
function Send-SplunkLog {
        Send an event log to Splunk HTTP Event Collector
        This function uses the Splunk HTTP Event Collector to send logs to Splunk.
        URI for HEC endpoint. Defaults to the URI value from the Splunk LogStream in $AugerContext.
    .PARAMETER SplunkAuthKey
        A SecureString containing the access key for the Splunk HEC.
    .PARAMETER Headers
        Key value pairs for optional HTTP headers. The Authorization headers is automatically configured from $SplunkAuthKey.
        The hostname of the machine sending events. Defaults to the value from $AugerContext.Host.
    .PARAMETER Source
        The source application sending the data. Defaults to $AugerContext.Application.
    .PARAMETER SourceType
        The type of source sending the data. Will be prepended with 'HEC:'.
    .PARAMETER Retries
        How many retries will be attempted if invoking fails
    .PARAMETER SecondsDelay
        How many seconds to wait between retries
    .PARAMETER Metadata
        Part of Splunk Metadata for event. Combination of host,source,sourcetype in performatted hashtable, will be comverted to JSON
    .PARAMETER EventData
        Event Data in hastable or pscustomeobject, will be comverted to JSON
    .PARAMETER JsonDepth
        Optional, specifies the Depth parameter to pass to ConvertTo-JSON, defaults to 100
    .PARAMETER Severity
        Info, Warn, or Error.
        Labeling the log with a severity. Used to label the eventData body if message was given as a string.
        Send-SplunkEvent -SplunkAuthKey $secret -SourceType 'AzureRunbook' -EventData @{'JobID' = '123'; 'msg' = 'Init run'}

    param (
        # This can be [Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] or [Collections.Hashtable]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Custom", Mandatory=$true)]


        $Headers = @{},

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Custom", Mandatory=$true)]
        $Source = $AugerContext.Application,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Custom", Mandatory=$true)]
        $SourceType = $AugerContext.Source,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Custom", Mandatory=$true)]
        $EventHost = $AugerContext.Host,


        $Retries = 5,

        $SecondsDelay = 10,

        $JsonDepth = 100,

        [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warn', 'Error')]
        $Severity = 'Info',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Stream", ValueFromPipeline)]
        $Stream = ($AugerContext.LogStreams | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'Splunk')

        $retryCount = 0
        $completed = $false
        $response = $null
    } process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Custom") {
            if ((-not $Headers.Authorization) -and (-not $SplunkAuthKey)) { throw "No Splunk authorization token provided. Cannot send to Splunk." }
            else { if ($SplunkAuthKey) { $Headers.Authorization = $SplunkAuthKey } }

            # convert the securestring key for sending to Splunk
            $Headers.Authorization = $([Net.NetworkCredential]::new('', $Headers.Authorization).Password)

            # make local, temporary "stream" for custom execution
            $Stream = [pscustomobject]@{
                Name        = 'Splunk'
                Enabled     = $true
                Uri         = $Uri
                Headers     = $Headers

        foreach ($each in $Stream) {
            if ((-not $Headers.Authorization)) { $Headers.Authorization = $each.Headers.Authorization }

            if ($Headers.Authorization.Count -gt 1) {
                $Headers.Authorization = $Headers.Authorization[0]
                Write-Verbose "Send-SplunkLog multiple Authorization headers configured for [Splunk] selecting the first one."
            } elseif ($Headers.Authorization.Count -lt 1) {
                throw 'No Authorization header found. Did you initialize a SplunkStream? Or provide a $Headers'

            # convert the securestring key for sending to Splunk
            $Headers.Authorization = $([Net.NetworkCredential]::new('', $Headers.Authorization).Password)

            if ($metadata){$bodySplunk = $metadata.Clone()}
            else {$bodySplunk = @{'host' = $EventHost;'source' = $source;'sourcetype' = "HEC:$sourcetype"}}

            $bodySplunk['time'] = (Get-Date).toUniversalTime() | Get-Date -UFormat %s

            # if string, convert to hashtable
            if ($EventData.GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $EventData = @{"$Severity" = $EventData}
            $internalEventData = $eventData | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
            Add-Member -InputObject $internalEventData -Name "SplunkHECRetry" -Value $retryCount -MemberType NoteProperty
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Stream") {
                Add-Member -InputObject $internalEventData -Name "guid" -Value $AugerContext.GUID -MemberType NoteProperty
            $bodySplunk['event'] = $internalEventData

            $shouldProcessMessage = "Sending the following data to Splunk collector {0}:`n{1}" -f $each.URI, ($bodySplunk | ConvertTo-Json)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($shouldProcessMessage, ($bodySplunk | ConvertTo-Json), "Send log to Splunk")) {
                while (-not $completed) {
                    try {
                        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing -Body ($bodySplunk | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $JsonDepth) -Method Post
                        if ($response.text -ne 'Success' -or $response.code -ne 0){throw "Failed to submit to Splunk HEC $($response)"}
                        $completed = $true
                    } catch {
                        if ($retrycount -ge $Retries) {
                        } else {
                            Start-Sleep $SecondsDelay
                            $bodySplunk.event.SplunkHECRetry = $retryCount