function New-AMKeyboardCondition { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new AutoMate Enterprise keyboard condition. .DESCRIPTION New-AMKeyboardCondition creates a new keyboard condition. .PARAMETER Name The name of the new object. .PARAMETER Hotkey The hotkey to trigger the condition. .PARAMETER HotkeyPassthrough Allow hotkey to continue to the application. .PARAMETER Text The text to trigger the condition. .PARAMETER EraseText Erase text afterwards. .PARAMETER Process Only run when the specified process is active. .PARAMETER ProcessFocused The process window must be focused. .PARAMETER Notes The new notes to set on the object. .PARAMETER Folder The folder to place the object in. .PARAMETER Connection The server to create the object on. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="Low")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hotkey")] [string]$Hotkey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hotkey")] [switch]$HotkeyPassthrough = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Text")] [string]$Text, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Text")] [switch]$EraseText = $false, [string]$Process, [switch]$ProcessFocused = $false, [string]$Notes = "", [ValidateScript({$_.Type -eq "Folder"})] $Folder, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Connection ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Connection")) { $Connection = Get-AMConnection -Connection $Connection } else { $Connection = Get-AMConnection } switch (($Connection | Measure-Object).Count) { 1 { $user = Get-AMUser -Connection $Connection | Where-Object {$_.Name -ieq $Connection.Credential.UserName} if (-not $Folder) { $Folder = $user | Get-AMFolder -Type CONDITIONS } # Place the condition in the users condition folder switch ($Connection.Version.Major) { 10 { $newObject = [AMKeyboardTriggerv10]::new($Name, $Folder, $Connection.Alias) } 11 { $newObject = [AMKeyboardTriggerv11]::new($Name, $Folder, $Connection.Alias) } default { throw "Unsupported server major version: $_!" } } $newObject.CreatedBy = $user.ID $newObject.Notes = $Notes $newObject.Process = $Process $newObject.Foreground = $ProcessFocused.ToBool() switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Hotkey" { $newObject.KeyType = [AMKeyboardConditionKeyType]::Hotkey $newObject.Keys = $Hotkey $newObject.PassThrough = $HotkeyPassthrough.ToBool() } "Text" { $newObject.KeyType = [AMKeyboardConditionKeyType]::Text $newObject.Keys = $Text $newObject.EraseText = $EraseText.ToBool() } } $newObject | New-AMObject -Connection $Connection } 0 { throw "No servers are currently connected!" } default { throw "Multiple AutoMate servers are connected, please specify which server to create the new condition on!" } } } |