function Format-AMUri { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a formatted filter set with sort options. .DESCRIPTION Format-AMUri takes an array of hashtables and formats them into a filter set for the API. .PARAMETER Path The root URI to build the query from. .PARAMETER FilterSet The parameters to filter the search on. Supply hashtable(s) with the following properties: Property, Operator, Value (these properties can be shorthanded by specifying P, C or V). Valid values for the Operator are: =, !=, <, >, contains (default - no need to supply Operator when using 'contains') .PARAMETER FilterSetMode If multiple filter sets are provided, FilterSetMode determines if the filter sets should be evaluated with an AND or an OR .PARAMETER RangeStart The time of the earliest desired record. Applicable only when querying audit events, execution events, instances, metrics and the calendar. .PARAMETER RangeEnd The time of the latest desired record. Applicable only when querying audit events, execution events, instances, metrics and the calendar. .PARAMETER FolderID The ID of the folder containing the desired objects. .PARAMETER IncludeRelativeInstances Returns any additional instances related to the query. .PARAMETER CalendarType The type of schedule triggers to report on when querying the calendar. .PARAMETER Parameters Any additional parameters. .PARAMETER SortProperty The object property to sort results on. Do not use ConnectionAlias, since it is a custom property added by this module, and not exposed in the API. .PARAMETER SortDescending If specified, this will sort the output on the specified SortProperty in descending order. Otherwise, ascending order is assumed. .EXAMPLE Format-AMUri -FilterSet @{Property = "Enabled"; Operator = "="; Value = "true"} -SortProperty "Name" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path, [Hashtable[]]$FilterSet, [ValidateSet("And","Or")] [string]$FilterSetMode = "And", [DateTime]$RangeStart, [DateTime]$RangeEnd, [string]$FolderID, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$IncludeRelativeInstances = $false, [ValidateSet("Specific","Weekly","Monthly","Holidays","Non-interval",$null)] [string]$CalendarType, [string[]]$Parameters, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$SortProperty, [switch]$SortDescending = $false ) switch ($FilterSetMode) { "And" {$operator = "&&"} "Or" {$operator = "||"} } $filterStrings = @() foreach ($fs in $FilterSet) { $filterProperty = $null $filterOperator = $null $filterValue = $null foreach ($key in $fs.Keys) { if ("Property" -like "$key*") { $filterProperty = $fs[$key] } elseif ("Comparator" -like "$key*" -or "Operator" -like "$key*") { $filterOperator = $fs[$key] } elseif ("Value" -like "$key*") { $filterValue = $fs[$key] } } if ($null -ne $filterProperty -and $null -ne $filterValue) { if ($filterValue -is [DateTime]) { $filterValue = $filterValue.ToUniversalTime() } if (-not $filterOperator) { $filterOperator = "contains" } $filterStrings += '"' + $filterProperty + '","' + $filterOperator + '","\"' + [uri]::EscapeDataString($filterValue) + '\""' } else { throw "'Property' and 'Value' must be specified in the filter set hashtable!" } } if (($filterStrings | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $Parameters += ("filter_sets=$($filterStrings -join [uri]::EscapeDataString($operator))") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RangeStart")) { $Parameters += "range_start=$($RangeStart.ToUniversalTime())" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RangeEnd")) { $Parameters += "range_end=$($RangeEnd.ToUniversalTime())" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FolderID")) { $Parameters += "folder_id=$FolderID" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CalendarType") -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CalendarType))) { $Parameters += "type=$Type" } if ($IncludeRelativeInstances.ToBool()) { $Parameters += "include_relatives=true" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SortProperty")) { $Parameters += "sort_field=$($SortProperty[0])" if ($SortDescending.ToBool()) { $Parameters += "sort_order=DSC" } } $index = 0 foreach ($parameter in $Parameters | Where-Object {-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}) { if ($index -eq 0) { $Path += "?" } else { $Path += "&" } $Path += $parameter $index++ } return $Path } |