
function Write-Auger {
        This function consumes log information from a script, formats and writes logs to each configured LogStream.
        Use it in place of Write-Warning, Write-Error, etc.
        Write-Auger will handle writing logs to the host output stream.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to log.
    .PARAMETER Options
        Support coming soon.
        Parameters to pass to the log stream handler.
        Provided as a hashtable where the key is the parameter name the log stream expects and the value is the value of that parameter.
    .PARAMETER IsWarning
        Used to log the message as a warning. Will send to LogStreams if Verbosity is Warn or Verbose.
    .PARAMETER IsError
        Used to log the message as an error. Will send to LogStreams if Verbosity is not Quiet.
        Terminates the process if $ErrorAction is not overridden.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Will send log to all streams even if LogType is Summary.
    - support advanced message types (pscustomobjects)
      - convert to json string for log streams that expect strings
    - implement -IgnoreQuiet switch to send log to streams even if configured as quiet

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]





    if ($AugerContext.LogFile) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($AugerContext.LogFile.Name)", 'Write to log file')) {
            # when writing to the log file, we need each entry to be on a single line. This joins multi-line logs with \n characters
            $EncodedMessage = $Message.Replace("`n","\n")
            if ($IsError) {
                ("ERROR: {0}" -f $EncodedMessage) | Add-Content -Path $AugerContext.LogFile.FullName
            } elseif ($IsWarning) {
                ("WARN: {0}" -f $EncodedMessage) | Add-Content -Path $AugerContext.LogFile.FullName
            } else {
                ("INFO: {0}" -f $EncodedMessage) | Add-Content -Path $AugerContext.LogFile.FullName
    } else {
        throw "Could not get log file for Auger. Is the AugerContext initialized?"

    $StreamsToLog = $AugerContext.LogStreams | Where-Object -Property Enabled -eq $true

    # -Force causes the log to be sent to all log streams, even 'Summary' types
    if (-not $Force) { $StreamsToLog = $StreamsToLog | Where-Object -Property LogType -eq 'AdHoc' }

    # downselect Streams to only those that should receive the current verbosity
    if ($IsError) { $StreamsToLog = $StreamsToLog | Where-Object -Property Verbosity -in 'Verbose','Warn','Error' }
    elseif ($IsWarning) { $StreamsToLog = $StreamsToLog | Where-Object -Property Verbosity -in 'Verbose','Warn' }
    else { $StreamsToLog = $StreamsToLog | Where-Object -Property Verbosity -in 'Verbose' }

    $StreamsToLog | Group-Object {$_.Name} | ForEach-Object {
        $_.Group | ForEach-Object { . $_.Command $Message -Stream $_ }

    # XXX: this worked fine when we only have one stream of each type, but we don't necessarily want to call the Stream handler for all configured Stream handlers
    # foreach ($stream in $EnabledLogStreams) {
    # if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($Stream.Name)", "Send log")) {
    # if ($stream.LogType -eq 'AdHoc' -or $Force) {
    # switch ($stream.Verbosity) {
    # 'Error' { if ($IsError) {. $stream.Command $Message} }
    # 'Warn' { if ($IsWarning -or $IsError) {. $stream.Command $Message} }
    # 'Verbose' { . $stream.Command $Message }
    # 'Quiet' {continue}
    # default {continue}
    # }
    # }
    # }
    # }

    if ($IsError) {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        Write-Error $Message
    } elseif ($IsWarning) {
        Write-Warning $Message
    } else {
        $InformationPreference = 'Continue'
        Write-Information $Message