function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ServerHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PathToSourceFile ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false $null } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] $ServerHostName = 'localhost', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServiceName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServiceType, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $Folder, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("STARTED","STOPPED")] [System.String] $State, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $PublisherAccount, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] $PathToSourceFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $PathToItemInfoFile, [System.String] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] $PortalHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $PortalPort, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $PortalContext ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false if(-not(Test-Path $PathToSourceFile)){ Write-Verbose "File $PathToSourceFile not found or inaccessible" } if(-not($ServiceName) -or (-not($ServiceType))){ # if Service details is not provided, then read from name of source file $FileName = (Get-Item $PathToSourceFile).BaseName $Splits = $FileName -split '__' $ServiceName = $Splits | Select-Object -First 1 $ServiceType = if($Splits.Length -gt 1) { $Splits[$Splits.Length - 1] } else { 'MapServer' } } $result = $false [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null $Referer = 'http://localhost' $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } $ServerEndPoint = "$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostname):$Port" $Url = "$ServerEndPoint/$ServerContext/admin" Wait-ForUrl -Url $Url -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds 180 $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint $ServerEndPoint -ServerSiteName $ServerContext -Credential $PublisherAccount -Referer $Referer Write-Verbose "Check for existence of ServiceName:- $ServiceName ServiceType:- $ServiceType Folder:- $Folder" $ServiceNameToCompare = if($Folder) { "$Folder/$ServiceName" } else { $ServiceName } $CatalogEndpoint = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/rest/services/$($Folder)" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $CatalogEndpoint -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer $ServiceExists = ($resp.services | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $ServiceNameToCompare -and $_.type -eq $ServiceType } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 if($ServiceExists) { Write-Verbose "Service with name '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' exists in folder '$($Folder)'" $result = $true }else { Write-Verbose "Service with name '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' not found in folder '$($Folder)'" } if($result -and $State){ $statusUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/status" Write-Verbose "Checking current state of service" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $statusUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer if($State -ine $resp.realTimeState) { Write-Verbose "The realTimeState of the service $($resp.realTimeState) does not match expected value of $($State)" $result = $false }else { Write-Verbose "The realTimeState of the service $($resp.realTimeState) matches expected value of $($State)" } } if($result -and $PathToItemInfoFile) { if(-not(Test-Path $PathToItemInfoFile)){ Write-Verbose "File $PathToItemInfoFile not found or inaccessible" } $itemInfoUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/iteminfo" Write-Verbose "Checking iteminfo on the service at $itemInfoUrl" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $itemInfoUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer if($resp.description -and ($resp.description.Length -gt 0)) { Write-Verbose "Service already has an item info defined" }else { Write-Verbose "Service does not have an item info" $result = $false } } if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') { $result } elseif($Ensure -ieq 'Absent') { (-not($result)) } } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.String] $ServerHostName = 'localhost', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServiceName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServiceType, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $Folder, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("STARTED","STOPPED")] [System.String] $State, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $PublisherAccount, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.String] $PathToSourceFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $PathToItemInfoFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $PortalHostName, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $PortalPort, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $PortalContext ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false if(-not(Test-Path $PathToSourceFile)){ Write-Verbose "File $PathToSourceFile not found or inaccessible" } if(-not($ServiceName) -or (-not($ServiceType))){ # if Service details is not provided, then read from name of source file $FileName = (Get-Item $PathToSourceFile).BaseName $Splits = $FileName -split '__' $ServiceName = $Splits | Select-Object -First 1 $ServiceType = if($Splits.Length -gt 1) { $Splits[$Splits.Length - 1] } else { 'MapServer' } } $Referer = 'http://localhost' $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } $ServerEndPoint = "$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostname):$Port" Write-Verbose $ServerEndPoint $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint $ServerEndPoint -ServerSiteName $ServerContext -Credential $PublisherAccount -Referer $Referer Write-Verbose "Check for existence of ServiceName:- $ServiceName ServiceType:- $ServiceType Folder:- $Folder" $ServiceNameToCompare = if($Folder) { "$Folder/$ServiceName" } else { $ServiceName } $CatalogEndpoint = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/rest/services/$($Folder)" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $CatalogEndpoint -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer Write-Verbose "[DEBUG] Services:- $(ConvertTo-Json $resp.services -Compress -Depth 5)" $ServiceExists = ($resp.services | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $ServiceNameToCompare -and $_.type -eq $ServiceType } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 if($Ensure -ieq 'Present') { if($ServiceExists) { Write-Verbose "Service with name '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' already exists in folder '$($Folder)'" }else { $ServicePath = if($Folder) { "$($Folder)/$($ServiceName)/$ServiceType" } else { "$($ServiceName)/$ServiceType" } $SourceFile = Get-Item $PathToSourceFile if($SourceFile.Extension -ieq '.sd') { Write-Verbose "Publishing service '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' to '$ServicePath'" $stoken = "" if($PortalHostName -and $PortalPort -and $PortalContext){ $stoken = Get-PortalToken -PortalHostName $PortalHostName -SiteName $PortalContext -Credential $PublisherAccount -Referer $Referer -Port $PortalPort } Publish-ArcGISService -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $token.token -Referer $Referer -SDFilePath $PathToSourceFile -ServicePath $ServicePath -Port $Port -PortalToken $stoken.token }else { $CreateServiceUrl = if($Folder) { "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$Folder/createService" } else { "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/createService" } $service = (Get-Content $PathToSourceFile -Raw) Write-Verbose "Creating service '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' using URL:- '$CreateServiceUrl'" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $CreateServiceUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; service = $service; token = $token.token } -Referer $Referer -HttpMethod 'POST' -Verbose -TimeOutSec 240 Write-Verbose "Response from create service:- $(ConvertTo-Json $resp -Compress -Depth 5)" } } if($PathToItemInfoFile) { if(-not(Test-Path $PathToItemInfoFile)){ Write-Verbose "File $PathToItemInfoFile not found or inaccessible" } $itemInfoUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/iteminfo" Write-Verbose "Checking iteminfo on the service at $itemInfoUrl" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $itemInfoUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer if($resp.description -and ($resp.description.Length -gt 0)) { Write-Verbose "Service already has an item info defined" }else { $itemInfoUploadUrl = "$itemInfoUrl/upload" Write-Verbose "Service does not have an item info. Uploading from $PathToItemInfoFile using $itemInfoUploadUrl" $uploadResponse = ((Invoke-UploadFile -url $itemInfoUploadUrl -filePath $PathToItemInfoFile -fileContentType 'application/text' -fileParameterName 'file' ` -Referer $Referer -formParams @{ f='json'; token = $token.token; folder = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PathToItemInfoFile) } -Verbose) | ConvertFrom-Json) Write-Verbose "Upload response:- $(ConvertTo-Json $uploadResponse -Depth 3 -Compress)" } } $statusUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/status" Write-Verbose "Retrieve service status from $statusUrl" $resp = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $statusUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer if($resp) { Write-Verbose "Status Response:- $(ConvertTo-Json $resp -Depth 5 -Compress)" }else { Write-Verbose "[WARNING] Status Response returned NULL" } if($State -ine $resp.realTimeState) { Write-Verbose "The realTimeState of the service '$($resp.realTimeState)' does not match expected value of $($State)" if($State -ieq 'STOPPED') { $stopUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/stop" Write-Verbose "Stopping service with operation $stopUrl" Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $stopUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer -TimeOutSec 120 } elseif($State -ieq 'STARTED') { $startUrl = "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceNameToCompare).$($ServiceType)/start" Write-Verbose "Starting service with operation $startUrl" try { Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $startUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; token = $token.token} -Referer $Referer -TimeOutSec 600 }catch{ Write-Verbose "[{WARNING] Error starting service. Error:- $_" } } } } elseif($Ensure -ieq 'Absent') { if(-not($ServiceExists)) { Write-Verbose "Service with name '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' does not exist in folder '$($Folder)'" }else { $DeleteServiceUrl = if($Folder) { "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$Folder/$($ServiceName).$($ServiceType)/delete" } else { "$($ServerEndPoint)/$ServerContext/admin/services/$($ServiceName).$($ServiceType)/delete" } Write-Verbose "Deleting service '$ServiceName' of type '$ServiceType' in folder '$Folder' using URL:- '$DeleteServiceUrl'" Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $DeleteServiceUrl -HttpFormParameters @{ f='json'; service = $service; token = $token.token } -Referer $Referer -HttpMethod 'POST' -Verbose } } } function Get-ArcGISPublishJobStatus { [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $JobId, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443 ) $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$Port/$ServerContext" + '/rest/services/System/PublishingTools/GPServer/Publish%20Service%20Definition/jobs/' + $JobId) -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer } function Wait-ArcGISServicePublishJob { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $JobId, [System.Int32] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = 300, [System.Int32] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SleepTimeInSeconds = 5, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443 ) $TimeElapsed = 0 $Done = $false while(-not($Done) -and ($TimeElapsed -lt $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds)) { $JobStatus = Get-ArcGISPublishJobStatus -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $Token -Referer $Referer -JobId $JobId -Port $Port if($JobStatus.status -ieq 'error') { throw "Unable to get publish job status for Service $ServicePath " + ($JobStatus.messages.description -join " ") } if(($JobStatus.jobStatus -eq 'esriJobSucceeded') -or ($JobStatus.jobStatus -eq 'esriJobFailed')) { $Done = $true if($JobStatus.jobStatus -eq 'esriJobSucceeded'){ Write-Verbose "Service '$ServicePath 'Published successfully" }else{ throw "Service failed to publish. Last Job Status $($JobStatus.messages.description -join ' ')" } } else { Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTimeInSeconds $TimeElapsed += $SleepTimeInSeconds } } $Done } function Publish-ArcGISService { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $SDFilePath, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServicePath, [System.Int32] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = 300, [System.Int32] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SleepTimeInSeconds = 5, [switch] $UploadOnly, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $PortalToken ) $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } $UploadItemUrl ="$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$Port/$ServerContext" + '/admin/uploads/upload' $items = Get-ArcGISUploads -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $Token -Referer $Referer -Port $Port $itemFileName = Split-Path -Path $SDFilePath -Leaf $item = $items.items | Where-Object { $_.itemName -ieq $itemFileName } | Select-Object -First 1 if(-not($item)) { Write-Verbose "Item does not exist - uploading file $SDFilePath" $item = ((Invoke-UploadFile -url $UploadItemUrl -filePath $SDFilePath -fileContentType 'application/octet-stream' -fileParameterName 'itemFile' ` -Referer $Referer -formParams @{ token = $Token; f = 'json' } -Verbose) | ConvertFrom-Json) if($item.status -ieq 'error'){ throw "Failed to upload item before publishing ServicePath. " + ($item.messages -join " ") }else{ $item = $item.item Write-Verbose "Uploaded item successfully $($item.itemID)" } } else { Write-Verbose "Item already exists with ID $($item.itemID)" } if(-not($UploadOnly)) { if($PortalToken){ $job = Submit-ArcGISPublishJob -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $PortalToken -Referer $Referer -ItemId $item.itemID -Port $Port }else{ $job = Submit-ArcGISPublishJob -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $Token -Referer $Referer -ItemId $item.itemID -Port $Port } Write-Verbose "[DEBUG] Job:- $(ConvertTo-Json $job -Compress -Depth 5)" if($job.error) { $ErrorFlag = $true throw ("Failed to submit publish job for Service $ServicePath " + ("$($job.error.code) - " -join $job.error.message )) } if($job.status -ieq 'error') { $ErrorFlag = $true throw "Failed to submit publish job for Service $ServicePath " + ($job.messages -join " ") } if($MaxWaitTimeInSeconds -gt 0) { $Done = $false try { if(-not($ErrorFlag)){ $Done = Wait-ArcGISServicePublishJob -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $Token -Referer $Referer -JobId $job.jobId -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds $MaxWaitTimeInSeconds -SleepTimeInSeconds $SleepTimeInSeconds -Port $Port } } finally { $deleteResult = Invoke-DeleteArcGISUploadedItem -ServerHostName $ServerHostName -ServerContext $ServerContext -Token $Token -Referer $Referer -ItemId $item.itemID -Port $Port #if($deleteResult.status -ieq 'error') { # Write-Verbose "Deleting the uploaded item $($item.itemID) did not succeeed. Error:- $($deleteResult.messages -join ' ')" #} } if(-not($Done)) { throw "Service publishing for $ServicePath failed to complete in expected time" } } @{ jobId = $job.jobId; itemId = $item.itemID; servicePath = $ServicePath } } } function Invoke-DeleteArcGISUploadedItem { [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ItemId, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443 ) $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$Port/$ServerContext" + '/admin/uploads/' + $ItemId + '/delete') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer } function Get-ArcGISUploads { param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443 ) $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$Port/$ServerContext" + '/admin/uploads') -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token } -Referer $Referer } function Submit-ArcGISPublishJob { [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ServerHostName, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ServerContext = 'arcgis', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Token, [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Referer = 'http://localhost', [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ItemId, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uint32] $Port = 6443 ) $Scheme = if($Port -eq 6080 -or $Port -eq 80) { 'http' } else { 'https' } Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url ("$($Scheme)://$($ServerHostName):$Port/$ServerContext" + '/rest/services/System/PublishingTools/GPServer/Publish%20Service%20Definition/submitJob') ` -HttpFormParameters @{ f = 'json'; token = $Token; in_sdp_id = $ItemId } -Referer $Referer } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |