function Get-AMObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves any Automate object by ID. .DESCRIPTION Get-AMObject allows search for any Automate object by its ID when the construct type is not known. .PARAMETER ID The ID to search for. .PARAMETER Types The construct types to search, all are searched by default. .PARAMETER Connection The server to search. .EXAMPLE Get-AMObject -ID "{1525ea3b-45cc-4ee1-9b34-8ea855c3b299}" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([AMAutomationConstructv10],[AMAutomationConstructv11])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $ID, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [AMConstructType[]]$Types = @([AMConstructType]::Workflow, ` [AMConstructType]::Task, ` [AMConstructType]::Process, ` [AMConstructType]::Condition, ` [AMConstructType]::Agent, ` [AMConstructType]::AgentGroup, ` [AMConstructType]::User, ` [AMConstructType]::UserGroup, ` [AMConstructType]::Folder ), [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter([AMConnectionCompleter])] $Connection ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } else { $Connection = Get-AMConnection } if ($null -eq $Connection) { throw "Invalid connection specified!" } $filterSet = @{Property = "ID"; Operator = "="; Value = $ID} foreach ($type in $Types) { foreach ($c in $Connection) { if ($type -eq "SystemAgent") { Get-AMSystemAgent -ID $ID -Connection $c } else { $resource = Format-AMUri -Path "$(([AMTypeDictionary]::($type)).RestResource)/index" -FilterSet $filterSet if (Invoke-AMRestMethod -Resource $resource -Connection $c) { Invoke-AMRestMethod -Resource "$(([AMTypeDictionary]::($type)).RestResource)/$ID/get" -Connection $c } } } } } |