function Get-AMDefaultFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a default folder in the repository to place new objects. .DESCRIPTION Get-AMDefaultFolder gets a default location in the repository to place new objects. .PARAMETER Connection The connection to get the default folder for. .PARAMETER Type The type of repository folder. .EXAMPLE Get-AMDefaultFolder -Connection $connection -Type WORKFLOWS .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Connection, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("CONDITIONS","PROCESSES","TASKS","WORKFLOWS")] [string]$Type ) switch ($Connection.AuthenticationMethod) { "Basic" { # Get the user folder $user = Get-AMUser -Connection $Connection | Where-Object {$_.Name -ieq $Connection.Credential.UserName} $folder = $user | Get-AMFolder -Type $Type } "Bearer" { # When using bearer auth, we don't know which user we are, so just return the root folder $folder = Get-AMFolder -Type $Type -Path \ } } return $folder } |