$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules' # Import the ArcGIS Common Modules Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath ` -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'ArcGIS.Common' ` -ChildPath 'ArcGIS.Common.psm1')) <# .SYNOPSIS Configures a WebAdaptor .PARAMETER Ensure Take the values Present or Absent. - "Present" ensures that WebAdaptor is Configured. - "Absent" ensures that WebAdaptor is unconfigured - Not Implemented. .PARAMETER Component Sets the type of WebAdaptor to be installed - Server, Notebook Server, Mission Server or Portal .PARAMETER HostName Host Name of the Machine on which the WebAdaptor is Installed .PARAMETER ComponentHostName Host Name of the Server or Portal to be configured with the WebAdaptor .PARAMETER Context Context with which the WebAdaptor is to be Configured, same as the one with which it was installed. .PARAMETER OverwriteFlag Boolean to indicate whether overwrite of the webadaptor settings already configured should take place or not. .PARAMETER SiteAdministrator A MSFT_Credential Object - Primary Site Administrator. .PARAMETER AdminAccessEnabled Boolean to indicate whether Admin Access to Sever Admin API and Manager is enabled or not. Default - True #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Server","NotebookServer","MissionServer","Portal")] [System.String] $Component, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $HostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ComponentHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Context, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Boolean] $OverwriteFlag = $false, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $AdminAccessEnabled = $true ) $null } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Server","NotebookServer","MissionServer","Portal")] [System.String] $Component, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $HostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ComponentHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Context, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Boolean] $OverwriteFlag = $false, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $AdminAccessEnabled = $true ) if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') { $WAInstalls = (Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName 'ArcGIS Web Adaptor') $ConfigureToolPath = '\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe' $Version = "" $WAConfigureToolParentPath = ${env:CommonProgramFiles(x86)} foreach($wa in $WAInstalls){ if($wa.InstallLocation -match "\\$($Context)\\"){ $Version = $wa.Version if($wa.Version.StartsWith("10.7")){ $Version = if($wa.Name -match "10.7.1"){ "10.7.1" }else{ "10.7" } $ConfigureToolPath = "\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\$($Version)\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe" break }elseif($wa.Version.StartsWith("10.8")){ $Version = if($wa.Name -match "10.8.1"){ "10.8.1" }else{ "10.8" } $ConfigureToolPath = "\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\$($Version)\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe" break }elseif($wa.Version.StartsWith("10.9")){ $Version = if($wa.Name -match "10.9.1"){ "10.9.1" }else{ "10.9" } $ConfigureToolPath = "\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\$($Version)\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe" break }elseif($wa.Version.StartsWith("11.0")){ $Version = "11.0" $ConfigureToolPath = "\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\$($Version)\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe" break }elseif($wa.Version.StartsWith("11.1")){ $Version = "11.1" $ConfigureToolPath = "\ArcGIS\WebAdaptor\IIS\$($Version)\Tools\ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe" break } } } $ExecPath = Join-Path ${env:CommonProgramFiles(x86)} $ConfigureToolPath if($Version.StartsWith("11.1")){ $ExecPath = Join-Path ${env:CommonProgramFiles} $ConfigureToolPath } try{ Start-RegisterWebAdaptorCMDLineTool -ExecPath $ExecPath -Component $Component -ComponentHostName $ComponentHostName -HostName $HostName -Context $Context -SiteAdministrator $SiteAdministrator -AdminAccessEnabled $AdminAccessEnabled -Version $Version }catch{ $SleepTimeInSeconds = 30 if($Component -ieq 'Portal' -and ($_ -imatch "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive." -or $_ -imatch "The operation timed out while waiting for a response from the portal application")){ Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- Error:- $_." $PortalWAUrlHealthCheck = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/portaladmin/healthCheck" $WAUrl = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/webadaptor" try{ Wait-ForUrl $PortalWAUrlHealthCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 600 -SleepTimeInSeconds $SleepTimeInSeconds -ThrowErrors -Verbose -IsWebAdaptor }catch{ Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- $_. Retrying in $SleepTimeInSeconds Seconds" Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTimeInSeconds $NumAttempts = 2 $Done = $false while (-not($Done) -and ($NumAttempts++ -le 10)){ try{ Start-RegisterWebAdaptorCMDLineTool -ExecPath $ExecPath -Component $Component -ComponentHostName $ComponentHostName -HostName $HostName -Context $Context -SiteAdministrator $SiteAdministrator -AdminAccessEnabled $AdminAccessEnabled -Version $Version }catch{ Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- Error:- $_." if($_ -imatch "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive." -or $_ -imatch "The operation timed out while waiting for a response from the portal application"){ try{ Wait-ForUrl $PortalWAUrlHealthCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 600 -SleepTimeInSeconds $SleepTimeInSeconds -ThrowErrors -Verbose -IsWebAdaptor $Done = $true }catch{ Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- $_. Retrying in $SleepTimeInSeconds Seconds" Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTimeInSeconds } }else{ throw "[ERROR]:- $_" } } } } }else{ throw "[ERROR]:- $_" } } }else{ Write-Verbose "Absent Not Implemented Yet!" } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Server","NotebookServer","MissionServer","Portal")] [System.String] $Component, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $HostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ComponentHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Context, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Boolean] $OverwriteFlag = $false, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $AdminAccessEnabled = $true ) [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null $WAInstalls = (Get-ArcGISProductDetails -ProductName 'ArcGIS Web Adaptor') $result = $false $ServerSiteURL = if($Component -ieq "NotebookServer"){"https://$($ComponentHostName):11443"}elseif($Component -ieq "MissionServer"){"https://$($ComponentHostName):20443"}else{"https://$($ComponentHostName):6443"} $PortalSiteUrl = "https://$($ComponentHostName):7443" foreach($wa in $WAInstalls){ if($wa.InstallLocation -match "\\$($Context)\\"){ $WAConfigPath = Join-Path $wa.InstallLocation 'WebAdaptor.config' $WAConfigSiteUrl = $null if($wa.Version.StartsWith("11.1")){ $WAConfig = (Get-Content $WAConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json) $WAConfigSiteUrl = $WAConfig.url }else{ [xml]$WAConfig = Get-Content $WAConfigPath $WAConfigSiteUrl = if($Component -ieq "Portal"){ $WAConfig.Config.Portal.URL }else{ $WAConfig.Config.GISServer.SiteURL } } if((@("Server", "NotebookServer", "MissionServer") -iContains $Component) -and ($WAConfigSiteUrl -like $ServerSiteURL)){ if($OverwriteFlag){ $result = $false }else{ if (Test-URL "https://$Hostname/$Context/admin"){ if($Component -ieq "Server"){ $result = if(-not($AdminAccessEnabled)){ $false }else{ $true } }else{ $result = $true } }else{ if($Component -ieq "Server"){ $result = if($AdminAccessEnabled){ $false }else{ $true } }else{ $result = $false } } } }elseif(($Component -ieq "Portal") -and ($WAConfigSiteUrl -like $PortalSiteUrl)){ if($OverwriteFlag){ $result = $false }else{ if(Test-URL "https://$Hostname/$Context/portaladmin"){ $result = $true }else{ $result = $false } } }else{ $result = $false } break } } $result } function Start-RegisterWebAdaptorCMDLineTool{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.String] $ExecPath, [System.String] $Component, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $HostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ComponentHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Context, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $AdminAccessEnabled = $false, [System.String] $Version ) $Arguments = "" if($Component -ieq 'Server') { $AdminAccessString = "false" if($AdminAccessEnabled){ $AdminAccessString = "true" } $SiteURL = "https://$($ComponentHostName):6443" $WAUrl = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/webadaptor" Write-Verbose $WAUrl $SiteUrlCheck = "$($SiteURL)/arcgis/rest/info?f=json" Wait-ForUrl $SiteUrlCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' $Arguments = "/m server /w $WAUrl /g $SiteURL /u $($SiteAdministrator.UserName) /p $($SiteAdministrator.GetNetworkCredential().Password) /a $AdminAccessString" } elseif($Component -ieq 'NotebookServer') { $SiteURL = "https://$($ComponentHostName):11443" $WAUrl = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/webadaptor" Write-Verbose $WAUrl $SiteUrlCheck = "$($SiteURL)/arcgis/rest/info?f=json" Wait-ForUrl $SiteUrlCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' $WAMode = if($Version.StartsWith("10.7")){ "server" }else{ "notebook" } $Arguments = "/m $WAMode /w $WAUrl /g $SiteURL /u $($SiteAdministrator.UserName) /p $($SiteAdministrator.GetNetworkCredential().Password)" if($Version.StartsWith("10.7")){ $AdminAccessString = "false" if($AdminAccessEnabled){ $AdminAccessString = "true" } $Arguments += " /a $AdminAccessString" } } elseif($Component -ieq 'MissionServer') { $SiteURL = "https://$($ComponentHostName):20443" $WAUrl = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/webadaptor" Write-Verbose $WAUrl $SiteUrlCheck = "$($SiteURL)/arcgis/rest/info?f=json" Wait-ForUrl $SiteUrlCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' $WAMode = "mission" $Arguments = "/m $WAMode /w $WAUrl /g $SiteURL /u $($SiteAdministrator.UserName) /p $($SiteAdministrator.GetNetworkCredential().Password)" } elseif($Component -ieq 'Portal'){ $SiteURL = "https://$($ComponentHostName):7443" $WAUrl = "https://$($HostName)/$($Context)/webadaptor" Write-Verbose $WAUrl $SiteUrlCheck = "$($SiteURL)/arcgis/sharing/rest/info?f=json" Wait-ForUrl $SiteUrlCheck -HttpMethod 'GET' $Arguments = "/m portal /w $WAUrl /g $SiteURL /u $($SiteAdministrator.UserName) /p $($SiteAdministrator.GetNetworkCredential().Password)" $VersionArray = $Version.Split('.') if(($VersionArray[0] -eq 11) -or ($VersionArray[0] -eq 10 -and $VersionArray[1] -gt 8) -or ($Version -ieq "10.8.1")){ $Arguments += " /r false" } } $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $psi.FileName = $ExecPath $psi.Arguments = $Arguments $psi.UseShellExecute = $false #start the process from it's own executable file $psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #enable the process to read from standard output $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true #enable the process to read from standard error $p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi) $p.WaitForExit() $op = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() if($op -and $op.Length -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Output of execution:- $op" if($op.StartsWith("ERROR") -or ($_ -imatch "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.") -or ($op -imatch "The operation timed out while waiting for a response from the portal application")){ throw $op } } $err = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd() if($err -and $err.Length -gt 0) { Write-Verbose $err throw $err } } function Test-URL([string]$Url){ Write-Verbose "Checking url: $Url" try{ $HTTP_Response_Available = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $Url -HttpMethod GET -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; } return $true }catch [System.Net.WebException]{ return $false } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |