
function Remove-ArrayObject {
    Remove the specified object(s) from within your existing array.
    Removes all instances of the specified object in the specified array.
    This is accomplished by using the .Remove() method in a While loop. (see NOTES)
    By default, .Remove() only removes the first instance of a specified object.
    If you want that behavior, call the method instead of using this function :)
    Remove-ArrayObject -Array $a -InputObject 13
    Remove all instances of the number 13 from the collection in variable $a.
    'localhost' | Remove-ArrayObject $HostnameList
    Remove all instances of the string 'localhost' from your $HostnameList array.
    Pipeline input is supported, but optional.
    $srv = New-ArrayList
    PS C:\>Get-Service | Add-ArrayObject $srv
    PS C:\>$srv | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'w*'} | Remove-ArrayObject $srv
    Remove-ArrayObject will also remove complex matching objects.
    Here, all services starting with "w" will be removed from the $srv array.

        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
    param (
        # A list, typically captured in a variable from New-ArrayList.
        # No validation is performed, but -Array assumes a collection of type
        # [System.Collections.ArrayList] or [System.Collections.Generic.List<T>].
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # One or more objects to remove from the provided array.
        # All matching objects will be removed.
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

    BEGIN {
        $Remove = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        # Adding to a new array to remove in END block avoids the error:
        # "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute"

        ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) {
    } #PROCESS

    END {
        ForEach ($r in $Remove) {
            Try {
                If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
                    'Remove all matching objects from array'
                )) {
                    # Needed for example: 3 | Remove-ArrayObject
                    While ($r -in $Array) {
                    } #While
                } #WhatIf
            } Catch {
        } #ForEach $r
    } #END