
function ConvertTo-TextYN {
    Used by As Built Report to convert true or false automatically to Yes or No.

        Version: 0.2.0
        Author: LEE DAILEY




        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    switch ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TEXT)) {
        $true { '-' }
        $false {
            switch ($TEXT) {
                "True" { "Yes"; break }
                "False" { "No"; break }
                default { $TEXT }
        default { '-' }
} # end
function Get-UnixDate ($UnixDate) {
    Used by As Built Report to convert Date to a more nice format.

        Version: 0.2.0
        Author: LEE DAILEY




} # end
function ConvertTo-EmptyToFiller {
    Used by As Built Report to convert empty culumns to "-".

        Version: 0.5.0
        Author: Jonathan Colon




        [Parameter (
            Position = 0,

    switch ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TEXT)) {
        $true { "-"; break }
        $false { $TEXT; break }
        default { '-' }
} # end