
Using Module .\Classes.psm1
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'

#Region - Utility Functions

Function Compare-ObjectProperty {
        Compares two objects property by property.
        Compares two objects property by property. A simple Compare-Object only compares those properties with the same name in the two objects.
    .PARAMETER ReferenceObject
        The first object to compare
    .PARAMETER DifferenceObject
        The second object to compare
        $a = New-Object psobject -Prop ([ordered] @{ One = 1; Two = 2})
        $b = New-Object psobject -Prop ([ordered] @{ One = 1; Two = 2; Three = 3})
        Compare-Object $a $b
        # would return $null because it only compares the properties that have common names but
        Compare-ObjectProperty $a $b
        # would return below because it compares the two objects property by property
        PropertyName RefValue DiffValue
        ------------ -------- ---------
        Three 3

    #region Parameters
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'First object to compare', Position = 0)]
        [PSObject] $ReferenceObject,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Second object to compare', Position = 1)]
        [PSObject] $DifferenceObject
    #endregion Parameters

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"

    process {
        $objprops = $ReferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty | ForEach-Object Name
        $objprops += $DifferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty | ForEach-Object Name
        $objprops = $objprops | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Unique
        $diffs = @()
        foreach ($objprop in $objprops) {
            $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ReferenceObject -DifferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $objprop
            if ($diff) {
                $diffprops = @{
                    PropertyName = $objprop
                    RefValue     = ($diff | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } | ForEach-Object $($objprop))
                    DiffValue    = ($diff | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } | ForEach-Object $($objprop))
                $diffs += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $diffprops
        if ($diffs) { return ($diffs | Select-Object -Property PropertyName, RefValue, DiffValue) }

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"

Function ConvertTo-QueryString {
    Credit for this function:

    param (
        # Value to convert
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $IncludeProperties,
        # URL encode parameter names
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $EncodeParameterNames
    process {
        $QueryString = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        if ($InputObject -is [hashtable]) {
            foreach ($Item in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($QueryString.Length -gt 0) { [void]$QueryString.Append('&') }
                [string] $ParameterName = $Item.Key
                [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Item.Value))
        ElseIf ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
            foreach ($Item in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($QueryString.Length -gt 0) { [void]$QueryString.Append('&') }
                [string]$ParameterName = $Item.Key
                If ($Item.value -is [boolean]) {
                    If ($Item.value -eq $true) {
                        [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode('true'))
                    Else {
                        [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode('false'))
                ElseIf ($ParameterName -eq '_oldValues') {
                    [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, $Item.value)
                Else {
                    [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Item.value))
        ElseIf ($InputObject.GetType().FullName.StartsWith('ANOW')) {
            foreach ($Item in $IncludeProperties) {
                if ($QueryString.Length -gt 0) { [void]$QueryString.Append('&') }
                [string]$ParameterName = $Item
                If ($InputObject."$Item" -is [boolean]) {
                    If ($InputObject."$Item" -eq $true) {
                        [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode('true'))
                    Else {
                        [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode('false'))
                ElseIf ($ParameterName -eq 'tags') {
                    [int32]$tag_count = $InputObject."$Item".Count
                    If ($tag_count -eq 0) {
                        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there were no tags found while converting a parameter block to query string!"
                    [int32]$current_tag = 1
                    ForEach ($tag_id in $InputObject."$Item") {
                        If ($current_tag -lt $tag_count) {
                            [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, ([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($tag_id) + '&'))
                        Else {
                            [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($tag_id))
                Else {
                    [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($InputObject."$Item"))
        elseif ($InputObject -is [object] -and $InputObject -isnot [ValueType]) {
            foreach ($Item in ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty)) {
                if ($QueryString.Length -gt 0) { [void]$QueryString.Append('&') }
                [string] $ParameterName = $Item.Name
                [void]$QueryString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', $ParameterName, [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($InputObject.($Item.Name)))
        else {
            ## Non-Terminating Error
            $Exception = New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList ('Cannot convert input of type {0} to query string.' -f $InputObject.GetType())
            Write-Error -Exception $Exception -Category ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ParserError) -CategoryActivity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorId 'ConvertQueryStringFailureTypeNotSupported' -TargetObject $InputObject
        [string]$Result = $QueryString.ToString()
        [string]$Result = $Result -creplace '\+', '%20' -creplace 'criteria[0-9]{1,}=', 'criteria=' -creplace 'setWorkspaceTags[0-9]{1,}=', 'setWorkspaceTags=' -creplace 'tags[0-9]{1,}=', 'tags='
        Write-Output $Result

Function New-AutomateNOWDefaultProcessingTitle {
    Try {
        [ANOWTimeZone]$user_timezone_object = $anow_session.supported_timezones | Where-Object { $ -eq ($anow_session.user_timezone) } | Select-Object -First 1
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Could not extract the current AutomateNOW timezone details for the logged in user due to [$Message]."
    [int64]$current_offset = $user_timezone_object.rawOffset
    If ($user_timezone_object.inDaylightTime -eq $true) {
        [int64]$current_offset = ($current_offset + $user_timezone_object.dstsavings)
    [datetime]$current_utc_time = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
    [datetime]$current_offset_time = $current_utc_time.AddMilliseconds($current_offset)
    $current_server_time_display = Get-Date -Date $current_offset_time -format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
    [string]$title = ('Manual execution - ' + $simpleId + ' - ' + $current_server_time_display)
    Return $title

Function New-WebkitBoundaryString {
    [string]$webkit_boundary = (((65..90) | Sort-Object { Get-Random } | Select-Object -First 5 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) + ((48..57) | Sort-Object { Get-Random } | Select-Object -First 5 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) + ((97..122) | Sort-Object { Get-Random } | Select-Object -First 6 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) | Sort-Object { Get-Random }) -join ''
    Return $webkit_boundary

Function Protect-AutomateNOWEncryptedString {
    "Encrypts" and encodes a plain text string for use with certain object types within an instance of AutomateNOW!
    "Encrypts" and encodes a plain text string for use with certain object types within an instance of AutomateNOW!
    The plain text string to "encrypt" and decode
    Optional 16-byte encryption key. The default will be used when this parameter is not specified.
    A single plain text string is accepted.
    The protected string is returned in plain text (base64 encoded) format
    Protect-AutomateNOWEncryptedString -Pass 'MySecretString'

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [byte[]]$Key = @(7, 22, 15, 11, 1, 24, 8, 13, 16, 10, 5, 17, 12, 19, 27, 9),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [byte[]]$passwd_array = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($pass)
    [byte[]]$encrytped_array = For ($i = 0; $i -lt ($passwd_array.Length); $i++) {
        [byte]$current_byte = $passwd_array[$i]
        [int32]$first = (-bnot $current_byte -shr 0) -band 0x0f
        [int32]$second = (-bnot $current_byte -shr 4) -band 0x0f
    [string]$encrypted_string = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($encrytped_array)
    If ($IncludePrefix -eq $true) {
        [string]$encrypted_string = ('ENCRYPTED::' + $encrypted_string)
    Return $encrypted_string

Function Unprotect-AutomateNOWEncryptedString {
    "Decrypts" and decodes the encrypted string within certain object types of an instance of AutomateNOW!
    "Decrypts" and decodes the encrypted string within certain object types of an instance of AutomateNOW!
    .PARAMETER protected_string
    Mandatory valid base64 string that you retrieved from the AutomateNOW console while viewing the Endpoint objects. Do not include the 'ENCRYPTED::' portion of the string but if you do it will be removed for you automatically.
    Optional 16-byte encryption key. The default will be used when this parameter is not specified.
    A single base64 encoded string is accepted.
    The unprotected string is returned in plain text.
    Unprotect-AutomateNOWEncryptedString -protected_string 'DREFCgsKCwoHChEFDQoFChMQBQobEw=='

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -cmatch '^([ENCRYPTED::]{11}|)(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32[]]$Key = @(7, 22, 15, 11, 1, 24, 8, 13, 16, 10, 5, 17, 12, 19, 27, 9)
    Function Format-Byte {
        [int32]$first = (-bnot $byte -shr 0) -band 0x0f
        [int32]$second = (-bnot $byte -shr 4) -band 0x0f
        Return @($first, $second)
    Function Confirm-Byte {
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        For ($i = 0; $i -lt 256; $i++) {
            [int32[]]$attempted_bytes = Format-Byte -byte ([byte]$i)
            [int32]$attempted_byte_first = $attempted_bytes[0]
            [int32]$attempted_byte_second = $attempted_bytes[1]
            If (($attempted_byte_first -eq $first_byte) -and ($attempted_byte_second -eq $second_byte)) {
                Return $i
    If ($protected_string -match '^ENCRYPTED::') {
        [string]$protected_string = $protected_string -replace 'ENCRYPTED::'
    Try {
        [int32[]]$encrypted_byte_array = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($protected_string)
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Decoding the protected string [$protected_string] from base64 failed due to [$Message]"
    [int32[]]$decoded_byte_array = For ($i = 0; $i -lt $encrypted_byte_array.Count; $i = $i + 2) {
        [int32]$first_byte = $Key.IndexOf($encrypted_byte_array[$i])
        [int32]$second_byte = $Key.IndexOf($encrypted_byte_array[$i + 1])
        [int32]$decoded_byte = Confirm-Byte -first_byte $first_byte -second_byte $second_byte
    [string]$unprotected_password = ([char[]]$decoded_byte_array -join '')
    Return $unprotected_password


#Region - API Functions
Function Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI {
    Invokes the API of an AutomateNOW instance
    The `Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI` cmdlet sends API commands (in the form of HTTPS requests) to an instance of AutomateNOW. It returns the results in either JSON or PSCustomObject.
    .PARAMETER Command
    Specifies the command to invoke with the API call. The value must begin with a forward slash. For example: /secUser/getUserInfo
    .PARAMETER Method
    Specifies the method to use with the API call. Valid values are GET and POST.
    .PARAMETER Headers
    Optional hashtable to add headers.
    .PARAMETER NotSecure
    Switch parameter to accomodate instances using the http protocol. Only use this if the instance is on http and not https.
    Specifies the body object. The format will depend on what you have for content type. Usually, this is a string or a hashtable.
    .PARAMETER BinaryBody
    Specifies a byte array for the body. This is used for uploading files.
    .PARAMETER ContentType
    Specifies the content type of the body (only needed if a body is included)
    .PARAMETER Instance
    Specifies the name of the AutomateNOW instance. For example:
    Switch parameter to return the results in a JSON string instead of a PSCustomObject
    .PARAMETER NotAPICommand
    Rarely used switch parameter that removes the '/api' portion of the API URL. Note: This parameter is slated for removal
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI (yet).
    The corresponding ANOW Data Source Item type is returned (e.g. a local dictionary store item)
    Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI -command '/secUser/getUserInfo' -method GET
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$NotSecure = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ContentType = 'application/json',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$NotAPICommand = $false
    If ($anow_session.header.values.count -eq 0 -or $anow_session.Instance.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish your access token."
    ElseIf ($anow_session.header.Authorization -notmatch '^Bearer [a-zA-Z-_:,."0-9]{1,}$') {
        [string]$malformed_token = $anow_session.header.values
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the access token is not in the expected format. Please contact the author with this apparently malformed token: $malformed_token"
    ElseIf ($command -notmatch '^/.{1,}') {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please prefix the command with a forward slash (for example: /secUser/getUserInfo)."
    If ($Instance.Length -eq 0) {
        [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
    If ($Body.Length -gt 0 -and $BinaryBody.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "You cannot specify a binary body and a text body. Please choose one or the other."
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    If ($NotSecure -eq $true) {
        [string]$protocol = 'http'
    Else {
        [string]$protocol = 'https'
    [int64]$ps_version_major = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    If ($ps_version_major -eq 5) {
        $parameters.Add('UseBasicParsing', $true)
    ElseIf ($ps_version_major -gt 5) {
        If ($protocol -eq 'http') {
            $parameters.Add('SkipCertificateCheck', $true)
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please use either Windows PowerShell 5.x or PowerShell Core. This module is not compatible with PowerShell 4 or below."
    If ($NotAPICommand -ne $true) {
        [string]$api_url = ($protocol + '://' + $instance + '/automatenow/api' + $command)
    Else {
        [string]$api_url = ($protocol + '://' + $instance + '/automatenow' + $command)
    $parameters.Add('Uri', $api_url)
    If ($Headers -is [hashtable]) {
        $Headers.Add('domain', $anow_session.header.domain)
        $Headers.Add('Authorization', $anow_session.header.Authorization)
        $parameters.Add('Headers', $Headers)
    Else {
        $parameters.Add('Headers', $anow_session.header)
    $parameters.Add('Method', $Method)
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', $ContentType)
    If ($Body.Length -gt 0) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Sending body: $Body"
        If ($Method -eq 'GET') {
            [string]$api_url = $api_url + '?' + $Body
        Else {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    ElseIf ($BinaryBody.Count -gt 0) {
        $parameters.Add('Body', $BinaryBody)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json
    Write-Verbose -Message "Sending the following parameters to $api_url -> $parameters_display."
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Try {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject]$results = Invoke-WebRequest @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        If ($Message -match '(The underlying connection was closed|The SSL connection could not be established)') {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Please try again with the -NotSecure parameter if you are connecting to an insecure instance.'
        ElseIf ($Message -match 'Response status code does not indicate success:') {
            Try {
                [int32]$return_code = $Message -split 'success: ' -split ' ' | Select-Object -Last 1 -Skip 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
        ElseIf ($Message -match 'The remote server returned an error: ') {
            Try {
                [int32]$return_code = $Message -split '\(' -split '\)' | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
        Else {
            [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = "Invoke-WebRequest failed due to [$Message]"
        [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = Switch ($return_code) {
            401 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Unauthorized). HAS YOUR TOKEN EXPIRED? ARE YOU ON THE CORRECT DOMAIN? :-)" }
            403 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Forbidden). DO YOU MAYBE NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO THIS? [$command]" }
            404 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Page Not Found). ARE YOU SURE THIS ENDPOINT REALLY EXISTS? [$command]" }
            Default { "You received HTTP Code $return_code instead of '200 OK'. Apparently, something is wrong..." }
        Write-Warning -Message $ReturnCodeWarning
    $ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
    [string]$content = $Results.Content
    If ($content -notmatch '^{.{1,}}$' -and $BinaryBody.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The returned results were somehow not a JSON object."
    If ($JustGiveMeJSON -eq $true) {
        Return $content
    If ($BinaryBody.Count -eq 0) {
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$content_object = $content | ConvertFrom-JSON
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertFrom-JSON failed to convert the returned results due to [$Message]."
    Else {
        [array]$split_content = $content -split "`n"
        [int32]$split_content_count = $split_content.Count
        If ($split_content_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to interpret the response after posting a binary payload. Please look into this."
        [string]$data = $split_content -cmatch 'messageType'
        If ($data.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the messageType after posting a binary payload. Please look into this."
        Else {
            [string]$data = $data.Trim()
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$content_object = $data | ConvertFrom-Json
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertFrom-JSON failed to convert the returned results after posting a binary payload due to [$Message]."
        [string]$messageType = $content_object.messageType
        If ($messageType.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the messageType (from the response JSON) after posting a binary payload. Please look into this."
        [int32]$response_code = $content_object.response.status
        If ($response_code -eq 0) {
            Try {
                $ = $DataSource
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the returned results into a [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord] object after successfully posting a binary payload due to [$Message]."
        ElseIf ($response_code -eq -1) {
            [string]$error_message = $
            Write-Warning -Message "Error: [$messageType] $error_message"
    Return $content_object

#Region - Authentication Functions

Function Confirm-AutomateNOWSession {
    Confirms that the local session variable created by Connect-AutomateNOW is still apparently valid.
    The `Confirm-AutomateNOWSession` function confirms that the local session variable created by Connect-AutomateNOW is still apparently valid (not expired yet). This function does not make any network connections. It is only reviewing and advising on the currently stored session variable.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the extraneous output that this outputs by default
    .PARAMETER IgnoreEmptyDomain
    Switch parameter to ignore the lack of configured domain in the session header. This was intended for development purposes and is likely to be removed in the future.
    .PARAMETER DoNotRefresh
    Switch parameter to ignore MaximumTokenRefreshAge
    .PARAMETER MaximumTokenRefreshAge
    int32 parameter to specify the minimum age (in seconds) of the refresh token before updating it occurs automatically. Default is 3300 (meaning that the token will not be refreshed if it is less than 300 seconds old)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Confirm-AutomateNOWSession (yet).
    Returns a boolean $True if the local session variable appears to be valid (not expired yet)
    Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token before you can confirm it

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$MaximumTokenRefreshAge = 3300
    If ($anow_session.header.values.count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish your access token or provide your token through the -AccessToken parameter of Connect-AutomateNOW."
    ElseIf ($anow_session.header.Authorization -notmatch '^Bearer [a-zA-Z-_/=:,."0-9]{1,}$') {
        [string]$malformed_token = $anow_session.header.values
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the access token is not in the expected format. Please contact the author with this apparently malformed token: [$malformed_token]"
    ElseIf ($anow_session.header.domain.Length -eq 0 -and $IgnoreEmptyDomain -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Please use Switch-AutomateNOWDomain to switch your domain. Use Get-AutomateNOWDomain or include the -Domain parameter with Connect-AutomateNOW'
    ElseIf ($anow_session.RefreshToken -eq 'Not set') {
        Write-Warning -Message 'This connection is without a refresh token! Please use -RefreshToken with Connect-AutomateNOW to include one.'
        Return $true
    ElseIf ($anow_session.ExpirationDate -isnot [datetime]) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Somehow there is no expiration date available. Are you debugging at this moment? Make sure that you allow Confirm-AutomateNOWSession to complete.'
    ElseIf ($anow_session.RefreshToken -notmatch '^[a-zA-Z-_/=:,."0-9]{1,}$' -and $anow_session.RefreshToken.Length -gt 0) {
        [string]$malformed_refresh_token = $anow_session.RefreshToken
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the refresh token does not appear to be valid. Please contact the author about this apparently malformed token: [$malformed_refresh_token]"
    If ($null -eq (Get-Command -Name Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI -EA 0)) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Somehow the Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI function is not available in this session. Did you install -and- import the module?'
    If ($anow_session.ExpirationDate -gt (Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01 00:00:00')) {
        [datetime]$current_date = Get-Date
        [datetime]$ExpirationDate = $anow_session.ExpirationDate
        [string]$ExpirationDateDisplay = Get-Date -Date $ExpirationDate -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
        [timespan]$TimeRemaining = ($ExpirationDate - $current_date)
        [int32]$SecondsRemaining = $TimeRemaining.TotalSeconds
        If ($SecondsRemaining -lt 0) {
            If ($SecondsRemaining -lt -86400) {
                [int32]$DaysRemaining = ($SecondsRemaining / -86400)
                Write-Warning -Message "This token expired about [$DaysRemaining] day(s) ago at [$ExpirationDateDisplay]. You can request a new token using Connect-AutomateNOW."
            ElseIf ($SecondsRemaining -lt -3600) {
                [int32]$HoursRemaining = ($SecondsRemaining / -3600)
                Write-Warning -Message "This token expired about [$HoursRemaining] hour(s) ago at [$ExpirationDateDisplay]. You can request a new token using Connect-AutomateNOW."
            ElseIf ($SecondsRemaining -lt -60) {
                [int32]$MinutesRemaining = ($SecondsRemaining / -60)
                Write-Warning -Message "This token expired about [$MinutesRemaining] minute(s) ago at [$ExpirationDateDisplay]. You can request a new token using Connect-AutomateNOW."
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "This token expired [$SecondsRemaining] second(s) ago at [$ExpirationDateDisplay]. You can request a new token using Connect-AutomateNOW."
        ElseIf (($SecondsRemaining -lt $MaximumTokenRefreshAge) -and ($DoNotRefresh -ne $true)) {
            [int32]$minutes_elapsed = ($TimeRemaining.TotalMinutes)
            Write-Verbose -Message "This token will expire in [$minutes_elapsed] minutes. Refreshing your token automatically. Use -DoNotRefresh with Connect-AutomateNOW to stop this behavior."
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Debug: This token still has [$SecondsRemaining] seconds remaining"
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "This token has an unknown expiration date because you used -AccessToken without including -RefreshToken :|"
    Return $true

Function Connect-AutomateNOW {
    Connects to the API of an AutomateNOW! instance
    Connects to the API of an AutomateNOW! instance. The session details are then set to global variable $anow_session.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    Specifies the name of the AutomateNOW! instance. For example:
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Optional string to set the AutomateNOW domain manually. If you do not specify, then you will (likely) need to use Switch-AutomateNOWDomain
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    Optionally specify the access token manually. This is normally copy/pasted from your web browser. This is intended for use when development testing. For best results, combine with -RefreshToken and -ExpirationDate
    .PARAMETER RefreshToken
    Optionally specify the refresh token manually. This is normally copy/pasted from your web browser. You don't need to include this if you use -AccessToken but it helps.
    .PARAMETER ExpirationDate
    Int64 representing the current date in UNIX time milliseconds. You don't need to include this if you use -AccessToken but it helps.
    .PARAMETER ReadJSONFromClipboard
    Switch parameter that will enable reading the JSON payload from the clipboard. You must have a valid authentication JSON payload in your clipboard for this to work (hint: You can copy it from your web browser after you've logged in). This parameter is useful for one-off usages where entering the password into the PowerShell prompt is undesireable.
    Specifies the user connecting to the API only if you want to enter it on the command line manually. If you do not specify this, you will be prompted for it.
    Specifies the password for connecting to the API only if you want to enter it on the command line manually. If you do not specify this, you will be prompted for it.
    .PARAMETER NotSecure
    Switch parameter to accomodate instances that use the http protocol (typically on port 8080)
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the output of the access token (note that this parameter overrides -SkipMOTD)
    Switch parameter to silence the "message of the day". This parameter is ignored if -Quiet is set.
    .PARAMETER SkipPreviousSessionCheck
    Switch parameter to override the requirement to disconnect from a previous session before starting a new session on a different instance
    Optional 16-byte array for when InfiniteDATA has changed their encryption key. Let's hope we don't need to use this :-)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Connect-AutomateNOW (yet).
    There is no direct output. Rather, a global variable $anow_session.header with the bearer access token is set in the current powershell session.
    Example 1 (You will be prompted for credential, just like the UI) *RECOMMENDED*
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance ''
    Example 2 (You will logon to the AutomateNOW UI and copy the authentication JSON payload into your clipboard)
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -ReadJSONFromClipboard
    Example 3 (You will provide the access token, refresh token and expiration date typically sourced from your web browser after logging on that way)
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -AccessToken 'ey...' -RefreshToken 'ey...' -ExpirationDate 1700000000000
    Example 4 (You will provide only the access token without an accompanying refresh or expiration date)
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -AccessToken 'ey...'
    Example 5 (Shows how to connect to an insecure instance and also how to skip the check if a previous session already exists)
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -NotSecure -Domain 'Test' -SkipPreviousSessionCheck
    Example 6 (Shows how to enter an alternate encryption key array)
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -Key [byte[]]@(7, 22, 15, 11, 1, 24, 8, 13, 16, 10, 5, 17, 12, 19, 27, 9)
    Example 7 (You will supply the user and password on the commandline. This is not secure because your password will be logged in your command line history. This is only here for convenience in a training instance!) *NOT RECOMMENDED*
    Connect-AutomateNOW -Instance '' -User 'user.10' -Pass '********' -Domain 'Test' -Quiet
    1. You only need to specify the -Instance parameter. You -really should- specify the -Domain parameter as well, otherwise you will need to immediately use Switch-Domain.
    1. The -User and -Pass parameters really should be removed as using them would put your credential into your command history. However, they are still available in case that approach is still desireable.
    2. If you're going to use -AccessToken then you *should* include -RefreshToken and -ExpirationDate as well (but you don't have to).
    3. The -ReadJSONFromClipboard parameter is mainly intended for demonstration purposes to speed things up and not have to worry about typing mistakes.
    4. This module will auto-refresh your token (same as the console). The difference is that the console may refresh if your token after 1 second of age. This module by defaults waits until the token is 300 seconds before automatically refreshing (See Update-AutomateNOWToken for more info).
    5. Always use Disconnect-AutomateNOW after you have concluded your session
    6. If you trying to find the session details with your token, check the global variable --> $anow_session

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^ey[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{4,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^ey[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{4,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [int64]$ExpirationDate = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DirectCredential')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Clipboard')]
        [byte[]]$Key = @(7, 22, 15, 11, 1, 24, 8, 13, 16, 10, 5, 17, 12, 19, 27, 9)
    Function New-ANOWAuthenticationPayload {
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [boolean]$SuperUser = $false,
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [byte[]]$Key = @(7, 22, 15, 11, 1, 24, 8, 13, 16, 10, 5, 17, 12, 19, 27, 9)
        [string]$encrypted_string = Protect-AutomateNOWEncryptedString -Pass $Pass -Key $Key
        [hashtable]$payload = @{}
        $payload.Add('j_username', $User)
        $payload.Add('j_password', "ENCRYPTED::$encrypted_string")
        $payload.Add('superuser', $SuperUser)
        [string]$payload_json = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Sending payload $payload_json"
        Return $payload_json
    Function New-ANOWAuthenticationProperties {
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$body = New-ANOWAuthenticationPayload -User $User -Pass $Pass
        [string]$login_url = ($protocol + '://' + $instance + '/automatenow/api/login/authenticate')
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        [int32]$ps_version_major = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
        If ($ps_version_major -eq 5) {
            # The below C# code provides the equivalent of the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter for Windows PowerShell 5.1 Invoke-WebRequest
            If (($null -eq ("TrustAllCertsPolicy" -as [type])) -and ($protocol -eq 'http')) {
                [string]$certificate_policy = @"
                using System.Net;
                using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
                public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                    public bool CheckValidationResult(
                        ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                        WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                        return true;

                Try {
                    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $certificate_policy
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Add-Type failed due to [$Message]"
                Try {
                    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object -TypeName TrustAllCertsPolicy
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create a new 'TrustAllCertsPolicy' CertificatePolicy object due to [$Message]."
            $parameters.Add('UseBasicParsing', $true)
        ElseIf ( $ps_version_major -gt 5) {
            $parameters.Add('SkipCertificateCheck', $true)
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please use either Windows PowerShell 5.1 or PowerShell Core."
        $parameters.Add('Uri', $login_url)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('Body', $body)
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/json')
        Try {
            [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject]$results = Invoke-WebRequest @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            If ($Message -match '(The underlying connection was closed|The SSL connection could not be established)') {
                Write-Warning -Message 'Please try again with the -NotSecure parameter if you are connecting to an insecure instance.'
            ElseIf ($Message -match 'Response status code does not indicate success:') {
                Try {
                    [int32]$return_code = $Message -split 'success: ' -split ' ' | Select-Object -Last 1 -Skip 1
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
            ElseIf ($Message -match 'The remote server returned an error: ') {
                Try {
                    [int32]$return_code = $Message -split '\(' -split '\)' | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First 1
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
            Else {
                [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = "Invoke-WebRequest failed due to [$Message]"
            [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = Switch ($return_code) {
                401 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Unauthorized). DID YOU MAYBE ENTER THE WRONG PASSWORD? :-)" }
                403 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Forbidden). DO YOU MAYBE NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO THIS? [$command]" }
                404 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Page Not Found). ARE YOU SURE THIS ENDPOINT REALLY EXISTS? [$command]" }
                Default { "You received HTTP Code $return_code instead of '200 OK'. Apparently, something is wrong..." }
            Write-Warning -Message $ReturnCodeWarning
        [string]$content = $Results.Content
        If ($content -notmatch '^{"token_type":"Bearer","access_token":"[a-zA-Z-_:,."0-9]{1,}"}$') {
            [string]$content = "The returned content does not contain a bearer token. Please check the credential you are using."
        Write-Verbose -Message "`r`nToken properties: $content`r`n"
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$token_properties = $content | ConvertFrom-Json
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertFrom-Json or Select-Object failed due to [$Message]."
        Return $token_properties
    If ($Instance -match '^http[s]{0,}://') {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please do not include https:// in the name of the instance. See Get-Help Connect-AutomateNOW for examples."
    If ($NotSecure -eq $true) {
        [string]$protocol = 'http'
    Else {
        [string]$protocol = 'https'
    If (($null -ne $anow_session.ExpirationDate) -and ($Instance -ne $anow_session.Instance) -and ($SkipPreviousSessionCheck -ne $true)) {
        [datetime]$current_date = Get-Date
        If ($current_date.IsDaylightSavingTime() -eq $true) {
        [datetime]$expiration_date = $anow_session.ExpirationDate
        [timespan]$TimeRemaining = ($expiration_date - $current_date)
        [int32]$SecondsRemaining = $TimeRemaining.TotalSeconds
        If ($SecondsRemaining -gt 60) {
            [string]$AlreadyConnectedInstance = ($anow_session.Instance)
            Write-Warning -Message "Please use Disconnect-AutomateNOW to terminate your previous connection to $AlreadyConnectedInstance (Use -SkipPreviousSessionCheck to override this)"
    ElseIf ($null -ne $anow_session) {
        Try {
            Remove-Variable -Name anow_session -Scope Global -Force
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Remove-Variable failed to remove the `$anow_session variable due to [$Message]."
    If ($ReadJSONFromClipboard -eq $true) {
        Try {
            If ($null -eq (Get-Clipboard)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The clipboard cannot be read. Please use a different parameter set or fill up your clipboard with the authentication JSON payload."
            Else {
                [string]$Clipboard = Get-Clipboard
                If ($Clipboard -notmatch '[0-9a-zA-Z \n{}":,_.-]{1,}(?:"expires_in")[0-9a-zA-Z \n{}":,_.-]{1,}') {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "The contents of the clipboard are: $Clipboard"
                    Write-Warning -Message "The contents of the clipboard do not appear to be a valid JSON authentication payload"
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Clipboard failed to read the clipboard due to [$Message]."
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$AuthenticationObject = $Clipboard | ConvertFrom-Json
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertFrom-Json failed to convert the contents of the clipboard due to [$Message]."
        If ($AuthenticationObject.token_type -ne 'Bearer') {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the authentication object that was extracted from the clipboard does not include the Token Type. This is fatal."
        ElseIf ($AuthenticationObject.expires_in -isnot [int64]) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the authentication object that was extracted from the clipboard does not have a valid expires_in property. This is fatal."
        ElseIf ($AuthenticationObject.expirationDate -isnot [int64]) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the authentication object that was extracted from the clipboard does not have a valid expirationDate property. This is fatal."
        [string]$AccessToken = $AuthenticationObject.access_token
        [string]$RefreshToken = $AuthenticationObject.refresh_token
        [int64]$ExpirationDate = $AuthenticationObject.expirationDate
    If ($AccessToken.Length -eq 0) {
        If ($User.Length -eq 0 ) {
            Try {
                [string]$User = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter username (e.g. jsmith)'
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Read-Host failed to receive the current username due to [$Message]."
        If ($Pass.Length -eq 0 ) {
            If ($ps_version_major -gt 5) {
                Try {
                    [string]$Pass = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter password (e.g. ******)' -MaskInput
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Read-Host failed to receive the current password on PowerShell Core due to [$Message]."
            Else {
                Try {
                    [securestring]$SecurePass = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter password (e.g. ******)' -AsSecureString
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Read-Host failed to receive the current password on Windows PowerShell due to [$Message]."
                Try {
                    [string]$Pass = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $SecurePass).Password
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "The 'new' constructor of the System.Net.NetworkCredential class failed to convert a secure string to plain text due to [$Message]."
                Try {
                    [PSCustomObject]$token_properties = New-ANOWAuthenticationProperties -User $User -Pass $Pass
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "New-ANOWAuthenticationProperties failed due to [$Message]."
                If ( $token_properties.expirationDate -isnot [int64]) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "How is it that the expiration date value is not a 64-bit integer? Something must be wrong. Are we in a time machine?"
                [string]$access_token = $token_properties.access_token
                [string]$refresh_token = $token_properties.refresh_token
    Else {
        [string]$access_token = $AccessToken
        If ($RefreshToken.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$refresh_token = $RefreshToken
        Else {
            [string]$refresh_token = 'Not set'
    Try {
        [System.TimeZoneInfo]$timezone = Get-TimeZone
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-TimeZone failed to get the time zone due to [$Message]."
    [boolean]$dst = (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()
    If ($dst -eq $true) {
        [System.TimeSpan]$utc_offset = ($timezone.BaseUtcOffset + (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 60))
    Else {
        [System.TimeSpan]$utc_offset = $timezone.BaseUtcOffset
    If ($refresh_token -ne 'Not set' -and $ExpirationDate -eq 0) {
        Try {
            [datetime]$expiration_date_utc = (Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01').AddMilliseconds($token_properties.expirationDate)
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Date failed to process the expiration date from the `$token_properties variable due to [$Message]"
        [datetime]$expiration_date = ($expiration_date_utc + $utc_offset) # We're adding 2 values here: the current time in UTC and the current machine's UTC offset
    Else {
        If ($ExpirationDate -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [datetime]$expiration_date_utc = (Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01').AddMilliseconds($ExpirationDate)
            Catch {
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-Date failed to process the expiration date from the `$ExpirationDate variable due to [$Message]"
            [datetime]$Current_Date_UTC = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
            [timespan]$Remaining_Time = ($Current_Date_UTC - $expiration_date_utc)
            [datetime]$expiration_date = ($expiration_date_utc + $utc_offset) # We're adding 2 values here: the current time in UTC and the current machine's UTC offset
            If ($Remaining_Time.TotalSeconds -gt 0) {
                [int32]$remaining_minutes = $Remaining_Time.TotalMinutes
                [string]$display_date = $expiration_date.ToString()
                Write-Warning -Message "This token expired about [$remaining_minutes] minute(s) ago at [$display_date]. Please re-authenticate to obtain a new one."
        Else {
            [datetime]$expiration_date = Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01'
    [hashtable]$anow_session = @{}
    $anow_session.Add('User', $User)
    $anow_session.Add('Instance', $Instance)
    If ($NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $anow_session.Add('NotSecure', $True)
    $anow_session.Add('ExpirationDate', $expiration_date)
    $anow_session.Add('AccessToken', $access_token)
    $anow_session.Add('RefreshToken', $refresh_token)
    [hashtable]$Header = @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $access_token"; 'domain' = ''; }
    $anow_session.Add('header', $Header)
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Global variable $anow_session.header has been set. Refer to this as your authentication header.'
    Try {
        New-Variable -Name 'anow_session' -Scope Global -Value $anow_session
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "New-Variable failed to create the session properties object due to [$Message]"
    [string]$home_url = ($protocol + '://' + $instance + '/automatenow')
    Try {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject]$results = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $home_url
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        If ($Message -match '(The underlying connection was closed|The SSL connection could not be established)') {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Please try again with the -NotSecure parameter if you are connecting to an insecure instance.'
        ElseIf ($Message -match 'Response status code does not indicate success:') {
            Try {
                [int32]$return_code = $Message -split 'success: ' -split ' ' | Select-Object -Last 1 -Skip 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
        ElseIf ($Message -match 'The remote server returned an error: ') {
            Try {
                [int32]$return_code = $Message -split '\(' -split '\)' | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message2 = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to extract the error code from [$Message] due to [$Message2]"
        Else {
            [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = "Invoke-WebRequest failed (on the home page!) due to [$Message]"
        [string]$ReturnCodeWarning = Switch ($return_code) {
            401 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Unauthorized). DID YOU MAYBE ENTER THE WRONG PASSWORD? :-)" }
            403 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Forbidden). DO YOU MAYBE NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO THIS? [$command]" }
            404 { "You received HTTP Code $return_code (Page Not Found). ARE YOU SURE THIS ENDPOINT REALLY EXISTS? [$command]" }
            Default { "You received HTTP Code $return_code instead of '200 OK'. Apparently, something is wrong..." }
        Write-Warning -Message $ReturnCodeWarning
    If ($results.StatusCode -eq 200) {
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$instance_info = (($results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content) -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -match '^\s{0,8}{"licenseInfo":.{1,}' } | Select-Object -First 1) | ConvertFrom-Json
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the results of the home page details object due to [$Message]"
        If ($Null -eq $instance_info.licenseInfo) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response from the instance info request was empty!"
        [string]$licenseInfo = $instance_info.licenseInfo
        If ($licenseInfo -notmatch '^@{') {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the instance information was invalid."
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$instance_info_object = $licenseInfo -replace '@{' -replace '}', ';' -split ';' | ForEach-Object { $_.trim() } | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomobject]@{name = ($_ -split '=' | Select-Object -First 1); value = ($_ -split '=' | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip 1) } } | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 }
            [hashtable]$instance_info_table = @{}
            ForEach ($info in $instance_info_object) {
                $instance_info_table.Add(($, ($info.value))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the instance information into a valid object due to [$Message]. We were so close! Did something change in InfiniteDATA's code? :-)"
        If ($Domain.Length -gt 0) {
            $Header['domain'] = $Domain
            Try {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$server_timezone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id ($instance_info.defaultTimeZone)
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the available time zones from [$Instance] into an array of valid ANOWTimeZone class objects due to [$Message]. We were so close! Did something change in InfiniteDATA's code? :-)"
            Try {
                [ANOWTimeZone[]]$available_timezones = ($instance_info.timeZones) -split ',' | Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the available time zones from [$Instance] into an array of valid ANOWTimeZone class objects due to [$Message]. We were so close! Did something change in InfiniteDATA's code? :-)"
            [int32]$available_timezones_count = $available_timezones.count
            If ($available_timezones_count -gt 0) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Instance] has [$available_timezones_count] available timezones to choose from"
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there are no timezones available from this instance. Something must be wrong."
            $anow_session.Add('available_timezones', $available_timezones)
        Else {
        $anow_session.Add('server_timezone', $server_timezone)
        $anow_session.Add('instance_info', $instance_info_table)
        [PSCustomObject]$CalendarInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{'firstDayOfWeek' = $instance_info.firstDayOfWeek; 'firstCalendarYear' = $instance_info.firstCalendarYear; 'lastCalendarYear' = $instance_info.lastCalendarYear; }
        $anow_session.Add('calendar_info', $CalendarInfo)
        [string]$applicationVersion = $anow_session.instance_info.applicationVersion
        [string]$application = $anow_session.instance_info.application
        If ($Id.length -eq 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWUserInfo]$userInfo = Get-AutomateNOWUser -LoggedOnUser
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWUser failed to get the currently logged in user info due to [$Message]."
            [string]$Id = $userInfo.Id
        $anow_session['user_details'] = $userInfo
        [string]$userName = $
        If ($userName.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the username property is not present from the user object. This is fatal."
        $anow_session['User'] = $userName
        If ($ -match ',') {
            [string[]]$domains = $ -split ',' | Sort-Object
        Else {
            [string[]]$domains = $ -split ' ' | Sort-Object
        [int32]$domain_count = $domains.Count
        Write-Verbose -Message "Detected $domain_count domains"
        If ($domain_count -gt 0) {
            $anow_session.Add('available_domains', $domains)
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the count of domains is zero."
        If ($Domain.Length -eq 0) {
            [string]$domains_display = $domains -join ', '
            Write-Warning -Message "Please try Connect-AutomateNOW again with the -Domain parameter with one of these case-sensitive domains: $domains_display"
            Remove-Variable anow_session -Force
        If ($domain_count -eq 1) {
            If ($Domain.Length -eq 0) {
                [string]$Domain = $domains
                If ($null -ne $anow_session.header.Domain) {
                $anow_session.header.Add('domain', $Domain)
                Write-Verbose -Message "Automatically choosing the [$Domain] domain as it is the only one available."
            ElseIf ($ -ne $Domain) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The domain you chose with -Domain [$Domain] is not the same as the one on [$instance]. Please check the domain name again and note that it is case-sensitive."
        Else {
            If ($domains -ccontains $Domain) {
                If ($Domain.Length -gt 0) {
                    $anow_session.header['domain'] = $Domain
            ElseIf ($Domain.Length -gt 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The domain you chose with -Domain [$Domain] is not available on [$instance]. Please check the domain name again and note that it is case-sensitive."
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Proceeding without a domain selected"
        $anow_session.Add('current_domain', $Domain)
        $anow_session.Add('protocol', $protocol)
        Try {
            [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = $userInfo.defaultTimeZone
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the user object's default time zone into an [ANOWTimeZone] object due to [$message]"
        If ($defaultTimeZone.Length -gt 0) {
            $anow_session.Add('user_timezone', $defaultTimeZone)
        [string]$motd_message = "`r`nWelcome to $application version $applicationVersion"
        If ($SkipMOTD -ne $true) {
            Write-Information -MessageData $motd_message
    Else {
        If ($null -eq $results.StatusCode) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The results were empty. There must be a bigger problem..."
        Else {
            [int32]$status_code = $results.StatusCode
            Write-Warning -Message "Received HTTP status code [$status_code] instead of 200. Please look into it. You can try suppressing this attempt to retrieve instance info by including the -SkipMOTD parameter."
    [PSCustomObject]$anow_session_display = [PSCustomObject]@{ protocol = $protocol; instance = $instance; token_expires = $expiration_date; user = $userName; domain = $Domain; access_token = ($access_token.SubString(0, 5) + '...' + $access_token.SubString(($access_token.Length - 5), 5)) }
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Format-Table -InputObject $anow_session_display -AutoSize -Wrap

Function Disconnect-AutomateNOW {
    Disconnects from the API of an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Disconnect-AutomateNOW` function logs out of the API of an AutomateNOW! instance. It then removes the global session variable object.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Disconnect-AutomateNOW.
    A string indicating the results of the disconnection attempt.
    Although it is a good practice to disconnect your session, do be aware that the initial auth token is not revoked or terminated on the server side after logging out. This is the nature of JWT tokens.


    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -IgnoreEmptyDomain -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    If ($null -eq $anow_session.Instance) {
        Write-Warning -Message "You are not actually connected so you can't disconnect"
    [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
    [string]$command = '/logoutEvent'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Disconnect-AutomateNOW due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -eq 0) {
        [string]$response_text = $
        Write-Information -MessageData "[$Instance] reports $response_text"
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to received acknowledgement of disconnection from [$Instance]"
    Try {
        Remove-Variable -Name anow_session -Scope Global -Force
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Remove-Variable failed to remove the `$anow_session variable due to [$Message]."

Function Set-AutomateNOWPassword {
    Sets the password of the local authenticated user of an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Set-AutomateNOWPassword` sets the password of the local authenticated user of an AutomateNOW! instance. This is not intended for ldap integrated instances.
    .PARAMETER OldPasswd
    String representing the current password of the authenticated user (use -Secure for masked input)
    .PARAMETER NewPasswd
    String representing the new password of the authenticated user (use -Secure for masked input)
    .PARAMETER Secure
    Prompts for current and new passwords using Read-Host with the -MaskInput parameter to hide the input
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-AutomateNOWPassword.
    None except for confirmation from Write-Information
    Set-AutomateNOWPassword -OldPasswd 'MyCoolPassword1!' -NewPasswd 'MyCoolPassword4#'
    Set-AutomateNOWPassword -Secure
    This function should ONLY be used in a development environment. This function is not ready for production use as it needs to be updated to receive a (pipelined) credential object.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'PlainText')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PlainText')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PlainText')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Secure')]
    If ($Secure -eq $true) {
        Try {
            [string]$OldPasswd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter current password' -MaskInput
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Read-Host failed to receive the current password due to [$Message]."
        If ($OldPasswd.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You must provide the current password. Please try again."
        Try {
            [string]$NewPasswd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter new password' -MaskInput
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Read-Host failed to receive the new password due to [$Message]."
        If ($NewPasswd.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You must provide the new password. Please try again."
    [string]$regex_passwd_reqs = '.{8,}'
    If ($OldPasswd -notmatch $regex_passwd_reqs) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the current password does not meet complexity requirements (minimum 8 chars, 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 number, 1 special character). Please check the password that you supplied here."
    If ($NewPasswd -notmatch $regex_passwd_reqs) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the new password did not meet complexity requirements (minimum 8 chars, 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 number, 1 special character). Please check the password that you supplied here."
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$User = ($anow_session.User)
    Try {
        [string]$OldPasswordEncoded = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($OldPasswd)
        [string]$NewPasswordEncoded = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($NewPasswd)
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the UrlEncode method of the [System.Net.WebUtility] class failed due to [$Message]"
    [string]$Body = ('id=' + $User + '&oldPassword=' + $OldPasswordEncoded + '&newPassword=' + $NewPasswordEncoded + '&repeatPassword=' + $NewPasswordEncoded)
    [string]$command = '/secUser/updatePassword'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Write-Verbose -Message $parameters_display
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Set-AutomateNOWPassword due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -eq 0) {
        Write-Information -MessageData "Password successfully changed for $User"
        [string]$response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message $response_display
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there was no response data. Please look into this."
    Else {
        [string]$response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "The attempt to change the password failed. Please see the returned data: $response_display"

Function Switch-AutomateNOWDomain {
    Switches the currently selected domain for the logged on user of an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Switch-AutomateNOWDomain` cmdlet does not actually communicate with the AutomateNOW! instance. It modifies the $anow_session global variable.
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Required string representing the name of the domain to switch to.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Switch-AutomateNOWDomain.
    None except for Write-Information messages.
    Switch-AutomateNOWDomain -Domain 'Production'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is considered part of the Authentication functions. In the future, this function should support receiving a [ANOWDomain] object to switch to.

    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -IgnoreEmptyDomain -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
    If ($anow_session.available_domains -cnotcontains $Domain) {
        [string]$available_domains = $anow_session.available_domains -join ', '
        If ($anow_session.available_domains -contains $Domain) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The domains are case-sensitive. Please choose from [$available_domains]."
        Write-Warning -Message "The domain [$Domain] is not on [$Instance]. Please choose from [$available_domains]."
    Try {
        $anow_session.header.Add('domain', $Domain)
        If ($null -eq $anow_session.current_domain) {
            $anow_session.header.Add('current_domain', $Domain)
        Else {
            $anow_session.current_domain = $Domain

    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "The Add/Remove method failed on `$anow_session.header` due to [$Message]."
    Write-Information -MessageData "The [$Domain] domain has been selected for [$Instance]."

Function Update-AutomateNOWToken {
    Updates the session token used to connect to an instance of AutomateNOW!
    The `Update-AutomateNOWToken` function updates the existing session token that is being used to connect to an instance of AutomateNOW!
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Update-AutomateNOWToken (yet).
    The global session variable $anow_session will be updated.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function has no parameters. It assumes you already have a global session variable ($anow_session)

    If ($anow_session.RefreshToken.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is no refresh token."
    ElseIf ( $anow_session.RefreshToken -eq 'Not set' ) {
        Write-Warning -Message "It is not possible to refresh the token if you used -AccessToken without also including -RefreshToken"
    [string]$command = '/oauth/access_token'
    [string]$ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
    [string]$RefreshToken = $anow_session.RefreshToken
    [string]$Body = 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=' + $RefreshToken
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', $ContentType)
    $parameters.Add('NotAPICommand', $true)
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If (($anow_session.NotSecure) -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$token_properties = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to access the [$command] endpoint due to [$Message]."
    [string]$access_token = $token_properties.access_token
    [string]$refresh_token = $token_properties.refresh_token
    Try {
        [System.TimeZoneInfo]$timezone = Get-TimeZone
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-TimeZone failed to get the time zone due to [$Message]."
    [boolean]$dst = (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()
    If ($dst -eq $true) {
        [System.TimeSpan]$utc_offset = ($timezone.BaseUtcOffset + (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 60))
    Else {
        [System.TimeSpan]$utc_offset = $timezone.BaseUtcOffset
    Try {
        [datetime]$expiration_date_utc = (Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01').AddMilliseconds($token_properties.expirationDate)
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-Date failed to process the authentication properties due to [$Message]"
    [datetime]$expiration_date = ($expiration_date_utc + $utc_offset) # We're adding 2 values here: the current time in UTC and the current machine's UTC offset
    $anow_session.'ExpirationDate' = $expiration_date
    $anow_session.'AccessToken' = $access_token
    $anow_session.'RefreshToken' = $refresh_token
    [string]$expiration_date_display = Get-Date -Date $expiration_date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
    $anow_session.header.'Authorization' = "Bearer $access_token"
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Global variable $anow_session.header has been set. Use this as your authentication header.'
    Write-Information -MessageData "Your token has been refreshed. The new expiration date is [$expiration_date_display]"

Function New-AutomateNOWServerDayTimestamp {
    Generates a timestamp that can be used for time-based objects where the time-range is a full-day.
    Generates a timestamp that can be used for time-based objects where the time-range is a full-day. Example: Enabling a Semaphore on a particular day.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter the date in ISO-8601 format: 2029-04-10 or YYYY-MM-DD")]
    [string]$regex_daytimestamp = '^[2][0-9]{3}-(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)-(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31)$'
    If ($date -notmatch $regex_daytimestamp) {
        Write-Warning -Message "[$date] does not appear to be valid. Please enter a date string for a single day in ISO-8601 format. Example: 2029-05-31 for May 31st, 2029"
    [string]$server_java_timezone = $anow_session.instance_info.javaTimezone
    If ($server_java_timezone.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The server java timezone is not available in the global session variable. Please use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish your session."
    Try {
        [ANOWTimeZone]$server_java_timezone_object = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id $server_java_timezone
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone failed to create a timezone object under New-AutomateNOWServerDayTimestamp due to [$Message]."
    [string]$server_java_timezone_object_id = $
    If ($server_java_timezone_object_id.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the server java timezone object is invalid. Please look into this."
    [int32]$server_java_offset = $server_java_timezone_object.rawOffset
    Write-Debug -Message "The server Java timezone was detected as [$server_java_timezone_object_id] with a raw offset of [$server_java_offset]"
    [string]$utc_date_string = ($date + 'Z')
    Try {
        [datetime]$server_java_timezone_date = ((Get-Date -Date $utc_date_string).ToUniversalTime()).AddMilliseconds($server_java_offset * -1)
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-Date failed to create the server java timezone date object under New-AutomateNOWServerDayTimestamp due to [$Message]."
    [string]$server_java_timezone_date_string = Get-Date -Date $server_java_timezone_date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff"
    Write-Debug -Message "Returning back $server_java_timezone_date_string as the Java Timezone for $instance"
    Return $server_java_timezone_date_string

#Region - Object Functions

#Region - AdhocReports

Function Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Gets the Adhoc Reports from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Adhoc Reports from an AutomateNOW! instance
    The Id of the Ad Hoc Report. Use this when you only want to retrieve a single report. This parameter cannot be combined with -startRow/-endRow.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100.
    Optional string array of tags to filter by. Note that for now operator is 'containsAny', not 'containsAll'.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Adhoc Report from the pipeline or individually (but not an array) or you can specify by start and end rows.
    An array of one or more [ANOWAdhocReport] class objects
    Gets all of the Adhoc Report objects
    Gets a specific Adhoc Report object
    Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'my_AdhocReport_01'
    Gets a series of Adhoc Reports using the pipeline
    @( 'my_AdhocReport_01', 'my_AdhocReport_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport
    Gets all Ad Hoc Reports that are tagged with 'Tag1' or 'Tag2'
    Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the AdhocReports.

    [Cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        Else {
            $Body.Add('operator', 'and')
            $Body.Add('_constructor', 'AdvancedCriteria')
            If ($Tags.count -eq 1) {
                $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":"' + $tags + '"}'
            ElseIf ($Tags.count -gt 1) {
                [string]$tags_json = $tags | Sort-Object -Unique | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress
                $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":' + $tags_json + '}'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'substring'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'AdhocReportList'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'AdhocReportDataSource'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/adhocReport/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWAdhocReport[]]$AdhocReports = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWAdhocReport] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($AdhocReports.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $AdhocReports
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Changes the settings of an Adhoc Report on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of an Adhoc Report on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER AdhocReport
    An [ANOWAdhocReport] object representing the Adhoc Report to be modified.
    .PARAMETER reportQuery
    The string representing the query for the Adhoc Report object to execute.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will remove the Description from the Adhoc Report object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional string to set on the new Adhoc Report object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will remove the Folder assignment from the Adhoc Report object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string to set a different folder on the Adhoc Report object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will remove the Tags from the Adhoc Report object.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Adhoc Report object.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWAdhocReport] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWAdhocReport] object will be returned
    Changes the description of an Adhoc Report
    $AdhocReport = Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport1'
    Set-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -AdhocReport $AdhocReport -Description 'My Description'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [string]$command = '/adhocReport/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAdhocReport]$AdhocReport = $_
        [string]$AdhocReport_id = $
        [string]$AdhocReport_type = $AdhocReport.reportType
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$AdhocReport_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id $AdhocReport_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport failed to check if the Adhoc Report [$AdhocReport_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($AdhocReport_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not an Adhoc Report named [$AdhocReport_id] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $AdhocReport_id
            If ($reportQuery.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'reportQuery' = $reportQuery
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($AdhocReport.description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $AdhocReport.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($AdhocReport.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $AdhocReport.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($AdhocReport.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $AdhocReport.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            [string]$old_values = $AdhocReport.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AdhocReportEditForm'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AdhocReportDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$AdhocReport_id] of type [$AdhocReport_type] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "AdhocReport object [$AdhocReport_id] of type [$AdhocReport_type] was successfully updated"
    End {

Function New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Creates a AdhocReport within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a AdhocReport within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWAdhocReport] object
    The intended name of the AdhocReport. For example: 'MyAdhocReport1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER reportType
    The type of report. Valid choices are: TABLE and PIVOT
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the AdhocReport (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Adhoc Report. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Adhoc Report into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Adhoc Report into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport.
    An [ANOWAdhocReport] object representing the newly created AdhocReport
    New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport01' -reportType 'TABLE' -Description 'the description' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Folder 'Folder1' -CodeRepository 'Repo1'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the AdhocReport must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    You CANNOT include the code when you initially create the report object. This is by design of the API. You will need to use Set-AutomateNOWAdhocReport to add your query. Then use Invoke-AutomateNOWAdhocReport to execute the report.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$AdhocReport_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport failed to check if the AdhocReport [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($AdhocReport_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already an AdhocReport named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'reportType' = $reportType
    $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Id
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $BodyMetaData."$tag_name_sequence" = $tag_id
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWAdhocReport] [$Id]"
        $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWAdhocReport. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWAdhocReport] [$Id]"
        $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $codeRepository
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = ('{"reportType":"' + $reportType + '"}')
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AdhocReportCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AdhocReportDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/adhocReport/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create AdhocReport [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create AdhocReport [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWAdhocReport]$AdhocReport = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWAdhocReport] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWAdhocReport] AdhocReport is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $AdhocReport

Function Copy-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Copies an Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER AdhocReport
    Mandatory [ANOWAdhocReport] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Adhoc Report. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Adhoc Report will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Adhoc Report object. If you do not set this, the new Adhoc Report object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Adhoc Report will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Adhoc Report object. If you do not set this, the new Adhoc Report object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Adhoc Report will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new AdhocReport object. If you do not set this, the new Adhoc Report object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWAdhocReport] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Adhoc Report and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $AdhocReport01 = Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -AdhocReport $AdhocReport01 -NewId 'AdhocReport_01_production' -Description 'Adhoc Report 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Adhoc Report that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -AdhocReport (Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport_01') -NewId 'AdhocReport_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [string]$AdhocReportType = $AdhocReport.AdhocReportType
        Write-Verbose -Message "This is a [$AdhocReportType] type of Data Source"
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$AdhocReport_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport failed to check if the AdhocReport [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($AdhocReport_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already an AdhocReport named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/AdhocReport/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$AdhocReport_oldId = $
            If ($AdhocReport_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($AdhocReport.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $AdhocReport.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($AdhocReport.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $AdhocReport.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $AdhocReport_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $AdhocReport.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $AdhocReport.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AdhocReportDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$AdhocReport_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWAdhocReport]$NewAdhocReport = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWAdhocReport] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWAdhocReport] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewAdhocReport
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Exports the Adhoc Reports from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Adhoc Reports from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWAdhocReport] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWAdhocReport] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWAdhocReport] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport | Export-AutomateNOWAdhocReport
    Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport01' | Export-AutomateNOWAdhocReport
    @( 'AdhocReport01', 'AdhocReport02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport | Export-AutomateNOWAdhocReport
    You must present [ANOWAdhocReport] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-AdhocReports-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAdhocReport]$AdhocReport = $_
        Try {
            $AdhocReport | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWAdhocReport] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Remove-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Removes a Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER AdhocReport
    An [ANOWAdhocReport] object representing the Adhoc Report to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWAdhocReport] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Removes a single Adhoc Report
    Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'AdhocReport01' | Remove-AutomateNOWAdhocReport
    Forcefully removes three Adhoc Reports by way of the pipeline
    @( 'AdhocReport1', 'AdhocReport2', 'AdhocReport3') | Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport | Remove-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/adhocReport/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [ANOWAdhocReport]$AdhocReport = $_
            [string]$AdhocReport_id = $
            [string]$oldvalues = $AdhocReport.CreateOldValues()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AdhocReportList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AdhocReportDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$AdhocReport_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "AdhocReport [$AdhocReport_id] successfully removed"
    End {


Function Invoke-AutomateNOWAdhocReport {
    Starts a Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Starts a Adhoc Report from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER AdhocReport
    An [ANOWAdhocReport] object representing the Adhoc Report to be started. You cannot combine this with -reportQuery.
    .PARAMETER reportQuery
    A string representing the query to run. You cannot combine this with -AdhocReport.
    ONLY [ANOWAdhocReport] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A ??? object representing the results of the invoked Adhoc Report will be returned.
    Executes a standard Adhoc Report object
    $adhoc_report = Get-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -Id 'adhoc_report1'
    Invoke-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -AdhocReport $adhoc_report
    Executes a query bypassing the Adhoc Report object altogether
    $reportQuery = 'SELECT id FROM anow.processing LIMIT 1'
    Invoke-AutomateNOWAdhocReport -reportQuery $reportQuery
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    There is no -Quiet parameter here since Adhoc Reports are limited to SELECT statements there would never be a reason to silence the output.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ManualQuery')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/adhocReport/runReport'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAdhocReport]$AdhocReport = $_
        If ($reportQuery.Length -eq 0) {
            [string]$reportQuery = $AdhocReport.reportQuery
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('reportQuery', $reportQuery )
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$AdhocReport_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        If ($AdhocReport.simpleId.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$AdhocId = $AdhocReport.simpleId
            Write-Verbose -Message "The Adhoc Report [$AdhocId] was executed"
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "The manually supplied query was executed"
        Try {
            [System.Data.Datatable]$Datatable = New-Object -Typename System.Data.Datatable
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create a [System.Data.Datatable] due to [$Message]."
        ForEach ($field in $ {
            [string]$column_name = $
            [string]$column_type = $field.type
            [string]$data_type = Switch ($column_type) {
                'text' { 'string'; break }
                'boolean' { 'boolean'; break }
                'datetime' { 'datetime'; break }
                'float' { 'int64'; break }
                'array' { 'string'; break }
                'jsonb' { 'string'; break }
                Default { 'text' }
            Try {
                [void]$Datatable.Columns.Add($column_name, $data_type)
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "The Add method on the Datatable Columns failed due to [$Message]."
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject[]]$ColumnNames = $Datatable.Columns.ColumnName
            [string]$ColumnNames_display = $ColumnNames | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the columns names $ColumnNames_display from the response due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$row_count = $
        [int32]$current_row = 1
        ForEach ($data in $ {
            [array]$data_set = ( $ColumnNames | ForEach-Object {
            Try {
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                [string]$data_set_display = $data_set | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to add row number [$current_row] of [$row_count] rows due to [$Message] Columns - $ColumnNames_display - Data $data_set_display"
        [int32]$rows_count = $Datatable.Rows.Count
        If ($rows_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "There were no results from the query"
        Else {
            Return $Datatable
    End {



#Region - Agents

Function Get-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Gets the Agents from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Agents from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Agents to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Optional string array of tags to filter by. Note that for now operator is 'containsAny', not 'containsAll'.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Agents from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWAgent] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent01'
    @( 'Agent01', 'Agent02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWAgent
    Gets all Agents that are tagged with 'Tag1' or 'Tag2'
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Agents

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'Read'
        Else {
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'AgentList'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'AgentDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/agent/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWAgent[]]$Agents = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWAgent] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Agents.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Agents
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Changes the settings of an Agent on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of an Agent on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Agent
    An [ANOWAgent] object representing the Agent to be modified.
    .PARAMETER AgentHeartBeat
    An int64 representing the interval between heartbeat messages sent by the Agent to the AutomateNOW! server
    .PARAMETER logMaxFiles
    An int64 representing the number of days an agent log file will be kept at the operating system level.
    .PARAMETER logLevel
    A string representing the level of verbosity for the Agent log. Valid choices are: 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE'
    .PARAMETER maxLogSize
    An int32 "MaxLog Size for Preview". This setting is not documented or explained anywhere.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will remove the Description from the Agent object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional string to set on the new Agent object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will remove the Folder assignment from the Agent object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string to set a different folder on the Agent object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will remove the Tags from the Agent object.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Agent object.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWAgent] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWAgent] object will be returned
    Forcibly sets all of the properties that are available to this function
    $agent = Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent01'
    Set-AutomateNOWAgent -Agent $agent -Description "Description!" -Tags 'TAG1', 'TAG2' -Folder 'Folder1' -logMaxFiles 10 -logLevel ERROR -maxLogSize 100 -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet( 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE' )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [string]$command = '/agent/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAgent]$Agent = $_
        [string]$Agent_id = $
        [string]$Agent_simpleId = $agent.simpleId
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Agent_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id $Agent_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAgent failed to check if the Agent [$Agent_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Agent_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not an Agent named [$Agent_id] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Agent_id
            If ($AgentHeartbeat -eq 0) {
                [int64]$AgentHeartbeat = $Agent.configuration.AgentHeartBeat
            If ($logMaxFiles -eq 0) {
                [int64]$logMaxFiles = $Agent.configuration.logMaxFiles
            If ($logLevel.Length -eq 0) {
                [string]$logLevel = $Agent.configuration.logLevel
            If ($maxLogSize -eq 0) {
                [int32]$maxLogSize = $Agent.configuration.maxLogSize
            [string]$configuration = ('{"AgentHeartbeat":' + $AgentHeartbeat + ',"logMaxFiles":' + $logMaxFiles + ',"logLevel":"' + $logLevel + '","maxLogSize":' + $maxLogSize + '}')
            $BodyMetaData.'configuration' = $configuration
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Agent.description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Agent.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Agent.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Agent.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Agent.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Agent.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            [string]$old_values = $Agent.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AgentEditForm'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AgentDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Agent_id] due to [$Message]."
            If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
                If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
                Else {
                    [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                    [string]$results_response = $results.response
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
            Try {
                #[ANOWAgent]$Agent = $ # Note: the response data is not directly castable to [ANOWAgent] object
                [ANOWAgent]$Agent = Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id $Agent_simpleId
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to fetch the updated [ANOWAgent] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Agent object [$Agent_id] was successfully updated"
                Return $Agent
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Exports the Agents from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Agents from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWAgent] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWFolder to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWAgent] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWAgent] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent | Export-AutomateNOWAgent
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent01' | Export-AutomateNOWAgent
    @( 'Agent01', 'Agent02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWAgent | Export-AutomateNOWAgent
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq 'Agent01' } | Export-AutomateNOWAgent
    You must present [ANOWAgent] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Agents-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAgent]$Agents = $_
        Try {
            $Agents | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWAgent] objects on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Creates a Agent within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Agent within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWAgent] object
    The intended name of the Agent. For example: 'Agent01'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Agent (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Agent. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Agent into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Agent into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWAgent.
    An [ANOWAgent] object representing the newly created Agent
    New-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent01' -Description 'Description1' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Folder 'Folder1' -CodeRepository 'Coderepository01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Agent must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Agent_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAgent failed to check if the Agent [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($Agent_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Agent named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWAgent = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWAgent.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWAgent.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWAgent due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWAgent has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWAgent.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWAgent due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWAgent. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWAgent] [$Id]"
        $ANOWAgent.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWAgent due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWAgent. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWAgent] [$Id]"
        $ANOWAgent.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWAgent -IncludeProperties id, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AgentCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AgentDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/Agent/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Agent [$Id] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Agent [$Id] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWAgent]$Agent = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWAgent] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWAgent] Agent is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $Agent

Function Remove-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Removes a Agent from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Agent from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Agent
    An [ANOWAgent] object representing the Agent to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWAgent] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Removes a single Agent
    Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent01' | Remove-AutomateNOWAgent
    Forcefully removes three Agents by way of the pipeline
    @( 'Agent1', 'Agent2', 'Agent3') | Get-AutomateNOWAgent | Remove-AutomateNOWAgent -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/agent/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [ANOWAgent]$Agent = $_
            [string]$Agent_id = $
            [string]$oldvalues = $Agent.CreateOldValues()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'AgentList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'AgentDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Agent_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Agent [$Agent_id] successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWAgent {
    Copies an Agent from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an Agent from an AutomateNOW! instance.
    .PARAMETER Agent
    Mandatory [ANOWAgent] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Agent. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Agent will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Agent object. If you do not set this, the new Agent object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Agent will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Agent object. If you do not set this, the new Agent object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Agent will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Agent object. If you do not set this, the new Agent object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY the [ANOWAgent] object type is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Agent and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Agent01 = Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWAgent -Agent $Agent01 -NewId 'Agent_01_production' -Description 'Agent 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Agent that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWAgent -Agent (Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id 'Agent_01') -NewId 'Agent_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Agent_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWAgent -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWAgent failed to check if the Agent [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Agent_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Agent named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/agent/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Agent_oldId = $
            If ($Agent_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Agent.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Agent.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Agent.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Agent.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Agent_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Agent.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Agent.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_Agent' = 'AgentAgent'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Agent_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWAgent]$NewAgent = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWAgent] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWAgent] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewAgent
    End {



#Region - Approvals

Function Get-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Gets the Approvals from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Approvals from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Approval from the pipeline or individually (but not an array) or you can specify by start and end rows.
    An array of one or more [ANOWApproval] class objects
    Gets all of the Approval objects
    Gets a specific Approval object
    Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'my_Approval_01'
    Gets a series of Approvals using the pipeline
    @( 'my_Approval_01', 'my_Approval_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWApproval
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Approvals.

    [Cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        Else {
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ApprovalConfigurationList'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ApprovalConfigurationDataSource'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/approvalConfiguration/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Get-AutomateNOWApproval due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWApproval[]]$approvals = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWApproval] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Approvals.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Approvals
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Changes the settings of an Approval on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of an Approval on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Approval
    An [ANOWApproval] object representing the Approval to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Approval (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Switch parameter to remove the Description (i.e. set it to null)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWApproval] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWApproval] object will be returned
    Changes the description of an Approval
    $approval = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'Approval1'
    Set-AutomateNOWApproval -Approval $approval -Description 'My Description'
    Forcibly removes all of the Approval Rules from an Approval (using the pipeline)
    $approval = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'TestApproval.mjs.apr'
    $approval | Set-AutomateNOWApproval -UnsetRules -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Use Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule to add new Approval Rules to an Approval

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the description and remove it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        [string]$command = '/approvalConfiguration/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Approval_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Approval_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $Approval_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to check if the Approval [$Approval_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Approval_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Approval named [$Approval_id] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Approval_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $null
            If ($UnsetRules -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'rules' = $null
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ApprovalConfigurationDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Approval_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Approval [$Approval_id] was successfully updated"
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Exports the Approvals from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Approvals from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWApproval] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWApproval to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWApproval] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWApproval] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWApproval | Export-AutomateNOWApproval
    Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'Approval01' | Export-AutomateNOWApproval
    @( 'Approval01', 'Approval02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWApproval | Export-AutomateNOWApproval
    You must present [ANOWApproval] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Approvals-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWApproval]$Approval = $_
        Try {
            $Approval | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWApproval] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Creates a Approval within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Approval within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWApproval] object
    The intended name of the Approval. For example: 'MyApproval1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Approval (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Approval into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWApproval.
    An [ANOWApproval] object representing the newly created Approval
    New-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'Approval01' -Description 'the description' -CodeRepository 'Repo1'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Approval must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$approval_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to check if the Approval [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($approval_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Approval named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Id
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWApproval due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWApproval. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWApproval] [$Id]"
        $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $codeRepository
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ApprovalConfigurationCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ApprovalConfigurationDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/approvalConfiguration/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Approval [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Approval [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWApproval]$approval = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWApproval] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWApproval] Approval is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $approval

Function New-AutomateNOWApprovalRule {
    Creates an Approval Rule object for use with an Approval object within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates an Approval Rule object for use with an Approval object within an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER approvalLevel
    Mandatory string that sets the approval level. Valid choices are: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
    .PARAMETER approvalActionType
    .PARAMETER noSelfApproval
    Optional switch that requires a different user account to approve the approval
    .PARAMETER passwordConfirmation
    Optional switch that will ask the approver for a password.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWApprovalRule.
    An [ANOWApprovalRule] object representing the newly created Approval Rule
    New-AutomateNOWApprovalRule ?
    This function does not require connectivity to the AutomateNOW! instance

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    Try {
        [ANOWApprovalRule]$ApprovalRule = [ANOWApprovalRule]::new()
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "The [ANOWApprovalRule] failed to instantiate due to [$Message]."
    Try {
        $ApprovalRule.approvalLevel = [string]$approvalLevel
        $ApprovalRule.approvalActionType = [string]$approvalActionType
        If ($noSelfApproval -eq $true) {
            $ApprovalRule.noSelfApproval = [boolean]$noSelfApproval
        If ($passwordConfirmation -eq $true) {
            $ApprovalRule.passwordConfirmation = [boolean]$passwordConfirmation
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "The [ANOWApprovalRule] object failed to populate one of the properties due to [$Message]."
    Return $ApprovalRule

Function Remove-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Removes a Approval from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Approval from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Approval
    An [ANOWApproval] object representing the Approval to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWApproval] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Removes a single Approval
    Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'Approval01' | Remove-AutomateNOWApproval
    Forcefully removes three Approvals by way of the pipeline
    @( 'Approval1', 'Approval2', 'Approval3') | Remove-AutomateNOWApproval -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/approvalConfiguration/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Approval_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $Approval_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Approval_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Approval $Approval_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWApproval {
    Copies a Approval from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Approval from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER Approval
    Mandatory [ANOWApproval] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Approval. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Approval will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Approval object. If you do not set this, the new Approval object will use the description of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWApproval] objects are accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Approval and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Approval01 = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'approval_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWApproval -Approval $Approval01 -NewId 'approval_01_production' -Description 'Approval 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Approval that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWApproval -Approval (Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'approval_01') -NewId 'approval_01_production' -UnsetDescription
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$approval_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to check if the Approval [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($approval_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Approval named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/approvalConfiguration/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Approval_oldId = $
            If ($Approval_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Approval_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Approval.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Approval.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ApprovalConfigurationDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Approval_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWApproval]$Approval = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWApproval] object $NewId due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWApproval] object is empty!"
            Return $Approval
    End {


Function Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule {
    Adds a Rule (a.k.a. "Action") to a Approval on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Adds a Rule (a.k.a. "Action") to a Approval on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Approval
    Mandatory [ANOWApproval] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWApproval).
    .PARAMETER ApprovalRule
    Mandatory [ANOWApprovalRule] object (Use New-AutomateNOWApprovalRule)
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the output from a successful update
    ONLY [ANOWApproval] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline).
    The updated [ANOWApproval] object will be returned.
    $approval = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'approval_01'
    $approval_rule = New-AutomateNOWApprovalRule -approvalLevel HIGH -approvalActionType READY_TO_START -noSelfApproval -passwordConfirmation
    Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule -Approval $approval -ApprovalRule $approval_rule
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    To remove the rules from an Approval, use Set-AutomateNOWApproval with the -UnsetRules parameter

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        [PSCustomObject]$ApprovalRuleArray = @()
        [string]$command = '/approvalConfiguration/update'
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -eq 0) {
            [ANOWApprovalRule[]]$ApprovalRuleArray += $ApprovalRule
        Else {
            [ANOWApprovalRule[]]$ApprovalRuleArray += $_
    End {
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        [string]$Approval_id = $Approval.simpleId
        Try {
            [ANOWApproval]$current_result = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $Approval_id
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Approval [$Approval_id] existed under Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule due to [$Message]."
        If ($ -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The Approval object that you specified [$Approval_id] does not seem to exist under Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule"
        ## End warning ##
        If ($Approval.rules -is [ANOWApprovalRule[]]) {
            $ApprovalRuleArray += [ANOWApprovalRule[]]$Approval.rules
        Try {
            [string]$ConvertedApprovalRuleArray = $ApprovalRuleArray | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ approvalLevel = [string]$_.approvalLevel; approvalActionType = [string]$_.approvalActionType; noSelfApproval = $_.noSelfApproval; passwordConfirmation = $_.passwordConfirmation; } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            If ($ConvertedApprovalRuleArray[0] -ne '[') {
                [string]$ConvertedApprovalRuleArray = ('[' + $ConvertedApprovalRuleArray + ']')
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertTo-Json failed to convert the array of Approval rules due to [$Message]."
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Approval_id )
        If ($Approval.description.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('description', $Approval.description)
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('description', $null)
        If ($Approval.codeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('codeRepository', $Approval.codeRepository)
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('codeRepository', $null)
        $BodyMetaData.Add('rules', $ConvertedApprovalRuleArray )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_oldValues', $Approval.CreateOldValues())
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_componentId', 'ApprovalEditForm')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ApprovalDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        $parameters.Add('command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        [ANOWApprovalRule[]]$rules = Try {
            ForEach ($rule in $ {
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response [ANOWApproval] object rules objects under Add-AutomateNOWApprovalRule due to [$Message]."
        [PSCustomObject]$temp_results = $ | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty rules
        $temp_results | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name rules -Value $rules -TypeName ANOWApprovalRule
        [ANOWApproval]$UpdatedApproval = $temp_results
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $UpdatedApproval


#Region - AuditLogs
Function Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog {
    Gets the Audit log from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    The `Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog` cmdlet gets the Audit log from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    An optional string to filter the results based on type. Valid choices are: UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE
    .PARAMETER startRow
    An optional int32 representing what row to start the download from. This is intended for multi-page transfers.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    An optional int32 representing how many rows of data to receive. The default is 2000. This is ideal for testing when you only want a few items.
    .PARAMETER Ascending
    Optional switch parameter which changes the sort order (of the actionTimestamp property) from the default descending to ascending
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog.
    An array of PSCustomObjects
    Gets the most recent 100 audit log entries
    Gets the most recent 1000 audit log entries
    Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog -startRow 0 -endRow 1000
    Gets the most recent 1000 UPDATE audit log entries
    Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog -startRow 0 -endRow 1000 -Type UPDATE
    Gets the oldest 1000 audit log entries
    Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog -startRow 0 -endRow 1000 -Ascending
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The sort order from the console is by timestamp which is NOT ACCURATE! This function will sort by Id instead which is unique.

        [ValidateSet('UPDATE', 'INSERT', 'DELETE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    If ($endRow -lt $startRow) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The end row must be higher then the start row"
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyObject = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    If ($Type.Length -gt 0) {
        $BodyObject.Add('operator', 'and')
        $BodyObject.Add('_constructor', 'AdvancedCriteria')
        $BodyObject.Add('criteria', '{"fieldName":"actionType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $Type + '"}')
    $BodyObject.Add('_operationType', 'fetch')
    $BodyObject.Add('_startRow', $startRow)
    $BodyObject.Add('_endRow', $endRow)
    If ($Ascending -ne $true) {
        $BodyObject.Add('_sortBy', '-id')
    Else {
        $BodyObject.Add('_sortBy', 'id')
    $BodyObject.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'substring')
    $BodyObject.Add('_componentId', 'AuditLogEventList')
    $BodyObject.Add('_dataSource', 'AuditLogDataSource')
    $BodyObject.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
    $BodyObject.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
    [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyObject
    [string]$command = ('/auditLog/read?' + $Body)
    [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
    If ($Verbose -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('Verbose', $True)
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Instance', $Instance)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed due to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
        If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
        Else {
            [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
            [string]$results_response = $results.response
            Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
    [int32]$AuditLogs_count = $
    If ($AuditLogs_count -eq 0 -and $startRow -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there were 0 AuditLog entries returned. This can't be correct."
    ElseIf ($AuditLogs_count -eq 0 -and $startRow -gt 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "There are not any more rows of data past this point. Please try different -startRow value."
    Try {
        [ANOWAuditLog[]]$AuditLogs = ForEach ($entry in $ {
            Try {
                $entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name changedValuesText -TypeName String -Value ''
                $entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name changedValues -TypeName PSCustomObject -Value ''
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Add-Member failed to add the NoteProperty changedValues to an audit log UPDATE entry due to [$Message]."
            If ($entry.actionType -eq 'UPDATE') {
                Try {
                    [PSCustomObject]$ChangedValues = Compare-ObjectProperty -ReferenceObject $entry.oldValues -DifferenceObject $entry.newValues
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Compare-ObjectProperty failed to compare an audit log UPDATE entry due to [$Message]."
                Try {
                    [PSCustomObject[]]$ObjectValues = $ChangedValues | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ name = $_.PropertyName; oldValue = $_.RefValue; newValue = $_.DiffValue; } }
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "ForEach-Object failed to format an audit log UPDATE entry due to [$Message]."
                Try {
                    [string]$JSONValues = $ObjectValues | Sort-Object -Property name | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "ConvertTo-Json failed to convert an audit log UPDATE entry due to [$Message]."
                $entry.changedValues = $ObjectValues
                $entry.changedValuesText = $JSONValues
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the returned AuditLog entries under Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog due to [$Message]."
    Return $AuditLogs

Function Export-AutomateNOWAuditLog {
    Exports the AuditLog entries from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the AuditLog entries from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWAuditLog] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWAuditLog] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The [ANOWAuditLog] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWAuditLog | Export-AutomateNOWAuditLog
    You must present [ANOWAuditLog] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-AuditLogs-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        $parameters.Add('Delimiter', "`t")
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWAuditLog]$AuditLog = $_
        Try {
            $AuditLog | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty oldValues, newValues, changedValues | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWAuditLog] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"


#Region - Calendars

Function Get-AutomateNOWCalendar {
    Gets the Calendar objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Calendar objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Calendar to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER Detailed
    Switch parameter to provide an [ANOWCalendarDetail] object instead of the basic [ANOWCalendar] object. This may only be used in conjunction with -Id.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by (may not be used with the Id parameter). Valid choices are: {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Calendar from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    Either one or more [ANOWCalendar] objects or one or more [ANOWCalendarDetail] objects
    Gets all Calendar objects (defaults to 100 per page)
    Gets the first 500 Calendar objects in a single page
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -startRow 0 -endRow 500
    Gets a single non-detailed Calendar by name
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar_01'
    Gets a single detailed Calendar by name
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar_01' -Detailed
    Gets a series of Calendar objects through the pipeline
    @( 'Calendar_01', 'Calendar_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWCalendar
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Calendar objects. Use the -Detailed parameter to get the details of a particular calendar.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Id')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
            [string]$Calendar_Id = $_
        Else {
            [string]$Calendar_Id = $Id
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            [string]$Method = 'POST'
            $Body.'id' = $Calendar_Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'readDetailed'
        Else {
            [string]$Method = 'GET'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"resourceType","operator":"equals","value":"CALENDAR"}'
            If ($Calendar_Id.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria2' = ('{"fieldName":"simpleId","operator":"equals","value":"' + $Calendar_Id + '"}')
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ResourceList'
            If ($Descending -eq $true) {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
            Else {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        $parameters.Add('Method', $Method)
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            [string]$command = ('/resource/readDetailed')
            If ($Null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
            Else {
                $parameters.Command = $command
        Else {
            [string]$command = ('/resource/read?' + $Body)
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            Try {
                [ANOWCalendarDetail]$CalendarDetail = $ | Select-Object -First 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to parse the results into an [ANOWCalendarDetail] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($CalendarDetail.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                Return $CalendarDetail
        Else {
            Try {
                [ANOWCalendar[]]$Calendars = $
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to parse the results into [ANOWCalendar] objects due to [$Message]."
            If ($Calendars.Count -gt 0) {
                If ($Id.Length -gt 0) {
                    [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar = $Calendars | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq $Id } | Select-Object -First 1
                    Return $Calendar
                Else {
                    Return $Calendars
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWCalendar {
    Exports the Calendar objects from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Calendar objects from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWCalendar] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWCalendar to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWCalendar] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWCalendar] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all of the Calendar objects (up to 100 by default)
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar | Export-AutomateNOWCalendar
    Exports 1 Calendar by name
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar01' | Export-AutomateNOWCalendar
    Exports a series of Calendar objects by the pipeline
    @( 'Calendar01', 'Calendar02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWCalendar | Export-AutomateNOWCalendar
    You must present [ANOWCalendar] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Calendars-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar = $_
        Try {
            $Calendar | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWCalendar] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWCalendar {
    Creates a Calendar within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Calendar within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWCalendar] object
    The intended name of the Calendar. For example: 'result_mapping1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Calendar (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Timezone
    Optional timezone for the calendar. If not specified, the default server timezone will be used. Valid choices are: 'Africa/Abidjan', 'Africa/Accra', 'Africa/Addis_Ababa', 'Africa/Algiers', 'Africa/Asmara', 'Africa/Asmera', 'Africa/Bamako', 'Africa/Bangui', 'Africa/Banjul', 'Africa/Bissau', 'Africa/Blantyre', 'Africa/Brazzaville', 'Africa/Bujumbura', 'Africa/Cairo', 'Africa/Casablanca', 'Africa/Ceuta', 'Africa/Conakry', 'Africa/Dakar', 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam', 'Africa/Djibouti', 'Africa/Douala', 'Africa/El_Aaiun', 'Africa/Freetown', 'Africa/Gaborone', 'Africa/Harare', 'Africa/Johannesburg', 'Africa/Juba', 'Africa/Kampala', 'Africa/Khartoum', 'Africa/Kigali', 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'Africa/Lagos', 'Africa/Libreville', 'Africa/Lome', 'Africa/Luanda', 'Africa/Lubumbashi', 'Africa/Lusaka', 'Africa/Malabo', 'Africa/Maputo', 'Africa/Maseru', 'Africa/Mbabane', 'Africa/Mogadishu', 'Africa/Monrovia', 'Africa/Nairobi', 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'Africa/Niamey', 'Africa/Nouakchott', 'Africa/Ouagadougou', 'Africa/Porto-Novo', 'Africa/Sao_Tome', 'Africa/Timbuktu', 'Africa/Tripoli', 'Africa/Tunis', 'Africa/Windhoek', 'America/Adak', 'America/Anchorage', 'America/Anguilla', 'America/Antigua', 'America/Araguaina', 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia', 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja', 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos', 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'America/Argentina/San_Juan', 'America/Argentina/San_Luis', 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'America/Aruba', 'America/Asuncion', 'America/Atikokan', 'America/Atka', 'America/Bahia', 'America/Bahia_Banderas', 'America/Barbados', 'America/Belem', 'America/Belize', 'America/Blanc-Sablon', 'America/Boa_Vista', 'America/Bogota', 'America/Boise', 'America/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Cambridge_Bay', 'America/Campo_Grande', 'America/Cancun', 'America/Caracas', 'America/Catamarca', 'America/Cayenne', 'America/Cayman', 'America/Chicago', 'America/Chihuahua', 'America/Coral_Harbour', 'America/Cordoba', 'America/Costa_Rica', 'America/Creston', 'America/Cuiaba', 'America/Curacao', 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'America/Dawson', 'America/Dawson_Creek', 'America/Denver', 'America/Detroit', 'America/Dominica', 'America/Edmonton', 'America/Eirunepe', 'America/El_Salvador', 'America/Ensenada', 'America/Fort_Nelson', 'America/Fort_Wayne', 'America/Fortaleza', 'America/Glace_Bay', 'America/Godthab', 'America/Goose_Bay', 'America/Grand_Turk', 'America/Grenada', 'America/Guadeloupe', 'America/Guatemala', 'America/Guayaquil', 'America/Guyana', 'America/Halifax', 'America/Havana', 'America/Hermosillo', 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'America/Indiana/Marengo', 'America/Indiana/Petersburg', 'America/Indiana/Tell_City', 'America/Indiana/Vevay', 'America/Indiana/Vincennes', 'America/Indiana/Winamac', 'America/Indianapolis', 'America/Inuvik', 'America/Iqaluit', 'America/Jamaica', 'America/Jujuy', 'America/Juneau', 'America/Kentucky/Louisville', 'America/Kentucky/Monticello', 'America/Knox_IN', 'America/Kralendijk', 'America/La_Paz', 'America/Lima', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Louisville', 'America/Lower_Princes', 'America/Maceio', 'America/Managua', 'America/Manaus', 'America/Marigot', 'America/Martinique', 'America/Matamoros', 'America/Mazatlan', 'America/Mendoza', 'America/Menominee', 'America/Merida', 'America/Metlakatla', 'America/Mexico_City', 'America/Miquelon', 'America/Moncton', 'America/Monterrey', 'America/Montevideo', 'America/Montreal', 'America/Montserrat', 'America/Nassau', 'America/New_York', 'America/Nipigon', 'America/Nome', 'America/Noronha', 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah', 'America/North_Dakota/Center', 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem', 'America/Nuuk', 'America/Ojinaga', 'America/Panama', 'America/Pangnirtung', 'America/Paramaribo', 'America/Phoenix', 'America/Port-au-Prince', 'America/Port_of_Spain', 'America/Porto_Acre', 'America/Porto_Velho', 'America/Puerto_Rico', 'America/Punta_Arenas', 'America/Rainy_River', 'America/Rankin_Inlet', 'America/Recife', 'America/Regina', 'America/Resolute', 'America/Rio_Branco', 'America/Rosario', 'America/Santa_Isabel', 'America/Santarem', 'America/Santiago', 'America/Santo_Domingo', 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'America/Scoresbysund', 'America/Shiprock', 'America/Sitka', 'America/St_Barthelemy', 'America/St_Johns', 'America/St_Kitts', 'America/St_Lucia', 'America/St_Thomas', 'America/St_Vincent', 'America/Swift_Current', 'America/Tegucigalpa', 'America/Thule', 'America/Thunder_Bay', 'America/Tijuana', 'America/Toronto', 'America/Tortola', 'America/Vancouver', 'America/Virgin', 'America/Whitehorse', 'America/Winnipeg', 'America/Yakutat', 'America/Yellowknife', 'Antarctica/Casey', 'Antarctica/Davis', 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville', 'Antarctica/Macquarie', 'Antarctica/Mawson', 'Antarctica/McMurdo', 'Antarctica/Palmer', 'Antarctica/Rothera', 'Antarctica/South_Pole', 'Antarctica/Syowa', 'Antarctica/Troll', 'Antarctica/Vostok', 'Arctic/Longyearbyen', 'Asia/Aden', 'Asia/Almaty', 'Asia/Amman', 'Asia/Anadyr', 'Asia/Aqtau', 'Asia/Aqtobe', 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'Asia/Ashkhabad', 'Asia/Atyrau', 'Asia/Baghdad', 'Asia/Bahrain', 'Asia/Baku', 'Asia/Bangkok', 'Asia/Barnaul', 'Asia/Beirut', 'Asia/Bishkek', 'Asia/Brunei', 'Asia/Calcutta', 'Asia/Chita', 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'Asia/Chongqing', 'Asia/Chungking', 'Asia/Colombo', 'Asia/Dacca', 'Asia/Damascus', 'Asia/Dhaka', 'Asia/Dili', 'Asia/Dubai', 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'Asia/Famagusta', 'Asia/Gaza', 'Asia/Harbin', 'Asia/Hebron', 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh', 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Asia/Hovd', 'Asia/Irkutsk', 'Asia/Istanbul', 'Asia/Jakarta', 'Asia/Jayapura', 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Asia/Kabul', 'Asia/Kamchatka', 'Asia/Karachi', 'Asia/Kashgar', 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'Asia/Katmandu', 'Asia/Khandyga', 'Asia/Kolkata', 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', 'Asia/Kuching', 'Asia/Kuwait', 'Asia/Macao', 'Asia/Macau', 'Asia/Magadan', 'Asia/Makassar', 'Asia/Manila', 'Asia/Muscat', 'Asia/Nicosia', 'Asia/Novokuznetsk', 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 'Asia/Omsk', 'Asia/Oral', 'Asia/Phnom_Penh', 'Asia/Pontianak', 'Asia/Pyongyang', 'Asia/Qatar', 'Asia/Qostanay', 'Asia/Qyzylorda', 'Asia/Rangoon', 'Asia/Riyadh', 'Asia/Saigon', 'Asia/Sakhalin', 'Asia/Samarkand', 'Asia/Seoul', 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Singapore', 'Asia/Srednekolymsk', 'Asia/Taipei', 'Asia/Tashkent', 'Asia/Tbilisi', 'Asia/Tehran', 'Asia/Tel_Aviv', 'Asia/Thimbu', 'Asia/Thimphu', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Asia/Tomsk', 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang', 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'Asia/Ulan_Bator', 'Asia/Urumqi', 'Asia/Ust-Nera', 'Asia/Vientiane', 'Asia/Vladivostok', 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'Asia/Yangon', 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 'Asia/Yerevan', 'Atlantic/Azores', 'Atlantic/Bermuda', 'Atlantic/Canary', 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', 'Atlantic/Faeroe', 'Atlantic/Faroe', 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen', 'Atlantic/Madeira', 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Atlantic/South_Georgia', 'Atlantic/St_Helena', 'Atlantic/Stanley', 'Australia/ACT', 'Australia/Adelaide', 'Australia/Brisbane', 'Australia/Broken_Hill', 'Australia/Canberra', 'Australia/Currie', 'Australia/Darwin', 'Australia/Eucla', 'Australia/Hobart', 'Australia/LHI', 'Australia/Lindeman', 'Australia/Lord_Howe', 'Australia/Melbourne', 'Australia/NSW', 'Australia/North', 'Australia/Perth', 'Australia/Queensland', 'Australia/South', 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/Tasmania', 'Australia/Victoria', 'Australia/West', 'Australia/Yancowinna', 'Brazil/Acre', 'Brazil/DeNoronha', 'Brazil/East', 'Brazil/West', 'CET', 'CST6CDT', 'Canada/Atlantic', 'Canada/Central', 'Canada/Eastern', 'Canada/Mountain', 'Canada/Newfoundland', 'Canada/Pacific', 'Canada/Saskatchewan', 'Canada/Yukon', 'Chile/Continental', 'Chile/EasterIsland', 'Cuba', 'EET', 'EST5EDT', 'Egypt', 'Eire', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/GMT+0', 'Etc/GMT+1', 'Etc/GMT+10', 'Etc/GMT+11', 'Etc/GMT+12', 'Etc/GMT+2', 'Etc/GMT+3', 'Etc/GMT+4', 'Etc/GMT+5', 'Etc/GMT+6', 'Etc/GMT+7', 'Etc/GMT+8', 'Etc/GMT+9', 'Etc/GMT-0', 'Etc/GMT-1', 'Etc/GMT-10', 'Etc/GMT-11', 'Etc/GMT-12', 'Etc/GMT-13', 'Etc/GMT-14', 'Etc/GMT-2', 'Etc/GMT-3', 'Etc/GMT-4', 'Etc/GMT-5', 'Etc/GMT-6', 'Etc/GMT-7', 'Etc/GMT-8', 'Etc/GMT-9', 'Etc/GMT0', 'Etc/Greenwich', 'Etc/UCT', 'Etc/UTC', 'Etc/Universal', 'Etc/Zulu', 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'Europe/Andorra', 'Europe/Astrakhan', 'Europe/Athens', 'Europe/Belfast', 'Europe/Belgrade', 'Europe/Berlin', 'Europe/Bratislava', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Bucharest', 'Europe/Budapest', 'Europe/Busingen', 'Europe/Chisinau', 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'Europe/Dublin', 'Europe/Gibraltar', 'Europe/Guernsey', 'Europe/Helsinki', 'Europe/Isle_of_Man', 'Europe/Istanbul', 'Europe/Jersey', 'Europe/Kaliningrad', 'Europe/Kiev', 'Europe/Kirov', 'Europe/Lisbon', 'Europe/Ljubljana', 'Europe/London', 'Europe/Luxembourg', 'Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Malta', 'Europe/Mariehamn', 'Europe/Minsk', 'Europe/Monaco', 'Europe/Moscow', 'Europe/Nicosia', 'Europe/Oslo', 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Podgorica', 'Europe/Prague', 'Europe/Riga', 'Europe/Rome', 'Europe/Samara', 'Europe/San_Marino', 'Europe/Sarajevo', 'Europe/Saratov', 'Europe/Simferopol', 'Europe/Skopje', 'Europe/Sofia', 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Europe/Tallinn', 'Europe/Tirane', 'Europe/Tiraspol', 'Europe/Ulyanovsk', 'Europe/Uzhgorod', 'Europe/Vaduz', 'Europe/Vatican', 'Europe/Vienna', 'Europe/Vilnius', 'Europe/Volgograd', 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Europe/Zagreb', 'Europe/Zaporozhye', 'Europe/Zurich', 'GB', 'GB-Eire', 'GMT', 'GMT0', 'Greenwich', 'Hongkong', 'Iceland', 'Indian/Antananarivo', 'Indian/Chagos', 'Indian/Christmas', 'Indian/Cocos', 'Indian/Comoro', 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'Indian/Mahe', 'Indian/Maldives', 'Indian/Mauritius', 'Indian/Mayotte', 'Indian/Reunion', 'Iran', 'Israel', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'Kwajalein', 'Libya', 'MET', 'MST7MDT', 'Mexico/BajaNorte', 'Mexico/BajaSur', 'Mexico/General', 'NZ', 'NZ-CHAT', 'Navajo', 'PRC', 'PST8PDT', 'Pacific/Apia', 'Pacific/Auckland', 'Pacific/Bougainville', 'Pacific/Chatham', 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'Pacific/Easter', 'Pacific/Efate', 'Pacific/Enderbury', 'Pacific/Fakaofo', 'Pacific/Fiji', 'Pacific/Funafuti', 'Pacific/Galapagos', 'Pacific/Gambier', 'Pacific/Guadalcanal', 'Pacific/Guam', 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Johnston', 'Pacific/Kiritimati', 'Pacific/Kosrae', 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'Pacific/Majuro', 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'Pacific/Midway', 'Pacific/Nauru', 'Pacific/Niue', 'Pacific/Norfolk', 'Pacific/Noumea', 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Pacific/Palau', 'Pacific/Pitcairn', 'Pacific/Pohnpei', 'Pacific/Ponape', 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', 'Pacific/Rarotonga', 'Pacific/Saipan', 'Pacific/Samoa', 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'Pacific/Tarawa', 'Pacific/Tongatapu', 'Pacific/Truk', 'Pacific/Wake', 'Pacific/Wallis', 'Pacific/Yap', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'ROK', 'Singapore', 'Turkey', 'UCT', 'US/Alaska', 'US/Aleutian', 'US/Arizona', 'US/Central', 'US/East-Indiana', 'US/Eastern', 'US/Hawaii', 'US/Indiana-Starke', 'US/Michigan', 'US/Mountain', 'US/Pacific', 'US/Samoa', 'UTC', 'Universal', 'W-SU', 'WET', 'Zulu', 'EST', 'HST', 'MST'
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Calendar. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Calendar into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Calendar into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWCalendar.
    An [ANOWCalendar] object representing the newly created Calendar
    New-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar01' -Type 'CAL_SELECT' -Description 'Description01' -Tags 'Tag01' -Folder 'Folder01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Calendar must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateSet('Africa/Abidjan', 'Africa/Accra', 'Africa/Addis_Ababa', 'Africa/Algiers', 'Africa/Asmara', 'Africa/Asmera', 'Africa/Bamako', 'Africa/Bangui', 'Africa/Banjul', 'Africa/Bissau', 'Africa/Blantyre', 'Africa/Brazzaville', 'Africa/Bujumbura', 'Africa/Cairo', 'Africa/Casablanca', 'Africa/Ceuta', 'Africa/Conakry', 'Africa/Dakar', 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam', 'Africa/Djibouti', 'Africa/Douala', 'Africa/El_Aaiun', 'Africa/Freetown', 'Africa/Gaborone', 'Africa/Harare', 'Africa/Johannesburg', 'Africa/Juba', 'Africa/Kampala', 'Africa/Khartoum', 'Africa/Kigali', 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'Africa/Lagos', 'Africa/Libreville', 'Africa/Lome', 'Africa/Luanda', 'Africa/Lubumbashi', 'Africa/Lusaka', 'Africa/Malabo', 'Africa/Maputo', 'Africa/Maseru', 'Africa/Mbabane', 'Africa/Mogadishu', 'Africa/Monrovia', 'Africa/Nairobi', 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'Africa/Niamey', 'Africa/Nouakchott', 'Africa/Ouagadougou', 'Africa/Porto-Novo', 'Africa/Sao_Tome', 'Africa/Timbuktu', 'Africa/Tripoli', 'Africa/Tunis', 'Africa/Windhoek', 'America/Adak', 'America/Anchorage', 'America/Anguilla', 'America/Antigua', 'America/Araguaina', 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia', 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja', 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos', 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'America/Argentina/San_Juan', 'America/Argentina/San_Luis', 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'America/Aruba', 'America/Asuncion', 'America/Atikokan', 'America/Atka', 'America/Bahia', 'America/Bahia_Banderas', 'America/Barbados', 'America/Belem', 'America/Belize', 'America/Blanc-Sablon', 'America/Boa_Vista', 'America/Bogota', 'America/Boise', 'America/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Cambridge_Bay', 'America/Campo_Grande', 'America/Cancun', 'America/Caracas', 'America/Catamarca', 'America/Cayenne', 'America/Cayman', 'America/Chicago', 'America/Chihuahua', 'America/Coral_Harbour', 'America/Cordoba', 'America/Costa_Rica', 'America/Creston', 'America/Cuiaba', 'America/Curacao', 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'America/Dawson', 'America/Dawson_Creek', 'America/Denver', 'America/Detroit', 'America/Dominica', 'America/Edmonton', 'America/Eirunepe', 'America/El_Salvador', 'America/Ensenada', 'America/Fort_Nelson', 'America/Fort_Wayne', 'America/Fortaleza', 'America/Glace_Bay', 'America/Godthab', 'America/Goose_Bay', 'America/Grand_Turk', 'America/Grenada', 'America/Guadeloupe', 'America/Guatemala', 'America/Guayaquil', 'America/Guyana', 'America/Halifax', 'America/Havana', 'America/Hermosillo', 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'America/Indiana/Marengo', 'America/Indiana/Petersburg', 'America/Indiana/Tell_City', 'America/Indiana/Vevay', 'America/Indiana/Vincennes', 'America/Indiana/Winamac', 'America/Indianapolis', 'America/Inuvik', 'America/Iqaluit', 'America/Jamaica', 'America/Jujuy', 'America/Juneau', 'America/Kentucky/Louisville', 'America/Kentucky/Monticello', 'America/Knox_IN', 'America/Kralendijk', 'America/La_Paz', 'America/Lima', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Louisville', 'America/Lower_Princes', 'America/Maceio', 'America/Managua', 'America/Manaus', 'America/Marigot', 'America/Martinique', 'America/Matamoros', 'America/Mazatlan', 'America/Mendoza', 'America/Menominee', 'America/Merida', 'America/Metlakatla', 'America/Mexico_City', 'America/Miquelon', 'America/Moncton', 'America/Monterrey', 'America/Montevideo', 'America/Montreal', 'America/Montserrat', 'America/Nassau', 'America/New_York', 'America/Nipigon', 'America/Nome', 'America/Noronha', 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah', 'America/North_Dakota/Center', 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem', 'America/Nuuk', 'America/Ojinaga', 'America/Panama', 'America/Pangnirtung', 'America/Paramaribo', 'America/Phoenix', 'America/Port-au-Prince', 'America/Port_of_Spain', 'America/Porto_Acre', 'America/Porto_Velho', 'America/Puerto_Rico', 'America/Punta_Arenas', 'America/Rainy_River', 'America/Rankin_Inlet', 'America/Recife', 'America/Regina', 'America/Resolute', 'America/Rio_Branco', 'America/Rosario', 'America/Santa_Isabel', 'America/Santarem', 'America/Santiago', 'America/Santo_Domingo', 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'America/Scoresbysund', 'America/Shiprock', 'America/Sitka', 'America/St_Barthelemy', 'America/St_Johns', 'America/St_Kitts', 'America/St_Lucia', 'America/St_Thomas', 'America/St_Vincent', 'America/Swift_Current', 'America/Tegucigalpa', 'America/Thule', 'America/Thunder_Bay', 'America/Tijuana', 'America/Toronto', 'America/Tortola', 'America/Vancouver', 'America/Virgin', 'America/Whitehorse', 'America/Winnipeg', 'America/Yakutat', 'America/Yellowknife', 'Antarctica/Casey', 'Antarctica/Davis', 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville', 'Antarctica/Macquarie', 'Antarctica/Mawson', 'Antarctica/McMurdo', 'Antarctica/Palmer', 'Antarctica/Rothera', 'Antarctica/South_Pole', 'Antarctica/Syowa', 'Antarctica/Troll', 'Antarctica/Vostok', 'Arctic/Longyearbyen', 'Asia/Aden', 'Asia/Almaty', 'Asia/Amman', 'Asia/Anadyr', 'Asia/Aqtau', 'Asia/Aqtobe', 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'Asia/Ashkhabad', 'Asia/Atyrau', 'Asia/Baghdad', 'Asia/Bahrain', 'Asia/Baku', 'Asia/Bangkok', 'Asia/Barnaul', 'Asia/Beirut', 'Asia/Bishkek', 'Asia/Brunei', 'Asia/Calcutta', 'Asia/Chita', 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'Asia/Chongqing', 'Asia/Chungking', 'Asia/Colombo', 'Asia/Dacca', 'Asia/Damascus', 'Asia/Dhaka', 'Asia/Dili', 'Asia/Dubai', 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'Asia/Famagusta', 'Asia/Gaza', 'Asia/Harbin', 'Asia/Hebron', 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh', 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Asia/Hovd', 'Asia/Irkutsk', 'Asia/Istanbul', 'Asia/Jakarta', 'Asia/Jayapura', 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Asia/Kabul', 'Asia/Kamchatka', 'Asia/Karachi', 'Asia/Kashgar', 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'Asia/Katmandu', 'Asia/Khandyga', 'Asia/Kolkata', 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', 'Asia/Kuching', 'Asia/Kuwait', 'Asia/Macao', 'Asia/Macau', 'Asia/Magadan', 'Asia/Makassar', 'Asia/Manila', 'Asia/Muscat', 'Asia/Nicosia', 'Asia/Novokuznetsk', 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 'Asia/Omsk', 'Asia/Oral', 'Asia/Phnom_Penh', 'Asia/Pontianak', 'Asia/Pyongyang', 'Asia/Qatar', 'Asia/Qostanay', 'Asia/Qyzylorda', 'Asia/Rangoon', 'Asia/Riyadh', 'Asia/Saigon', 'Asia/Sakhalin', 'Asia/Samarkand', 'Asia/Seoul', 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Singapore', 'Asia/Srednekolymsk', 'Asia/Taipei', 'Asia/Tashkent', 'Asia/Tbilisi', 'Asia/Tehran', 'Asia/Tel_Aviv', 'Asia/Thimbu', 'Asia/Thimphu', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Asia/Tomsk', 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang', 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'Asia/Ulan_Bator', 'Asia/Urumqi', 'Asia/Ust-Nera', 'Asia/Vientiane', 'Asia/Vladivostok', 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'Asia/Yangon', 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 'Asia/Yerevan', 'Atlantic/Azores', 'Atlantic/Bermuda', 'Atlantic/Canary', 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', 'Atlantic/Faeroe', 'Atlantic/Faroe', 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen', 'Atlantic/Madeira', 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Atlantic/South_Georgia', 'Atlantic/St_Helena', 'Atlantic/Stanley', 'Australia/ACT', 'Australia/Adelaide', 'Australia/Brisbane', 'Australia/Broken_Hill', 'Australia/Canberra', 'Australia/Currie', 'Australia/Darwin', 'Australia/Eucla', 'Australia/Hobart', 'Australia/LHI', 'Australia/Lindeman', 'Australia/Lord_Howe', 'Australia/Melbourne', 'Australia/NSW', 'Australia/North', 'Australia/Perth', 'Australia/Queensland', 'Australia/South', 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/Tasmania', 'Australia/Victoria', 'Australia/West', 'Australia/Yancowinna', 'Brazil/Acre', 'Brazil/DeNoronha', 'Brazil/East', 'Brazil/West', 'CET', 'CST6CDT', 'Canada/Atlantic', 'Canada/Central', 'Canada/Eastern', 'Canada/Mountain', 'Canada/Newfoundland', 'Canada/Pacific', 'Canada/Saskatchewan', 'Canada/Yukon', 'Chile/Continental', 'Chile/EasterIsland', 'Cuba', 'EET', 'EST5EDT', 'Egypt', 'Eire', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/GMT+0', 'Etc/GMT+1', 'Etc/GMT+10', 'Etc/GMT+11', 'Etc/GMT+12', 'Etc/GMT+2', 'Etc/GMT+3', 'Etc/GMT+4', 'Etc/GMT+5', 'Etc/GMT+6', 'Etc/GMT+7', 'Etc/GMT+8', 'Etc/GMT+9', 'Etc/GMT-0', 'Etc/GMT-1', 'Etc/GMT-10', 'Etc/GMT-11', 'Etc/GMT-12', 'Etc/GMT-13', 'Etc/GMT-14', 'Etc/GMT-2', 'Etc/GMT-3', 'Etc/GMT-4', 'Etc/GMT-5', 'Etc/GMT-6', 'Etc/GMT-7', 'Etc/GMT-8', 'Etc/GMT-9', 'Etc/GMT0', 'Etc/Greenwich', 'Etc/UCT', 'Etc/UTC', 'Etc/Universal', 'Etc/Zulu', 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'Europe/Andorra', 'Europe/Astrakhan', 'Europe/Athens', 'Europe/Belfast', 'Europe/Belgrade', 'Europe/Berlin', 'Europe/Bratislava', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Bucharest', 'Europe/Budapest', 'Europe/Busingen', 'Europe/Chisinau', 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'Europe/Dublin', 'Europe/Gibraltar', 'Europe/Guernsey', 'Europe/Helsinki', 'Europe/Isle_of_Man', 'Europe/Istanbul', 'Europe/Jersey', 'Europe/Kaliningrad', 'Europe/Kiev', 'Europe/Kirov', 'Europe/Lisbon', 'Europe/Ljubljana', 'Europe/London', 'Europe/Luxembourg', 'Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Malta', 'Europe/Mariehamn', 'Europe/Minsk', 'Europe/Monaco', 'Europe/Moscow', 'Europe/Nicosia', 'Europe/Oslo', 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Podgorica', 'Europe/Prague', 'Europe/Riga', 'Europe/Rome', 'Europe/Samara', 'Europe/San_Marino', 'Europe/Sarajevo', 'Europe/Saratov', 'Europe/Simferopol', 'Europe/Skopje', 'Europe/Sofia', 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Europe/Tallinn', 'Europe/Tirane', 'Europe/Tiraspol', 'Europe/Ulyanovsk', 'Europe/Uzhgorod', 'Europe/Vaduz', 'Europe/Vatican', 'Europe/Vienna', 'Europe/Vilnius', 'Europe/Volgograd', 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Europe/Zagreb', 'Europe/Zaporozhye', 'Europe/Zurich', 'GB', 'GB-Eire', 'GMT', 'GMT0', 'Greenwich', 'Hongkong', 'Iceland', 'Indian/Antananarivo', 'Indian/Chagos', 'Indian/Christmas', 'Indian/Cocos', 'Indian/Comoro', 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'Indian/Mahe', 'Indian/Maldives', 'Indian/Mauritius', 'Indian/Mayotte', 'Indian/Reunion', 'Iran', 'Israel', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'Kwajalein', 'Libya', 'MET', 'MST7MDT', 'Mexico/BajaNorte', 'Mexico/BajaSur', 'Mexico/General', 'NZ', 'NZ-CHAT', 'Navajo', 'PRC', 'PST8PDT', 'Pacific/Apia', 'Pacific/Auckland', 'Pacific/Bougainville', 'Pacific/Chatham', 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'Pacific/Easter', 'Pacific/Efate', 'Pacific/Enderbury', 'Pacific/Fakaofo', 'Pacific/Fiji', 'Pacific/Funafuti', 'Pacific/Galapagos', 'Pacific/Gambier', 'Pacific/Guadalcanal', 'Pacific/Guam', 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Johnston', 'Pacific/Kiritimati', 'Pacific/Kosrae', 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'Pacific/Majuro', 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'Pacific/Midway', 'Pacific/Nauru', 'Pacific/Niue', 'Pacific/Norfolk', 'Pacific/Noumea', 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Pacific/Palau', 'Pacific/Pitcairn', 'Pacific/Pohnpei', 'Pacific/Ponape', 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', 'Pacific/Rarotonga', 'Pacific/Saipan', 'Pacific/Samoa', 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'Pacific/Tarawa', 'Pacific/Tongatapu', 'Pacific/Truk', 'Pacific/Wake', 'Pacific/Wallis', 'Pacific/Yap', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'ROK', 'Singapore', 'Turkey', 'UCT', 'US/Alaska', 'US/Aleutian', 'US/Arizona', 'US/Central', 'US/East-Indiana', 'US/Eastern', 'US/Hawaii', 'US/Indiana-Starke', 'US/Michigan', 'US/Mountain', 'US/Pacific', 'US/Samoa', 'UTC', 'Universal', 'W-SU', 'WET', 'Zulu', 'EST', 'HST', 'MST')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Calendar_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to check if the Calendar [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($Calendar_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Calendar named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWCalendar = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWCalendar.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWCalendar.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Timezone.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            If ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id $Timezone)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the provided Timezone $Timezone is not actually valid. Please look into this."
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone had an error while retrieving the timezone Id [$Timezone] running under New-AutomateNOWCalendar due to [$message]"
        $ANOWCalendar.Add('timeZone', $Timezone)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWCalendar due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWCalendar has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWCalendar.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWCalendar due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWCalendar. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWCalendar] [$Id]"
        $ANOWCalendar.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWCalendar due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWCalendar. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWCalendar] [$Id]"
        $ANOWCalendar.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    $ANOWCalendar.Add('calendarType', $Type)
    [string]$title = Switch ($Type) {
        'BASE' { 'Base' }
        'OR' { 'Sum' }
        'AND' { 'Conjunction' }
        'NOT' { 'Inversion' }
        'CAL_SELECT' { 'Select' }
        Default { 'Unknown' }
    $ANOWCalendar.Add('title', $title)
    $ANOWCalendar.Add('icon', '[SKINIMG]/skin/date_control.png')
    $oldvalues = ('{"title":"' + $title + '","resourceType":"CALENDAR","calendarType":"' + $Type + '","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/date_control.png"}')
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWCalendar -IncludeProperties id, description, calendarType, title, icon, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'resourceType' = 'CALENDAR'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'CalendarCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'CalendarDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/resource/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Calendar [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Calendar [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar = $ | Select-Object -First 1
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWCalendar] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWCalendar] Calendar is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $Calendar

Function Remove-AutomateNOWCalendar {
    Removes a Calendar from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Calendar from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Calendar
    An [ANOWCalendar] object representing the Calendar to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWCalendar] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove a single Calendar by name
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'calendar01' | Remove-AutomateNOWCalendar
    Removes a series of Calendar objects via input from the pipeline
    @( 'calendar01', 'calendar02', 'calendar03') | Get-AutomateNOWCalendar | Remove-AutomateNOWCalendar
    Forcefully removes all Calendar objects that have a timezone configured as UTC
    Get-AutomateNOWCalendar | Where-Object { $_.timeZone -eq 'UTC'} | Remove-AutomateNOWCalendar -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/resource/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar = $_
            [string]$Calendar_id = $
            [string]$oldvalues = $Calendar.CreateOldValues()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ResourceList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Calendar_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Calendar [$Calendar_id] successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWCalendar {
    Copies an Calendar from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an Calendar from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER Calendar
    Mandatory [ANOWCalendar] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Calendar. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Calendar will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Calendar object. If you do not set this, the new Calendar object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Calendar will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Calendar object. If you do not set this, the new Calendar object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Calendar will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Calendar object. If you do not set this, the new Calendar object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWCalendar] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Calendar and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Calendar01 = Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWCalendar -Calendar $Calendar01 -NewId 'Calendar_01_production' -Description 'Calendar 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Calendar that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWCalendar -Calendar (Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'Calendar_01') -NewId 'Calendar_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Calendar_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to check if the Calendar [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Calendar_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Calendar named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/resource/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Calendar_oldId = $
            If ($Calendar_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Calendar.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Calendar.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Calendar.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Calendar.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Calendar_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Calendar.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Calendar.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Calendar_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWCalendar]$NewCalendar = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWCalendar] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWCalendar] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewCalendar
    End {



#Region - CodeRepositories

Function Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository {
    Gets the Code Repositories from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Code Repositories from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Code Repository to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Code Repository from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWCodeRepository] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id 'CodeRepository01'
    @( 'Code Repository01', 'Code Repository02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Code Repositories

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        Else {
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'CodeRepositoryList'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'CodeRepositoryDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/codeRepository/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository[]]$CodeRepositories = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWCodeRepository] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($CodeRepositories.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $CodeRepositories
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWCodeRepository {
    Exports the Code Repositories from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Code Repositories from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWCodeRepository] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWFolder to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWCodeRepository] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWCodeRepository] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository | Export-AutomateNOWCodeRepository
    Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id 'CodeRepository01' | Export-AutomateNOWCodeRepository
    @( 'CodeRepository01', 'CodeRepository02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository | Export-AutomateNOWCodeRepository
    Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq 'CodeRepository01' } | Export-AutomateNOWCodeRepository
    You must present [ANOWCodeRepository] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-CodeRepositories-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$CodeRepository = $_
        Try {
            $CodeRepository | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWCodeRepository] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"


#Region - DataSources

Function Get-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Gets the DataSources from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the DataSources from an AutomateNOW! instance
    String identifying the type of DataSource. Valid options are: LOCAL_DICTIONARY, LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE, LOCAL_FILE_STORE, LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE
    String containing the simple id of the DataSource to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the DataSource from the pipeline or individually (but not an array) or you can specify by start and end rows.
    An array of one or more [ANOWDataSource] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'my_DataSource_01'
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -startRow 0 -endRow 500
    @( 'my_DataSource_01', 'my_DataSource_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDataSource
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the DataSources.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Type')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
        Else {
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'DataSourceList'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'DataSourceDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/dataSource/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Get-AutomateNOWDataSource due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWDataSource[]]$DataSources = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWDataSource] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Type.Length -gt 0) {
            $DataSources = $DataSources | Where-Object { $_.datasourceType -eq $Type }
        If ($DataSources.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $DataSources
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Exports the DataSources from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the DataSources from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWDataSource] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWDataSource to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWDataSource] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWDataSource] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Export-AutomateNOWDataSource
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01' | Export-AutomateNOWDataSource
    @( 'DataSource01', 'DataSource02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Export-AutomateNOWDataSource
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY | Export-AutomateNOWDataSource
    You must present [ANOWDataSource] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-DataSources-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWDataSource]$DataSource = $_
        Try {
            $DataSource | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWDataSource] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Creates a DataSource within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a DataSource within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWDataSource] object
    The intended name of the DataSource. For example: 'LinuxDataSource1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the DataSource (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new DataSource.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the DataSource into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the DataSource into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWDataSource.
    An [ANOWDataSource] object representing the newly created DataSource
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the DataSource must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$DataSource_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWDataSource failed to check if the DataSource [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($DataSource_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a DataSource named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    Try {
        [ANOWDataSource]$ANOWDataSource = New-Object -TypeName ANOWDataSource
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWDataSource] due to [$Message]."
    $ANOWDataSource.'id' = $Id
    $ANOWDataSource.'dataSourceType' = $Type
    $ANOWDataSource.'description' = $Description
    $ANOWDataSource.'tags' = $Tags
    $ANOWDataSource.'folder' = $Folder
    $ANOWDataSource.'codeRepository' = $codeRepository
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWDataSource -IncludeProperties id, dataSourceType, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = ('{"dataSourceType":"' + $Type + '"}')
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'DataSourceCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'DataSourceDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/dataSource/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create DataSource [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create DataSource [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWDataSource]$DataSource = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWDataSource] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWDataSource] DataSource is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $DataSource

Function Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Removes a DataSource from an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource` function removes a DataSource from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    An [ANOWDataSource] object representing the DataSource to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWDataSource] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01' | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01', 'DataSource02' | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource
    @( 'DataSource1', 'DataSource2', 'DataSource3') | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSource
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/dataSource/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$DataSource_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$DataSource_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$DataSource_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $DataSource_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$DataSource_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "DataSource $DataSource_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Changes the settings of a DataSource on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a DataSource on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    An [ANOWDataSource] object representing the DataSource to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the DataSource (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWDataSource] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWDataSource] object will be returned
    Changes the settings of a DataSource
    $datasource = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource1'
    Set-AutomateNOWDataSource -DataSource $datasource -DataType STRING -ErrorHandling INIT -Validity FREE
    Quietly changes the settings of two DataSources by way of the pipeline
    @((Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource1'), (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource2')) | Set-AutomateNOWDataSource -DataType NUMBER -ErrorHandling INIT -Validity JOB -Description 'description!' -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is for modifying the settings of a DataSource. Use Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem if you want to add a DataSource Item to the DataSource.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ANOWDataSource_dataType]$DataType = 'STRING',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ANOWDataSource_errorHandling]$ErrorHandling = 'INIT',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ANOWDataSource_validity]$Validity = 'FREE',
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/dataSource/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$DataSource_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$DataSource_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$DataSource_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id $DataSource_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWDataSource failed to check if the DataSource [$DataSource_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($DataSource_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a DataSource named [$DataSource_id] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $DataSource_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($DataSource.description.length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $DataSource.description
            If ($DataSource.codeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $DataSource.codeRepository
            Else {
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $null
            $BodyMetaData.'validity' = $Validity
            $BodyMetaData.'errorHandling' = $ErrorHandling
            $BodyMetaData.'dataType' = $DataType
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $DataSource.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'DataSourceValuesManager'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'DataSourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $BodyMetaData.description = $Description
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$DataSource_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Agent [$DataSource_id] was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Copy-AutomateNOWDataSource {
    Copies an DataSource from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an DataSource from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    Mandatory [ANOWDataSource] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new DataSource. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created DataSource will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new DataSource object. If you do not set this, the new DataSource object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created DataSource will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new DataSource object. If you do not set this, the new DataSource object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created DataSource will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new DataSource object. If you do not set this, the new DataSource object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWDataSource] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an DataSource and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $DataSource01 = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWDataSource -DataSource $DataSource01 -NewId 'DataSource_01_production' -Description 'DataSource 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an DataSource that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWDataSource -DataSource (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource_01') -NewId 'DataSource_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [string]$DataSourceType = $DataSource.dataSourceType
        Write-Verbose -Message "This is a [$DataSourceType] type of Data Source"
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$DataSource_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWDataSource failed to check if the DataSource [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($DataSource_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a DataSource named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/dataSource/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$DataSource_oldId = $
            If ($DataSource_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($DataSource.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $DataSource.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($DataSource.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $DataSource.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $DataSource_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $DataSource.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $DataSource.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'DataSourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$DataSource_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWDataSource]$NewDataSource = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWDataSource] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWDataSource] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewDataSource
    End {



#Region - DataSourceItems

Function Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem {
    Gets the DataSourceItems from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the DataSourceItems from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    Mandatory [ANOWDataSource] object. Use Get-AutomateNOWDataSource to get this object.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts [ANOWDataSource] objects either individually or from the pipeline.
    An array of one or more [ANOWDataSourceItem] class objects that are linked to the provided [ANOWDataSource] object
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01' | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem
    @( 'DataSource01', 'DataSource02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -startRow 0 -endRow 5
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the DataSourceItems.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($_.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            $DataSource = $_
        [string]$Type = $DataSource.dataSourceType
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        [string]$DataSource_id = $
        $Body.Add('masterDataSource', $DataSource_id)
        $Body.Add('_operationType', 'fetch')
        If ($All -eq $true) {
            $Body.Add('_startRow', 0)
            $Body.Add('_endRow', 50000)
        Else {
            $Body.Add('_startRow', $startRow)
            $Body.Add('_endRow', $endRow)
        $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'substring')
        If ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY') {
            [string]$command = '/localDictionaryRecord/read?'
            $Body.Add('_sortBy', 'value')
            $Body.Add('_componentId', 'LocalDictionaryRecordList')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'LocalDictionaryRecordDataSource')
        ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE') {
            [string]$command = '/localKeyValueStoreRecord/read?'
            $Body.Add('_sortBy', 'value')
            $Body.Add('_componentId', 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordList')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordDataSource')
        ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE') {
            [string]$command = '/localFileStoreRecord/read?'
            $Body.Add('_componentId', 'LocalFileStoreRecordList')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'LocalFileStoreRecordDataSource')
        ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE') {
            [string]$command = '/localTextFileStoreRecord/read?'
            $Body.Add('_componentId', 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordList')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordDataSource')
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to determine DataSourceItem type!"
        $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ($command + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        [int32]$DataSourceItemsCount = $
        If ($DataSourceItemsCount -gt 50000) {
            Write-Warning -Message "This Data Source has over 50,000 items! This module does not support that yet."
        If ($DataSourceItemsCount -gt 0) {
            If ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY') {
                Try {
                    [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord[]]$DataSourceItems = ForEach ($result in $ {
                        $result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord] objects due to [$Message]."
            ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE') {
                Try {
                    [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord[]]$DataSourceItems = ForEach ($result in $ {
                        $result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord] objects due to [$Message]."
                If ($DataSourceItems.Count -gt 0) {
                    Return $DataSourceItems
            ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE') {
                Try {
                    [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord[]]$DataSourceItems = ForEach ($result in $ {
                        $result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord] objects due to [$Message]."
                If ($DataSourceItems.Count -gt 0) {
                    Return $DataSourceItems
            ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE') {
                Try {
                    [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord[]]$DataSourceItems = ForEach ($result in $ {
                        $result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord] objects due to [$Message]."
                If ($DataSourceItems.Count -gt 0) {
                    Return $DataSourceItems
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to determine DataSourceItem type!"
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "There no items in DataSource ($DataSource_id)"
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem {
    Exports the DataSourceItems from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the DataSourceItems from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER DataSourceItem
    Mandatory [ANOWDataSourceItem] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem to retrieve them)
    Mandatory string indicating the type of DataSourceItem to be exported. Valid choices are: LOCAL_DICTIONARY, LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE, LOCAL_FILE_STORE, LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE
    ONLY [ANOWDataSourceItem] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWDataSourceItem] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all of the local dictionary values from all local dictionary data sources
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem | Export-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY
    Exports all of the local dictionary values from a single local dictionary data source
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01' | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem | Export-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY
    Exports the the first 5 local dictionary values from a series of local dictionary data sources
    @( 'DataSource01', 'DataSource02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -startRow 0 -endRow 5 | Export-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY
    You must present [ANOWDataSourceItem] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = "Export-AutomateNOW-DataSourceItems-$Type-" + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            $DataSourceItem = $_ # do not hard type this variable
        If ($DataSourceItem.masterDataSource.dataSourceType -ne $Type) {
            [string]$dataSourceType = $DataSourceItem.masterDataSource.dataSourceType
            Write-Warning -Message "You specified [$Type] as the DataSource Type but a DataSource of type [$dataSourceType] was sent instead. Exiting."
        Try {
            $DataSourceItem | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWDataSourceItem] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem {
    Adds a DataSourceItem to a DataSource within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Adds a DataSourceItem to a DataSource within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWDataSourceItem]
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    Mandatory [ANOWDataSource] object. Use Get-AutomateNOWDataSource to get this object.
    Required type of the DataSourceItem. Valid options are: LOCAL_DICTIONARY, LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE, LOCAL_FILE_STORE, LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    .PARAMETER key
    [LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE] ONLY - The unique key of the item (must be unique within the datasource)
    .PARAMETER value
    [LOCAL_DICTIONARY] OR [LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE] Either the key of the dictionary item (must be unique within the datasource) OR the value of your key/value pair and does NOT need to be unique.
    .PARAMETER displayValue
    [LOCAL_DICTIONARY] ONLY - The value of the dictionary item. This does not need to be unique within the dictionary data store.
    .PARAMETER file_id
    [LOCAL_FILE_STORE] OR [LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE] This is the unique id of the file which you must supply. This is -not the same- as the name of the file. This property serves the same purpose as the key in a key/value pair.
    .PARAMETER text_file
    [LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE] ONLY - Use Get-Item or Get-ChildItem to get the text file first as a [System.IO.FileSystemInfo] object. See examples below.
    .PARAMETER binary_file
    [LOCAL_FILE_STORE] ONLY - Use Get-Item or Get-ChildItem to get the binary file first as a [System.IO.FileSystemInfo] object. See examples below.
    .PARAMETER mime_type
    [LOCAL_FILE_STORE] ONLY - Mandatory string to specify the mime type. If you're not sure, you can use 'application/octet-stream'. However, it would be good of you to more precisely define the mime type of the file that you are uploading. For now, this needs to be supplied by you, the end-user. For now, you will have to use the console to determine the mime type :( : Examples: .wav = 'audio/wav', .exe = 'application/x-msdownload', .pptx = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'. You could check the registry and go by file extension alone. The console -is- inspecting the file.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem.
    An [ANOWDataSourceItem] object representing the newly created DataSourceItem
    How to upload an entry to a local dictionary store data source
    $data_source = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'data_source_dictionary'
    Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Type LOCAL_DICTIONARY -DataSource $data_source -value '2' -displayValue 'two'
    How to upload a key/value pair to a local key value store data source
    $data_source = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'local_key_value_store'
    Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Type LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE -DataSource $data_source -key '3' -value 'three'
    A three-line code that uploads a binary file to a local store data source.
    $data_source = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'local_file_store'
    $local_binary_file = Get-Item -Path 'c:\temp\file.exe'
    Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $data_source -Type LOCAL_FILE_STORE -file_id 'binary_file_01-file.exe' -local_binary_file $local_binary_file -mime_type 'application/x-msdownload'
    Same as above example except as a one-liner
    Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource (Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'local_file_store') -Type LOCAL_FILE_STORE -file_id 'binary_file_01-file.exe' -binary_file (Get-Item -Path 'c:\temp\file.exe') -mime_type 'application/x-msdownload'
    Reads all of the text files from your 7-Zip installation and uploads them to a local text file store data source. ASCII or UTF-8 files will be differentiated automatically.
    $data_source = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'local_text_file_store'
    ForEach($local_file in (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\*.txt')){
        [string]$file_name = $
        Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $data_source -Type LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE -file_id $file_name -text_file $local_file -Quiet
    Reads all of the .wav files from your local Windows installation and uploads them to a local file store data source. The mime type is supplied manually.
    $data_source = Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'local_file_store'
    ForEach($local_file in (Get-ChildItem -File -Path 'C:\windows\media\*.wav')){
        [string]$file_name = $
        Add-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $data_source -Type LOCAL_FILE_STORE -file_id $file_name -binary_file $local_file -Quiet -mime_type 'audio/wav'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    MimeType does not need to be specified on a text file upload. It is either text/plain or text/plain;charset=UTF-8.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [ValidateScript({ (Test-Path -Path $_.FullName) -eq $true })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$cr = "`r`n"
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    [string]$DataSource_Id = $DataSource.Id
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    If ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY') {
        If ($value.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -value parameter with LOCAL_DICTIONARY type"
        ElseIf ($displayValue.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -displayValue parameter with LOCAL_DICTIONARY type"
        [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($value -in $current_items.value) {
            Write-Warning -Message "An item with the value of [$value] already exists in this dictionary. Please note that every value in the dictionary must be unique (the displayValue does not need to be unique)"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        [string]$command = '/localDictionaryRecord/create'
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord]$ANOWDataSourceItem = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.value = $value
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.displayValue = $displayValue
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWDataSourceItem -IncludeProperties value, displayValue
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalDictionaryRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalDictionaryRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE') {
        If ($key.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -key parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        ElseIf ($value.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -value parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($value -in $current_items.value) {
            Write-Warning -Message "An item with the value of [$value] already exists in this dictionary. Please note that every value in the dictionary must be unique (the displayValue does not need to be unique)"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        [string]$command = '/localKeyValueStoreRecord/create'
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord]$ANOWDataSourceItem = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.key = $key
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.value = $value
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWDataSourceItem -IncludeProperties key, value
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE') {
        If ($file_id.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -file_id parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($file_id -in $current_items.key) {
            Write-Warning -Message "A file with the [$file_id] already exists in this local file store. Please note that every file_id in a local file store must be unique (the contents do not need to be unique)"
        [hashtable]$get_file_parameters = @{}
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Encoding', 'Byte')
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Raw', $true)
        Else {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('AsByteStream', $true)
        [string]$binary_file_fullname = $binary_file.fullname
        $get_file_parameters.Add('Path', "$binary_file_fullname")
        Try {
            [byte[]]$file_bytes = Get-Content @get_file_parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Content failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        [string]$object_id = $
        [string]$uploaded_filename = $
        [string]$boundary_string = New-WebkitBoundaryString
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$form_prefix = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"id`"" + $cr + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"key`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"masterDataSource`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"uploadWindow`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"access_token`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$uploaded_filename`"")
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Type: $mime_type" + $cr + $cr)
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$form_suffix = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        [void]$form_suffix.Add($cr + "------WebKitFormBoundary$boundary_string--" + $cr)
        [string]$body_prefix = $form_prefix -join $cr
        [string]$body_suffix = $form_suffix -join ''
        [byte[]]$body_prefix_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_prefix)
        [byte[]]$body_suffix_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_suffix)
        [byte[]]$body = $body_prefix_bytes + $file_bytes + $body_suffix_bytes
        [int32]$content_length = $body.count
        [string]$domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        [string]$command = "/localFileStoreRecord/uploadFile?domain=$domain"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary$boundary_string")
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord]$ANOWDataSourceItem = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.key = $file_id
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWDataSourceItem -IncludeProperties key
        $parameters.Add('BinaryBody', $Body)
        $parameters.Add('Headers', [hashtable]@{"Content-Length" = $content_length; "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" = 1; }) # is this header really needed?
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE') {
        If ($file_id.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -file_id parameter with LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE type"
        If ($mime_type -notmatch '^[a-z-]{1,}\/[a-z0-9-.+]{1,}$') {
            Write-Warning -Message "[$mime_type] does not appear to be a valid mime type. Please, check the mime type or contact the author of this script if there is a mistake."
        [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($file_id -in $current_items.key) {
            Write-Warning -Message "A file with the id [$file_id] already exists in this local file store. Please note that every file_id in a local file store must be unique (the contents do not need to be unique)"
        [hashtable]$get_file_parameters = @{}
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Encoding', 'Byte')
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Raw', $true)
        Else {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('AsByteStream', $true)
        [string]$text_file_fullname = $text_file.fullname
        $get_file_parameters.Add('Path', "$text_file_fullname")
        Try {
            [byte[]]$file_bytes = Get-Content @get_file_parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Content failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        [string]$object_id = $
        [string]$uploaded_filename = $
        If ((($file_bytes | Sort-Object -Unique) | ForEach-Object { $_ -eq 10 -or $_ -eq 13 -or ( $_ -ge 32 -and $_ -le 126) }) -contains $false) {
            [string]$mime_type = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'
        Else {
            [string]$mime_type = 'text/plain'
        [int32]$content_length = $file_bytes.count
        [string]$domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        [string]$command = "/localTextFileStoreRecord/create"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord]$ANOWDataSourceItem = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.key = $file_id
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.fileName = $uploaded_filename
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.mimeType = $mime_type
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.size = $content_length
        [string]$content = [char[]]$file_bytes -join ''
        [string]$formatted_content = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($content)
        $ANOWDataSourceItem.content = $formatted_content
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWDataSourceItem -IncludeProperties key, fileName, mimeType, size, content
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to determine DataSourceItem type!"
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    [string]$DataSourceItem_Id = $
    If ($DataSourceItem_Id -match '[0-9a-z]{8}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{12}') {
        Write-Information -Message "Item $file_id was successfully added to $DataSource_Id."
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "After trying to add item $file_id was to Data Source [$DataSource_Id], an empty response was received. Please look into this."
    Try {
        Switch ($Type) {
            LOCAL_DICTIONARY {
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord]$DataSourceItem = $current_result
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord]$DataSourceItem = $current_result
            LOCAL_FILE_STORE {
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord]$DataSourceItem = $current_result
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord]$DataSourceItem = $current_result
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWDataSourceItem] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWDataSourceItem] DataSourceItem is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $DataSourceItem

Function Remove-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem {
    Removes a DataSourceItem from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a DataSourceItem from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER DataSourceItem
    An [ANOWDataSourceItem] object representing the DataSourceItem to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWDataSourceItem] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource -Id 'DataSource01' | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem
    @( 'DataSource01', 'DataSource02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWDataSource | Where-Object { $_.createdBy -eq 'me'} | Get-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem | Remove-AutomateNOWDataSourceItem
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$DataSourceItem_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$DataSourceItem_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$DataSourceItem_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $DataSourceItem_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            If ($DataSourceItem -is [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord]) {
                [string]$command = '/localDictionaryRecord/delete'
            ElseIf ($DataSourceItem -is [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord]) {
                [string]$command = '/localKeyValueStoreRecord/delete'
            ElseIf ($DataSourceItem -is [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord]) {
                [string]$command = '/localFileStoreRecord/delete'
            ElseIf ($DataSourceItem -is [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord]) {
                [string]$command = '/localTextFileStoreRecord/delete'
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine DataSourceItem type"
            If ($null -ne $parameters.Command) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$DataSourceItem_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "DataSourceItem $DataSourceItem_id successfully removed"
    End {



#Region - Domains

Function Get-AutomateNOWDomain {
    Gets the domains from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    `Get-AutomateNOWDomain` gets the domains from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Optional string array to specify the name(s) of the domain to retrieve. To retrieve all domains, do not use this optional parameter.
    `Get-AutomateNOWDomain` accepts strings representing the simpleId (name) of the domain from the pipeline
    An array of [ANOWDomain] class objects
    Gets all of the domains
    Gets a single domain
    Get-AutomateNOWDomain -Id 'Training'
    Gets a series of domains based on an array of strings presented to the pipeline
    @('Training', 'Production', 'Test') | Get-AutomateNOWDomain
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -IgnoreEmptyDomain -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        [string]$command = '/domain/read'
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWDomain[]]$Domains = ForEach ($domain in $ {
                [string]$domain_name = $
                If ($domain_name.Length -eq 0) {
                    Write-Warning -Message 'Somehow the domain information could not be read during Get-AutomateNOWDomain'
                [string]$defaultTimeZoneId = $domain.defaultTimeZone
                If ($defaultTimezoneId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "There is not a default timezone set for this domain, therefore will use the server default"
                    Try {
                        $domain | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name defaultTimezone -Value $anow_session.server_timezone
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Add-Member failed to add the server timezone to the domain [$domain_name] due to [$Message]."
                Else {
                    Try {
                        [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimezone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id $defaultTimeZoneId
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone failed to get [$defaultTimeZoneId] under Get-AutomateNOWDomain due to [$Message]."
                    $domain.defaultTimeZone = $defaultTimezone
                If ($domain.logofile.Count -gt 0) {
                    Try {
                        $domain.logofile = $domain.logofile | ForEach-Object { $_ + 128 }
                    Catch {

    Process {
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$domain_id = $_
            Else {
                [string]$domain_id = $Id
            [ANOWDomain]$selected_domain = $Domains | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $domain_id }
            If ($selected_domain.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                Return $selected_domain
        Return $Domains
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWDomain {
    Exports the domains from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the domains from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWDomain] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWDomain to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWDomain] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWDomain] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWDomain | Export-AutomateNOWDomain
    Get-AutomateNOWDomain -Id 'Training' | Export-AutomateNOWDomain
    @( 'Training', 'Test', 'Prod' ) | Get-AutomateNOWDomain | Export-AutomateNOWDomain
    Get-AutomateNOWDomain | Where-Object { $ -like '*Test*' } | Export-AutomateNOWDomain
    You must present [ANOWDomain] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Domains-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWDomain]$Domain = $_
        Try {
            $Domain | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWDomain] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"


#Region - Endpoints

Function Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Gets the Endpoints from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Endpoints from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Endpoint to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER EndpointType
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Endpoint from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWEndpoint] class objects
    Gets all of the Endpoints
    Gets a single Endpoint by name
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'my_endpoint_01'
    Gets a series of Endpoints by feeding their names through the pipeline.
    @( 'endpoint_01', 'endpoint_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Gets all Endpoints of type AZURE_BLOB
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -EndpointType 'AZURE_BLOB'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Endpoints.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Single', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0 ) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        Else {
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            If ($EndpointType.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria' = ('{"fieldName":"endpointType","operator":"equals","value":' + $EndpointType + '}')
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'EndpointList'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'substring'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'EndpointDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/endpoint/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWEndpoint[]]$Endpoints = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWEndpoint] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Endpoints.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Endpoints
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Changes the settings of an Endpoint on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of an Endpoint on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
    An [ANOWEndpoint] object representing the Endpoint to be modified.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will remove the Description from the Endpoint object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional string to set on the new Endpoint object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will remove the Folder assignment from the Endpoint object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string to set a different folder on the Endpoint object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will remove the Tags from the Endpoint object.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Endpoint object.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWEndpoint] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWEndpoint] object will be returned
    Changes the description of an Endpoint
    $Endpoint = Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'Endpoint1'
    Set-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Endpoint $Endpoint -Description 'My Description'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is a work-in-progress. Only common properties can be modified (Description, Folder, Tags). Credentials are not supported yet :(

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [string]$command = '/endpoint/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWEndpoint]$Endpoint = $_
        [string]$Endpoint_id = $
        [string]$Endpoint_type = $Endpoint.endpointType
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            Else {
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Endpoint_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id $Endpoint_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint failed to check if the Endpoint [$Endpoint_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Endpoint_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Result Mapping named [$Endpoint_id] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Endpoint_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Endpoint.description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Endpoint.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Endpoint.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Endpoint.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Endpoint.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Endpoint.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            [string]$old_values = $Endpoint.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'EndpointVM'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'EndpointDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Endpoint_id] of type [$Endpoint_type] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Endpoint object [$Endpoint_id] of type [$Endpoint_type] was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Exports the Endpoints from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Endpoints from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWEndpoint] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWEndpoint] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWEndpoint] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all endpoints
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint | Export-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Exports a single endpoint
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'Endpoint01' | Export-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Exports a series of endpoints through the pipeline
    @( 'Endpoint01', 'Endpoint02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint | Export-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Exports all endpoints of a given type
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Type AZURE_BLOB | Export-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    You must present [ANOWEndpoint] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Endpoints-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWEndpoint]$Endpoint = $_
        Try {
            $Endpoint | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWEndpoint] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Creates a Endpoint within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Endpoint within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWEndpoint] object
    The intended name of the Endpoint. For example: 'LinuxEndpoint1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER EndpointType
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Endpoint (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Endpoint. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Endpoint into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Endpoint into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWEndpoint.
    An [ANOWEndpoint] object representing the newly created Endpoint
    New-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'endpoint_01' -EndpointType 'AZURE_BLOB' -Description 'Description!' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Folder 'Folder1'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Endpoint must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Endpoint_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint failed to check if the Endpoint [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($Endpoint_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Endpoint named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWEndpoint = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWEndpoint.Add('id', $Id)
    $ANOWEndpoint.Add('endpointType', $endpointType)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWEndpoint.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWEndpoint due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWEndpoint has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWEndpoint.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWEndpoint due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWEndpoint. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWEndpoint] [$Id]"
        $ANOWEndpoint.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWEndpoint due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWEndpoint. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWEndpoint] [$Id]"
        $ANOWEndpoint.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWEndpoint -IncludeProperties id, serverEndpointType, loadBalancer, totalWeightCapacity, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{"endpointType":"' + $endpointType + '"}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'EndpointCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'EndpointDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/endpoint/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Endpoint [$Id] of type [$endpointType] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Endpoint [$Id] of type [$endpointType] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWEndpoint]$Endpoint = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWEndpoint] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWEndpoint] Endpoint is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $Endpoint

Function Copy-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Copies an Endpoint from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an Endpoint from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
    Mandatory [ANOWEndpoint] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Endpoint. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Endpoint will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Endpoint object. If you do not set this, the new Endpoint object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Endpoint will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Endpoint object. If you do not set this, the new Endpoint object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Endpoint will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Endpoint object. If you do not set this, the new Endpoint object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWEndpoint] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Endpoint and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Endpoint01 = Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'endpoint_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Endpoint $Endpoint01 -NewId 'endpoint_01_production' -Description 'Endpoint 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Endpoint that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Endpoint (Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'endpoint_01') -NewId 'Endpoint_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Endpoint_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint failed to check if the Endpoint [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Endpoint_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already an Endpoint named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/endpoint/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Endpoint_oldId = $
            If ($Endpoint_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Endpoint.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Endpoint.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Endpoint.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Endpoint.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Endpoint_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Endpoint.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Endpoint.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'EndpointDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Endpoint_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWEndpoint]$Endpoint = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWEndpoint] object $NewId due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWEndpoint] object is empty!"
            Return $Endpoint
    End {


Function Remove-AutomateNOWEndpoint {
    Removes an Endpoint from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes an Endpoint from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
    An [ANOWEndpoint] object representing the Endpoint to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWEndpoint] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove a single endpoint based on its name.
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id 'Endpoint01' | Remove-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Remove a series of endpoints based on the pipeline
    @( 'Endpoint1', 'Endpoint2', 'Endpoint3') | Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint | Remove-AutomateNOWEndpoint
    Forcibly remove all Azure Blob endpoints
    Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -endpointType 'AZURE_BLOB' | Remove-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/endpoint/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Endpoint_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Endpoint_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Endpoint_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            [string]$old_values = $Endpoint.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Endpoint_id
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'EndpointList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'EndpointDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $BodyMetaDataString)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $BodyMetaDataString
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Endpoint_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Endpoint $Endpoint_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Show-AutomateNOWEndpointType {
    Shows all of the available Endpoint types for AutomateNOW! in human readable format
    Shows all of the available Endpoint types for AutomateNOW! in human readable format (this was statically coded and will become outdated!)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Show-AutomateNOWEndpointType.
    An array of PSCustomObjects
    Show-AutomateNOWEndpointType | Where-Object { $ -match 'SQL'} | Select-Object Id, Name
    This is a stand-alone function which does not require connectivity to the AutomateNOW! console
    There are no parameters yet for this function

    [PSCustomObject]$TaskTypesJson = '[{"id":"REMOTE_CONNECTION","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/terminal.gif","name":"Remote Connection","folder":true},{"id":"SSH","parent":"REMOTE_CONNECTION","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/terminal.gif","name":"SSH"},{"id":"WINRM","parent":"REMOTE_CONNECTION","name":"Windows RM","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/win.png"},{"id":"FILE_MANAGER","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/network_folder.png","name":"File Manager"},{"id":"FTP","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"FTP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ftp.png"},{"id":"MAINFRAME_FTPS","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"Mainframe FTPS","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/folder.png"},{"id":"MAINFRAME_FTP","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"Mainframe FTP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ftp.png"},{"id":"FTPS","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"FTPS","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/folder.png"},{"id":"SFTP","name":"SFTP","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/gnome.png"},{"id":"HDFS","name":"HDFS","parent":"HADOOP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/hadoop.png"},{"id":"S3","name":"Amazon S3","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/amazon.png"},{"id":"AZURE_BLOB","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"Azure Blob","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure.png"},{"id":"AZURE_FILE","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"Azure File","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure.png"},{"id":"GOOGLE_COULD_STORAGE_BUCKET","parent":"FILE_MANAGER","name":"Google Cloud Storage Bucket","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/googleCloud.png"},{"id":"USER","name":"User","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/user.png"},{"id":"ENCRYPTION","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/pgp.png","name":"Encryption","folder":true},{"id":"PGP","parent":"ENCRYPTION","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/pgp.png","name":"PGP"},{"id":"IBM_SERIES","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ibm.png","name":"IBM Series"},{"id":"AS400","parent":"IBM_SERIES","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ibm_as400.gif","name":"IBM AS/400"},{"id":"Z_OS","parent":"IBM_SERIES","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/zos.png","name":"IBM z/OS Mainframe"},{"id":"Z_OS_REST","parent":"IBM_SERIES","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/zos.png","name":"IBM z/OS Mainframe - REST"},{"id":"RAINCODE","parent":"IBM_SERIES","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/raincode.ico","name":"Raincode"},{"id":"OPENTEXT","parent":"IBM_SERIES","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/microfocus.png","name":"OpenText"},{"id":"SQL_DATABASE","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/oracle.png","name":"SQL Database"},{"id":"ORACLE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/oracle.png","name":"Oracle"},{"id":"TERADATA","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/teradata.png","name":"Teradata"},{"id":"SINGLESTORE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/singlestore.jpg","name":"SingleStore"},{"id":"SQL_SERVER","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sql_server.png","name":"MS SQL Server"},{"id":"SQL_SERVER_JTDS","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sql_server.png","name":"MS SQL Server - JTDS"},{"id":"POSTGRESQL","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/postgres.png","name":"PostgreSQL"},{"id":"MYSQL","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/mysql.png","name":"MySQL"},{"id":"DB2","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/db2.png","name":"IBM DB2"},{"id":"NETEZZA","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/netezza.png","name":"Netezza"},{"id":"DASHDB","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/dashDB.png","name":"IBM DB2 on Cloud"},{"id":"SNOWFLAKE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/snowflake.png","name":"Snowflake"},{"id":"VERTICA","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/vertica.png","name":"Vertica"},{"id":"PRESTO_DB","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/prestodb.png","name":"Presto DB"},{"id":"INFORMIX","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/informix.png","name":"Informix"},{"id":"H2","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/h2.png","name":"H2"},{"id":"SYBASE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sybase.png","name":"Sybase"},{"id":"AZURE_SQL_DATABASE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure-sql.png","name":"Azure SQL Database"},{"id":"AZURE_SQL_DATA_WAREHOUSE","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure-warehouse.png","name":"Azure Synapse Analytics"},{"id":"HIVE_QL","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/hive.png","name":"Hive QL Database"},{"id":"GOOGLE_BIG_QUERY","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/bigquery.png","name":"Google BigQuery"},{"id":"SAP_HANA","parent":"SQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sap.png","name":"SAP Hana"},{"id":"BIG_DATA","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/database.png","name":"Big Data"},{"id":"HADOOP","parent":"BIG_DATA","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/hadoop.png","name":"Hadoop"},{"id":"SPARK","parent":"HADOOP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/spark.png","name":"Spark"},{"id":"FLINK","parent":"HADOOP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/flink.jpg","name":"Flink"},{"id":"REDIS","parent":"BIG_DATA","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/redis.png","name":"Redis"},{"id":"NOSQL_DATABASE","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/mongodb.gif","name":"NoSQL Database"},{"id":"MONGO_DB","parent":"NOSQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/mongodb.gif","name":"Mongo DB"},{"id":"TITAN","parent":"NOSQL_DATABASE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/titan.png","name":"Titan"},{"id":"MQ","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/queue.png","name":"Message Queues"},{"id":"IBM_MQ","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ibm_mq.png","name":"IBM MQ"},{"id":"ACTIVE_MQ","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/activemq.png","name":"Active MQ"},{"id":"RABBIT_MQ","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/rabbitmq.png","name":"Rabbit MQ"},{"id":"KAFKA","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/kafka.png","name":"Kafka"},{"id":"HORNETQ","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/hornetq.png","name":"HornetQ"},{"id":"AMQP","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/amqp.png","name":"AMQP"},{"id":"XMPP","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/xmpp.png","name":"XMPP"},{"id":"STOMP","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/shoe.png","name":"STOMP"},{"id":"SOLACE","parent":"MQ","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/solace.png","name":"Solace"},{"id":"ETL","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/etl.png","name":"ETL Systems"},{"id":"INFORMATICA","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/informatica.ico","name":"Informatica Power Center"},{"id":"INFORMATICA_WS","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/informatica.ico","name":"Informatica WS Power Center"},{"id":"IBM_DATASTAGE","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ibminfosphere.png","name":"IBM Infosphere DataStage"},{"id":"SAS","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sas.png","name":"SAS"},{"id":"SAS_VIYA","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sas_viya.png","name":"SAS Viya"},{"id":"MS_SSIS","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/ssis.png","name":"MS SQL Server Integration Services"},{"id":"ODI","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/odi.png","name":"Oracle Data Integrator"},{"id":"TALEND","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/talend.png","name":"Talend"},{"id":"DBT","parent":"ETL","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/dbt.ico","name":"dbt"},{"id":"ERP","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/erp.png","name":"ERP Systems"},{"id":"SAP","parent":"ERP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sap.png","name":"SAP R/3"},{"id":"SAP_S4_HANA","parent":"ERP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sap.png","name":"SAP S/4HANA"},{"id":"SAP_S4_HANA_CLOUD","parent":"ERP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/sap.png","name":"SAP S/4HANA Cloud"},{"id":"ORACLE_EBS","parent":"ERP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/oracle.png","name":"Oracle EBS"},{"id":"PEOPLESOFT","parent":"ERP","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/oracle.png","name":"Peoplesoft"},{"id":"WEB","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/globe_network.png","name":"Web Service"},{"id":"HTTP","parent":"WEB","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/world.png","name":"Http"},{"id":"REST_WEB_SERVICE","parent":"WEB","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/rest.png","name":"REST Web Service"},{"id":"SOAP_WEB_SERVICE","parent":"WEB","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/soap.png","name":"SOAP Web Service"},{"id":"EMAIL","parent":"WEB","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/mail.png","name":"Email"},{"id":"EMAIL_EWS","parent":"WEB","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/mail.png","name":"Email Exchange Web Service"},{"id":"ITSM","folder":true,"icon":"skin/compress_repair.png","name":"ITSM"},{"id":"SERVICE_NOW","parent":"ITSM","icon":"skin/servicenow.png","name":"ServiceNow"},{"id":"JIRA","parent":"ITSM","icon":"skin/jira.png","name":"Jira"},{"id":"BMC_REMEDY","parent":"ITSM","icon":"skin/bmc.ico","name":"BMC Remedy"},{"id":"BI","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/table_chart.png","name":"Business Intelligence"},{"id":"TABLEAU","parent":"BI","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/tableau.ico","name":"Tableau"},{"id":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI","parent":"BI","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/powerBi.ico","name":"Microsoft Power BI"},{"id":"CLOUD","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/cloud.png","name":"Cloud"},{"id":"AWS","parent":"CLOUD","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/aws.png","name":"Amazon Web Services"},{"id":"AWS_COMMON","parent":"CLOUD","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/aws.png","name":"Amazon Web Services Common"},{"id":"AZURE","parent":"CLOUD","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure.png","name":"Azure"},{"id":"AZURE_DATABRICKS","parent":"CLOUD","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/azure.png","name":"Azure DataBricks"},{"id":"INFORMATICA_CLOUD","parent":"CLOUD","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/informatica.ico","name":"Informatica Cloud"},{"id":"INSTANT_MESSAGING","name":"Instant Messaging","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/comment_edit.png","folder":true},{"id":"TELEGRAM","name":"Telegram","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/telegram.png","parent":"INSTANT_MESSAGING"},{"id":"WHATSAPP","name":"WhatsApp","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/whatsapp.png","parent":"INSTANT_MESSAGING"},{"id":"RPA","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/robot.png","name":"Robotic Process Automation"},{"id":"BLUE_PRISM","parent":"RPA","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/blueprism.ico","name":"Blue Prism"},{"id":"UI_PATH","parent":"RPA","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/uipath.ico","name":"UI Path"},{"id":"ROBOT_FRAMEWORK","parent":"RPA","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/robotFramework.png","name":"Robot Framework"},{"id":"WLA","folder":true,"icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/gears.png","name":"Workload Automation"},{"id":"AUTOMATE_NOW","parent":"WLA","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/favicon.png","name":"AutomateNOW!"},{"id":"APACHE_AIRFLOW","parent":"WLA","icon":"skin/airflow.png","name":"Apache Airflow"},{"id":"VC","folder":true,"icon":"skin/vcs.png","name":"Version Control"},{"id":"GIT","parent":"VC","icon":"skin/git.png","name":"Git"},{"id":"ANSIBLE","parent":"WLA","icon":"skin/ansible.png","name":"Ansible"},{"id":"CTRL_M","parent":"WLA","icon":"skin/bmc.png","name":"Ctrl-M"}]' | ConvertFrom-Json
    [array]$EndpointTypesArray = $TaskTypesJson | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Parent = $_.parent; Id = $; Name = $; Icon = $_.icon } }
    Return $EndpointTypesArray


#Region - Folders

Function Get-AutomateNOWFolder {
    Gets the folders from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the folders from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the folder to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the folder from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWFolder] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id 'Folder1'
    @( 'Folder1', 'Folder2' ) | Get-AutomateNOWFolder
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the folders.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                [string]$Foldername = $_
            Else {
                [string]$Foldername = $Id
            [string]$command = ('/folder/read?id=' + $Foldername)
        Else {
            [string]$command = '/folder/read'
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder[]]$Folders = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWFolder] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($folders.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Folders
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWFolder {
    Changes the settings of a Folder from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Folder from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Folder
    An [ANOWFolder] object representing the Folder to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWFolder] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWFolder] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id 'Folder01' | Set-AutomateNOWFolder -Description 'New Description'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The only property which the console allows to be changed is the description.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/folder/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Folder_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Folder_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Folder_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Folder_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to check if the Folder [$Folder_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Folder_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Folder named [$Folder_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            $BodyMetaData.'parent' = $Folder.parent
            $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Folder.codeRepository
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Folder.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'FolderEditForm'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'FolderDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $BodyMetaData.description = $Description
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Folder_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Folder $Folder_id was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWFolder {
    Exports the folders from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the folders from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWFolder] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWFolder to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWFolder] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWFolder] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder | Export-AutomateNOWFolder
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id 'Folder01' | Export-AutomateNOWFolder
    @( 'Folder01', 'Folder02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWFolder | Export-AutomateNOWFolder
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq 'Folder01' } | Export-AutomateNOWFolder
    You must present [ANOWFolder] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Folders-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWFolder]$Folder = $_
        Try {
            $Folder | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWFolder] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWFolder {
    Creates a Folder within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Folder within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWFolder] object
    The intended name of the Folder. For example: 'LinuxFolder1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Folder (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Folder into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWFolder.
    An [ANOWFolder] object representing the newly created Folder
    New-AutomateNOWFolder -Id 'MyFolder' -Description 'Folder description' -codeRepository 'MyRepository'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the folder must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Folder_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to check if the Folder [$Id] existed under New-AutomateNOWFolder due to [$Message]."
    If ($Folder_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Folder named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWFolder = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWFolder.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWFolder.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWFolder due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWFolder. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWFolder.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWFolder -IncludeProperties id, description, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'FolderCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'FolderDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/folder/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create folder [$Id] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create folder [$Id] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWFolder]$Folder = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWFolder] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWFolder] object is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $Folder

Function Remove-AutomateNOWFolder {
    Removes a folder from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a folder from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Folder
    An [ANOWFolder] object representing the Folder to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWFolder] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id 'Folder01' | Remove-AutomateNOWFolder
    @( 'Folder1', 'Folder2', 'Folder3') | Remove-AutomateNOWFolder
    Get-AutomateNOWFolder | ? { $_.simpleId -like 'test*' } | Remove-AutomateNOWFolder
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/folder/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Folder_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Folder_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Folder_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $Folder_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Folder_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Folder $Folder_id successfully removed"
    End {



#Region - Icons

Function Export-AutomateNOWIcon {
    If ($anow_assets.icon_library.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please use Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon to import the icon names into your session."
    [PSCustomObject[]]$ExportTableFatCow = ForEach ($Icon in $anow_assets.icon_library['FAT_COW']) { [PSCustomObject]@{Library = 'FAT_COW'; Icon = $Icon; } }
    [PSCustomObject[]]$ExportTableFugue = ForEach ($Icon in $anow_assets.icon_library['FUGUE']) { [PSCustomObject]@{Library = 'FUGUE'; Icon = $Icon; } }
    [PSCustomObject[]]$ExportTableFontAwesome = ForEach ($Icon in $anow_assets.icon_library['FONT_AWESOME']) { [PSCustomObject]@{Library = 'FONT_AWESOME'; Icon = $Icon; } }
    [PSCustomObject[]]$DataToExport = ($ExportTableFatCow + $ExportTableFugue + $ExportTableFontAwesome)
    [int32]$DataToExportCount = $DataToExport.Count
    If ($DataToExportCount -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there are zero icons to export. Please look into this."
    [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
    [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Icons-' + $current_time + '.csv'
    [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
    If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
        $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Try {
        $DataToExport | Export-CSV @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the icon asset data due to [$Message]"
    [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
    [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
    [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
    Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Import-AutomateNOWIcon {
    Imports the icon asset information from an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Import-AutomateNOWIcon` function imports the icon asset information from an AutomateNOW! instance and makes it available for other functions (e.g. Format-AutomateNOWIconList)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Import-AutomateNOWIcon.
    The output is set into the global variable anow_assets. A .csv file may optionally be created to capture the output.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    Specifies the name of the AutomateNOW! instance. For example:
    Import-AutomateNOWIcon -Instance ''
    You DO NOT need to authenticate to the instance to execute this function.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Function Format-AutomateNOWIconList {
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet('FatCow', 'Fugue', 'FontAwesome', IgnoreCase = $false)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int32]$assets_content_count = $assets_content.Count
        If ($assets_content_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there was no content..."
        [string]$icon_index_first_string_id = ('"ID": "' + $Library + 'DataSource",')
        [string]$icon_index_first_string_name = ("{name: '$first_icon_name'")
        [string]$icon_index_last_string_name = ("{name: '$last_icon_name'")
        Try {
            [int32]$icon_index_first_number1 = $assets_content.IndexOf($($assets_content -match $icon_index_first_string_id | Select-Object -First 1))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the first index position of the first icon from the [$Library] icon library due to [$Message]"
        Try {
            [int32]$icon_index_first_number2 = $assets_content[$icon_index_first_number1..$assets_content_count].IndexOf($($assets_content[$icon_index_first_number1..$assets_content_count] -match $icon_index_first_string_name | Select-Object -First 1))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the second index position of the first icon from the [$Library] icon library due to [$Message]"
        [int32]$icon_index_first_number = ($icon_index_first_number1 + $icon_index_first_number2)
        Write-Verbose "Extracted first index of [$icon_index_first_number] from the [$Library] icon library"
        Try {
            [int32]$icon_index_last_number = $assets_content[$icon_index_first_number..$assets_content_count].IndexOf($($assets_content[$icon_index_first_number..$assets_content_count] -match $icon_index_last_string_name | Select-Object -First 1))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the index position of the last icon from the [$Library] icon library due to [$Message]"
        [int32]$icon_index_last_number = ($icon_index_last_number + $icon_index_first_number)
        Write-Verbose "Extracted last index of [$icon_index_last_number] for [$Library]"
        Try {
            [array]$icon_raw_array = $assets_content[$icon_index_first_number..$icon_index_last_number]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the icon data from the assets library from position [$icon_index_first_number] to [$icon_index_last_number] from the [$Library] icon library due to [$Message]"
        [int32]$icon_raw_array_count = $icon_raw_array.Count
        Write-Verbose -Message "Found [$icon_raw_array_count] icons from the [$Library] library"
        [array]$icon_list = $icon_raw_array | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\s' -replace 'name:' -replace "{'" -replace "'}," -replace "'}" }
        Return $icon_list
    If ($Instance.Length -eq 0) {
        [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
        If ($Instance.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You need to either supply the instance via -Instance or use Connect-AutomateNOW to define it for you'
    If ($Instance -match '/' -or $Instance -match 'http') {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Please do not include http or any slashes in the instance name. Following are 2 valid examples:,'
    [string]$url_homepage = ('https://' + $Instance + '/automatenow/') # Note the backslash at the end. This is required!
    Write-Verbose -Message "The instance url is set to [$url_homepage]"
    [int32]$ps_version_major = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    If ($ps_version_major -gt 5) {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject]$request_homepage = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url_homepage
    ElseIf ($ps_version_major -eq 5) {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject]$request_homepage = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url_homepage
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Only Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core (7+) are supported."
    [int32]$request_statuscode = $request_homepage.StatusCode
    If ($request_statuscode -ne 200) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was [$request_statuscode] instead of 200. Please look into this."
    [array]$homepage_content = $request_homepage.Content -split "`n"
    [int32]$homepage_content_line_count = $homepage_content.Count
    Write-Verbose -Message "The homepage content from [$Instance] has [$homepage_content_line_count] lines"
    [string]$asset_url = ($url_homepage + ($homepage_content -match 'assets/application/automateNow-[0-9a-z]{32}.js' -replace '"></script>' -replace '<script type="text/javascript" src="/automatenow/' | Select-Object -First 1))
    Write-Verbose -Message "Fetching assets from [$asset_url]"
    If ($ps_version_major -gt 5) {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject]$request_assets = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $asset_url
    ElseIf ($ps_version_major -eq 5) {
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject]$request_assets = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $asset_url
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Only Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core (7+) are supported."
    [int32]$request_statuscode = $request_assets.StatusCode
    If ($request_statuscode -ne 200) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was [$request_statuscode] instead of 200. Please look into this."
    [array]$assets_content = $request_assets.Content -split "`r" -split "`n"
    [int32]$assets_content_line_count = $assets_content.Count
    Write-Verbose -Message "The assets content from [$Instance] has [$assets_content_line_count] lines"
    Try {
        [array]$IconNames_FatCow = Format-AutomateNOWIconList -assets_content $assets_content -Library 'FatCow' -first_icon_name '32_bit' -last_icon_name 'zootool'
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Format-AutomateNOWIconList failed to extract the FatCow icons due to [$Message]"
    Try {
        [array]$IconNames_Fugue = Format-AutomateNOWIconList -assets_content $assets_content -Library 'Fugue' -first_icon_name 'abacus' -last_icon_name 'zootool'
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Format-AutomateNOWIconList failed to extract the Fugue icons due to [$Message]"
    Try {
        [array]$IconNames_FontAwesome = Format-AutomateNOWIconList -assets_content $assets_content -Library 'FontAwesome' -first_icon_name '500px' -last_icon_name 'youtube-square'
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Format-AutomateNOWIconList failed to extract the FontAwesome icons due to [$Message]"
    [int32]$IconCount_FatCow = ($IconNames_FatCow.Count)
    [int32]$IconCount_Fugue = ($IconNames_Fugue.Count)
    [int32]$IconCount_FontAwesome = ($IconNames_FontAwesome.Count)
    If ( $IconCount_FatCow -eq 0 -or $IconCount_Fugue -eq 0 -or $IconCount_FontAwesome -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow one or more of the icon counts summed to zero. Please look into this. [FatCow = $IconCount_FatCow; Fugue = $IconCount_Fugue; FontAwesome = $IconCount_FontAwesome;]"
    [int32]$IconCount = ($IconCount_FatCow + $IconCount_Fugue + $IconCount_FontAwesome)
    [hashtable]$icon_sets = @{ 'FAT_COW' = $IconNames_FatCow; 'FUGUE' = $IconNames_Fugue; 'FONT_AWESOME' = $IconNames_FontAwesome; 'FAT_COW_COUNT' = $IconCount_FatCow; 'FUGUE_COUNT' = $IconCount_Fugue; 'FONT_AWESOME_COUNT' = $IconCount_FatCow; 'TOTAL_COUNT' = $iconCount; }
    If ($null -eq $anow_assets) {
        [hashtable]$global:anow_assets = @{}
    If ($null -eq $anow_assets.icon_library) {
        $anow_assets.Add('icon_library', $icon_sets)
    Else {
        $anow_assets.icon_library = $icon_sets
    Write-Verbose "Added $IconCount icons to the assets library of this session"

Function Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon {
    Loads the icon assets from a local file Icons.ps1 instead of from a live AutomateNOW! instance

    [string]$LocalIconScript = ($PSScriptRoot + '\Icons.ps1')
    If ((Test-Path -Path "$LocalIconScript") -eq $true) {
        Try {
            . "$LocalIconScript"
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to load the local icon script [$LocalIconScript] due to [$Message]"
        [int32]$fat_cow_icon_count = $anow_assets.icon_library["FAT_COW"].Count
        [int32]$fugue_icon_count = $anow_assets.icon_library["FUGUE"].Count
        [int32]$font_awesome_icon_count = $anow_assets.icon_library["FONT_AWESOME"].Count
        Write-Verbose -Message "Imported icons:"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Fat Cow [$fat_cow_icon_count]"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Fugue [$fugue_icon_count]"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Font Awesome [$font_awesome_icon_count]"
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "The Icons.ps1 file is not available!"

Function Read-AutomateNOWIcon {
    Reads the icon assets from the local cache.
    Reads the icon assets from the local cache. You must first import the icons with either Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon.
    .PARAMETER iconSet
    Mandatory string representing a choice between three icon sets. Valid choices are: FAT_COW, FUGUE, FONT_AWESOME

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    If ($anow_assets.icon_library.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Please use Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon to import the icon names into your session."
    Return $anow_assets.icon_library."$iconSet"

Function Write-AutomateNOWIconData {
    This is experimental
    Write-AutomateNOWIconDate -iconSet 'FUGUE' -filepath 'c:\temp\icons'

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ (Test-Path -Path "$_") -eq $true })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$pause_delay = 50
    Begin {
        If ($Instance.Length -eq 0) {
            [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
            If ($Instance.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "You needed to either specify the instance with -Instance or use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish a session."
        If ($anow_assets.icon_library.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please use Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon to import the icon names into your session."
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$Set = $_
        Else {
            [string]$Set = $iconSet
        If ($Set -eq 'FONT_AWESOME') {
            Write-Warning -Message "The Font Awesome icon set is a font and not a series of images, therefore they cannot be written to disk as imagefiles."
        Else {
            [string]$current_path = "$filepath\$Set"
            If ((Test-Path -Path $current_path) -eq $false) {
                Try {
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$current_path" -Force | Out-Null
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "New-Item failed to create $current_path due to [$Message]"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Created the [$Set] directory in [$filepath]"
            [int32]$current_path_file_count = Get-ChildItem -Path "$current_path\*.png" | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            If ($current_path_file_count -gt 0) {
                Throw "There are $current_path_file_count .png files in the [$current_path] directory."
            [array]$icon_names = $anow_assets.icon_library["$iconSet"]
            [int32]$current_icons_count = $icon_names.Count
            If ($current_icons_count -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there are 0 icons available for the [$iconSet] icon set. Please look into this."
            [string]$icon_directory_name = ($iconSet -replace '_').ToLower()
            [string]$base_icon_uri = 'https' + '://' + $instance + "/automatenow/img/$icon_directory_name/"
            [int32]$total_bytes_downloaded = 0
            [int32]$icons_downloaded = 0
            [int32]$current_loop = 1
            Try {
                [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$stopwatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "A System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch couldn't be started due to [$Message]"
            ForEach ($current_icon_name in $icon_names) {
                [string]$current_icon_download_url = ($base_icon_uri + $current_icon_name + '.png')
                [string]$current_icon_file_path = "$filepath\$iconSet\$current_icon_name.png"
                Try {
                    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $current_icon_download_url -PassThru -OutFile $current_icon_file_path | Out-Null
                    $ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-WebRequest failed to download the icon file [$current_icon_download_url] due to [$Message]"
                Try {
                    [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$current_icon_file_info = Get-Item -Path "$current_icon_file_path"
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-Item failed to read the recently downloaded icon file [$current_icon_file_path] due to [$Message]"
                [int32]$current_bytes_downloaded = $current_icon_file_info.Length
                [int32]$total_bytes_downloaded = ($total_bytes_downloaded + $current_bytes_downloaded)
                [string]$total_bytes_downloaded_display = "{0:N0}" -f $total_bytes_downloaded
                [int32]$elapsed_ms = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
                [decimal]$bytes_per_ms = ($total_bytes_downloaded / $elapsed_ms)
                [string]$kbyte_sec_display = [math]::Round(($bytes_per_ms * 1000 / 1024), 2).ToString("0.00")
                [int32]$avg_file_size = ($total_bytes_downloaded / $current_loop)
                [string]$avg_file_size_display = "{0:N0}" -f $avg_file_size
                Write-Progress -PercentComplete ($current_loop / $current_icons_count * 100) -Activity " Downloading the '$iconSet' icon library (throttle: $pause_delay ms)" -Status "Image $current_loop of $current_icons_count - Average filesize: $avg_file_size_display bytes - Total Downloaded: $total_bytes_downloaded_display bytes" -CurrentOperation "Speed: $kbyte_sec_display KByte/sec - Downloaded $current_icon_name.png"
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $pause_delay
    End {
        [int32]$current_path_file_count = Get-ChildItem -Path "$current_path\*.png" | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
        If ($current_path_file_count -gt 0) {
            Write-Information -MessageData "Successfully downloaded $current_path_file_count to the $current_path directory"
        Else {
            Throw "There are $current_path_file_count .png files in the [$current_path] directory."


#Region - Nodes

Function Get-AutomateNOWNode {
    Gets the nodes from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the nodes from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the node to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    .PARAMETER LoadBalancerOnly
    Optional switch that will return only the nodes that are load balancers.
    .PARAMETER ChildNodesOnly
    Optional switch that will return only the nodes that are added to a load balancer node.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the node from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWNode] class objects
    Gets all of the nodes
    Gets a single node by name
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'my_node_01'
    Gets a series of nodes by feeding their names through the pipeline.
    @( 'my_node_01', 'my_node_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWNode
    Gets all of the nodes which have the load balancer role
    Get-AutomateNOW -LoadBalancerOnly
    Gets all of the nodes which are joined to a load balancer a child node
    Get-AutomateNOW -ChildNodesOnly
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the nodes.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Single', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        If ($LoadBalancerOnly -eq $true -and $ChildNodesOnly -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You can't request only load balancer and then only load balancer nodes in the same request. Please choose one or the other."
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0 ) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        ElseIf ($LoadBalancerOnly -eq $true) {
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"loadBalancer","operator":"equals","value":true}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"parentLoadBalancer","value":null,"operator":"equals"}'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'ServerNodeDataSource_fetch'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ServerNodeTree'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        ElseIf ($ChildNodesOnly -eq $true) {
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"loadBalancer","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"parentLoadBalancer","value":null,"operator":"iNotEqual"}'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'ServerNodeDataSource_fetch'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ServerNodeTree'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        Else {
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ServerNodeList'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'substring'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ServerNodeDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/serverNode/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWNode[]]$nodes = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWNode] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($nodes.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $nodes
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWNode {
    Exports the nodes from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the nodes from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWNode] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWNode to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWNode] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWNode] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWNode | Export-AutomateNOWNode
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node01' | Export-AutomateNOWNode
    @( 'Node01', 'Node02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWNode | Export-AutomateNOWNode
    Get-AutomateNOWNode | Where-Object { $_.serverNodeType -eq 'LINUX' } | Export-AutomateNOWNode
    You must present [ANOWNode] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Nodes-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWNode]$Node = $_
        Try {
            $Node | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWNode] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWNode {
    Creates a node within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a node within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWNode] object
    The intended name of the node. For example: 'LinuxNode1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    Required type of the node.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the node (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new node. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the node into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the node into.
    .PARAMETER WeightCapacity
    Optional integer to specify the total weight capacity of the node. Defaults to 50.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWNode.
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the newly created node
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the node must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$WeightCapacity = 50,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$node_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWNode failed to check if the node [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($node_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Node named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWNode = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWNode.Add('id', $Id)
    $ANOWNode.Add('serverNodeType', $Type)
    $ANOWNode.Add('loadBalancer', $False)
    $ANOWNode.Add('totalWeightCapacity', $WeightCapacity)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWNode.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWNode due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWNode has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWNode.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWNode due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWNode. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWNode] [$Id]"
        $ANOWNode.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWNode due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWNode. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWNode] [$Id]"
        $ANOWNode.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWNode -IncludeProperties id, serverNodeType, loadBalancer, totalWeightCapacity, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = ('{"serverNodeType":"' + $Type + '","loadBalancer":' + $LoadBalancer + ',"totalWeightCapacity":' + $WeightCapacity + '}')
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ServerNodeCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ServerNodeDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/serverNode/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create node [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create node [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWNode]$node = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWNode] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWNode] node is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $node

Function Copy-AutomateNOWNode {
    Copies a Node from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Node from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    Mandatory [ANOWNode] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Node. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Node will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Node object. If you do not set this, the new Node object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Node will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Node object. If you do not set this, the new Node object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Node will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Node object. If you do not set this, the new Node object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWNode] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Node and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Node01 = Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWNode -Node $Node01 -NewId 'Node_01_production' -Description 'Node 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Node that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWNode -Node (Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01') -NewId 'Node_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Node_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWNode failed to check if the Node [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Node_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Node named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/serverNode/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Node_oldId = $
            If ($Node_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Node.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Node.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Node.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Node.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Node_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Node.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Node.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ServerNodeDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Node_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWNode]$NewNode = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWNode] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWNode] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewNode
    End {


Function Remove-AutomateNOWNode {
    Removes a node from an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Remove-AutomateNOWNode` function removes a node from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the node to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWNode] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node01' | Remove-AutomateNOWNode
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node01', 'Node02' | Remove-AutomateNOWNode
    @( 'Node1', 'Node2', 'Node3') | Remove-AutomateNOWNode
    Get-AutomateNOWNode | ? { $_.serverNodeType -eq 'LINUX' } | Remove-AutomateNOWNode
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/serverNode/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$node_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$node_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$node_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $node_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$node_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Node $node_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Start-AutomateNOWNode {
    Starts a Node from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Starts a Node from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the Node to be started.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the returned [ANOWNode] object
    ONLY [ANOWNode] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the started node will be returned.
    Starts a single node
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01' | Start-AutomateNOWNode
    Starts a single node quietly
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01' | Start-AutomateNOWNode -Quiet
    Starts a series of nodes quietly through the pipeline
    @('Node01', 'Node02') | Start-AutomateNOWNode -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UseAutomaticName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/serverNode/start'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Node_id = $
            [string]$Node_simpleId = $_.simpleId
        Else {
            [string]$Node_id = $
            [string]$Node_simpleId = $Node.simpleId
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Node_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'start')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ServerNodeDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Node_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Task $Node_id successfully started"
        Try {
            [ANOWNode]$ANOWNode = $[0]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the [ANOWNode] object under Start-AutomateNOWNode from the response due to [$Message]."
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $ANOWNode
    End {


Function Stop-AutomateNOWNode {
    Stops a Node on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Stops a Node on an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the Node to be stopped.
    Switch parameter to kill tasks running on the server instead of waiting for them to complete
    .PARAMETER Abort
    Switch parameter to abort tasks running on the server instead of waiting for them to complete
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the returned [ANOWNode] object
    ONLY [ANOWNode] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the stopped node will be returned.
    Stops a single node
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01' | Stop-AutomateNOWNode
    Stops a single node quietly
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Node_01' | Stop-AutomateNOWNode -Quiet
    Stops a series of nodes quietly through the pipeline
    @('Node01', 'Node02') | Stop-AutomateNOWNode -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The default behavior of this function is the 'Stop' option 'Wait for executing tasks to complete'. Use -Kill or -Abort to use one or the other of the two stop options. (Stop executing tasks is not added yet)

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kill')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Abort')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kill')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Abort')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($Kill -eq $true) {
            [string]$operation_id = 'stopKill'
            [string]$stop_message = 'stopped and killed'
        ElseIf ($Abort -eq $true) {
            [string]$operation_id = 'stopAbort'
            [string]$stop_message = 'stopped and aborted'
        Else {
            [string]$operation_id = 'stop'
            [string]$stop_message = 'stopped'
        [string]$command = ('/serverNode/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Node_id = $
            [string]$Node_simpleId = $_.simpleId
        Else {
            [string]$Node_id = $
            [string]$Node_simpleId = $Node.simpleId
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Node_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ServerNodeDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Node_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Task $Node_id successfully $stop_message"
        Try {
            [ANOWNode]$ANOWNode = $[0]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the [ANOWNode] object under Stop-AutomateNOWNode (performing $operation_id) from the response due to [$Message]."
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $ANOWNode
    End {



#Region - Referrals

Function Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral {
    Gets the referrals for an object from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the referrals for an object from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Count
    Optional switch to return only the count of total referrals. Returns 0 when no results are found.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    [ANOWTaskTemplate] object to find referrals to. Use Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate to obtain these objects. Note: The console refers to these as 'Schedules'.
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    [ANOWTaskTemplate] object to find referrals to. Use Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate to obtain these objects.
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object to find referrals to. Use Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate to obtain these objects.
    [ANOWNode] object to find referrals to. Use Get-AutomateNOWNode to obtain these objects.
    Accepts many types of [ANOW] objects including TaskTemplate, WorkflowTemplate and Node
    Raw results by default or a summary with the -Count parameter
    $server_node = Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'server_node_01'
    Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -Node $server_node
    $workflow_template = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'workflow_template_01'
    Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Count
    Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id 'Server_Node_01' | Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral
    @('Workflow_01', 'Workflow_02') | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskType PYTHON | Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -Count
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is very far from complete as there are other object types which need to be added.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScheduleTemplate')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TaskTemplate')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WorkflowTemplate')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Node')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_ -is [ANOWTaskTemplate] -or $TaskTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$domainClass = 'ProcessingTemplate'
            If ($TaskTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $TaskTemplate.Id
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $_.'id'
        ElseIf ($_ -is [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] -or $WorkflowTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$domainClass = 'ProcessingTemplate'
            If ($WorkflowTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $WorkflowTemplate.Id
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $_.'id'
        ElseIf ($_ -is [ANOWScheduleTemplate] -or $ScheduleTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$domainClass = 'ProcessingTemplate'
            If ($ScheduleTemplate.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $ScheduleTemplate.Id
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $_.'id'
        ElseIf ($_ -is [ANOWNode] -or $Node.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$domainClass = 'ServerNode'
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                $Body.'id' = $
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $_.'id'
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine input object. Please specify an object of [ANOW] base class type."
        [string]$object_id = $Body.'id'
        $Body.'domainClass' = $domainclass
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
        $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'ReferenceListWindow_list'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ReferrersDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/findReferrers/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] while running Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        $data = $ # it's less lines of code if this variable is not hard typed
        If ($Count -eq $true) {
            [int32]$results_count = $data.count
            [PSCustomObject]$results_summary = [PSCustomObject]@{ object = $object_id; object_class = $domainClass; referrals = $results_count; }
            Return $results_summary
        Else {
            Return $data
    End {



#Region - Result Mappings

Function Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping {
    Gets the Result Mapping objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Result Mapping objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Result Mapping to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Result Mapping from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWResultMapping] class objects
    Gets all Result Mapping objects (defaults 100 per page)
    Gets the first 500 Result Mapping objects in a single page
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -startRow 0 -endRow 500
    Gets a single Result Mapping by name
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'resultmapping_01'
    Gets a series of Result Mapping objects through the pipeline
    @( 'resultmapping_01', 'resultmapping_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Result Mapping objects.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
        Else {
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ResultMappingList'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ResultMappingDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/resultMapping/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        [ANOWResultMapping[]]$ResultMappings = ForEach ($ResultMapping in $ {
            If ($null -ne $ResultMapping.definition) {
                If ($ResultMapping.definition[0] -is [string]) {
                    Try {
                        $ResultMapping.definition = $ResultMapping.definition | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWResultMapping] under Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping objects due to [$Message]."
                Else {
                    [ANOWResultMappingRule[]]$definitions = Try {
                        ForEach ($definition in $resultmapping.definition) {
                    Catch {
                        [string]$definition_placeholder_display = $definition_placeholder | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response definition [$definition_placeholder_display] into an [ANOWResultMappingRule] object under Get-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule due to [$Message]."
                    $ResultMapping.definition = $definitions
        If ($ResultMappings.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $ResultMappings
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWResultMapping {
    Exports the Result Mapping objects from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Result Mapping objects from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWResultMapping] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWResultMapping] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWResultMapping] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all of the Result Mapping objects (up to 100 by default)
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping | Export-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    Exports 1 Result Mapping by name
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'result_mapping01' | Export-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    Exports a series of Result Mapping objects by the pipeline
    @( 'result_mapping01', 'result_mapping02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping | Export-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    You must present [ANOWResultMapping] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-ResultMappings-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWResultMapping]$ResultMapping = $_
        Try {
            $ResultMapping | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWResultMapping] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWResultMapping {
    Creates a Result Mapping within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Result Mapping within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWResultMapping] object
    The intended name of the Result Mapping. For example: 'result_mapping1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Result Mapping (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Result Mapping. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Result Mapping into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Result Mapping into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWResultMapping.
    An [ANOWResultMapping] object representing the newly created Result Mapping
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Result Mapping must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$ResultMapping_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to check if the Result Mapping [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($ResultMapping_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Result Mapping named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWResultMapping = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWResultMapping.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWResultMapping.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWResultMapping due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWResultMapping has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWResultMapping.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWResultMapping due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWResultMapping. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWResultMapping] [$Id]"
        $ANOWResultMapping.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWResultMapping due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWResultMapping. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWResultMapping] [$Id]"
        $ANOWResultMapping.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWResultMapping -IncludeProperties id, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ResultMappingCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResultMappingDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/resultMapping/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Result Mapping [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Result Mapping [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWResultMapping]$ResultMapping = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWResultMapping] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWResultMapping] ResultMapping is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $ResultMapping

Function Copy-AutomateNOWResultMapping {
    Copies a Result Mapping from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Result Mapping from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER ResultMapping
    Mandatory [ANOWResultMapping] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new ResultMapping. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created ResultMapping will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new ResultMapping object. If you do not set this, the new ResultMapping object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created ResultMapping will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new ResultMapping object. If you do not set this, the new ResultMapping object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created ResultMapping will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new ResultMapping object. If you do not set this, the new ResultMapping object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWResultMapping] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an ResultMapping and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $ResultMapping01 = Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'ResultMapping_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWResultMapping -ResultMapping $ResultMapping01 -NewId 'ResultMapping_01_production' -Description 'ResultMapping01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an ResultMapping that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWResultMapping -ResultMapping (Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'ResultMapping_01') -NewId 'ResultMapping_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$ResultMapping_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to check if the Result Mapping [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($ResultMapping_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Result Mapping named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/resultMapping/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$ResultMapping_oldId = $
            If ($ResultMapping_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($ResultMapping.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $ResultMapping.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($ResultMapping.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $ResultMapping.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $ResultMapping_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $ResultMapping.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $ResultMapping.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResultMappingDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ResultMapping_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWResultMapping]$NewResultMapping = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWResultMapping] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWResultMapping] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewResultMapping
    End {


Function Remove-AutomateNOWResultMapping {
    Removes a Result Mapping from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Result Mapping from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ResultMapping
    An [ANOWResultMapping] object representing the Result Mapping to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWResultMapping] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove a single Result Mapping by name
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'result_mapping01' | Remove-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    Removes a series of Result Mapping objects via input from the pipeline
    @( 'result_mapping01', 'result_mapping02', 'result_mapping03') | Remove-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    Forcefully removes all Result Mapping objects that reside within a particular folder
    Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping | Where-Object { $_.folder -eq 'folder_01'} | Remove-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/resultMapping/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ResultMapping_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ResultMapping_id = $
            ElseIf ($Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$ResultMapping_id = $Id
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to resolve the identity of the target under Remove-AutomateNOWResultMapping"
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $ResultMapping_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ResultMapping_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] successfully removed"
    End {


Function Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule {
    Adds a Rule to a Result Mapping on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Adds a Rule to a Result Mapping on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ResultMapping
    Mandatory [ANOWResultMapping] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping to retrieve them). This is the object you created with New-AutomateNOWResultMapping.
    .PARAMETER ResultMappingRule
    Mandatory [ANOWResultMappingRule] object (use New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule to create them).
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the output from a successful update
    ONLY [ANOWResultMapping] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline).
    The updated [ANOWResultMapping] object will be returned.
    Creates and adds two Rules to an existing Result Mapping object named 'result_mapping1' (multi-line format)
    $criteria1 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '1'
    $criteria2 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '2'
    $criteria3 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '3'
    $criteria4 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '4'
    $condition1 = @($criteria1, $criteria2) | New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition -operator 'AllMatch'
    $condition2 = @($criteria3, $criteria4) | New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition -operator 'AllMatch'
    $rule1 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ProcessingStatus 'COMPLETED' -StatusCode 0 -StatusMessage 'SUCCESS' -Condition $condition1
    $rule2 = New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ProcessingStatus 'FAILED' -StatusCode 1 -StatusMessage 'FAILED' -Condition $condition2
    $result_mapping = Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'result_mapping1'
    @($rule1, $rule2) | Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ResultMapping $result_mapping -Quiet
    Creates and adds two Rules to an existing Result Mapping object named 'result_mapping1' (multi-line format)
    @((New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ProcessingStatus 'COMPLETED' -StatusCode 0 -StatusMessage 'SUCCESS' -Condition (@((New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '1'), (New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '2')) | New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition -operator 'AllMatch')), (New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ProcessingStatus 'FAILED' -StatusCode 1 -StatusMessage 'FAILED' -Condition (@((New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '3'), (New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '4')) | New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition -operator 'AllMatch'))) | Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ResultMapping (Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'result_mapping1') -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This capability should be considered limited. There are complex configurations of criteria and conditions which may not be supported. Avoid the "or" operators for now to avoid complexity.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        [PSCustomObject]$ResultMappingRuleArray = @()
        [string]$command = '/resultMapping/update'
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -eq 0) {
            [PSCustomObject[]]$ResultMappingRuleArray += $ResultMappingRule
        Else {
            [PSCustomObject[]]$ResultMappingRuleArray += $_
    End {
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        [string]$ResultMapping_id = $ResultMapping.simpleId
        Try {
            [ANOWResultMapping]$current_result = Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id $ResultMapping_id
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] existed under Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule due to [$Message]."
        If ($ -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The Result Mapping object that you specified [$ResultMapping_id] does not seem to exist under Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule"
        ## End warning ##
        If ($ResultMapping.definition -is [ANOWResultMappingRule[]]) {
            $ResultMappingRuleArray += $ResultMapping.definition
        Try {
            [string]$ConvertedResultMappingRuleArray = $ResultMappingRuleArray | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
            If ($ConvertedResultMappingRuleArray[0] -ne '[') {
                [string]$ResultMappingArrayFormatted = ('[' + $ConvertedResultMappingRuleArray + ']')
            Else {
                [string]$ResultMappingArrayFormatted = $ResultMappingRuleArray | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "ConvertTo-Json failed to convert the array of Result Mapping rules due to [$Message]."
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $ResultMapping_id )
        If ($ResultMapping.description.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('description', $ResultMapping.description)
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('description', $null)
        If ($ResultMapping.codeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('codeRepository', $ResultMapping.codeRepository)
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('codeRepository', $null)
        $BodyMetaData.Add('definition', $ResultMappingArrayFormatted )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_oldValues', $ResultMapping.CreateOldValues())
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_componentId', 'ResultMappingEditForm')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ResultMappingDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        $parameters.Add('command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        [ANOWResultMappingRule[]]$definitions = Try {
            ForEach ($definition in $ {
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a [ANOWResultMapping] object under Add-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule due to [$Message]."
        [PSCustomObject]$temp_results = $ | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty definition
        $temp_results | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name definition -Value $definitions -TypeName ANOWResultMappingRule
        [ANOWResultMapping]$UpdatedResultMapping = $temp_results
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $UpdatedResultMapping

Function New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria {
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule Condition Criteria object
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule Condition Criteria object for use with Result Mapping Rule Condition objects
    .PARAMETER operatorText
    The name of the operator for text based criteria
    .PARAMETER operatorNumber
    The name of the operator for numeric based criteria
    .PARAMETER operatorDate
    The name of the operator for time based criteria
    .PARAMETER fieldName
    The name of the field to which the criteria is applied against. Valid values are: 'cycleActualCounter', 'duration', 'endTime', 'exitCode', 'exitMessage', 'id', 'name', 'owner', 'parentId', 'parentName', 'parentTemplate', 'processingStatus', 'processingTimestamp', 'rootId', 'rootName', 'rootTemplate', 'serviceStatus', 'skip', 'startTime', 'statusCode', 'statusMessage', 'template', 'timesRestarted'
    .PARAMETER value
    The value of the criteria.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria.
    An [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria] object representing the newly created Result Mapping Rule Condition Criteria object
    New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria -operatorNumber 'EQ_NUM' -FieldName 'statusCode' -value '1'
    This function is intended to be used in conjunction with New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition
    Below is a table of the criteria operators based on their type (i.e. Text, Number or Date)
    'EQ' = '=='
    'NE' = '!='
    'LT_TEXT' = '<'
    'GT_TEXT' = '>'
    'LE_TEXT' = '<='
    'GE_TEXT' = '>='
    'SW' = 'starts with'
    'NSW' = 'does not start with'
    'EW' = 'ends with'
    'NEW' = 'does not end with'
    'CONTAINS' = 'contains'
    'NOT_CONTAIN' = 'does not contain'
    'REGEXP' = 'matches'
    'NOT_REGEXP' = 'does not match'
    'IS_NULL' = 'is empty'
    'IS_NOT_NULL' = 'is not empty'
    'EQ_NUM' = '=='
    'NE_NUM' = '!='
    'LT_NUM' = '<'
    'GT_NUM' = '>'
    'LE_NUM' = '<='
    'GE_NUM' = '>='
    'EQ_DATE' = '=='
    'NE_DATE' = '!='
    'LT_DATE' = '<'
    'GT_DATE' = '>'
    'LE_DATE' = '<='
    'GE_DATE' = '>='
    'CAL' = 'in calendar'
    'NOT_IN_CAL' = 'not in calendar'

        [ValidateSet('EQ', 'NE', 'LT_TEXT', 'GT_TEXT', 'LE_TEXT', 'GE_TEXT', 'SW', 'NSW', 'EW', 'NEW', 'CONTAINS', 'NOT_CONTAIN', 'REGEXP', 'NOT_REGEXP', 'IS_NULL', 'IS_NOT_NULL')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Text')]
        [ValidateSet('EQ_NUM', 'NE_NUM', 'LT_NUM', 'GT_NUM', 'LE_NUM', 'GE_NUM')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Number')]
        [ValidateSet('EQ_DATE', 'NE_DATE', 'LT_DATE', 'GT_DATE', 'LE_DATE', 'GE_DATE', 'CAL', 'NOT_IN_CAL')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Date')]
        [ValidateSet('cycleActualCounter', 'duration', 'endTime', 'exitCode', 'exitMessage', 'id', 'name', 'owner', 'parentId', 'parentName', 'parentTemplate', 'processingStatus', 'processingTimestamp', 'rootId', 'rootName', 'rootTemplate', 'serviceStatus', 'skip', 'startTime', 'statusCode', 'statusMessage', 'template', 'timesRestarted')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    If ($operatorText.Length -gt 0) {
        [string]$operator = $operatorText
    ElseIf ($operatorNumber.Length -gt 0) {
        [string]$operator = $operatorNumber
    Else {
        [string]$operator = $operatorDate
    [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria]$criteria = [PSCustomObject]@{'operator' = $operator; 'fieldName' = $FieldName; 'value' = $value; }
    Return $criteria

Function New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition {
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule Condition object
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule Condition object for use with Result Mapping Rule objects
    .PARAMETER operator
    The name of the operator for the condition. Valid values are: 'AllMatch', 'AnyMatch', 'SingleMatch', 'AllMismatch', 'AnyMismatch', 'SingleMismatch'
    .PARAMETER criteria
    A [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria] representing the criteria for this condition. Use New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria to create these.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition.
    An [ANOWResultMappingRuleCondition] object representing the newly created Result Mapping Rule Condition Criteria object
    New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition -operator 'AllMatch' -criteria $criteria
    This function is intended to be used in conjunction with New-AutomateNOWResultMapping

        [ValidateSet('AllMatch', 'AnyMatch', 'SingleMatch', 'AllMismatch', 'AnyMismatch', 'SingleMismatch')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        [string]$operator_formatted = Switch ($operator) {
            'AllMatch' { 'AND'; Break }
            'AnyMatch' { 'OR'; Break }
            'SingleMatch' { 'XOR'; Break }
            'AllMismatch' { 'NAND'; Break }
            'AnyMismatch' { 'NOR'; Break }
            'SingleMismatch' { 'XNOR'; Break }
        [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria[]]$CriteriaArray = @()
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -eq 0) {
            [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria[]]$CriteriaArray += $criteria
        Else {
            [ANOWResultMappingRuleConditionCriteria[]]$CriteriaArray += $_
    End {
        [ANOWResultMappingRuleCondition]$condition = [PSCustomObject]@{'operator' = $operator_formatted; 'criteria' = $CriteriaArray; }
        Return $condition

Function New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule {
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule for use with Add-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    Creates a Result Mapping Rule for use with Add-AutomateNOWResultMapping
    .PARAMETER Condition
    The mandatory condition object that must be included. Use New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRuleCondition to create it.
    .PARAMETER ProcessingStatus
    Processing Status to be set on the Task if condition is true. Valid values are: COMPLETED, FAILED
    .PARAMETER StatusCode
    Optional status code string to be set on the Task if condition is true. If not specified, the Result Mapping object will use exit code of the processing item.
    .PARAMETER StatusMessage
    Optional status message string to be set on the Task if condition is true. If not specified, the Result Mapping object will use exit code of the processing item.
    A single [ANOWResultMappingRuleCondition] object
    An [ANOWResultMapping] object representing the newly created Result Mapping
    New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule -ProcessingStatus 'COMPLETED' -StatusCode 0 -StatusMessage 'SUCCESS' -Condition $condition
    This cmdlet does not require a connection to the AutomateNOW console.
    The statusCode and statusMessage parameters appear to have unlimited character length allowance!

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Try {
        [ANOWResultMappingRule]$rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'condition' = $condition; 'processingStatus' = $ProcessingStatus; 'statusCode' = $StatusCode; 'statusMessage' = $StatusMessage }
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWResultMappingRule] object (under New-AutomateNOWResultMappingRule) due to [$Message]."
    Return $rule


#Region - Schedules

Function Get-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Gets the Schedules from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Schedules from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional int64 containing the NUMERICAL id of the Schedule to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER triggerType
    Optional 'trigger type' of Schedule. This can also be known as "item type" with respect to Schedule Templates. Valid choices are: SCHEDULE, EVENT, SELF_SERVICE, USER (note: PROCESSING and SERVER_NODE are in the schema but unused?)
    .PARAMETER processingType
    Optional 'processing type' of Schedule. Valid choices are: TASK, WORKFLOW, SERVICE, TRIGGER
    .PARAMETER processingStatus
    Optional 'processing status' of Schedules. Valid choices are: WAITING, READY, EXECUTING, COMPLETED, FAILED
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by (may not be used with the Id parameter). Valid choices are: {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Schedule template from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWSchedule] class objects
    Gets all schedules with a trigger type of SCHEULE
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -triggerType SCHEDULE
    Gets a Schedule by its numerical Id
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 1738954
    Gets a series of Schedules based on their numerical ID using the pipeline
    @( 1738954, 1738955 ) | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Gets all of the schedules where the processing type is Time Trigger
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -processingType TRIGGER
    Gets all of the schedules where the processing type is Time Trigger and the processing status is Executing
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -processingType TRIGGER -processingStatus
    Gets the first 1000 Schedules (or less)
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -startRow 0 -endRow 1000
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Schedules (not recommended)
    To find these items in the console look under Monitoring -> Trigger

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_ -gt 0 -or $Id -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        Else {
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"archived","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"isProcessing","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            If ($triggerType.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = ('{"fieldName":"itemType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $triggerType + '"}')
            Else {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"itemType","operator":"inSet","value":["SCHEDULE","USER","EVENT","SELF_SERVICE"]}'
            If ($processingType.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria4' = ('{"fieldName":"processingType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $processingType + '"}')
            If ($processingStatus.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria5' = '{"fieldName":"processingStatus","operator":"equals","value":"' + $processingStatus + '"}'
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingList'
            If ($Descending -eq $true) {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
            Else {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processing/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWSchedule[]]$Schedules = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWSchedule] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Schedules.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Schedules
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Exports the Schedules from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Schedules from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWSchedule] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWSchedule to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWSchedule] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Export-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 3338818 | Export-AutomateNOWSchedule
    @( 3338818, 3338819 ) | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Export-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -processingStatus EXECUTING | Export-AutomateNOWSchedule
    You must present [ANOWSchedule] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Schedules-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWSchedule]$Schedule = $_
        Try {
            $Schedule | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Remove-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Archives a Schedule from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Archives a Schedule from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule Template to be archived.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the archiving without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Gets a single Schedule by its Id
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 1738954 | Remove-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Forcibly archives two Schedules by sending their Id across the pipeline
    @( 3517403, 3533110) | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Remove-AutomateNOWSchedule -Force
    Archives all of the Schedules of type Self Service
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -triggerType SELF_SERVICE | Remove-AutomateNOWSchedule
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The term Remove and Archive are synonymous from the API perspective. In ANOW parlance, Task/Workflow/Schedule Templates are 'Deleted' whereas Tasks/Workflows/Schedules are 'Archived'.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Schedule_id, 'Archive')) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $Body.Add('id', $Schedule_id)
            $Body.Add('_operationType', 'remove')
            $Body.Add('_operationId', 'delete')
            $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $Schedule_id successfully archived"
    End {


Function Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Restarts a Schedule from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Restarts a Schedule from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule to be restarted
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the Restart was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the restart without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Restarts a single Schedule
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 'Schedule_01' | Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Quietly restarts multiple Schedules
    @('Schedule1', 'Schedule2') | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/restart'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWSchedule]$current_Schedule = Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id $Schedule_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSchedule failed to check if the Schedule [$Schedule_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Schedule you specified does not seem to exist (Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            [string]$current_Schedule_status = $current_Schedule.processingStatus
            If ($current_Schedule_status -notin [ANOWSchedule_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the Schedule [$Schedule_id] cannot be read (Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            If ($current_Schedule_status -notin @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Schedule_id] cannot be restarted as it currently in [$current_Schedule_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Schedule_id] had a status of $current_Schedule_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartType', 'RESTART_FROM_BEGINNING')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartFailedOnly', 'false' ) # Note this value is currently not available in the console
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Schedule_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'restart')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Schedule $Schedule_id was successfully restarted"
    End {


Function Stop-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Stops a Schedule on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Stops a Schedule on an AutomateNOW! instance with either a soft or hard stop
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule to be stopped
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Hard kill' of the Schedule. You must include either this parameter or -Abort
    .PARAMETER Abort
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Soft abort' of the Schedule. You must include either this parameter or -Kill
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the stop was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the stoppage without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Stops a single Schedule
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 'Schedule_01' | Stop-AutomateNOWSchedule -Abort
    Quietly stops multiple Schedules
    @('Schedule1', 'Schedule2') | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Stop-AutomateNOWSchedule -Kill -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kill')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Abort')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($Kill -eq $true) {
            [string]$operation_id = 'kill'
        Else {
            [string]$operation_id = 'abort'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWSchedule]$current_Schedule = Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id $Schedule_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSchedule failed to check if the Schedule [$Schedule_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWSchedule due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Schedule you specified does not seem to exist (Stop-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            [string]$current_Schedule_status = $current_Schedule.processingStatus
            If ($current_Schedule_status -notin [ANOWSchedule_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the Schedule [$Schedule_id] cannot be read (Stop-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            If ($current_Schedule_status -in @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Schedule_id] cannot be stopped as it currently in [$current_Schedule_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Schedule_id] had a status of $current_Schedule_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Schedule_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Schedule $Schedule_id was successfully stopped"
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Resumes a Schedule that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Schedule that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 3576423 | Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule -Force
    @(3576423, 3576424) | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | ? { $_.serverScheduleType -eq 'LINUX' } | Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Schedule_id = $
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine the Id of the Schedule."
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWSchedule]$current_Schedule = Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id $Schedule_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSchedule failed to check if the Schedule [$Schedule_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Schedule you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            [boolean]$current_Schedule_hold_status = $current_Schedule.onHold
            If ($current_Schedule_hold_status -eq $false) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Schedule_id] cannot be resumed as it is not currently suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Schedule_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $Schedule_id successfully resumed"
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Places a Schedule on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Schedule on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 3576423 | Suspend-AutomateNOWSchedule -Force
    @( 3576423, 3576424 ) | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Suspend-AutomateNOWSchedule
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Schedule_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Schedule_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Schedule_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWSchedule]$current_Schedule = Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id $Schedule_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSchedule failed to check if the Schedule [$Schedule_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Schedule you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWSchedule)"
            [boolean]$current_Schedule_hold_status = $current_Schedule.onHold
            If ($current_Schedule_hold_status -eq $true) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Schedule_id] cannot be suspended (placed on hold) as it is already suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Schedule_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $Schedule_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWSchedule {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Schedule on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Schedule on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Schedule
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the Schedule to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from an [ANOWSchedule] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWSchedule] object
    ONLY [ANOWSchedule] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWSchedule] object will be returned
    Sets a Schedule to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -Id 1234567 | Skip-AutomateNOWSchedule -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Schedule
    12374894 | Get-AutomateNOWSchedule | Skip-AutomateNOWSchedule -UnSkip
    Sets a group of Schedules to Skip (bypass) by passing their Id's across the pipeline
    @( 3576423, 3576423 ) | Skip-AutomateNOWSchedule
    Forcibly and quietly sets all Schedules of trigger type Self Service to skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWSchedule -triggerType SELF_SERVICE | Skip-AutomateNOWSchedule -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Schedule_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Schedule_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Schedule_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Schedule_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$Schedule_id]"
    End {



#Region - ScheduleTemplates

Function Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Gets the Schedule templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Schedule templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Schedule template to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER triggerType
    Optional string to filter the results based on the type of trigger. Valid choices are: SCHEDULE, EVENT, SELF_SERVICE, USER, PROCESSING, SERVER_NODE
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by. Valid choices are: id, processingType, simpleId, dateCreated, node, outOfSync, keepResourcesOnFailure, onHold, lastUpdated, highRisk, weight, ScheduleType, userIp, createdBy, lazyLoad, passBy, lastUpdatedBy, durationSum, serverNodeType, eagerScriptExecution, passResourceDependenciesToChildren, owner, checkedOut, estimatedDuration, passActionsToChildren. Defaults to id.
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Optional string array of tags to filter by. Note that for now operator is 'containsAny', not 'containsAll'.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Schedule Template from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWScheduleTemplate] class objects
    Gets a single Schedule Template by name
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'Schedule_template_01'
    Gets all of the Schedule Templates of trigger type Schedule
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -triggerType SCHEDULE
    Gets all Schedule Templates that are tagged with 'Tag1' or 'Tag2'
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    Gets a series of Schedule Templates using their names across the pipeline
    @( 'Schedule_template_01', 'Schedule_template_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Schedule templates
    "Schedule Templates" in this module are known as "Schedules" in the console
    "Schedules" in this module are known as "Scheduled Items" in the console
    It's important to understand that Task Templates, Workflow Templates and Schedule Templates are all essentially the same object, that is the "ProcessingTemplate" in the ANOW API. This module attempts to mimic the same human friendly divisions and categories of the Processing Templates that the console presents.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [ValidateSet('id', 'processingType', 'simpleId', 'dateCreated', 'node', 'outOfSync', 'keepResourcesOnFailure', 'onHold', 'lastUpdated', 'highRisk', 'weight', 'ScheduleType', 'userIp', 'createdBy', 'lazyLoad', 'passBy', 'lastUpdatedBy', 'durationSum', 'serverNodeType', 'eagerScriptExecution', 'passResourceDependenciesToChildren', 'owner', 'checkedOut', 'estimatedDuration', 'passActionsToChildren')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
        Else {
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"processingType","operator":"equals","value":"TRIGGER"}'
            If ($triggerType.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria2' = ('{"fieldName":"triggerType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $triggerType + '"}')
            If ($Tags.count -eq 1) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":"' + $tags + '"}'
            ElseIf ($Tags.count -gt 1) {
                [string]$tags_json = $tags | Sort-Object -Unique | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":' + $tags_json + '}'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ScheduleList'
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        If ($Descending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWScheduleTemplate[]]$ScheduleTemplates = ForEach ($result in $ {
                If ($null -eq $result.description) {
                    $result | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'description' -Value ''
                If ($null -eq $result.lastUpdatedBy) {
                    $result | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'lastUpdatedBy' -Value ''
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($ScheduleTemplates.Count -gt 0) {
            If ($ScheduleTemplates.Count -eq 1 -and $ScheduleTemplates.processingType -ne 'TRIGGER') {
                [string]$processingType = $ScheduleTemplates.processingType
                If ($processingType -eq 'WORKFLOW') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Workflow Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate instead."
                ElseIf ($processingType -eq 'TASK') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Task Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate instead."
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Could not identify what type of template object [$processingType] is. Please look into this..."
            Return $ScheduleTemplates
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Changes the settings of a Schedule Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Schedule Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Schedule Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Folder
    A string representing the name of the Folder to move the Schedule Template into.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    A switch parameter that will move the Schedule Template out of its current folder.
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    A switch parameter that will the Tags from the Schedule Template
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the extraneous output that this outputs by default
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object will be returned
    Forcefully and quietly sets the tags, folder and description on Schedule Template
    $schedule_template = Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01'
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Force -Quiet
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -Folder 'Folder1' -Force -Quiet
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -Description 'Descriptive text' -Force -Quiet
    Forcefully and quietly unsets the tags, folder and description on Schedule Template
    $schedule_template = Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01'
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -UnsetTags -Force -Quiet
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -UnsetFolder -Force -Quiet
    Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Scheduletemplate $schedule_template -UnsetDescription -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -or $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/setFolder'
            [string]$operationId = 'setFolder'
        Else {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/update'
            [string]$componentId = 'ProcessingTemplateValuesManager'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        If ($Description.Length -gt 0 -and $UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the Description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($Tags.count -gt 0 -and $UnsetTags -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$ScheduleTemplate_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $ScheduleTemplate_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to check if the Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($ScheduleTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Schedule Template named [$ScheduleTemplate_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$include_properties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $ScheduleTemplate_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $null
                $include_properties += 'description'
            If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the Folder [$Folder] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Folder $folder_display to [ANOWScheduleTemplate] [$ScheduleTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            ElseIf ($UnsetFolder -eq $true) {
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWScheduleTemplate] [$ScheduleTemplate_id] from Folder $folder_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $null
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
                [int32]$current_tag = 1
                ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                    Try {
                        [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$message]"
                    If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                        Throw "New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                    [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
                    [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
                    $BodyMetaData.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
                    $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                [string]$tags_display = ($Calendar.tags) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing tags [$tags_display] from [$ScheduleTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $null
                $include_properties += 'tags'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $ScheduleTemplate.CreateOldValues()
            If ($componentId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = $componentId
            If ($operationId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = $operationId
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties $include_properties
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
                Else {
                    [string]$results_response = $results.response
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$response_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
            Try {
                [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$UpdatedScheduleTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object (under Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate) due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq $ScheduleTemplate_id) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule Template $ScheduleTemplate_id was successfully updated"
                If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                    Return $UpdatedScheduleTemplate
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the returned Schedule Template (under Set-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate) has an error. Please look into this."
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Exports the Schedule Templates from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Schedule Templates from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | Export-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01' | Export-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate01', 'ScheduleTemplate02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | Export-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    You must present [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects to the pipeline to use this function.
    "Schedule Templates" in this module are known as "Schedules" in the console
    "Schedules" in this module are known as "Scheduled Items" in the console

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-ScheduleTemplates-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$ScheduleTemplate = $_
        Try {
            $ScheduleTemplate | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Creates a Schedule Template within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Schedule Template within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object
    .PARAMETER ScheduleType
    Type of the Schedule Template. Valid options are: SCHEDULE, EVENT, SELF_SERVICE, USER, PROCESSING, SERVER_NODE
    Mandatory "name" of the Schedule Template. For example: 'LinuxScheduleTemplate1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets. This is the unique key of this object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Schedule Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string representing the Folder to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional string representing the Code Repository to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate.
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the newly created Schedule Template. Use the -Quiet parameter to suppress this.
    Creates a new Schedule Template
    New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleType SCHEDULE -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01' -Description 'Description text' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Folder 'Folder1'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Schedule Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    If ($ScheduleType -notin ('SCHEDULE', 'EVENT', 'SELF_SERVICE')) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Schedule Type [$ScheduleType] is not supported in this module yet"
    If ($ScheduleType -eq 'SELF_SERVICE') {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Support for Self Service Schedule Templates is pending support for Integration objects :|'
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$ScheduleTemplate_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to check if the Schedule Template [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($ScheduleTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Schedule Template named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWScheduleTemplate = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    [string]$old_values = ('{"processingType":"TRIGGER","triggerType":"' + $ScheduleType + '"}')
    $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('id', $Id)
    $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('processingType', 'TRIGGER')
    $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('triggerType', $ScheduleType)
    $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('serverNodeType', $ServerNodeType)
    $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('_oldValues', $old_values)

    [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'processingType', 'ScheduleType'
    If ($Integration.Id.Length -gt 0) {
        [string]$Integration_Id = $Integration.Id
        $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('integration', $Integration_Id)
        $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('integrationType', 'TEMPLATE')
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('description', $Description)
        $include_properties += 'description'
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWScheduleTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] running under New-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWScheduleTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWScheduleTemplate.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWScheduleTemplate -IncludeProperties $include_properties
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTemplateCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Schedule Template [$Id] of type [$ScheduleType] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Schedule Template [$Id] of type [$ScheduleType] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$ScheduleTemplate = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWScheduleTemplate] is empty!"
    Try {
        [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$ScheduleTemplate = Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $Id
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to confirm that the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object [$Id] was created due to [$Message]."
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $ScheduleTemplate

Function Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Removes a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01' | Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01', 'ScheduleTemplate02' | Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate1', 'ScheduleTemplate2', 'ScheduleTemplate3') | Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $ScheduleTemplate_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$error_message = $
                If ($error_message -match 'Object may still be in use') {
                    [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id_formatted = $ScheduleTemplate_id -split '\]' | Select-Object -Last 1
                    Write-Warning -Message "This object $ScheduleTemplate_id_formatted is still in use somewhere therefore it cannot be removed! Please use 'Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -Object $WorkflowTemplate_id_formatted' to list the references for this object and then remove them."
                Else {
                    [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $ScheduleTemplate_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Copies a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object to be copied.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Schedule Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will purposely omit the previously existing tags on the new copy of the Schedule Template. You can still specify new tags with -Tags but the old previous ones will not be carried over. In the UI, this is accomplished by clicking the existing tags off.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Schedule Template will not be placed in a folder.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Schedule Template will not carry over its previous description.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Schedule Template (may not exceed 255 characters). You may send an empty string here to ensure that the description is blanked out. Do not use this parameter if your intention is to keep the description from the previous Schedule Template.
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Schedule Template.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Schedule Template into. The UnsetFolder parameter overrides this setting.
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    This is a safe standard example that is recommended
    $Schedule01 = Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'old_name_ScheduleTemplate01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate $ScheduleTemplate01 -NewId 'new_name_ScheduleTemplate02'
    This is a one-liner approach
    Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'old_name_ScheduleTemplate01') -NewId 'new_name_ScheduleTemplate02'
    This approach users a For Each loop to iterate through a standard renaming pattern. This approach is not recommended.
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate1', 'ScheduleTemplate2', 'ScheduleTemplate3') | Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | ForEachObject { Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate $_ -NewId ($_.simpleId -replace 'Schedule[0-9]', ()'Schedule-' + $_.simpleId[-1]))}
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The new id (name) of the Schedule Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Schedule_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to check if the Schedule template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Schedule_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Schedule Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_oldId = $
            If ($ScheduleTemplate_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $ScheduleTemplate_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $ScheduleTemplate.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $ScheduleTemplate.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -ne $True) {
                If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $ScheduleTemplate.folder
            [int32]$tag_count = 1
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            If ($UnsetTags -ne $true) {
                If ($ScheduleTemplate.tags -gt 0) {
                    ForEach ($tag in $ScheduleTemplate.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder
            $Body = $Body -replace '&tags[0-9]{1,}', '&tags'
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$ScheduleTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object is empty!"
            Return $ScheduleTemplate
    End {


Function Rename-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Renames a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Performs a psuedo-rename operations of a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance by copying it first and then deleting the source. This function merely combines Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate and Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate therefore it is to be considered destructive.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be renamed.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Schedule Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the renaming without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted. There is inventionally no support for the pipeline.
    The newly renamed [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object will be returned.
    $Schedule_template = Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'Schedule01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate $Schedule_template -NewId 'Schedule_TEMPLATE_01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'Schedule01') -NewId 'Schedule_TEMPLATE_01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    When renaming, you may only specify a different Id (name).
    This action will be blocked if any existing referrals are found on the object.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin standard warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$new_Schedule_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to check if the Schedule Template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($new_Schedule_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Schedule Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
        Try {
            [boolean]$old_Schedule_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id $ScheduleTemplate_id))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to check if the Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($old_Schedule_template_exists -eq $false) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Schedule Template named [$ScheduleTemplate_id] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End standard warning ##
        ## Begin referrals warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [int32]$referrals_count = Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -ScheduleTemplate $ScheduleTemplate -Count | Select-Object -Expandproperty referrals
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral failed to extract the referrals on Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        If ($referrals_count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unfortunately, you cannot rename a Schedule Template that has referrals. This is because the rename is not actually renaming but copying anew and deleting the old. Please, use the Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral function to identify referrals and remove them."
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "The Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] does not have any referrals. It is safe to proceed."
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ScheduleTemplate_id)")) -eq $true) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$new_Schedule_template = Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate $ScheduleTemplate -NewId $NewId
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Copy-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to create a new Schedule Template [$NewId] as Part 1 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_Schedule_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 1: Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] successfully copied to [$NewId]"
                Try {
                    [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$new_Schedule_template = Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -ScheduleTemplate $ScheduleTemplate -confirm:$false # Note that confirmation was already provided a few lines above
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Remove-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate failed to remove [$ScheduleTemplate_id] as Part 2 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_Schedule_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 2: Schedule Template [$ScheduleTemplate_id] removed"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule [$ScheduleTemplate_id] successfully renamed to [$NewId]"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "No action was taken because either the source object didn't exist or the new object already existed"
    End {

Function Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Starts a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Starts (executes) a Schedule Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be started.
    .PARAMETER processingTimestamp
    An optional datetime object specifying a unique timestamp on this schedule to distinguish it from others. Do not use this option unless you need to. The default is now. See the 'Processing Timestamp' in the documentation at
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the executed Schedule (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Schedule.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the executed Schedule into.
    .PARAMETER ProcessingTimestamp
    This parameter is -disabled- for now. Instead, the default timestamp will be used to ensure uniqueness. The documentation is unclear or mistaken around this parameter.
    .PARAMETER Priority
    Optional integer between 0 and 1000 to specify the priority of the executed Schedule. Defaults to 0.
    Optional switch to set the 'On Hold' property of the executed Schedule to enabled. This is $false by default but in the console the checkbox is enabled.
    .PARAMETER ForceLoad
    Optional switch that overrides any 'Ignore Condition' that might exist on the Schedule Template
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the newly created [ANOWSchedule] object
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An [ANOWSchedule] object representing the started Schedule will be returned.
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Name 'Manual Execution - ScheduleTemplate_01' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -ForceLoad -Hold -Priority 100 -Description 'My executed Schedule'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is under construction as the [ANOWSchedule] class object it returns is not defined yet. You can still use this function but the output is experimental.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateRange(0, 1000)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$Priority = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/executeScheduleNow'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_simpleId = $_.simpleId
        Else {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_simpleId = $ScheduleTemplate.simpleId
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $ScheduleTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('runId', $ScheduleTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('priority', $priority )
        If ($null -eq $processingTimestamp) {
            [string]$processingTimestamp = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
        Else {
            [string]$processingTimestamp = Get-Date -Date $processingTimestamp -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
        $BodyMetaData.Add('processingTimestamp', $processingTimestamp)
        [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'runId', 'priority', 'processingTimestamp', 'hold', 'forceLoad', 'name'
        If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] due to [$message]"
                If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display"
            $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Tags
            $include_properties += 'tags'
        If ($folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $folder
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder had an error while retrieving the folder [$folder] under Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                Throw "Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate has detected that the folder [$folder] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            $BodyMetaData.Add('folder', $folder)
            $include_properties += $folder
        If ($hold -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'true')
        If ($forceLoad -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'true')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('parameters', '{}')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'executeScheduleNow')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $ScheduleTemplate_id successfully started"
        Try {
            [ANOWSchedule]$ANOWSchedule = $[0]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the [ANOWSchedule] object under Start-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate from the response due to [$Message]."
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $ANOWSchedule
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Resumes a Schedule Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Schedule Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The resumed [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'Schedule01' | Resume-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01', 'ScheduleTemplate02' | Resume-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate1', 'ScheduleTemplate2', 'ScheduleTemplate3') | Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | Resume-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | ? { $_.ScheduleType -eq 'SELF_SERVICE' } | Resume-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $ScheduleTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$resumed_Schedule_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object after resuming [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $ScheduleTemplate_id successfully resumed"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $resumed_Schedule_template
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Places a Schedule Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Schedule Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The suspended [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'Schedule01' | Suspend-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01', 'ScheduleTemplate02' | Suspend-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate1', 'ScheduleTemplate2', 'ScheduleTemplate3') | Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | Suspend-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | ? { $_.ScheduleType -eq 'SELF_SERVICE' } | Suspend-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $ScheduleTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$suspended_Schedule_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object after suspending [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Schedule $ScheduleTemplate_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $suspended_Schedule_template
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Schedule Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Schedule Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    An [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object representing the Schedule Template to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from a [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object will be returned
    Sets a Schedule Template to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate01' | Skip-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Schedule Template
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | Skip-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -UnSkip
    Sets an array of Schedule Template to Skip (bypass)
    @( 'ScheduleTemplate1', 'ScheduleTemplate2', 'ScheduleTemplate3') | Skip-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate | ? { $_.ScheduleType -eq 'SELF_SERVICE' } | Skip-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -UnSkip -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ScheduleTemplate_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $ScheduleTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWScheduleTemplate]$skipped_Schedule_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object after setting the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$ScheduleTemplate_id]"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $skipped_Schedule_template
    End {



#Region - Semaphores

Function Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Gets the Semaphore objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Semaphore objects from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Semaphore to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER Detailed
    Switch parameter to provide the detailed properties of the [ANOWSemaphore] object. This may only be used in conjunction with -Id. Use this option if you need to see which days the Semaphore is configured for.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by (may not be used with the Id parameter). Valid choices are: {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Semaphore from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    Either one or more [ANOWSemaphore] objects or one or more [ANOWSemaphoreDetail] objects
    Gets all Semaphore objects (defaults to 100 per page)
    Gets the first 500 Semaphore objects in a single page
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -startRow 0 -endRow 500
    Gets a single non-detailed Semaphore by name
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore_01'
    Gets the detailed TimeState of a Semaphore object
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore_01' -TimeState
    Gets a series of Semaphore objects through the pipeline
    @( 'Semaphore_01', 'Semaphore_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Semaphore objects. Use the -Detailed parameter to get the details of a particular Semaphore.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Id')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Detailed', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Detailed')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
            [string]$Semaphore_Id = $_
        Else {
            [string]$Semaphore_Id = $Id
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            $Body.'id' = $Semaphore_Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'readDetailed'
            [string]$Method = 'POST'
        Else {
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"resourceType","operator":"equals","value":"BINARY_SEMAPHORE"}'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            If ($Semaphore_Id.Length -gt 0) {
                $Body.'criteria2' = ('{"fieldName":"simpleId","operator":"equals","value":"' + $Semaphore_Id + '"}')
                [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            Else {
                [string]$textMatchStyle = 'substring'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ResourceList'
            If ($Descending -eq $true) {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
            Else {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
            [string]$Method = 'GET'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            [string]$command = ('/resource/readDetailed')
            If ($Null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
            Else {
                $parameters.Command = $command
        Else {
            [string]$command = ('/resource/read?' + $Body)
            $parameters.Command = $command
        $parameters.Add('Method', $Method)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        If ($Detailed -eq $true) {
            Try {
                [ANOWSemaphoreDetail]$SemaphoreDetail = $ | Select-Object -First 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to parse the results into an [ANOWSemaphoreDetail] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($SemaphoreDetail.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                Return $SemaphoreDetail
        Else {
            Try {
                [ANOWSemaphore[]]$Semaphores = $
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to parse the results into [ANOWSemaphore] objects due to [$Message]."
            If ($Semaphores.Count -gt 0) {
                If ($Id.Length -gt 0) {
                    [ANOWSemaphore]$Semaphore = $Semaphores | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq $Id } | Select-Object -First 1
                    Return $Semaphore
                Else {
                    Return $Semaphores
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Changes the settings of an Semaphore on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of an Semaphore on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Semaphore
    An [ANOWSemaphore] object representing the Semaphore to be modified.
    Switch parameter to set the Semaphore to GO (green light) status (cannot be combined with `TurnOff`).
    .PARAMETER TurnOff
    Switch parameter to set the Semaphore to STOP (red light) status (cannot be combined with `TurnOn`).
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will remove the Description from the Semaphore object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional string to set on the new Semaphore object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will remove the Folder assignment from the Semaphore object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string to set a different folder on the Semaphore object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will remove the Tags from the Semaphore object.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Semaphore object.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSemaphore] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWSemaphore] object will be returned
    Changes the description of an Semaphore
    $Semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    Set-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Semaphore $Semaphore -Description 'My Description'
    Sets a Semaphore status to GO (green light)
    $Semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    Set-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Semaphore $Semaphore -TurnOn
    Forcibly sets a Semaphore status to STOP (red light)
    $Semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    Set-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Semaphore $Semaphore -TurnOff -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The -TurnOn and -TurnOff parameters are isolated into their own parameter sets. Please try `Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -?` for more information.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default', SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOff')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOff')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TurnOff')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        Try {
            [ANOWSemaphore_semaphoreState]$Semaphore_state = $Semaphore.semaphoreState
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the current state of the Semaphore due to [$message]"
        If ($Semaphore_state -eq 'ON' -and $TurnOn -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "This Semaphore is already in GO (green light) state. Disregarding this request."
        ElseIf ($Semaphore_state -eq 'OFF' -and $TurnOff -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "This Semaphore is already in STOP (red light) state. Disregarding this request."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWSemaphore]$Semaphore = $_
        [string]$Semaphore_id = $
        [string]$Semaphore_simpleId = $Semaphore.simpleId
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Semaphore_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id $Semaphore_simpleId))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to check if the Semaphore [$Semaphore_simpleId] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Semaphore_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not an Semaphore named [$Semaphore_simpleId] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Semaphore_id
            If ($TurnOn -eq $true -or $TurnOff -eq $true) {
                [string]$operationType = 'custom'
                If ($TurnOn -eq $true) {
                    [string]$operationId = 'turnOn'
                Else {
                    [string]$operationId = 'turnOff'
                $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = $operationId
                [string]$command = "/resource/$operationId"
            Else {
                [string]$command = '/resource/update'
                [string]$operationType = 'update'
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Null
                Else {
                    If ($Semaphore.description.Length -gt 0) {
                        $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Semaphore.description
                If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
                ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                Else {
                    If ($Semaphore.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                        $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Semaphore.folder
                If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
                ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
                Else {
                    If ($Semaphore.Tags -gt 0) {
                        [int32]$tag_count = 1
                        ForEach ($tag in $Semaphore.tags) {
                            $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = $operationType
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Semaphore_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Semaphore object [$Semaphore_id] was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Exports the Semaphore objects from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Semaphore objects from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWSemaphore] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWSemaphore] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWSemaphore] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all of the Semaphore objects (up to 100 by default)
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore | Export-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    Exports 1 Semaphore by name
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore01' | Export-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    Exports a series of Semaphore objects by the pipeline
    @( 'Semaphore01', 'Semaphore02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore | Export-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    You must present [ANOWSemaphore] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Semaphores-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWSemaphore]$Semaphore = $_
        Try {
            $Semaphore | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWSemaphore] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Creates a Semaphore within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Semaphore within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWSemaphore] object
    The intended name of the Semaphore. For example: 'result_mapping1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Semaphore (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Timezone
    Optional timezone for the Semaphore. If not specified, the default server timezone will be used. Valid choices are: 'Africa/Abidjan', 'Africa/Accra', 'Africa/Addis_Ababa', 'Africa/Algiers', 'Africa/Asmara', 'Africa/Asmera', 'Africa/Bamako', 'Africa/Bangui', 'Africa/Banjul', 'Africa/Bissau', 'Africa/Blantyre', 'Africa/Brazzaville', 'Africa/Bujumbura', 'Africa/Cairo', 'Africa/Casablanca', 'Africa/Ceuta', 'Africa/Conakry', 'Africa/Dakar', 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam', 'Africa/Djibouti', 'Africa/Douala', 'Africa/El_Aaiun', 'Africa/Freetown', 'Africa/Gaborone', 'Africa/Harare', 'Africa/Johannesburg', 'Africa/Juba', 'Africa/Kampala', 'Africa/Khartoum', 'Africa/Kigali', 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'Africa/Lagos', 'Africa/Libreville', 'Africa/Lome', 'Africa/Luanda', 'Africa/Lubumbashi', 'Africa/Lusaka', 'Africa/Malabo', 'Africa/Maputo', 'Africa/Maseru', 'Africa/Mbabane', 'Africa/Mogadishu', 'Africa/Monrovia', 'Africa/Nairobi', 'Africa/Ndjamena', 'Africa/Niamey', 'Africa/Nouakchott', 'Africa/Ouagadougou', 'Africa/Porto-Novo', 'Africa/Sao_Tome', 'Africa/Timbuktu', 'Africa/Tripoli', 'Africa/Tunis', 'Africa/Windhoek', 'America/Adak', 'America/Anchorage', 'America/Anguilla', 'America/Antigua', 'America/Araguaina', 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia', 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja', 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos', 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'America/Argentina/San_Juan', 'America/Argentina/San_Luis', 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'America/Aruba', 'America/Asuncion', 'America/Atikokan', 'America/Atka', 'America/Bahia', 'America/Bahia_Banderas', 'America/Barbados', 'America/Belem', 'America/Belize', 'America/Blanc-Sablon', 'America/Boa_Vista', 'America/Bogota', 'America/Boise', 'America/Buenos_Aires', 'America/Cambridge_Bay', 'America/Campo_Grande', 'America/Cancun', 'America/Caracas', 'America/Catamarca', 'America/Cayenne', 'America/Cayman', 'America/Chicago', 'America/Chihuahua', 'America/Coral_Harbour', 'America/Cordoba', 'America/Costa_Rica', 'America/Creston', 'America/Cuiaba', 'America/Curacao', 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'America/Dawson', 'America/Dawson_Creek', 'America/Denver', 'America/Detroit', 'America/Dominica', 'America/Edmonton', 'America/Eirunepe', 'America/El_Salvador', 'America/Ensenada', 'America/Fort_Nelson', 'America/Fort_Wayne', 'America/Fortaleza', 'America/Glace_Bay', 'America/Godthab', 'America/Goose_Bay', 'America/Grand_Turk', 'America/Grenada', 'America/Guadeloupe', 'America/Guatemala', 'America/Guayaquil', 'America/Guyana', 'America/Halifax', 'America/Havana', 'America/Hermosillo', 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', 'America/Indiana/Knox', 'America/Indiana/Marengo', 'America/Indiana/Petersburg', 'America/Indiana/Tell_City', 'America/Indiana/Vevay', 'America/Indiana/Vincennes', 'America/Indiana/Winamac', 'America/Indianapolis', 'America/Inuvik', 'America/Iqaluit', 'America/Jamaica', 'America/Jujuy', 'America/Juneau', 'America/Kentucky/Louisville', 'America/Kentucky/Monticello', 'America/Knox_IN', 'America/Kralendijk', 'America/La_Paz', 'America/Lima', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Louisville', 'America/Lower_Princes', 'America/Maceio', 'America/Managua', 'America/Manaus', 'America/Marigot', 'America/Martinique', 'America/Matamoros', 'America/Mazatlan', 'America/Mendoza', 'America/Menominee', 'America/Merida', 'America/Metlakatla', 'America/Mexico_City', 'America/Miquelon', 'America/Moncton', 'America/Monterrey', 'America/Montevideo', 'America/Montreal', 'America/Montserrat', 'America/Nassau', 'America/New_York', 'America/Nipigon', 'America/Nome', 'America/Noronha', 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah', 'America/North_Dakota/Center', 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem', 'America/Nuuk', 'America/Ojinaga', 'America/Panama', 'America/Pangnirtung', 'America/Paramaribo', 'America/Phoenix', 'America/Port-au-Prince', 'America/Port_of_Spain', 'America/Porto_Acre', 'America/Porto_Velho', 'America/Puerto_Rico', 'America/Punta_Arenas', 'America/Rainy_River', 'America/Rankin_Inlet', 'America/Recife', 'America/Regina', 'America/Resolute', 'America/Rio_Branco', 'America/Rosario', 'America/Santa_Isabel', 'America/Santarem', 'America/Santiago', 'America/Santo_Domingo', 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'America/Scoresbysund', 'America/Shiprock', 'America/Sitka', 'America/St_Barthelemy', 'America/St_Johns', 'America/St_Kitts', 'America/St_Lucia', 'America/St_Thomas', 'America/St_Vincent', 'America/Swift_Current', 'America/Tegucigalpa', 'America/Thule', 'America/Thunder_Bay', 'America/Tijuana', 'America/Toronto', 'America/Tortola', 'America/Vancouver', 'America/Virgin', 'America/Whitehorse', 'America/Winnipeg', 'America/Yakutat', 'America/Yellowknife', 'Antarctica/Casey', 'Antarctica/Davis', 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville', 'Antarctica/Macquarie', 'Antarctica/Mawson', 'Antarctica/McMurdo', 'Antarctica/Palmer', 'Antarctica/Rothera', 'Antarctica/South_Pole', 'Antarctica/Syowa', 'Antarctica/Troll', 'Antarctica/Vostok', 'Arctic/Longyearbyen', 'Asia/Aden', 'Asia/Almaty', 'Asia/Amman', 'Asia/Anadyr', 'Asia/Aqtau', 'Asia/Aqtobe', 'Asia/Ashgabat', 'Asia/Ashkhabad', 'Asia/Atyrau', 'Asia/Baghdad', 'Asia/Bahrain', 'Asia/Baku', 'Asia/Bangkok', 'Asia/Barnaul', 'Asia/Beirut', 'Asia/Bishkek', 'Asia/Brunei', 'Asia/Calcutta', 'Asia/Chita', 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'Asia/Chongqing', 'Asia/Chungking', 'Asia/Colombo', 'Asia/Dacca', 'Asia/Damascus', 'Asia/Dhaka', 'Asia/Dili', 'Asia/Dubai', 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'Asia/Famagusta', 'Asia/Gaza', 'Asia/Harbin', 'Asia/Hebron', 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh', 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Asia/Hovd', 'Asia/Irkutsk', 'Asia/Istanbul', 'Asia/Jakarta', 'Asia/Jayapura', 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Asia/Kabul', 'Asia/Kamchatka', 'Asia/Karachi', 'Asia/Kashgar', 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'Asia/Katmandu', 'Asia/Khandyga', 'Asia/Kolkata', 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', 'Asia/Kuching', 'Asia/Kuwait', 'Asia/Macao', 'Asia/Macau', 'Asia/Magadan', 'Asia/Makassar', 'Asia/Manila', 'Asia/Muscat', 'Asia/Nicosia', 'Asia/Novokuznetsk', 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 'Asia/Omsk', 'Asia/Oral', 'Asia/Phnom_Penh', 'Asia/Pontianak', 'Asia/Pyongyang', 'Asia/Qatar', 'Asia/Qostanay', 'Asia/Qyzylorda', 'Asia/Rangoon', 'Asia/Riyadh', 'Asia/Saigon', 'Asia/Sakhalin', 'Asia/Samarkand', 'Asia/Seoul', 'Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Singapore', 'Asia/Srednekolymsk', 'Asia/Taipei', 'Asia/Tashkent', 'Asia/Tbilisi', 'Asia/Tehran', 'Asia/Tel_Aviv', 'Asia/Thimbu', 'Asia/Thimphu', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Asia/Tomsk', 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang', 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar', 'Asia/Ulan_Bator', 'Asia/Urumqi', 'Asia/Ust-Nera', 'Asia/Vientiane', 'Asia/Vladivostok', 'Asia/Yakutsk', 'Asia/Yangon', 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 'Asia/Yerevan', 'Atlantic/Azores', 'Atlantic/Bermuda', 'Atlantic/Canary', 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', 'Atlantic/Faeroe', 'Atlantic/Faroe', 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen', 'Atlantic/Madeira', 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Atlantic/South_Georgia', 'Atlantic/St_Helena', 'Atlantic/Stanley', 'Australia/ACT', 'Australia/Adelaide', 'Australia/Brisbane', 'Australia/Broken_Hill', 'Australia/Canberra', 'Australia/Currie', 'Australia/Darwin', 'Australia/Eucla', 'Australia/Hobart', 'Australia/LHI', 'Australia/Lindeman', 'Australia/Lord_Howe', 'Australia/Melbourne', 'Australia/NSW', 'Australia/North', 'Australia/Perth', 'Australia/Queensland', 'Australia/South', 'Australia/Sydney', 'Australia/Tasmania', 'Australia/Victoria', 'Australia/West', 'Australia/Yancowinna', 'Brazil/Acre', 'Brazil/DeNoronha', 'Brazil/East', 'Brazil/West', 'CET', 'CST6CDT', 'Canada/Atlantic', 'Canada/Central', 'Canada/Eastern', 'Canada/Mountain', 'Canada/Newfoundland', 'Canada/Pacific', 'Canada/Saskatchewan', 'Canada/Yukon', 'Chile/Continental', 'Chile/EasterIsland', 'Cuba', 'EET', 'EST5EDT', 'Egypt', 'Eire', 'Etc/GMT', 'Etc/GMT+0', 'Etc/GMT+1', 'Etc/GMT+10', 'Etc/GMT+11', 'Etc/GMT+12', 'Etc/GMT+2', 'Etc/GMT+3', 'Etc/GMT+4', 'Etc/GMT+5', 'Etc/GMT+6', 'Etc/GMT+7', 'Etc/GMT+8', 'Etc/GMT+9', 'Etc/GMT-0', 'Etc/GMT-1', 'Etc/GMT-10', 'Etc/GMT-11', 'Etc/GMT-12', 'Etc/GMT-13', 'Etc/GMT-14', 'Etc/GMT-2', 'Etc/GMT-3', 'Etc/GMT-4', 'Etc/GMT-5', 'Etc/GMT-6', 'Etc/GMT-7', 'Etc/GMT-8', 'Etc/GMT-9', 'Etc/GMT0', 'Etc/Greenwich', 'Etc/UCT', 'Etc/UTC', 'Etc/Universal', 'Etc/Zulu', 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'Europe/Andorra', 'Europe/Astrakhan', 'Europe/Athens', 'Europe/Belfast', 'Europe/Belgrade', 'Europe/Berlin', 'Europe/Bratislava', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Bucharest', 'Europe/Budapest', 'Europe/Busingen', 'Europe/Chisinau', 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'Europe/Dublin', 'Europe/Gibraltar', 'Europe/Guernsey', 'Europe/Helsinki', 'Europe/Isle_of_Man', 'Europe/Istanbul', 'Europe/Jersey', 'Europe/Kaliningrad', 'Europe/Kiev', 'Europe/Kirov', 'Europe/Lisbon', 'Europe/Ljubljana', 'Europe/London', 'Europe/Luxembourg', 'Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Malta', 'Europe/Mariehamn', 'Europe/Minsk', 'Europe/Monaco', 'Europe/Moscow', 'Europe/Nicosia', 'Europe/Oslo', 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Podgorica', 'Europe/Prague', 'Europe/Riga', 'Europe/Rome', 'Europe/Samara', 'Europe/San_Marino', 'Europe/Sarajevo', 'Europe/Saratov', 'Europe/Simferopol', 'Europe/Skopje', 'Europe/Sofia', 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Europe/Tallinn', 'Europe/Tirane', 'Europe/Tiraspol', 'Europe/Ulyanovsk', 'Europe/Uzhgorod', 'Europe/Vaduz', 'Europe/Vatican', 'Europe/Vienna', 'Europe/Vilnius', 'Europe/Volgograd', 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Europe/Zagreb', 'Europe/Zaporozhye', 'Europe/Zurich', 'GB', 'GB-Eire', 'GMT', 'GMT0', 'Greenwich', 'Hongkong', 'Iceland', 'Indian/Antananarivo', 'Indian/Chagos', 'Indian/Christmas', 'Indian/Cocos', 'Indian/Comoro', 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'Indian/Mahe', 'Indian/Maldives', 'Indian/Mauritius', 'Indian/Mayotte', 'Indian/Reunion', 'Iran', 'Israel', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'Kwajalein', 'Libya', 'MET', 'MST7MDT', 'Mexico/BajaNorte', 'Mexico/BajaSur', 'Mexico/General', 'NZ', 'NZ-CHAT', 'Navajo', 'PRC', 'PST8PDT', 'Pacific/Apia', 'Pacific/Auckland', 'Pacific/Bougainville', 'Pacific/Chatham', 'Pacific/Chuuk', 'Pacific/Easter', 'Pacific/Efate', 'Pacific/Enderbury', 'Pacific/Fakaofo', 'Pacific/Fiji', 'Pacific/Funafuti', 'Pacific/Galapagos', 'Pacific/Gambier', 'Pacific/Guadalcanal', 'Pacific/Guam', 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Johnston', 'Pacific/Kiritimati', 'Pacific/Kosrae', 'Pacific/Kwajalein', 'Pacific/Majuro', 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'Pacific/Midway', 'Pacific/Nauru', 'Pacific/Niue', 'Pacific/Norfolk', 'Pacific/Noumea', 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', 'Pacific/Palau', 'Pacific/Pitcairn', 'Pacific/Pohnpei', 'Pacific/Ponape', 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', 'Pacific/Rarotonga', 'Pacific/Saipan', 'Pacific/Samoa', 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'Pacific/Tarawa', 'Pacific/Tongatapu', 'Pacific/Truk', 'Pacific/Wake', 'Pacific/Wallis', 'Pacific/Yap', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'ROK', 'Singapore', 'Turkey', 'UCT', 'US/Alaska', 'US/Aleutian', 'US/Arizona', 'US/Central', 'US/East-Indiana', 'US/Eastern', 'US/Hawaii', 'US/Indiana-Starke', 'US/Michigan', 'US/Mountain', 'US/Pacific', 'US/Samoa', 'UTC', 'Universal', 'W-SU', 'WET', 'Zulu', 'EST', 'HST', 'MST'
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Semaphore. Do not pass [ANOWTag] objects here.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Semaphore into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Semaphore into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWSemaphore.
    An [ANOWSemaphore] object representing the newly created Semaphore
    New-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore01' -Type 'CAL_SELECT' -Description 'Description01' -Tags 'Tag01' -Folder 'Folder01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Semaphore must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Semaphore_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to check if the Semaphore [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($Semaphore_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Semaphore named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWSemaphore = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWSemaphore.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWSemaphore.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWSemaphore due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWSemaphore has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWSemaphore.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] existed under New-AutomateNOWSemaphore due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWSemaphore. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWSemaphore] [$Id]"
        $ANOWSemaphore.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] existed under New-AutomateNOWSemaphore due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWSemaphore. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWSemaphore] [$Id]"
        $ANOWSemaphore.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    $ANOWSemaphore.Add('title', 'Semaphore')
    $ANOWSemaphore.Add('icon', '[SKINIMG]/skin/traffic-light.png')
    $oldvalues = ('{"title":"Semaphore","resourceType":"BINARY_SEMAPHORE","icon":"[SKINIMG]/skin/date_control.png"}')
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWSemaphore -IncludeProperties id, description, title, icon, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'resourceType' = 'BINARY_SEMAPHORE'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ResourceCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/resource/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Semaphore [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Semaphore [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWSemaphore]$Semaphore = $ | Select-Object -First 1
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWSemaphore] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWSemaphore] Semaphore is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $Semaphore

Function Remove-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Removes a Semaphore from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Semaphore from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Semaphore
    An [ANOWSemaphore] object representing the Semaphore to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWSemaphore] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove a single Semaphore by name
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore01' | Remove-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    Removes a series of Semaphore objects via input from the pipeline
    @( 'Semaphore01', 'Semaphore02', 'Semaphore03') | Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore | Remove-AutomateNOWSemaphore
    Forcefully removes all Semaphore objects that have a timezone configured as UTC
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore | Where-Object { $_.timeZone -eq 'UTC'} | Remove-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/resource/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [ANOWSemaphore]$Semaphore = $_
            [string]$Semaphore_id = $
            [string]$oldvalues = $Semaphore.CreateOldValues()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ResourceList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Semaphore_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Semaphore [$Semaphore_id] successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWSemaphore {
    Copies an Semaphore from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an Semaphore from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER Semaphore
    Mandatory [ANOWSemaphore] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new Semaphore. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Semaphore will not have a description set.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description to set on the new Semaphore object. If you do not set this, the new Semaphore object will copy the Description of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Semaphore will not have a Folder set.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional description to set a different folder on the new Semaphore object. If you do not set this, the new Semaphore object will use the same Folder of the source object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Semaphore will not have any Tags set.
    Optional strings to set a different set of Tags on the new Semaphore object. If you do not set this, the new Semaphore object will appy the same Tags of the source object.
    ONLY [ANOWSemaphore] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Creates a copy of an Semaphore and changes the description (multi-line format)
    $Semaphore01 = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore_01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Semaphore $Semaphore01 -NewId 'Semaphore_01_production' -Description 'Semaphore 01 Production'
    Creates a copy of an Semaphore that omits the description (one-liner format)
    Copy-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Semaphore (Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore_01') -NewId 'Semaphore_01_production' -UnsetDescription -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Semaphore_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to check if the Semaphore [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Semaphore_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Semaphore named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/resource/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$Semaphore_oldId = $
            If ($Semaphore_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($Semaphore.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Semaphore.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($Semaphore.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $Semaphore.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $Semaphore_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $Semaphore.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Semaphore.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Semaphore_oldId] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWSemaphore]$NewSemaphore = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWSemaphore] object [$NewId] due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWSemaphore] object [$NewId] is empty!"
            Return $NewSemaphore
    End {



#Region - SemaphoreTimestamps
Function Get-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimestamp {
    Gets the Semaphore Timestamp objects from a Semaphore object in an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Semaphore Timestamp objects from a Semaphore object in an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Semaphore
    An [ANOWSemaphore] object representing the Semaphore to be queried for its Timestamps.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by. The only known choice is timestamp so this parameter will most likely not have additional sorting options in the future.
    .PARAMETER Ascending
    Optional switch parameter to sort the results in ascending order (oldest to newest)
    .PARAMETER CurrentMonth
    Optional switch parameter to retrieve only the Semaphore Timestamp objects from the current month (according to the server Java timezone). Cannot be combined with -LastMonth or -NextMonth
    .PARAMETER LastMonth
    Optional switch parameter to retrieve only the Semaphore Timestamp objects from the previous month (according to the server Java timezone). Cannot be combined with -CurrentMonth or -NextMonth
    .PARAMETER NextMonth
    Optional switch parameter to retrieve only the Semaphore Timestamp objects from the next month (according to the server Java timezone). Cannot be combined with -LastMonth or -CurrentMonth
    Only [ANOWSemaphore] objects are accept. Lack of pipeline capability is intentional.
    Either one or more [ANOWSemaphoreTimestamp] objects
    Gets all of the available Semaphore Timestamp objects from a specified Semaphore object
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -id 'Semaphore1'
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimeStamp -Semaphore $semaphore
    Gets the Semaphore Timestamp objects from a specified Semaphore object for the current month
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -id 'Semaphore1'
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimeStamp -Semaphore $semaphore -CurrentMonth
    Gets the Semaphore Timestamp objects from a specified Semaphore object for the following next month sorted in ascending order
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -id 'Semaphore1'
    Get-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimeStamp -Semaphore $semaphore -NextMonth -Ascending
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This is a case where objects are returned in descending order from the console by default. Thus this function has an -Ascending switch parameter instead of -Descending.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'timestamp',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'CurrentMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'NextMonth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'LastMonth')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        [string]$Method = 'GET'
        $parameters.Add('Method', $Method)
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
            [string]$Semaphore_Id = $_.Id
        Else {
            [string]$Semaphore_Id = $Semaphore.Id
        If ($CurrentMonth -eq $true -or $NextMonth -eq $true -or $LastMonth -eq $true) {
            [string]$server_java_timezone = $anow_session.instance_info.javaTimezone
            If ($server_java_timezone.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The server java timezone is not available in the global session variable. Please use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish your session."
            Try {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$server_java_timezone_object = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id $server_java_timezone
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone failed to create a timezone object under Get-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimestamp due to [$Message]."
            [int64]$rawOffset = $server_java_timezone_object.rawOffset
            If ($LastMonth -eq $true) {
                [string]$endOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMonths(0).Month -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddMilliseconds(-1)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
                [string]$startOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month ((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Month - 1 ) -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'    
            ElseIf ($CurrentMonth -eq $true) {
                [string]$endOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMonths(1).Month -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddMilliseconds(-1)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
                [string]$startOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month ((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Month + 0 ) -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'    
            Else {
                [string]$endOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMonths(2).Month -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddMilliseconds(-1)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
                [string]$startOfSelectedMonth = Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date -Year (Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Year -Month ((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).Month + 1 ) -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)).AddMilliseconds($rawOffset * -1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'    
            [string]$lessOrEqual = $endOfSelectedMonth
            [string]$greaterOrEqual = $startOfSelectedMonth
            Write-Debug -Message "Calculating monthly timestamps: End of current month = $endOfCurrentMonth, Start of current month = $startOfCurrentMonth"
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'criteria1' = ('{"fieldName":"resource","operator":"equals","value":"' + $Semaphore_Id + '"}')
            $Body.'criteria2' = ('{"fieldName":"timestamp","operator":"lessOrEqual","value":"' + $lessOrEqual + '"}')
            $Body.'criteria3' = ('{"fieldName":"timestamp","operator":"greaterOrEqual","value":"' + $greaterOrEqual + '"}')
            [string]$componentId = 'ResourceMonthlyCalendar'
        Else {
            $Body.'resource' = $Semaphore_Id
            [string]$componentId = 'ResourceTimestampStateList'
        $Body.'_componentId' = $componentId
        $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
        $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        If ($Ascending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy            
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceTimestampStateDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/resourceTimestampState/read?' + $Body)            
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWSemaphoreTimestamp[]]$SemaphoreTimestamps = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to parse the results into [ANOWSemaphore] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($SemaphoreTimestamps.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "This Semaphore has no Timestamps available to return (it's a blank slate)"
        Else {
            Return $SemaphoreTimestamps
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimestamp {
    Sets a Sempaphore timestate (On/Off state) for a *specific day*.
    Sets a Sempaphore timestate (On/Off state) for a *specific day*.
    .PARAMETER Semaphore
    An [ANOWSemaphore] object representing the Semaphore to be modified.
    A string in ISO-8601 specifying the year, month and day to set the state of the Semaphore for (example: 2029-12-31). This is a simple 10 character date string without hours, minutes seconds. This function will make the neccessary adjustment to the timestamp based on the server Java timezone.
    .PARAMETER setStateOn
    Switch parameter to set the Semaphore to GO (green light) status for the date specified in the -Date parameter. Cannot be combined with -setStateOn.
    .PARAMETER setStateOff
    Switch parameter to set the Semaphore to STOP (red light) status for the date specified in the -Date parameter. Cannot be combined with -setStateOff.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    The -date strings can be sent across the pipeline.
    Sets a single day of a Semaphore object to Off
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimetamp -Semaphore $semaphore -setOff -Date '2029-06-02'
    Forcibly sets a series of dates to ON for a semaphore object using the pipeline
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    @('2029-06-01', '2029-06-02', '2029-06-03') | Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimetamp -Semaphore $semaphore -setOn -Force
    Calculates and forcibly sets every day (individually) of the following month to ON (green light) in a Semaphore object.
    $semaphore = Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id 'Semaphore1'
    $(For($i=1; $i -le ([datetime]::DaysInMonth(((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMonths(1).Year, ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMonths(1).Month)); $i++) { [string]((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMonths(1).Month).ToString("00") + "-" + ($i.ToString("00") + "-" + [string](Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMonths(1).Year) }) | Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimestamp -Semaphore $semaphore -setOn -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Use Set-AutomateNOWSemaphore if you wish to change the entire ON/OFF state of the Semaphore. This function is only for setting the individual dates within a Semaphore object.
    The -setStateOn and -setStateOff parameters are isolated into their own parameter sets. Please try `Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimetamp -?` for more information.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOn', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOff', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOff')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'setOff')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'setOn')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'setOff')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        [string]$command = "/resourceTimestampState/setState"
        [string]$method = 'POST'
        $parameters.Add('Method', $method)
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$date = $_
        [string]$Semaphore_id = $
        [string]$Semaphore_simpleId = $Semaphore.simpleId
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Semaphore_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore -Id $Semaphore_simpleId))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWSemaphore failed to check if the Semaphore [$Semaphore_simpleId] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Semaphore_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not an Semaphore named [$Semaphore_simpleId] in the [$current_domain] domain. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'resource' = $Semaphore_id
            $BodyMetaData.'resourceType' = 'BINARY_SEMAPHORE'
            If ($setOn -eq $true ) {
                [string]$value = 'ON'
            ElseIf ($setOff -eq $true ) {
                [string]$value = 'OFF'
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow could not determine the on/off state in the request under Set-AutomateNOWSemaphoreTimetamp. Please look into this."
            $BodyMetaData.'value' = $value
            Try {
                [string]$timestamp = New-AutomateNOWServerDayTimestamp -date $date
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "New-AutomateNOWServerDayTimestamp failed to convert [$date] due to [$Message]."
            [string]$regex_daytimestamp_z = '^[2][0-9]{3}-(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)-(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31)T(00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23):[0-2]{1}[0-9]{1}.[0-6]{1}[0-9]{1}.[0-9]{3}$'
            # example timestamp for a server located in a +4 timezone: 2029-05-07T20:00:00.000 with a date string of 2030-05-08
            If ($timestamp -notmatch $regex_daytimestamp_z ) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the returned day timestamp [$timestamp] is invalid"
            $BodyMetaData.'timestamp' = $timestamp
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'setValue'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'custom'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ResourceTimestampStateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Semaphore_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWSemaphoreTimestamp]$semaphoreTimestamp = $ | Select-Object -First 1
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the response to a valid [ANOWSemaphoreTimestamp] object due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Semaphore object [$Semaphore_id] was successfully updated"
            Return $semaphoreTimestamp
    End {


#Region - Tags

Function Get-AutomateNOWTag {
    Gets the tags from an AutomateNOW! instance
    The `Get-AutomateNOWTag` function gets the tags from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    `Get-AutomateNOWTag` accepts tag id strings from the pipeline
    An array of [ANOWTag] objects
    Optional string array containing the simple id's of the tags (that means without the brackets [])
    Get-AtuomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag1'
    Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag1', 'Tag2','Tag3'
    '('Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3') | Get-AutomateNOWTag
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    In the case of multiple results when using the -Id parameter, only the result from the current domain will be returned.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/tag/readAllDomains'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        Try {
            [ANOWTag[]]$Tags = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create array of [ANOWTag] objects due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$Tags_count = $Tags.Count
        If ($Tags_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there are no tags available. Was this instance just created 5 minutes ago?"
    Process {
        If (($_.Length -gt 0) -or ($Id.Count -gt 0)) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [string]$current_tag_name = $_
                    [ANOWTag]$Tag = $Tags | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq $current_tag_name } | Select-Object -First 1
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create a [ANOWTag] object (for $_) due to [$Message]."
                Return $Tag
            Else {
                Try {
                    [ANOWTag[]]$Tags = ($Tags | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -in $Id -and $_.domain -eq $anow_session.header.domain })
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Unable to form an array of [ANOWTag] objects based on the provided Tag Id's due to [$Message]."
                Return $Tags
        Return $Tags
    End {

Function Set-AutomateNOWTag {
    Changes the settings of a Tag from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Tag from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWWorkspace] object representing the Tag to be changed.
    .PARAMETER description
    Optional description of the tag (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER iconSet
    The name of the icon library (if you choose to use one). Possible choices are: FAT_COW, FUGUE and FONT_AWESOME.
    .PARAMETER iconCode
    The name of the icon which matches the chosen library.
    .PARAMETER textColor
    The RGB in hex of the tag's foreground (text) color. You must include the # character and it is case sensitive. Example: #FF00FF
    .PARAMETER backgroundColor
    The RGB in hex of the tag's background color. You must include the # character and it is case sensitive. Example: #00FF00
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTag] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag01' | Set-AutomateNOWTag -Description 'New Description'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The only property which the console allows to be changed is the description.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon', ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon', HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', HelpMessage = "Enter a hexadecimal RGB (#FF0000) or the word transparent in lower case")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon', HelpMessage = "Enter a hexadecimal RGB (#FF0000) or the word transparent in lower case")]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -cmatch '^#[0-9A-F]{6}$' -or $_ -cmatch '^transparent$' } ) ]
        [string]$textColor = '#FFFFFF',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', HelpMessage = "Enter a hexadecimal RGB (#FF0000) or the word transparent in lower case")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon', HelpMessage = "Enter a hexadecimal RGB (#FF0000) or the word transparent in lower case")]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -cmatch '^#[0-9A-F]{6}$' -or $_ -cmatch '^transparent$' } ) ]
        [string]$backgroundColor = '#FF0000',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($Description.Length -eq 0 -and $textColor.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "It appears that you are not changing anything in this tag. We should not continue to engage the API. Please, review your objective and try again."
        [string]$command = '/tag/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Tag_id = $_.simpleId
            Else {
                [string]$Tag_id = $Tag.simpleId
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Tag_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $Tag_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag failed to check if the Tag [$Tag_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Tag_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Tag named [$Tag_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            Else {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Tag.description
            If ($codeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $codeRepository
            Else {
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Tag.codeRepository
            If ($textColor.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'textColor' = $textColor
            Else {
                $BodyMetaData.'textColor' = $Tag.textColor
            If ($backgroundColor.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'backgroundColor' = $backgroundColor
            Else {
                $BodyMetaData.'backgroundColor' = $Tag.backgroundColor
            If ($RemoveIcon -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $null
            Else {
                If ($iconCode.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $iconCode
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Tag.iconCode
                If ($iconSet.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $iconSet
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Tag.iconSet
            $BodyMetaData.'version' = $null # Note: This appears to be an unneeded property leftover by the vendor
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Tag.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'TagEditForm'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'TagDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties textColor, backgroundColor, id, description, iconSet, iconCode, codeRepository
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Tag_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Tag $Tag_id was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWTag {
    Exports the tags from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the tags from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    ONLY [ANOWTag] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWTag] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWTag | Export-AutomateNOWTag
    Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag01' | Export-AutomateNOWTag
    @( 'Tag01', 'Tag02', 'Tag03' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTag | Export-AutomateNOWTag
    Get-AutomateNOWTag | Where-Object { $_.simpleid -like 'Test-*' } | Export-AutomateNOWTag
    You must present [ANOWTag] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Tags-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWTag]$Tag = $_
        Try {
            $Tag | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTag] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWTag {
    Creates a new tag on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a new tag on an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the created [ANOWTag] object
    The intended name of the tag. For example: 'MyCoolTag'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER description
    Optional description of the tag (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER iconSet
    The name of the icon library (if you choose to use one). Possible choices are: FAT_COW, FUGUE and FONT_AWESOME.
    .PARAMETER iconCode
    The name of the icon which matches the chosen library.
    .PARAMETER textColor
    The RGB in hex of the tag's foreground (text) color. You must include the # character and it is case sensitive. Example: #FF00FF
    .PARAMETER backgroundColor
    The RGB in hex of the tag's background color. You must include the # character and it is case sensitive. Example: #00FF00
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWTag.
    An [ANOWTag] object representing the newly created tag
    New-AutomateNOWTag -id 'MyCoolTag123' -description 'My tags description' -iconSet 'FUGUE' -IconCode 'abacus' -textColor '#0A0A0A' -backgroundColor 'transparent'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Note that transparent is an available option for either background or foreground color.
    The name (id) of the tag must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WithIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -cmatch '^#[0-9A-F]{6}$' -or $_ -cmatch '^transparent$' } ) ]
        [string]$textColor = '#FFFFFF',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -cmatch '^#[0-9A-F]{6}$' -or $_ -cmatch '^transparent$' } ) ]
        [string]$backgroundColor = '#FF0000',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is no global session token"
        If ($Id.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The Id must be at least 1 character in length. Please try again."
        If (($iconSet.Length -gt 0) -and ($iconCode.Length -eq 0)) {
            Write-Warning -Message "If you specify an icon library then you must also specify an icon"
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$tag_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $Id))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag failed to check if the tag [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($tag_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Tag named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
        ## End warning ##
    Process {
        Try {
            [ANOWTag]$ANOWTag = New-Object -TypeName ANOWTag
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the [ANOWTag] object type due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWTag.'Id' = $Id
        If ($null -ne $textColor) {
            $ANOWTag.'textColor' = $textColor
        If ($null -ne $backgroundColor) {
            $ANOWTag.'backgroundColor' = $backgroundColor
        If ($null -ne $description) {
            $ANOWTag.'description' = $description
        If ($null -ne $iconSet) {
            $ANOWTag.'iconSet' = $iconSet
        If ($null -ne $iconCode) {
            $ANOWTag.'iconCode' = $iconCode
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTag -IncludeProperties textColor, backgroundColor, id, description, iconSet, iconCode
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{"textColor":"#FFFFFF","backgroundColor":"#FF0000"}'
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'TagCreateWindow_form'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'TagDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        [string]$command = '/tag/create'
        [string]$ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', $ContentType)
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        If ($Verbose -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('Verbose', $true)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed due to [$Message]"
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
                [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Executing [$command] returned the error $results_display. Parameters: $parameters_display"
            ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Executing [$command] returned an empty response. Parameters: $parameters_display"
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unknown error when executing [$command]. Parameters: $parameters_display"
        Try {
            [ANOWTag[]]$tag_data = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the class object [ANOWTag] with the response due to [$message]"
        [string]$domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        [string]$tag_string = $tag_data.ToString()
        Write-Verbose -Message "The tag [$tag_string] was created in the [$domain] domain"
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $tag_data
    End {

Function Remove-AutomateNOWTag {
    Removes a tag from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a tag from an AutomateNOW! instance
    A string array of simple Id's of the tags to delete. Do not include the domain. For example: 'Tag1' is valid, whereas '[Domain]Tag1' is not valid.
    An [ANOWTag] object representing the tag to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    `Remove-AutomateNOWTag` accepts pipeline input on the Tag parameter or the Id by way of -Id
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove-AutomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag1'
    Remove-AutomateNOWTag -Id 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    @( 'Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3') | Remove-AutomateNOWTag
    Get-AutomateNOWTag | ? { $_.simpleid -like '*my_tag*' } | Remove-AutomateNOWTag
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Id')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ForEach ($current_id in $Id) {
            If ($current_id -match '^(\s.{1,}|.{1,}\s)$') {
                Write-Warning -Message "You seem to have whitespace characters in the beginning or end of [$Id]. Please fix this."
            ElseIf ($curent_id -Match '[.{1,}].{1,}') {
                Write-Warning -Message "Do not include the Domain surrounded by brackets []. The -Id parameter actually requires the 'simple id':-)"
        [string]$command = '/tag/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$(If($ -gt 0) {$} Else {$})")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$tag_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$tag_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$tag_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $tag_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Tag $Id successfully removed"
    End {



#Region - Tasks

# Region Note: These functions are for managing executed tasks (i.e. in the Overview tab). If you are looking for templates, please check the *-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate functions.

Function Get-AutomateNOWTask {
    Gets the tasks from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the tasks from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional int64 containing the NUMERICAL id of the task to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER taskType
    Optional string representing the type of task to return. For example, a Shell Task template is SH. This parameter cannot be combined with -monitorType or -sensorType.
    .PARAMETER monitorType
    Optional string representing the type of monitor to return. For example, a python monitor is PYTHON_MONITOR. This parameter cannot be combined with -taskType or -sensorType.
    .PARAMETER sensorType
    Optional string representing the type of sensor to return. For example, a file sensor is FILE_SENSOR. This parameter cannot be combined with -monitorType or -taskType.
    .PARAMETER processingStatus
    Optional string to apply advanced criteria for filtering based on the status of the Task. Valid choices are: WAITING, READY, EXECUTING, COMPLETED, FAILED. Note: This function is limited in that you can only filter by one processing status whereas in the console you can specify an array.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by (may not be used with the Id parameter). Valid choices are: {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100. The console default hard limit is 10,000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the task template from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWtask] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -taskType 'SH'
    Gets a Task by its numerical Id
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 1738954
    Gets a series of Tasks based on their numerical ID
    @( 1738954, 1738955 ) | Get-AutomateNOWTask
    Gets the first 1000 Tasks (or less) that are executing
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -startRow 0 -endRow 1000 -processingStatus EXECUTING
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the tasks (not recommended)

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_ -gt 0 -or $Id -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'read'
        Else {
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingList'
            If ($Descending -eq $true) {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
            Else {
                $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"archived","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"isProcessing","operator":"equals","value":true}'
            If ($null -ne $taskType) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"taskType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $taskType + '"}'
            ElseIf ($null -ne $monitorType) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"monitorType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $monitorType + '"}'
            ElseIf ($null -ne $sensorType) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"sensorType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $sensorType + '"}'
            If ($null -ne $ProcessingStatus) {
                [string]$ProcessingStatus = $ProcessingStatus.ToString()
                $Body.'criteria4' = ('{"fieldName":"processingStatus","operator":"inSet","value":["' + $ProcessingStatus + '"]}')
            $Body.'criteria5' = '{"fieldName":"serverNodeType","operator":"notNull"}'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processing/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWTask[]]$Tasks = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWTask] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Tasks.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Tasks
        End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWTask {
    Exports the Tasks from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Tasks from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWTask] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWTask to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWTask] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01' | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    @( 'Task01', 'Task02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTask | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | Where-Object { $_.taskType -eq 'PYTHON' } | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    You must present [ANOWTask] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Tasks-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWTask]$Task = $_
        Try {
            $Task | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Remove-AutomateNOWTask {
    Archives a Task from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Archives a Task from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task Template to be archived.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the archiving without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01' | Remove-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Remove-AutomateNOWTask
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Remove-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Remove-AutomateNOWTask
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The term Remove and Archive are synonymous from the API perspective. In ANOW parlance, Templates are 'Deleted' and Tasks are 'Archived'.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Task_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Task_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Task_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Task_id, 'Archive')) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $Body.Add('id', $Task_id)
            $Body.Add('_operationType', 'remove')
            $Body.Add('_operationId', 'delete')
            $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $Task_id successfully archived"
    End {


Function Restart-AutomateNOWTask {
    Restarts a Task from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Restarts a Task from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task to be restarted
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the Restart was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the restart without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Restarts a single Task
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task_01' | Restart-AutomateNOWTask
    Quietly restarts multiple Tasks
    @('Task1', 'Task2') | Get-AutomateNOWTask | Restart-AutomateNOWTask -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/restart'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWTask]$current_task = Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id $Task_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Task [$Task_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWTask due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Task you specified does not seem to exist (Restart-AutomateNOWTask)"
            [string]$current_task_status = $current_task.processingStatus
            If ($current_task_status -notin [ANOWTask_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the task [$Task_id] cannot be read (Restart-AutomateNOWTask)"
            If ($current_task_status -notin @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Task_id] cannot be restarted as it currently in [$current_task_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Task_id] had a status of $current_task_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartType', 'RESTART_FROM_BEGINNING')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartFailedOnly', 'false' ) # Note this value is currently not available in the console
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Task_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'restart')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Task $Task_id was successfully restarted"
    End {


Function Stop-AutomateNOWTask {
    Stops a Task on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Stops a Task on an AutomateNOW! instance with either a soft or hard stop
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task to be stopped
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Hard kill' of the Task. You must include either this parameter or -Abort
    .PARAMETER Abort
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Soft abort' of the Task. You must include either this parameter or -Kill
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the stop was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the stoppage without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Stops a single Task
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task_01' | Stop-AutomateNOWTask -Abort
    Quietly stops multiple Tasks
    @('Task1', 'Task2') | Get-AutomateNOWTask | Stop-AutomateNOWTask -Kill -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kill')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Abort')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($Kill -eq $true) {
            [string]$operation_id = 'kill'
        Else {
            [string]$operation_id = 'abort'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWTask]$current_task = Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id $Task_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Task [$Task_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWTask due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Task you specified does not seem to exist (Stop-AutomateNOWTask)"
            [string]$current_task_status = $current_task.processingStatus
            If ($current_task_status -notin [ANOWTask_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the task [$Task_id] cannot be read (Stop-AutomateNOWTask)"
            If ($current_task_status -in @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Task_id] cannot be stopped as it currently in [$current_task_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Task_id] had a status of $current_task_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Task_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Task $Task_id was successfully stopped"
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWTask {
    Resumes a Task that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Task that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01' | Resume-AutomateNOWTask -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Resume-AutomateNOWTask
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Resume-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Resume-AutomateNOWTask
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Task_id = $
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine the Id of the Task."
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWTask]$current_task = Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id $Task_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Task [$Task_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWTask due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Task you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWTask)"
            [boolean]$current_task_hold_status = $current_task.onHold
            If ($current_task_hold_status -eq $false) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Task_id] cannot be resumed as it is not currently suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Task_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $Task_id successfully resumed"
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWTask {
    Places a Task on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Task on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01' | Suspend-AutomateNOWTask -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Suspend-AutomateNOWTask
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Suspend-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Suspend-AutomateNOWTask
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Task_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Task_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Task_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWTask]$current_task = Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id $Task_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTask failed to check if the Task [$Task_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWTask due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Task you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWTask)"
            [boolean]$current_task_hold_status = $current_task.onHold
            If ($current_task_hold_status -eq $true) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Task_id] cannot be suspended (placed on hold) as it is already suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Task_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $Task_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWTask {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Task on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Task on an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the Task to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from an [ANOWTask] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWTask] object
    ONLY [ANOWTask] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWTask] object will be returned
    Sets a Task to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 1234567 | Skip-AutomateNOWTask -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Task
    12374894 | Get-AutomateNOWTask | Skip-AutomateNOWTask -UnSkip
    Sets an array of Task to Skip (bypass)
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Skip-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | ? { $_.TaskType -eq 'FOR_EACH' } | Skip-AutomateNOWTask -UnSkip -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Task_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Task_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Task_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Task_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Task_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Task_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$Task_id]"
    End {



#Region - TaskTemplates

Function Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Gets the task templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the task templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the task template to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER taskType
    Optional string representing the type of Task Template to return. For example, a Shell Task template is SH. This parameter cannot be combined with -monitorType or -sensorType.
    .PARAMETER monitorType
    Optional string representing the type of monitor to return. For example, a python monitor is PYTHON_MONITOR. This parameter cannot be combined with -taskType or -sensorType.
    .PARAMETER sensorType
    Optional string representing the type of sensor to return. For example, a file sensor is FILE_SENSOR. This parameter cannot be combined with -monitorType or -taskType.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by. Valid choices are: id, processingType, simpleId, dateCreated, node, outOfSync, keepResourcesOnFailure, onHold, lastUpdated, highRisk, weight, taskType, userIp, createdBy, lazyLoad, passBy, lastUpdatedBy, durationSum, serverNodeType, eagerScriptExecution, passResourceDependenciesToChildren, owner, checkedOut, estimatedDuration, passActionsToChildren. Defaults to id.
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Optional string array of tags to filter by. Note that for now operator is 'containsAny', not 'containsAll'.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Task Template from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWTaskTemplate] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'task_template_01'
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -taskType POWERSHELL
    @( 'task_template_01', 'task_template_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Gets all Task Templates that are tagged with 'Tag1' or 'Tag2'
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the task templates
    Task Templates are divided into 3 types which is not directly illustrated in the console: Tasks, Monitors and Sensors.
    Sorting by default is by id. You can specify an alternate string here but you must make sure it is case-sensitive. This is on the wish list to improve.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default' )]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [ValidateSet('id', 'processingType', 'simpleId', 'dateCreated', 'node', 'outOfSync', 'keepResourcesOnFailure', 'onHold', 'lastUpdated', 'highRisk', 'weight', 'taskType', 'userIp', 'createdBy', 'lazyLoad', 'passBy', 'lastUpdatedBy', 'durationSum', 'serverNodeType', 'eagerScriptExecution', 'passResourceDependenciesToChildren', 'owner', 'checkedOut', 'estimatedDuration', 'passActionsToChildren')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'taskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'monitorType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'sensorType')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exactCase'
        Else {
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
            $Body.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTemplateList'
            If ($null -ne $taskType) {
                $Body.'criteria1' = ('{"fieldName":"taskType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $taskType + '"}')
            ElseIf ($null -ne $monitorType) {
                $Body.'criteria1' = ('{"fieldName":"monitorType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $monitorType + '"}')
            ElseIf ($null -ne $sensorType) {
                $Body.'criteria1' = ('{"fieldName":"sensorType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $sensorType + '"}')
            Else {
                $Body.'criteria1' = '{"_constructor":"AdvancedCriteria","operator":"or","criteria":[{"fieldName":"processingType","operator":"equals","value":"TASK"},{"fieldName":"serviceType","operator":"equals","value":"SENSOR"},{"fieldName":"serviceType","operator":"equals","value":"MONITOR"}]}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"serverNodeType","operator":"notNull"}'
            If ($Tags.count -eq 1) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = ('{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":"' + $tags + '"}')
            ElseIf ($Tags.count -gt 1) {
                [string]$tags_json = $tags | Sort-Object -Unique | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress
                $Body.'criteria3' = ('{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":' + $tags_json + '}')
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        If ($Descending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWTaskTemplate[]]$TaskTemplates = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($TaskTemplates.Count -gt 0) {
            If ($TaskTemplates.Count -eq 1 -and $TaskTemplates.processingType -ne 'TASK') {
                [string]$processingType = $TaskTemplates.processingType
                If ($processingType -eq 'WORKFLOW') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Workflow Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate to retrieve this item."
                ElseIf ($processingType -eq 'TRIGGER') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Schedule Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate to retrieve this item."
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Could not identify what type of template object [$processingType] is. Please look into this..."
            Return $TaskTemplates
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Changes the settings of a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Task Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    A string representing the name of the Workspace you wish to move this Task Template into.
    .PARAMETER UnsetWorkspace
    A switch parameter that will move the Task Template out of its current Workspace.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    A string representing the name of the Folder to move the Task Template into.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    A switch parameter that will move the Task Template out of its current folder.
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    A switch parameter that will the Tags from the Task Template
    .PARAMETER Title
    A string representing the "alias" of the Task Template (this property needs a better explanation)
    .PARAMETER ServerNode
    An [ANOWNode] object representing the node to connect to the Task Template. Note that load balancers are considered nodes in this context. Be careful with this as the lookup table which prevents mismatched server node / task types may not be perfectly correct. Always be sure that the node type matches the task type.
    .PARAMETER UnsetServerNode
    A switch parameter that will remove the Server Node from the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
    An [Endpoint] object representing the Endpoint object to assign to the Task Template. CAUTION: There is not yet any check to confirm if the endpoint type matches the expected type.
    .PARAMETER UnsetEndpoint
    A switch parameter that will remove the Endpoint assignment from the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER ResultMapping
    An [ResultMapping] object representing the Result Mapping object to set on the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetResultMapping
    A switch parameter that will remove the Result Mapping assignment from the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER Calendar
    A [ANOWCalendar] object representing the Calendar object to set on the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetCalendar
    A switch parameter that will remove the Calendar assignment from the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER Approval
    A [ANOWApproval] object representing the Approval object to set on the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetApproval
    A switch parameter that will remove the Approval assignment from the Task Template.
    .PARAMETER Weight
    An integer representing a logical measure of resources required to process the item by the Server Node. Each Server Node has [a] maximum weight capacity[.] Weight determines [the] number of parallel processes that can run simultaneously. Default processing Weight is 1. Minimal Weight is 0.
    .PARAMETER Priority
    An integer representing the items priority which determines the order when queuing for resources (Stock and Locks) and [for] being executed by Server Nodes. Default Priority is 0. Minimal Priority is 0.
    .PARAMETER Owner
    A string which appears to represent the user who owns the object. In practice, it is just a string. This particular property does not appear to be explained anywhere in the documentation.
    A boolean to put the Task Template on Hold status. You must specify $true or $false here. When $true, it's the same as the Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate function. When $false, Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate function.
    A boolean to put the Task Template on Skip status. You must specify $true or $false here. When $true, it's the same as the Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate function. When $false, Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate with -UnSkip parameter.
    .PARAMETER AutoArchive
    A boolean that causes the Tasks from this Task Template to be archived immediately after execution. You must specify $true or $false here.
    .PARAMETER KeepResources
    A boolean that indicates if the Tasks from this Task Template should keep its resources (Stocks and Locks) and reuse them on the restart so that they are not consumed by other tasks or workflows. You must specify $true or $false here.
    .PARAMETER UseScripts
    A boolean that indicates if the Tasks from this Task Template should ?
    .PARAMETER EagerScriptExecution
    A boolean that indicates if the scripts from the Tasks from this Task Template should use "Eager" load strategy. In orderto use this parameter, you must include -UseScripts $true.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWTaskTemplate] object will be returned
    Forcefully moves a Task Template to a different Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Workspace 'MJS_Workspace' -Force
    Removes a Task Template from a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -UnsetWorkspace
    Removes a Task Template from its current Folder
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Force -UnsetFolder
    Places a Task Template into a Folder
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Force -Folder 'MJS'
    Sets all of the minor properties
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Description 'description' -Title 'title' -Workspace 'Workspace1' -Weight 15 -Priority 5 -Owner 'the_owner' -OnHold $true -Skip $false -AutoArchive $true -KeepResources $false -UseScripts $true -EagerScriptExecution $true -Force
    Forcefully sets a Server Node on the Task Template
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Force -ServerNode $node
    Removes the Server Node from the Task Template
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -UnsetServerNode
    Forcefully sets a Result Mapping on the Task Template
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -Force -ResultMapping $result_mapping
    Removes the Result Mapping from the Task Template
    Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -UnsetResultMapping
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default', ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTitle')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTitle')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetServerNode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetServerNode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetEndpoint')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetEndpoint')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetResultMapping')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetResultMapping')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetCalendar')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetCalendar')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetApproval')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetApproval')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -or $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/setFolder'
            [string]$operationId = 'setFolder'
        Else {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/update'
            [string]$componentId = 'ProcessingTemplateValuesManager'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        If ($Description.Length -gt 0 -and $UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the Description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        If ($Title.Length -gt 0 -and $UnsetTitle -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the Title and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        If ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $true -and $UseScripts -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'To use -EagerScriptExecution, you must include -UseScripts $true'
        If ($UnsetWorkspace -eq $true -and $Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Workspace and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetServerNode -eq $true -and $ServerNode.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Server Node and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($Tags.count -gt 0 -and $UnsetTags -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetEndpoint -eq $true -and $ -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Endpoint and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetApproval -eq $true -and $ -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Approval and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$TaskTemplate_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $TaskTemplate_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to check if the Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($TaskTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Task Template named [$TaskTemplate_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$include_properties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $TaskTemplate_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $null
                $include_properties += 'description'
            If ($Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWWorkspace]$workspace_object = Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Workspace
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to confirm that the workspace [$Workspace] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($workspace_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to locate the Workspace [$Workspace] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding workspace $workspace_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'workspace' = $Workspace
                $include_properties += 'workspace'
            ElseIf ($UnsetWorkspace -eq $true) {
                [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id] from Workspace $workspace_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'workspace' = $null
                $include_properties += 'workspace'
            If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the Folder [$Folder] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Folder $folder_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            ElseIf ($UnsetFolder -eq $true) {
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id] from Folder $folder_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $null
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
                [int32]$current_tag = 1
                ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                    Try {
                        [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$message]"
                    If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                        Throw "New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                    [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
                    [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
                    $BodyMetaData.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
                    $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                [string]$tags_display = ($Calendar.tags) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing tags [$tags_display] from [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $null
                $include_properties += 'tags'
            If ($Title.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'title' = $Title
            ElseIf ( $UnsetTitle -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'title' = $null
            If ($ServerNode.simpleId.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$ServerNode_id = $ServerNode.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWNode]$node_object = Get-AutomateNOWNode -Id $ServerNode_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWNode failed to confirm that the Server Node [$ServerNode_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($node_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWNode failed to locate the Server Node [$ServerNode_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$TaskType = $TaskTemplate.taskType
                [string]$ServerNodeType = $ServerNode.serverNodeType
                [string[]]$ValidServerNodeTypes = Resolve-AutomateNOWTaskType2ServerNodeType -TaskType $TaskType
                [int32]$ValidServerNodeTypesCount = $ValidServerNodeTypes.Count
                If ($ValidServerNodeTypesCount -eq 0) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the TaskType2ServerNodeType lookup table has failed"
                Else {
                    If ($ServerNodeType -notin $ValidServerNodeTypes) {
                        [string]$ValidServerNodeTypesDisplay = $ValidServerNodeTypes -join ', '
                        Write-Warning -Message "[$ServerNodeType] is not a valid server node type for a [$TaskType] task (which $TaskTemplate_id is). Please use one of these instead: $ValidServerNodeTypesDisplay"
                [string]$node_display = $node_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Server Node $node_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'node' = ($
                $include_properties += 'node'
            ElseIf ($UnsetServerNode -eq $true) {
                [string]$node_display = $node_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id] from Server Node $node_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'node' = $null
                $include_properties += 'node'
            If ($Endpoint.simpleId.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$Endpoint_id = $Endpoint.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWEndpoint]$endpoint_object = Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint -Id $Endpoint_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWEndpoint failed to confirm that the Endpoint [$Endpoint_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($endpoint_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWendpoint failed to locate the Endpoint [$Endpoint_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$endpoint_display = $endpoint_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Endpoint $endpoint_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'endpoint' = ($
                $include_properties += 'endpoint'
            ElseIf ($UnsetEndpoint -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'endpoint' = $null
                $include_properties += 'endpoint'
            If ($ResultMapping.simpleId.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$ResultMapping_id = $ResultMapping.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWResultMapping]$rm_object = Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id $ResultMapping_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to confirm that the Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($rm_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to locate the Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$rm_display = $rm_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Result Mapping $rm_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'resultMapping' = $ResultMapping_id
                $include_properties += 'resultMapping'
            ElseIf ($UnsetResultMapping -eq $true) {
                [string]$rm_display = $rm_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$ResultMapping_id] from Result Mapping $rm_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'resultMapping' = $null
                $include_properties += 'resultMapping'
            If ($Calendar.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$Calendar_id = $Calendar.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar_object = Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id $Calendar_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to confirm that the Calendar object [$Calendar_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($Calendar_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to locate the Calendar object [$Calendar_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Calendar object [$Calendar_id] to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'calendar' = $Calendar_id
                $include_properties += 'calendar'
            ElseIf ($UnsetCalendar -eq $true) {
                [string]$Calendar_id = $Calendar.simpleId
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWCalendar] [$Calendar_id] from [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$TaskTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'calendar' = $null
                $include_properties += 'calendar'
            If ($Approval.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $Approval.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWApproval]$Approval_object = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $Approval_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to confirm that the Approval object [$Approval_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($Approval_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to locate the Approval object [$Approval_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Approval object [$Approval_id] to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'approvalConfiguration' = $Approval_id
                $include_properties += 'approvalConfiguration'
            ElseIf ($UnsetApproval -eq $true) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $Approval.simpleId
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWApproval] [$Approval_id] from [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'approvalConfiguration' = $null
                $include_properties += 'approvalConfiguration'
            If ($Weight -ge 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'weight' = $Weight
            If ($Priority -ge 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'priority' = $Priority
            If ($Owner.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'owner' = $Owner
            If ($OnHold -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'onHold' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($OnHold -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'onHold' = 'true'
            If ($Skip -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passBy' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($Skip -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passBy' = 'true'
            If ($AutoArchive -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'autoArchive' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($Skip -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'autoArchive' = 'true'
            If ($KeepResources -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'keepResourcesOnFailure' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($KeepResources -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'keepResourcesOnFailure' = 'true'
            If ($UseScripts -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'useScripts' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($UseScripts -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'useScripts' = 'true'
            If ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'eagerScriptExecution' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'eagerScriptExecution' = 'true'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $TaskTemplate.CreateOldValues()
            If ($componentId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = $componentId
            If ($operationId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = $operationId
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties $include_properties
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
                Else {
                    [string]$results_response = $results.response
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$response_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
            Try {
                [ANOWTaskTemplate]$UpdatedTaskTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a [ANOWTaskTemplate] object (under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate) due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq $TaskTemplate_id) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Task Template $TaskTemplate_id was successfully updated"
                Return $UpdatedTaskTemplate
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the returned Task Template (under Set-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate) has an error. Please look into this."
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Exports the Tasks from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Tasks from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWTaskTemplate] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWTask to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask -Id 'Task01' | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    @( 'Task01', 'Task02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTask | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    Get-AutomateNOWTask | Where-Object { $_.taskType -eq 'PYTHON' } | Export-AutomateNOWTask
    You must present [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-TaskTemplates-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWTaskTemplate]$TaskTemplate = $_
        Try {
            $TaskTemplate | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Creates a Task Template within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Task Template within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWTaskTemplate] object
    .PARAMETER InternalTaskType
    .PARAMETER TaskType
    .PARAMETER ServiceManagerTaskType
    Type of the Task Template. Valid options are: SLA_SERVICE_MANAGER, PROCESSING_DEADLINE_MONITOR
    Mandatory "name" of the Task Template. For example: 'LinuxTaskTemplate1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets. This is the unique key of this object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Task Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string representing the Folder to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER DesignTemplate
    Optional string representing the Design Template to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    Optional string representing the Workspace to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional string representing the Code Repository to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER ServerNodeType
    .PARAMETER InternalTask
    Switch to indicate the task is internal. You cannot combine this parameter with -ServerNodeType.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate.
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the newly created Task Template. Use the -Quiet parameter to suppress this.
    Creates a new Shell Task Template
    New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskType SH -ServerNodeType 'LINUX' -Id 'TaskTemplate01' -Description 'Description text' -Tags 'Tag01', 'Tag01' -Folder 'Folder01' -Workspace 'Workspace01' -CodeRepository 'CodeRepository01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Task Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    You must specify one of the three following parameters: -TaskType, -InternalTaskType or -ServiceManagerTaskType

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'InternalTask')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NodeTask')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ServiceManagerTask')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NodeTask')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$processingType = 'TASK'
    If ($InternalTaskType.Length -gt 0 -or $ServiceManagerTaskType.Length -gt 0) {
        [string]$ServerNodeType = 'INTERNAL'
        If ($InternalTaskType.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskType = $InternalTaskType
        Else {
            [string]$processingType = 'SERVICE'
    Else {
        [string[]]$ValidServerNodeTypes = Resolve-AutomateNOWTaskType2ServerNodeType -TaskType $TaskType
        [int32]$ValidServerNodeTypesCount = $ValidServerNodeTypes.Count
        If ($ValidServerNodeTypesCount -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the TaskType2ServerNodeType lookup table has failed"
        Else {
            If ($ServerNodeType -notin $ValidServerNodeTypes) {
                [string]$ValidServerNodeTypesDisplay = $ValidServerNodeTypes -join ', '
                Write-Warning -Message "[$ServerNodeType] is not a valid server node type for a [$TaskType] task. Please use one of these instead: $ValidServerNodeTypesDisplay"
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$TaskTemplate_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to check if the Task Template [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($TaskTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Task Template named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWTaskTemplate = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('id', $Id)
    $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('processingType', $processingType)
    If ($ServiceManagerTaskType.Length -eq 0) {
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('taskType', $TaskType)
        [string]$old_values = ('{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"' + $TaskType + '","serverNodeType":"' + $ServerNodeType + '"}')
    Else {
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('serviceType', 'SERVICE_MANAGER')
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('serviceManagerType', $ServiceManagerTaskType)
        [string]$old_values = '{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SERVICE_MANAGER","serviceManagerType":"' + $ServiceManagerTaskType + '","workspace":null,"serverNodeType":"INTERNAL"}'
    $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('serverNodeType', $ServerNodeType)
    $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('_oldValues', $old_values)
    [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'processingType', 'taskType', 'serverNodeType'
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('description', $Description)
        $include_properties += 'description'
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($DesignTemplate.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('designTemplate', $DesignTemplate)
        $include_properties += 'designTemplate'
    If ($Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkspace]$workspace_object = Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Workspace
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to confirm that the workspace [$Workspace] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($workspace_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to locate the Workspace [$Workspace] running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding workspace $workspace_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('workspace', $Workspace)
        $include_properties += 'workspace'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] running under New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWTaskTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWTaskTemplate.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTaskTemplate -IncludeProperties $include_properties
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $old_values
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTemplateCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Task Template [$Id] of type [$TaskType] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Task Template [$Id] of type [$TaskType] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWTaskTemplate]$TaskTemplate = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWTaskTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWTaskTemplate] is empty!"
    Try {
        [ANOWTaskTemplate]$TaskTemplate = Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $Id
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to confirm that the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object [$Id] was created due to [$Message]."
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $TaskTemplate

Function Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Removes a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01' | Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $TaskTemplate_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$error_message = $
                If ($error_message -match 'Object may still be in use') {
                    [string]$TaskTemplate_id_formatted = $TaskTemplate_id -split '\]' | Select-Object -Last 1
                    Write-Warning -Message "This object $TaskTemplate_id_formatted is still in use somewhere therefore it cannot be removed! Please use 'Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -Object $WorkflowTemplate_id_formatted' to list the references for this object and then remove them."
                Else {
                    [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $TaskTemplate_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Copies a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWTaskTemplate] object to be copied.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Task Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will purposely omit the previously existing tags on the new copy of the Task Template. You can still specify new tags with -Tags but the old previous ones will not be carried over. In the UI, this is accomplished by clicking the existing tags off.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Task Template will not be placed in a folder.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Task Template will not carry over its previous description.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Task Template (may not exceed 255 characters). You may send an empty string here to ensure that the description is blanked out. Do not use this parameter if your intention is to keep the description from the previous Task Template.
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Task Template.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Task Template into. The UnsetFolder parameter overrides this setting.
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    This is a safe standard example that is recommended
    $Task01 = Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'old_name_Task01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $TaskTemplate01 -NewId 'new_name_TaskTemplate02'
    This is a one-liner approach
    Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'old_name_TaskTemplate01') -NewId 'new_name_TaskTemplate02'
    This approach users a For Each loop to iterate through a standard renaming pattern. This approach is not recommended.
    @( 'TaskTemplate1', 'TaskTemplate2', 'TaskTemplate3') | Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | ForEachObject { Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $_ -NewId ($_.simpleId -replace 'Task[0-9]', ()'Task-' + $_.simpleId[-1]))}
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The new id (name) of the Task Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Task_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to check if the Task template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Task_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Task Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_oldId = $
            If ($TaskTemplate_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $TaskTemplate_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $TaskTemplate.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $TaskTemplate.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -ne $True) {
                If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $TaskTemplate.folder
            [int32]$tag_count = 1
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            If ($UnsetTags -ne $true) {
                If ($TaskTemplate.tags -gt 0) {
                    ForEach ($tag in $TaskTemplate.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder
            $Body = $Body -replace '&tags[0-9]{1,}', '&tags'
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWTaskTemplate]$TaskTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWTaskTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWTaskTemplate] object is empty!"
            Return $TaskTemplate
    End {


Function Rename-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Renames a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Performs a psuedo-rename operations of a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance by copying it first and then deleting the source. This function merely combines Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate and Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate therefore it is to be considered destructive.
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be renamed.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Task Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the renaming without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted. There is inventionally no support for the pipeline.
    The newly renamed [ANOWTaskTemplate] object will be returned.
    $task_template = Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $task_template -NewId 'Task_TEMPLATE_01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01') -NewId 'Task_TEMPLATE_01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    When renaming, you may only specify a different Id (name).
    This action will be blocked if any existing referrals are found on the object.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin standard warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$new_task_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to check if the Task Template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($new_task_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Task Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
        Try {
            [boolean]$old_Task_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id $TaskTemplate_id))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to check if the Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($old_Task_template_exists -eq $false) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Task Template named [$TaskTemplate_id] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End standard warning ##
        ## Begin referrals warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [int32]$referrals_count = Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -TaskTemplate $TaskTemplate -Count | Select-Object -Expandproperty referrals
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral failed to extract the referrals on Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        If ($referrals_count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unfortunately, you cannot rename a Task Template that has referrals. This is because the rename is not actually renaming but copying anew and deleting the old. Please, use the Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral function to identify referrals and remove them."
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "The Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] does not have any referrals. It is safe to proceed."
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($TaskTemplate_id)")) -eq $true) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWTaskTemplate]$new_task_template = Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $TaskTemplate -NewId $NewId
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Copy-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to create a new Task Template [$NewId] as Part 1 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_Task_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 1: Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] successfully copied to [$NewId]"
                Try {
                    [ANOWTaskTemplate]$new_task_template = Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -TaskTemplate $TaskTemplate -confirm:$false # Note that confirmation was already provided a few lines above
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Remove-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate failed to remove [$TaskTemplate_id] as Part 2 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_task_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 2: Task Template [$TaskTemplate_id] removed"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Task [$TaskTemplate_id] successfully renamed to [$NewId]"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "No action was taken because either the source object didn't exist or the new object already existed"
    End {

Function Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Starts a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Starts a Task Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be started.
    .PARAMETER UseAutomaticName
    A switch parameter that is ENABLED BY DEFAULT. You do not need to enable this as it is defaulted to on. This parameter simulates the default format of the executed task name (see 'Name' below)
    A string representing the name of the running executed task. Only use this if you want to OVERRIDE the default naming standard that the console suggests when executing a task. The console defaults to a format of "Manual Execution - [task name] - [date utc]".
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the executed task (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new task.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the executed task into.
    .PARAMETER ProcessingTimestamp
    This parameter is -disabled- for now. Instead, the default timestamp will be used to ensure uniqueness. The documentation is unclear or mistaken around this parameter.
    .PARAMETER Priority
    Optional integer between 0 and 1000 to specify the priority of the executed task. Defaults to 0.
    Optional switch to set the 'On Hold' property of the executed task to enabled. This is $false by default but in the console the checkbox is enabled.
    .PARAMETER ForceLoad
    Optional switch that overrides any 'Ignore Condition' that might exist on the Task Template
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the newly created [ANOWTask] object
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An [ANOWTask] object representing the started task will be returned.
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'TaskTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'TaskTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Name 'Manual Execution - TaskTemplate_01' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -ForceLoad -Hold -Priority 100 -Description 'My executed task'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is under construction as the [ANOWTask] class object it returns is not defined yet. You can still use this function but the output is experimental.
    Avoid using the -Name parameter unless you really need to use it. If -Name is not supplied, the parameter set will use -UseAutomaticName instead, which simulates the behavior of the console.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UseAutomaticName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'UseAutomaticName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyNameManually')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Folder = '',
        [ValidateRange(0, 1000)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$Priority = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/executeNow'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            [string]$TaskTemplate_simpleId = $_.simpleId
        Else {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            [string]$TaskTemplate_simpleId = $TaskTemplate.simpleId
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $TaskTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('runId', $TaskTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('priority', $priority )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('processingTimestamp', [string](Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'))
        [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'runId', 'priority', 'processingTimestamp', 'hold', 'forceLoad', 'name'
        If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] due to [$message]"
                If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display"
            $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Tags
            $include_properties += 'tags'
        If ($folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $folder
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder had an error while retrieving the folder [$folder] under Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                Throw "Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate has detected that the folder [$folder] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            $BodyMetaData.Add('folder', $folder)
            $include_properties += $folder
        If ($hold -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'true')
        If ($forceLoad -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'true')
        If ($Name.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('name', $Name)
        Elseif ($UseAutomaticName -eq $true) {
            [string]$Name = New-AutomateNOWDefaultProcessingTitle -simpleId $TaskTemplate_simpleId
            Write-Verbose -Message "Generated automatic name [$Name] for this task"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine how to name this task that needs to be started"
        $BodyMetaData.Add('parameters', '{}')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'add')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'executeNow')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Task $TaskTemplate_id successfully started"
        Try {
            [ANOWTask]$ANOWTask = $[0]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the [ANOWTask] object under Start-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate from the response due to [$Message]."
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $ANOWTask
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Resumes a Task Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Task Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWTaskTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The resumed [ANOWTaskTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01' | Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Resume-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $TaskTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWTaskTemplate]$resumed_task_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object after resuming [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $TaskTemplate_id successfully resumed"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $resumed_task_template
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Places a Task Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Task Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWTaskTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The suspended [ANOWTaskTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01' | Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01', 'Task02' | Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Suspend-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $TaskTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWTaskTemplate]$suspended_task_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object after suspending [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Task $TaskTemplate_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $suspended_task_template
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from a [ANOWTaskTemplate] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWTaskTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWTaskTemplate] object will be returned
    Sets a Task Template to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01' | Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Task Template
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -UnSkip
    Sets an array of Task Template to Skip (bypass)
    @( 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3') | Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate | ? { $_.serverTaskType -eq 'LINUX' } | Skip-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -UnSkip -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TaskTemplate_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $TaskTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWTaskTemplate]$skipped_task_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWTaskTemplate] object after setting the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$TaskTemplate_id]"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $skipped_task_template
    End {


Function Confirm-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate {
    Validates (confirms) a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Validates (confirms) a Task Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER TaskTemplate
    An [ANOWTaskTemplate] object representing the Task Template to be set to confirmed (verified)
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Returns a boolean $true or $false based on the result of the validation check
    ONLY [ANOWTaskTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A string with the results from the API will returned.
    Validates a single Task Template
    Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate -Id 'Task01' | Confirm-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    Validates a series of Task Templates
    @( 'TaskTemplate1', 'TaskTemplate2', 'TaskTemplate3') | Confirm-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$TaskTemplate_id = $Id
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $TaskTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'validate')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/validate?' + $Body)
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$TaskTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            If ($Quiet -eq $true) {
                Return $false
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "The response code was [$response_code] instead of 0. The Task Template $TaskTemplate_id is not validated. Please see the full response $full_response_display"
        Else {
            If ($Quiet -eq $true) {
                Return $true
            Else {
                Write-Information -MessageData "The Task Template $TaskTemplate_id is confirmed as valid."
    End {


Function Show-AutomateNOWTaskTemplateType {
    Shows all of the available task types for AutomateNOW! in human readable format
    Shows all of the available task types for AutomateNOW! in human readable format (this was statically coded and will become outdated!)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Show-AutomateNOWTaskType.
    An array of PSCustomObjects
    Show-AutomateNOWTaskType | Select-String -Pattern "PowerShell"
    This is a stand-alone function which does not require connectivity to the AutomateNOW! console
    There are no parameters yet for this function

    [PSCustomObject]$TaskTypesJson = '[{"processingType":"TASK","id":"TASK","name":"Task","icon":"skin/service.png","folder":true},{"folder":true,"id":"CODE","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"Code","parent":"TASK"},{"id":"FILE_PROCESSING","name":"File Processing","icon":"skin/drive-network.png","folder":true,"processingType":"TASK","parent":"TASK"},{"folder":true,"id":"SQL","icon":"skin/database-sql.png","name":"SQL Database","parent":"TASK"},{"folder":true,"id":"NO_SQL","icon":"skin/database-gear.png","name":"NoSQL Database","parent":"TASK"},{"folder":true,"id":"MESSAGE_QUEUE","icon":"skin/queue.png","name":"Message Queue","parent":"TASK"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SH","id":"SH","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"Shell Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"AE_SHELL_SCRIPT","id":"AE_SHELL_SCRIPT","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"AE Shell Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PYTHON","id":"PYTHON","icon":"skin/python.png","name":"Python Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PERL","id":"PERL","icon":"skin/perl.png","name":"Perl Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"RUBY","id":"RUBY","icon":"skin/ruby.png","name":"Ruby Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"GROOVY","id":"GROOVY","icon":"skin/groovy.png","name":"Groovy Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"POWERSHELL","id":"POWERSHELL","icon":"skin/powershell.png","name":"PowerShell Task","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"JAVA","taskType":"JAVA","name":"Java Task","icon":"skin/java.png","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"SCALA","taskType":"SCALA","name":"Scala 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state","icon":"skin/clock--pencil.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"SET_TIME_WINDOW_STATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"SET_STOCK_TOTAL_PERMITS","name":"Set stock total permits","icon":"skin/stock--pencil.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"SET_STOCK_TOTAL_PERMITS"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"SET_VARIABLE_VALUE","name":"Set variable","icon":"skin/pi_math--pencil.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"SET_VARIABLE_VALUE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"SET_PHYSICAL_RESOURCE","name":"Set physical resource","icon":"skin/memory.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"SET_PHYSICAL_RESOURCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"SET_METRIC","name":"Set metric","icon":"skin/gauge.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"SET_METRIC"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"TRIGGER_EVENT","name":"Trigger Event","icon":"skin/arrow-out.png","parent":"SET_RESOURCE","taskType":"TRIGGER_EVENT"},{"folder":true,"id":"CHECK_RESOURCE","icon":"skin/traffic-light--check.png","name":"Check Resource","parent":"RESOURCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_SEMAPHORE_STATE","name":"Check semaphore state","icon":"skin/traffic-light--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_SEMAPHORE_STATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_TIME_WINDOW_STATE","name":"Check time window state","icon":"skin/clock--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_TIME_WINDOW_STATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_STOCK_AVAILABLE_PERMITS","name":"Check stock available permits","icon":"skin/stock--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_STOCK_AVAILABLE_PERMITS"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_CALENDAR","name":"Check calendar","icon":"skin/date_control.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_CALENDAR"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_STOCK_TOTAL_PERMITS","name":"Check stock total permits","icon":"skin/stock-total--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_STOCK_TOTAL_PERMITS"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_LOCK_STATE","name":"Check lock state","icon":"skin/lock--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_LOCK_STATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_VARIABLE_VALUE","name":"Check variable value","icon":"skin/pi_math--check.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_VARIABLE_VALUE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_PHYSICAL_RESOURCE","name":"Check physical resource","icon":"skin/memory.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_PHYSICAL_RESOURCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"CHECK_METRIC","name":"Check metric","icon":"skin/gauge.png","parent":"CHECK_RESOURCE","taskType":"CHECK_METRIC"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"RESOURCE_ADD_TAG","id":"RESOURCE_ADD_TAG","icon":"skin/price_tag_plus.png","name":"Resource Add Tag","parent":"RESOURCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"RESOURCE_REMOVE_TAG","id":"RESOURCE_REMOVE_TAG","icon":"skin/price_tag_minus.png","name":"Resource Remove Tag","parent":"RESOURCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"RESOURCE_SET_FOLDER","id":"RESOURCE_SET_FOLDER","icon":"skin/folder.png","name":"Set Resource Folder","parent":"RESOURCE"},{"folder":true,"id":"SERVER_NODE","icon":"skin/servers.png","name":"Server Node","parent":"INTERNAL"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_HOLD","id":"SERVER_NODE_HOLD","icon":"skin/hold.png","name":"Server Node Hold","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_RESUME","id":"SERVER_NODE_RESUME","icon":"skin/resume.png","name":"Server Node Resume","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_SKIP_ON","id":"SERVER_NODE_SKIP_ON","icon":"skin/passByOn.png","name":"Server Node Skip On","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_SKIP_OFF","id":"SERVER_NODE_SKIP_OFF","icon":"skin/passByOff.png","name":"Server Node Skip Off","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_ABORT_ALL","id":"SERVER_NODE_ABORT_ALL","icon":"skin/kill.png","name":"Server Node Abort All","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_KILL_ALL","id":"SERVER_NODE_KILL_ALL","icon":"skin/kill.png","name":"Server Node Kill All","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_STOP","id":"SERVER_NODE_STOP","icon":"skin/stop.png","name":"Server Node Stop","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_ADD_TAG","id":"SERVER_NODE_ADD_TAG","icon":"skin/price_tag_plus.png","name":"Server Node Add Tag","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_REMOVE_TAG","id":"SERVER_NODE_REMOVE_TAG","icon":"skin/price_tag_minus.png","name":"Server Node Remove Tag","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_SET_FOLDER","id":"SERVER_NODE_SET_FOLDER","icon":"skin/folder.png","name":"Server Node Set Folder","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"SERVER_NODE_SET_TOTAL_WEIGHT_CAPACITY","id":"SERVER_NODE_SET_TOTAL_WEIGHT_CAPACITY","icon":"skin/folder.png","name":"Server Node Set Capacity","parent":"SERVER_NODE"},{"folder":true,"id":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE","icon":"skin/clock.png","name":"Processing Template","parent":"INTERNAL"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_HOLD","id":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_HOLD","icon":"skin/hold.png","name":"Processing Template Hold","parent":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_RESUME","id":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_RESUME","icon":"skin/resume.png","name":"Processing Template Resume","parent":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_SKIP_ON","id":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_SKIP_ON","icon":"skin/passByOn.png","name":"Processing Template Skip On","parent":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_SKIP_OFF","id":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_SKIP_OFF","icon":"skin/passByOff.png","name":"Processing Template Skip Off","parent":"PROCESSING_TEMPLATE"},{"folder":true,"id":"MAINTENANCE","icon":"skin/gear.png","name":"Maintenance","parent":"INTERNAL"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"ARCHIVE_INTERVAL","id":"ARCHIVE_INTERVAL","icon":"skin/archive.png","name":"Archive old processing items","parent":"MAINTENANCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"ARCHIVE_CLEANUP","id":"ARCHIVE_CLEANUP","icon":"skin/archive.png","name":"Archive cleanup","parent":"MAINTENANCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"RECALCULATE_STATISTICS","id":"RECALCULATE_STATISTICS","icon":"skin/calculator.png","name":"Recalculate Statistic","parent":"MAINTENANCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"DESIGN_BACKUP","id":"DESIGN_BACKUP","icon":"skin/drive-download.png","name":"Design Backup","parent":"MAINTENANCE"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"DESIGN_IMPORT","id":"DESIGN_IMPORT","icon":"skin/drive-download.png","name":"Design Import","parent":"MAINTENANCE"},{"folder":true,"id":"OTHER","icon":"skin/alarm.png","name":"Other","parent":"INTERNAL"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"WAIT","id":"WAIT","icon":"skin/alarm.png","name":"Wait","parent":"OTHER"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"CHECK_TIME","id":"CHECK_TIME","icon":"skin/clock.png","name":"Check Time","parent":"OTHER"},{"id":"USER_TASKS","name":"User","icon":"skin/user.png","parent":"INTERNAL","folder":true},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"USER_CONFIRM","id":"USER_CONFIRM","icon":"skin/thumbUp.png","name":"User confirmation","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"USER_INPUT","id":"USER_INPUT","icon":"skin/pencil.png","name":"User input","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"NOTIFY_GROUP","id":"NOTIFY_GROUP","icon":"skin/users.png","name":"Notify Group","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"NOTIFY_CHANNEL","id":"NOTIFY_CHANNEL","icon":"skin/mail_server_exim.png","name":"Notify Channel","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"NOTIFY_EMAIL","id":"NOTIFY_EMAIL","icon":"skin/mail.png","name":"Notify Email","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"ADHOC_REPORT_SEND","id":"ADHOC_REPORT_SEND","icon":"skin/table.png","name":"Adhoc Report Send","parent":"USER_TASKS"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"AE","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"AE","parent":"INTERNAL","folder":true},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"AE_SCRIPT","id":"AE_SCRIPT","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"AE Script","parent":"AE"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","id":"WORKFLOW","name":"Workflow","icon":"skin/diagram.png","folder":true},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"STANDARD","id":"STANDARD","icon":"skin/diagram.png","name":"Workflow","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"BROADCAST","id":"BROADCAST","icon":"skin/rss.png","name":"Broadcast","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"FOR_EACH","id":"FOR_EACH","icon":"skin/ordered_list.png","name":"For Each","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"SWITCH","id":"SWITCH","icon":"skin/switch.png","name":"Switch","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"CYCLE","id":"CYCLE","icon":"skin/cycle.png","name":"Cycle","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"TIME_SERIES","id":"TIME_SERIES","icon":"skin/ui-paginator.png","name":"Time Series","parent":"WORKFLOW"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SENSOR","sensorType":"FILE_SENSOR","id":"FILE_SENSOR","icon":"skin/fileWatcher.png","name":"File Sensor","parent":"FILE_PROCESSING"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SENSOR","sensorType":"JIRA_ISSUE_SENSOR","id":"JIRA_ISSUE_SENSOR","icon":"skin/jira.png","name":"Jira Issue Sensor","parent":"JIRA"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"JIRA_ADD_ISSUE","parent":"JIRA","icon":"skin/jira.png","name":"Jira Add Issue","taskType":"JIRA_ADD_ISSUE"},{"id":"RPA","icon":"skin/robot.png","name":"Robotic Process Automation","parent":"TASK","folder":true},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"UI_PATH","icon":"skin/uipath.ico","name":"UiPath","parent":"RPA","taskType":"UI_PATH"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"BLUE_PRISM","icon":"skin/blueprism.ico","name":"Blue Prism","parent":"RPA","taskType":"BLUE_PRISM"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_START_ROBOT","icon":"skin/robotFramework.png","name":"Robot Framework Start Robot","parent":"RPA","taskType":"ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_START_ROBOT"},{"id":"BI","icon":"skin/table_chart.png","name":"Business Intelligence","parent":"TASK","folder":true},{"id":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI","icon":"skin/table_chart.png","name":"Microsoft Power BI","parent":"BI","folder":true},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI_DATASET_REFRESH","icon":"skin/powerBi.ico","name":"Microsoft Power BI Refresh Data Set","parent":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI","taskType":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI_DATASET_REFRESH"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI_DATAFLOW_REFRESH","icon":"skin/powerBi.ico","name":"Microsoft Power BI Refresh Data Flow","parent":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI","taskType":"MICROSOFT_POWER_BI_DATAFLOW_REFRESH"},{"id":"INSTANT_MESSAGING","name":"Instant Messaging","icon":"skin/comment_edit.png","parent":"TASK","folder":true},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"TELEGRAM_MESSAGE","icon":"skin/telegram.png","name":"Telegram Message","parent":"INSTANT_MESSAGING","taskType":"TELEGRAM_MESSAGE"},{"processingType":"TASK","id":"WHATSAPP_MESSAGE","icon":"skin/whatsapp.png","name":"WhatsApp Message","parent":"INSTANT_MESSAGING","taskType":"WHATSAPP_MESSAGE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SENSOR","sensorType":"SQL_SENSOR","id":"SQL_SENSOR","icon":"skin/database-sql.png","name":"SQL Sensor","parent":"SQL"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SENSOR","sensorType":"Z_OS_JES_JOB_SENSOR","id":"Z_OS_JES_JOB_SENSOR","icon":"skin/zos.png","name":"z/OS JES Job Sensor","parent":"Z_OS"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"SH_MONITOR","id":"SH_MONITOR","icon":"skin/terminal.gif","name":"Shell Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"PYTHON_MONITOR","id":"PYTHON_MONITOR","icon":"skin/python.png","name":"Python Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"PERL_MONITOR","id":"PERL_MONITOR","icon":"skin/perl.png","name":"Perl Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"RUBY_MONITOR","id":"RUBY_MONITOR","icon":"skin/ruby.png","name":"Ruby Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"GROOVY_MONITOR","id":"GROOVY_MONITOR","icon":"skin/groovy.png","name":"Groovy Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"POWERSHELL_MONITOR","id":"POWERSHELL_MONITOR","icon":"skin/powershell.png","name":"PowerShell Monitor","parent":"CODE"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"HTTP_MONITOR","id":"HTTP_MONITOR","icon":"skin/http.png","name":"HTTP Monitor","parent":"WEB"},{"folder":true,"id":"OPERATING_SYSTEM_MONITOR","icon":"skin/system-monitor.png","name":"OS Monitors","parent":"TASK"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"SYSTEM_MONITOR","id":"SYSTEM_MONITOR","icon":"skin/memory.png","name":"System Monitor","parent":"OPERATING_SYSTEM_MONITOR"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"SYSTEM_PROCESS_MONITOR","id":"SYSTEM_PROCESS_MONITOR","icon":"skin/system-monitor.png","name":"System Process Monitor","parent":"OPERATING_SYSTEM_MONITOR"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"SAP_R3_JOB_MONITOR","id":"SAP_R3_JOB_MONITOR","icon":"skin/sap.png","name":"SAP R/3 Job Monitor","parent":"SAP_R3_JOBS"},{"id":"SLA","title":"Service Manager","name":"Service Manager","icon":"skin/traffic-light.png","folder":true},{"id":"BUSINESS_VIEW","title":"Business View","icon":"skin/chart_organisation.png","processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SERVICE_MANAGER","serviceManagerType":"BUSINESS_VIEW","name":"Business View"},{"id":"SLA_SERVICE_MANAGER","title":"Service Level Agreement","icon":"skin/traffic-light.png","processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"SERVICE_MANAGER","serviceManagerType":"SLA_SERVICE_MANAGER","name":"Service Level Agreement","parent":"SLA"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"PROCESSING_BASELINE_DEVIATION_MONITOR","id":"PROCESSING_BASELINE_DEVIATION_MONITOR","icon":"skin/chart_down_color.png","name":"Baseline Deviation Monitor","parent":"PROCESSING"},{"processingType":"SERVICE","serviceType":"MONITOR","monitorType":"PROCESSING_DEADLINE_MONITOR","id":"PROCESSING_DEADLINE_MONITOR","icon":"skin/chart_stock.png","name":"Processing Deadline Monitor","parent":"SLA"},{"processingType":"TRIGGER","id":"TRIGGER","name":"Trigger","icon":"skin/arrow-out.png","folder":true},{"processingType":"TRIGGER","triggerType":"SCHEDULE","id":"SCHEDULE","icon":"skin/clock.png","name":"Time Schedule","parent":"TRIGGER"},{"processingType":"TRIGGER","triggerType":"USER","id":"USER","icon":"skin/user.png","name":"User","parent":"TRIGGER"},{"processingType":"TRIGGER","triggerType":"EVENT","id":"EVENT","icon":"skin/arrow-out.png","name":"Event Schedule","parent":"TRIGGER"},{"processingType":"TRIGGER","triggerType":"SELF_SERVICE","id":"SELF_SERVICE","icon":"skin/user.png","name":"Self Service","parent":"TRIGGER"},{"parent":"NONEXISTING_ITEM_TO_HIDE_FROM_VIEW","processingType":"TASK","taskType":"TRIGGER_ITEM","id":"TRIGGER_ITEM","name":"Trigger Item","icon":"skin/exe.png","inactive":true},{"processingType":"TASK","taskType":"PROCESSING_OBSERVER","id":"PROCESSING_OBSERVER","icon":"skin/emotion_eye.png","name":"Processing Observer","parent":"NONEXISTING_ITEM_TO_HIDE_FROM_VIEW","inactive":true}]' | ConvertFrom-Json
    [array]$TaskTypesArray = $TaskTypesJson | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Parent = $_.parent; Id = $; Name = $; } }
    Return $TaskTypesArray


#Region - TimeTriggers

Function Get-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger {
    Exports the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object. Use Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate to get this object.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects either individually or from the pipeline.
    An array of one or more [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] class objects that are linked to the provided [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object
    Get-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger | Get-AutomateNOWTimeTrigger
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [string]$sortBy = 'dateCreated',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($_.Id.Length -gt 0) {
            $ScheduleTemplate = $_
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        [string]$ScheduleTemplate_id = $
        [string]$command = '/processingTimeTrigger/read?'
        $Body.Add('operator', 'and')
        $Body.Add('_constructor', 'AdvancedCriteria')
        $Body.Add('criteria', '{"fieldName":"processingTemplate","operator":"equals","value":"' + $ScheduleTemplate_id + '"}')
        $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $Body.Add('_operationType', 'fetch')
        If ($Descending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        If ($All -eq $true) {
            $Body.Add('_startRow', 0)
            $Body.Add('_endRow', 50000)
        Else {
            $Body.Add('_startRow', $startRow)
            $Body.Add('_endRow', $endRow)
        $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ($command + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        [int32]$ProcessingTimeTriggersCount = $
        If ($ProcessingTimeTriggersCount -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger[]]$ProcessingTimeTriggers = ForEach ($result in $ {
                    If ($result.timeZone.Length -gt 0) {
                        [string]$trigger_timezone = $result.timeZone
                        [ANOWTimeZone]$timezone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id $trigger_timezone
                        $result.timeZone = $timezone
                    $result.processingTemplate = $ScheduleTemplate
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] objects due to [$Message]."
            Return $ProcessingTimeTriggers
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "There no Processing Time Triggers in ScheduleTemplate ($ScheduleTemplate_id)"
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger {
    Exports the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER ProcessingTimeTrigger
    Mandatory [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWScheduleTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] objects related to the Schedule Template are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Exports all of the Processing Time Triggers from a Schedule Template to .csv
    Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate -Id 'ScheduleTemplate1' | Get-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger | Export-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = "Export-AutomateNOW-ProcessingTimeTriggers-" + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
        [array]$ProcessingTimeTriggers = @()
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            $ProcessingTimeTrigger = $_ # do not hard type this variable
        $ProcessingTimeTriggers += $ProcessingTimeTrigger
    End {
        Try {
            $ProcessingTimeTriggers | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] object(s) due to [$Message]"
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Add-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger {
    Adds a Processing TimeTrigger to a Schedule Template within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Adds a Processing TimeTrigger to a Schedule Template within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWTimeTrigger]
    .PARAMETER ScheduleTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWScheduleTemplate] object. Use Get-AutomateNOWSchedule Template to get this object.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    Accepts an [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] object from the -ProcessingTimeTrigger parameter or the pipeline
    A verbose message indicating that the operation was successful
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE')]
        [ValidateScript({ (Test-Path -Path $_.FullName) -eq $true })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE')]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$cr = "`r`n"
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    [string]$DataSource_Id = $DataSource.Id
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    If ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_DICTIONARY') {
        If ($value.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -value parameter with LOCAL_DICTIONARY type"
        ElseIf ($displayValue.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -displayValue parameter with LOCAL_DICTIONARY type"
        [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWTimeTrigger -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($value -in $current_items.value) {
            Write-Warning -Message "An item with the value of [$value] already exists in this dictionary. Please note that every value in the dictionary must be unique (the displayValue does not need to be unique)"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        [string]$command = '/localDictionaryRecord/create'
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord]$ANOWTimeTrigger = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.value = $value
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.displayValue = $displayValue
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTimeTrigger -IncludeProperties value, displayValue
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalDictionaryRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalDictionaryRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE') {
        If ($key.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -key parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        ElseIf ($value.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -value parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWTimeTrigger -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($value -in $current_items.value) {
            Write-Warning -Message "An item with the value of [$value] already exists in this dictionary. Please note that every value in the dictionary must be unique (the displayValue does not need to be unique)"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        [string]$command = '/localKeyValueStoreRecord/create'
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord]$ANOWTimeTrigger = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.key = $key
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.value = $value
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTimeTrigger -IncludeProperties key, value
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalKeyValueStoreRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_FILE_STORE') {
        If ($file_id.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -file_id parameter with LOCAL_KEY_VALUE_STORE type"
        [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWTimeTrigger -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($file_id -in $current_items.key) {
            Write-Warning -Message "A file with the [$file_id] already exists in this local file store. Please note that every file_id in a local file store must be unique (the contents do not need to be unique)"
        [hashtable]$get_file_parameters = @{}
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Encoding', 'Byte')
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Raw', $true)
        Else {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('AsByteStream', $true)
        [string]$binary_file_fullname = $binary_file.fullname
        $get_file_parameters.Add('Path', "$binary_file_fullname")
        Try {
            [byte[]]$file_bytes = Get-Content @get_file_parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Content failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        [string]$object_id = $
        [string]$uploaded_filename = $
        [string]$boundary_string = New-WebkitBoundaryString
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$form_prefix = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"id`"" + $cr + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"key`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"masterDataSource`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"uploadWindow`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"access_token`"" + $cr)
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"file`"; filename=`"$uploaded_filename`"")
        [void]$form_prefix.Add("Content-Type: $mime_type" + $cr + $cr)
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$form_suffix = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        [void]$form_suffix.Add($cr + "------WebKitFormBoundary$boundary_string--" + $cr)
        [string]$body_prefix = $form_prefix -join $cr
        [string]$body_suffix = $form_suffix -join ''
        [byte[]]$body_prefix_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_prefix)
        [byte[]]$body_suffix_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_suffix)
        [byte[]]$body = $body_prefix_bytes + $file_bytes + $body_suffix_bytes
        [int32]$content_length = $body.count
        [string]$domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        [string]$command = "/localFileStoreRecord/uploadFile?domain=$domain"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary$boundary_string")
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord]$ANOWTimeTrigger = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.key = $file_id
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTimeTrigger -IncludeProperties key
        $parameters.Add('BinaryBody', $Body)
        $parameters.Add('Headers', [hashtable]@{"Content-Length" = $content_length; "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" = 1; }) # is this header really needed?
    ElseIf ($Type -eq 'LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE') {
        If ($file_id.length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please include the -file_id parameter with LOCAL_TEXT_FILE_STORE type"
        If ($mime_type -notmatch '^[a-z-]{1,}\/[a-z0-9-.+]{1,}$') {
            Write-Warning -Message "[$mime_type] does not appear to be a valid mime type. Please, check the mime type or contact the author of this script if there is a mistake."
        [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord[]]$current_items = Get-AutomateNOWTimeTrigger -DataSource $DataSource
        If ($file_id -in $current_items.key) {
            Write-Warning -Message "A file with the id [$file_id] already exists in this local file store. Please note that every file_id in a local file store must be unique (the contents do not need to be unique)"
        [hashtable]$get_file_parameters = @{}
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Encoding', 'Byte')
            $get_file_parameters.Add('Raw', $true)
        Else {
            $get_file_parameters.Add('AsByteStream', $true)
        [string]$text_file_fullname = $text_file.fullname
        $get_file_parameters.Add('Path', "$text_file_fullname")
        Try {
            [byte[]]$file_bytes = Get-Content @get_file_parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-Content failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        [string]$object_id = $
        [string]$uploaded_filename = $
        If ((($file_bytes | Sort-Object -Unique) | ForEach-Object { $_ -eq 10 -or $_ -eq 13 -or ( $_ -ge 32 -and $_ -le 126) }) -contains $false) {
            [string]$mime_type = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'
        Else {
            [string]$mime_type = 'text/plain'
        [int32]$content_length = $file_bytes.count
        [string]$domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        [string]$command = "/localTextFileStoreRecord/create"
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
        Try {
            [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord]$ANOWTimeTrigger = New-Object -TypeName ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "New-Object failed to create the object of type [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord] due to [$Message]."
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.key = $file_id
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.fileName = $uploaded_filename
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.mimeType = $mime_type
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.size = $content_length
        [string]$content = [char[]]$file_bytes -join ''
        [string]$formatted_content = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($content)
        $ANOWTimeTrigger.content = $formatted_content
        [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWTimeTrigger -IncludeProperties key, fileName, mimeType, size, content
        $BodyMetaData.'masterDataSource' = "$DataSource_Id"
        $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordEditForm'
        $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'LocalTextFileStoreRecordDataSource'
        $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
        $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
        $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to determine TimeTrigger type!"
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    [string]$TimeTrigger_Id = $
    If ($TimeTrigger_Id -match '[0-9a-z]{8}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{12}') {
        Write-Information -Message "Item $file_id was successfully added to $DataSource_Id."
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "After trying to add item $file_id was to Data Source [$DataSource_Id], an empty response was received. Please look into this."
    Try {
        Switch ($Type) {
            LOCAL_DICTIONARY {
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalDictionaryRecord]$TimeTrigger = $current_result
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalKeyValueStoreRecord]$TimeTrigger = $current_result
            LOCAL_FILE_STORE {
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalFileStoreRecord]$TimeTrigger = $current_result
                [PSCustomObject]$current_result = $[0]
                $current_result.masterDataSource = $DataSource
                [ANOWLocalTextFileStoreRecord]$TimeTrigger = $current_result
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWTimeTrigger] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWTimeTrigger] TimeTrigger is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $TimeTrigger

Function Remove-AutomateNOWProcessingTimeTrigger {
    Removes the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Removes the Processing TimeTriggers within a Schedule Template from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    .PARAMETER ProcessingTimeTrigger
    An [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger] object representing the TimeTrigger to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWTimeTrigger] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTimeTrigger/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [ANOWProcessingTimeTrigger]$ProcessingTimeTrigger = $_
            [string]$ProcessingTimeTrigger_id = $
            [string]$oldvalues = $ProcessingTimeTrigger.CreateOldValues()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $ProcessingTimeTrigger_id
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'remove'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $oldvalues
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTimeTriggerList'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTimeTriggerDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters["Body"]) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$ProcessingTimeTrigger_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Processing TimeTrigger $ProcessingTimeTrigger_id was successfully removed"
    End {



#Region - TimeZones

Function Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone {
    Gets all of the supported time zones from the global session variable
    The `Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone` gets all of the supported time zones from the global session variable
    `Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone` accepts a timezone ID's from the pipeline
    An array of [ANOWTimeZone] objects
    Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id 'Pacific/Honolulu'
    @( 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Midway' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone
    Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone | Where-Object {$ -match 'Greenwich' }
    You must use Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone to fill up the global session variable with the supported timezones.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z/+-]{1,}$' })]
    Begin {
        [int32]$supported_timezone_count = $anow_session.supported_timezones.count
        If ($supported_timezone_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please use Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone to import the supported timezones into your global session variable"
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "returning $supported_timezone_count timezone objects."
    Process {
        If ($Id.Length -eq 0) {
            [ANOWTimeZone[]]$Result = $anow_session.supported_timezones
        Else {
            [ANOWTimeZone]$Result = $anow_session.supported_timezones | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } | Select-Object -First 1
        Return $Result

Function Export-AutomateNOWTimeZone {
    Exports the timezones from the global session variable
    Exports the timezones from the global session variable to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Timezone
    Optional [ANOWTimezone] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWTimezone to retrieve them)
    Optional string representing the Id of the timezone (e.g. Americas/New York)
    [ANOWTimeZone] objects from the pipeline are accepted or you can specify the name (id) of the timezone (see Examples below).
    The [ANOWTimeZone] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone | Export-AutomateNOWTimeZone
    Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id 'Pacific/Honolulu' | Export-AutomateNOWtimeZone
    @( 'Pacific/Honolulu', 'Pacific/Midway' ) | Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone | Export-AutomateNOWTimeZone
    Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone | Where-Object {$ -match 'Greenwich' } | Export-AutomateNOWTimeZone

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z/+-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Individual')]
    Begin {
        [int32]$supported_timezone_count = $anow_session.supported_timezones.count
        If ($supported_timezone_count -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Please use Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone to import the supported timezones into your global session variable"
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting $supported_timezone_count timezone objects."
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-TimeZones-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($All -eq $true) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTimeZone[]]$ANOWTimeZones = $anow_session.supported_timezones
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extract the [ANOWTimeZone] objects due to [$Message]"
            Try {
                $ANOWTimeZones | Export-CSV @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTimeZone] objects due to [$Message]"
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            If ($null -eq $parameters.'Append') {
                $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
            [string]$current_timezone_id = $
            [ANOWTimeZone]$ANOWTimeZone = $anow_session.supported_timezones | Where-Object { $ -eq $current_timezone_id } | Select-Object -First 1
            Try {
                $ANOWTimeZone | Export-CSV @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTimeZone] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
        ElseIf ($Id.length -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$ANOWTimeZone = $anow_session.supported_timezones | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id }
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to extracted the named timezone due to [$Message]. Did you enter a valid Id?"
            Try {
                $ANOWTimeZone | Export-CSV @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWTimeZone] objects due to [$Message]"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-AutomateNOWTimeZone was somehow unable to process the input"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone {
    Imports all of the supported time zones from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    The `Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone` imports all of the supported time zones from an instance of AutomateNOW! into the existing global session variable.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone.
    There is no direct output as the timezone objects are loaded into the existing global session variable.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    There are no parameters for Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone.

    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [string]$command = '/home/readTimeZones'
    $BodyObject = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
    $BodyObject.Add('_operationType', 'fetch')
    $BodyObject.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
    $BodyObject.Add('_componentId', 'cacheAllData')
    $BodyObject.Add('_dataSource', 'TimeZoneDataSource')
    $BodyObject.Add('_operationId', 'TimeZoneDataSource_fetch')
    $BodyObject.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
    $BodyObject.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
    [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyObject
    [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Instance', $Instance)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
    [ANOWTimezone[]]$TimeZones = $
    [int32]$TimeZones_count = $TimeZones.Count
    If ($TimeZones_count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there are 0 time zones..."
    If ($null -eq $anow_session.supported_timezones) {
        $anow_session.Add('supported_timezones', $TimeZones)
    Else {
        $anow_session.supported_timezones = $TimeZones
    Write-Verbose -Message "Imported [$TimeZones_count] time zones into the current session"

Function Import-AutomateNOWLocalTimeZone {
    Imports all of the supported time zones from a local file
    Imports all of the supported time zones from a local file
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone.
    There is no direct output as the timezone objects are loaded into the existing global session variable.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    There are no parameters for Import-AutomateNOWTimeZone.
    This function is intended for use when the end-user needs to use Connect-AutomateNOW without a -Domain parameter before they know what their available domains are.

    [string]$LocalTimezoneFile = ($PSScriptRoot + '\timezones.txt')
    If ((Test-Path -Path "$LocalTimezoneFile") -eq $false) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The timezones.txt file is not available!"
    Try {
        [ANOWTimezone[]]$TimeZones = Get-Content -Path "$LocalTimezoneFile" | ConvertFrom-Json
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Unable to read the local time zones file [$LocalTimezoneFile] due to [$Message]"
    If ($null -eq $anow_session) {
        Write-Warning -Message "You must already have an established session before trying to import the local timezone file."
    If ($null -eq $anow_session.supported_timezones) {
        $anow_session.Add('supported_timezones', $TimeZones)
    Else {
        $anow_session.supported_timezones = $TimeZones
    Write-Verbose -Message "Imported [$TimeZones_count] timezones into the current session"


#Region - Users

Function Get-AutomateNOWUser {
    Gets the details of a user from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Gets the details of a user from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    String parameter to specify the name or Id of the user. This is case-sensitive! If you do not know the username, you can try using the -LoggedOnUser parameter instead.
    .PARAMETER LoggedOnUser
    Switch parameter which skips entering the Id of the user. This is intended for use during the initial logon.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100.
    You may pipe strings representing the Id of the user.
    1 or more [ANOWUser] objects or 1 [ANOWUserInfo] object
    Gets a single user object
    Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id 'username'
    Gets the logged on userinfo object
    Get-AutomateNOWUser -LoggedOnUser
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Get-AutomateNOWUser DOES NOT refresh the token automatically. This is because it is used during the authentication process.
    The startRow and endRow parameters may only be used when retrieving all users.
    ONLY ADMINS CAN GET ALL USERS! You will get unauthorized error otherwise.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllUsers')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SpecificUser')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'LoggedOnUser')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AllUsers')]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AllUsers')]
        [int32]$endRow = 100
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -IgnoreEmptyDomain -Quiet -DoNotRefresh) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$Instance = $anow_session.Instance
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        If ($LoggedOnUser -eq $true) {
            [string]$command = '/secUser/getUserInfo'
            $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        Else {
            [string]$command = '/secUser/read'
            $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        If ($endRow -lt $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater then the startRow"
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        $parameters.Add('Instance', $Instance)
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($LoggedOnUser -ne $true) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$id = $_
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($id.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $id )
                [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exactCase'
                $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'read')
            Else {
                [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
                $BodyMetaData.Add('_componentId', 'SecUserList')
                $BodyMetaData.Add('_startRow', $startRow)
                $BodyMetaData.Add('_endRow', $endRow)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'fetch')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', $textMatchStyle)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'SecUserDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        If ($LoggedOnUser -ne $True) {
            [ANOWUser[]]$Users = ForEach ($User in $ {
                [string]$User_Id = $User.Id
                If ($null -eq $User.defaultTimeZone) {
                    [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = $anow_session.server_timezone
                Else {
                    [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id ($User.defaultTimeZone)
                If ($Null -eq $User.defaultTimeZone) {
                    $User | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name defaultTimeZone -Value $defaultTimeZone
                Else {
                    $User.defaultTimeZone = $defaultTimeZone
                [ANOWSecurityRole[]]$secRoles2 = ForEach ($secRole in $User.secRoles) {
                    [ANOWDomainRole[]]$domain_roles = $secRole.domainRoles
                    If ($User_Id -ne 'Administrator') {
                        $secRole.domainRoles = $domain_roles
                $User.secRoles = $secRoles2
                [ANOWUser]$FormattedUser = New-Object -TypeName ANOWUser
                # Note: I'm not sure why routine this was needed
                Try {
                    ForEach ($Property in ($FormattedUser | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) {
                        If ($null -eq $User.$Property) {
                            If ($Property -in @('lastAccountExpired')) {
                                $FormattedUser.$Property = Get-Date -Date '1970-01-01'
                        Else {
                            $FormattedUser.$Property = $User.$Property
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the returned [ANOWUser] object from response data for [$User_id] under Get-AutomateNOWUser due to [$Message]."
                If ($FormattedUser -is [ANOWUser]) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "User $User_id was successfully updated"
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the modified [ANOWUser] object under Get-AutomateNOWUser in invalid!"
            If ($Users.Count -gt 0) {
                Return $Users
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there were 0 users returned, this cannot be correct"
        Else {
            [string]$id = $
            If ($null -ne $results.defaultTimeZone) {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id ($results.defaultTimeZone)
            Else {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = $anow_session.server_timezone
            $results.'defaultTimeZone' = $defaultTimeZone
            $results.'secRoles' = @()
            If ($LoggedOnUser -eq $true) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWUserInfo]$ANOWUserInfo = $results
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the returned [ANOWUserInfo] object from direct data for [$id] due to [$Message]."
                If ($ -gt 0) {
                    Return $ANOWUserInfo
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the [ANOWUser] object appears to be empty"
            Else {
                Try {
                    [ANOWUser]$ANOWUser = $results
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the returned [ANOWUser] object from direct data for [$id] due to [$Message]."
                If ($ -gt 0) {
                    Return $ANOWUser
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the [ANOWUser] object appears to be empty"
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWUser {
    Changes the settings of a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWUser] object representing the User to be changed.
    .PARAMETER skinThemeType
    A string representing the theme. Valid choice are: LIGHT, GRAY, DARK, CONTRAST_ULTRA
    .PARAMETER skinDensityType
    A string representing the theme. Valid choice are: DENSE, COMPACT, STANDARD, EXPANDED, SPACIOUS
    .PARAMETER admin
    A boolean parameter representing administrative privileges. Use this with caution!
    .PARAMETER ResetDefaultTimeZone
    Switch parameter that will blank out the user accounts default timezone.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the extraneous output that this outputs by default
    ONLY [ANOWUser] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The updated [ANOWUser] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id 'user01' | Set-AutomateNOWUser -skinTheme 'DARK'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    There's at least 2 missing properties: Admin, OAuth_clientid
    This function does not support any roles. It is only to be used for the basic user properties.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[\w\.-]+@[a-zA-Z\d\.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Enter a valid email address')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[\d]{0,255}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Enter numbers only')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set this to true to promote the user to full admin privileges')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/secUser/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$User_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$User_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$User_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWUser]$User = Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id $User_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWUser failed to check if the User [$User_id] already existed under Set-AutomateNOWUser due to [$Message]."
            [boolean]$User_exists = ($User.Id.Length -gt 0)
            If ($User_exists -eq $false) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a User named [$User_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [boolean]$account_has_changed = $false
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $
            If ($FirstName.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'firstName' = $FirstName
                $BodyMetaData.'firstLastName' = ($FirstName + ' ' + $User.LastName)
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($LastName.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'lastName' = $LastName
                $BodyMetaData.'firstLastName' = ($User.FirstName + ' ' + $LastName)
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($FirstName.Length -gt 0 -and $LastName.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'firstLastName' = ($FirstName + ' ' + $LastName)
            If ($Department.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'department' = $Department
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($Location.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'location' = $Location
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($Email.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'email' = $Email
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($PhoneNumber.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'phone' = $PhoneNumber
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($null -ne $AccountValidUntil) {
                $BodyMetaData.'accountValidUntil' = Get-Date -Date $AccountValidUntil -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true

            If ($null -ne $DefaultTimeZone) {
                $BodyMetaData.'defaultTimeZone' = ($DefaultTimeZone.Id)
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($ResetDefaultTimeZone -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'defaultTimeZone' = ''
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true

            If ($skinThemetype.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'skinThemeType' = $skinThemeType
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($skinThemetype.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'skinDensityType' = $skinDensityType
                [boolean]$account_has_changed = $true
            If ($account_has_changed -eq $false) {
                Write-Warning -Message "There must be at least 1 change to use Set-AutomateNOWUser"
            $BodyMetaData.'createdBy' = $User.createdBy
            $BodyMetaData.'lastAccountExpired' = $User.lastAccountExpired
            $BodyMetaData.'languageCode' = $User.languageCode
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $User.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'SecUserEditForm'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'SecUserDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$User_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            [PSCustomObject]$results_response_data = $
            If ($null -eq $results_response_data.defaultTimeZone) {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = $anow_session.server_timezone
            Else {
                [ANOWTimeZone]$defaultTimeZone = Get-AutomateNOWTimeZone -Id ($results_response_data.defaultTimeZone)
                [PSCustomObject]$results_response_data = $results_response_data | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty defaultTimeZone
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results_response_data | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name defaultTimeZone -Value $defaultTimeZone
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Add-Member failed to add the defaultTimeZone member under Set-AutomateNOWUser due to [$Message]."
            [ANOWUser]$ModifiedUser = New-Object -TypeName ANOWUser
            # Note: I'm not sure why routine this was needed
            Try {
                ForEach ($Property in ($ModifiedUser | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) {
                    $ModifiedUser.$Property = $results_response_data.$Property
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to convert the returned [ANOWUser] object from response data for [$User_id] under Set-AutomateNOWUser due to [$Message]."
            If ($ModifiedUser -is [ANOWUser]) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "User $User_id was successfully updated"
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the modified [ANOWUser] object in invalid!"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $ModifiedUser
    End {

Function Copy-AutomateNOWUser {
    Copies an User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies an User from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    Mandatory [ANOWUser] object to be copied.
    The name (Id) of the new User. The new Id must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    ONLY [ANOWUser] object is accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetDescription -eq $true -and $Description.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetTags -eq $true -and $Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other. Tags from the source object will be carried over to the new object if you do not specify any tag-related parameters."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$User_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWUser failed to check if the User [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($User_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a User named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/User/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$User_oldId = $
            If ($User_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            If ($UnsetFolder -eq $True) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Null
            ElseIf ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
            Else {
                If ($User.folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $User.folder
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$tag_count = 1
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $Null
            Else {
                If ($User.Tags -gt 0) {
                    [int32]$tag_count = 1
                    ForEach ($tag in $User.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $User_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $User.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $User.description
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'UserDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder, tags
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$User_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWUser]$User = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWUser] object $NewId due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWUser] object is empty!"
            Return $User
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWUser {
    Exports the users from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the users from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    Mandatory [ANOWUser] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWUser to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWUser] objects from the pipeline are accepted. Strings are not accepted.
    The [ANOWUser] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWUser | Export-AutomateNOWUser
    You must present [ANOWUser] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Users-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWUser]$User = $_
        Try {
            $User | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWUser] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Test-AutomateNOWUserPassword {
    [int32]$score = 0
    If ($Pass -cmatch '([0-9])') {
    If ($Pass -cmatch '([a-z])') {
    If ($Pass -cmatch '([A-Z])') {
    If ($Pass.Length -lt 4) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The password must be at least 4 characters in length"
    [int32]$current_score = $score
    [int32[]]$special_chars = @(33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255)
    ForEach ($char in $special_chars) {
        Try {
            [int32]$comparison_result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $special_chars -DifferenceObject (($Pass -split '' | Where-Object { $_.length -eq 1 } | ForEach-Object { [int32][byte][char]$_ })) -IncludeEqual | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '==' } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Compare-Object failed to test the password string due to [$Message]"
        If ($comparison_result -gt 0 -and $current_score -eq $score) {
    If ($score -gt 1) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$Pass is a valid password"
        Return $true
    Else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$Pass is a valid password"
        Return $false
Function New-AutomateNOWUser {
    Creates a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    A mandatory string representing the name of the user. This will be the Id of the object.
    .PARAMETER FirstName
    An optional string with the user's first name (given name)
    .PARAMETER LastName
    An optional string with the user's last name (surname)
    .PARAMETER Department
    An optional string with the user's department
    .PARAMETER OAuthClientId
    An optional string with the user's OAuth Client Id (not tested)
    .PARAMETER Location
    An optional string with the user's location
    .PARAMETER Email
    An optional string with the user's email address (must be a valid email address)
    .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    An optional string with the user's phone number
    A mandatory string representing the password of the user. This must be at least 4 characters in length and consist of characters from two groups: upper and lower case, numbers and special characters
    .PARAMETER PasswordValidDays
    An optional integer indicating how long the account is valid for. Note that the default is 100 days!
    .PARAMETER AccountValidUntil
    An optional datetime object with the time that the account is considered expired
    .PARAMETER PasswordExpired
    An optional switch parameter that sets the password to expired (NOTE: THIS DOES NOT WORK IN ANOW HF2)
    .PARAMETER Admin
    An optional switch parameter that enables administrative privileges.
    .PARAMETER skinThemeType
    An optional string representing the theme. Valid choice are: LIGHT, GRAY, DARK, CONTRAST_ULTRA
    .PARAMETER skinDensityType
    An optional string representing the theme. Valid choice are: DENSE, COMPACT, STANDARD, EXPANDED, SPACIOUS
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the extraneous output that this outputs by default
    ONLY [ANOWUser] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The updated [ANOWUser] object will be returned
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[\w\.-]+@[a-zA-Z\d\.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Enter a valid email address')]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[\d]{0,255}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Enter numbers only')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$PasswordValidDays = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set this to true to promote the user to full admin privileges')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    [boolean]$password_valid = Test-AutomateNOWUserPassword -Pass
    If ($password_valid -eq $false) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The password supplied is not valid. The password must be at least 4 characters and have at least 1 character from 2 of 4 groups (upper, lower, digits, special chars)"
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$User_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWUser failed to check if the User [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($User_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a User named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWUser = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWUser.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($FirstName.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('first_name', $FirstName)
    If ($LastName.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('last_name', $LastName)
    If ($Department.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('department', $Department)
    If ($OAuthClientId.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('clientId', $OAuthClientId)
    If ($Location.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('location', $Location)
    If ($Email.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('email', $Email)
    If ($PhoneNumber.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWUser.Add('phone', $PhoneNumber)
    $ANOWUser.Add('passwordValidDays', $PasswordValidDays)

    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWUser -IncludeProperties id, description, tags, folder, codeRepository
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'UserCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'UserDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/User/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create User [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create User [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWUser]$User = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWUser] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWUser] User is empty!"
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $User

Function Remove-AutomateNOWUser {
    Removes a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a User from an AutomateNOW! instance
    An [ANOWUser] object representing the User to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWUser] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Remove a single User by name
    Get-AutomateNOWUser -Id 'user01' | Remove-AutomateNOWUser
    Removes a series of User objects via input from the pipeline
    @( 'user01', 'user02', 'user03') | Remove-AutomateNOWUser
    Forcefully removes all User objects under a specified email address
    Get-AutomateNOWUser | Where-Object { $ -eq ''} | Remove-AutomateNOWUser -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/secUser/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$User_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$User_id = $
            ElseIf ($Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$User_id = $Id
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to resolve the identity of the target under Remove-AutomateNOWUser"
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            [string]$old_values = $User.CreateOldValues()
            $Body.Add('id', $User_id)
            $Body.Add('_oldValues', $old_values)
            $Body.Add('_operationType', 'remove')
            $Body.Add('_componentId', 'SecUserList')
            $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'SecUserDataSource')
            $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$User_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "User [$User_id] successfully removed"
    End {



#Region - Workflows

Function Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Gets the workflows from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the workflows from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the workflow to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    Optional string containing the type of workflow. Valid choices are STANDARD, BROADCAST, FOR_EACH, TIME_SERIES, SWITCH, CYCLE, INFORMATICA
    .PARAMETER processingStatus
    Optional string to apply advanced criteria for filtering based on the status of the Task. Valid choices are: WAITING, READY, EXECUTING, COMPLETED, FAILED. Note: This function is limited in that you can only filter by one processing status whereas in the console you can specify an array.
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 100.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the workflow from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWWorkflow] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'workflow_01'
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -WorkflowType TRIGGER
    @( 'workflow_01', 'workflow_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Gets the first 1000 workflows (or less) that are executing
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkFlow -startRow 0 -endRow 1000 -processingStatus EXECUTING
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the workflows.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id'
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
        $Body.'operator' = 'and'
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
            $Body.'_operationId' = 'ProcessingDataSource_fetch'
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"__normalized":true,"fieldName":"archived","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"parent","value":"' + $Id + '","operator":"equals"}'
        Else {
            $Body.'criteria1' = '{"fieldName":"archived","operator":"equals","value":false}'
            $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"isProcessing","operator":"equals","value":true}'
            If (($Type.Length -gt 0)) {
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"itemType","operator":"equals","value":"' + $Type + '"}'
            Else {
                Try {
                    [string]$all_workflow_types = ([ANOWWorkflow_workflowType].GetEnumNames() | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ','
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow was unable to enumerate the object class [ANOWWorkflow_workflowType] due to [$Message]."
                $Body.'criteria3' = '{"fieldName":"itemType","operator":"inSet","value":[' + $all_workflow_types + ']}'
                If ($null -ne $ProcessingStatus) {
                    [string]$ProcessingStatus = $ProcessingStatus.ToString()
                    $Body.'criteria4' = ('{"fieldName":"processingStatus","operator":"inSet","value":["' + $ProcessingStatus + '"]}')
            $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
            $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'substring'
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingList'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processing/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkflow[]]$workflows = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWWorkflow] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($workflows.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $workflows
    End {


Function Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Exports the workflows from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the workflows from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    Mandatory [ANOWWorkflow] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow to retrieve them)
    Mandatory string containing the type of workflow. Valid choices are STANDARD, BROADCAST, FOR_EACH, TIME_SERIES, SWITCH, CYCLE, INFORMATICA
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWWorkflow] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type STANDARD | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01' | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type FOR_EACH
    @( 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02', 'Workflow03' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Where-Object { $ -like '*MyWorkflow*' } | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Type STANDARD
    You must present [ANOWWorkflow] objects to the pipeline to use this function.
    The -Type parameter is mandatory here!

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Workflows-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWWorkflow]$workflow_ = $_
        Try {
            $workflow_ | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWWorkflow] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Archives a Workflow from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Archives a Workflow from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow Template to be archived.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the archiving without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Archives a single workflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01' | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Archives a series of workflows without prompting
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Force
    Archives all for_each workflows
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | ? { $_.serverWorkflowType -eq 'FOR_EACH' } | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The term Remove and Archive are synonymous from the API perspective. In ANOW parlance, Templates are 'Deleted' and Workflows are 'Archived'.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Workflow_id, 'Archive')) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $Body.Add('id', $Workflow_id)
            $Body.Add('_operationType', 'remove')
            $Body.Add('_operationId', 'delete')
            $Body.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $Body.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $Body.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $Body.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $Workflow_id successfully archived"
    End {


Function Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Restarts a Workflow from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Restarts a Workflow from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow to be restarted
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the Restart was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the restart without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Restarts a single Workflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow_01' | Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Quietly restarts multiple Workflows
    @('Workflow1', 'Workflow2') | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/restart'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflow]$current_workflow = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id $Workflow_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow failed to check if the Workflow [$Workflow_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Workflow you specified does not seem to exist (Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            [string]$current_workflow_status = $current_workflow.processingStatus
            If ($current_workflow_status -notin [ANOWWorkflow_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the Workflow [$Workflow_id] cannot be read (Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            If ($current_workflow_status -notin @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Workflow_id] cannot be restarted as it currently in [$current_workflow_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Workflow_id] had a status of $current_workflow_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartType', 'RESTART_FROM_BEGINNING')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('restartFailedOnly', 'false' ) # Note this value is currently not available in the console
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Workflow_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'restart')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Workflow $Workflow_id was successfully restarted"
    End {


Function Stop-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Stops a Workflow on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Stops a Workflow on an AutomateNOW! instance with either a soft or hard stop
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow to be stopped
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Hard kill' of the Workflow. You must include either this parameter or -Abort
    .PARAMETER Abort
    Switch parameter to indicate 'Soft abort' of the Workflow. You must include either this parameter or -Kill
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to omit the informational message if the stop was successful
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the stoppage without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An informational message is written to the screen unless -Quiet is used
    Stops a single Workflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow_01' | Stop-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Abort
    Quietly stops multiple Workflows
    @('Workflow1', 'Workflow2') | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Stop-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Kill -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kill')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Abort')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($Kill -eq $true) {
            [string]$operation_id = 'kill'
        Else {
            [string]$operation_id = 'abort'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            Else {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflow]$current_workflow = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id $Workflow_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow failed to check if the Workflow [$Workflow_id] existed under Restart-AutomateNOWWorkflow due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Workflow you specified does not seem to exist (Stop-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            [string]$current_workflow_status = $current_workflow.processingStatus
            If ($current_workflow_status -notin [ANOWWorkflow_processingStatus].GetEnumNames()) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the processing status of the Workflow [$Workflow_id] cannot be read (Stop-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            If ($current_workflow_status -in @('COMPLETED', 'FAILED')) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Workflow_id] cannot be stopped as it currently in [$current_workflow_status] processing status"
            Else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$Workflow_id] had a status of $current_workflow_status"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Workflow_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Workflow $Workflow_id was successfully stopped"
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Resumes a Workflow that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Workflow that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01' | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02' | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | ? { $_.serverWorkflowType -eq 'LINUX' } | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [int64]$Workflow_id = $
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine the Id of the Workflow."
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflow]$current_workflow = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id $Workflow_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow failed to check if the Workflow [$Workflow_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Workflow you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            [boolean]$current_workflow_hold_status = $current_workflow.onHold
            If ($current_workflow_hold_status -eq $false) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Workflow_id] cannot be resumed as it is not currently suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Workflow_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $Workflow_id successfully resumed"
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Places a Workflow on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Workflow on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A verbose information message will be sent indicating success
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01' | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02' | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | ? { $_.serverWorkflowType -eq 'LINUX' } | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workflow_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workflow_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Workflow_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflow]$current_workflow = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id $Workflow_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow failed to check if the Workflow [$Workflow_id] existed under Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The Workflow you specified does not seem to exist (Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflow)"
            [boolean]$current_workflow_hold_status = $current_workflow.onHold
            If ($current_workflow_hold_status -eq $true) {
                Write-Warning -Message "[$Workflow_id] cannot be suspended (placed on hold) as it is already suspended (on hold)"
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Workflow_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $Workflow_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflow {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Workflow on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Workflow on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workflow
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the Workflow to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from an [ANOWWorkflow] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWWorkflow] object
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflow] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWWorkflow] object will be returned
    Sets a Workflow to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Id 'Workflow01' | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflow -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Workflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflow -UnSkip
    Sets an array of Workflows to Skip (bypass)
    @( 1234567, 2345678, 34567890) | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflow
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflow | ? { $_.workflowType -eq 'FOR_EACH' } | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflow -UnSkip -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processing/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$Workflow_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Workflow_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $Workflow_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workflow_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$Workflow_id]"
    End {



#Region - WorkflowTemplates

Function Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Gets the Workflow Templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Workflow Templates from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Mandatory string containing the simple id of the Workflow Template to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    Mandatory string containing the type of Workflow Template. Valid choices are STANDARD, BROADCAST, FOR_EACH, TIME_SERIES, SWITCH, CYCLE, INFORMATICA
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by. Valid choices are: id {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Optional string array of tags to filter by. Note that for now operator is 'containsAny', not 'containsAll'.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Workflow Template from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] class objects
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'workflow_01'
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type FOR_EACH
    @( 'workflow_01', 'workflow_02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Gets all Workflow Templates that are tagged with 'Tag1' or 'Tag2'
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the workflows.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$sortBy = 'processingType',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($endRow -le $startRow) {
            Write-Warning -Message "The endRow must be greater than the startRow. Please try again."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
        $Body.'operator' = 'and'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
        $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTemplateList'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        If ($Descending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                $Body.'id' = $_
            Else {
                $Body.'id' = $Id
        Else {
            If ( $Type.length -eq 0) {
                [string]$fieldName = 'processingType'
                [string]$value = 'WORKFLOW'
            Else {
                [string]$fieldName = 'workflowType'
                [string]$value = $Type
            $Body.'criteria1' = ('{"fieldName":"' + $fieldName + '","operator":"equals","value":"' + $value + '"}')
            If ($Tags.count -eq 1) {
                $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":"' + $tags + '"}'
            ElseIf ($Tags.count -gt 1) {
                [string]$tags_json = $tags | Sort-Object -Unique | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress
                $Body.'criteria2' = '{"fieldName":"tags","operator":"containsAny","value":' + $tags_json + '}'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/read?' + $Body)
        If ($null -eq $parameters["Command"]) {
            $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Else {
            $parameters.Command = $command
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkflowTemplate[]]$WorkflowTemplates = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($WorkflowTemplates.Count -gt 0) {
            If ($WorkflowTemplates.Count -eq 1 -and $WorkflowTemplates.processingType -ne 'WORKFLOW') {
                [string]$processingType = $WorkflowTemplates.processingType
                If ($processingType -eq 'TASK') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Task Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate to retrieve this item."
                ElseIf ($processingType -eq 'TRIGGER') {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$Id is actually a Schedule Template. Please use Get-AutomateNOWScheduleTemplate to retrieve this item."
                Else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Could not identify what type of template object [$processingType] is. Please look into this..."
            Return $WorkflowTemplates
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Changes the settings of a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Workflow Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    A string representing the name of the Workspace you wish to move this Workflow Template into.
    .PARAMETER UnsetWorkspace
    A switch parameter that will move the Workflow Template out of its current Workspace.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    A string representing the name of the Folder to move the Workflow Template into.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    A switch parameter that will move the Workflow Template out of its current folder.
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    A switch parameter that will the Tags from the Workflow Template
    .PARAMETER Title
    A string representing the "alias" of the Workflow Template (this property needs a better explanation)
    .PARAMETER ResultMapping
    An [ResultMapping] object representing the Result Mapping object to set on the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetResultMapping
    A switch parameter that will remove the Result Mapping assignment from the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER Calendar
    A [ANOWCalendar] object representing the Calendar object to set on the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetCalendar
    A switch parameter that will remove the Calendar assignment from the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER Approval
    A [ANOWApproval] object representing the Approval object to set on the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER UnsetApproval
    A switch parameter that will remove the Approval assignment from the Workflow Template.
    .PARAMETER Weight
    An integer representing a logical measure of resources required to process the item by the Server Node. Each Server Node has [a] maximum weight capacity[.] Weight determines [the] number of parallel processes that can run simultaneously. Default processing Weight is 1. Minimal Weight is 0.
    .PARAMETER Priority
    An integer representing the items priority which determines the order when queuing for resources (Stock and Locks) and [for] being executed by Server Nodes. Default Priority is 0. Minimal Priority is 0.
    .PARAMETER Owner
    A string which appears to represent the user who owns the object. In practice, it is just a string. This particular property does not appear to be explained anywhere in the documentation.
    .PARAMETER LazyLoad
    A boolean to enable the Workflow Template on Lazy Load status. You must specify $true or $false here.
    A boolean to put the Workflow Template on Hold status. You must specify $true or $false here. When $true, it's the same as the Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate function. When $false, Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate function.
    A boolean to put the Workflow Template on Skip status. You must specify $true or $false here. When $true, it's the same as the Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate function. When $false, Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate with -UnSkip parameter.
    .PARAMETER AutoArchive
    A boolean that causes the Workflows from this Workflow Template to be archived immediately after execution. You must specify $true or $false here.
    .PARAMETER PassResources
    A boolean that indicates if the Workflow Template should pass its Resources to its children.
    .PARAMETER PassActions
    A boolean that indicates if the Workflow Template should pass its Actions to its children.
    .PARAMETER KeepResources
    A boolean that indicates if the Workflow Template should keep its Resources (Stocks and Locks) even if it fails to execute.
    .PARAMETER UseScripts
    A boolean that indicates if the Workflows from this Workflow Template should ?
    .PARAMETER EagerScriptExecution
    A boolean that indicates if the scripts from the Workflows from this Workflow Template should use "Eager" load strategy. In orderto use this parameter, you must include -UseScripts $true.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object will be returned
    $workflow_template = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'workflow_01'
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Description 'Description!' -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetDescription -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Title 'title!' -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetTags -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Tags 'Tag1' -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetFolder -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Folder 'Folder1' -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -title 'Title1' -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -ResultMapping (Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id 'result_mapping1') -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetResultMapping -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Calendar (Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id 'calendar1') -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetCalendar -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Approval (Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id 'approval1') -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UnsetApproval -Force
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -Priority 1 -Weight 1 -LazyLoad $true -OnHold $true -Skip $true -AutoArchive $true -PassResources $true -PassActions $true -KeepREsources $true -UseScripts $true -EagerScriptExecution $true -Owner 'owner' -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default', ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTitle')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTitle')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetResultMapping')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetResultMapping')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetCalendar')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetCalendar')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetApproval')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetApproval')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -or $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/setFolder'
            [string]$operationId = 'setFolder'
        Else {
            [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/update'
            [string]$componentId = 'ProcessingTemplateValuesManager'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
        If ($Description.Length -gt 0 -and $UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the Description and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        If ($Title.Length -gt 0 -and $UnsetTitle -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You cannot set the Title and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other.'
        If ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $true -and $UseScripts -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'To use -EagerScriptExecution, you must include -UseScripts $true'
        If ($UnsetWorkspace -eq $true -and $Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Workspace and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetFolder -eq $true -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Folder and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($Tags.count -gt 0 -and $UnsetTags -eq $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the tags and unset them at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
        If ($UnsetApproval -eq $true -and $ -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "You cannot set the Approval and unset it at the same time. Please choose one or the other."
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$WorkflowTemplate_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $WorkflowTemplate_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to check if the Workflow Template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($WorkflowTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Workflow Template named [$WorkflowTemplate_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$include_properties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $WorkflowTemplate_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $null
                $include_properties += 'description'
            If ($Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWWorkspace]$workspace_object = Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Workspace
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to confirm that the workspace [$Workspace] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($workspace_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to locate the Workspace [$Workspace] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding workspace $workspace_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'workspace' = $Workspace
                $include_properties += 'workspace'
            ElseIf ($UnsetWorkspace -eq $true) {
                [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id] from Workspace $workspace_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'workspace' = $null
                $include_properties += 'workspace'
            If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the Folder [$Folder] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Folder $folder_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            ElseIf ($UnsetFolder -eq $true) {
                [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id] from Folder $folder_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $null
                $include_properties += 'folder'
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
                [int32]$current_tag = 1
                ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                    Try {
                        [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$message]"
                    If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                        Throw "New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                    [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
                    [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
                    $BodyMetaData.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
                    $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                [string]$tags_display = ($Calendar.tags) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing tags [$tags_display] from [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'tags' = $null
                $include_properties += 'tags'
            If ($Title.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'title' = $Title
            ElseIf ( $UnsetTitle -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'title' = $null
            If ($ResultMapping.simpleId.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$ResultMapping_id = $ResultMapping.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWResultMapping]$rm_object = Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping -Id $ResultMapping_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to confirm that the Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($rm_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWResultMapping failed to locate the Result Mapping [$ResultMapping_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
                [string]$rm_display = $rm_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Result Mapping $rm_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'resultMapping' = $ResultMapping_id
                $include_properties += 'resultMapping'
            ElseIf ($UnsetResultMapping -eq $true) {
                [string]$rm_display = $rm_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$ResultMapping_id] from Result Mapping $rm_display"
                $BodyMetaData.'resultMapping' = $null
                $include_properties += 'resultMapping'
            If ($Calendar.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$Calendar_id = $Calendar.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWCalendar]$Calendar_object = Get-AutomateNOWCalendar -Id $Calendar_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to confirm that the Calendar object [$Calendar_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($Calendar_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCalendar failed to locate the Calendar object [$Calendar_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Calendar object [$Calendar_id] to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'calendar' = $Calendar_id
                $include_properties += 'calendar'
            ElseIf ($UnsetCalendar -eq $true) {
                [string]$Calendar_id = $Calendar.simpleId
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWCalendar] [$Calendar_id] from [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'calendar' = $null
                $include_properties += 'calendar'
            If ($Approval.Id.Length -gt 0) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $Approval.simpleId
                Try {
                    [ANOWApproval]$Approval_object = Get-AutomateNOWApproval -Id $Approval_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to confirm that the Approval object [$Approval_id] actually existed while running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
                If ($Approval_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Get-AutomateNOWApproval failed to locate the Approval object [$Approval_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Approval object [$Approval_id] to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'approvalConfiguration' = $Approval_id
                $include_properties += 'approvalConfiguration'
            ElseIf ($UnsetApproval -eq $true) {
                [string]$Approval_id = $Approval.simpleId
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing [ANOWApproval] [$Approval_id] from [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
                $BodyMetaData.'approvalConfiguration' = $null
                $include_properties += 'approvalConfiguration'
            If ($Weight -ge 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'weight' = $Weight
            If ($Priority -ge 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'priority' = $Priority
            If ($Owner.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'owner' = $Owner
            If ($LazyLoad -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'lazyLoad' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($LazyLoad -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'lazyLoad' = 'true'
            If ($OnHold -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'onHold' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($OnHold -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'onHold' = 'true'
            If ($Skip -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passBy' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($Skip -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passBy' = 'true'
            If ($AutoArchive -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'autoArchive' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($Skip -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'autoArchive' = 'true'
            If ($PassResources -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passResourceDependenciesToChildren' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($PassResources -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passResourceDependenciesToChildren' = 'true'
            If ($PassActions -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passActionsToChildren' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($PassActions -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'passActionsToChildren' = 'true'
            If ($KeepResources -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'keepResourcesOnFailure' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($KeepResources -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'keepResourcesOnFailure' = 'true'
            If ($UseScripts -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'useScripts' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($UseScripts -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'useScripts' = 'true'
            If ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $false) {
                $BodyMetaData.'eagerScriptExecution' = 'false'
            ElseIf ($EagerScriptExecution -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'eagerScriptExecution' = 'true'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $WorkflowTemplate.CreateOldValues()
            If ($componentId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = $componentId
            If ($operationId.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = $operationId
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties $include_properties
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
                Else {
                    [string]$results_response = $results.response
                    Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$response_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$UpdatedWorkflowTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object (under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate) due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq $WorkflowTemplate_id) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow Template $WorkflowTemplate_id was successfully updated"
                Return $UpdatedWorkflowTemplate
            Else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the returned Workflow Template (under Set-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate) has an error. Please look into this."
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Exports the Workflow Templates from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Workflow Templates from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate to retrieve them)
    Mandatory string containing the type of Workflow Template. Valid choices are STANDARD, BROADCAST, FOR_EACH, TIME_SERIES, SWITCH, CYCLE, INFORMATICA
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type STANDARD | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01' | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type FOR_EACH
    @( 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02', 'Workflow03' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type STANDARD
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | Where-Object { $ -like '*MyWorkflow*' } | Export-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Type STANDARD
    You must present [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-WorkflowTemplates-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$WorkflowTemplate = $_
        Try {
            $WorkflowTemplate | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Creates a Workflow Template within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Workflow Template within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object
    .PARAMETER WorkflowType
    Required type of the Workflow Template.
    Mandatory "name" of the Workflow Template. For example: 'WorkflowTemplate1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets. This is the unique key of this object.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Workflow Template (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional array of strings representing the Tags to include with this object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional string representing the Folder to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER DesignTemplate
    Optional string representing the Design Template to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    Optional string representing the Workspace to place this object into.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Workflow into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate.
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the newly created Workflow Template. Use the -Quiet parameter to suppress this.
    Creates a new "For Each" Workflow Template
    New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowType FOR_EACH -Id 'WorkflowTemplate01' -Description 'Description text' -Tags 'Tag01', 'Tag02' -Folder 'Folder01' -Workspace 'Workspace01' -CodeRepository 'CodeRepository01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Workflow Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$WorkflowTemplate_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to check if the Workflow Template [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($WorkflowTemplate_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Workflow Template named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWWorkflowTemplate = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWWorkFlowTemplate.Add('id', $Id)
    $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('processingType', 'WORKFLOW')
    $ANOWWorkFlowTemplate.Add('workflowType', $Type)
    [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'processingType', 'workflowType'
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('description', $Description)
        $include_properties += 'description'
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($DesignTemplate.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('designTemplate', $DesignTemplate)
        $include_properties += 'designTemplate'
    If ($Workspace.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkspace]$workspace_object = Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Workspace
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to confirm that the workspace [$Workspace] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($workspace_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to locate the Workspace [$Workspace] running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$workspace_display = $workspace_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding workspace $workspace_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('workspace', $Workspace)
        $include_properties += 'workspace'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] actually existed while running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] running under New-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWWorkflowTemplate -IncludeProperties $include_properties
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{"processingType":"WORKFLOW","workflowType":"' + $Type + '","workspace":null}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'ProcessingTemplateCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Workflow Template [$Id] of type [$Type] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Workflow Template [$Id] of type [$Type] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$WorkflowTemplate = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] is empty!"
    Try {
        [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$WorkflowTemplate = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $Id
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to confirm that the [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object [$Id] was created due to [$Message]."
    If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
        Return $WorkflowTemplate

Function Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Removes a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWworkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01' | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkTemplate -Id 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02' | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | ? { $_.workflowType -eq 'BROADCAST' } | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $WorkflowTemplate_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$error_message = $
                If ($error_message -match 'Object may still be in use') {
                    [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id_formatted = $WorkflowTemplate_id -split '\]' | Select-Object -Last 1
                    Write-Warning -Message "This object $WorkflowTemplate_id_formatted is still in use somewhere therefore it cannot be removed! Please use 'Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -Object $WorkflowTemplate_id_formatted' to list the references for this object and then remove them."
                Else {
                    [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $WorkflowTemplate_id successfully removed"
    End {


Function Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Copies a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Copies a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance. AutomateNOW object id can never be changed, but we can copy the object to a new id and it will include all of the items therein.
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    Mandatory [ANOWworkflowTemplate] object to be copied.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Workflow Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Optional switch that will purposely omit the previously existing tags on the new copy of the Workflow Template. You can still specify new tags with -Tags but the old previous ones will not be carried over. In the UI, this is accomplished by clicking the existing tags off.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Workflow Template will not be placed in a folder.
    .PARAMETER UnsetDescription
    Optional switch that will ensure that the newly created Workflow Template will not carry over its previous description.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Workflow Template (may not exceed 255 characters). You may send an empty string here to ensure that the description is blanked out. Do not use this parameter if your intention is to keep the description from the previous Workflow Template.
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new Workflow Template. The UnsetTags DOES NOT influence this parameter.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the Workflow Template into. The UnsetFolder parameter overrides this setting.
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted. Pipeline support is intentionally unavailable.
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    This is a safe standard example that is recommended
    $workflow01 = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'old_name_Workflow01'
    Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow01 -NewId 'new_name_Workflow02'
    This is a one-liner approach
    Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'old_name_Workflow01') -NewId 'new_name_Workflow02'
    This approach users a For Each loop to iterate through a standard renaming pattern. This approach is not recommended.
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | ForEachObject { Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $_ -NewId ($_.simpleId -replace 'Workflow[0-9]', ()'Workflow-' + $_.simpleId[-1]))}
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The new id (name) of the Workflow Template must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$Workflow_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to check if the Workflow Template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($Workflow_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Workflow Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End warning ##
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/copy'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_oldId = $
            If ($WorkflowTemplate_oldId -eq $NewId) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The new id cannot be the same as the old id."
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'oldId' = $WorkflowTemplate_oldId
            $BodyMetaData.'domain' = $WorkflowTemplate.domain
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $NewId
            If ($UnsetDescription -ne $true) {
                If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'description' = $WorkflowTemplate.description
            If ($UnsetFolder -ne $True) {
                If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $Folder
                Else {
                    $BodyMetaData.'folder' = $WorkflowTemplate.folder
            [int32]$tag_count = 1
            If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
                ForEach ($tag in $Tags) {
                    $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            If ($UnsetTags -ne $true) {
                If ($WorkflowTemplate.tags -gt 0) {
                    ForEach ($tag in $WorkflowTemplate.tags) {
                        $BodyMetaData.('tags' + $tag_count ) = $tag
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationId' = 'copy'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            $Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties oldId, domain, NewId, description, folder
            $Body = $Body -replace '&tags[0-9]{1,}', '&tags'
            $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$WorkflowTemplate = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create copied [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object due to [$Message]."
            If ($ -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created (copied) [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object is empty!"
            Return $WorkflowTemplate
    End {


Function Rename-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Renames a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Performs a psuedo-rename operations of a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance by copying it first and then deleting the source. This function merely combines Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate and Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate therefore it is to be considered destructive.
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWworkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be renamed.
    Mandatory string indicating the new id or name of the Workflow Template. Please remember that the Id is the same as a primary key, it must be unique. The console will provide the old Id + '_COPY' in the UI when making a copy. The Id is limited to 1024 characters.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the renaming without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted. There is inventionally no support for the pipeline.
    The newly renamed [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object will be returned.
    $workflow_template = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -NewId 'WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_01'
    Rename-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01') -NewId 'WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_01'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    When renaming, you may only specify a different Id (name).
    This action will be blocked if any existing referrals are found on the object.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,1024}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        ## Begin standard warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [boolean]$new_Workflow_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $NewId))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to check if the Workflow Template [$NewId] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($new_Workflow_template_exists -eq $true) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Workflow Template named [$NewId] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
        Try {
            [boolean]$old_Workflow_template_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id $WorkflowTemplate_id))
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to check if the Workflow Template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
        If ($old_Workflow_template_exists -eq $false) {
            [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
            Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Workflow Template named [$WorkflowTemplate_id] in [$current_domain]. You may not proceed."
            [boolean]$PermissionToProceed = $false
        ## End standard warning ##
        ## Begin referrals warning ##
        ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
        Try {
            [int32]$referrals_count = Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral -WorkflowTemplate $WorkflowTemplate -Count | Select-Object -Expandproperty referrals
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral failed to extract the referrals on Workflow Template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        If ($referrals_count -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unfortunately, you cannot rename a Workflow Template that has referrals. This is because the rename is not actually renaming but copying anew and deleting the old. Please, use the Find-AutomateNOWObjectReferral function to identify referrals and remove them."
        Else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "The Workflow Template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] does not have any referrals. It is safe to proceed."
    Process {
        If ($PermissionToProceed -ne $false) {
            If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($WorkflowTemplate_id)")) -eq $true) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$new_workflow_template = Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $WorkflowTemplate -NewId $NewId
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Copy-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to create a new Workflow Template [$NewId] as Part 1 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_workflow_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 1: Workflow template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] successfully copied to [$NewId]"
                Try {
                    [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$new_workflow_template = Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $WorkflowTemplate -confirm:$false # Note that confirmation was already provided a few lines above
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Remove-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate failed to remove [$WorkflowTemplate_id] as Part 2 of the renaming process due to [$Message]."
                If ($new_workflow_template.simpleId -eq $NewId) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Part 2: Workflow template [$WorkflowTemplate_id] removed"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow [$WorkflowTemplate_id] successfully renamed to [$NewId]"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "No action was taken because either the source object didn't exist or the new object already existed"
    End {

Function Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Starts a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Starts a Workflow Template from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be started.
    .PARAMETER UseAutomaticName
    A switch parameter that is ENABLED BY DEFAULT. You do not need to enable this as it is defaulted to on. This parameter simulates the default format of the executed workflow name (see 'Name' below)
    A string representing the name of the running executed workflow. Only use this if you want to OVERRIDE the default naming standard that the console suggests when executing a workflow. The console defaults to a format of "Manual Execution - [Workflow name] - [date utc]".
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the executed workflow (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new workflow.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the executed workflow into.
    .PARAMETER ProcessingTimestamp
    This parameter is -disabled- for now. Instead, the default timestamp will be used to ensure uniqueness. The documentation is unclear or mistaken around this parameter.
    .PARAMETER Priority
    Optional integer between 0 and 1000 to specify the priority of the executed workflow. Defaults to 0.
    Optional switch to set the 'On Hold' property of the executed workflow to enabled. This is $false by default but in the console the checkbox is enabled.
    .PARAMETER ForceLoad
    Optional switch that overrides any 'Ignore Condition' that might exist on the Workflow Template
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the newly created [ANOWWorkflow] object
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    An [ANOWWorkflow] object representing the started workflow will be returned.
    Starts a Workflow Template with an automatically generated name and otherwise default values.
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -UseAutomaticName
    Starts a Workflow Template with a manually entered name, on hold, at priority 42, placed into a Folder and with two tags.
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate_01' | Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Name 'WorkflowTemplate_01 2024/01/30' -Description 'My executed Workflow' -Folder 'Folder1' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Hold -Priority 42
    Starts a Workflow Template without using the pipeline
    $workflow_template = Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate_01'
    Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -WorkflowTemplate $workflow_template -UseAutomaticName
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    This function is under construction as the [ANOWWorkflow] class object it returns is not defined yet. You can still use this function but the output is experimental.
    Avoid using the -Name parameter unless you really need to use it. If -Name is not supplied, the parameter set will use -UseAutomaticName instead, which simulates the behavior of the console.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UseAutomaticName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'UseAutomaticName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyNameManually')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Folder = '',
        [ValidateRange(0, 1000)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$Priority = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processing/executeNow'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_simpleId = $_.simpleId
        Else {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_simpleId = $WorkflowTemplate.simpleId
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('runId', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('priority', $priority )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('processingTimestamp', [string](Get-Date -Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff'))
        [string[]]$include_properties = 'id', 'runId', 'priority', 'processingTimestamp', 'hold', 'forceLoad', 'name'
        If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
            [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
            [int32]$current_tag = 1
            ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                Try {
                    [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                Catch {
                    [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] under Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$message]"
                If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                    Throw "Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
                [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
                [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
                $ANOWWorkflowTemplate.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
                $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
        If ($folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Try {
                [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $folder
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder had an error while retrieving the folder [$folder] running under Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate due to [$message]"
            If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                Throw "Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate has detected that the folder [$folder] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            $BodyMetaData.Add('folder', $folder)
            $include_properties += $folder
        If ($hold -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('hold', 'true')
        If ($forceLoad -ne $true) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'false')
        Else {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('forceLoad', 'true')
        If ($Name.Length -gt 0) {
            $BodyMetaData.Add('name', $Name)
        Elseif ($UseAutomaticName -eq $true) {
            [string]$Name = New-AutomateNOWDefaultProcessingTitle -simpleId $WorkflowTemplate_simpleId
            Write-Verbose -Message "Generated automatic name [$Name] for this Workflow"
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to determine how to name this Workflow that needs to be started"
        $BodyMetaData.Add('parameters', '{}')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'add')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'executeNow')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
        Else {
            $parameters.Body = $Body
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $WorkflowTemplate_id successfully started as [$Name]"
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkflow]$Workflow = $[0]
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Unable to create the [ANOWWorkflow] object under Start-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate from the response due to [$Message]."
        If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
            Return $Workflow
    End {


Function Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Resumes a Workflow Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Resumes a Workflow Template that is on hold (suspended) on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be resumed
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The resumed [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate01' | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate01', 'WorkflowTemplate02' | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    @( 'WorkflowTemplate1', 'WorkflowTemplate2', 'WorkflowTemplate3') | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | ? { $_.workflowType -eq 'FOR_EACH' } | Resume-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/resume'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'resume')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$resumed_Workflow_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object after resuming [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $WorkflowTemplate_id successfully resumed"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $resumed_Workflow_template
    End {


Function Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Places a Workflow Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Places a Workflow Template on hold (suspend) from execution on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be suspended (placed on hold)
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The suspended [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object will be returned
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01' | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Force
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'Workflow01', 'Workflow02' | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    @( 'Workflow1', 'Workflow2', 'Workflow3') | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | ? { $_.serverWorkflowType -eq 'LINUX' } | Suspend-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/processingTemplate/hold'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'hold')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$suspended_Workflow_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object after suspending [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workflow $WorkflowTemplate_id successfully suspended (placed on hold)"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $suspended_Workflow_template
    End {


Function Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Sets or unsets the Skip flag on a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be set to skipped or unskipped
    Removes the skip flag from an [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object. This is the opposite of the default behavior.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Switch parameter to silence the emitted [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The skipped/unskipped [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object will be returned
    Sets a Workflow Template to Skip (bypass)
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate01' | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Force
    Unsets the Skip (bypass) flag on a Workflow Template
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -UnSkip
    Sets an array of Workflow Template to Skip (bypass)
    @( 'WorkflowTemplate1', 'WorkflowTemplate2', 'WorkflowTemplate3') | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate | ? { $_.workflowType -eq 'FOR_EACH' } | Skip-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -UnSkip -Force -Quiet
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($UnSkip -ne $True) {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'On'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOn'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Add the Skip flag'
        Else {
            [string]$skip_flag_status = 'Off'
            [string]$operation_id = 'passByOff'
            [string]$ProcessDescription = 'Remove the Skip flag'
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/' + $operation_id)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WorkflowTemplate_id, $ProcessDescription)) -eq $true) {
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'update')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', $operation_id)
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
            $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
            $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Try {
                [ANOWWorkflowTemplate]$skipped_workflow_template = $[0]
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create the [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object after setting the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully set the skip flag to [$skip_flag_status] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id]"
            If ($Quiet -ne $true) {
                Return $skipped_workflow_template
    End {


Function Confirm-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate {
    Validates (confirms) a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Validates (confirms) a Workflow Template on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER WorkflowTemplate
    An [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] object representing the Workflow Template to be set to confirmed (verified)
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Returns a boolean $true or $false based on the result of the validation check
    ONLY [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    A string with the results from the API will returned.
    Validates a single Workflow Template
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate -Id 'WorkflowTemplate01' | Confirm-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    Validates a series of Workflow Templates
    @( 'WorkflowTemplate1', 'WorkflowTemplate2', 'WorkflowTemplate3') | Confirm-AutomateNOWWorkflowTemplate
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
        ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $
        Else {
            [string]$WorkflowTemplate_id = $Id
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        $BodyMetaData.Add('id', $WorkflowTemplate_id )
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationType', 'custom')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_operationId', 'validate')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_textMatchStyle', 'exact')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('_dataSource', 'ProcessingTemplateDataSource')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_metaDataPrefix', '_')
        $BodyMetaData.Add('isc_dataFormat', 'json')
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
        [string]$command = ('/processingTemplate/validate?' + $Body)
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$WorkflowTemplate_id] due to [$Message]."
        [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
        If ($response_code -ne 0) {
            If ($Quiet -eq $true) {
                Return $false
            [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Warning -Message "The response code was [$response_code] instead of 0. The Workflow Template $WorkflowTemplate_id is not validated. Please see the full response $full_response_display"
        Else {
            If ($Quiet -eq $true) {
                Return $true
            Else {
                Write-Information -MessageData "The Workflow Template $WorkflowTemplate_id is confirmed as valid."
    End {



#Region - Workspaces

Function Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace {
    Gets the Workspaces from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Gets the Workspaces from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Optional string containing the simple id of the Workspace to fetch or you can pipeline a series of simple id strings. You may not enter an array here.
    .PARAMETER sortBy
    Optional string parameter to sort the results by. Valid choices are: id {To be continued...}
    .PARAMETER Descending
    Optional switch parameter to sort in descending order
    .PARAMETER startRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to start from. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 0.
    .PARAMETER endRow
    Optional integer to indicate the row to stop on. This is intended for when you need to paginate the results. Default is 2000.
    Accepts a string representing the simple id of the Workspace from the pipeline or individually (but not an array).
    An array of one or more [ANOWWorkspace] class objects
    Gets all Workspaces
    Gets a single Workspace
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id 'Workspace1'
    Gets a series of Workspaces from an array of strings sent across the pipeline
    @( 'Workspace1', 'Workspace2' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    Run this function without parameters to retrieve all of the Workspaces.

        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$startRow = 0,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [int32]$endRow = 100,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string]$sortBy = 'id',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'GET')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$Body = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
        If ($_.Length -gt 0 -or $Id.Length -gt 0) {
            If ($_.Length -gt 0 ) {
                [string]$Workspacename = $_
            Else {
                [string]$Workspacename = $Id
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'exact'
            $Body.'id' = $Workspacename
        Else {
            [string]$textMatchStyle = 'substring'
            $Body.'_constructor' = 'AdvancedCriteria'
            $Body.'operator' = 'and'
        $Body.'_operationType' = 'fetch'
        $Body.'_startRow' = $startRow
        $Body.'_endRow' = $endRow
        $Body.'_textMatchStyle' = $textMatchStyle
        $Body.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceList'
        $Body.'_dataSource' = 'workspace'
        If ($Descending -eq $true) {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = '-' + $sortBy
        Else {
            $Body.'_sortBy' = $sortBy
        $Body.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
        $Body.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
        [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $Body
        [string]$command = ('/workspace/read?' + $Body)
        $parameters.Add('command', $command)
        Try {
            [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] due to [$Message]."
        If ($results.response.status -ne 0) {
            If ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Received an empty response when invoking the [$command] endpoint. Please look into this."
            Else {
                [int32]$status_code = $results.response.status
                [string]$results_response = $results.response
                Write-Warning -Message "Received status code [$status_code] instead of 0. Something went wrong. Here's the full response: $results_response"
        Try {
            [ANOWWorkspace[]]$Workspaces = $
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to parse the response into a series of [ANOWWorkspace] objects due to [$Message]."
        If ($Workspaces.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $Workspaces
    End {


Function Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace {
    Changes the settings of a Workspace on an AutomateNOW! instance
    Changes the settings of a Workspace on an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    An [ANOWWorkspace] object representing the Workspace to be changed.
    .PARAMETER Description
    A text description of at least 1 character.
    .PARAMETER RemoveIcon
    Switch parameter that will remove the icon configured for this workspace.
    .PARAMETER iconSet
    The name of the icon library (if you choose to use one). Possible choices are: FAT_COW, FUGUE (note that FONT_AWESOME is not an actual icon library)
    .PARAMETER iconCode
    The name of the icon which matches the chosen library. To see the list of available iconCodes, use Import-AutomateNOWIcon (or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon) then try $anow_assets.icon_library."FUGUE"[0..10] to see the names of the first 10 icons from the Fugue library.
    .PARAMETER UnsetFolder
    Switch parameter that will unset the folder configuration. This is equivalent to unticking the box for 'Automatically set folder to workspace template'
    .PARAMETER SetFolderType
    Enables the 'Automatically set tags to workspace template'. Valid choices are: SET_WORKSPACE_FOLDER, SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER, CREATE_SUB_FOLDER_PER_WORKFLOW. Note, if you specify SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER then you must include the -Folder parameter as well with the name (string) of the Folder object.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    String that specifies the name of the folder object that you are specifying with the SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER folder type. Do not use this parameter with the other two folder types.
    .PARAMETER UnsetTags
    Switch parameter that will unset the tag configuration. If this is the SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS type, the tags set will be removed. This is equivalent to unticking the box for 'Automatically set tags to workspace templates'
    .PARAMETER SetTagType
    Enables the 'Automatically set tags to workspace template'. Valid choices are: SET_WORKSPACE_TAGS, SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS. Note, if you specify SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS then you must include the -Tag parameter as well with the names (string array) of the Tag objects.
    String array that specifies the name(s) of the Tag objects that you are specifying with the SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS tag type. Do not use this parameter with the other tag type.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    String that specifies the name of the folder object that you are specifying with the SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER folder type. Do not use this parameter with the other two folder types.
    .PARAMETER SetPrefix
    String that enables the 'Add prefix to workspace template' and sets the prefix to the string provided. Unlike the console, a default suggested prefix will not be made for you.
    .PARAMETER UnsetPrefix
    Switch parameter that will unset the prefix configuration. This is equivalent to unticking the box for 'Add prefix to workspace template'
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the change without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkspace] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    The modified [ANOWWorkspace] object will be returned
    Sets the description on a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -Description 'My Description' -Force
    Unsets the description on a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -UnsetDescription -Force
    Unsets the icon on a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -RemoveIcon -Force
    Sets the icon on a Workspace (example 1)
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -iconSet FUGUE -iconCode address-book -Force
    Sets the icon on a Workspace (example 2)
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -iconSet FAT_COW -iconCode abacus -Force
    Unsets the folder configuration for a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -UnsetFolder -Force
    Sets the folder configuration for a Workspace (example 1)
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetFolderType CREATE_SUB_FOLDER_PER_WORKFLOW -Force
    Sets the folder configuration for a Workspace (example 2)
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetFolderType SET_WORKSPACE_FOLDER -Force
    Sets the folder configuration for a Workspace (example 3) note the -Folder parameter
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetFolderType SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER -Folder 'MJS'
    Unsets the tag configuration for a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -UnsetTags -Force
    Sets the tag configuration for a Workspace (example 1)
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetTagType 'SET_WORKSPACE_TAGS' -Force
    Sets the tag configuration for a Workspace (example 2) note the -Tags parameter adding multiple tags
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetTagType 'SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS' -Tags Tag1, Tag2 -Force
    Sets a prefix on a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -SetPrefix 'prefix01_' -Force
    Unsets the prefix on a Workspace
    Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Workspace $workspace -UnsetPrefix -Force
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    You may only make 1 change a time! That's why there are so many parameter sets. This is done out of caution.
    The -iconSet and -iconCode parameter set requires that you import the local icon names with Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon. This is only to check that the name of the icon being sent to the API is valid.
    If you have three tags on a Workspace and wanted to remove one then use the -SetTags parameter to apply the 2 that you want to keep. If you want to remove all tags then use -UnsetTags.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -ge 1 -and $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetDescription', HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 1 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ResetDescription')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'RemoveIcon')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UnsetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetFolder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UnsetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SetTags')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -ge 1 -and $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetPrefix', HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 1 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted. Example 'MyWorkspace_'")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UnsetPrefix')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UnsetWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AddWorkspace')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        If ($iconSet.length -gt 0 ) {
            If ($anow_assets.icon_library.length -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Please import the ANOW icons into your session with Import-AutomateNOWIcon or Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon"
            If ($iconCode -notin ($anow_assets.icon_library."$iconSet")) {
                Write-Warning -Message "The icon [$iconCode] does not appear to exist within the [$iconSet] icon set. Please check again."
        ElseIf ($AddPrefix -eq $true -and $Prefix.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You must include the -Prefix parameter when specifying -AddPrefix. Please refer to the help.'
        ElseIf ($SetFolderType -eq 'SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER' -and $Folder.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'You must include the name of the folder with -Folder if you are specifying the ''SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER'' folder type. Please try again.'
        ElseIf ($SetFolderType -in ('SET_WORKSPACE_FOLDER', 'CREATE_SUB_FOLDER_PER_WORKFLOW') -and $Folder.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Please do not include the -Folder parameter if you are not specifying the ''SET_SPECIFIC_FOLDER'' folder type. This is not compatible.'
        [string]$command = '/workspace/update'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $Id
            ## Begin warning ##
            ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
            Try {
                [boolean]$Workspace_exists = ($null -eq (Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Workspace_id))
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to check if the Workspace [$Workspace_id] already existed due to [$Message]."
            If ($Workspace_exists -eq $true) {
                [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
                Write-Warning -Message "There is not a Workspace named [$Workspace_id] in the [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
            ## End warning ##
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$include_properties = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
            [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
            $BodyMetaData.'id' = $Workspace_id
            If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $Description
            ElseIf ($UnsetDescription -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'description' = $null
            ElseIf ($RemoveIcon -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
            ElseIf ($iconCode.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceEditForm'
            ElseIf ($UnsetFolder -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'setFolder' = 'false'
                $BodyMetaData.'workspaceSetFolderType' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
            ElseIf ($SetFolderType.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'setFolder' = 'true'
                $BodyMetaData.'workspaceSetFolderType' = $SetFolderType
                If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
                    Try {
                        [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
                    Catch {
                        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] actually existed under Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace due to [$Message]"
                    If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
                        Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace. Please check again."
                    [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Workspace_id]"
                    $BodyMetaData.'setWorkspaceFolder' = $Folder
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'setWorkspaceTags' = $Workspace.setWorkspaceTags
            ElseIf ($UnsetTags -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'setTags' = 'false'
                $BodyMetaData.'workspaceSetTagType' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
            ElseIf ($SetTagType.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'setTags' = 'true'
                $BodyMetaData.'workspaceSetTagType' = $SetTagType
                If ($Tags.Count -gt 0 -and $SetTagType -eq 'SET_SPECIFIC_TAGS') {
                    [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
                    [int32]$current_tag = 1
                    ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
                        Try {
                            [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
                        Catch {
                            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace due to [$message]"
                        If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                            Throw "New-AutomateNOWTaskTemplate has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist running under Set-AutomateNOWWorkspace. Please check again."
                        [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
                        [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('setWorkspaceTags' + $current_tag)
                        $BodyMetaData."$tag_name_sequence" = $tag_id
                        $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
            ElseIf ($SetPrefix.Length -gt 0) {
                $BodyMetaData.'addPrefix' = 'true'
                $BodyMetaData.'prefix' = $SetPrefix
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
            ElseIf ($UnsetPrefix -eq $true) {
                $BodyMetaData.'addPrefix' = 'false'
                $BodyMetaData.'iconCode' = $Workspace.iconCode
                $BodyMetaData.'iconSet' = $Workspace.iconSet
                $BodyMetaData.'fugueIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'fatCowIcon' = $null
                $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceVM'
                $BodyMetaData.'codeRepository' = $Workspace.codeRepository
                $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = $Workspace.CreateOldValues()
            $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'update'
            $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
            $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'WorkspaceDataSource'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
            $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
            [string]$Body = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData -IncludeProperties $include_properties
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workspace_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workspace $Workspace_id was successfully updated"
    End {

Function Export-AutomateNOWWorkspace {
    Exports the Workspaces from an instance of AutomateNOW!
    Exports the Workspaces from an instance of AutomateNOW! to a local .csv file
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Mandatory [ANOWWorkspace] object (Use Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace to retrieve them)
    ONLY [ANOWWorkspace] objects from the pipeline are accepted
    The [ANOWWorkspace] objects are exported to the local disk in CSV format
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace | Export-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id 'Workspace01' | Export-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    @( 'Workspace01', 'Workspace02' ) | Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace | Export-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace | Where-Object { $_.simpleId -eq 'Workspace01' } | Export-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    You must present [ANOWWorkspace] objects to the pipeline to use this function.

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
    Begin {
        [string]$current_time = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'
        [string]$ExportFileName = 'Export-AutomateNOW-Workspaces-' + $current_time + '.csv'
        [string]$ExportFilePath = ((Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) + '\' + $ExportFileName)
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Path', $ExportFilePath)
        $parameters.Add('Append', $true)
        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $parameters.Add('NoTypeInformation', $true)
    Process {
        If ($ -gt 0) {
            [ANOWWorkspace]$Workspace = $_
        Try {
            $Workspace | Export-CSV @parameters
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Export-CSV failed to export the [ANOWWorkspace] object on the pipeline due to [$Message]"
    End {
        If ((Test-Path -Path $ExportFilePath) -eq $true) {
            [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileinfo = Get-Item -Path "$ExportFilePath"
            [int32]$filelength = $fileinfo.Length
            [string]$filelength_display = "{0:N0}" -f $filelength
            Write-Information -MessageData "Created file $ExportFileName ($filelength_display bytes)"

Function New-AutomateNOWWorkspace {
    Creates a Workspace within an AutomateNOW! instance
    Creates a Workspace within an AutomateNOW! instance and returns back the newly created [ANOWWorkspace] object
    The intended name of the Workspace. For example: 'LinuxWorkspace1'. This value may not contain the domain in brackets.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Optional description of the Workspace (may not exceed 255 characters).
    Optional string array containing the id's of the tags to assign to the new DataSource.
    .PARAMETER Folder
    Optional name of the folder to place the DataSource into.
    .PARAMETER iconSet
    Mandatory string representing a choice between three icon sets. Valid choices are: FAT_COW, FUGUE, FONT_AWESOME
    .PARAMETER iconCode
    The name of the icon which matches the chosen library.
    .PARAMETER CodeRepository
    Optional name of the code repository to place the Workspace into.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Optional switch to suppress the return of the newly created object
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-AutomateNOWWorkspace.
    An [ANOWWorkspace] object representing the newly created Workspace
    New-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id 'Workspace1' -Description 'Workspace1 description' -Tags 'Tag1', 'Tag2' -Folder 'Folder1' -iconSet 'FAT_COW' -iconCode 'paper_airplane' -codeRepository 'Repository1'
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.
    The name (id) of the Workspace must be unique (per domain). It may consist only of letters, numbers, underscore, dot or hypen.
    The names of the icon is not enforced here! If you want to know the names of the available icons try: Import-AutomateNOWLocalIcon; $anow_assets.icon_library.FUGUE;

    [Cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^[0-9a-zA-z_.-]{1,}$' })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet', HelpMessage = "Enter a descriptive string between 0 and 255 characters in length. UTF8 characters are accepted.")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Length -le 255 })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'iconSet')]
    If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
    ## Begin warning ##
    ## Do not tamper with this below code which makes sure that the object exists before attempting to change it.
    Try {
        [boolean]$Workspace_exists = ($null -ne (Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id $Id))
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace failed to check if the Workspace [$Id] already existed due to [$Message]."
    If ($Workspace_exists -eq $true) {
        [string]$current_domain = $anow_session.header.domain
        Write-Warning -Message "There is already a Workspace named [$Id] in [$current_domain]. Please check into this."
    ## End warning ##
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ANOWWorkspace = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $ANOWWorkspace.Add('id', $Id)
    If ($Description.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWWorkspace.Add('description', $Description)
    If ($Tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [int32]$total_tags = $Tags.Count
        [int32]$current_tag = 1
        ForEach ($tag_id in $Tags) {
            Try {
                [ANOWTag]$tag_object = Get-AutomateNOWTag -Id $tag_id
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWTag had an error while retrieving the tag [$tag_id] under New-AutomateNOWWorkspace due to [$message]"
            If ($tag_object.simpleId.length -eq 0) {
                Throw "New-AutomateNOWWorkspace has detected that the tag [$tag_id] does not appear to exist. Please check again."
            [string]$tag_display = $tag_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding tag $tag_display [$current_tag of $total_tags]"
            [string]$tag_name_sequence = ('tags' + $current_tag)
            $ANOWWorkspace.Add($tag_name_sequence, $tag_id)
            $include_properties += $tag_name_sequence
    If ($Folder.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWFolder]$folder_object = Get-AutomateNOWFolder -Id $Folder
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to confirm that the folder [$tag_id] actually existed under New-AutomateNOWWorkspace due to [$Message]"
        If ($folder_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWFolder failed to locate the Folder [$Folder] under New-AutomateNOWWorkspace. Please check again."
        [string]$folder_display = $folder_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding folder $folder_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWWorkspace.Add('folder', $Folder)
        $include_properties += 'folder'
    If ($CodeRepository.Length -gt 0) {
        Try {
            [ANOWCodeRepository]$code_repository_object = Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository -Id $CodeRepository
        Catch {
            [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to confirm that the code repository [$CodeRepository] actually existed under New-AutomateNOWWorkspace due to [$Message]"
        If ($code_repository_object.simpleId.Length -eq 0) {
            Throw "Get-AutomateNOWCodeRepository failed to locate the Code Repository [$CodeRepository] under New-AutomateNOWWorkspace. Please check again."
        [string]$code_repository_display = $code_repository_object | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding code repository $code_repository_display to [ANOWWorkflowTemplate] [$Id]"
        $ANOWWorkspace.Add('codeRepository', $CodeRepository)
        $include_properties += 'codeRepository'
    If ($iconSet.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWWorkspace.'iconSet' = $iconSet
    If ($iconCode.Length -gt 0) {
        $ANOWWorkspace.'iconCode' = $iconCode
    [string]$BodyObject = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $ANOWWorkspace -IncludeProperties id, description, tags, folder, codeRepository, iconSet, iconCode
    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$BodyMetaData = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]@{}
    $BodyMetaData.'_operationType' = 'add'
    $BodyMetaData.'_textMatchStyle' = 'exact'
    $BodyMetaData.'_oldValues' = '{}'
    $BodyMetaData.'_componentId' = 'WorkspaceCreateWindow_form'
    $BodyMetaData.'_dataSource' = 'WorkspaceDataSource'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_metaDataPrefix' = '_'
    $BodyMetaData.'isc_dataFormat' = 'json'
    [string]$BodyMetaDataString = ConvertTo-QueryString -InputObject $BodyMetaData
    [string]$Body = ($BodyObject + '&' + $BodyMetaDataString)
    [string]$command = '/workspace/create'
    [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
    $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
    $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
    $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
    $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
    If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
        $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    [string]$parameters_display = $parameters | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Try {
        [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] with parameters $parameters_display due to [$Message]."
    If ($results.response.status -lt 0 -or $results.response.status -gt 0) {
        [string]$results_display = $results.response.errors | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Workspace [$Id] due to $results_display. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    ElseIf ($null -eq $results.response.status) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create Workspace [$Id] due to [an empty response]. The parameters used: $parameters_display"
    Try {
        [ANOWWorkspace]$Workspace = $[0]
    Catch {
        [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning -Message "Failed to create [ANOWWorkspace] object due to [$Message]."
    If ($ -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the newly created [ANOWWorkspace] object is empty!"
    Return $Workspace

Function Remove-AutomateNOWWorkspace {
    Removes a Workspace from an AutomateNOW! instance
    Removes a Workspace from an AutomateNOW! instance
    .PARAMETER Workspace
    An [ANOWWorkspace] object representing the Workspace to be deleted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Force the removal without confirmation. This is equivalent to -Confirm:$false
    ONLY [ANOWWorkspace] objects are accepted (including from the pipeline)
    None. The status will be written to the console with Write-Verbose.
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace -Id 'Workspace01' | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    @( 'Workspace1', 'Workspace2', 'Workspace3') | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    Get-AutomateNOWWorkspace | ? { $_.simpleId -like 'test*' } | Remove-AutomateNOWWorkspace
    You must use Connect-AutomateNOW to establish the token by way of global variable.

    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
        If ((Confirm-AutomateNOWSession -Quiet) -ne $true) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Somehow there is not a valid token confirmed."
        [string]$command = '/workspace/delete'
        [hashtable]$parameters = @{}
        $parameters.Add('Command', $command)
        $parameters.Add('Method', 'POST')
        $parameters.Add('ContentType', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
        If ($anow_session.NotSecure -eq $true) {
            $parameters.Add('NotSecure', $true)
    Process {
        If (($Force -eq $true) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($")) -eq $true) {
            If ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $
            ElseIf ($ -gt 0) {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $
            Else {
                [string]$Workspace_id = $Id
            [string]$Body = 'id=' + $Workspace_id
            If ($null -eq $parameters.Body) {
                $parameters.Add('Body', $Body)
            Else {
                $parameters.Body = $Body
            Try {
                [PSCustomObject]$results = Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI @parameters
            Catch {
                [string]$Message = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning -Message "Invoke-AutomateNOWAPI failed to execute [$command] on [$Workspace_id] due to [$Message]."
            [int32]$response_code = $results.response.status
            If ($response_code -ne 0) {
                [string]$full_response_display = $results.response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                Write-Warning -Message "Somehow the response code was not 0 but was [$response_code]. Please look into this. Body: $full_response_display"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Workspace $Workspace_id successfully removed"
    End {




#Region Lookup Tables

Function Resolve-AutomateNOWTaskType2ServerNodeType {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'TaskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TaskType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NodeType')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AE_SHELL_SCRIPT' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AE_SHELL_SCRIPT' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AMQP_SEND' = 'AMQP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AMQP_SEND' = 'HORNETQ'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AMQP_SEND' = 'QPID'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AMQP_SEND' = 'RABBIT_MQ'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AMQP_SEND' = 'ZERO_MQ'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK' = 'ANSIBLE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_PATH' = 'ANSIBLE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'APACHE_AIRFLOW_RUN_DAG' = 'APACHE_AIRFLOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ARANGO_DB_INSERT' = 'ARANGO_DB'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AS400_BATCH_JOB' = 'AS400'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AS400_COMMAND_CALL' = 'AS400'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AS400_PROGRAM_CALL' = 'AS400'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AUTOMATE_NOW_TRIGGER_EVENT' = 'AUTOMATE_NOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE_DEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE_START_ROBOT' = 'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE_STOP_ROBOT' = 'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE_UNDEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'AUTOMATION_ANYWHERE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_BATCH_JOB' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EC2_DELETE_VOLUME' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EC2_START_INSTANCE' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EC2_STOP_INSTANCE' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EC2_TERMINATE_INSTANCE' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_ADD_STEPS' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_API_COMMAND' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_CANCEL_STEPS' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_GET' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_PUT' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_START_NOTEBOOK_EXECUTION' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_STOP_NOTEBOOK_EXECUTION' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_EMR_WORKFLOW' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_GLUE_CRAWLER' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_GLUE_JOB' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_GLUE_TRIGGER' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_GLUE_WORKFLOW' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_LAMBDA_CREATE_FUNCTION' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_LAMBDA_DELETE_FUNCTION' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_LAMBDA_INVOKE' = 'AWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'AWS_S3_COPY_OBJECT' = 'AWS'; })
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    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'SINGLESTORE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'SNOWFLAKE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'SQL_SERVER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'SYBASE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'TERADATA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL' = 'VERTICA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'AZURE_SQL_DATA_WAREHOUSE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'AZURE_SQL_DATABASE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'DASHDB'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'DB2'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'GOOGLE_BIG_QUERY'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'HIVE_QL'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'INFORMIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'MYSQL'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'NETEZZA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'ORACLE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'POSTGRESQL'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'PRESTO_DB'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'SAP_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'SINGLESTORE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'SNOWFLAKE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'SQL_SERVER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'TERADATA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_SQL_STATEMENT' = 'VERTICA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'AZURE_SQL_DATA_WAREHOUSE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'AZURE_SQL_DATABASE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'DASHDB'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'DB2'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'GOOGLE_BIG_QUERY'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'INFORMIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'MYSQL'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'NETEZZA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'ORACLE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'POSTGRESQL'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'PRESTO_DB'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'SAP_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'SINGLESTORE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'SNOWFLAKE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'SQL_SERVER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'TERADATA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RDBMS_STORED_PROCEDURE' = 'VERTICA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REDDIT_POST' = 'REDDIT'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REDIS_CLI' = 'REDIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REDIS_DELETE' = 'REDIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REDIS_GET' = 'REDIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REDIS_SET' = 'REDIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'REST_WEB_SERVICE_CALL' = 'REST_WEB_SERVICE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_DEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_START_ROBOT' = 'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_STOP_ROBOT' = 'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_UNDEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'ROBOT_FRAMEWORK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'AIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'HPUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'OPENVMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'SOLARIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUBY' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'AIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'HPUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'OPENVMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'SOLARIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'RUST' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_ARCHIVE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_BW_PROCESS_CHAIN' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_CM_PROFILE_ACTIVATE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_CM_PROFILE_DEACTIVATE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_COPY_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_EXPORT_CALENDAR' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_EXPORT_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_FUNCTION_MODULE_CALL' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_GET_APPLICATION_LOG' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_JOB_INTERCEPTOR' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_MODIFY_INTERCEPTION_CRITERIA' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_MONITOR_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_RAISE_EVENT' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_READ_TABLE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_RELEASE_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_START_SCHEDULED_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_SWITCH_OPERATION_MODE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_VARIANT_COPY' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_VARIANT_CREATE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_VARIANT_DELETE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_4H_VARIANT_UPDATE' = 'SAP_S4_HANA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_ARCHIVE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_BW_PROCESS_CHAIN' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_CM_PROFILE_ACTIVATE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_CM_PROFILE_DEACTIVATE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_EXPORT_CALENDAR' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_EXPORT_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_FUNCTION_MODULE_CALL' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_GET_APPLICATION_LOG' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_IBP_JOB' = 'SAP_S4_HANA_CLOUD'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_MODIFY_INTERCEPTION_CRITERIA' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_ODATA_API_CALL' = 'SAP_S4_HANA_CLOUD'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_COPY_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_JOB_INTERCEPTOR' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_MONITOR_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_RAISE_EVENT' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_RELEASE_EXISTING_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_START_SCHEDULED_JOB' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_VARIANT_COPY' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_VARIANT_CREATE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_VARIANT_DELETE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_R3_VARIANT_UPDATE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_READ_TABLE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_SOLUTION_MANAGER_TICKET' = 'SAP_SOLUTION_MANAGER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAP_SWITCH_OPERATION_MODE' = 'SAP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAS_4GL' = 'SAS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAS_DI' = 'SAS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAS_JOB' = 'SAS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SAS_VIYA_JOB' = 'SAS_VIYA'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'AIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'HPUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'OPENVMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'SOLARIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SCALA' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SERVICE_NOW_CLOSE_INCIDENT' = 'SERVICE_NOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SERVICE_NOW_CREATE_INCIDENT' = 'SERVICE_NOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SERVICE_NOW_RESOLVE_INCIDENT' = 'SERVICE_NOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SERVICE_NOW_UPDATE_INCIDENT' = 'SERVICE_NOW'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'AIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'HPUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'OPENVMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'SOLARIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SH' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SOAP_WEB_SERVICE_CALL' = 'SOAP_WEB_SERVICE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_JAVA' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_PYTHON' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_R' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_RUN_JOB' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_SCALA' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SPARK_SQL' = 'SPARK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'STOMP_SEND' = 'STOMP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SWIFT' = 'IOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'SWIFT' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TABLEAU_REFRESH_EXTRACT' = 'TABLEAU'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TALEND_JOB' = 'TALEND'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TEAMS_CHANNEL_MESSAGE' = 'TEAMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TEAMS_CHAT_MESSAGE' = 'TEAMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TELEGRAM_MESSAGE' = 'TELEGRAM'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TIKTOK_POST' = 'TIKTOK'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TITAN_INSERT' = 'TITAN'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TUMBLR_POST' = 'TUMBLR'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TWITTER_POST' = 'TWITTER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'AIX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'HPUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'LINUX'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'MACOS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'OPENVMS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'SOLARIS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'TYPESCRIPT' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'UI_PATH' = 'UI_PATH'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'UI_PATH_DEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'UI_PATH'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'UI_PATH_START_ROBOT' = 'UI_PATH'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'UI_PATH_STOP_ROBOT' = 'UI_PATH'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'UI_PATH_UNDEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'UI_PATH'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'VBSCRIPT' = 'WINDOWS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'WHATSAPP_MESSAGE' = 'WHATSAPP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'WORK_FUSION_DEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'WORK_FUSION'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'WORK_FUSION_START_ROBOT' = 'WORK_FUSION'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'WORK_FUSION_STOP_ROBOT' = 'WORK_FUSION'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'WORK_FUSION_UNDEPLOY_ROBOT' = 'WORK_FUSION'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'XFTP_COMMAND' = 'FILE_MANAGER'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'XMPP_SEND' = 'XMPP'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'YOUTUBE_POST' = 'YOUTUBE'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'Z_OS_COMMAND' = 'Z_OS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'Z_OS_DYNAMIC_JCL' = 'Z_OS'; })
    [void]$ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType.Add([hashtable]@{'Z_OS_STORED_JCL' = 'Z_OS'; })
    If ($TaskType.Length -gt 0) {
        [string[]]$TaskTypes = $ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType | Where-Object { $_.keys -eq $TaskType } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values
        If ($TaskTypes.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $TaskTypes
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "There were no Task Types that match [$TaskType]"
    ElseIf ($ServerNodeType.Length -gt 0) {
        [string[]]$ServerNodeTypes = $ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType | Where-Object { $_.values -eq $ServerNodeType } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Keys
        If ($ServerNodeTypes.Count -gt 0) {
            Return $ServerNodeTypes
        Else {
            Write-Warning -Message "There were no Server Node Types that match [$ServerNodeType]"
    ElseIf ($All -eq $true) {
        Return $ANOWLookupTaskTypeToServerNodeType
    Else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Unable to resolve which output to return!"
