
function Invoke-AMFilterSet {
            Filters any object using similar filter set logic provided by the API.
            Invoke-AMFilterSet applies filter sets without calling the API.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The object(s) to filter.
        .PARAMETER FilterSet
            The parameters to filter the search on. Supply hashtable(s) with the following properties: Property, Operator, Value.
            Valid values for the Operator are: =, !=, <, >, contains (default - no need to supply Operator when using 'contains')
        .PARAMETER FilterSetMode
            If multiple filter sets are provided, FilterSetMode determines if the filter sets should be evaluated with an AND or an OR
            # Filter non-API folder root objects
            Get-AMFolderRoot | Invoke-AMFilterSet -FilterSet @{Property = "Name"; Value = "Task"}

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Hashtable[]]$FilterSet = @(),

        [string]$FilterSetMode = "And"

    BEGIN {
        $scriptBlocks = @()
        foreach ($fs in $FilterSet) {
            $filterProperty = $null
            $filterOperator = $null
            $filterValue = $null
            # Get filter set parameters
            foreach ($key in $fs.Keys) {
                if ("Property" -like "$key*") { $filterProperty = $fs[$key] }
                elseif ("Comparator" -like "$key*" -or "Operator" -like "$key*") { $filterOperator = $fs[$key] }
                elseif ("Value" -like "$key*") { $filterValue = $fs[$key] }
            # Validate filter set parameters
            if ($null -ne $filterProperty -and $null -ne $filterValue) {
                if (-not $filterOperator) { $filterOperator = "contains" }
            } else {
                throw "'Property' and 'Value' must be specified in the filter set hashtable!"
            # Create script blocks for each filter set
            switch ($filterOperator) {
                "="        { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -eq '$filterValue'") }
                "!="       { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -ne '$filterValue'") }
                "<"        { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -lt '$filterValue'") }
                ">"        { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -gt '$filterValue'") }
                "contains" { $scriptBlocks += [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$obj.$filterProperty -like '*$filterValue*'") }
                default    { throw "Unsupported filter operator: $_!" }

        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            switch ($FilterSetMode) {
                "AND" {
                    $allMatch = $true
                    # Loop through script blocks and execute them, returns $true if matched
                    foreach ($scriptBlock in $scriptBlocks) {
                        if (-not (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock)) {
                            $allMatch = $false
                    if ($allMatch) {
                "OR" {
                    foreach ($scriptBlock in $scriptBlocks) {
                        # Loop through script blocks and execute them, returns $true if matched
                        if (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock) {