function Invoke-AMFilterSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Filters any object using similar filter set logic provided by the API. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-AMFilterSet applies filter sets without calling the API. .PARAMETER InputObject The object(s) to filter. .PARAMETER FilterSet The parameters to filter the search on. Supply hashtable(s) with the following properties: Property, Operator, Value. Valid values for the Operator are: =, !=, <, >, contains (default - no need to supply Operator when using 'contains') .PARAMETER FilterSetMode If multiple filter sets are provided, FilterSetMode determines if the filter sets should be evaluated with an AND or an OR .EXAMPLE # Filter non-API folder root objects Get-AMFolderRoot | Invoke-AMFilterSet -FilterSet @{Property = "Name"; Value = "Task"} .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $InputObject, [ValidateNotNull()] [Hashtable[]]$FilterSet = @(), [ValidateSet("And","Or")] [string]$FilterSetMode = "And" ) BEGIN { $scriptBlocks = @() foreach ($fs in $FilterSet) { $filterProperty = $null $filterOperator = $null $filterValue = $null # Get filter set parameters foreach ($key in $fs.Keys) { if ("Property" -like "$key*") { $filterProperty = $fs[$key] } elseif ("Comparator" -like "$key*" -or "Operator" -like "$key*") { $filterOperator = $fs[$key] } elseif ("Value" -like "$key*") { $filterValue = $fs[$key] } } # Validate filter set parameters if ($null -ne $filterProperty -and $null -ne $filterValue) { if (-not $filterOperator) { $filterOperator = "contains" } } else { throw "'Property' and 'Value' must be specified in the filter set hashtable!" } # Create script blocks for each filter set switch ($filterOperator) { "=" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -eq '$filterValue'") } "!=" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -ne '$filterValue'") } "<" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -lt '$filterValue'") } ">" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -gt '$filterValue'") } "contains" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -like '*$filterValue*'") } default { throw "Unsupported filter operator: $_!" } } } } PROCESS { foreach ($obj in $InputObject) { switch ($FilterSetMode) { "AND" { $allMatch = $true # Loop through script blocks and execute them, returns $true if matched foreach ($scriptBlock in $scriptBlocks) { if (-not (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock)) { $allMatch = $false break } } if ($allMatch) { $obj } } "OR" { foreach ($scriptBlock in $scriptBlocks) { # Loop through script blocks and execute them, returns $true if matched if (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock) { $obj break } } } } } } } |