
$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules'

# Import the ArcGIS Common Modules
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath `
        -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'ArcGIS.Common' `
            -ChildPath 'ArcGIS.Common.psm1'))

        Installs a given component of the ArcGIS Enterprise Stack.
    .PARAMETER Ensure
        Indicates if the Component is to be installed or uninstalled if not present. Take the values Present or Absent.
        - "Present" ensures that component is installed, if not already installed.
        - "Absent" ensures that component is uninstalled or removed, if installed.
        Name of ArcGIS Enterprise Component to be installed.
        Path to Installer for the Component - Can be a Physical Location or Network Share Address.
    .PARAMETER Version
        Version of the Component being Installed.
    .PARAMETER Arguments
        Additional Command Line Arguments required by the installer to complete intallation of the give component successfully.
    .PARAMETER WebAdaptorContext
        Context with which the Web Adaptor Needs to be Installed.

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Extract = $True,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


        $ServiceCredentialIsDomainAccount = $false,

        $ServiceCredentialIsMSA = $false,

        $EnableMSILogging = $false,



function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        $Extract = $True,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


        $ServiceCredentialIsDomainAccount = $false,

        $ServiceCredentialIsMSA = $false,

        $EnableMSILogging = $false,

    $ComponentName = $Name
    $IsWebAdaptorIIS = $False
        $ComponentName = "WebAdaptorIIS"
        $IsWebAdaptorIIS = $true

    if($Ensure -eq 'Present') {
        if(-not(Test-Path $Path)){
            throw "$Path is not found or inaccessible"

            Invoke-WebAdaptorIISPreRequsitesInstallation -Verbose

            # Install Web Deploy - msi package
            if($WebAdaptorWebDeployPath -and (Test-Path $WebAdaptorWebDeployPath)){
                Invoke-StartProcess -ExecPath "msiexec" -Arguments "/i `"$WebAdaptorWebDeployPath`" ADDLOCAL=ALL /qn /norestart LicenseAccepted=`"0`"" -Verbose

            # Install DotNet Hosting bundle - exe package
            if($WebAdaptorDotnetHostingBundlePath -and (Test-Path $WebAdaptorDotnetHostingBundlePath)){
                Invoke-StartProcess -ExecPath $WebAdaptorDotnetHostingBundlePath -Arguments "/install /quiet /norestart" -Verbose

        if(($Name -ieq 'Pro' -or $Name -ieq 'Server') -and $DotnetDesktopRuntimePath -and (Test-Path $DotnetDesktopRuntimePath)){
            # Install DotNet Desktop Runtime - exe package
            Invoke-StartProcess -ExecPath $DotnetDesktopRuntimePath -Arguments "/install /quiet /norestart" -Verbose

        if($Name -ieq 'Pro' -and $ProEdgeWebView2RuntimePath -and (Test-Path $ProEdgeWebView2RuntimePath)){
            # Check if Edge WebView 2 Runtime is already installed
            $EdgeWebView2RuntimeInstalled = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}"
            $EdgeWebView2Runtime64Installed = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}"
            $EdgeWebView2Runtime32Installed = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}"
            if(-not(Test-Path $EdgeWebView2RuntimeInstalled) -and -not(Test-Path $EdgeWebView2Runtime64Installed) -and -not(Test-Path $EdgeWebView2Runtime32Installed)){
                # Install Edge Web View 2 Runtime - exe package
                Invoke-StartProcess -ExecPath $ProEdgeWebView2RuntimePath -Arguments "/silent /install" -Verbose
                Write-Verbose "Edge WebView 2 Runtime is already installed"

        $ExecPath = $null
            Write-Verbose 'Self Extracting Installer'

            $ProdIdObject = if(-not($ProductId)){ Get-ComponentCode -ComponentName $ComponentName -Version $Version }else{ $ProductId }
            $ProdId = $ProductId
                    $ProdId =  $ProdIdObject[0] 
                    $ProdId = $ProdIdObject

            $TempFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) $ProdId
            if(Test-Path $TempFolder)
                Remove-Item -Path $TempFolder -Recurse 
            if(-not(Test-Path $TempFolder))
                New-Item $TempFolder -ItemType directory            

            Write-Verbose "Extracting $Path to $TempFolder"
            $ArgumentsList = "/s /d $TempFolder"
            $VersionSplit = $Version.Split('.')
            if($VersionSplit[0] -eq 11 -and $VersionSplit[1] -gt 2){
                $ArgumentsList = "/s /d $TempFolder /x"
            $SetupExtractProc = (Start-Process -FilePath $Path -ArgumentList $ArgumentsList -Wait -NoNewWindow  -Verbose -PassThru)

            if($SetupExtractProc.ExitCode -ne 0){
                if($VersionSplit[0] -eq 11 -and $VersionSplit[1] -gt 2 -and ($ComponentName -ieq "Server" -or $ComponentName -ieq "Portal")){
                    #TODO - generalize this at a later point
                    if(-not(Test-Path "$($Path).001")){
                        throw "Associated Volume of the setup is not found at $Path. Please make sure all the volumes are present in the same location"
                throw "Error while extracting setup for '$ComponentName' at Path '$Path' :- exited with status code $($SetupExtractProc.ExitCode)"
                Write-Verbose 'Done Extracting. Waiting 15 seconds to allow the extractor to close files'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 15

            $SetupExe = Get-ChildItem -Path $TempFolder -Filter 'Setup.exe' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1
            $ExecPath = $SetupExe.FullName
            if(-not($ExecPath) -or (-not(Test-Path $ExecPath))) {
               Write-Verbose 'Setup.exe not found in extracted contents'
               $SetupExe = Get-ChildItem -Path $TempFolder -Filter '*.exe' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1
               $ExecPath = $SetupExe.FullName
               if(-not($ExecPath) -or (-not(Test-Path $ExecPath))) {
                   Write-Verbose "Executable .exe not found in extracted contents to install. Looking for .msi"
                   $SetupExe = Get-ChildItem -Path $TempFolder -Filter '*.msi' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1
                   $ExecPath = $SetupExe.FullName
                   if(-not($ExecPath) -or (-not(Test-Path $ExecPath))) {
                        throw "Neither .exe nor .msi found in extracted contents to install"
            Write-Verbose "Installing Software using installer at $Path"
            $ExecPath = $Path

        if($ExecPath -iMatch ".msi"){
            $Arguments = "/i `"$ExecPath`" $Arguments"
            $ExecPath = "msiexec"

        if(($null -ne $ServiceCredential) -and (@("Server","Portal","WebStyles","DataStore","GeoEvent","NotebookServer","MissionServer","VideoServer","WorkflowManagerServer","WorkflowManagerWebApp","NotebookServerSamplesData", "Insights") -icontains $ComponentName)){
            if(-not(@("WorkflowManagerServer","WorkflowManagerWebApp","GeoEvent","Insights") -icontains $ComponentName)){
                $Arguments += " USER_NAME=$($ServiceCredential.UserName)"
                $Arguments += " MSA=TRUE";
                $Arguments += " PASSWORD=`"$($ServiceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)`"";

        if($FeatureSet.Count -gt 0){
            if(Test-ProductInstall -Name $Name -ProductId $ProductId -Version $Version -WebAdaptorContext $WebAdaptorContext){
                if($Name -ieq "DataStore"){
                    if(@("11.0","11.1","11.2","11.3","11.4") -iContains $Version){
                        $AddLocalFeatureSet, $RemoveFeatureSet = Test-DataStoreFeautureSet -FeatureSet $FeatureSet -DSInstalled $True
                        if($AddLocalFeatureSet.Count -gt 0){
                            $AddFeatureSetString = [System.String]::Join(",", $AddLocalFeatureSet)
                            $Arguments += " ADDLOCAL=$($AddFeatureSetString)"
                        if($RemoveFeatureSet.Count -gt 0){
                            $RemoveFeatureSetString = [System.String]::Join(",", $RemoveFeatureSet)
                            $Arguments += " REMOVE=$($RemoveFeatureSetString)"
                    $AddFeatureSetString = [System.String]::Join(",", $FeatureSet)
                    $Arguments += " ADDLOCAL=$($AddFeatureSetString)"
                if($Name -ieq "DataStore"){
                    if(@("11.0","11.1","11.2","11.3","11.4") -iContains $Version){
                        $AddLocalFeatureSet, $RemoveFeatureSet = Test-DataStoreFeautureSet -FeatureSet $FeatureSet -DSInstalled $False
                        $AddFeatureSetString = [System.String]::Join(",", $AddLocalFeatureSet)
                        $Arguments += " ADDLOCAL=$($AddFeatureSetString)"
                    $AddFeatureSetString = [System.String]::Join(",", $FeatureSet)
                    $Arguments += " ADDLOCAL=$($AddFeatureSetString)"

            $MSILogFileName = if($WebAdaptorContext){ "$($Name)_$($WebAdaptorContext)_install.log" }else{ "$($Name)_install.log" }
            $MSILogPath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP $MSILogFileName.replace(' ',''))
            Write-Verbose "Logs for $Name will be written to $MSILogPath" 
            $Arguments += " /L*v $MSILogPath";
        #Install arcgis setup
        Invoke-StartProcess -ExecPath $ExecPath -Arguments $Arguments -Verbose

        Write-Verbose "Validating the $Name Installation"
        $result = Test-ProductInstall -Name $Name -ProductId $ProductId -Version $Version -WebAdaptorContext $WebAdaptorContext

            throw "Failed to Install $Name"
            Write-Verbose "$Name installation was successful!"

        if(($Name -ieq "Portal") -or ($Name -ieq "Portal for ArcGIS")){
            Write-Verbose "Waiting just in case for Portal to finish unpacking any additional dependecies - 120 Seconds"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
            Write-Verbose "Giving Permissions to Folders for IIS_IUSRS"
            foreach($p in (Get-ChildItem "$($env:SystemDrive)\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework*\v*\Temporary ASP.NET Files").FullName){
                icacls $p /grant 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F' /T
            icacls "$($env:SystemDrive)\Windows\TEMP\" /grant 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F' /T

            Import-Module WebAdministration | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose "Increasing Web Request Timeout to 1 hour"
            $WebSiteId = 1
            $Arguments.Split(' ') | Foreach-Object {
                $key,$value = $_.Split('=')
                if($key -ieq "WEBSITE_ID"){
                    $WebSiteId = $value
            $IISWebSiteName = (Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $WebSiteId}).Name
            Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/$($IISWebSiteName)/$($WebAdaptorContext)"  -filter "system.web/httpRuntime" -name "executionTimeout" -value "01:00:00"
    elseif($Ensure -eq 'Absent') {
        $ProdIdObject = if(-not($ProductId)){ Get-ComponentCode -ComponentName $ComponentName -Version $Version }else{ $ProductId }
        $IISServiceName = 'W3SVC'
            $WAInstalls = (Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName 'ArcGIS Web Adaptor')
            $prodIdSetFlag = $False
            foreach($wa in $WAInstalls){
                $WAProdId = $wa.IdentifyingNumber.TrimStart("{").TrimEnd("}")
                if($wa.InstallLocation -match "\\$($WebAdaptorContext)\\" -and ($ProdIdObject -icontains $WAProdId)){
                    $ProdIdObject = $WAProdId 
                    $prodIdSetFlag = $True
                throw "Given product Id doesn't match the product id for the version specified for Component $Name"

            # Stop IIS Service
            Write-Verbose "Stop Service '$IISServiceName'"
            Stop-Service -Name $IISServiceName -Force 
            Write-Verbose 'Stopping the service' 
            Wait-ForServiceToReachDesiredState -ServiceName $IISServiceName -DesiredState 'Stopped'
            Write-Verbose 'Stopped the service'
            $ProdIdObject = '{' + $ProdIdObject
            $ProdIdObject = $ProdIdObject + '}'
        Write-Verbose "msiexec /x ""$ProdIdObject"" /norestart /quiet"
        $UninstallProc = (Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/x ""$ProdIdObject"" /norestart /quiet" -Wait -Verbose -PassThru)
        if($UninstallProc.ExitCode -ne 0){
            throw "Error while uninstalling '$ComponentName' :- exited with status code $($UninstallProc.ExitCode)"
            Write-Verbose "Uninstallation successful."

            # Restart IIS Service
            Write-Verbose "Restarting Service '$IISServiceName'"
            Start-Service -Name $IISServiceName
            Write-Verbose 'Starting the service'
            Wait-ForServiceToReachDesiredState -ServiceName $IISServiceName -DesiredState 'Running'
            Write-Verbose 'Started the service'

            Import-Module WebAdministration | Out-Null
            $WebSiteId = 1
            $Arguments.Split(' ') | Foreach-Object {
                $key,$value = $_.Split('=')
                if($key -ieq "WEBSITE_ID"){
                    $WebSiteId = $value
            $IISWebSiteName = (Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $WebSiteId}).Name
            Remove-WebConfigurationLocation -Name "$($IISWebSiteName)/$($WebAdaptorContext)"

        if($ComponentName -ieq "Server"){
            $ServerComponenetsInstalled = Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName "ArcGIS Server"
            foreach($ServerComponent in $ServerComponenetsInstalled){
                Write-Verbose "Uninstalling '$($ServerComponent.Name)' with Product Id '$($ServerComponent.IdentifyingNumber)' "
                Write-Verbose "msiexec /x ""$($ServerComponent.IdentifyingNumber)"" /norestart /quiet"
                $UninstallServerCompProc = (Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/x ""$($ServerComponent.IdentifyingNumber)"" /norestart /quiet" -Wait -Verbose -PassThru)
                if($UninstallServerCompProc.ExitCode -ne 0){
                    throw "Error while uninstalling Server Component '$($ServerComponent.Name)' :- exited with status code $($UninstallServerCompProc.ExitCode)"
                    Write-Verbose "Uninstallation successful."
    Write-Verbose "In Set-Resource for $Name"

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Extract = $True,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


        $ServiceCredentialIsDomainAccount = $false,

        $ServiceCredentialIsMSA = $false,

        $EnableMSILogging = $false,


    $result = Test-ProductInstall -Name $Name -ProductId $ProductId -Version $Version -WebAdaptorContext $WebAdaptorContext
    if($result -and $FeatureSet.Count -gt 0){
        if($Name -ieq "DataStore"){
            if(@("11.0","11.1","11.2","11.3","11.4") -iContains $Version){
                $AddLocalFeatureSet, $RemoveFeatureSet = Test-DataStoreFeautureSet -FeatureSet $FeatureSet -DSInstalled $True
                $result = ($AddLocalFeatureSet.Count -eq 0 -and $RemoveFeatureSet.Count -eq 0)
        }elseif($Name -ieq "Server"){
            if($Version -ieq "10.9.1"){
                # Get all the feature that are installed.
                # Create an add and remove feature list
            }elseif(@("11.0","11.1","11.2","11.3","11.4") -iContains $Version){
                #Get all the feature that are installed.
                #Create an add and remove feature list

    if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') {
    elseif($Ensure -ieq 'Absent') {        

function Test-ProductInstall
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    $result = $False

        $IsWebAdaptorIIS = $False
        $ComponentName = $Name
            $ComponentName = "WebAdaptorIIS"
            $IsWebAdaptorIIS = $true

        $trueName = Get-ArcGISProductName -Name $ComponentName -Version $Version
        $InstallObject = (Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName $trueName)
            if($InstallObject.Length -gt 1){
                Write-Verbose "Multiple Instances of Web Adaptor are already installed"
            $result = $false
            Write-Verbose "Checking if any of the installed Web Adaptor are installed with context $($WebAdaptorContext)"
            foreach($wa in $InstallObject){
                if($wa.InstallLocation -match "\\$($WebAdaptorContext)\\"){
                    $result = Test-Install -Name $ComponentName -Version $Version -ProductId $wa.IdentifyingNumber.TrimStart("{").TrimEnd("}") -Verbose
                    Write-Verbose "Component with $($WebAdaptorContext) is not installed on this machine"
                    $result = $false
            Write-Verbose "Installed Version $($InstallObject.Version)"
            $result = Test-Install -Name $Name -Version $Version
        $result = Test-Install -Name $Name -ProductId $ProductId


function Test-DataStoreFeautureSet {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $DSInstalled = $False

    $DSFeatureNameMapping = @{
        Relational = "relational"
        GraphStore = "graph"
        ObjectStore = "object"
        Spatiotemporal = "spatiotemporal"
        TileCache = "tilecache"

    $AddLocalFeatureSet = @()
    $RemoveFeatureSet = @()
        $InstalledFeatures = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGIS Data Store\DataStoreTypes")
        foreach ($h in $DSFeatureNameMapping.GetEnumerator()) {
            if($InstalledFeatures.$($h.Name) -ieq $true){
                if(-not($FeatureSet -icontains $h.Name -or $FeatureSet -icontains "ALL")){
                    $RemoveFeatureSet += @($h.Value)
                if($FeatureSet -icontains $h.Name -or $FeatureSet -icontains "ALL"){
                    $AddLocalFeatureSet += @($h.Value)

        if($FeatureSet -icontains "ALL"){
            $AddLocalFeatureSet = @("ALL")
            foreach($f in $FeatureSet){
                $AddLocalFeatureSet += @($DSFeatureNameMapping[$f])

    return $AddLocalFeatureSet,$RemoveFeatureSet

function Invoke-WebAdaptorIISPreRequsitesInstallation
    Write-Verbose "Installing Pre-Requsites"
    $PreRequisiteWindowsFeatures = @("IIS-ManagementConsole", "IIS-ManagementScriptingTools",
                                "IIS-ManagementService", "IIS-ISAPIExtensions",
                                "IIS-ISAPIFilter", "IIS-RequestFiltering",
                                "IIS-WindowsAuthentication", "IIS-StaticContent",
                                "IIS-ASPNET45", "IIS-NetFxExtensibility45", "IIS-WebSockets")

    foreach($pr in $PreRequisiteWindowsFeatures){
        if (Get-Command "Get-WindowsOptionalFeature" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
            if(-not((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $pr -online).State -ieq "Enabled")){
                Write-Verbose "Installing Windows Feature: $pr"
                Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $pr -All
                Write-Verbose "Windows Feature: $pr already exists."
            Write-Verbose "Please check the Machine Operating System Compatatbilty"

function Invoke-StartProcess
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    Write-Verbose "Executing $ExecPath"
    $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $psi.FileName = $ExecPath
    $psi.Arguments = $Arguments
    $psi.UseShellExecute = $false #start the process from it's own executable file
    $psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #enable the process to read from standard output
    $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true #enable the process to read from standard error
    $p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
    $op = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
    if($op -and $op.Length -gt 0) {
        Write-Verbose "Output:- $op"
    $err = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
    if($err -and $err.Length -gt 0) {
        Write-Verbose $err
    if($p.ExitCode -eq 0) {                    
        Write-Verbose "Install process finished successfully."
    }else {
        throw "Install failed. Process exit code:- $($p.ExitCode). Error - $err"

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource