
$ApplicationPolicies = @{
    # Remote Desktop
    'Remote Desktop'                            = ''
    # Windows Update
    'Windows Update'                            = ''
    # Windows Third Party Applicaiton Component
    'Windows Third Party Application Component' = ''
    # Windows TCB Component
    'Windows TCB Component'                     = ''
    # Windows Store
    'Windows Store'                             = ''
    # Windows Software Extension verification
    ' Windows Software Extension Verification'  = ''
    # Windows RT Verification
    'Windows RT Verification'                   = ''
    # Windows Kits Component
    'Windows Kits Component'                    = ''
    'No OCSP Failover to CRL'                   = ''
    'Auto Update End Revocation'                = ''
    'Auto Update CA Revocation'                 = ''
    # Revoked List Signer
    'Revoked List Signer'                       = ''
    # Protected Process Verification
    'Protected Process Verification'            = ''
    # Protected Process Light Verification
    'Protected Process Light Verification'      = ''
    # Platform Certificate
    'Platform Certificate'                      = ''
    # Microsoft Publisher
    'Microsoft Publisher'                       = ''
    # Kernel Mode Code Signing
    'Kernel Mode Code Signing'                  = ''
    # HAL Extension
    'HAL Extension'                             = ''
    # Endorsement Key Certificate
    'Endorsement Key Certificate'               = ''
    # Early Launch Antimalware Driver
    'Early Launch Antimalware Driver'           = ''
    # Dynamic Code Generator
    'Dynamic Code Generator'                    = ''
    # Domain Name System (DNS) Server Trust
    'DNS Server Trust'                          = ''
    # Document Encryption
    'Document Encryption'                       = ''
    # Disallowed List
    'Disallowed List'                           = ''
    # Attestation Identity Key Certificate
    # System Health Authentication
    'System Health Authentication'              = ''
    # Smartcard Logon
    'IdMsKpScLogon'                             = ''
    # Certificate Request Agent
    'ENROLLMENT_AGENT'                          = ''
    # CTL Usage
    'AUTO_ENROLL_CTL_USAGE'                     = ''
    # Private Key Archival
    'KP_CA_EXCHANGE'                            = ''
    # Key Recovery Agent
    'KP_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT'                     = ''
    # Secure Email
    'PKIX_KP_EMAIL_PROTECTION'                  = ''
    # IP Security End System
    'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM'                  = ''
    # IP Security Tunnel Termination
    'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_TUNNEL'                      = ''
    # IP Security User
    'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_USER'                        = ''
    # Time Stamping
    'PKIX_KP_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING'                 = ''
    # OCSP Signing
    'KP_OCSP_SIGNING'                           = ''
    # IP security IKE intermediate
    'IPSEC_KP_IKE_INTERMEDIATE'                 = ''
    # Microsoft Trust List Signing
    'KP_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING'                      = ''
    # Microsoft Time Stamping
    'KP_TIME_STAMP_SIGNING'                     = ''
    # Windows Hardware Driver Verification
    'WHQL_CRYPTO'                               = ''
    # Windows System Component Verification
    'NT5_CRYPTO'                                = ''
    # OEM Windows System Component Verification
    'OEM_WHQL_CRYPTO'                           = ''
    # Embedded Windows System Component Verification
    'EMBEDDED_NT_CRYPTO'                        = ''
    # Root List Signer
    'ROOT_LIST_SIGNER'                          = ''
    # Qualified Subordination
    'KP_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION'                = ''
    # Key Recovery
    'KP_KEY_RECOVERY'                           = ''
    # Document Signing
    'KP_DOCUMENT_SIGNING'                       = ''
    # Lifetime Signing
    'KP_LIFETIME_SIGNING'                       = ''
    'DRM'                                       = ''
    'DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION'                     = ''
    # Key Pack Licenses
    'LICENSES'                                  = ''
    # License Server Verification
    'LICENSE_SERVER'                            = ''
    'Server Authentication'                     = '' #The certificate can be used for OCSP authentication.
    KP_IPSEC_USER                               = '' #The certificate can be used for an IPSEC user.
    'Code Signing'                              = '' #The certificate can be used for signing code.
    'Client Authentication'                     = '' #The certificate can be used for authenticating a client.
    KP_EFS                                      = '' #The certificate can be used to encrypt files by using the Encrypting File System.
    EFS_RECOVERY                                = '' #The certificate can be used for recovery of documents protected by using Encrypting File System (EFS).
    DS_EMAIL_REPLICATION                        = '' #The certificate can be used for Directory Service email replication.
    ANY_APPLICATION_POLICY                      = '' #The applications that can use the certificate are not restricted.
function New-CATemplate
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('EFS_RECOVERY', 'Auto Update CA Revocation', 'No OCSP Failover to CRL', 'OEM_WHQL_CRYPTO', 'Windows TCB Component', 'DNS Server Trust', 'Windows Third Party Application Component', 'ANY_APPLICATION_POLICY', 'KP_LIFETIME_SIGNING', 'Disallowed List', 'DS_EMAIL_REPLICATION', 'LICENSE_SERVER', 'KP_KEY_RECOVERY', 'Windows Kits Component', 'AUTO_ENROLL_CTL_USAGE', 'PKIX_KP_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING', 'Windows Update', 'Document Encryption', 'KP_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING', 'IPSEC_KP_IKE_INTERMEDIATE', 'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_TUNNEL', 'Code Signing', 'KP_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT', 'KP_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION', 'Early Launch Antimalware Driver', 'Remote Desktop', 'WHQL_CRYPTO', 'EMBEDDED_NT_CRYPTO', 'System Health Authentication', 'DRM', 'PKIX_KP_EMAIL_PROTECTION', 'KP_TIME_STAMP_SIGNING', 'Protected Process Light Verification', 'Endorsement Key Certificate', 'KP_IPSEC_USER', 'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM', 'LICENSES', 'Protected Process Verification', 'IdMsKpScLogon', 'HAL Extension', 'KP_OCSP_SIGNING', 'Server Authentication', 'Auto Update End Revocation', 'KP_EFS', 'KP_DOCUMENT_SIGNING', 'Windows Store', 'Kernel Mode Code Signing', 'ENROLLMENT_AGENT', 'ROOT_LIST_SIGNER', 'Windows RT Verification', 'NT5_CRYPTO', 'Revoked List Signer', 'Microsoft Publisher', 'Platform Certificate', ' Windows Software Extension Verification', 'KP_CA_EXCHANGE', 'PKIX_KP_IPSEC_USER', 'Dynamic Code Generator', 'Client Authentication', 'DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION')]

        [Pki.CATemplate.EnrollmentFlags]$EnrollmentFlags = 'None',

        [Pki.CATemplate.PrivateKeyFlags]$PrivateKeyFlags = 0,

        [Pki.CATemplate.KeyUsage]$KeyUsage = 0,


    $configNc = ([adsi]'LDAP://RootDSE').ConfigurationNamingContext
    $templateContainer = [adsi]"LDAP://CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$configNc"
    Write-Verbose "Template container is '$templateContainer'"

    $sourceTemplate = $templateContainer.Children | Where-Object Name -eq $SourceTemplateName
    if (-not $sourceTemplate)
        Write-Error "The source template '$SourceTemplateName' could not be found"

    if (($templateContainer.Children | Where-Object Name -eq $TemplateName))
        Write-Error "The template '$TemplateName' does aleady exist"
    if (-not $DisplayName) { $DisplayName = $TemplateName }
    $newCertTemplate = $templateContainer.Create('pKICertificateTemplate', "CN=$TemplateName") 
    $newCertTemplate.put('distinguishedName', "CN=$TemplateName,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,$configNc")

    $lastOid = $templateContainer.Children | 
        Sort-Object -Property { [int]($_.'msPKI-Cert-Template-OID' -split '\.')[-1] } | 
        Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty msPKI-Cert-Template-OID
    $oid = Get-NextOid -Oid $lastOid
    $flags = $sourceTemplate.flags.Value
    $flags = $flags -bor [Pki.CATemplate.Flags]::IsModified -bxor [Pki.CATemplate.Flags]::IsDefault
    $newCertTemplate.put('flags', $flags)
    $newCertTemplate.put('displayName', $DisplayName)
    $newCertTemplate.put('revision', '100')
    $newCertTemplate.put('pKIDefaultKeySpec', $sourceTemplate.pKIDefaultKeySpec.Value)

    $newCertTemplate.put('pKIMaxIssuingDepth', $sourceTemplate.pKIMaxIssuingDepth.Value)
    $newCertTemplate.put('pKICriticalExtensions', $sourceTemplate.pKICriticalExtensions.Value)
    $eku = @($sourceTemplate.pKIExtendedKeyUsage.Value)
    $newCertTemplate.put('pKIExtendedKeyUsage', $eku)
    #$newCertTemplate.put('pKIDefaultCSPs','2,Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0, 1,Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0')
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-RA-Signature', '0')
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Enrollment-Flag', $EnrollmentFlags)
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Private-Key-Flag', $PrivateKeyFlags)
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Certificate-Name-Flag', $sourceTemplate.'msPKI-Certificate-Name-Flag'.Value)
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Minimal-Key-Size', $sourceTemplate.'msPKI-Minimal-Key-Size'.Value)
    if (-not $Version)
        $Version = $sourceTemplate.'msPKI-Template-Schema-Version'.Value
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Template-Schema-Version', $Version)
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Template-Minor-Revision', '1')
    $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Cert-Template-OID', $oid)
    if (-not $ApplicationPolicy)
        #V2 template
        $ap = $sourceTemplate.'msPKI-Certificate-Application-Policy'.Value
        if (-not $ap)
            #V1 template
            $ap = $sourceTemplate.pKIExtendedKeyUsage.Value
        $ap = $ApplicationPolicy | ForEach-Object { $ApplicationPolicies[$_] }
    if ($ap)
        $newCertTemplate.put('msPKI-Certificate-Application-Policy', $ap)

    if ($KeyUsage)
        $newCertTemplate.pKIKeyUsage = $KeyUsage
        $newCertTemplate.pKIKeyUsage = $sourceTemplate.pKIKeyUsage
    if ($ValidityPeriod)
        $newCertTemplate.pKIExpirationPeriod.Value = [Pki.Period]::ToByteArray($ValidityPeriod)
        $newCertTemplate.pKIExpirationPeriod = $sourceTemplate.pKIExpirationPeriod
    if ($RenewalPeriod)
        $newCertTemplate.pKIOverlapPeriod.Value = [Pki.Period]::ToByteArray($RenewalPeriod)
        $newCertTemplate.pKIOverlapPeriod = $sourceTemplate.pKIOverlapPeriod