
using module .\Atlassian.Bitbucket.Authentication.psm1

        Returns all Repositories in the team.
        Returns all the Bitbucket Repositories in the team, or all repositories in the specific project.
        C:\PS> Get-BitbucketRepository
        Returns all repositories for the currently selected team.
        C:\PS> Get-BitbucketRepository -ProjectKey 'KEY'
        Returns all repositories for the specified project.
        Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.
    .PARAMETER ProjectKey
        Project key in Bitbucket

function Get-BitbucketRepository {
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
                    HelpMessage='Name of the team in Bitbucket. Defaults to selected team if not provided.')]
        [string]$Team = (Get-BitbucketSelectedTeam),
        [Parameter( Mandatory=$false,
                    HelpMessage='Project key in Bitbucket')]

    Process {
        $endpoint = "repositories/$Team"

        # Filter to a specific project
            $endpoint += "?q=project.key=%22$ProjectKey%22"

        return Invoke-BitbucketAPI -Path $endpoint -Paginated