#Region '.\public\Get-CustomRole.ps1' -1 function Get-CustomRole { <# .SYNOPSIS List available custom roles .EXAMPLE Get-CustomRole #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() end { $LabSource = Get-LabSourcesLocation $RolePath = Join-Path $LabSource -ChildPath 'CustomRoles' (Get-ChildItem $RolePath -Directory).Name } } #EndRegion '.\public\Get-CustomRole.ps1' 19 #Region '.\public\Get-LabConfiguration.ps1' -1 function Get-LabConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a configuration object .PARAMETER Name The name of the configuration to return .EXAMPLE Get-LabConfiguration -Name Example #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) end { Import-Configuration -Name $Name -CompanyName $env:USERNAME } } #EndRegion '.\public\Get-LabConfiguration.ps1' 23 #Region '.\public\Get-LabConfigurationPath.ps1' -1 function Get-LabConfigurationPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the path to the lab configuration .PARAMETER Name The lab to return .EXAMPLE Get-LabCOnfiguration -Name MyLab #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) end { Get-ConfigurationPath -Name $Name -CompanyName $env:USERNAME -Scope User } } #EndRegion '.\public\Get-LabConfigurationPath.ps1' 24 #Region '.\public\New-CustomRole.ps1' -1 function New-CustomRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Custom Role in AutomatedLab .PARAMETER Name The name of the custom role .PARAMETER InitScript If you already have the role script written, provide it with -InitScript .PARAMETER AdditionalFiles Provide the file path of any additional files the role requires to function .PARAMETER InitUrl This is a url to a PowerShell hosted online, e.g a gist or repository. .EXAMPLE New-CustomRole -Name SampleRole Create a new role called SampleRole. It will be bootstrapped for you. .EXAMPLE New-CustomRole -Name SampleRole -InitScript C:\scripts\role_scripts\SampleRole.ps1 Create a new role called SampleRole, and use an existing InitScript .EXAMPLE New-CustomRole -Name SampleRole -AdditionalFiles C:\temp\cert.pfx,C:\temp\my.lic Create a new role called SampleRole and provide some additonal files it requires .EXAMPLE New-CustomRole -Name SampleRole -InitUrl Creates a new role called SampleRole and downloads the role script from a url and saves it as SampleRole.ps1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ if ((Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq ".ps1")) { $true } else { throw "The init script either doesn't exist or must be a .ps1 file!" } })] [String] $InitScript, [Parameter()] [string] $InitUrl, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ $af = $_ $af | ForEach-Object { Test-Path $_ } })] [String[]] $AdditionalFiles ) end { $LabSourcesLocation = Get-LabSourcesLocation $rolePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $LabSourcesLocation -ChildPath 'CustomRoles') -ChildPath $Name if (-not (Test-Path $rolePath)) { $null = New-Item $rolePath -ItemType Directory if ($InitScript) { # If user provides an init script, put it in the role folder Copy-Item $InitScript -Destination "$rolePath\$Name.ps1" } elseif($InitUrl) { # When provided a url it downloads the scipt contents and saves it as the role script $Script = Join-Path $rolePath -ChildPath "$($Name).ps1" $contents = [System.Net.WebClient]::New().DownloadString($InitUrl) $contents | Out-File $Script } else { # Otherwise we just create a blank role script $null = New-Item -Path $rolePath -Name "$($Name).ps1" -ItemType File } # Copy any additional files to the role if ($AdditionalFiles) { Copy-Item (Resolve-Path $AdditionalFiles) -Destination $rolePath } } else { throw 'Role already exists. Please choose a different name.' } } } #EndRegion '.\public\New-CustomRole.ps1' 106 #Region '.\public\New-LabConfiguration.ps1' -1 function New-LabConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new lab configuration .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Name The name for the configuration .PARAMETER Definition A .ps1 file you wish to save with the configuration .PARAMETER Parameters A hashtable of Parameters that will be passed to the Definition when executed .PARAMETER Url A url to a PowerShell script you wish to include as the definition .EXAMPLE $conf = @{ Name = 'Example' Definition = 'C:\temp\sample.ps1' Parameters = @{ Animal = 'Dog' Breed = 'Lab' } } New-LabConfiguration @conf .EXAMPLE $conf = @{ Name = 'Example' Url = '' Parameters = @{ Animal = 'Dog' Breed = 'Lab' } } New-LabConfiguration @conf #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'default')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Git')] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'default')] [String] $Definition, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Git')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'default')] [Hashtable] $Parameters, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Git')] [String] $Url ) end { $ConfigurationBase = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ChildPath 'PowerShell' $slug = Join-Path $env:USERNAME -ChildPath $Name $Configuration = Join-Path $ConfigurationBase -ChildPath $slug if (-not $Parameters) { $Parameters = @{} } #Add the name $Parameters.Add('Name', $Name) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Git' { $Definition = Join-Path $Configuration -ChildPath 'Definition.ps1' } default { $Definition = Resolve-Path $Definition } } @{ Definition = $Definition Parameters = $Parameters } | Export-Configuration -CompanyName $env:USERNAME -Name $Name -Scope User # The configuration has to exist on disk before we can use it to build the path # where the definition will be saved when downloading from a Url. # So we postpone processing until we have exported the configuration with the correct # value, and then just drop the file there. if ($url) { [System.Net.WebClient]::new().DownloadFile($Url, $Definition) } } } #EndRegion '.\public\New-LabConfiguration.ps1' 106 #Region '.\public\Remove-LabConfiguration.ps1' -1 function Remove-LabConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a lab configuration .PARAMETER Name The configuration to remove .EXAMPLE Remove-LabConfiguration -Name TestConfig #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [String] $Name ) if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name,'Remove the lab configuration')){ Get-ConfigurationPath -Name $Name -CompanyName $env:USERNAME -Scope User | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force } } #EndRegion '.\public\Remove-LabConfiguration.ps1' 23 #Region '.\public\Start-Lab.ps1' -1 function Start-Lab { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a Lab from the configuration .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER Name The lab to build .PARAMETER AdditionalParameters Any additonal parameter to pass to the lab. Will get added to configuration parameters. .EXAMPLE Start-Lab -Name Example .EXAMPLE Start-Lab -Name Example -AdditionalParameters @{ Car = 'Corvette'} #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [Hashtable] $AdditionalParameters ) end { $configuration = Get-LabConfiguration -Name $Name $parameters = $configuration['Parameters'] if ($AdditionalParameters) { $AdditionalParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $parameters[$_.Key] = $_.Value } } try { Write-Warning "Attempting to start lab: $Name" Import-Lab -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Lab $Name doesn't exist, creating and starting..." & $configuration['Definition'] @parameters } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Start-Lab.ps1' 55 #Region '.\public\Stop-Lab.ps1' -1 function Stop-Lab { <# .SYNOPSIS Stops a running lab .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Name The lab to stop .EXAMPLE Stop-Lab -Name Example #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) try { Import-Lab -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop Get-LabVM | Stop-LabVM } catch { Write-Error -Message 'Lab was not found. Use Start-Lab to start or build first' -Exception ([System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::New()) } } #EndRegion '.\public\Stop-Lab.ps1' 32 #Region '.\Suffix.ps1' -1 # Initialize here #EndRegion '.\Suffix.ps1' 2 |