class AMConnection { [string]$Name [string]$Alias [string]$Server [int]$Port [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential [Version]$Version AMConnection([string]$Server, [int]$Port, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential) { $this.Server = $Server $this.Port = $Port $this.Credential = $Credential $this.Name = "$($Server):$($Port)" $this.Alias = "$($Server):$($Port)" } AMConnection([string]$Alias, [string]$Server, [int]$Port, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential) { $this.Server = $Server $this.Port = $Port $this.Credential = $Credential $this.Name = "$($Server):$($Port)" $this.Alias = $Alias } [bool]Authenticate() { $success = $false $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $this.Credential.UserName,$this.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password))) $headers = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} try { $authTest = Invoke-RestMethod "http://$($this.Server):$($this.Port)/BPAManagement/users/authenticate" -Method Get -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw "Failed to authenticate to server $($this.Server):$($this.Port) as $($this.Credential.UserName)!" } if ($authTest.Data -eq "success") { $success = $true $serverInfo = Invoke-RestMethod "http://$($this.Server):$($this.Port)/BPAManagement/info/get" -Method Get -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing $this.Version = [Version]$serverInfo.Data.Version } else { throw "Failed to authenticate to server $($this.Server):$($this.Port) as $($this.Credential.UserName)!" } return $success } } class AMMatchedProperty { $Property $Value $Result AMMatchedProperty($Property,$Value) { $this.Property = $Property $this.Value = $Value $this.Result = "$Property = $Value" } } class AMRepositoryMapDetail { $SourceConnection $SourceID $SourceName $SourceType $DestinationConnection $DestinationID $DestinationName $DestinationType AMRepositoryMapDetail($Mapping) { $this.SourceConnection = $Mapping.SourceConnection $this.SourceID = $Mapping.SourceID $this.SourceName = $Mapping.SourceName $this.SourceType = $Mapping.SourceType $this.DestinationConnection = $Mapping.DestinationConnection $this.DestinationID = $Mapping.DestinationID $this.DestinationName = $Mapping.DestinationName $this.DestinationType = $Mapping.DestinationType } AMRepositoryMapDetail($Source, $Destination) { $this.SourceConnection = $Source.ConnectionAlias $this.SourceID = $Source.ID $this.SourceName = $Source.Name $this.SourceType = $Source.Type $this.DestinationConnection = $Destination.ConnectionAlias $this.DestinationID = $Destination.ID $this.DestinationName = $Destination.Name $this.DestinationType = $Destination.Type } } # AutoMate Enterprise creates some system level objects that have a static ID defined (not stored in the DB). # These should remain the same across installations on different servers. class AMSystemAgent { static [string] $Condition = "{2C046FDD-97A9-4a79-B34F-0C7A97E9CE69}" static [string] $Default = "{CC3AD52F-C1DC-4d24-B6BE-32467159C86C}" static [string] $Previous = "{AC557F76-ABFF-4860-9ED4-259CC8758C76}" static [string] $Triggered = "{C1E0C335-CF54-42f0-AA90-BB2854E37E8A}" static [string] $Variable = "{EEF25965-316C-4a47-98F7-8D113F76333D}" [string]GetByID($ID) { $result = $null switch ($ID) { "{2C046FDD-97A9-4a79-B34F-0C7A97E9CE69}" { $result = "Condition" } "{CC3AD52F-C1DC-4d24-B6BE-32467159C86C}" { $result = "Default" } "{AC557F76-ABFF-4860-9ED4-259CC8758C76}" { $result = "Previous" } "{C1E0C335-CF54-42f0-AA90-BB2854E37E8A}" { $result = "Triggered" } "{EEF25965-316C-4a47-98F7-8D113F76333D}" { $result = "Variable" } } return $result } } class AMTypeDictionary { static [PSCustomObject]$AgentGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "agent_groups"; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "AGENTGROUPS" ; RootFolderID = "{65B26C46-C286-45d8-88AE-2E16774F0DAB}" } static [PSCustomObject]$Agent = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "agents" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "TASKAGENTS" ; RootFolderID = "{A5B6AF52-5DAC-45a0-8B26-602E3E3BBC59}" } # Only used for agent creation to look up the rest resource static [PSCustomObject]$Condition = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "conditions" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "CONDITIONS" ; RootFolderID = "{5B00CA35-3EFB-41ea-95C0-D8B50B9BFA9F}" } static [PSCustomObject]$Process = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "processes" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "PROCESSES" ; RootFolderID = "{8E19BEB0-9625-4810-AF6E-5EAD7069E83C}" } static [PSCustomObject]$ProcessAgent = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "agents" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "PROCESSAGENTS"; RootFolderID = "{84334DCF-3643-4988-83CA-79019097AA7D}" } static [PSCustomObject]$Task = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "tasks" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "TASKS" ; RootFolderID = "{E893A7FD-2758-4315-9181-93F8728332E5}" } static [PSCustomObject]$TaskAgent = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "agents" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "TASKAGENTS" ; RootFolderID = "{A5B6AF52-5DAC-45a0-8B26-602E3E3BBC59}" } static [PSCustomObject]$User = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "users" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "USERS" ; RootFolderID = "{CF0A8EFD-08A7-47b1-9A2A-335B743D284A}" } static [PSCustomObject]$UserGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "user_groups" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "USERGROUPS" ; RootFolderID = "{E6B6C664-3B87-43a1-AD19-4B60191B8F3C}" } static [PSCustomObject]$Workflow = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "workflows" ; RootFolderPath = "\" ; RootFolderName = "WORKFLOWS" ; RootFolderID = "{589D12C2-1282-4466-B7E3-FE547509AF31}" } static [PSCustomObject]$Folder = [PSCustomObject]@{ RestResource = "folders" ; RootFolderPath = "" ; RootFolderName = "" ; RootFolderID = "" } } enum AMComparisonResult { Equal = 0 NotEqual = 1 MissingFromReferenceObject = 2 MissingFromDifferenceObject = 3 } class AMComparison { $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject $Property [AMComparisonResult]$Result AMComparison($ReferenceObject, $DifferenceObject, $Property, [AMComparisonResult]$Result) { $this.ReferenceObject = $ReferenceObject $this.DifferenceObject = $DifferenceObject $this.Property = $Property $this.Result = $Result } } |