function Test-AMFeatureSupport { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if new features are supported on the connected server. .DESCRIPTION Test-AMFeatureSupport tests if new features are supported on the connected server. .PARAMETER Connection The connection to check for feature support. .PARAMETER Feature The feature to test support for. .PARAMETER Action The action to take if the feature is not supported. .EXAMPLE # Test if email conditions are supported, throw an error if not. if (Test-AMFeatureSupport -Connection server1 -Feature EmailCondition -Action Throw) { # Do something } .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Connection, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("EmailCondition","FileSystemConditionPollingMode","ApiRuntimeVariables","MultiDomainUser","ApiKeyAuthentication")] $Feature, [ValidateSet("Throw","Warn","Ignore")] $Action ) $featureVersions = @{ EmailCondition = [Version]"" FileSystemConditionPollingMode = [Version]"" ApiRuntimeVariables = [Version]"" MultiDomainUser = [Version]"" ApiKeyAuthentication = [Version]"" } if ($Connection -is [string]) { $serverConnection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } elseif ($Connection -is [AMConnection]) { $serverConnection = $Connection } if ($serverConnection.GetServerVersion() -lt $featureVersions[$Feature]) { $message = "Feature '$Feature' is not supported in version $($serverConnection.Version), version $($featureVersions[$Feature]) or greater is required." switch ($Action) { "Warn" { Write-Warning -Message $message } "Throw" { throw $message } default {} } return $false } else { return $true } } |