function Get-AMSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Automate user sessions. .DESCRIPTION Get-AMSession returns open SMC sessions from Automate. This function uses the audit event log to determine which sessions are open. The results of this function could be inaccurate if a session wasn't closed property, or if audit events have aged out since the last server start. .PARAMETER Connection The Automate management server. .EXAMPLE # Gets all user sessions Get-AMSession .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter([AMConnectionCompleter])] $Connection ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } else { $Connection = Get-AMConnection } $result = @() foreach ($c in $Connection) { # Get events starting when the management server last started $mgtServer = Get-AMServer -Type Management -Connection $c -Verbose:$VerbosePreference $uptimeDays = [int]($mgtServer.Uptime.Split(".")[0]) $uptimePart2 = $mgtServer.Uptime.Split(".")[1] $uptimeHours = [int]($uptimePart2.Split(":")[0]) $uptimeMinutes = [int]($uptimePart2.Split(":")[1]) $uptimeSeconds = [int]($uptimePart2.Split(":")[2]) $uptime = New-TimeSpan -Days $uptimeDays -Hours $uptimeHours -Minutes $uptimeMinutes -Seconds $uptimeSeconds $filterSet = @() $filterSet += @{Property = "EventType"; Operator = "="; Value = [AMAuditEventType]::UserConnectedSmc.value__} $filterSet += @{Property = "EventType"; Operator = "="; Value = [AMAuditEventType]::UserDisconnectedSmc.value__} $events = Get-AMAuditEvent -FilterSet $filterSet -FilterSetMode Or -StartDate (Get-Date).Subtract($uptime) -Connection $c -Verbose:$VerbosePreference $connectEvents = ($events | Group-Object SessionID | Where-Object {$_.Count -eq 1}).Group | Where-Object {$_.EventType -eq [AMAuditEventType]::UserConnectedSmc.value__} foreach ($connectEvent in $connectEvents) { $eventData = @{} $connectEvent.Data.Split("|") | ForEach-Object {$eventData.Add($_.Split(":")[0],$_.Split(":")[1])} $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ ID = $connectEvent.SessionID UserID = $connectEvent.UserID User = $eventData["User"] Machine = $eventData["MachineName"] IPAddress = $eventData["IP"] OSUser = $eventData["OSUser"] StartDateTime = $connectEvent.EventDateTime Duration = New-Timespan -Start $connectEvent.EventDateTime Type = [AMConstructType]::MachineConnection ConnectionAlias = $c.Alias } $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"CustomUserSession") $result } } } |