function Get-AMConsoleOutput { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets AutoMate Enterprise console output. .DESCRIPTION Get-AMConsoleOutput gets the console output. .PARAMETER MaxItems The maximum number of events in the console output to retrieve. .PARAMETER PollIntervalSeconds The number of seconds to wait between polls. Specifying this parameter enables polling until cancelled by the user with Ctrl + C. .PARAMETER SuccessTextColor The text color to output success messages. .PARAMETER FailureTextColor The text color to output failure messages. .PARAMETER SuccessBackgroundColor The background color to output success messages. .PARAMETER FailureBackgroundColor The background color to output failure messages. .PARAMETER Connection The AutoMate Enterprise management server. .EXAMPLE # Get console output from server "AM01" Get-AMConsoleOutput -Connection "AM01" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int]$MaxItems = 20, [int]$PollIntervalSeconds, [ConsoleColor]$SuccessTextColor = [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]$FailureTextColor = [ConsoleColor]::Red, [ConsoleColor]$SuccessBackgroundColor, [ConsoleColor]$FailureBackgroundColor, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Connection ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } else { $Connection = Get-AMConnection } $pollContinuously = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PollIntervalSeconds") $serverStartIndex = @{} $serverLastMessageCount = @{} do { foreach ($c in $Connection) { if (-not $serverStartIndex.ContainsKey($c.Alias)) { $serverStartIndex += @{$c.Alias = -1} } if (-not $serverLastMessageCount.ContainsKey($c.Alias)) { $serverLastMessageCount += @{$c.Alias = 0} } if ($serverStartIndex[$c.Alias] -eq -1) { # First poll $serverIndex = (Invoke-AMRestMethod -Resource "output/list" -RestMethod "Get" -Connection $c.Alias).IndexOfLastMessage -as [int] if (($serverIndex - $MaxItems) -ge 0) { $serverStartIndex[$c.Alias] = $serverIndex - $MaxItems } else { continue } } else { $indexAdd = $serverLastMessageCount[$c.Alias] if ($indexAdd -gt 0) { $indexAdd += 1 } $serverStartIndex[$c.Alias] = $serverStartIndex[$c.Alias] + $indexAdd } Write-Verbose "Using index $($serverStartIndex[$c.Alias]) for server $($c.Alias) (last query returned $($serverLastMessageCount[$c.Alias]) messages)." $uri = Format-AMUri -Path "output/list" -Parameters "start_index=$($serverStartIndex[$c.Alias])","page_size=$MaxItems" $temp = Invoke-AMRestMethod -Resource $uri -RestMethod "Get" -Connection $c.Alias $serverLastMessageCount[$c.Alias] = ($temp.Messages | Measure-Object).Count foreach ($message in $temp.Messages) { $message.TimeStamp = $message.TimeStamp.ToLocalTime() $message | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ConnectionAlias" -Value $c.Alias $output = "$(Get-Date $message.TimeStamp -Format G) - $($message.Text)" if (($Connection | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) { $output += " (Connection: $($message.ConnectionAlias))" } $splat = @{ Object = $output } if ($message.Type -eq 1) { $splat.Add("ForegroundColor", $FailureTextColor) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FailureBackgroundColor")) { $splat.Add("BackgroundColor", $FailureBackgroundColor) } } else { $splat.Add("ForegroundColor", $SuccessTextColor) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SuccessBackgroundColor")) { $splat.Add("BackgroundColor", $SuccessBackgroundColor) } } Write-Host @splat } } if ($pollContinuously) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $PollIntervalSeconds } } until (-not $pollContinuously) } |