.VERSION 1.0 .GUID 0cf95b8e-66df-4d13-b0f1-976ce0246427 .DESCRIPTION Review user inbox rules to check for delivery external recipients. .AUTHOR Aaron Guilmette .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT 2021 .TAGS Azure AzureAD Office365 Outlook Inbox Rule .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Review user inbox rules to check for delivery external recipients. .PARAMETER FilePath Specify path for output file. Default is Date_UserInfoxRuleDataExfiltrationAudit.csv .LINK .LINK .NOTES 2017-11-17 Initial Release #> Param ( $FilePath = ".\$($Date)_UserInboxRuleDataExfiltrationAudit.csv" ) $Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd $Header = """" + "EmailAddress" + """" + "," + """" + "RuleName" + """" + "," + """" + "Value" + """" + "," + """" + "Note" + """" $Header | Out-File $FilePath -Force $Domains = Get-AcceptedDomain [regex]$RegDomains = '(?i)(' + "\@" + (($Domains.Name | foreach { [regex]::escape($_) }) -join "|") + ')' $Users = Get-Mailbox -Resultsize Unlimited foreach ($User in $Users) { $InboxRules = Get-InboxRule -Mailbox $User.PrimarySmtpAddress foreach ($Rule in $InboxRules) { If ($Rule.Enabled -eq $True -and $Rule.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -and $Rule.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -match "smtp" -and $Rule.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -notmatch $RegDomains) { $RuleData = """" + $User.PrimarySmtpAddress + """" + "," + """" + "ForwardAsAttachmentTo" + """" + "," + """" + $Rule.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -join ";" + """" + "," + """" + "Possible mail forwarding exfiltration. Message forwarded to domain not in Exchange Online." + """" $RuleData | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append } If ($Rule.Enabled -eq $True -and $Rule.ForwardTo -and $Rule.ForwardTo -match "smtp" -and $Rule.ForwardTo -notmatch $RegDomains) { $RuleData = """" + $User.PrimarySmtpAddress + """" + "," + """" + "ForwardTo" + """" + "," + """" + $Rule.ForwardTo -join ";" + """" + "," + """" + "Possible mail forwarding exfiltration. Message forwarded to domain not in Exchange Online." + """" $RuleData | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append } If ($Rule.Enabled -eq $True -and $Rule.RedirectTo -and $Rule.RedirectTo -match "smtp" -and $Rule.RedirectTo -notmatch $RegDomains) { $RuleData = """" + $User.PrimarySmtpAddress + """" + "," + """" + "RedirectTo" + """" + "," + """" + $Rule.RedirectTo -join ";" + """" + "," + """" + "Possible mail forwarding exfiltration. Message forwarded to domain not in Exchange Online." + """" $RuleData | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append } } } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Reviewed Inbox Rules for users forwarding outside of organization. Report is located at $($FilePath)." |