
#region New-LabBaseImages
function New-LabBaseImages
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    param ()
    $lab = Get-Lab
    if (-not $lab)
        Write-Error 'No definitions imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use Import-Lab first'
    $isos = $lab.Sources.ISOs | Where-Object { $_.IsOperatingSystem }
    $oses = (Get-LabMachine -All | Select-Object).OperatingSystem
    if (-not $lab.Sources.AvailableOperatingSystems)
        throw "There isn't a single operating system ISO available in the lab. Please call 'Get-LabAvailableOperatingSystem' to see what AutomatedLab has found and check the LabSources folder location by calling 'Get-LabSourcesLocation'."

    $osesProcessed = @()
    $BaseImagesCreated = 0

    foreach ($os in $oses)
        if (-not $os.ProductKey)
            $message = "The product key is unknown for the OS '$($os.OperatingSystemName)' in ISO image '$($os.OSName)'. Cannot install lab until this problem is solved."
            Write-LogFunctionExitWithError -Message $message
            throw $message
        $baseDiskPath = Join-Path -Path $lab.Target.Path -ChildPath "BASE_$($os.OperatingSystemName.Replace(' ', ''))_$($os.Version).vhdx"
        $os.BaseDiskPath = $baseDiskPath
        $hostOsVersion = [System.Version]((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Version) 
        if ($hostOsVersion -ge [System.Version]'6.3' -and $os.Version -ge [System.Version]'6.2')
            Write-Verbose -Message "Host OS version is '$($hostOsVersion)' and OS to create disk for is version '$($os.Version)'. So, setting partition style to GPT."
            $partitionStyle = 'GPT'
            Write-Verbose -Message "Host OS version is '$($hostOsVersion)' and OS to create disk for is version '$($os.Version)'. So, KEEPING partition style as MBR."
            $partitionStyle = 'MBR'
        if ($osesProcessed -notcontains $os)
            $osesProcessed += $os
            if (-not (Test-Path $baseDiskPath))
                New-LWReferenceVHDX -IsoOsPath $os.IsoPath `
                    -ReferenceVhdxPath $baseDiskPath `
                    -OsName $os.OperatingSystemName `
                    -ImageName $os.OperatingSystemImageName `
                    -SizeInGb $lab.Target.ReferenceDiskSizeInGB `
                    -PartitionStyle $partitionStyle

                Write-Verbose -Message "The base image $baseDiskPath already exists"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Base disk for operating system '$os' already created previously"
    if (-not $BaseImagesCreated)
        Write-ScreenInfo -Message 'All base images were created previously'

#endregion New-LabBaseImages

function Stop-ShellHWDetectionService
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml


    $service = Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not $service)
        Write-Verbose "The service 'ShellHWDetection' is not installed, exiting."

    Write-Verbose 'Stopping the ShellHWDetection service (Shell Hardware Detection) to prevent the OS from responding to the new disks.'

    $retries = 5
    while ($retries -gt 0 -and ((Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection).Status -ne 'Stopped'))
        Write-Debug -Message 'Trying to stop ShellHWDetection'
        Stop-Service -Name ShellHWDetection | Out-Null
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        if ((Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection).Status -eq 'Running')
            Write-Debug -Message "Could not stop service ShellHWDetection. Retrying."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5


function Start-ShellHWDetectionService
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml


    $service = Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not $service)
        Write-Verbose "The service 'ShellHWDetection' is not installed, exiting."

    if ((Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection).Status -eq 'Running')
        Write-Verbose -Message "'ShellHWDetection' Service is already running."
    Write-Verbose 'Starting the ShellHWDetection service (Shell Hardware Detection) again.'

    $retries = 5
    while ($retries -gt 0 -and ((Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection).Status -ne 'Running'))
        Write-Debug -Message 'Trying to start ShellHWDetection'
        Start-Service -Name ShellHWDetection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        if ((Get-Service -Name ShellHWDetection).Status -ne 'Running')
            Write-Debug -Message 'Could not start service ShellHWDetection. Retrying.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5


#region New-LabVHDX
function New-LabVHDX
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByName')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    $lab = Get-Lab
    if (-not $lab)
        Write-Error 'No definitions imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use Import-Lab first'
    Write-Verbose 'Stopping the ShellHWDetection service (Shell Hardware Detection) to prevent the OS from responding to the new disks.'
    if ($Name)
        $disks = $lab.Disks | Where-Object Name -in $Name
        $disks = $lab.Disks
    if (-not $disks)
        Write-Verbose 'No disks found to create. Either the given name is wrong or there is no disk defined yet'
    $diskPath = Join-Path -Path $lab.Target.Path -ChildPath Disks
    foreach ($disk in $disks)
        New-LWVHDX -VhdxPath (Join-Path -Path $diskPath -ChildPath ($disk.Name + '.vhdx')) -SizeInGB $disk.DiskSize -SkipInitialize:$disk.SkipInitialization
    Write-Verbose 'Starting the ShellHWDetection service (Shell Hardware Detection) again.'
#endregion New-LabVHDX

#region Get-LabVHDX
function Get-LabVHDX
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    $lab = Get-Lab
    if (-not $lab)
        Write-Error 'No definitions imported, so there is nothing to do. Please use Import-Lab first'
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName')
        $results = $lab.Disks | Where-Object -FilterScript {
            $_.Name -in $Name
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All')
        $results = $lab.Disks
    if ($results)
        $diskPath = Join-Path -Path $lab.Target.Path -ChildPath Disks
        foreach ($result in $results)
            $result.Path = Join-Path -Path $diskPath -ChildPath ($result.Name + '.vhdx')
        Write-LogFunctionExit -ReturnValue $results.ToString()
        return $results
#endregion Get-LabVHDX

#region Update-LabIsoImage
function Update-LabIsoImage
    # .ExternalHelp AutomatedLab.Help.xml
    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]

    #region Extract-IsoImage
    function Extract-IsoImage

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourceIsoImagePath -PathType Leaf))
            Write-Error "The specified ISO image '$SourceIsoImagePath' could not be found"
        if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputPath) -and -not $Force)
            Write-Error "The output folder does already exist" -TargetObject $OutputPath
            Remove-Item -Path $OutputPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

        mkdir -Path $OutputPath | Out-Null

        $image = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $SourceIsoImagePath -PassThru
        Get-PSDrive | Out-Null #This is just to refresh the drives. Somehow if this cmdlet is not called, PowerShell does not see the new drives.


            $volume = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $image.ImagePath | Get-Volume
            $source = $volume.DriveLetter + ':\*'
            Write-Verbose "Extracting ISO image '$source' to '$OutputPath'"            
            Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $OutputPath -Recurse -Force
            Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $SourceIsoImagePath
            Write-Verbose 'Copy complete'
            Write-Error "Could not mount ISO image '$SourceIsoImagePath'" -TargetObject $SourceIsoImagePath
    #endregion Extract-IsoImage
    #region Get-IsoImageName
    function Get-IsoImageName
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $IsoImagePath -PathType Leaf))
            Write-Error "The specified ISO image '$IsoImagePath' could not be found"
        $image = Mount-DiskImage $IsoImagePath -PassThru
        $image | Get-Volume | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FileSystemLabel
        $image | Dismount-DiskImage
    #endregion Get-IsoImageName
    $isUefi = try
        Get-SecureBootUEFI -Name SetupMode
    catch { }
    if (-not $isUefi)
        throw "Updating ISO files does only work on UEFI systems due to a limitation of oscdimg.exe"

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SourceIsoImagePath -PathType Leaf))
        Write-Error "The specified ISO image '$SourceIsoImagePath' could not be found"
    if (Test-Path -Path $TargetIsoImagePath -PathType Leaf)
        Write-Error "The specified target ISO image '$TargetIsoImagePath' does already exist"

    if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($TargetIsoImagePath) -ne '.iso')
        Write-Error "The specified target ISO image path must have the extension '.iso'"

    Write-Host 'Creating an updated ISO from'
    Write-Host "Target path $TargetIsoImagePath"
    Write-Host "Source path $SourceIsoImagePath"
    Write-Host "with updates from path $UpdateFolderPath"
    Write-Host "This process can take a long time, depending on the number of updates"
    $start = Get-Date
    Write-Host "Start time: $start"
    $extractTempFolder = mkdir -Path $labSources -Name ([guid]::NewGuid())
    $mountTempFolder = mkdir -Path $labSources -Name ([guid]::NewGuid())
    $isoImageName = Get-IsoImageName -IsoImagePath $SourceIsoImagePath
    Write-Host "Extracting ISO image '$SourceIsoImagePath' to '$extractTempFolder'"
    Extract-IsoImage -SourceIsoImagePath $SourceIsoImagePath -OutputPath $extractTempFolder -Force

    $installWim = Get-ChildItem -Path $extractTempFolder -Filter install.wim -Recurse
    Write-Host "Working with '$installWim'"
    Write-Host "Exporting install.wim to $labSources"
    Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath $installWim.FullName -DestinationImagePath $labSources\install.wim -SourceIndex $SourceImageIndex
    $windowsImage = Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $labSources\install.wim
    Write-Host "The Windows Image exported is named '$($windowsImage.ImageName)'"
    $patches = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolderPath\* -Include *.msu, *.cab
    Write-Host "Found $($patches.Count) patches in the UpdateFolderPath '$UpdateFolderPath'"
    Write-Host "Mounting Windows Image '$($windowsImage.ImagePath)' to folder "
    Mount-WindowsImage -Path $mountTempFolder -ImagePath $windowsImage.ImagePath -Index 1
    Write-Host "Adding patches to the mounted Windows Image. This can take quite some time..."
    foreach ($patch in $patches)
        Write-Host "Adding patch '$($patch.Name)'..." -NoNewline
        Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $patch.FullName -Path $mountTempFolder | Out-Null
        Write-Host 'finished'
    Write-Host "Dismounting Windows Image from path '$mountTempFolder' and saving the changes. This can take quite some time again..." -NoNewline
    Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $mountTempFolder -Save
    Write-Host 'finished'
    Write-Host "Moving updated Windows Image '$labsources\install.wim' to '$extractTempFolder'"
    Move-Item -Path $labsources\install.wim -Destination $extractTempFolder\sources -Force
    Write-Host "Calling oscdimg.exe to create a new bootable ISO image '$TargetIsoImagePath'..." -NoNewline
    $cmd = "$labSources\Tools\oscdimg.exe -m -o -u2 -l$isoImageName -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b$extractTempFolder\boot\,e,b$extractTempFolder\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin $extractTempFolder $TargetIsoImagePath"
    Write-Verbose $cmd
    $global:oscdimgResult = Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd 2>&1
    Write-Host 'finished'

    Write-Host "Deleting temp folder '$extractTempFolder'"
    Remove-Item -Path $extractTempFolder -Recurse -Force
    Write-Host "Deleting temp folder '$mountTempFolder'"
    Remove-Item -Path $mountTempFolder -Recurse -Force
    $end = Get-Date
    Write-Host "finished at $end. Runtime: $($end - $start)"
#endregion Update-LabIsoImage

#region Update-LabBaseImage
function Update-LabBaseImage
    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]


    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $BaseImagePath -PathType Leaf))
        Write-Error "The specified image '$BaseImagePath' could not be found"

    if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($BaseImagePath) -ne '.vhdx')
        Write-Error "The specified image must have the extension '.vhdx'"

    $patchesCab = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolderPath\* -Include *.cab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $patchesMsu = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdateFolderPath\* -Include *.msu -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (($patchesCab -eq $null) -and ($patchesMsu -eq $null))
        Write-Error "No .cab and .msu files found in '$UpdateFolderPath'"

    Write-Host 'Updating base image'
    Write-Host $BaseImagePath
    Write-Host "with $($patchesCab.Count + $patchesMsu.Count) updates from"
    Write-Host $UpdateFolderPath
    Write-Host 'This process can take a long time, depending on the number of updates'

    $start = Get-Date
    Write-Host "Start time: $start"

    Write-Host 'Creating temp folder (mount point)'
    $mountTempFolder = mkdir -Path $labSources -Name ([guid]::NewGuid())

    Write-Host "Mounting Windows Image '$BaseImagePath'"
    Write-Host "to folder '$mountTempFolder'"
    Mount-WindowsImage -Path $mountTempFolder -ImagePath $BaseImagePath -Index 1

    Write-Host 'Adding patches to the mounted Windows Image.'
    $patchesCab | ForEach-Object {

        $UpdateReady = Get-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $_ -Path $mountTempFolder | Select-Object -Property PackageState, PackageName, Applicable

        if ($UpdateReady.PackageState -eq 'Installed')
            Write-Host "$($UpdateReady.PackageName) is already installed"
        elseif ($UpdateReady.Applicable -eq $true)
            Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $_.FullName -Path $mountTempFolder
    $patchesMsu | ForEach-Object {

        Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $_.FullName -Path $mountTempFolder

    Write-Host "Dismounting Windows Image from path '$mountTempFolder' and saving the changes. This can take quite some time again..." -NoNewline
    Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $mountTempFolder -Save
    Write-Host 'finished'

    Write-Host "Deleting temp folder '$mountTempFolder'"
    Remove-Item -Path $mountTempFolder -Recurse -Force
    $end = Get-Date
    Write-Host "finished at $end. Runtime: $($end - $start)"
#endregion Update-LabBaseImage