
        Makes a request to the installed Notebook Server to set the Web Context URL
    .PARAMETER WebContextURL
        External Enpoint when using a reverse proxy server and the URL to your site does not end with the default string /arcgis (all lowercase).
    .PARAMETER SiteAdministrator
        A MSFT_Credential Object - Primary Site Administrator

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null

    if($VerbosePreference -ine 'SilentlyContinue') 
        Write-Verbose ("Site Administrator UserName:- " + $SiteAdministrator.UserName) 

    $FQDN = Get-FQDN $env:COMPUTERNAME    
    Write-Verbose "Fully Qualified Domain Name :- $FQDN"
    $Referer = 'http://localhost'
    $ServerUrl = "https://$($FQDN):11443"
    $ServiceName = 'ArcGIS Notebook Server'
    $RegKey = Get-EsriRegistryKeyForService -ServiceName $ServiceName
    $InstallDir = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -ErrorAction Ignore).InstallDir  
    Write-Verbose "Waiting for Server 'https://$($FQDN):11443/arcgis/admin' to initialize"
    Wait-ForUrl "https://$($FQDN):11443/arcgis/admin" -HttpMethod 'GET'
    #Write-Verbose 'Get Server Token'
    $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint "https://$($FQDN):11443" -ServerSiteName 'arcgis' -Credential $SiteAdministrator -Referer $Referer
    $systemProperties = Get-AdminSettings -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -SettingUrl "arcgis/admin/system/properties" -Token $token.token
    if(-not($systemProperties.WebContextURL) -or $systemProperties.WebContextURL -ine $WebContextURL){
        Write-Verbose "Web Context URL '$($systemProperties.WebContextURL)' doesn't match expected value '$WebContextURL'"
            Add-Member -InputObject $systemProperties -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "WebContextURL" -Value $WebContextURL
            $systemProperties.WebContextURL = $WebContextURL
        Set-AdminSettings -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -SettingUrl "arcgis/admin/system/properties/update" -Token $token.token -Properties $systemProperties

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ArcGISUtility.psm1 -Verbose:$false
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null
    Write-Verbose "Fully Qualified Domain Name :- $FQDN" 
    $Referer = 'http://localhost'
    $ServerUrl = "https://$($FQDN):11443"
    Write-Verbose "Checking for site on '$ServerUrl'"
    Wait-ForUrl -Url $ServerUrl -SleepTimeInSeconds 5 -HttpMethod 'GET'
    $token = Get-ServerToken -ServerEndPoint $ServerUrl -ServerSiteName 'arcgis' -Credential $SiteAdministrator -Referer $Referer 
    $result = ($null -ne $token.token)
        Write-Verbose "Site Exists. Was able to retrieve token for PSA"
        throw "Unable to detect if Site Exists. Was NOT able to retrieve token for PSA"
    $result = $true
    if($result -and $WebContextURL){
        $systemProperties = Get-AdminSettings -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -SettingUrl "arcgis/admin/system/properties/" -Token $token.token
        if(-not($systemProperties.WebContextURL) -or $systemProperties.WebContextURL -ine $WebContextURL){
            Write-Verbose "Web Context URL '$($systemProperties.WebContextURL)' doesn't match expected value '$WebContextURL'"
            $result = $false


function Get-AdminSettings
    $RequestParams = @{ f= 'json'; token = $Token; }
    $RequestUrl  = $ServerUrl.TrimEnd("/") + "/" + $SettingUrl.TrimStart("/")
    $Response = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $RequestUrl -HttpFormParameters $RequestParams
    Confirm-ResponseStatus $Response

function Set-AdminSettings

    $RequestUrl  = $ServerUrl.TrimEnd("/") + "/" + $SettingUrl.TrimStart("/")
    $RequestParams = @{ f= 'json'; token = $Token; properties = ( $Properties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress ) }
    $Response = Invoke-ArcGISWebRequest -Url $RequestUrl -HttpFormParameters $RequestParams
    if($response.status -ieq "success"){
        Write-Verbose "Admin Settings Update Successfully"
        Write-Verbose "[WARNING]: Code:- $($response.error.code), Error:- $($response.error.message)" 

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource