"Report": { "Name": "Veeam VB365 As Built Report", "Version": "1.0", "Status": "Released", "ShowCoverPageImage": true, "ShowTableOfContents": true, "ShowHeaderFooter": true, "ShowTableCaptions": true }, "Options": { "ReportStyle": "Veeam", "BackupServerPort": 9191, "EnableDiagrams": true, "EnableDiagramDebug": false, "DiagramTheme": "White", "DiagramWaterMark": "", "ExportDiagrams": false, "ExportDiagramsFormat": ["png"], "EnableDiagramSignature": false, "SignatureAuthorName": "", "SignatureCompanyName": "", "RoundUnits": 1 }, "InfoLevel": { "_comment_": "Please refer to the AsBuiltReport project contributing guide for information about how to define InfoLevels.", "_comment_": "0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled / Summary, 2 = Adv Summary, 3 = Detailed, 4 = Adv Detailed, 5 = Comprehensive", "Infrastructure": { "ServerConfig": 1, "License": 1, "Proxy": 1, "Repository": 1, "EncryptionKey": 1, "Organization": 1, "CloudCredential": 1 }, "Jobs": { "BackupJob": 1, "BackupCopyJob": 1 }, "Restore": { "RestoreSession": 1, "RestorePoint": 1 } }, "HealthCheck": { "Infrastructure": { "License": true, "ServerComponent": true, "Proxy": true, "ServerConfig": true, "Repository": true, "Organization": true }, "Jobs": { "BackupJob": true, "BackupCopyJob": true } } } |