function Find-AMObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Finds objects in Automate. .DESCRIPTION Find-AMObject searches Automate for objects based on a search query. .PARAMETER Pattern The pattern to use when searching. Regular expressions are supported. .PARAMETER Regex Specify if the -Pattern parameter is a regular expression. Otherwise, normal wildcards are used. .PARAMETER Type The object type(s) to perform search against. .PARAMETER SearchDepth The number of layers (sub-objects/properties) in every object to search. Using a search depth that is too deep can significantly increase search time. .PARAMETER Connection The server to perform search against. .EXAMPLE # Find all tasks that have FTP activities Find-AMObject -Pattern "AMFTP" -Type Task .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Pattern, [switch]$Regex = $false, [ValidateSet("Workflow","Task","Condition","Process","Agent","AgentGroup","User","UserGroup")] [string[]]$Type = @("Workflow","Task","Condition","Process","Agent","AgentGroup","User","UserGroup"), [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})] [int]$SearchDepth = 3, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter([AMConnectionCompleter])] $Connection ) $splat = @{ RestMethod = "Get" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection $splat.Add("Connection",$Connection) } # Retrieve all objects of the specified types $toSearch = @() foreach ($t in $Type) { $tempSplat = $splat $tempSplat += @{ Resource = Format-AMUri -Path "$(([AMTypeDictionary]::($t)).RestResource)/list" -SortProperty "Name" } $toSearch += Invoke-AMRestMethod @tempSplat } # Recursively search properties of objects $searchResult = $toSearch | Search-ObjectProperty -Pattern $Pattern -Regex:$Regex $searchResult | Foreach-Object {$_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"CustomFoundObject")} return $searchResult } |