
function New-AMSystemPermission {
            Assigns security to an Automate system.
            New-AMPermission assigns security to the Automate server.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The user or group to assign security to.
        .PARAMETER FullControl
            Sets all permissions to allow for the specified user(s) or group(s).
        .PARAMETER Deploy
            Allow or deny permission to deploy agents onto remote computers.
        .PARAMETER EditDashboard
            Allow or deny permission to edit the dashboard panel.
        .PARAMETER EditDefaultProperties
            Allow or deny permission to edit default properties.
        .PARAMETER EditLicensing
            Allow or deny permission to edit product license information.
        .PARAMETER EditPreferences
            Allow or deny permission to edit preferences.
        .PARAMETER EditRevisionManagement
            Allow or deny permission to edit the Revision Management information.
        .PARAMETER EditServerSettings
            Allow or deny permission to edit server level settings.
        .PARAMETER ToggleTriggering
            Allow or deny permission to turn global triggering on or off.
        .PARAMETER ViewCalendar
            Allow or deny permission to view the calendar of previous and future events.
        .PARAMETER ViewDashboard
            Allow or deny permission to view the dashboard panel of SMC.
        .PARAMETER ViewDefaultProperties
            Allow or deny permission to view default properties which affect the behavior of individual workflows, tasks, agents, and other objects.
        .PARAMETER ViewLicensing
            Allow or deny permission to view product license information.
        .PARAMETER ViewPreferences
            Allow or deny permission to view preferences which affect an assortment of visual and operational characteristics in SMC.
        .PARAMETER ViewReports
            Allow or deny permission to view reports, including charts and tables.
        .PARAMETER ViewRevisionManagement
            Allow or deny permission to view the Revision Management information.
        .PARAMETER ViewServerSettings
            Allow or deny permission to view server level settings, such as Data Store, Load Management, SQL Connections and more.
            # Gives user 'John' full control
            Get-AMUser -Name "John" | New-AMSystemPermission -FullControl

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [switch]$FullControl = $false,
        [switch]$Deploy = $false,
        [switch]$EditDashboard = $false,
        [switch]$EditDefaultProperties = $false,
        [switch]$EditLicensing = $false,
        [switch]$EditPreferences = $false,
        [switch]$EditRevisionManagement = $false,
        [switch]$EditServerSettings = $false,
        [switch]$ToggleTriggering = $false,
        [switch]$ViewCalendar = $false,
        [switch]$ViewDashboard = $false,
        [switch]$ViewDefaultProperties = $false,
        [switch]$ViewLicensing = $false,
        [switch]$ViewPreferences = $false,
        [switch]$ViewReports = $false,
        [switch]$ViewRevisionManagement = $false,
        [switch]$ViewServerSettings = $false

    BEGIN {
        if ($FullControl.ToBool()) {
            $Deploy = $true
            $EditDashboard = $true
            $EditDefaultProperties = $true
            $EditLicensing = $true
            $EditPreferences = $true
            $EditRevisionManagement = $true
            $EditServerSettings = $true
            $ToggleTriggering = $true
            $ViewCalendar = $true
            $ViewDashboard = $true
            $ViewDefaultProperties = $true
            $ViewLicensing = $true
            $ViewPreferences = $true
            $ViewReports = $true
            $ViewRevisionManagement = $true
            $ViewServerSettings = $true

        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            $connection = Get-AMConnection -ConnectionAlias $obj.ConnectionAlias
            if ($obj.Type -in @("User","UserGroup")) {
                $currentPermissions = $obj | Get-AMSystemPermission
                if ($null -eq $currentPermissions) {
                    switch ($connection.Version.Major) {
                        10 { $newObject = [AMSystemPermissionv10]::new($connection.Alias) }
                        {$_ -in 11,22,23,24} {
                            $newObject = [AMSystemPermissionv11]::new($connection.Alias)
                            $newObject.EditRevisionManagementPermission = $EditRevisionManagement.ToBool()
                            $newObject.ViewRevisionManagementPermission = $ViewRevisionManagement.ToBool()
                        default { throw "Unsupported server major version: $_!" }
                    $newObject.GroupID                         = $obj.ID
                    $newObject.DeployPermission                = $Deploy.ToBool()
                    $newObject.EditDashboardPermission         = $EditDashboard.ToBool()
                    $newObject.EditDefaultPropertiesPermission = $EditDefaultProperties.ToBool()
                    $newObject.EditLicensingPermission         = $EditLicensing.ToBool()
                    $newObject.EditPreferencesPermission       = $EditPreferences.ToBool()
                    $newObject.EditServerSettingsPermission    = $EditServerSettings.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ToggleTriggeringPermission      = $ToggleTriggering.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewCalendarPermission          = $ViewCalendar.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewDashboardPermission         = $ViewDashboard.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewDefaultPropertiesPermission = $ViewDefaultProperties.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewLicensingPermission         = $ViewLicensing.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewPreferencesPermission       = $ViewPreferences.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewReportsPermission           = $ViewReports.ToBool()
                    $newObject.ViewServerSettingsPermission    = $ViewServerSettings.ToBool()

                    $splat += @{
                        Resource = "/system_permissions/create"
                        RestMethod = "Post"
                        Body = $newObject.ToJson()
                        Connection = $obj.ConnectionAlias
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($connection.Name, "Creating system permission for: $(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)")) {
                        Invoke-AMRestMethod @splat | Out-Null
                        Write-Verbose "Assigned system permissions to $($obj.Type) '$($obj.Name)'!"
                        Get-AMSystemPermission -ID $newObject.ID
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "$($obj.Type) '$($obj.Name)' already has system permissions!"
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message "Unsupported input type '$($obj.Type)' encountered!" -TargetObject $obj