function Get-CredentialsLocallyStored { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Automate')] [switch]$Automate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Control')] [switch]$Control, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="All")] [switch]$All, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom',Mandatory=$True)] [string]$CredentialPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Automate')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Control')] [string]$CredentialDirectory = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\AutomateAPI\" ) If ($All) { $Automate = $True $Control = $True } If ($Automate) { $CredentialPath = "$($CredentialDirectory)\Automate - Credentials.txt" If (-not (Test-Path $CredentialPath -EA 0)) { Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Automate Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)" } $StoreVariables = @( @{'Name' = 'CWAServer'; 'Scope' = 'Script'}, @{'Name' = 'CWACredentials'; 'Scope' = 'Script'}, @{'Name' = 'CWATokenKey'; 'Scope' = 'Script'}, @{'Name' = 'CWATokenInfo'; 'Scope' = 'Script'} ) $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json Foreach ($SaveVar in $StoreVariables) { If (!($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))) {Continue} If ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Credential') { Try { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Password))) } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored password is invalid." } } ElseIf ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Key') { Try { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))) } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored secure value is invalid." } } Else { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name)) } } If ($Script:CWATokenKey -and $Script:CWATokenKey.GetType() -match 'SecureString') { $AuthorizationToken = $([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Script:CWATokenKey))) $AutomateToken = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $AutomateToken.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $AuthorizationToken") $Script:CWAToken = $AutomateToken } If (!(Connect-AutomateAPI -Verify -Quiet -ErrorAction 0)) { Write-Error "Automate Credentials failed to successfully validate. Call Connect-AutomateAPI to establish a valid session." -ErrorAction 'Continue' } } If ($Control) { $CredentialPath = "$($CredentialDirectory)\Control - Credentials.txt" If (-not (Test-Path $CredentialPath -EA 0)) { Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Control Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)" } $StoreVariables = @( @{'Name' = 'ControlAPICredentials'; 'Scope' = 'Script'}, @{'Name' = 'ControlServer'; 'Scope' = 'Script'}, @{'Name' = 'ControlAPIKey'; 'Scope' = 'Script'} ) $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json Foreach ($SaveVar in $StoreVariables) { If (!($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))) {Continue} If ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Credential') { Try { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name).Password))) } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored password is invalid." } } ElseIf ($SaveVar.Name -match 'Key') { Try { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name))) } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to restore $($SaveVar.Name). The stored secure value is invalid." } } Else { $Null = Set-Variable @SaveVar -Value $($StoreBlock.$($SaveVar.Name)) } } If (!(Connect-ControlAPI -Verify -Quiet -ErrorAction 0)) { Write-Error "Control Credentials failed to successfully validate. Call Connect-ControlAPI to establish a valid session." -ErrorAction 'Continue' } } If ($Custom) { If (-not (Test-Path "$($CredentialPath)")) { Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Credentials not found at $($CredentialPath)" } $StoreBlock = Get-Content $CredentialPath | ConvertFrom-Json Try { $CustomCredentialObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($StoreBlock.CustomCredentials.Username), $(ConvertTo-SecureString $($StoreBlock.CustomCredentials.Password)) } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to restore CustomCredential from $($CredentialPath). The stored password is invalid." } Return $CustomCredentialObject } } |