine.Roles.Where( {$_.Name -like 'TFS????'}).ForEach( {$_.Properties['Port'] = $tfsPort}) } else { $machine.Roles.Where( {$_.Name -like 'TFS????'}).ForEach( {$_.Properties.Add('Port', $tfsPort)}) } Export-Lab # Export lab again since we changed role properties } if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('DbServer')) { [string]$sqlServer = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $role.Properties['DbServer'] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $sqlServer) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "No SQL server called $($role.Properties['DbServer']) found in lab." -NoNewLine -Type Warning [string]$sqlServer = Get-LabVM -Role SQLServer2016, SQLServer2017 | Select-Object -First 1 Write-ScreenInfo -Message " Selecting $sqlServer instead." -Type Warning } } $installationJobs += Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock { $tfsConfigPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:ProgramFiles\*Team Foundation*" -Filter tfsconfig.exe -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1).FullName if (-not $tfsConfigPath) { throw 'tfsconfig.exe could not be found.'} if (-not (Test-Path C:\DeployDebug)) { [void] (New-Item -Path C:\DeployDebug -ItemType Directory) } # Create unattend file with fitting parameters and replace all we can find [void] (Start-Process -FilePath $tfsConfigPath -ArgumentList 'unattend /create /type:Standard /unattendfile:C:\DeployDebug\TfsConfig.ini' -NoNewWindow -Wait) $config = (Get-Item -Path C:\DeployDebug\TfsConfig.ini -ErrorAction Stop).FullName $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($config) $content = $content -replace 'SqlInstance=.+', ('SqlInstance={0}' -f $sqlServer) $content = $content -replace 'DatabaseLabel=.+', ('DatabaseLabel={0}' -f $databaseLabel) $content = $content -replace 'UrlHostNameAlias=.+', ('UrlHostNameAlias={0}' -f $machineName) if ($cert.Thumbprint) { $content = $content -replace 'SiteBindings=.+', ('SiteBindings=https:*:{0}::My:{1}' -f $tfsPort, $cert.Thumbprint) $content = $content -replace 'PublicUrl=.+', ('PublicUrl=https://{0}:{1}' -f $machineName, $tfsPort) } else { $content = $content -replace 'SiteBindings=.+', ('SiteBindings=http:*:{0}:' -f $tfsPort) $content = $content -replace 'PublicUrl=.+', ('PublicUrl=http://{0}:{1}' -f $machineName, $tfsPort) } $content = $content -replace 'webSiteVDirName=.+', 'webSiteVDirName=' $content = $content -replace 'CollectionName=.+', ('CollectionName={0}' -f $initialCollection) $content = $content -replace 'CollectionDescription=.+', 'CollectionDescription=Built by AutomatedLab, your friendly lab automation solution' $content = $content -replace 'WebSitePort=.+', ('WebSitePort={0}' -f $tfsPort) # Plain TFS 2015 $content = $content -replace 'UrlHostNameAlias=.+', ('UrlHostNameAlias={0}' -f $machineName) # Plain TFS 2015 [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($config, $content) $command = "unattend /unattendfile:`"$config`" /continue" $configurationProcess = Start-Process -FilePath $tfsConfigPath -ArgumentList $command -PassThru -NoNewWindow -Wait if ($configurationProcess.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw ('Something went wrong while applying the unattended configuration {0}. Try {1} {2} manually.' -f $config, $tfsConfigPath, $command ) } } -Variable (Get-Variable sqlServer, machineName, InitialCollection, tfsPort, databaseLabel, cert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -AsJob -ActivityName "Setting up TFS server $machine" -PassThru -NoDisplay } Wait-LWLabJob -Job $installationJobs } function Install-LabBuildWorker { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $buildWorkers = Get-LabVm -Role TfsBuildWorker $buildWorkerUri = (Get-Module AutomatedLab -ListAvailable)[0].PrivateData["BuildAgentUri"] $buildWorkerPath = Join-Path -Path $labsources -ChildPath Tools\ $download = Get-LabInternetFile -Uri $buildWorkerUri -Path $buildWorkerPath -PassThru Copy-LabFileItem -ComputerName $buildWorkers -Path $download.Path $installationJobs = @() foreach ( $machine in $buildWorkers) { $role = $machine.Roles | Where-Object Name -eq TfsBuildWorker $tfsPort = 8080 $tfsServer = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('TfsServer')) { $tfsServer = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $role.Properties['TfsServer'] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $tfsServer) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "No TFS server called $($role.Properties['TfsServer']) found in lab." -NoNewLine -Type Warning $tfsServer = Get-LabVM -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 Write-ScreenInfo -Message " Selecting $tfsServer instead." -Type Warning } $tfsRole = $tfsServer.Roles | Where-Object Name -like 'Tfs????' if ($tfsRole.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $tfsRole.Properties['Port'] } } [string]$machineName = $tfsServer if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { $tfsPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -Port $tfsPort -ComputerName $tfsServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $tfsPort) { Write-Error -Message 'There has been an error setting the Azure port during TFS installation. Cannot continue installing build worker.' return } $machineName = $tfsServer.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName } $useSsl = $tfsServer.InternalNotes.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') $installationJobs += Invoke-LabCommand -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock { if (-not (Test-Path C:\ {throw 'Build worker installation files not available'} Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive -Path C:\ -DestinationPath C:\BuildWorkerSetupFiles -Force $configurationTool = Get-Item C:\BuildWorkerSetupFiles\config.cmd -ErrorAction Stop $commandLine = if ($useSsl) { '--unattended --url https://{0}:{1} --auth Integrated --pool default --agent {2} --runasservice' -f $machineName, $tfsPort, $env:COMPUTERNAME } else { '--unattended --url http://{0}:{1} --auth Integrated --pool default --agent {2} --runasservice' -f $machineName, $tfsPort, $env:COMPUTERNAME } $configurationProcess = Start-Process -FilePath $configurationTool -ArgumentList $commandLine -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru if ($configurationProcess.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Build worker $env:COMPUTERNAME failed to install. Exit code was $($configurationProcess.ExitCode)" -Type Warning } } -AsJob -Variable (Get-Variable machineName, tfsPort, useSsl) -ActivityName "Setting up build agent $machine" -PassThru -NoDisplay } Wait-LWLabJob -Job $installationJobs } #endregion #region TFS-specific functionality function New-LabReleasePipeline { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'CloneRepo')] param ( [string] $ProjectName = 'ALSampleProject', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'CloneRepo')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LocalSource')] [string] $SourceRepository, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'LocalSource')] [string] $SourcePath, [ValidateSet('Git', 'FileCopy')] [string]$CodeUploadMethod = 'Git', [string] $ComputerName, [hashtable[]] $BuildSteps, [hashtable[]] $ReleaseSteps ) if (-not (Get-Lab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw 'No lab imported. Please use Import-Lab to import the target lab containing at least one TFS server' } if ($CodeUploadMethod -eq 'Git' -and -not $SourceRepository) { throw "Using the code upload method 'Git' requires a source repository to be defined." } $tfsVm = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 if ($ComputerName) { $tfsVm = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $ComputerName } if (-not $tfsVm) { throw ('No TFS VM in lab or no machine found with name {0}' -f $ComputerName)} $localLabSources = Get-LabSourcesLocationInternal -Local $role = $tfsVm.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs???? $initialCollection = 'AutomatedLab' $tfsPort = 8080 $tfsInstance = $tfsVm.FQDN if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $role.Properties['Port'] } if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { $tfsPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -Port $tfsPort -ComputerName $tfsVm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $tfsPort) { Write-Error -Message 'There has been an error setting the Azure port during TFS installation. Cannot continue rolling out release pipeline' return } $tfsInstance = $tfsVm.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName } if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('InitialCollection')) { $initialCollection = $role.Properties['InitialCollection'] } $credential = $tfsVm.GetCredential((Get-Lab)) $useSsl = $tfsVm.InternalNotes.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') $gitBinary = if (Get-Command git) { (Get-Command git).Source } elseif (Test-Path -Path $localLabSources\Tools\git.exe) { "$localLabSources\Tools\git.exe" } if (-not $gitBinary) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'Git is not installed. We are not be able to push any code to the remote repository and cannot proceed. Please install Git' return } $project = New-TfsProject -InstanceName $tfsInstance -Port $tfsPort -CollectionName $initialCollection -ProjectName $ProjectName -Credential $credential -UseSsl:$useSsl -SourceControlType Git -TemplateName 'Agile' -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5) $repository = Get-TfsGitRepository -InstanceName $tfsInstance -Port $tfsPort -CollectionName $initialCollection -ProjectName $ProjectName -Credential $credential -UseSsl:$useSsl if ($SourceRepository) { if (-not $gitBinary) { Write-Error "Git.exe could not be located, cannot clone repository from '$SourceRepository'" return } $repoUrl = $repository.remoteUrl.Insert($repository.remoteUrl.IndexOf('/') + 2, '{0}:{1}@') $repoUrl = $repoUrl -f $credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName.ToLower(), $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Generated repo url $repoUrl" if (-not $SourcePath) { $SourcePath = "$localLabSources\GitRepositories\$((Get-Lab).Name)" } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourcePath)) { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Creating $SourcePath to contain your cloned repos" [void] (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $SourcePath -Force) } $repositoryPath = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath (Split-Path -Path $SourceRepository -Leaf) if (-not (Test-Path $repositoryPath)) { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message "Creating $repositoryPath to contain your cloned repo" [void] (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $repositoryPath) } Push-Location Set-Location -Path $repositoryPath if (Join-Path -Path $repositoryPath -ChildPath '.git' -Resolve -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message ('There already is a clone of {0} in {1}. Pulling latest changes from remote if possible.' -f $SourceRepository, $repositoryPath) try { $errorFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $pullResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('-c', 'http.sslVerify=false', 'pull', 'origin') -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile if ($pullResult.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Warning -Message "Could not pull from $SourceRepository. Git returned: $(Get-Content -Path $errorFile)" } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $errorFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } else { Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message ('Cloning {0} in {1}.' -f $SourceRepository, $repositoryPath) try { $retries = 3 $errorFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $cloneResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('clone', $SourceRepository, $repositoryPath, '--quiet') -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile while ($cloneResult.ExitCode -ne 0 -and $retries -gt 0) { Write-ScreenInfo "Could not clone the repository '$SourceRepository', retrying ($retries)..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $cloneResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('clone', $SourceRepository, $repositoryPath, '--quiet') -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile $retries-- } if ($cloneResult.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error "Could not clone from $SourceRepository. Git returned: $(Get-Content -Path $errorFile)" } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $errorFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Pop-Location } if ($CodeUploadMethod -eq 'Git') { Push-Location Set-Location -Path $repositoryPath try { $errorFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $addRemoteResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('remote', 'add', 'tfs', $repoUrl) -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile if ($addRemoteResult.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error "Could not add remote tfs to $repoUrl. Git returned: $(Get-Content -Path $errorFile)" } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $errorFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } try { $retries = 3 $errorFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $pushResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('-c', 'http.sslVerify=false', 'push', 'tfs', '--all', '--quiet') -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile while ($pushResult.ExitCode -ne 0 -and $retries -gt 0) { Write-ScreenInfo "Could not push the repository in '$pwd' to TFS, retrying ($retries)..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $pushResult = Start-Process -FilePath $gitBinary -ArgumentList @('-c', 'http.sslVerify=false', 'push', 'tfs', '--all', '--quiet') -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardError $errorFile $retries-- } if ($pushResult.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error "Could not push to $repoUrl. Git returned: $(Get-Content -Path $errorFile)" } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $errorFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Pop-Location Write-ScreenInfo -Type Verbose -Message ('Pushed code from {0} to remote {1}' -f $SourceRepository, $repoUrl) } else { $remoteGitBinary = Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName 'Test Git availibility' -ComputerName $tfsVm -ScriptBlock { if (Get-Command git) { (Get-Command git).Source } elseif (Test-Path -Path $localLabSources\Tools\git.exe) { "$localLabSources\Tools\git.exe" } } -PassThru if (-not $remoteGitBinary) { Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Git is not installed on '$tfsVm'. We are not be able to push any code to the remote repository and cannot proceed. Please install Git on '$tfsVm'" return } Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName 'Clone local repo' -ComputerName $tfsVm -ScriptBlock { if (-not (Test-Path -Path C:\Git)) { mkdir -Path C:\Git | Out-Null } Set-Location -Path C:\Git git -c http.sslVerify=false clone $repository.remoteUrl 2>&1 } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name repository, ProjectName) if ($repositoryPath) { Copy-LabFileItem -Path $repositoryPath\* -ComputerName $tfsVm -DestinationFolderPath "C:\$ProjectName.temp" } else { Copy-LabFileItem -Path $SourcePath\* -ComputerName $tfsVm -DestinationFolderPath "C:\$ProjectName.temp" } Invoke-LabCommand -ActivityName 'Remove .git folder' -ComputerName $tfsVm -ScriptBlock { Set-Location -Path C:\Git\$ProjectName Copy-Item -Path "C:\$ProjectName.temp\*" -Destination . -Recurse -Exclude .git git checkout -b master 2>&1 git add . 2>&1 git commit -m 'Initial' 2>&1 git push 2>&1 git checkout -b dev 2>&1 git push --set-upstream origin dev 2>&1 Set-Location -Path C:\ Remove-Item -Path "C:\$ProjectName.temp" -Recurse -Force } -Variable (Get-Variable -Name repository, ProjectName) } $parameters = @{ InstanceName = $tfsInstance Port = $tfsPort CollectionName = $initialCollection ProjectName = $ProjectName Credential = $credential UseSsl = $useSsl } if ($BuildSteps.Count -gt 0) { $buildParameters = $parameters.Clone() $buildParameters.DefinitionName = "$($ProjectName)Build" $buildParameters.BuildTasks = $BuildSteps New-TfsBuildDefinition @buildParameters } if ($ReleaseSteps.Count -gt 0) { $releaseParameters = $parameters.Clone() $releaseParameters.ReleaseName = "$($ProjectName)Release" $releaseParameters.ReleaseTasks = $ReleaseSteps New-TfsReleaseDefinition @releaseParameters } } function Get-LabBuildStep { param ( [string] $ComputerName ) if (-not (Get-Lab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw 'No lab imported. Please use Import-Lab to import the target lab containing at least one TFS server' } $tfsvm = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 $useSsl = $tfsVm.InternalNotes.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') if ($ComputerName) { $tfsVm = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $ComputerName } if (-not $tfsvm) { throw ('No TFS VM in lab or no machine found with name {0}' -f $ComputerName)} $role = $tfsVm.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs???? $initialCollection = 'AutomatedLab' $tfsPort = 8080 $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.FQDN if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $role.Properties['Port'] } if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { $loadbalancedPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -Port $tfsPort -ComputerName $tfsVm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $loadbalancedPort) { Write-Error -Message 'There has been an error setting the Azure port during TFS installation. Cannot retrieve build steps' return } $tfsPort = $loadbalancedPort $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName } if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('InitialCollection')) { $initialCollection = $role.Properties['InitialCollection'] } $credential = $tfsVm.GetCredential((Get-Lab)) return (Get-TfsBuildStep -InstanceName $tfsInstance -CollectionName $initialCollection -Credential $credential -UseSsl:$useSsl -Port $tfsPort) } function Get-LabReleaseStep { param ( [string] $ComputerName ) if (-not (Get-Lab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw 'No lab imported. Please use Import-Lab to import the target lab containing at least one TFS server' } $tfsvm = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 $useSsl = $tfsVm.InternalNotes.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') if ($ComputerName) { $tfsVm = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $ComputerName } if (-not $tfsvm) { throw ('No TFS VM in lab or no machine found with name {0}' -f $ComputerName)} $role = $tfsVm.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs???? $initialCollection = 'AutomatedLab' $tfsPort = 8080 $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.FQDN if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $role.Properties['Port'] } if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { $loadbalancedPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -Port $tfsPort -ComputerName $tfsvm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $loadbalancedPort) { Write-Error -Message 'There has been an error setting the Azure port during TFS installation. Cannot retrieve lab release steps.' return } $tfsPort = $loadbalancedPort $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName } if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('InitialCollection')) { $initialCollection = $role.Properties['InitialCollection'] } $credential = $tfsVm.GetCredential((Get-Lab)) return (Get-TfsReleaseStep -InstanceName $tfsInstance -CollectionName $initialCollection -Credential $credential -UseSsl:$useSsl -Port $tfsPort) } function Open-LabTfsSite { param ( [string] $ComputerName ) if (-not (Get-Lab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw 'No lab imported. Please use Import-Lab to import the target lab containing at least one TFS server' } $tfsvm = Get-LabVm -Role Tfs2015, Tfs2017, Tfs2018 | Select-Object -First 1 $useSsl = $tfsVm.InternalNotes.ContainsKey('CertificateThumbprint') if ($ComputerName) { $tfsVm = Get-LabVm -ComputerName $ComputerName } if (-not $tfsvm) { throw ('No TFS VM in lab or no machine found with name {0}' -f $ComputerName)} $role = $tfsVm.Roles | Where-Object Name -like Tfs???? $initialCollection = 'AutomatedLab' $tfsPort = 8080 $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.FQDN $credential = $tfsVm.GetCredential((Get-Lab)) if ($role.Properties.ContainsKey('Port')) { $tfsPort = $role.Properties['Port'] } if ((Get-Lab).DefaultVirtualizationEngine -eq 'Azure') { $loadbalancedPort = Get-LabAzureLoadBalancedPort -Port $tfsPort -ComputerName $tfsvm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $loadbalancedPort) { Write-Error -Message 'There has been an error setting the Azure port during TFS installation. Cannot open TFS site.' return } $tfsPort = $loadbalancedPort $tfsInstance = $tfsvm.AzureConnectionInfo.DnsName } $requestUrl = if ($UseSsl) { 'https://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}' -f $credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName, $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password, $tfsInstance, $tfsPort } else { 'http://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}' -f $credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName, $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password, $tfsInstance, $tfsPort } Start-Process -FilePath $requestUrl } #endregion |