function Add-RewriteRule { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Filter, [string] $PSPath, [string] $RuleName, [bool] $StopProcessing, [string] $Url, [switch] $IsHttp, [string] $ServerPort, [string] $RewriteUrl ) $ExistingRule = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $RuleName } if($null -eq $ExistingRule) { Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter -name "." ` -Value @{ name=$RuleName stopProcessing=$StopProcessing.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() match = @{ url = $Url } action = @{ type = 'Rewrite'; url = $RewriteUrl } } $httpsPattern = 'on' if($IsHttp) { $httpsPattern = 'off' } $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{HTTPS}' pattern = $httpsPattern } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{SERVER_PORT}' pattern = $ServerPort } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/serverVariables" Value = @{ name = 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' value = '{HTTP_HOST}' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/serverVariables" Value = @{ name = 'ORIGINAL_URL' value = '{HTTP_HOST}' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list }else { Write-Verbose "Rule $($RuleName) already exists" } } function Add-WebSocketsRewriteRule { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Filter, [string] $PSPath, [string] $RuleName ) Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter -name "." ` -Value @{ name= $RuleName match = @{ url = "(.*)" } action = @{ type = 'None' } } $list = @{ pspath = "IIS:\" filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{HTTP_UPGRADE}' pattern = "^websocket$" } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = "IIS:\" filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS}' pattern = "^(.*)(permessage-deflate)(;?)(.*)" } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/serverVariables" Value = @{ name = 'HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS' value = '{C:1}{C:4}' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list } function Add-OutboundRewriteRule { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Filter, [string]$PSPath, [string]$RuleName, [switch]$IsHttp, [switch]$IsServerEndpoint, [string]$PreConditionName, [string]$ServerEndpoint, [string]$PortalEndpoint, [System.Boolean] $EnableGeoEventEndpoints, [System.Boolean] $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints ) $ExistingRule = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $RuleName } if($null -eq $ExistingRule) { $Port = if($IsServerEndpoint) { if($IsHttp) { '6(?:1|0)80' } else { '6(?:1|4)43' } } else { if($IsHttp) { '7080' } else { '7443' } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints){ $Port = '11443' } $Scheme = if($IsHttp) { 'http' } else { 'https' } $Pattern = "^$($Scheme)://[^/]+:$($Port)/(?:arcgis|portal|server)/(.*)" $RewriteContextName = if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { 'arcgis' } else { if($IsServerEndpoint) { 'server' } else { 'portal' } } $RewriteUrl = "$($Scheme)://{ORIGINAL_URL}/$($RewriteContextName)/{R:1}" if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints -or $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints) { if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints){ $Pattern = "^$($Scheme)://[^/]+:$($Port)/(?:arcgis)/(.*)" $RewriteUrl = "$($Scheme)://{ORIGINAL_URL}/notebookserver/{R:1}" }else{ $Pattern = "^$($Scheme)://[^/]+:$($Port)/(.*)" $RewriteUrl = "$($Scheme)://{ORIGINAL_URL}/{R:1}" } } Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter -name "." ` -Value @{ name=$RuleName preCondition= $PreConditionName match = @{ serverVariable = 'RESPONSE_Location'; pattern = $Pattern } action = @{ type = 'Rewrite'; value = $RewriteUrl } } $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{ORIGINAL_URL}' pattern = '.+' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list }else { Write-Verbose "Precondition $($PreConditionName) already exists" } } function Add-OutboundRulePreCondition { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Filter, [string]$PSPath, [string]$PreConditionName, [string]$ResponseStatusPattern ) $PSPath = 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site' $Filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules/preConditions' $PreConditionName = 'IsRedirection' $ExistingPreCondition = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $PreConditionName } if($null -eq $ExistingPreCondition) { Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSPath -Filter "$Filter" -Name . -Value $PreConditionName $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/preCondition[@name='$PreConditionName']" Value = @{ input = '{RESPONSE_STATUS}' pattern = $ResponseStatusPattern } } Add-WebConfiguration @list }else { Write-Verbose "Precondition $($PreConditionName) already exists" } } function Add-RedirectRule { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Filter, [string] $PSPath, [string] $RuleName, [bool] $StopProcessing, [string] $ExternalDnsName, [string] $SiteName = 'arcgis', [switch] $IsHttp ) $ExistingRule = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $RuleName } if(-not($ExistingRule)) { $ServerPort = 443 $httpsPattern = 'on' $RedirectUrl = "https://$($ExternalDnsName)/portal/home/" if($IsHttp) { $RedirectUrl = "http://$($ExternalDnsName)/portal/home/" $httpsPattern = 'off' $ServerPort = 80 } Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSPath -Filter $Filter -name "." ` -Value @{ name=$RuleName stopProcessing=$StopProcessing.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() match = @{ url = "^/?$|(?:portal|arcgis)(/?)$" } action = @{ type = 'Redirect'; url = $RedirectUrl; redirectType = 'SeeOther' } } $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{HTTPS}' pattern = $httpsPattern } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/conditions" Value = @{ input = '{SERVER_PORT}' pattern = $ServerPort } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/serverVariables" Value = @{ name = 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' value = '{HTTP_HOST}' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list $list = @{ pspath = $PSPath filter = "$Filter/rule[@name='$RuleName']/serverVariables" Value = @{ name = 'ORIGINAL_URL' value = '{HTTP_HOST}' } } Add-WebConfiguration @list }else { Write-Verbose "Rule $($RuleName) already exists" } } function Disable-IdleTimeOutOnApplicationPool { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$AppPoolName = 'DefaultAppPool' ) $appPool = Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $AppPoolName } if($appPool) { & "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\appcmd" set config /section:applicationPools "/[name='$AppPoolName'].processModel.idleTimeout:0.00:00:00" } } function Set-MaxUploadSize { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$WebSiteName ) & "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\appcmd" set config $WebSiteName /section:system.webServer/security/requestFiltering /requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:2147483647 } function Enable-FailedRequestTracking { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$WebSiteName ) & "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\appcmd" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites "/[name='$WebSiteName'].traceFailedRequestsLogging.enabled:True" /commit:apphost & "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\appcmd" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites "/[name='$WebSiteName'].traceFailedRequestsLogging.maxLogFiles:10" /commit:apphost & "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\appcmd" set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites "/[name='$WebSiteName'].traceFailedRequestsLogging.directory:%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles" /commit:apphost } function Test-HasWebAdaptorVirtualDirectory { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param( ) $exists = $false Get-Website | ForEach-Object { [string]$SiteName = $_.Name $wa = Get-WebApplication -Site $SiteName | ForEach-Object { if($_.path -ieq '/arcgis') { $exists = $true } } } $exists } function Remove-WebAdaptorVirtualDirectory { [CmdletBinding()] param( ) $webSites = Get-Website if($webSites) { foreach($webSite in $webSites) { [string]$SiteName = $webSite.Name $webapps = Get-WebApplication -Site $SiteName foreach($wa in $webapps) { if($wa.path -ieq '/arcgis') { Write-Verbose "Removing Virtual Directory $($wa.path) located at $($wa.PhysicalPath)" Remove-Item -Path $wa.PhysicalPath -Force -Recurse Remove-WebApplication -Name $wa.path -Site $SiteName } } } } } function Import-CertFromServerIntoTrustedCertStore { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Url ) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$cert = $args[1] [System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors]$errors = $args[3] if($errors -ne [System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors]::None) { if(-not(Test-Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\Trust\$($cert.Thumbprint)")) { Write-Verbose "Importing Certificate '$($cert.Thumbprint)' to Local Machine trusted root store" $certStore = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store Root, LocalMachine $certStore.Open("MaxAllowed") $certStore.Add($cert) $certStore.Close() Write-Verbose "Imported Certificate to Local Machine trusted store" }else { Write-Verbose "Certificate '$($cert.Thumbprint)' already exists in Local Machine trusted store" } } } try { Write-Verbose "Connecting to $Url to retrieve SSL certificate" [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Url) [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]$response = $request.GetResponse() $respStream = $response.GetResponseStream() Write-Verbose "Successfully connected to $Url" } catch{ Write-Verbose "[WARNING]:- Error Connecting to $Url. Error:- $_" } finally { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls } } function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ExternalDNSName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServerSiteName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PortalSiteName ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false $null } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.String[]] $ServerHostNames, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ExternalDNSName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServerSiteName, [System.String[]] $PortalHostNames, [System.String] $ServerEndPoint, [System.String] $PortalEndPoint, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PortalSiteName, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $PortalAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $EnableFailedRequestTracking, [System.Boolean] $EnableGeoEventEndpoints, [System.Boolean] $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null $CurrVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference # Save current preference $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # quieten it to ignore verbose output from Importing WebAdmin (bug in Powershell for this module) Import-Module WebAdministration | Out-Null $VerbosePreference = $CurrVerbosePreference # reset it back to previous preference #Write-Verbose "Removing Virtual Directory" #Remove-WebAdaptorVirtualDirectory #Write-Verbose "Removed Virtual Directory" $SiteName = 'Default Web Site' $WebSiteFolder = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables((Get-Website -Name $SiteName).physicalPath) $ServerVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'server' $PortalVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'portal' $GeoEventVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'geoevent' $NotebookServerVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'notebookserver' $ArcGISVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'arcgis' ### ### Check Physical Directorys and Virtual Directories ### if(-not($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) -and -not($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints)) { if(-not(Test-Path $ServerVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Server Virtual Directory $ServerVDir does not exist. Creating it" New-Item $ServerVDir -ItemType directory }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Server Virtual Directoy $ServerVDir already exists" } if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'server' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Server does not exist in website '$SiteName'. Creating it" New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'server' -PhysicalPath $ServerVDir }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Server already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { if(-not(Test-Path $PortalVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Portal Virtual Directory $PortalVDir does not exist. Creating it" New-Item $PortalVDir -ItemType directory }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Portal Virtual Directoy $PortalVDir already exists" } if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'portal' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Portal does not exist in website '$SiteName'. Creating it" New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'portal' -PhysicalPath $PortalVDir }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for portal already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { if(-not(Test-Path $ArcGISVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for arcgis Virtual Directory $ArcGISVDir does not exist. Creating it" New-Item $ArcGISVDir -ItemType directory }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for arcgis Virtual Directoy $ArcGISVDir already exists" } if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'arcgis' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for arcgis does not exist in website '$SiteName'. Creating it" New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'arcgis' -PhysicalPath $ArcGISVDir }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for arcgis already exists in website '$SiteName'" } if(-not(Test-Path $GeoEventVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for GeoEvent Virtual Directory $GeoEventVDir does not exist. Creating it" New-Item $GeoEventVDir -ItemType directory }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for GeoEvent Virtual Directoy $GeoEventVDir already exists" } if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'geoevent' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for GeoEvent does not exist in website '$SiteName'. Creating it" New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'geoevent' -PhysicalPath $GeoEventVDir }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for GeoEvent already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints) { if(-not(Test-Path $NotebookServerVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Notebook Server Virtual Directory $NotebookServerVDir does not exist. Creating it" New-Item $NotebookServerVDir -ItemType directory }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Notebook Server Virtual Directoy $NotebookServerVDir already exists" } if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'notebookserver' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Notebook Server does not exist in website '$SiteName'. Creating it" New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'notebookserver' -PhysicalPath $NotebookServerVDir }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Notebook Server already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } ### ### Enable the proxy (at the machine level) ### $pspath = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' $filter = "system.webServer/proxy" $config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath if(!$config) { Write-Verbose "Configuration for '$filter' does not exist in '$pspath'. Adding it" $config = @{ enabled = $true; reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders = $false } Set-WebConfiguration -InputObject $config -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Finished Updating the configuration for '$filter' at '$pspath'" } else { Write-Verbose "Configuration for '$filter' already exists in '$pspath'" [bool]$hasChanged = $false if($config.enabled -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "Enabling Reverse Proxy" $config.enabled = $true $hasChanged = $true } if(($null -eq $config.reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders) -or ($config.reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders -eq $true)) { Write-Verbose "Disabling ReverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders" $config.reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders = $false $hasChanged = $true } if($hasChanged) { Write-Verbose "Updating the configuration for '$filter' at '$pspath' with changes" Set-WebConfiguration -InputObject $config -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Finished Updating the configuration for '$filter' at '$pspath' with changes" } } ### ### Enable Server Variables (at the machine level) ### $filter = "system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables" if(!(Get-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $pspath -Filter $filter -Name Collection)) { Write-Verbose "Updating the configuration for '$filter' at '$pspath'. Allowing Server Variables" Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $pspath -Filter $filter -Name . -Value 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $pspath -Filter $filter -Name . -Value 'ORIGINAL_URL' Write-Verbose "Updated the configuration for '$filter' at '$pspath' with changes" } $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\server" if($ServerEndPoint -and (-not($ServerEndPoint -as [ipaddress]))) { $ServerEndPoint = Get-FQDN -MachineName $ServerEndPoint } $ServerHttpPort = '6080' $ServerHttpsPort = '6443' $GeoEventHttpPort = '6180' $GeoEventHttpsPort = '6143' $NotebookServerHttpsPort = '11443' if($PortalEndPoint -and (-not($PortalEndPoint -as [ipaddress]))) { $PortalEndPoint = Get-FQDN -MachineName $PortalEndPoint } $PortalHttpPort = '7080' $PortalHttpsPort = '7443' $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/rules' if($ServerEndPoint -and $ServerEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints){ # ARR Doesn't support Sec-WebSocket-Extensions = permessage-deflate > Getting around by filtering it out # https://community.esri.com/thread/208716-geoevent-websockets-in-106-with-arr Add-WebSocketsRewriteRule -PSPath "IIS:\" -Filter '/system.webServer/rewrite/globalRules' -RuleName "Web Sockets ISS ARR Support Rule" $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\notebookserver" # We forward HTTP to HTTPS Endpoint of Notebook Server Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-NotebookServer' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-NotebookServer' -StopProcessing $true -Url '^ws:\/.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-NotebookServer' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-NotebookServer' -StopProcessing $true -Url '^wss:\/.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath # We forward HTTP to HTTPS Endpoint of Notebook Server Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-NotebookServer' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-NotebookServer' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-NotebookServer' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-NotebookServer' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath }else{ if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { Add-WebSocketsRewriteRule -PSPath "IIS:\" -Filter '/system.webServer/rewrite/globalRules' -RuleName "Web Sockets ISS ARR Support Rule" $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\arcgis" Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' -StopProcessing $true -Url '^ws/.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "http://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath ### Workaround (Removed) - we forward HTTPS to HTTP Endpoint of GeoEvent to avoid certificate issues with IIS+ARR and Jetty on backend Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-GeoEvent' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-GeoEvent' -StopProcessing $true -Url '^ws/.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-Server' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-Server' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "http://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-Server' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-Server' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\geoevent" Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpPort/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "http://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpPort/geoevent/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-GeoEvent' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpsPort/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-GeoEvent' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$GeoEventHttpsPort/geoevent/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath } else { $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\server" Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-Server' for Url 'http://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-Server' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "http://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-Server' for Url 'https://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-Server' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($ServerEndPoint):$ServerHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath } } } if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-BaseContextPath'" Add-RedirectRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-BaseContextPath' -StopProcessing $true -SiteName 'portal' ` -IsHttp -ExternalDnsName $ExternalDNSName -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-BaseContextPath'" Add-RedirectRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-BaseContextPath' -StopProcessing $true -SiteName 'portal' ` -ExternalDnsName $ExternalDNSName -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\portal" Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTP-Portal' for Url 'http://$($PortalEndPoint):$PortalHttpPort/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTP-Portal' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -IsHttp -RewriteUrl "http://$($PortalEndPoint):$PortalHttpPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '80' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath Write-Verbose "Adding Rewrite rule 'RP-HTTPS-Portal' for Url 'https://$($PortalEndPoint):$PortalHttpsPort/{R:0}'" Add-RewriteRule -RuleName 'RP-HTTPS-Portal' -StopProcessing $true -Url '.*' ` -RewriteUrl "https://$($PortalEndPoint):$PortalHttpsPort/arcgis/{R:0}" -ServerPort '443' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath } ### ### Outbound rules for server ### $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\server" $PreConditionName = 'IsRedirection' $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules' if(-not($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) -and -not($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints)) { Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTP'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTP' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -IsHttp -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints -IsServerEndpoint Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTPS'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTPS' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints -IsServerEndpoint $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules/preConditions' Write-Verbose "Adding PreCondition for outbound Response Rule" Add-OutboundRulePreCondition -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -ResponseStatusPattern '3\d\d' } if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { @("IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\geoevent", "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\arcgis") | ForEach-Object { $pspath = $_ Write-Verbose "Processing PSPath '$pspath'" $PreConditionName = 'IsRedirection' $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules' Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header GeoEvent Server HTTP'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTP' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -IsHttp -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints -IsServerEndpoint Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header GeoEvent Server HTTPS'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTPS' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints -IsServerEndpoint $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules/preConditions' Write-Verbose "Adding PreCondition for outbound Response Rule" Add-OutboundRulePreCondition -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -ResponseStatusPattern '3\d\d' } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints){ ### ### Outbound rules for Notebook Server ### $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\notebookserver" Write-Verbose "Processing PSPath '$pspath'" $PreConditionName = 'IsRedirection' $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules' Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Notebook Server HTTP'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTP' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName ` -IsHttp -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints ` -EnableNotebookServerEndpoints $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Notebook Server HTTPS'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Server HTTPS' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName ` -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints ` -EnableNotebookServerEndpoints $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules/preConditions' Write-Verbose "Adding PreCondition for outbound Response Rule" Add-OutboundRulePreCondition -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -ResponseStatusPattern '3\d\d' } if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { ### ### Outbound rules for portal ### $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\portal" $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules' Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Portal HTTP'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Portal HTTP' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -IsHttp -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints Write-Verbose "Adding Outbound Response Rule 'Rewrite Location Header Portal HTTPS'" Add-OutboundRewriteRule -RuleName 'Rewrite Location Header Portal HTTPS' -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -PortalEndpoint $PortalEndPoint -ServerEndpoint $ServerEndPoint -EnableGeoEventEndpoints $EnableGeoEventEndpoints $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/outboundRules/preConditions' Write-Verbose "Adding PreCondition for outbound Response Rule" Add-OutboundRulePreCondition -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath -PreConditionName $PreConditionName -ResponseStatusPattern '3\d\d' } $ServerHostNames | ForEach-Object { if($_ -and $_.Length -gt 0) { $FqdnOfHost = Get-FQDN -MachineName $_ Write-Verbose "Machine:- $FqdnOfHost" $Url = if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints){"https://$($FqdnOfHost):$NotebookServerHttpsPort/arcgis/admin/"}else{"https://$($FqdnOfHost):$ServerHttpsPort/arcgis/admin/"} Write-Verbose "Wait for $Url to initialize" Wait-ForUrl -Url $Url -HttpMethod 'POST' -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 30 -Verbose Write-Verbose "Import certificate for Server from $Url" Import-CertFromServerIntoTrustedCertStore -Url $Url if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { $Url = "https://$($FqdnOfHost):$GeoEventHttpsPort/geoevent/admin/" Write-Verbose "Wait for $Url to initialize" Wait-ForUrl -Url $Url -HttpMethod 'POST' -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 30 -Verbose Write-Verbose "Import certificate for GeoEvent Endpoint from $Url" Import-CertFromServerIntoTrustedCertStore -Url $Url } } } $PortalHostNames | ForEach-Object { if($_ -and $_.Length -gt 0) { $FqdnOfHost = Get-FQDN -MachineName $_ Write-Verbose "Machine:- $FqdnOfHost" $Url = "https://$($FqdnOfHost):$PortalHttpsPort/arcgis/portaladmin/" #Write-Verbose "Wait for $Url to initialize" #Wait-ForUrl -Url $Url -Verbose #Write-Verbose "Finished waiting. Now import certificate for Portal from $Url" Import-CertFromServerIntoTrustedCertStore -Url $Url } } Write-Verbose 'Disable Idle Timeout on Application Pool' Disable-IdleTimeOutOnApplicationPool -AppPoolName 'DefaultAppPool' Write-Verbose 'Increase the max upload size on the default website' Set-MaxUploadSize -WebSiteName $SiteName if($EnableFailedRequestTracking) { Write-Verbose 'Enabling failed request tracking' Enable-FailedRequestTracking -WebSiteName $SiteName } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [System.String[]] $ServerHostNames, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ExternalDNSName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServerSiteName, [System.String[]] $PortalHostNames, [System.String] $ServerEndPoint, [System.String] $PortalEndPoint, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PortalSiteName, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SiteAdministrator, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $PortalAdministrator, [System.Boolean] $EnableFailedRequestTracking, [System.Boolean] $EnableGeoEventEndpoints, [System.Boolean] $EnableNotebookServerEndpoints ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null $result = $true if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') { $SiteName = 'Default Web Site' $WebSiteFolder = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables((Get-Website -Name $SiteName).physicalPath) $ServerVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'server' $PortalVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'portal' $GeoEventVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'geoevent' $NotebookServerVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'notebookserver' $ArcGISVDir = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder 'arcgis' ### ### Check Physical Directorys ### if(-not($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) -and -not($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints)) { if(-not(Test-Path $ServerVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Server Virtual Directory $ServerVDir does not exist" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Server Virtual Directoy $ServerVDir already exists" } } if($result) { if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { if(-not(Test-Path $PortalVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Portal Virtual Directory $PortalVDir does not exist" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Portal Virtual Directoy $PortalVDir already exists" } } } if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { if($result) { if(-not(Test-Path $ArcGISVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for arcgis Virtual Directory $ArcGISVDir does not exist" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for arcgis Virtual Directoy $ArcGISVDir already exists" } } if($result) { if(-not(Test-Path $GeoEventVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for GeoEvent Virtual Directory $GeoEventVDir does not exist" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for GeoEvent Virtual Directoy $GeoEventVDir already exists" } } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints) { if($result) { if(-not(Test-Path $NotebookServerVDir)){ Write-Verbose "Folder for Notebook Server Virtual Directory $NotebookServerVDir does not exist" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Folder for Notebook Server Virtual Directoy $NotebookServerVDir already exists" } } } $WebConfigPath = Join-Path $WebSiteFolder "web.config" if(Test-Path $WebConfigPath) { [xml]$WebConfig = Get-Content $WebConfigPath -Raw if(-not($WebConfig.configuration.'system.webServer'.security.requestFiltering.requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength)) { Write-Verbose "MaxAllowedContentLength property does not exist in $WebConfigPath" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "MaxAllowedContentLength property exists in $WebConfigPath" } } if($result) { $CurrVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference # Save current preference $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # quieten it to ignore verbose output from Importing WebAdmin (bug in Powershell for this module) Import-Module WebAdministration | Out-Null $VerbosePreference = $CurrVerbosePreference # reset it back to previous preference #Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 #Write-Verbose 'Checking Web Adaptor VDir' #$result = -not(Test-HasWebAdaptorVirtualDirectory) #Write-Verbose "VDir Present:- $result" if(-not($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) -or -not($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints)) { if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'server' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Server does not exist in website '$SiteName'" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Server already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } if($result) { if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'portal' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Portal does not exist in website '$SiteName'" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Portal already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } } if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { if($result) { if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'arcgis' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for arcgis does not exist in website '$SiteName'" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for arcgis already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } if($result) { if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'geoevent' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for GeoEvent does not exist in website '$SiteName'" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for GeoEvent already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints) { if($result) { if(-not(Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $SiteName -Name 'notebookserver' )){ Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Notebook Server does not exist in website '$SiteName'" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "Virtual Directory for Notebook Server already exists in website '$SiteName'" } } } $pspath = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' $filter = "system.webServer/proxy" $config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $filter -PSPath $pspath if(!$config) { [bool]$needsChanges = $false if($config.enabled -eq $false) { $needsChanges = $true } if(($null -eq $config.reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders) -or ($config.reverseRewriteHostInResponseHeaders -eq $true)) { $needsChanges = $true } if($needsChanges) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite not enabled" $result = $false } } if($result) { $filter = "system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables" if(!(Get-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $pspath -Filter $filter -Name Collection)) { $result = $false } } $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\server" $filter = '/system.webServer/rewrite/rules' if(-not($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) -and -not($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints)) { if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-Server' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-Server' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-Server' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-Server' not found" $result = $false } } } if($PortalEndPoint -and $PortalEndPoint.Trim().Length -gt 0) { $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\portal" if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-Portal' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-Portal' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-Portal' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-Portal' not found" $result = $false } } $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-BaseContextPath' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-BaseContextPath' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-BaseContextPath' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-BaseContextPath' not found" $result = $false } } } if($EnableGeoEventEndpoints) { $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\arcgis" if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-Server' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-Server' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-Server' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-Server' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-GeoEvent' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-GeoEvent' not found" $result = $false } } $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\geoevent" if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' not found" $result = $false } } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-GeoEvent' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-GeoEvent' not found" $result = $false } } } if($EnableNotebookServerEndpoints) { # if($result) { # if((Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' })){ # Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-WebSocket-GeoEvent' not found" # $result = $false # } # } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-NotebookServer' })){ Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-WebSocket-NotebookServer' not found" $result = $false } } $pspath = "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName\notebookserver" # if($result) { # if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' })) { # Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTP-GeoEvent' not found" # $result = $false # } # } if($result) { if($null -eq (Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Name Collection -PSPath $pspath -Filter $Filter | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq 'RP-HTTPS-NotebookServer' })) { Write-Verbose "URL Rewrite Rule 'RP-HTTPS-GeoEvent' not found" $result = $false } } } } $result } elseif($Ensure -ieq 'Absent') { (-not($result)) } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |