function New-AMEmailCondition { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Automate Email condition. .DESCRIPTION New-AMEmailCondition creates a new Email condition. .PARAMETER Name The name of the new object. .PARAMETER AllowRedirection Allow redirection to occur. .PARAMETER AuthType Specifies the authentication type to administer. .PARAMETER AuthenticationType Specifies the authentication type to administer. .PARAMETER AutoDiscover Automatically discover the server based on the email address entered in the EmailAddress parameter. .PARAMETER Certificate The certificate to use. .PARAMETER CertificatePath The full path and file name of the certificate (.cer or .pfx extension) used to authenticate with. .PARAMETER ConnectionType The connection type. .PARAMETER CurrentFolder Specifies the current mailbox folder that this trigger should monitor. .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name to authenticate with. .PARAMETER EWSUseDefault Use EWS. .PARAMETER EmailAddress The Exchange server email address to use for email transactions. .PARAMETER EmailFilterType The type of filter to use: Sent or Received. .PARAMETER ExchangeVersion The Exchange server version. .PARAMETER ExternalEWSUrl The EWS URL. .PARAMETER HasMailBoxURL Whether mailbox URL is specified. .PARAMETER HttpProtocol HTTP or HTTPS. .PARAMETER IgnoreCertificate Invalid or expired SSL certificates that are detected will be ignored. .PARAMETER IgnoreServerCertificate Invalid or expired SSL server certificates that are detected will be ignored. .PARAMETER Impersonate Impersonate access as the specified user. .PARAMETER MailBoxURL The URL for the mailbox. .PARAMETER PollingInterval The polling interval. .PARAMETER Port The port for the email server. .PARAMETER ProtocolType The email server type. .PARAMETER ProxyPort The port used to communicate with the proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyServer The hostname of IP address of the proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyType The proxy protocol used to accept requests from clients in your network. .PARAMETER ProxyUserName The username used to authenticate connection to the proxy server. .PARAMETER Security The security type. .PARAMETER Server The email server. .PARAMETER UseAutoDiscovery Automatically discover the server based on the email address entered in the EmailAddress parameter. .PARAMETER UseForm Use form authentication. .PARAMETER UseHTTP Use HTTP. .PARAMETER UseNTLM Use NTLM authentication. .PARAMETER UserAgent The user agent. .PARAMETER UserName The user name. .PARAMETER WebDavAuthentication The WebDAV authentication type. .PARAMETER Wait Wait for the condition, or evaluate immediately. .PARAMETER Timeout If wait is specified, the amount of time before the condition times out. .PARAMETER TimeoutUnit The unit for Timeout (Seconds by default). .PARAMETER TriggerAfter The number of times the condition should occur before the trigger fires. .PARAMETER Notes The new notes to set on the object. .PARAMETER Folder The folder to place the object in. .PARAMETER Connection The server to create the object on. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="Low")] param ( [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="Low")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [switch]$Wait = $true, [int]$Timeout = 0, [AMTimeMeasure]$TimeoutUnit = [AMTimeMeasure]::Seconds, [int]$TriggerAfter = 1, [switch]$AllowRedirection = $false, [string]$AuthType = "Auto", [string]$AuthenticationType = "Auto", [switch]$AutoDiscover = $false, [string]$Certificate, [string]$CertificatePath, [AMConnectionType]$ConnectionType = [AMConnectionType]::System, [string]$CurrentFolder = "Inbox", [string]$DomainName, [switch]$EWSUseDefault = $false, [string]$EmailAddress, [AMEmailFilterType]$EmailFilterType = [AMEmailFilterType]::Received, [string]$ExchangeVersion, [string]$ExternalEWSUrl, [switch]$HasMailBoxURL = $false, [AMHttpProtocol]$HttpProtocol = [AMHttpProtocol]::HTTPS, [switch]$IgnoreCertificate = $false, [switch]$IgnoreServerCertificate = $false, [switch]$Impersonate = $false, [string]$MailBoxURL, #[string]$Passphrase, #[string]$Password, [int]$PollingInterval = 10, [string]$Port, [AMGetEmailProtocol]$ProtocolType = [AMGetEmailProtocol]::EWS, #[string]$ProxyPassword, [string]$ProxyPort, [string]$ProxyServer, [AMProxyType]$ProxyType = [AMProxyType]::NoProxy, [string]$ProxyUserName, [AMSecurityType]$Security = [AMSecurityType]::None, [string]$Server, [switch]$UseAutoDiscovery = $false, [switch]$UseForm = $false, [switch]$UseHTTP = $false, [switch]$UseNTLM = $false, [string]$UserAgent, [string]$UserName, [AMWebDavAuthentication]$WebDavAuthentication = [AMWebDavAuthentication]::Basic, [string]$Notes = [string]::Empty, [ValidateScript({$_.Type -eq "Folder"})] $Folder, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter([AMConnectionCompleter])] $Connection ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } else { $Connection = Get-AMConnection } if (Test-AMFeatureSupport -Connection $Connection -Feature EmailCondition -Action Throw) { switch (($Connection | Measure-Object).Count) { 1 { if (-not $Folder) { $Folder = Get-AMDefaultFolder -Connection $Connection -Type CONDITIONS } switch ($Connection.Version.Major) { {$_ -in 11,22,23,24} { $newObject = [AMEmailTriggerv11]::new($Name, $Folder, $Connection.Alias) } default { throw "Unsupported server major version: $_!" } } $newObject.Notes = $Notes $newObject.Wait = $Wait.ToBool() if ($newObject.Wait) { $newObject.Timeout = $Timeout $newObject.TimeoutUnit = $TimeoutUnit $newObject.TriggerAfter = $TriggerAfter } $newObject.AllowRedirection = $AllowRedirection.ToBool() $newObject.AuthType = $AuthType $newObject.AuthenticationType = $AuthenticationType $newObject.AutoDiscover = $AutoDiscover.ToBool() $newObject.Certificate = $Certificate $newObject.CertificatePath = $CertificatePath $newObject.ConnectionType = $ConnectionType $newObject.CurrentFolder = $CurrentFolder $newObject.DomainName = $DomainName $newObject.EWSUseDefault = $EWSUseDefault.ToBool() $newObject.EmailAddress = $EmailAddress $newObject.EmailFilterType = $EmailFilterType $newObject.ExchangeVersion = $ExchangeVersion $newObject.ExternalEWSUrl = $ExternalEWSUrl $newObject.HasMailBoxURL = $HasMailBoxURL.ToBool() $newObject.HttpProtocol = $HttpProtocol $newObject.IgnoreCertificate = $IgnoreCertificate.ToBool() $newObject.IgnoreServerCertificate = $IgnoreServerCertificate.ToBool() $newObject.Impersonate = $Impersonate.ToBool() $newObject.MailBoxURL = $MailBoxURL $newObject.Passphrase = $Passphrase $newObject.Password = $Password $newObject.PollingInterval = $PollingInterval $newObject.Port = $Port $newObject.ProtocolType = $ProtocolType $newObject.ProxyPassword = $ProxyPassword $newObject.ProxyPort = $ProxyPort $newObject.ProxyServer = $ProxyServer $newObject.ProxyType = $ProxyType $newObject.ProxyUserName = $ProxyUserName $newObject.Security = $Security $newObject.Server = $Server $newObject.UseAutoDiscovery = $UseAutoDiscovery.ToBool() $newObject.UseForm = $UseForm.ToBool() $newObject.UseHTTP = $UseHTTP.ToBool() $newObject.UseNTLM = $UseNTLM.ToBool() $newObject.UserAgent = $UserAgent $newObject.UserName = $UserName $newObject.WebDavAuthentication = $WebDavAuthentication $newObject | New-AMObject -Connection $Connection } 0 { throw "No servers are currently connected!" } default { throw "Multiple Automate servers are connected, please specify which server to create the new condition on!" } } } } |