function SeleniumDriverSetup { [CmdletBinding()] Param () # NOTE: This script works on both Windows and Linux $DirSep = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar if (!$(GetElevation)) { Write-Error "The $($PSCommandPath | Split-Path -Leaf) script should be run as root! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Make sure $PSUserPath is part of PATH if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { #$PSUserPath = '/home/ttadmin/.local/share/powershell' $PSUserPath = $DirSep + 'home' + $DirSep + 'ttadmin' + $DirSep + '.local' + $DirSep + 'share' + $DirSep + 'powershell' $BashrcPath = $HOME + $DirSep + '.bashrc' $PathCheckforProfile = @" [[ ":`$PATH:" != *":$PSUserPath`:"* ]] && PATH="$PSUserPath`:`${PATH}" "@ $ProfileContent = Get-Content $BashrcPath if (!$($ProfileContent -match $PSUserPath)) { Add-Content -Path $BashrcPath -Value $PathCheckforProfile } } else { #$PSUserPath = 'C:\Scripts\powershell' $PSUserPath = 'C:' + $DirSep + 'Scripts' + $DirSep + 'powershell' if (!$(Test-Path $PSUserPath)) {$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PSUserPath -Force} $null = AddPath -PathToAdd $PSUserPath -UpdateSystemPath } if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { $GeckoDriverPath = $PSUserPath + $DirSep + 'geckodriver' $ChromeDriverPath = $PSUserPath + $DirSep + 'chromedriver' } else { $GeckoDriverPath = $PSUserPath + $DirSep + 'geckodriver.exe' $ChromeDriverPath = $PSUserPath + $DirSep + 'chromedriver.exe' } $DownloadsPath = $HOME + $DirSep + 'Downloads' if (!$(Test-Path $GeckoDriverPath)) { Push-Location $DownloadsPath if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { $GeckoDriverGitHubInfo = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "").assets | Where-Object {$ -match "linux64"} } else { $GeckoDriverGitHubInfo = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "").assets | Where-Object {$ -match "win64"} } if (@($ -gt 1) { $GeckoDriverTarFile = @($ -match 'gz$' $GeckoDriverTarFile = $GeckoDriverTarFile[0] } else { $GeckoDriverTarFile = $ } $OutputFilePath = $DownloadsPath + $DirSep + $GeckoDriverTarFile if (@($GeckoDriverGitHubInfo.browser_download_url).Count -gt 1) { $GeckoDriverUrl = @($GeckoDriverGitHubInfo.browser_download_url) -match 'gz$' $GeckoDriverUrl = $GeckoDriverUrl[0] } else { $GeckoDriverUrl = $GeckoDriverGitHubInfo.browser_download_url } $WebClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new() $WebClient.Downloadfile($GeckoDriverUrl, $OutputFilePath) #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $GeckoDriverUrl -OutFile $OutputFilePath if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { $ExtractedFileName = tar xvzf $OutputFilePath } else { <# # Check if we have 7zip if (!$(Get-Command '7za.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $OutputFileName = $OutputFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf $7zaOutputFilePath = $DownloadsPath + $DirSep + '7za.exe' $WebClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new() $WebClient.Downloadfile('', $7zaOutputFilePath) } # The below extracts the contents of a .tar.gz file without any intermediary steps. See: # $CommandString = "cd $DownloadsPath && 7za.exe x `"$OutputFileName`" -so | 7za.exe x -aoa -si -ttar -o`"$DownloadsPath`"" & cmd /c $CommandString $ExtractedFileName = 'geckodriver' #> $ExtractedFileName = $(Expand-Archive -Path $OutputFilePath -DestinationPath $DownloadsPath -Force -PassThru).Name } $null = Move-Item -Path $ExtractedFileName -Destination $GeckoDriverPath Pop-Location } if (!$(Test-Path $ChromeDriverPath)) { Push-Location $DownloadsPath $ChromeDriverInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { $ChromeDriverUriTail = $($ChromeDriverInfo.ListBucketResult.Contents | Where-Object {$_.Key -match "linux64" -and $_.Key -notmatch "^2"} | Sort-Object -Property LastModified)[-1].Key } else { $ChromeDriverUriTail = $($ChromeDriverInfo.ListBucketResult.Contents | Where-Object {$_.Key -match "win32" -and $_.Key -notmatch "^2"} | Sort-Object -Property LastModified)[-1].Key } $OutFileName = $($ChromeDriverUriTail -split '/')[-1] $LatestChromeDriverUrl = "$ChromeDriverUriTail" $OutputFilePath = $DownloadsPath + $DirSep + $OutFileName $WebClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new() $WebClient.Downloadfile($LatestChromeDriverUrl, $OutputFilePath) #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LatestChromeDriverUrl -OutFile $OutputFilePath if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix" -or $PSVersionTable.OS -match "Darwin") { $ExtractedFileNamePrep = unzip $OutputFilePath -d $DownloadsPath $ExtractedFileName = $($ExtractedFileNamePrep -split ' ' | Where-Object {![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)})[-1] } else { $ExtractedFileName = $(Expand-Archive -Path $OutputFilePath -DestinationPath $DownloadsPath -Force -PassThru).Name } $null = Move-Item -Path $ExtractedFileName -Destination $ChromeDriverPath Pop-Location } } |